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Topic:Do Female 'fighters'..
Singto Muay
Posted: 2005-11-04 07:04:20
Expect to be treated any different to the male fighters, when training and competing?
Posted: 2005-11-04 08:38:44
i dont expect to be treated any differenlty at all. i train with men and expect no special treatment or allwoances. we should be seen and respected for the same reasons as male fighters.
Posted: 2005-11-04 08:45:13
i see the point above but can you always expect a male to hit you as hard as they would another male? sparring should however only be light contact and put in use to gain technique and control but you do sometimes get to into the mood and put the pressure on.
Singto Muay
Posted: 2005-11-04 09:37:45
Ok lets see if I can get a bit better...

If a class c fighter male is to spar with a class c female fighter, both with equal records and weight.. should they spar?
Phil Parkes
Posted: 2005-11-04 09:44:58
Why not, as long as control is used by both it shouldn't be a problem
Sarah Walker
Posted: 2005-11-04 09:45:55
I think everyone should be treated the same, however the men, when im training just go lightly anyway because im smaller than them. i never expect them to, because i would rather spar with them how they normally do, on the other hand, im not saying that i would expect them to go really hard tho lol x
Posted: 2005-11-04 09:56:09
Um, my expectaions are to be trained the same. We ALL have the same goals.

Normally sparring is very controlled but there are days when we all get to go harder & if I take a "good one" I think its just going to make me stronger.
Of course the guys that are way heavier 180 lbs. & more have to take it easy on everyone one not just the girls, but also the guys that weight 130 pounds too! There's no way anyone can take a "full" punch with someone of that weight diference.
As far as competeting I haven't heard of any girl/guy match ups- but thats just because of the politics involved & personally don't think girls should be fighting boys. Would if the girl gets KO'd by a boy. People will say she shouldn't have been in the ring against a boy. Or worse if a girl KO's a boy, he could never show his face again, LOL!
Singto Muay
Posted: 2005-11-04 09:59:11
Wasnt there a fight where a girl took on the Australian male champion or am I just mixing that up..
Posted: 2005-11-04 13:31:02
To be honest i never really think about treatment bla bla bla.....i just go , train, fight, socialise, help out, and get to where i wanna get ....treatment is......i dunno it just exists :S.....You know there are men there are women , so what , its the different levels of people that should be treat differently not gender.

Posted: 2005-11-04 14:38:23
no you are not mixing that up she did fight him but she got ko cold but it was well worth watching
Canada MT
Posted: 2005-11-05 09:50:23
I dont think it is really about treatment. If you are training with a strong team the guys, and the girls will dish out what they feel you can deal with, regardless of whether you happen to be female or male. Obviously weight and skill make differences but like someone above posted...sparring should be far as certain drills and so forth I believe that if a female fighter pushes herself to keep up with her male teammates it will only benefit her in the long run.

Just a side note - I have NEVER been hit as hard in the ring as I have in training!!! As far as I am concerned, the boys I train with are doing me a favour everyday by raising the bar!
Posted: 2005-11-05 19:39:31
I'm a male trainer at a mixed sex gym and have no problems with training both female and male fighters. To add to Canada MT's comments, I believe that sparring between the sexes benefits boths sides as it keeps the guys reaction speed and defences up. My club has a reputation for fast guys and hard chicks and I believe that most of this comes from joint training.
Personally I prefer sparring females as its normally what you can land rather than an ego sparring session.
Posted: 2005-11-05 21:35:58
To be quite honest I sparred with a female once and it felt very unnatural to me, I didnt like it at all.
There was a female in front of me and I was expected to try and hit her and that just didnt sit well with my values.
I can definately appreciate how female fighters should be treated with the same level of respect and I am happy to treat them however they want to be treated but I think also that people need to understand that hitting a female, however lightly and with good intention, will be quite unnatural for a lot of us guys.
Posted: 2005-11-06 01:39:18
tony blaze- i no thats ur opinion but that to me is not showing a female fighter respect.
Spodge-"Personally I prefer sparring females as its normally what you can land rather than an ego sparring session."
thats so true from what a lot of guys have said to me....
my old gym (and my new, just i havent been there as long to truely comment) was always sparring guys and girls.... whats important is weight divisions not so much sex, plus if an experienced fighter and muay thai athlete cant't adapt and still be challenged then they have much more learning to do. my old coach always said if you are sparring with someone less experienced than you or much lighter or heavier work on something, turn it into an oppurtunity to try out some new combos, or practice your counters etc....
Posted: 2005-11-06 06:00:36
As long as I’ve been training at my camp we’ve sparred with the girls. The perceived sensibilities that you have soon go out of the window when you treat them with any “disrespect” and get caught right on the nose end lol!

