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Topic:Carl Copestake V Jonno Chipchase 28th Nov, B'ham
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-10-28 16:45:50
Jonno Chipchase, who recently won the back street Brawlers European title takes on K-Star’s Carl Copestake in Birmingham on Sunday 28th November.
Carl Copestake recently lost to John Dennis but has beaten some top fighters including Thomas McCormick, Mark Brown, Saab Singh. Depesh, Ross George.
This will be a very interesting fight as Carl is anxious to fight at his correct weight and get back on his winning streak. His recent loss to john Dennis was set at 61kg, but john weighed in at 64kg at the day before weigh in and on the day was just too big and strong (as well as very good) for Carl. Jonno will be much nearer his weight.
Jonno is very focused and up for the fight, so it should be really good.

Adrian Maguire
Posted: 2010-10-28 17:03:53
Going to be a cracking fight, jonno has never been stopped, could carl change that?..........
Posted: 2010-10-28 17:08:14
good luck jonno !
The Crippler
Posted: 2010-10-28 17:10:57
All the best Jonno.
P.S Rai
Posted: 2010-10-28 17:41:20
Well wicked match!
daryl plaza
Posted: 2010-10-28 17:51:40
This a sweet fight! Jonno tough as hell an carl is a crazy man!
Posted: 2010-10-28 21:08:19
chok dee Jonno, tough month ahead, keep the momentum going!
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-10-29 05:14:53
Seems like Jonno has the most support and is the favourite.
Posted: 2010-10-29 06:57:51
Jonno may have more friends offering support on Ax but for me Carl Copestake would be a slim favorite
Posted: 2010-10-29 07:04:13
Good luck Carl, do your thing!
Posted: 2010-10-29 07:05:47
is it 5x3's full rules ????
Darren EFC
Posted: 2010-10-29 07:18:33
I'm rooting for Jonno as were good mates, ive met Carl before and he's sound but ive gotta root for my mates! Come on Jonno!
Posted: 2010-10-29 10:21:54
Carl to win points
Posted: 2010-10-29 10:23:36
Carl copstake will spark jonno
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-10-29 11:29:42
yes its 5 x 3 full thai rules.
Posted: 2010-10-29 12:29:41
ha ha! 5x3s of two gypsys fighting each other. chuck in a can of skol super and you have fight of the year on your hands!
Posted: 2010-10-29 13:57:16
semiskimmed got nothing better to do than troll
Posted: 2010-10-29 14:08:51
and you got nothing better to do than make up childish names. good luck judging this one
Muaythai King
Posted: 2010-10-29 14:26:11
Best of luck Jonno!
Posted: 2010-10-29 14:35:39
Jonno to win for me, I know it wasn't a great last fight for carl but jonnos getting better every fight now. Full of confidence from his title win and a great performance he's back on track. Good fight either way ;)
Posted: 2010-10-29 14:49:45
I dont really mind who wins i just know it will be a war so im going to this one.
Posted: 2010-10-29 15:25:04
well at least i got a profile and not bothered to let people actually know who i am while i make my posts ;) and i dont need luck when judging i was taught by the best ;)
Posted: 2010-10-29 15:37:52
oh yes of course GO TEAM TONY!!! of course i have a profile, how can i post if i dont have one. Im only putting opinions on here so keep to yours and not mine.
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-10-29 15:50:53
2 gypsies??? whats all that about?
Posted: 2010-10-29 15:54:11
exactly steve .... what a cock you are !!! and by profile i mean where you actually fill out real info about yourself... funnily on yours you cant, you obviously dont know carl or jonno either to make the gypsy remark ...
Adrian Maguire
Posted: 2010-10-29 16:04:37
Back to the fight who's your money on? I can see carl winning by a forth round stopage from cuts
Posted: 2010-10-29 16:18:55
going to be an interesting one and has the making of being fight of the night ....
Posted: 2010-10-29 16:29:50
Well how can I put my details if I cant fill it out?
its a well known fact that jonno is a traveler. Dont know about carl but he looks like one. Any way it will be a classic and i would go with Carl to knock out jonno in round 3.
Posted: 2010-10-29 16:44:51
funnily you can click on my name and see the details ive filled out, yours you cant, dont take a brain surgeon to figure it out... i recall a thread where you stated about people saying things about people and calling them childish... take your own advice .... and for what its worth i cant see jonno getting stopped hes one tough lad.... it will be a good fight... if its going to be a stoppage it will be by cuts
Posted: 2010-10-29 16:51:48
I never called any one childish apart from you so go back and read the thread.
you said "and by profile i mean where you actually fill out real info about yourself... funnily on yours you cant"
so here you contradicted yourself. So i think i'm closer to being a brain surgeon than you are. Just because someone is tough doesnt mean they cant get knock out. Carl is a street fighter and will take Jonno down.
Posted: 2010-10-29 17:03:23
!!!!!! im glad you think so lets see what happens in the fight shall we....

and maybe i missed a word out... ooooohhh so sorry.... click on my name it shows my details that i filled out... yours you cannot click on as there is no profile filled out...
Posted: 2010-10-29 17:21:25
Well i am sorry to disapoint you wainey. I wasnt putting the fighters down I was making comments about them that are true. The can of Skol thing was just a joke. Carl and Jonno have fought good people leading up to this and i think the fight would be worthy of a title. Carl got knock out by John Dennis though so it shouldnt happen. Jonno beat a not so good Dutch fighter for a new made up title. They both need this fight to get back in the game. Carl has to much power for Jonno
Posted: 2010-10-29 17:57:37
this should be a great fight to watch ,but my moneys on carl,hes a nightmare to spa against and very tough and overlooked imho! :)
Gary D
Posted: 2010-10-29 18:03:54
This looks like a good fight, sorry for hijacking the thread but who do I contact about matching either Carl and jonno
Posted: 2010-10-29 18:47:19
Gary text me I will give you contact details, am not txtin you cause you never text back lol
Posted: 2010-10-30 06:11:29
good luck to both guys !!! think jonno will take it tho!!
sure i will be meeting both guys soon ;)
Posted: 2010-10-30 09:10:33
antdog i think maybe you could fight the looser. i dont think you have earnt a fight with them at the moment with your recent fights. The winner will move on to a higher level.
Posted: 2010-10-30 10:09:57
MAYBE a coville vs copeskate in the future who knows
Adrian Maguire
Posted: 2010-10-30 10:38:04
Copestake vs coville will be a good one!
noel london
Posted: 2010-10-30 10:39:39
Or francis maina to fight both - next year now if and when either is free
Martin Colton
Posted: 2010-10-30 10:42:41
Have to back Mr Chipchase for this one, Tough as old boots and improving every fight.
Posted: 2010-10-30 10:48:05
copstake would beat coville no problem he is to strong. maybe after this fight one with coville could get set up for next year i would definetly watch that
Posted: 2010-10-30 11:05:50
antdog i think maybe you could fight the looser. i dont think you have earnt a fight with them at the moment with your recent fights. The winner will move on to a higher level.

