this question will now be answered by and inundated with
and S****
Wrong answers thankyou....
My / our female Fighter from Bolton Thai Boxing Club
has had 9 fights and 8 of them was all from 1.5 to 6 kilos heavier than her !
1 was .1 of a kilo heavier !
Any good tips apart from the Obvious !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to help her put WEIGHT on for a Fight????
Thing is i / we have tried many things ! ( not Daft i think i know about weight loss and gain as a trainer )
but that said i have a similar metabolism to Emma
so much so
ive only varied 2 kilos above my fight weight from over 20 years ago ! "cant put weight on" and yes i eat well and yes i train i cant stop lol
I know also that 99% of people you tell this too ref: Emma ( and me )
"Wish i had that Problem" !!!!!
as Emma said " NO You Dont"
its the same for a Overweight person that can Never lose weight!
It gets depressing !!!!!!!!!!
serious Help / answers only "PLeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssse"
sandy man
AX to the Rescue !
Carbs!! PASTA for breaky dinner and tea! will do the trick, the odd spud and loads of brown rice!
Simple answer........ a personal/tailored Functional Strength & conditioning & nutrition programme.
Just increasing carb intake is more likely to lead to increased fat deposits (unless she is currently malnourished) which isn't of any real benefit to a fighter (IMO)
mattyb and Paul
Now we are talking thanks keep them coming ! :-)
........ Any gains in mass would then be beneficial, increasing strength & (hopefully) speed thus increasing power with the added benefit of reducing the risk of injury due to the stabilising muscles/ligaments/tendons also gaining increased strength.
Please note the words FUNCTIONAL, STRENGTH, CONDITIONING not just weight training/body-building!!!
Correct nutrition is also pivotal as all micro & macro nutriment needs have to be met to realise and maximise the work put into training
…............... fact I did email her a while ago!
Protien-rich diet and weights routine.
Heavy weights routine
Less roadwork/running and just do pads for CV work.
I have been doing MBN Diet plans for people for the past year and a half, and all my clients have achieved their weight targets (gain and loss).
Also its not really a short term fix, current training methods/times have to be adapted to allow the new methods to be implemented.
It has to be attacked as a long term goal built with fight schedules in mind. Its also difficult when you train in a class structure due to possible fatigue suffered by the central nervous system and the type of training within the class; i.e whether a fighter works more on technical aspects of their game, spars, type of sparring, or just has a beast'ing of a session
The problem occurs when a athlete/fighter also has work considerations because without correct rest & recovery no gains will be seen.
Its not just about increasing training amount/frequency, but it will be increased and all possible influencing factors need to be considered.
Agree Rich........ and lifting heavy weights do NOT make you slow (if a correct planm in followed!)
Should stop giving away the secrets really (without reimbursement!)
LOL :)
I know mate....The devil is in the detail though!
Without the right blend of techniques, over the long term goal, there wont be any of the desired changes.
thanks ok and so you suggest No Running? at all?
noi will probably correct this but is it true that people who can maintain a cooler core temperature will encourage their body to store fat? which in essence will cause weight gain....probably completely wrong
Core body temperature has nothing to do with storing fat
Certainly not running every day.
Periodised training (hill, intervals, SSC)
Matty, "cooler core temp"?
core rong word body sorry...

HYPERTROPHY TRAINING! or progressively overloading the muscles with Pyramid training- BIG compound exercises, squats, lunges, etc
low reps high weights- this will increase muscle size aswel and its good for strength and also conditioning, keep cv work on different days to weights. Running is great, but really you get your fighting fitness through sprints (hate doing these) try stay away from long duration low intensity running, this will only contribute to her weight loss...
Im guessing this is for Beepster! (not that it makes a difference that her opponents are heavier than her-she always wins anyway!!! ) she's young her metabolic rate will be high so may have a prob with that?
I know a great Nutritional Therapist Ric Moylan he knows his stuff when it comes to anything like this Sandy he does Ricky Hattons and Robbie Williams Nutrition his website below:
Hello Miss Wiggle!
