Master Ronnie, how many years have you been involved in Martial Arts?
I began Judo and Karate in 1974 and then in 1978 I began Thai Boxing with Master Toddy.
How many fights did you accumulate during your Thai Kickboxing career and what were some of your achievements?
I had 48 fights and lost 6. I won British, European and World Titles in 3 different weight categories. My first highlight was my first fight in Holland and in those days it was rare for an English fighter to beat a fighter from Thailand, it was not heard of back then. I fought a guy called Lonkeada from the Famous Mungsurin gym, he had over 200 fights and this fight was my first. I was a late stand-in. I stopped him in the 5th round, he didn't beat the 8 count. I stopped him with a combination of punches and kicks. Everyone was amazed at what I had done, it was a bit like the Williams and Tyson scenario.
So after your first fight did you feel that people had high expectations of you?
Yes, another time I fought a guy from Thailand who was a top fighter and much heavier than me and on the day of the weigh in he looked like a giant compared to me. It was the last fight of the evening and all of Master Toddy's fighters had won by knockout with head kicks and anything less than a knockout with a head kick would not have met the expectations of the audience or my peers.
So you stopped him?
Yes, I had no choice. I had to finish him with a head kick just like the others did to their fighters.
Master Ronnie, as you know, the Ringmasters tournament has been created in honour of your name and your achievements. How do you feel about that?
Really good! The whole concept of this competition promotes skill. We are continuously trying to take our fighters to another level and competitions like this are made for that. Those who enter and win this competition would have to evolve and adapt and show great skill and determination. I would also like to say that if we can please the audience as well with what we are doing then the people are going to see great people in a great sport. This is development!
Do you think the Ringmasters could be a competition that could be held every year?
Definately, as it will promote the people and the skill in the sport.
So Master Ronnie, there are 12 of some of the best 75kg UK based fighters in this competition. Have you any advice for someone who is about to enter?
Be honest with yourself, what I mean is you can not be negative. I remember once I didn't believe in myself and it affected my performance and from that day on I said never again will I not believe in myself. After that experience I never walked into the ring with negativity. It's best to lose and give 100% than lose and think I could have tried harder.
Is there anything else you would like to say?
Yes. You know you have arrived in the sport when people in other countries mention your name and how good you are.