no offence semiknight but do you fight ??? who for ? what level? maybe ant aint won his last few fights but that doesnt mean he doesnt deserve to fight either of the 2 or any others for that fact, he trains as hard as anyone else would fighting so fair play to him for having a go and getting in there to fight .
Posted: 2010-10-30 11:19:09
What does it matter if I fight or not. It is an opinion and people should earn their right to fight high profile fighters or to fight for a belt. When I fight and some one says i will loose that is up to them to think that. what about you? do you fight and what level? see how you like it does your opinion only count for people not at your level. Carl would beat Jonno and he would beat Antdog both by knock out and he would be to much for covill to.
Gary D
Posted: 2010-10-30 11:27:18
I'd like to match Robin Downer with the winner of this fight or either fighter fought some big names and is fighting Stevie brown again on nov 13th
Posted: 2010-10-30 13:42:45
Copestake or Chipchase would both beat Fergurson if either fight took place(most likely by KO in the case of Copestake).

Coville would beat any of the three.
Posted: 2010-10-30 14:32:25
semiknight its ok to have an opinion but your plain slating someone, my point is if you dont fight then you should realise what it takes to get in there to do it and the whole training and stepping through the ropes not just being a keyboard warrior , i agree people should climb a ladder but everyone has to get a chance and ant has fought some top names, .... and yes i havent fought for over a year but i did fight and fought A class aswell...
Posted: 2010-10-30 14:33:57
oh and i would fight anyone my trainer told me to fight if that be someone above or below me in rankings
Posted: 2010-10-30 14:42:10
Choke Dee Mahk Jonno!
Posted: 2010-10-30 15:31:58
Wainey you dont have to prove anything to me. I dont rreally care and i was not slating any body I'm just saying my opinion. lets talk about the fight and why you think carl can not knock out Jonno.
Posted: 2010-10-30 16:00:44
this is a good match up, cant see either stopping the other with anything other than a cut to be honest mind you. Both are right up for a fight and tough so should be exciting!!
Posted: 2010-10-30 16:02:01
dont no what lees doing next no hes thailand at moment but think lee would be to much for carl but do like to see the to copeskate brothers fight but lee is different class
Posted: 2010-10-30 17:02:13
i'll fight the winner or the loser or any1 else at 61 for tht matter lol
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-10-30 18:32:53
wow, i havent checked this thread for a few days and its all kicked off.
Carl is not a gypsy! I dont know Jonno so I dont know if he is a traveler or not, I dont see what that has to do with anything.

Re Lee Coville, I did speak to Gez about the fight for this show and he told me Lee was away, so that is a fight that could happen.
Antdog, Francis etc, we are always looking for opponents for Carl, I can put some fights on my show, but we are happy to travel.
Jonno V carl has been on the cards several times, but has always fallen through for one reason or another, so I am very happy to have gotten it on 28th November.
Who will win? I don't know (obviously I hope Carl) but it will be a very exciting fight and probably quite close.
i think Carl has fought better people than Jonno has so far, but Jonno is on the way up and improving all the time.
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-10-30 18:37:10
I am also trying to match the following fighters, Instructors call me on 07866 36 5963 or email
Adrian Maguire, K-Star 53kg 3w 2L 1d

James McGlone, Spirit of Siam 53kg 13w 5L

Erica Tso, Team Tieu 55kg 1w

Sophie Hutchins, Thaitains, 55kg 2L

Luke Portainer, Diablo, 63kg 5w

Mason Harris, Liam’s gym, 64kg 6w 3L

Sam Omomogbe, Liam’s gym 64kg 4w 1L 16yr

Barry Mountfort, K-Star, 75kg 5f

Pete Rai, K-Star, 78kg 3w 1L

Dan Edwards, K-Star 78kg, 3w 2L

Gareth Richards, K-Star 88kg 6w 4L
Nathan Epps, K-Star 69-72kg 3w 2L

Posted: 2010-10-31 04:56:45
wainey your the dick! ax forum is about voicing your opinions, which is all semiknight is doing, instead you jump down his throat, with im a ref tought by the best.. your not a fighter.. neither are you.. youve had four fights and lost two of them, basically ur a nob..
iv had loads of fights before you say anything iv just chose not to fill out a profile like YOU so everyone knows how great i am
Posted: 2010-10-31 05:06:22
also im guessing youve done a one week judging course, hardly makes you judge of the year.. perhaps you should fight a bit more before you judge something youve not really experienced yourself!
Posted: 2010-10-31 07:41:54
I'll be very interested to the outcome of this as my fight with carl was a war! steve mentioned a rematch after, which id be well up for! won my last 2 since fighting carl and feel the fight brought me up a level in spite of the result! Would love a crack at jonno too though!

i'll go for copestake to nick it on points, but think he might cut jonno with elbows! it'll be explosive though.

AND, for the record my good mate ANTDOG beat saab singh last weekend, so tell me why he cant fight either of these 2?!
i train with ant alot and yeah he went through a rough patch but he is hungrier and sharper than ever! FACT!

much love!

daryl plaza
Posted: 2010-10-31 08:35:50
Well done on that win ant. Think wat was been said was that when ant was fightin top names he wernt jus losin but getin beat up an against jono or carl, at the moment, good chance he will get hurt an peeps dont wana see that. maybe anothr good performance from him an b good to see!

Looks like this wil be a wicked show! James mcglone sounds good too be good to see him and that richie green is a monstrous guy wana see him get tested or doin damage haha.
Posted: 2010-10-31 08:36:48
semiknight what the hell you on you plum !!! yes my record isnt great iv won 13 fights and lost 8 buts lets look at my losses!!!!!! davy mac'jon dennis,shane cadagon,steven meleady,freacis maina !!!! i would fight every one of these guys again at the drop of a hat!!! well mabey not jd lol!! but the point is there is no shame in losseing to fighters of this quailty and im still learning and improving !!! i did 3 months in thailand and that did me the world of good and showed last week in my fight with sabb where i comfortbly won every round!! to say im not on carls or jonnos level is a joke and an insult !!!!
Posted: 2010-10-31 08:46:19
and as for the pikey jokes poor taste !!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 2010-10-31 09:13:30
Jonno V Carl sound like its gonna be a crackin fight,

Is the all styles tournament not happening anymore?
Posted: 2010-10-31 12:48:10
Jonno and Ant are in the same league both fight anyone put infront of them, both hungry to move up the rankings, both lost quite a few fights but also won alot and fought very regularly, and got better from each loss. I know jonno well and the lad lives for this sport and I think Ant's the same.

