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Posted: 2007-05-30 03:26:59
Back Specialist - Bangkok??

Dear all,

Do you know of any Back Specialists / Doctors etc in Bangkok?

I am 10 months still with a strained ligament in my lower back caused from poor technique with MT and thought that worth ckecking out a speciliast while in Bangkok next week?
Any suggestions really appreciated..
Thank you
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-05-31 12:58:39
I don't know if any suggestions is only to do with docs but mine would be to watch this 7 minute video.

"I had tried everything my doctors had recommended but was still dealing with severe pain 8 years after the initial accident that caused the about 15 minutes of tapping my back pain was gone. I now use EFT on a variety of different issues with great success and my back is pain free."
- Jackie

I met Jackie at a workshop I did. She originally hurt her back in a work accident eight years before we met and then re-injured it in a car accident one aqn a half years before the workshop. On a scale of 0-10 the pain level at the workshop was an 8! She went to a 0 in about 15 minutes. In eight years it was never at a 0.

I'm not saying this is for everyone but in my experience, it works. I actually only change clients if they experience results.

There is more to the body than meets the eye.

All the best regardless of your choice.

Posted: 2007-06-02 01:48:41
Thank you Mark and I will watch the video and read up on this.

I have just come back from NBH Hospital from their spinal clinic and after MSR scans there is no problem with the spine, so as we thought its the muscle or ligament attached.
Heading back in a few hours to have some acupuncutre & injections on thje muscles and will keep you posted.

Thanks again sir
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-06-02 14:16:22
What ever you choose will either work or show you what isn't working for you. So any choice is good ;) lol

You're welcome.

Keep us posted on whatever you try

Kelly Leach
Posted: 2007-06-29 07:11:50
Dev, did they check your pelvis?

Is your pelvis out of line, dropped or tilted?...

This can cause the muscles in the back to spasm and change your gait, which can cause you to weight bear more to one side and this can increase back pain and make it difficult to heel toe strike, leaning either side or going forwards into flexion on back into full extention...

In lying bend your knees up, run your hand down lower ab to the pubic bone, when here look for the two ends to your pelvis they should be the same...

If they are not then get a physio to manipulate and give further advice. By doing this your walking and pain should improve tons

Working on strengthening core stability should help, as the pelvis isn't designed to tilt and lean the way we do when kicking mainly.

Hope this helps, good luck.

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-06-30 07:55:40
Yeah pelvis is good stuff to look at for sure!! :)

Mine has been out... because my bite is out actually.

I agree big time on working on core.. I'd word it check your core function and improve it. Core exercises, if your core isn't functioning properly, don't work the core properly. IMO
Posted: 2007-07-02 10:08:57
Hello Kelly & Mark

Thank you both for you helpful comments and support.

In Bankgok all scans suggested the no problem with the spine, which is a relief and they suggested that it really is a muscular problem. Therefore I need to get the muscle moving by stretching, swimming and blood circulating by needle treatment (acupuncture)

I have been stretching for the past couple of weeks which is helping and I have been swimming which is also feeling good.

Tonight I will start acupuncture and let you know how this goes 

Its really depressing the way it comes and goes and after swimming Saturday I felt so relaxed and refreshed, then yesterday it was sore again!! I am sure that the emotional side has something to do with this and what did you find Mark? If you feel tired, hung over, stressed etc then the pain feel worse? Does that make any sense?

The worse thing is that I have not trained for a year now and I finally have the money in the bank to spend some time out in Thailand (6 months) if I can this sorted!! Maybe I should just go and the back might just heal better with the heat and lack of stress etc 
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-07-02 10:58:26
I would suspect if it is not the spine that it is either muscular or possibly connective tissue. If muscular, stretching can help, the question is what are you stretching? What is tight and what is loose? What is the cause of the pain and the tightness. Just stretching a painful area doesn't mean you are stretching a tight area or the right area. There is also a difference between taunt and tight. Why is it tight? It could be a different part of the body creating the pain or tightness as it may be compensating (like the pelvis) etc etc

Acupuncture - please share how this works for you. I am a believer in acupuncture. Of course the right person for you (or your issues) is important and of course if acupuncture is the right modality for you.

How much you experience pain is certainly effected by other factors. That makes perfect sense. "Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers" outlines this very specifically in terms of the biological and physiological aspects (including thought and emotion).

In my experience there are almost always emotional connections.

To expand on the short quote above from Jackie about her 8 year old back pain (x-rays showed a partial slipped disk). We never worked on her back pain AT ALL. I help her find some unresolved emotional stuff from 8 years ago, helped her clear that out and her back pain 9thought x-rays showed it to be physical) disappeared.

Almost always, no matter the "cause", no matter how acute or chronic, I see clients get the best results when I help them find emotional components and clear them out.

Jackie's back pain stayed at a 0 for three weeks. At that time a new situation arose that was very much like the original one we worked on. Making the connection herself she cleared the new emotional components and her back pain again again went to a 0.

One way to look for and find a possible emotional component is to look at what was going on in and around, usually before, the problem arose.

So I would ask what was going on 10 months ago? Where there any big changes in your life? Any stressors? Finding those I would then suggest clearing them out of the body/mind and seeing what happens.

Another way to tap into intuition or the subconscious mind is to simply guess. This is not a left brain figure it out process. This is being curious at what might arise and asking a question like. "If I knew what emotional issue this might be connected with, what might that be?" Or stepping towards that. "If I new what emotion was attached to this pain, what might it be?"

I was working with a fighter on tendinitis in his wrist. We were getting no where working on the pain. When I helped him locate and emotional component (seemingly unrelated) and started clearing that out his wrsit pain immediately started to drop.

