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Topic:Worst Sporting Injury?
Posted: 2006-10-10 07:31:12
Who has had the worst?

Ive been lucky realy only had broken ankle,broken knuckles,toes,fractured shin,dislocated shoulder and broken nose.............what you got?????
Posted: 2006-10-10 07:34:22
does sporting include attempts at imaginative positions from the karma sutra?
Posted: 2006-10-10 07:36:31
yea sure
Posted: 2006-10-10 07:37:35
Broken bones heal relatively quick...soft tissue damage...that can stay with you for ages!

dislocated knee cap is the worst I have had....

although a fractured sturnum did smart for a week or so...
Posted: 2006-10-10 07:54:17
I luv the way you say 'Ive been Lucky' Rdouble!!!!

Surely Lucky would be avoiding injury?
Posted: 2006-10-10 07:58:43
noi thats very true, a bone brake is a lot beter than a haematoma. get your injury pics up here then
Posted: 2006-10-10 09:19:26
Oh and broken ribs,oh and cuts galore
Posted: 2006-10-10 09:20:01
Can loosing your hair be called an injury??
Posted: 2006-10-10 11:07:49
Definitely, only happens to the fittest and strongest though.
Pete N
Posted: 2006-10-10 11:25:33

Oh yeah, cracked sternum - damn that hurts!

Cracked nose, arm, stress fractures in radius, ulna, cracked scaphoids.....shin.....ummm.....cracked thumb....snapped the top off my pinkie.....cracked index finger... ummm....severe soft tissue damage to both ankles.........back sure there is more...... wonder I feel so old!!!!
Posted: 2006-10-10 12:05:17

Fractured eye socket, through to my nasal cavity...

didnt "blow up" until I tried to get some blood from the back of my nose in the shower after the was all squishy.....

Posted: 2006-10-10 12:05:52
sorry about the size...
Posted: 2006-10-10 14:14:00
that looks savage noi, what did you escape from?
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-10-10 14:28:13
noi666-that pic rocks!!

My bud got sacked in Thailand (guess cup wasn't on right?). Went down and got counted out... well result was he had to get his balls (I think one ball actually) opperated on...
Posted: 2006-10-10 17:09:35
Good one Rich .....sweet
Posted: 2006-10-11 02:06:46
left hook in european title fight....start of the 3rd round...I remember the shot.
Posted: 2006-10-11 05:48:15
straight knees were working well afta that left hook though
Posted: 2006-10-11 06:34:07
Hmmmm, do I see the emergence of a goatee in that picture, before it became the trend of today.
Raymond Bennett
Posted: 2006-10-11 06:45:37
A broken scaphoid can be a bugger to heal. I needed month in plaster + a bone graft op.
Raymond Bennett
Posted: 2006-10-11 06:46:46
meant to say months in plaster - i think it was 5 or 6 months in total.
Posted: 2006-10-11 07:04:01
i gotta have key hole on both knees and a hip replacement now thats not bad at 24
Posted: 2006-10-11 08:00:23
long knee, jump knee, elbow!

GAME ON!!! :)
Muaythai King
Posted: 2006-10-11 08:11:12
Got damaged knuckles which haven't healed in about 10 months....maybe I should go to the At the moment I have possibly torn my calf, does anyone have any tips on curing this??

Can barely put any weight at all on it. Can make a proper walking motion at all. Calf is very very tender and sore to the touch.
Pete N
Posted: 2006-10-11 10:21:33

Geez......I don't feel so bad after reading the rest of the posts!