Having fought jonno I know he's no mug and he'll be a handful for carl who does have the experience on jonno. As a match maker for our promotions I'd match any of the above mentioned fighters with Ant or jonno except Jon Dennis lol.
Posted: 2010-10-31 14:01:37
what about john dennis v mccormic. i know theyve fought loads of times but theyve both matured as fighters.
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-10-31 14:18:14
semiknight, wainy is a very good judge. Stop insulting people, lets get this thread get back on track>
Can anyone match the following fighters?
Adrian Maguire, K-Star 53kg 3w 2L 1d
James McGlone, Spirit of Siam 53kg 13w 5L
Erica Tso, Team Tieu 55kg 1w
Sophie Hutchins, Thaitains, 55kg 2L
Mason Harris, Liam’s gym, 64kg 6w 3L
Sam Omomogbe, Liam’s gym 64kg 4w 1L 16yr
Barry Mountfort, K-Star, 75kg 5f
Pete Rai, K-Star, 78kg 3w 1L
Dan Edwards, K-Star 78kg, 3w 2L
Gareth Richards, K-Star 88kg 6w 4L
Nathan Epps, K-Star 69-72kg 3w 2L

Posted: 2010-10-31 15:25:35
spot on simon!!
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-10-31 16:08:02
yes good post Si,
Weaseldesel sorry I just reread your post. I have been unable to get any Karate or Kung fu guys to enter, so just a normal show now.
Liam R
Posted: 2010-10-31 17:21:30
McGlones had a long time out a fite with Adrian would be ok i reckon?

Steve are you matching Lewis Rolfe 64/65kg 0f age 16
Liam R
Posted: 2010-10-31 17:24:04
Jonnos deffo a traveller he travelled all the way down to Northampton today for our interclub, he then went home for a long soak in the bath (at his house) after 10 rounds sparring. (its not a motorhome)
Jonno + his dad are 2 of the nicest people i've met in the sport, totally nuts but love a scrap, his sister & neice were an absolute pleasure to have at our event too.
Be a good fight this one, both fighters are relentless, elbow fest for sure.
noel london
Posted: 2010-11-01 05:36:48
not sure why all the crap towards Ant.

He is a current Champ beating the tough and respected Saab Singh...has held a cpl of titles and fought the top guys at a few different weights...his most recent fight was a win - which after a few defeats in a row and a cpl of them being stoppages IMO shows a huge strength of character in wanting to keep getting back in and not allowing the demons to creep in...

sure have an opinion on the result of said fight but bit disrespectful with a few of the above comments.

Jonno vs Carl will be a good fight... as mentioned we'd like to match Francis with either after we get his title fight with Ranjit Dheer out the way but this thread is about Jonno and Carl (which will be very watchable!)

dont think anyone is so far ahead that any fight is a forgone conclusion as all names being mentioned are capable of beating the other on the day

JD (with respect) is too big - and (for whatever reason) hasnt been -61 the last cpl of times so possibly shouldnt be in the mix with above names unless above that weight) - again its not a slate or a dig just an observation and am just going on the weigh ins.... bar that its great that there are so many fighters in a cracking cpl of divisions here -59/-61

Lee Colville was ultra sharp when he beat Marc for the UKMF belt - i think personally he is the man to beat at the lower weights right now...again just my view

Posted: 2010-11-01 08:21:38
Carl also beat Marc in 3 rounds
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-01 10:17:50
Liam, Adrian Maguire and James McGlone would be a good match, but They are doing a bit of training together at the moment so that won't happen.
Good post by Noel, a true champion is one that keeps getting up. To have had a few losses is sometimes the end of a fighter, so fair play to him.
JD is not in this weight division anymore so as Noel says he should be out of the mix.
Lee Coville is probably the most high profile and exp, but in my opinion any of the following fighters could beat each other on any given day,
Carl Copestake
Jonno Chipchase
Anthony Ferguson
Lee Coville
Ross george
Francis manina
any match up of these guys could go either way.
Carl has beaten Marc Brown, Thomas McCormick, Saab Singh and these 3 would also be in the mix, but I think Thomas is also too big now.
I hope any of the above doesnt sound like a dig at anyone, I just think that they are all pretty equal and each would give anyone on the list a good run for their money!
daryl plaza
Posted: 2010-11-01 11:31:53
aint kyle fella around this weight too? he's strong young lad up an coming. defo see francis maina take on carl or jonno in the future, guy got dynamite hands! stacked weight divison! This wil be a wickd show
Posted: 2010-11-01 11:33:08
do you have to be english to get on the list?
adam hanuman
Posted: 2010-11-01 11:37:10
Kyle has fought Jonno about 18 month ago i think. Kyle won on points.
Posted: 2010-11-01 11:39:27
nahhh get in the mix keith :)
Posted: 2010-11-01 11:41:15
steve brown should be in there too
noel london
Posted: 2010-11-01 11:45:53
if being politcally correct prob add in Fensom, Meleady and Ranjit Dheer too but i think it was just going over the names in the thread rather than a definative list or ignoring anyone...

just echo's what a stacked area of the weight divisions this is

Posted: 2010-11-01 13:31:28
Any more predictions on Carl and Jonno?
Posted: 2010-11-01 16:15:14
GREAT WEIGHT division this one some good names in there like to see coville against top fighters including thai lads as he is at the top of his game and fight reg at lumpinee in thailand and does it alone , the boy is living his dream and loves it
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-01 16:22:08
Meleady Ireland and Keith M Scotland should be on that list, theres a few in Ireland actually.
Posted: 2010-11-01 18:01:32
id fight any of the above :-) 61kg
Posted: 2010-11-01 18:14:32
16 man tourney held over a weekend :)
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-01 21:51:00
the best weight for Carl is 59kg
adam hanuman
Posted: 2010-11-02 02:51:52
Loz Riley is strong at 58/59kg won a cracking A class bout against Philip Tieu last weekend.
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-02 05:49:44
yes Loz is good, he has fought on my show before, I think it was Phil's brother though, Phil is about 67kg
Posted: 2010-11-02 07:21:32
what weight is this fight set as? this could make a difference to the out come.
adam hanuman
Posted: 2010-11-02 07:56:38
Ah yes Steve you're right it was Matthew not Philip, doh!
Posted: 2010-11-02 09:16:29
what other fights are there?
Gary D
Posted: 2010-11-02 13:00:47
Lol at Kieth