We had a very active fighter a couple of years back (Claire Johnson) who we all sparred with in preparation for her fights. Our instructor went to great lengths to ensure we would treat her as a “man” so that she would be able to be sure of her responses should she come under a constant attack during her fight. Some of the best sparring sessions I’ve had have been with Claire – heavy when necessary but always speedy and controlled.

I’m sure if you asked Lisa Houghton-Smith or Angela Parr they wouldn’t thank you for showing them too much “respect” during sparring. All fighters (men and women) need to practise within themselves and be sure of their automatic responses during a forthcoming fight. The only way to do this is repetition repetition repetition.

On another note at the gym we make no (undue) concessions for women. They partake in everything the guys do from the beasting warm-ups to the bag work. The only reason they don’t do something is if they’re too physically tired (this goes for the blokes too!), or they don’t want to. A consequence of this is that next to my instructor the hardest I’ve been hit is by a girl who I showed too much “respect” for and hit me with a peach of an uppercut!!!

Not only was I patronising her – she punished me for it!
Singto Muay
Posted: 2005-11-08 07:08:59
Excellent, thanks for that.. it does answer my question perfectly!

Right back to beasting the girlz then....

Oh wait..

Just one more question to do with being treated the same:

Should girls do push ups as the men (fully stretched out), or on their knees?
Posted: 2005-11-08 07:53:17
if they are just training for fitness then knees (and correct form) are fine...
If they do the press-ups on the knees and they cheat by lifting their bottom, not keeping the body in a straight line then the movements are pointless!!!

....however if they are training for fights then on the feet it is (same as the guys) easy options!!!
Train hard, fight easy!!!!
Singto Muay
Posted: 2005-11-08 08:33:49
good point that, I have never done a pushup on my knees (at work at the mo, dont wont them thinking I am even madder than i am), will have to try. Good form with knees down, didnt even think of that.
Posted: 2005-11-08 10:55:38
Girls should do push ups just like the guys, although many girls do not have the same upper body strengh as men.
Posted: 2005-11-10 06:51:12
a fighter should be treated with regards to ability. if a guy spars with a less able guy he wil go "easier" and so if a woman is able.. she shouldn b treated differently. i mean if u put a girl hu is extremely good in with an up and coming guy that she cud potentialy cause damage too :P .. shud she "batter" him because he is a boy n she is female? at hte end of a day us girls.. like u gys .. no our limits.. spaaring wid guys means wen we cum agenst girls we can tale the strength cos we are used ot men.. thats always been my advantage.. girls dnt feel strong ot me any more :P
Posted: 2005-11-10 10:24:31
I agree with most of what's been said before. At our club we have many male and female fighters and we all train hard together - there is no easier option. Our coach is great and doesn't differentiate between us in any way at all, I think his attitude is reflected throughout the club.
When sparring the only thing that really matters is size ( and experience but obviously mixing differing levels of experience is how we all learn), I stay away from some of our biggest guys simply because they're HUGE compared to me and realistically I'm never going to be up against someone who's 50 odd kilos heavier than me-although on the odd occasion I've had no other option but to batter in there.
I've spoken to some guys about this in the past, notably guys who are new to sparring. I've encouraged them to attempt to hit me, as that's the point of sparring, some have explained that they don't feel comfortable doing this. This isn't my problem though it's theirs so I continue to spar as normal and often they do pick it up a bit more.
I enjoy sparring with both men and women and there are as many differences within each of these groups (as regards style and approach to sparring) as there are between them.
At the end of the day noone should be treated any differently on the grounds of gender and anyone who steps into the ring commands the upmost respect.
Posted: 2005-11-11 01:25:14
if they should be treated the same,
then why 2 minute rounds for women
and three for men in the UK???