I worked with a guy with 20 year old shoulder pain. He said it was from riding his motorcycle. We didn't work on the pain at all but unresolved issues from 20 years ago. As they cleared his shoulder pain started to drop also.

This may not make sense and "a broken leg is a broken leg". I am not asking you to understand or believe. I am just sharing my experience.

There are easy and simple ways to ask the body if there is an emotional component and what it is. "The body cannot lie!"

No matter what the actual physical issue is, in my experience, there are very often other factors.

One possible way emotional stuff could be linked is this. Lets say you broke up with your gf and the next day you got into a car accident and broke your leg. Some people believe that those two issues can mesh and each can effect the healing of the other.

Another way is that in the physical accident there are emotions around the issue. Lets say you are an athlete and in hurting self you fear not being able to do what you love or feel you need to do. Those emotions are connected and can disrupt the energy system around healing.

The fear you feel in a car accident can stay and attach to the injury sustained in the car accident.

Chronic issues - beliefs and emotions around having them can effect the potential for healing.

Studies have shown that those who benefit financially from an illness or injury recover slower. Subconsciously there are often positives (even if small) to keeping an issue.

We can get attached to chronic issues very easily. Listen to people speak about their illnesses (never mind work, sport, relationships, religion etc etc) They use them a s a way of identifying self. Really listen next time you hear someone speak of a chronic illness and you will likely hear words of attachment and acceptance of it.

Sometimes, when injured or sick, we get paid more attention to. All of us to some degree or other, at least at times, like to be paid attention to and sometimes crave more attention. When someone gets sick or injured and they get taken care of a small piece of the subconscious mind may wish to hold onto that increased feeling or self worth.

Some people go further. Lets say the chakra system. Each chakra (energy wheel) is related to different organs, muscles, skin, spinal segments etc. If the energy in these areas are low it creates weakness. In a car accident, maybe you hurt your right shoulder, why not your left? Why not your knee? The western mind says cause that is what got hit. But some people believe that this area is weak cause of imbalance in the energy systems. The chakras are also related to different emotional issues and childhood developmental periods.

Some go further and suggest that Universe/God/Devine Mother/etc is always pushing us back to balance. When we are out we get signals and signs. Negative emotions, aches, discomfort, thoughts etc... when we don't listen the signals get bigger and louder etc etc eventually a situation may arise that is strong enough to force us to look at that area. If basing on the Chinese system of mapping the body or the Indian system (chakras) etc then you look at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual connections.

I am not asking you to accept or believe any of that. They are just some ways that there might be emotional connections to things that are truly physical.

The trick is to treat the CAUSE not the symptom. If there is an emotional kicker you may have a hard time getting true resolution by approaching the physical. visa versa also applies.

That said, they all effect all (emotional, physical, mental, spiritual). When you are sick does it not effect your emotions? When you are depressed or angry does it not effect your spirituality?

Healing can occur in the physical by approachin the emotional. Healing in the emotional can occur by approaching the physical. The best results will come by approaching the CAUSE, not the symptom (no matter how purely physical the symptom is - if the cause were other wise)

Of course if you don't have diagnostic techniques to find causes then the holistic approach of addressing ALL aspects will likely render the best results.

The body/mind is one. Hard science is proving this more and more every day. It is very evident and clear to me that they all effect all anyway.

If you were a client, the first question I may ask would be. "What was going on around ten months ago?"

I am NOT suggesting not approaching the physical. I am offering thoughts and ideas and concepts without the expectation then you take them or agree. ;)

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-07-02 11:02:32
“I am a sceptic, but it is hard to be sceptical of the results I have seen. I am not sure of how it works…but it works. Two weeks after I dislocated my knee in training I spent a little over 15 minutes with Mark and my knee went from twice its normal size to almost normal. I would recommend it to anyone.”

-Dan, King Of the Cage Fighter

"In a skiing accident I twisted my leg and heard a loud pop in my knee. The next day my knee was about twice the size of my other knee and there were large pockets of fluid on each side. My range of motion was very limited and I was not able to put weight on my leg. Two days after the injury Mark and I did EFT for about 20 minutes…"
(In that time the swelling came down 30% -then we tapped on belief of how fast healing can happen and then tapped on emotional connections)
"…With in a few minutes I was amazed to see that not only had the swelling gone down I could actually see and feel my kneecap. It was an actual physical change that I could see with my own eyes. My range of motion came back to normal and I was able to put weight on that leg. I went from being concerned I may need to have corrective surgery to having no long term effects from the injury."

Both of these were acute and physical issues from accidents. Both got the best results when approaching emotional components.

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-07-02 11:10:14
To be perfectly honest my programming says this cannot happen even though I keep experiencing it. Physical pain going away is one thing but seeing, actually seeing, a physical change is a little mind boggling.

Actually the Jackie quote on her back pain...she mentioned the other day that she had x-rays done and they couldn't find anything....

E=MC2 - everything is energy. This is hard science.

Can I totally wrap my head around it? No. Do I understand completely how it works? No. My programming says no way but I see it time and time again.

I have done and watch ROM assessments done on muscle length and tightness. Done tapping and tested or watched the ROM tested with big changes.

The last one was at a workshop with one of the participants being a professional exercise coach with degrees in Kinesiology and certifications with Polequin and CHEK etc. He tested the ROM on a triathlon athlete. He was quite surprised and it looked to me to be about a 20 degree difference in his right hamstring.

I actually had the tapping done including an emotional component too (although the tightness was tapped on as well as the emotion at the same time so hard to quantify)

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