I reckon robin and kieth could beat most of these guys
Posted: 2010-11-02 13:50:09
mtmadman .... i didnt jump down his throat he called them both gypos which they are not, thats not an opinion thats taking the piss !!!! ive been judging longer than a week and dont need to prove that i can judge to you, and yes so what if ive had a few fights won some lost some and been knocked out, people who know me already know that so thanks for your opinion and i already know the sport enough to sit and judge on top shows thanks......
and to semi knights post jonno is tough as old boots seen him take some right shots elbows knees etc etc and still keeps going hence why i think only a cut will stop him... if otherwise ill hold my hand up and admit i was wrong either way its going to be one hell of a fight and one i will enjoy judging !!!!
Posted: 2010-11-02 17:36:40
ok Gary, so will you be putting them forward to fight these guys at the start of next year? Jonno and Carl are no walk overs.
Posted: 2010-11-02 18:36:31
mercy man gary doesnt need to put keith forward, hes more than capable of doing it himself

so here i am putting myself forward :)
Posted: 2010-11-03 08:24:09
you'll have to get in line as there are a lot of people want to fight these 2. Fair play for steppin up though
Posted: 2010-11-03 08:35:42
I'm happy to fight any1, feel quite happy to even be mentioned alongside some of the names. Got a few lined up for next year so they'll have to get in line for a crack at m lol
Posted: 2010-11-03 10:15:54
This will be a great fight and ill be right there in Mr Chichases corner :) he is 1 of the nicest lads out there full stop (and his dad) yeah his record isnt the best but he is always there, and ive never seen him totally outclassed at all, his performance against the Thai in the superfly tourny springs to mind.

Kyle Fella should defo be mentioned in this mix, he beat Jonno and is strong as hell, only had 7 fights but he is going to be another Jordan Watson trust me, he already has the skill, just at that age (just turned 19) so has other things on his mind (sex, booze and well sex,lol) if he set his mind to it i personally think he would amazing.

Good main event Steve nice 1 mate.
Posted: 2010-11-03 10:26:04
The only reason Jonnos record looks bad is because he fights top names all the time. so now and then you will loose. he is a quality fighter to do this and take on any one. This is a good fight and not be missed. I'll be there and wont be blinking
Posted: 2010-11-03 10:47:53
Defo he's quality and fights quality fighters. Hence his record not being the best but the names hes fought speaks volumes abt his ability plus he's bonkers lol
Posted: 2010-11-03 15:44:12
i think Carl Copestake is the same from the fights he has taken. I think he has a better record though. he has beaten Thomas Mcormik, Ross George and Marc Brown. these are good guys.
Posted: 2010-11-03 16:27:12
cant argue there
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-03 18:01:51
I am quite pleased with how much interest this fight is creating and nice for Carl to get a bit of recognition at last. He has fought some good people, but because his style is unothodox I dont think people realise just how good he is. Jonno is a real tough opponent for carl, I think he is a bit bigger than carl, so it will be a really good fight.
The undercard is coming together now, but I am still looking to match the following fighters, can anyone help?
Adrian Maguire, K-Star 53kg 3w 2L 1d
James McGlone, Spirit of Siam 53kg 13w 5L
Erica Tso, Team Tieu 55kg 1w
Sophie Hutchins, Thaitains, 55kg 2L
Pete Rai, K-Star, 78kg 3w 1L
Dan Edwards, K-Star 78kg, 3w 2L
Rich Mullings, K-Star 85kg 2w
Posted: 2010-11-04 07:33:13
also Ryan lowney is a good fighter at this weight.
Posted: 2010-11-04 07:40:39

Ryan Lowney vs Anth Shelton

Picture from
adam hanuman
Posted: 2010-11-04 07:41:58
Didn't he get ko'd by Kyle at Oceana?
Posted: 2010-11-04 08:33:11
Yeah Adam 2nd round ko from Kyle, and kyle was walking around at 58 fight was 59, tbf Kyle should be fighting 56 he is just a lazy shit, lol. Also a month before George Berry beat Ryan comfortably on points at tower ballroom show.
Posted: 2010-11-04 08:36:39
Ryan put on a couple of bad performances and was unlucky but this happens to anyone in the fight game. He is a quality fighter and puts on a good show.
adam hanuman
Posted: 2010-11-04 08:44:24
I would maybe say he is a prospect but wouldn't put him in the top few bracket like Meleady, Davy Mac, Copestake, Chipchase, Stevie Brown, Loz Riley, Darren Oconnor, Kyle, Ant Ferguson etc etc
Posted: 2010-11-04 08:52:23
I would have to disagree. he is young and next year will probably step up and take on the big boys. I think he can do well against all of these if has been training well and his mind is right.
Posted: 2010-11-04 08:55:05

adam hanuman
Posted: 2010-11-04 08:57:25
Exactly, if he is going to step up next year and take them on and get in with the best then he will deserve to be held in the same class, fair play. However until he does that he will be regarded as a good prosepct.
Posted: 2010-11-04 11:18:08
Tbf they was not bad performances againt either Kyle or George, Geroge was just fitter and wanted it more and knows Muay Thai scoring and out kicked and kneed his way to a points win, was nothing to do with Ryan having a bad day.

And when Kyle fought him it was Kyle's first fight back after a full year out of the ring, Kyle had a rusty 1st round and then totally stepped it up and was far too much for Ryan thats all.

Its no disrespect to Ryan but i think it would be way too bigger a step up, but as it is i havent heard of him fighting since Kyle and if he has who he has fought so not sure that step up will happen just yet.