The WIKBA mandates three minute rounds for women's
World Title fights-as does Master Merhdad's
Shindo Kumate in Tampa, Florida.

Its time everyone recognized that women are fully capable
of fighting the customary 3 minute rounds-as they do in Thailand.
Two minute rounds for women are patronizing and condescending-imho

Singto Muay
Posted: 2005-11-11 02:57:08
This has been very helpful, I have girls sparring/traing with the boys and so on...

I think it just comes down to common sense!

I have one cheeky girl that, when she feels the guy in front of her is holding off or trying to take the piss with slappy slappy and not hitting... she just puts one straight down the middle... I have seen here now make two lads have bloody noses. Very funny. Another in the clinch, tends to deliver the knees full power if she thinks the guy is there for a hug.
Alex Porter
Posted: 2005-11-11 04:13:16
If the girlfighters are training the same techniques and fighting the same rounds then I guess they should be hit just as hard in sparring as everybody else!

(PS. Lee Gar chicks are the craziest...)
Posted: 2005-11-24 09:04:14
When it comes down to it guys are physically stronger than females that's a fact, but with regards to fitness training I feel both sexes should be treated equally but when it comes to sparring the guys need to have control, by this I don't mean patronise the female just have respect (same goes both ways!). As most people have said sparring should be controlled in a training environment. I train with mostly guys and take advantage of this in the way that it makes me train much harder, there are advantages both ends...train hard, fight easy.
Having said that, guys are stronger but with regards to fitness there should be no difference so the point somebody made about the rounds being 3 mins for guys and 2 mins for girls is quite patronising....although I've only fought 2 min rounds which is quite enough lol.

Lucia Ryker, who we all know is a phenominal female fighter, fought a guy and she got knocked out I said, no getting away from the fact that guys are stronger than females.

Lethal-Leif 2
Posted: 2005-11-24 09:36:36
I think females expect to be treated the same, and I think should be. I fought a Thai demo with a girl from Gladiators on sunday and she expected and wanted to be treated the same and in fact if you had thought as a boy fighting a girl is the soft option, think again, she went all out and give me a great fight. I came out of the ring with great respect for her.
Posted: 2005-11-24 10:21:55
Kosmos "When it comes down to it guys are physically stronger than females that's a fact"

I don't think you can, or should, generalise to this extent. I've met some pretty physically weak blokes and some very physically strong girls.

I've also just noticed that this thread is called do female "fighters" expect... any reason for the inverted commas or is it just a Freudian slip?
Phil Parkes
Posted: 2005-11-24 10:32:17
Splitting hairs there Chica, guys ARE physically stronger than girls and to argue that is just being silly
Posted: 2005-11-24 10:51:27
Phil, splitting hairs re the title maybe but I honestly don't think you can argue that guys are stronger than girls full stop. There's exceptions to any rule.
Posted: 2005-11-24 10:59:09
When it comes to respect, males and females should be treated exactly the same. All I'm saying is that pound for pound guys are physically stronger than females and when you are in a training environment i.e. Muay Thai then this has to be taken into consideration which is where respect and control come into play.
When I am training/sparring with a guy I don't expect him to go easy, this would not help me at all, I just expect control. I am not niave to think that I could be as strong as a male the same weight as me (or more). Just common sense really.

michelle balfour
Posted: 2005-11-24 13:02:59
as said above i train with and teach males i do not expect to be treated differently. if anything the males at our club realy push the girls and this is not a male shovinist thing, this is because they want the very best for the girls and they want to asure that the girls are ready to compete with any1 else out there
Posted: 2005-11-27 03:26:57
thats exactly right michelle.... train hard, fight easy
Posted: 2006-03-19 12:56:56
I started training in Dojos and Gyms when i was 16 years old.I am 46 now and didn't think women belonged there until i started training at Mike Miles National Kickboxing and took private lessons from Vanessa Belegarde and Jason Fenton.Vanessa was a better fighter and person than most of the men i ever trained with and proved her merrit in the ring.The women at this club are amazing fighters and i am no longer a male chauvinist since training at National.Beleive me when i say these women can take it and give it.
Dave Jackson
Posted: 2006-03-19 13:21:13
Chica..If what you are saying were true then it would seem sensible to just amalgamate the male/female divisions and let the strong survive and the weak fail. That wont happen of course because everyone accepts there is a difference.