I mostly agree but there are other important movements too.
Pyramid is a viable training method but should be used as part of a larger periodised programme.
Also not really just hypertrophy training although this could be seen as one of the phases within set objectives (max strength development, max power development ect) within the programme training.
All training has to be focused towards a goal, and all training then plays a part/has an effect on the end result
Most people will find they see some kind of muscle gain when they set out with strength/weight training, even if that isnt the main objective (this is usually offset but loss of fat weight)
As a fighter we/people need to attempt manipulate the force-velocity curve, increasing ones weight can be a set as goal/by product of this.
also Rik is a practitioner of Biosignature, which I think has many merits (in fact im trying to get on one of the USA courses).
P.s. Hope your well & hows the eye/war wound!?
Keep up with your regular weights routine but carb-up a little more with every portion, and also make the last meal an hour or two later so the carb aren't being burnt. Increase weights 'slightly' so as to build muscle but not burn too much off.
altough hypertrophie and gaining weight seems to be the same ,there are differnces between in basics...especialy "bodybuilding type hypertrophy "can weaken fighters in many parameteres i.e. isloating muscles,isolating the moves, preventing explosive power and stamina etc...
one of the simplest metodsds for gaining weight :
you have to cheat the body that you are in "starvation-going to die "...
that's the one of the this farme, you have to eat one meal per day ,however lots of food in exchagerated portions mainly supported with "complex carbs" "the sumokas "do...
Wise words mr crippler! i love talking about fitness stuff.. and its nice to listen to other peoples ideas and methods of training. I wish i had the same problem as Emma Beeps, I always have to loose wight for a fight... and we all know thats not great :-/
Ric Moylan is brilliant, seen him yesterday to help with my nutrition really professional guy with realistic food plans.
Im good anyway had week off training had a sore shin ill be back in tomorrow, had two black eyes was rocking the kung fu panda look! Cant wait to get in to training tomorrow. Hope your well ? Good luck with your course too.
P.S thats true that ercan, starving the body so that when you do eat it holds on to fat, but is it safe for a fighter to do that will they not loose muscle mass and energy if they do that a lot?
Heavy weight program with gultamine and creatine, High protein and high carbs about 1.2 to 1.5gram of protein to a pound of your own bodyweight e.g 100lb person has to eat 120 to 150 grams of protein. Cut cardio out lol
Why would u want to put weight on? Surely you will be most competative at lowest weight possible for frame?
How about Complan or slim fast/meal replacements drink them as dessert after a meal
Liam R, I THINK she just struggles to find fights at the current weight (48Kg)???.
I can't see the point of any fighter just putting on fat, which if an athlete is already eating correctly, is all that will happen. It doesn't matter what you eat, if its unsed by the body, it stored as fat.
If someone suggested you fought in a weighted vest/ankle weights/wrist weights surley youd tell them to do one!?
What benifit is excess?
Miss Wiggle, did he use the Biosignature method with you?
correct Paul ref: 48kilos and matched at 50 and Emma has been 45 and 46 and 47 poss: 48 on most fights and struggles to 49 on one occasion !
Sandy told me yesterday that he posted this thread but i didn't expect such a big response from it.
I've been trying to put weight on since i started fighting and its so hard, whether its because my metabolism is really high or something i don't know but its an issue that iv tried to sort out soo many times it gets to the point where it annoys me because im too light for the lightest weight category which is 48k. For every single fight i have had, bar one, i have never weighed in on the weight i have been matched at because my weight can be 49 one day and then the next its 47 and even more ridiculous at 45.5.
All of this information is brilliant, thanks to everyone, i could really do with just a general statement of what i should be eating for breakfast, lunch, dinner, what snacks between meals etc that will hopefully get me to put 1.5/2kilos on in 9 days if that is possible? if anyone can do that i would appreciate it so much! :)
thanks again!
Beeps, I'll Email you tomorrow. x
Hi Paul where are you? and please ring ronnie and me ta
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