Now back to the topic at hand yeah? its about Jonno and Carl i like Carl, top lad and had a laugh with him at the Blackpool show, but really good mates with Jono and like i say will be cornering him so ill have £20 on Jonno, any takers??? :)
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-04 13:28:01
Ryan Lowney is fighting on this show too! Ryan will be fighting Sam Omomogbe from Liam's gym.
This time the fight has a limit of 63kg max. Ryan is definately a star of the future.
Also just Matched Nathan Epps (K-Star) V Matt Butcher (Phraya Pichai)
Nathan Bendon (K-Star) V Pindi Madahar (Liams gym)
This is shaping up to be a really good show.
Posted: 2010-11-04 14:02:54
Ryan vs Sam are both around the same age and height. This will be a great fight.
Posted: 2010-11-04 17:35:08
Ryan Lawney is pretty good for his age
Posted: 2010-11-04 18:35:28
Temporary Poster, official one coming next week.
Posted: 2010-11-04 18:37:28

Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-04 19:13:29
Cant wait for this show and jonno vs carl will be an all out war !! i cant wait !!
Personly i think Ryan can mix with the best !! next year we will see im not just saying this cuz hes from my gym but i rele belive he can !! he was set to fight Ant but the fight was called off. he lost to kyle and george yes fair enuf but there stil both top boys to fight ?
jonno has lost to a few top names dose that mean he dosnt deserve to be in the mix ?
no disrespect to jonno as i get on with him well and he is a great fighter !!
i do agree with Adam that Ryan is a good prospect still only 18 but i promis theres alot more to see of him !!!
Posted: 2010-11-04 19:15:55
He did fight Ant Shelton and Ant stopped him.
Posted: 2010-11-04 19:23:38
Andy what you wrote is kind of out of order but thats up to you. Ryan is a very good fighter and has proven it loads of times. He will do well against all of these that have been mentioned.
Posted: 2010-11-05 06:12:39
who won the fight with Ryan vs Jonno?
Posted: 2010-11-05 06:31:36
The latest poster for the show
Posted: 2010-11-05 06:32:07

Posted: 2010-11-05 09:38:05
who won the fight with Ryan vs Jonno? i know it was with shin pads on but who won it?
Posted: 2010-11-05 10:26:05
Ryan has got a really big challenge infront of him at the tower....
as briancal said he fought anth on the gfc bury show, ended with a body shot if i remember right round 2 or 3 ...
not sure who won with jonno and ryan is that the one that got a little heated ?? remember seeing a clip on youtube or facebook ...
Adrian Maguire
Posted: 2010-11-05 17:03:44
any predictions on the fights matched?
Carl vs jonno - copestake 4th round cuts stoppage
Nathan vs pindi - Nathan stoppage
Ryan vs Sam - Sam (he is good and Ryan is on a bad a run so he has got it stacked against him, close one to call)
Nathan epps vs matt butcher - nathan by k.o
Posted: 2010-11-05 18:01:14
Pindi vs Nathan - Pindi wins points

Jonn vs Carl - Carl wins by KO round 5

Ryan vs Sam - Ryan wins by KO round 3

Ryan beat jonno when thay fought.
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-05 18:13:13
I am still looking to match the following fighters, can anyone help?
Adrian Maguire, K-Star 53kg 3w 2L 1d
James McGlone, Spirit of Siam 53kg 13w 5L
Erica Tso, Team Tieu 55kg 1w
Pete Rai, K-Star, 78kg 3w 1L
Dan Edwards, K-Star 78kg, 3w 2L
Rich Mullings, K-Star 85kg 2w

rik callaghan
Posted: 2010-11-05 18:24:58
good look 2 both lads should b a good fite! good look 2 pete rai:o)
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-05 20:10:47
I have the tickets in now, so anyone needing tickets contact me ASSP
Tickets are just £25, any gyms wanting to buy in groups I will be offering a big discount on 10 or more tickets.
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-05 20:42:38
Pindi vs Nathan - Pindi on points

Jonn vs Carl - honestly dont know with theese 2 haha could go either way but ill go for jonno cuts stopage !

Ryan vs Sam - Ryan on points
Posted: 2010-11-06 08:41:04
cant see ryan beating sam if im honest and deffo not by ko.... have to be on his best performance as sam has put in some great perfromances in recent fights... tough one for ryan but its going to make a great fight....
Posted: 2010-11-06 09:26:02
cant see Sam beating Ryan if im honest. Ryan has beaten some good names like Jonno in the past an will continue to beat more.
Posted: 2010-11-06 09:36:23
how can people be saying Ryan isnt up with all the other lads when he has beaten jonno? people talk rubbish sometimes. Ryan is a good fighter.
Posted: 2010-11-06 09:45:24
Pindi and Nathan will be an exciting fight. Pindi is technical and Nathan is a scrapper. Nathan could knock Pindi out and has the power to but Pindi knows how to score really well.

Lmurphy people just dont want other that are not in the circle to do well and try and push them out. Ryan has had a few bad fights and people write him off and its not fair. every1 else is allowed to have excuses when they loose but if Ryan has one people dont except it. Andy lost to Dean James and said it wasnt himself but i think Dean is just better and out boxed him the howl fight.

Back to Carl and Jonno. If they come in at the same weight Carl will destroy Jonno. But if jonno comes in heavy like some fighters do him could win it.
Posted: 2010-11-06 09:48:14
Stop using my first few shit amature pillow fights as ryans main credential.
If u knew Him ud know Its embaresing.
He Got beat by best p4p up an comer in kyle.
Okay, goerge too but i beat george after an he beatryan comfy.
I rate ryan, he will prove himself.
He hasnt pro yet tho, i have.
Only one way me an Him wud go atm.
Back on topic Trolls,
Sam v ryan b gud, sam ko win, clinch 3 rd.
Im ready to fight carl
Posted: 2010-11-06 10:05:40
jonno vs carl will be a great fight and one that can go either way for a number if reasons...
sam vs ryan again will be a great fight but ive seen ryan die off towards later rounds of fights
best of luck to all fighting should be another good tear up at the tower
daryl plaza
Posted: 2010-11-06 10:14:24
seen ryan fight dutch guy on youtube, ryan dealt wiv him! good fighter. any otha fights been matched?
Posted: 2010-11-06 11:00:37
how is this trolling???? its an opinion and Ryan beat you FACT!
If some has won agaisnt a big name you can use the name to promote your record thats what fighters do. Ryan has been unlucky with his last performances thats all.
Adrian Maguire
Posted: 2010-11-06 11:08:01
Not the thread to use but maybe a jonno and Ryan rematch in 2011?
Posted: 2010-11-06 11:58:03
sounds good to me. id like to see jonno or George Berry vs depesh desi. Carl Copestake vs Ryan Lawney
Posted: 2010-11-06 12:00:33
I would like to see that next year Jonno vs Ryan 2. Wainey why dont you get back in there and take on some of these guys. wasnt this your weight too?
josh turbill
Posted: 2010-11-06 12:17:17
Jonno would stop Ryan with body shots IMO, the few times I've seen him fight he's been stopped with shots to the body.. He's always looked sharp and skillful until he gets hurt then he doesn't want to know!! I honestly feel jonno would be too much for ryan if they fought!!
Josh x
Dean Ford
Posted: 2010-11-06 12:28:36
Is Ryan vs Sam A or B class?
Posted: 2010-11-06 12:50:23
Maybe Ryan has the style to beat Jonno. Styles make fights. I don't think it will be long befor Carl Copestke will be number 1 for his weight
Posted: 2010-11-06 13:08:04
I think Carl has a really good thai style and good technique and will probably outscore Jonno for this reason. Carl is relentless and won't stop for nothing. It will be real quality fight and finish of the year with a high for thai boxing. I've watched quite a few of carl and Jonnos fights and they both will have great futures regardless of this result.
P.S Rai
Posted: 2010-11-06 13:19:37
I Wana fight on this show....
adam hanuman
Posted: 2010-11-06 15:07:47
How come people can't just agree to disagree? Just because people don't have the same opinion doesn't mean they have to start bitching at each other eg: "Wainey why dont you get back in there and take on some of these guys. wasnt this your weight too?"