Phil is correct, in general males are stronger pound for pound in trained athletes. There are physiological reasons for this as well.

I think that in general terms though we should treat everyone the same in training except when sparring the guys need to be aware that they may be hitting harder than they think
Brian Ritchie
Posted: 2006-03-19 14:50:23
Chica, interesting...I didn't notice the quotes around the word "fighters" in the title. I'm not sure what Singto Muay meant by that. I would certainly hope that he would consider female fighters to be legitimate fighters.

Dave and Phil Parkes, I don't think Chica is saying there isn't a difference between men and women. I think she is saying that there are examples of some women who are much stronger than some men...and so the statement of "men are stronger than women" can be misleading, especially when they leave out the words "on average". It gives the statement a different meaning.

I think the following is a fair statement to make...

"...we should treat everyone the same in training except when sparring the guys need to be aware that they may be hitting harder than they think"

I definitely think that some guys hit harder than they realize in sparring. However, I also think that if I were a female fighter, that it would be worse for me if my sparring partners were too light rather than too hard. I would prefer the latter, if I had to choose between the two.
Gabber Boy
Posted: 2006-03-19 17:31:18
Sometimes we have to forget about equality and go back to science women have less muscle mass than men, so its never a good idea 2 go as hard with a women as with a male (but this depends on expeience).

Not that women dont make great fighters cos clearly they do, but its just the same as if U spar with a man thats lighter than U then U dont hit as hard and if u spar with a women then U go lighter too.

Posted: 2006-03-19 17:54:47
I was witness to Vanessa Bellegarde taking a full power right hand to the head from a big middle weight from another gym that almost knocked her down in sparring and instead of getting out of the ring she hit him with a roundhouse to the head that almost dropped him.I am sure the middle weight didnt mean to hit her hard but accidents do happen even in sparring !!
Posted: 2006-03-19 23:14:14
As a girl who trains with boys, I would much rather I get hit harder (within reason... I'm little) in training, than have someone go too light on me. Girls in my weight division don't hit as hard as guys I train with, so it's helpful to be able to take a hard shot. A hard shot from a girl my own size is like a mediocre shot from a guy bigger than me, so now I can take hard girls shots, thanks to rough training. Although bighit, you're right, sometimes accidents happen in sparring, and I do get rocked every now and then, but I suck it up and tell myself if it doesn't kill me it only makes me stronger. (that is true right?)
Posted: 2006-03-20 01:26:28
Gabber Boy writes:

sometimes we have to forget about equality and go back to science women have less muscle mass than men, so its never a good idea 2 go as hard with a women as with a male..

===Thats absolutely correct.

And btw, geting hit hard doesnt give one more tolerance for taking future hard blows. Your head/brain is not a muscle that gets stronger from being hit often. In fact, the converse is true.

Want to shorten you career ladies? then by all means fight with men who got something to prove to you.

I can't tell you how many women have told me (while training for a fight)
that since they have been fighting with the biggest strongest guys in the gym, that NOW they can take anything that any female opponent has got-then their female opponent knocked their ass out.

Letting a guy beat you up, wont help you perfom better against other women.

Taking a big shot from a man may take away some of the natural fear of getting hit by a woman, but its risky business, even sparring with some men. I dont think its generally beneficial.

Results dont show sparring with men helps you against women.

(btw your female opponent is probably also sparring with men and saying the same thing-she can take whatever you got)