Posted: 2006-10-11 15:31:50
broken ribs x 3 ,broken nose x2 different places (same fight), crushed the muscle next to my right shin (dont know what its called), several twisted ankles. the blowing your nose and your eye filling with blood, that happened to me to but when i blew my nose my girldriend was sitting next to me and nearly passed out as she watched my eye fill up. spent the rest of the night tryin to push the blood out again.
Posted: 2006-10-12 01:46:31
mine was a fracture so the pressure opened it up, and then there was no way of pushing it back!!!! ouch!
Posted: 2006-10-12 08:50:03
do cuts count?

we may be here for some time.... LOL

They are only cosmetic anyways....they look worse than they are...
Posted: 2006-10-12 09:11:19
Cuts only count if they are still clearly visable........Steve Donnaly from Nongkee has a cracker straight through his eyebrow he picked up in Italy.
Posted: 2006-10-12 09:16:56

Only A shiner and a few broken toes so far !!!
Posted: 2006-10-14 17:37:19
nice one lief...what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger!

as for cuts.... stitch count....
13 above the left eye (world title 2005)
6 above left eye (V mike showers at P&G 2006)
14 in forehead (world title 2004)
6 in eyebrow (world title 2004)
4 in top of head (2003 during training!!!)
4 in side of head (2006 at rajadamnern)
6 in eyebrow from headbut (2000, while playing rugby)
4 in chin (from a bottle)
10 in arm (from knife)

Broke my big toes about 8 times
Broke my cheek bone from a knee, while playing rugby.
Had my sturnum broken when I fought a lumpinee champion
Fractured eye socket....
Chipped my teeth 3 times...worst was my front right hand incisor...
Chipped my shin about 6 times
Had bruising on my shins, so bad that my feet looked like elephants for about a week and a half...
Broke my left hand lil finger 3 times...
Broke my wrist playing rugby when I was 16...
Dislocated my right knee cap while running in 2003 (snapped the knee ligament, which kept me outta action for 6-months)...That the worst injury I have EVER HAD!!!!

Posted: 2006-10-14 19:14:26
And your point is.............;)
Posted: 2006-10-15 03:56:48
you asked.....
Posted: 2006-10-15 04:19:36
My worst would have to be the time I went to watch a Rugby League match my team played against the Bulldogs (a team that has to fork out for 2X the number of cops to controll their very loyal fans). I got tanked and screamed out "you couldnt score in a brothel" when the bulldogs were kicking a goal and the guy missed. I got thrashed by the people sitting around me and when the cops broke it up I ran away laughing and fell down the stairs and landed on my beer bottle and it smashed on my face and I got my hand jammed in the fence and sliced the skin on my wrist. It wasnt MT or KB but it was still sport and it was the most damage Ive ever had, needing to have shards of glass picked out of my face and my wrist stitched like Ide tried to slash it, and Ide taken the skin off both my hands and one of my legs. Also one of the best matches Ive ever been too, but I got banned from the stadium for 12months for it.
Posted: 2006-10-15 05:07:35
Marlboro: you from Cantabury
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-10-15 09:10:57
noi666-keep you hands up m8...I keep telling ya :P
Posted: 2006-10-15 18:01:43
no from the land of bolloks
Posted: 2006-10-15 23:03:52
Nah Im not from cantabury, the cantabury fans shit me off. The take themselves too seriously and are always on about how tough and loyal they are and give more of a shit about what other people think of them than having fun. They inspire the same shit stirrer in me that shop assistants in snooty stores do I make a habit of telling them they are still just check-out chicks. And hook Im out there enjoying life, saying what I think, and doing what I please. Im not sitting around thinking I should wear the pink shorts because the thais think theyre a good colour, and I should pretend to be a fantastic fighter when Im only average so people will think Im tough, and I should pretend I dont make a nob of myself incase people laugh. Incidentally on saturday australia played new zealand and one of the players was Willie Mason from the bulldogs and when the Kiwis were doing the Haka? there was a camera on Willie waiting for him to say or do something that would set someone off, Willie delivered by telling the Kiwies they were fucking F@#$%^. While it was a stupid thing to say and he got his face smashed for it he is a legend for just being willie mason and not getting caught up in the whole im a professional athlete and a role model BS.
Joe D
Posted: 2006-10-16 08:09:18
broke a couple of bones in my foot from footie, broken ribs and nose from muay thai, other than that just bumps and bruises really.