What's that all about? People have differing opinions and thats fine. If you can't stand to be told something you don't like the sound of then leave the room!
Posted: 2010-11-06 15:35:48
adam shut it, cant agree with ye there. if people want to bitch at each other then thts their business
adam hanuman
Posted: 2010-11-06 15:37:13
Erm no I won't shut it! What is it you dont agree with?
Posted: 2010-11-06 15:41:51
fk knos, just wanted to see what ye wud say lol
cos really i do agree with ye
adam hanuman
Posted: 2010-11-06 15:44:51
Just don't see the point in it boiling down to personal insults, because one of the trolls doesn't agree with Wainey they then start to question his fight record and tell him to get back in the ring, why???

Anyhow, this weight division is quality, loads of lads in the mix to make some class matches for the future!
Posted: 2010-11-06 15:48:36
defo, mibbe get a few of those myself b4 i retire
chris podesta
Posted: 2010-11-06 15:53:57
didnt think ryan lowney was fighting anymore?also dont think he will fight elbows. nice fight to watch though.....if elbows sam will win i think. sam is an awkward fighter.
Posted: 2010-11-06 21:05:38
HANG ON! youve got me wrong here adam!!! I said that to Wainey because he was a good fighter and would do well against these people. I haven't bitch and i haven't trolloed. I understamd if you made a mistake if you misread my post as people make mistakes but i dont like being acused of things. I enjoy all the fighters mentioned above and i dont like people talking bad about Ryan as he is a good fighter and tries hard!!!
I dont want any trouble and I enjoy discussing Muay thai and kick boxing.
adam hanuman
Posted: 2010-11-07 04:17:04
Fair enough, but what you might also have missed is that nobody is saying anything "bad" about Ryan. They are just voicing an opinion as to wether they regard hin in the top few of his weight catagory. Some do, some don't. I was at a show recently to watch one of our fighters and actually heard a lad sat behind us bad mouthing one of our fighters beofre the show started. I didn't say anything and didn't need to because the fighter in question came out and won the fight, the person sat behind me became suddenly quiet. :-)
Posted: 2010-11-07 09:34:52
sam lost to sala from my club in both of there first a class fights at 65 !!! wicked fight sam is tuff as nails but sala was far to slick on the day!! from what ive seen of ryan think sam mabey abit to much for him but should be a good fight
Posted: 2010-11-07 11:44:09
Anthoy Ferguson had a bad batch getting knocked out by a lot of people and people are still behind him saying he is in the mix so people are doing the same with Ryan. Ryan is also a slick slick fighter and will dance circles around Sam!!! I think also a fight between Antony Fergoson and Ryan would be good to.
Posted: 2010-11-07 12:01:45
Ok adam thats fine.
What about James Mcglone against Che Nan from Shinkicks gym? That would be a good fight.
Posted: 2010-11-07 12:39:40
L murphy you said carl has a real good thai style you been smoking something he might be a game fighter but that is not a thai style fighter
Posted: 2010-11-07 12:53:41
marcfreefight Carl has only lost 1 or 2 fights one to John Dennis and has knocked most of his opponents out!!! Carl is one of the best elbow fighters i have seen.
daryl plaza
Posted: 2010-11-07 12:57:08
Lol marc! carl gets stuck in, roughs peeps up and takes care of bizness! ha he aint a technician, but what he does works for him! ent that why they call him crazy man
Ryan Lowney
Posted: 2010-11-07 13:20:11
:D glad to see im not forgotten
Posted: 2010-11-07 14:17:22
mercyman the reason people r backing me is that i was beaten by some of the best uk fighters and came back with a win against another ranked fighter so thats why im still in the mix! and for the record i havent been knocked out by loads of people i was knocked out by john dennis and steve meleady!!! and tko by francis maina and shane cadagon!!!!!
Posted: 2010-11-07 15:29:54
A TKO is a stoppage so goes on there record as a KO. Ryan has lost to ranked fighters to. He hasn't just fought nobodys and lost to them. In my opinion he would beat you. Not saying it would be easy but its just my opinion. This is agood show with a top card. Jonno and Carl, Ryan and Sam, Bendon and Pindi. Can't wait for it. Good luck Ryan and Carl.
Posted: 2010-11-07 15:46:45
yes it does work for him same goes for his bro but the beautiful boxer they are not, but it work for him at that level
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-07 15:48:48
This is all very interesting... i hope a few of you will be buying tickets to see how they all get on LOL.I am still looking to match the following fighters, can anyone help?
Adrian Maguire, K-Star 53kg 3w 2L 1d
James McGlone, Spirit of Siam 53kg 13w 5L
Erica Tso, Team Tieu 55kg 1w
Pete Rai, K-Star, 78kg 3w 1L
Dan Edwards, K-Star 78kg, 3w 2L
Rich Mullings, K-Star 85kg 2w
Posted: 2010-11-07 15:52:42
ok fella well we will av to wait n see ay!!! thats the last ima say on the matter !!! good luck to carl n jonno and good luck to sam and ryan
Posted: 2010-11-07 16:29:29
lol @ me fighting these named, maybe if i cut off a few limbs... there all -61kg fighters , im not haha...
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-07 16:41:11
Salah beat Sam by a round, Sam was in control until round 4 where the weight started to tell majorly, Sam was 62kg last fight and we were told on the day weigh at 65 but they changed to day before so Salah was massive and he took rounds 4 and 5 big to win the fight correct decision but im proud of Sam stepping up to A class british level in his 6th fight against Salah who is older heavier and more experienced. At 16 im only looking for experience for Sam, Ryan is a class fighter so this oppourtunity had to be taken, sma is tough as nails and dominated Danny Crompton agt the reebok on 48hours notice at age 14, i do not think he will be stopped no chance at all it will be a good fight Sam hasnt a mark on him and was in the gym like a madman the day after 5x3 fight lol. again with Pindi he is clever and strong but never ever been rocked before so to say he will be KOd is a bit strong Nathan is more experienced so it will be a hard fight but im not interested in easy fights for any of my guys win or lose not important as long as they perform well, look forward to this top show and will be helping my mate Jonno too.
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-07 16:59:32
Right then ....
Me and lowney are realy close mates same gym ect...
he has not been included in the 'mix' fair enuf IMO he deserves to be but still
get back on to the topic.
mercyman i know your sticking up for Ryan but you are stiring it if im honest no disrespct mate but lets get back to the fights that are happening :)
All the best to.. Lowney,,jonno,,carl nd bendon !!
Posted: 2010-11-07 19:08:00
ant thats cool and i think you are a great fighter.
Ryan mate i'm not stirin it i just want to give my opinions and loyal support to Ryan, oh and you on this one aswell? This show is gonna be sick. Carl and Jonno is goin off!!
Andy Gayleigh
Posted: 2010-11-07 20:39:55
Jonno is a top fighter. I can see him picking Carl off an stopping him in the later rounds. I agree that Carl is only a fighter and not a Thaiboxer. Thats why i see Jonno knocking him out.