Posted: 2006-03-20 01:33:46
Guys are phsyically different to girls, different muscle strengths, densities and explosive power. A 70kg guy in peak form and a 70kg girl in peak form are going to have different kinds of strengths. For that matter there are racial differences in muscle compostition and then individual differences too. As a general rule testosterone assists with explosive power and generaly females have much lower levels. A female with high testosterone levels could well be stronger than a male with low levels. But its not just what you have its how you use it. Isnt the point of this all that you should have a series of sparring partners with different strengths so you are better prepared for what may come? In an ideal world you should be able to automaticly adjust if your opponant is fast, strong, has particularly good kicks, etc. i thought sparring was about tuning your reflexes and responding to your opponants cues not beating the crap out of eachother no matter your gender. Does it matter who your partner is if your padding out your skill base? and if your worried about getting hurt is this really the right sport for you? I would just as happily spar with a male or female, someone bigger or samller than me, it can only make me better.
Posted: 2006-03-20 01:37:23
KB i am sure you will be a better fighter brcause of that,Acharn has some of the best training any where.Little known fact Acharn could of been a pro boxer!
Posted: 2006-03-20 23:23:22
I'm fully aware that getting hit in the head is not good for me... I've noticed that blocking punches with my face is not making me any smarter. Maybe what I'm trying to say is that getting hit hard training takes away some of the shock value when I get hit really hard in a fight, which helps me to keep my composure.
Posted: 2006-03-20 23:35:49
I'm fully aware that getting hit in the head is not good for me... I've noticed that blocking punches with my face is not making me any smarter. Maybe what I'm trying to say is that getting hit hard training takes away some of the shock value when I get hit really hard in a fight, which helps me to keep my composure.

====I do agree with that. As I said previously,:

"Taking a big shot from a man may take away some of the natural fear of getting hit by a woman, but its risky business even sparring with some men..."

Good luck in your training!

Posted: 2006-03-21 02:07:22
One thing i found out sparring with 2 world champs and i made them box with me so i had as much of an avantage i could get,was even though i had 40 lbs over them and an overhand right that could knock down a horse,i had to speed up in order to hit them.Which brings me to the fact that women are darn fast which is something i have not heard mentioned here!!
Posted: 2006-03-24 14:56:23
Do women fighters do the same amount of pad work and sparring at the gyms around the world,because they do at the gym where i am training?
Singto Muay
Posted: 2006-03-24 16:43:02
Who reserected this thread?

Brian Ritchie
Quote - Chica, interesting...I didn't notice the quotes around the word "fighters" in the title. I'm not sure what Singto Muay meant by that. I would certainly hope that he would consider female fighters to be legitimate fighters.

Totaly, any fighter... female or male has my respect!

What I was more interested in, was the fighters of clubs, not just those that train.

The difference between people who train to fight, and those that train and actual fight is big.

I just wanted to focus on the female fighters who go the full distance to the ring. Nothing more.

This thread is helping me loads, as I have only a small group of female students and an even smaller group of female fighters.
pink rose
Posted: 2006-09-18 15:04:11
i think females want to be treated the same but in most cases they arent, now can you tell me why to that?

pink rose
Alex D
Posted: 2006-09-18 16:25:10
I often train with girls cos they are usually the only ones at Balmoral gym near my weight class :D

I don't think its a problem though. If someone is having a hard time then I will lighten up on them, whether they are a guy or a girl. we are all there to learn and holding back on someone just because they are a female is not helping them.

Plus in my experience its the girls who fight tooth and nail in sparring
Posted: 2006-09-22 05:00:21
I am personnally thankful to the guys in my gym for teaching me what real competitive boxing is during some hard sparring sessions. Other girls are mostly here for exercise and keeping fit... But my first pro opponent hit me like a male, I got injured and badly koed. So now I only spar with guys and training on serious blows and kicks aimed at serious damage, those sending your face spinning away for a sure ko, crushing your rib cage or folding your midsection for maximum pain. Yes I have been hurt during sparring and I have hurt guys too but I enjoy that and it gave much more confidence in following fights. Of course it all has to be balanced and the guy should not be heavier; having more experience is not a problem since he has more control.
Sid Remmer
Posted: 2006-09-22 06:14:25
Our (Saints) concessions to female fighters are
1) seperate toilet and
2) seperate changing rooms.

End of.

I see no reason why females should fight shorter rounds, or wear heavier gloves.
Posted: 2007-07-08 11:42:56
Germaine de Randamie - I would'nt fookin fight her!!!!! Although she quite sexy in a muscley - killing machine way! :-)
nathan touchgloves
Posted: 2007-07-08 14:50:55
lol crazylegs,where do you look for your "sexy" women? soho?
or is the labrador at the vets?
Posted: 2007-07-09 06:43:05
Ha! I always choose the wrong ones. (God i hope the breadknife doesn't read this).

Angela Parr - Great fighter nice legs! No offence Mr. John Wayne Parr, i'm a big fan of yours!