Marlboro ur making a nob of urself by lying out of ur ass on a website, its so pointless and everyone knows ur doing it. Put up a profile, then reply if u feel u need to. . .smh
Muaythai King
Posted: 2006-10-16 12:55:29
Noi 666:
I am amazed you're still able to tell the tales of your injuries.
Bloody hell, you should wrap yourself up in bubblewrap when getting out the
Posted: 2006-10-17 01:39:52
MTK: Nah mate...just conditioning!
Posted: 2006-10-17 02:34:14
as rdouble would say:

if your not living life on the edge, your taking up too much space! :)

no scars, no proof!

Posted: 2006-10-17 02:36:51
where the mind is willing, the body just keeps on letting you down!
Posted: 2006-10-17 04:32:50
noi666 writes:

where the mind is willing, the body just keeps on letting you down!

Welcome to my world he he................

My body took years recovering from 5000000000000000000 gigga whatereritis radiation sh*t they pump you full of when you have the C word
Realy frustrating .

i recon getting cut when fighting is realy frustrating especialy if your winning then get stopped in that way.......Never happened to me but im sure it does.....

Shawn 'Boom Boom' Burton
Posted: 2006-10-17 04:42:16
Am i right in thinking it was marlboro who claimed that whilst in training he got thrown out of a 3rd floor window and landing on a car roof and got done for criminal damage??

Or have i got the wrong person, cant remember what thread it was in though!!
Posted: 2006-10-17 05:06:21
rdouble: yes,...yes it is very VERY frustrating (ref: 2004 cuts)

mai dee!
Posted: 2006-10-17 05:25:24
I got cut in Thailand and i recon anywhere else it the world it would have been stopped,right in the middle of my forehead.....................
I then cut him inbetween the nose and his eye socket .they stopped it straight away.........I suppose it was going to run into his eyes...tell you the truth i couldnt see anything either he he.......

I learned a cracking trick with Thai doctors

As soon as they are called.........bounce up and down.keep bouncing...nod your head a lot..bounce up and down again ...nod your head a lot again.....and your off again he he

Had that in U.K though tried the same thing........just got the responce..."can you please stand still" lol :)
Pete N
Posted: 2006-10-17 05:40:03

Noi: 'where the mind is willing, the body just keeps on letting you down!

Couldn't agree more...

Noi, I am impressed, Rdouble, was doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Well done for getting through all of that crap.

Pete N
Posted: 2006-10-17 05:41:30

what even...damn...knew I should've had a coffee :-/
Posted: 2006-10-17 07:45:45
MTK just wack some thai oil on your calf and give it a good squeeze thai style LOL.

Noi thats a nice collection.

let me add...

2 broken collarbones
fractured ribs
2 broken toes
4 times broken nose
mangled knee
broken fingers in left hand
some disgusting destroyed ear that had to have the bloodpool released as it was overhanging
and a ridiculously large haematoma on my quad.

roll on A class and the cuts lits!

Noi can you now list the damage you have inflicted on others! lol
Posted: 2006-10-17 08:41:59
oh yeah...forgot about the cauliflower lug as well... LOL. aint a game, so I dont keep score! :)
Posted: 2006-10-17 09:31:35
Yea Liam roll on A willget proper injuries...........the type that are written on your face........forever..........though of course we are scared of the needle he he
Posted: 2006-10-17 09:56:34
damn you ink shy fools
Posted: 2006-10-17 10:29:21
The scars we wear are the mark of epic battles of collussal magnitude, over and above that of some whimsical need to allow some random stranger to deface our bodies with ink that has no meaning....

behind every scar, theres a story.
behind every lump, theres a tale.
behind every bruise, theres a lesson
all of which are manifested in to legendary folklore of battles...
Posted: 2006-10-17 17:23:10
And i hear tattoos are "a bit stingy"
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