Ryan v Sam??Never seen Sam fight but heard good things so im lookin forward to tht. Ryan is a bit of a runn away fighter kind of kick boxing styl. very flashy and quick though.

Pindi has never been rocked??? hasn,t he only had 2 or 3 fights??? he,s not really been tested.

Good luck to all the fighters
Posted: 2010-11-08 04:19:21
You are right I don't think Pindi has had many fights and hasn't been tested yet. I think Nathan wil giv him a good fight. It doesn't if carl is or isn't a good thai boxer, he is knockin people out and winnimg fights.
Posted: 2010-11-08 04:49:53
i think sam is a star of the future, i only ever seen him at an interclub but god he looked good. he was leathering everyone. i dont know ryan at all or have seen him but i think sam is/will be an absolute monster and would give a real hard fight to just about any one!
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-08 04:52:59
Pindi has fought in MMA too and took some heavy shots in 4oz MMA mitts, hes got a decent chin on him. Im not saying he will win or lose just stating its a bit harsh to say he will be KO'd when the lads got a decent chin, bit like when Dean James fought Howson everyone saying Dean would get KOd when hes never even been counted before.
Posted: 2010-11-08 08:22:53
Good point Liam. 4oz gloves that's small! But it is just an opinion and that's it really. They can say that Pindi will get knocked out in the first round but it doesn't mean it's going to happen. I'm saying Pindi wins on points.

Dean against Andy was a sick fight!!! Dean destroyed him. He's so good I don't think any one can match him at the moment in Europe.
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-08 08:49:23
thanks, everyone entitled to an opinion just find it funny when its a little uneducated and people are saying he/she will get KOd.
Dean has a tough fight in Doncaster against the dutch guy who stopped Trainor so that should be good.
Posted: 2010-11-08 09:00:33
I can't see him beating Dean. Dean is to technical for this lad. I think Dean is the best in Europe at the moment. I want to see him fighting some more Thais though to see how he gets on with them. I don't think in all the fights I've seen him in he has never fought with a thai,
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-08 09:05:12
I dont think anyone will get knocked out in either the Jonno V Carl fight or the Pindi V Nathan Bendon fight.
I think they are 2 evenly matched fights and as far as Pindi and Nathan go will be great experience gaining fights that will help them both progress. Carl and Jonno will be a very exciting fight.
As Liam says, I also don't want easy fights for my guys and these are not easy fights. carl hasn't really gotten the credit he has been due with some very good wins over very good fighters. Jonno is a well liked fighter and people will talk about the fight and give Carl some more exposure.
Pindi hasnt had many Thai fights, but he has been training for years and is much better technically than Nathan who has only had 2 adult fights, so this is a big step up for him.
I'm sure that these 2 fights will be pretty close and a good clash of contasting styles.
The rest of the show is also coming together now and looks like its going to be one of the best at the Tower this year.
Posted: 2010-11-08 09:10:13
I just got beat this weekend on points by marsiuz cieslinski in poland whos headlining k-1 max show in warsaw and has many credentials
(ex world champ few times,300+ fights,beat fairtex fighter,fought for wmc european title, ko'd brown ect),
Im eager to get a win again just as much as carl.
I guarantee this will be a great fight and im coming to win.
Posted: 2010-11-08 09:12:43
oh i took it on a week and a half far fitter for carl
Posted: 2010-11-08 09:12:53
Both coming off a loss so there will be fireworks.
Can't wait
Andy Gayleigh
Posted: 2010-11-08 09:16:25
unlucky on your loss Jonno. I'm sure you can come back stronger for this one. This fight will be a good one to get you back in the game. Knock him out! ;)
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-08 09:40:10
Both Jonno and Copestake always in entertaining fights so this one will be a war
Posted: 2010-11-08 12:22:54
Not been on here for a while and im supprised at how someone bite's so much for no reason? Mercyman if you want to have an opinion that is totally fine, i dont give 2 fucks what you think about myself,or my opinion but a few things, 1 put ypour name up so people no who you are, dont hide behind a false name so you can chat shit and get away with it, and 2 dont bring up my name or any fights of mine seen asd they have nothing to do with the thread what so ever. Im gunna be at the show if youve anything to say to me im sure you no my face seen as your ok to chat away about me so come and speak to me face to face about it please yeah?? I wasnt out of order about Ryan, nor did i slag the lad in anyway? i stated facts about 2 of his fights simple as that, you said he didnt perform? i disagree cause have seen him fight a few times and he started awesome against George at the tower, and came back strong in the 4th after having a bad 3rd like i said George outscored him, is that an insult? no its a fcat hence him not getting the win. Against Kyle Ryan clearlt took thew first round, then 2nd got ko'd, again fact not harsh so get your facts right. And Dean didnt batter me at all, he won the fight by a round on the score cards, i no i asked to see them afterwards, the last round i thought and my corner thought i was behind and i went out to try take his head off and failed miserably and he kneed me all over manchester, i made no excuses so read up on that aswell, other people close to me and who no me said i wasnt myself, not me, i just said i thpught id fought shit. So like i say come see me at the show and speak to me before you chat about me yeah? Ryan good luck it will be a good fight and the whole show looks wicked Steve nice 1, Ryan you go read what i put you'll see i wasnt slagging you at all.