Is that a better choice Nathan Touchgloves? :-)
Dave Jackson
Posted: 2007-07-09 06:49:37

Lucia Rijker v Somchai Jaidee
Posted: 2007-07-09 06:55:47
Ha! I always choose the wrong ones. (God i hope the breadknife doesn't read this).

Angela Parr - Great fighter nice legs! No offence Mr. John Wayne Parr, i'm a big fan of yours!

Is that a better choice Nathan Touchgloves? :-)
Posted: 2007-07-09 06:56:47
Ha! I always choose the wrong ones. (God i hope the breadknife doesn't read this).

Angela Parr - Great fighter nice legs! No offence Mr. John Wayne Parr, i'm a big fan of yours!

Is that a better choice Nathan Touchgloves? :-)
Posted: 2007-07-09 07:17:37
Sh*t she's gonna see it know with being on three times!!!! DOH!
Keith 'The Unknown Force' Robinson
Posted: 2007-11-08 11:40:26
Like Dave Jackson said.........Lucia Rijker v Somchai Jaidee!!
Lucia Rijker is the woman that stars in Million Dollar Baby and plays the East German fighter that gives Hilary Swank the massive hook which causes her to hit the stool. Still can't believe she fought against a Thai bloke!

Anyway, my opinion! Sparring with females is cool. But at the back of your mind, you always think that hitting her in the face like you would do a male is not on! Out of all of the females that i've sparred with, I've been harder on 2. Thats because on was a fighter and it wouldn't make any sense to go easier on her. It would just take away her precious serious sparring time. And the other was quite tough and liked sparring hard! Only one thing, though. Only the kicks were a bit harder. I couldn't pull of a punch combination to the face like I would do to a male. If I accidentally made her lip bleed, how am I going to feel? Now......a female might be tough or even tougher than yourself. But history and science tells us that men can be natural tougher than female hence males calming down when it gets down to sparring with a female. There are laws in this world. The police can arrest you for hitting a female. Why is that? This is the way the world around us has been brought up so you can really suddenly blame a male for calming down against a female. Life itself has show that in the mammal world (years and years ago) the male was the aggressive hunter, hunting for food while the female looked after the child(ren). This is what we've got built inside of us so it's so easy for females to say 'hey, you can go harder' but for the male 'it can be deemed unacceptable. Especially, if we're watching a male go hard on a female.

Phew!! Got that off my chest! Sorry to the females that disagree with me but this is just the way I feel!

Keith 'The Unknown Force' Robinson
Posted: 2007-11-08 11:44:08
Sorry for the grammatical errors! I was typing too fast while thinking of each word!
Posted: 2007-11-08 11:45:52
Bernice Alldis class,pure genuis
Posted: 2007-11-08 16:23:27
check out the following pics from a promotion called 'One Night in Bangkok'
Posted: 2007-11-08 16:24:01

Germaine de Randamie vs Tom Waes

Tom Waes is in Belgium an actor and welknown in his country. For a tv program he fought Germaine de RAndamie in a 4 x 2 boxing match.

And it was no demonstration and both fighters wanted a ko. The technique, speed and condition was too much for Tom Waes (37 years and 20 kg heavier) who was fighting on his power. In the fourth Germaine knocked him out with hard left hook.
Posted: 2007-11-08 16:24:37

thanks to payap on another forum for pics and the fight report
Posted: 2007-11-11 11:19:40
Yes, I love those photos, it must surely have been a spectacular fight and a beautiful ending, with blood and a violent ko! Love to see Germaine's killer determination in her eyes and no body protection obviously. It would certainly be a dream for many of us to reach her level and exchange a few blows and kicks with her...

As a fighter, my only regret with male partners is I have never found one ready to hurt me or knock me out... very unfortunate indeed because, when inside the ring for a competitive fight, I am usually going for the ko...and it's more exciting when the other also wants to hurt me badly...

Even during hard sparring sessions, guys in my gym are not willing to throw full force kicks or punches at me, even when I tell them to hit my face and midsection real hard. Pity as similar weight girls are not always available

Do some of you, women fighter, have the same difficulty? And I hope not all males feel like Keith!
Posted: 2007-11-12 02:54:48
Germaine is an absolute machine!
Posted: 2007-11-12 08:37:34
Take the quotations off 'fighters' and maybe then we'll talk.
Posted: 2008-04-01 23:01:12
hey Celine

come to Japan and you'll get what you're asking for. Funny thing about this country is that socially, women are still not equal but in sparring they are. Men here have no qualms beatn on the ladies

alan keddle
Posted: 2008-04-02 12:47:39
i have probably been lucky enough to have had fighting more female fighters than most gyms to name a few.
becky donnelly, nicky carter,lucy hunking, bernise alldis, Joh Tandy, stevie alldis, jackie, rhianna nash and now have 3 orr 4 more promising junior girls coming thru. Bernise is fighting for a second world title soon and becky has the WPKL version and Nicky the wbc version.
Reality.... for the most part, pound for pound men are weaker than women. This is both physiologically and historically true. However, in my gym we all train together and i expect the amount of control afforded to a female fighter to be the same as any body else of less experience, lower weight or unequal skill/strength. I enjoy training any of them the same as men and we have no problem with the training co ed situation. they go through the same. If i matched 10 males and 10 females of similar age, fight stats and weight then sadly the chances are that the ten women would lose. That means nothing to me as i see that situation as unfair. In all sports mens and womens divisons are for the most part separate because of the strength and speed differences. I dont see how this in anyway stops them training the same, sparring under the same controlled conditions the same or any other part of the training.

Bernise,Nicky and becky would get the advantage of many of the men they spar with but i wouldnt like to match them against world class men of the same weight and experience. I have no doubt that i could find male fighter they can beat but wouldnt match them like for like. This isnt because they are women it is because my duty, like it is to any other fighter is to match them accordingly. For me to do anything else wouldnt be doing that! Lucias fight prooves that. Germaine is a long time favourite of mine but i wouldnt like to see her fight a 63.5kg fighter of world class from the mens divsion top of the world. That being the case it would already have happened.

'Women are equally as good in their fight careers as men are in theirs. I feel no need to present any argument to that nor match them togther to fight. training is a separate issue. They are not 'fighting' then!
Posted: 2008-04-02 12:53:07
good post.
alan keddle
Posted: 2008-04-03 09:11:52
the top bit should obviously have read women are weaker than men pound for pound.
Posted: 2008-04-04 04:16:27
I like this post too, and agree with Kosmos/Claire that it is down to common sense. Physically men will be stronger than women and it all comes down to respect and control. There are guys who are 'lighter' when they are sparring with a girl, and that's all very sweet, it is down to the girl to say 'I don't mind if you hit me harder, I'm here to learn'. Having said that, I have had guys who have lost the plot, going all out, forgetting all technique and are obviously there to prove something. I wonder if they have d*cks the size of pencils.

A QUESTION TO THE GIRLS - have you ever encountered a fellow female who doesn't mind being hit hard by men, but complain when you hit them hard? It is the most annoying thing to deal with. It is such a downer--we should be encouraging and supporting other women. It's a sad fact but jealousies and insecurities can't always be left behind outside the gym door.

At the end of the day, we're all dealing with different personalities, but we are in a martial arts club. I love sparring and don't expect to be treated any differently, if one gets hit hard, just grin and bear it and give back what you're getting. Like what my instructor says - 'this is not a cooking class!'

I wish we can eventually move away from stereotyping, like pretty girls are not expected to fight well (i bet some of the ring girls can kick ass), or someone who looks a bit... uh... different is expected to fight like a beast. I digress. This could be a new post!
Posted: 2008-04-04 04:29:27
To Keith - I understand where you're coming from, I still cringe when I see a woman get punched by a man (I was looking at our gym mirror, no wonder I got punched LOL). It is drilled into our psyche that a man should look after a woman.

I don't know if this will make you feel better, but most women fighters sense if a guy is being patronising or actually helping you get better, or just being a big bully. It really helps to have a chat and ask her what her goals are in training and sparring.

Posted: 2008-04-20 05:40:54
To Seidochic:
interesting indeed, but I do not have the opportunity to travel to Japan... I shall investigate further however: I just like the principle of fighting guys who do not care if I am a woman or a man!

To Ragingheart:
I do not mind being hit hard by men and I shall never complain; I just reply hitting harder. And if he hurts me more than I hurt him, he has to win and send me down unconscious on the simple as that. Yes, boxing is no cooking lesson, it is war, it is hurting business. But I have KOed men already, once badly!
Posted: 2008-04-20 06:49:18
i aint got a choice but to spar and train with men, the other lasses at our place dont fight and even if they did they are all tiny.
the lads do go hard but they dont take the piss-they are all intelligent and sound, they know the difference between helping me and hindering me.
that said, men cant replicate the agression of women as its different to their own animal aggression and i have still always been surprised by the ferocity of my opponents. they have never hurt me (which is thanks to training with men) but the sheer attitudde of them never ceases to amaze me because its so different from men.
Posted: 2008-04-20 06:50:33
Be honest men when you spar with a girl u do try and avoid push kicking her in the tits.and when you do inside low kicks you try not to hit her personal opinion is I dont like watching girls fight.i just do not like it.but that is my own personal opinion so please woman and girls dont take it offensivly.i dont know how the majority in thailand see they like woman fighting or not but for me woman are tender beings that i like to cuddle and kiss with.i like woman.not wo-MAN.and when you see woman going so aggresive i think it looks reminds me of the days when i see woman fight and theyd just pull each others hair out and spit and swear.its not lady me seeing a woman fight is like seeing a woman doing ground work on a building site labouring or road works.i think woman should stik to other sports like swimming,running or honest you really want to go to the pub on a saturday night and watch a womans footbal game on sky sports or would you rather watch manchester united V chelsea? or whatever team u support? i know what id prefere.sorry to be harsh girls but like i said its my opinion and not the opinion of others.tell me lads what do you think?i know heres krus ot there thinking oh shit i got woman fighters in my camp these comments are wrong.but in your heart would you rather they just stik to doing muay thai to keep fit and not to fight.if i had a sister i wouldnt want her to be fightg or my mum or aunty.i thnk its disgustin.a bit of sexy mud wrestling would be nice to watch but thats it.or gymnastics is nice where you can kinda get off on it.but not after watching men fight muay thai a woman can never compare to them.a mans fight is a mans fight and a womans fight is weak in comparison.
Posted: 2008-06-16 14:45:07
hell no, i hate being treated different makes me mad. If i cared about being hurt i wouldnt be there. I love sparring with the boys at my club there not soft on me at all.
Posted: 2008-06-16 17:18:25
I don't think a male fighter should sparr with female fighters in the build up to their fight. I don't mean this in a sexist manner, but you generally don't have as tough a sparring round when sparring with the top female fighters at your gym, as opposed to sparring with the top male fighters at your gym.

Most of this is due to the fact that the males are heavier than the females though, so if you're a lighter male at the 60kg mark then perhaps sparring the top female fighters will be as beneficial to you as the sparring the top male fighters.

When training for a fight you want the highest quality sparring available, and for me personally this means sparring the males.
Posted: 2008-06-22 08:23:59
This fight btw de randamie and waes is a real bullshit what conclusion can you take from this, None!! this guy is a clown (sorry he's not 20kg more than her!! false!)they were both in 63kg division weight! And she , she is a coward, why doesn't she fight a real male fighter at least a good amateur!? that's pathetic!
What a shame for a champion like this dear germaine...

Crazylegs , did you see the match? i hope you're jocking when you say that you wouldn't fight her! look what this guy did at his poor guy level ( eventhough he couln't hit decently). If you can not do better than this and get her out of the ring you must certainly be an actor like TOM WAES!!
Posted: 2008-06-27 03:51:35

Stop complaining!
Stop fantasizing with these photos! ( randamie vs waes )

And you don't need to go to Japan!
Paulinthailand has already offered you your next mixed bout!

Go ahead Celine! Go ahead!
Posted: 2008-06-27 06:02:16
I was joking marcus, but i still wouldnt fight a girl, not for me i'm afraid. I'm no actor although i have the looks, the body..............................sorry of topic, I just can't hit girls!
Although when i'm training one for a fight it's different cos i'm beating her up to help her in the fight.
sounds just weird that last bit
I suppose if you never get low kicked hard or winded in training, you will never know how to handle it in a real fight position and that goes for both sex's
Posted: 2008-06-28 03:57:32
Crazylegs i'm glad for you you were joking!
I think some people remain out of reality for some strange reasons!
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