Jonno and carls gunna be ace, a right war, another guy who should defo be at the top of this list of names aswell even though he is a little bit lighter than these guys is Jordan Calder, only 17 but beat Jonno when he was only 14 (sorry jonno it was a long time ago i no mate.x) Just fresh off a dominating win over Arron O'Callaghan,And beat Ant Shelton for ukmf british title on the 1st MSA show, yes he is a good mate and family friend, doesnt mean i dont no a shit hot prospect when i see 1.
Posted: 2010-11-08 12:31:58
It was years ago but still 5x3's mate ,
still relevant cus it was pro.
Aha fuck making 57 again tho ,my leg couldnt make that
Adrian Maguire
Posted: 2010-11-08 12:35:07
Andy do want to bet? I'll have £20 on carl copestake if your interested
Posted: 2010-11-08 12:45:39
Adrian are you fighting mate? Yeah im on it £20 on Jonno :) ill see you there pal. x
Adrian Maguire
Posted: 2010-11-08 12:54:06
Havnt been matched as of yet! Make sure you pay up before you leave ;-)
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-08 13:30:22
Adrian even tho it was a 5a im never betting with you again hahaha !!!
Posted: 2010-11-08 14:55:37
Always pay my debts mate ;) just make sure you dont do a runner, ha ha.
Andy Gayleigh
Posted: 2010-11-08 14:57:06
Andy what you wrote is a bit silly as you say people bite so easily and you have done exactly that. It comes across as a threat and that is not good coming from your possision as a world champion. If you don't care as you wrote in your text, if this guy thinks you got beat up by Dean why have you written about it again.
I also think by looking at the thread that mercyman is a local to Birmingham as he knows so much about the fighters in this area and is supporting them too. I don't think it would be good to throw threats around to a local guy in his own area.
I respect what you have done in Thai boxing but the best thing to do on here is to ignore things like this and don't take the bait when it's been thrown out.

Posted: 2010-11-08 15:58:51
another one that i dont think has been mentioned yet is darren o connor, he would give most at 59 a tough time! and obviously danny taylor when he gets back fighting over here is defo one of the top guys at 59
Posted: 2010-11-08 16:33:00
aw ffs , we'r gony be lookin at a 32 man tourney soon, we'll need qualifiers at this rate lol
Posted: 2010-11-08 16:36:18
Ryan number1
Posted: 2010-11-08 16:39:26
Andy where did i exactly thtreaten anyone?? Thats right you wont find that because i havent simple as that, ive mad a simple comment that if you want to talk about me then please say it to my face rather than on here when your a nobody with no profile thats all, it isnt a threat in the slightest, its a request.

My possision as a world champion has nothing to with anything involved in this, and yes i am bothered about the comments, not cause of the loss, everyone losses i have only lost to the best and thats what counts. Im pissed cause Dean is a very good friend and we had this conversation only a few weeks ago that we are sick of people coming on spouting shit with no profiles, there will be a rematch and it will be a different fight, not saying the outcome but the fight in general cause we both found it awkward the first time cause we never thought we would ever fight and it was strange, but been there done that game on. Regardless of that my comments to a no profile dont have anything to do with this thread or you, im stating my point and thats that. No lets talk abouthow good the show is going to be cause thats what the thread is about, oh and i have also heard from a member of Ryans camp who has apologised for mercyman whoever it is cause theyve no idea and Ryan himself knows there is no harm, slagging or badblood meant by my comments and thats all that matters to me.
Danny Taylor
Posted: 2010-11-08 16:51:43
Cheers Davy ;) not long lol..
Andy Gayleigh
Posted: 2010-11-08 16:56:57
Didn't say it was a threat I said it comes across as a threat. Why have people got to say it to your face? What difference will it make? Obviously theses nobodies with no profiles are becoming somebodies because you let them annoy you.
I don't want to knock you but I just don't think it is worth responding to these people.

Great looking show good luck and respect to all fighters.
Posted: 2010-11-08 16:57:58
Infact i retract both my earlier posts, ive been in the game too lonmg for this rubbish and yes i shouldnt let it wind me up but im passionate about it and it does, sorry if i offended mercyman but would like you to come see me at the show, no knobheadness just like to no who hates me, lol.

That is the first and last time you will EVER see me write something like this so enjoy it folks. x
Posted: 2010-11-08 17:06:52
no way andy i aint going no were near you!!
Just joking i'll come an say hi maybe get a photo if im lucky.
no hard feelings
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-08 17:07:47
Bloody hellll hahaha
i swere this is a thread about carl vs jonno ?
personly i think this as one to far now Mercyman you must be a brummy eh ? as your sticking up for lowney wich is nice of you but honestly he dosnt need it Ryan is 1 of the nicest lads in the world who dosnt care what people think if he fort ppl were slagging him off he would laff and more thn lightly put a comment on here ?
iv spoke to Ryan and hes said hes bein reading this so it shows he dosnt care and just wants to let the fighting do the talking !!!
thats that 1 done lol....
next topic :P

Andy Gayleigh i think you got the wrong end of the stick mate Andy was only saying if any 1 has a promlem with him or his views he would rather people say it to him instead of over an internet fourm.

now then i hava only seen around 4 predictions so keep em rolling haha !!
Ryan Lowney
Posted: 2010-11-08 19:15:41
lol im just happy my names being mentioned :)feeling famous
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-08 19:20:08
as i said above ^^
i know that kid too much :P
jo young
Posted: 2010-11-08 19:29:08
jesus !! coley, your such a tea bagger could your tongue be any further up everyones arses
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-08 19:31:53
and you are ?
Lowney is one of my best mates and from the same gym am i not alowed to big him up ?
cheers for your input tho it ment the world :)
jo young
Posted: 2010-11-08 19:34:30
your not just rimming your mate but everyone else.
and you are ??
who the fek are you ?
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-08 19:37:44
Ryan Coley as you see on my profile i even have pics :)
and who else's then eh ?
you dont know me i love the way you think u can decide what i am ;)
a tea bagger gose down quite well tbh cheers
Posted: 2010-11-08 19:40:23
Andy i see what your saying and agree hence why retracted what id said, but if youd stated that in the first place instead of the whole "you as a world champ" thing it would have made more sense to me but all done and no probs either way.

Mercyman no hard feelings ive been reading keyboard warriors comments for the last 12-13 years now thats all and they can piss you off, especially when about you and a close friend and no ones understands (if you catch my drift?) wasnt been funny in the 1st post just took it a bit to heart apologies and defo no hard feelings at all, come see me and we'll have a beer and if you really want a pic you can get 1 with me and Deano seen as he chinned me eh? lol ;)

Coley good comments full stop and Lowney you no i wasnt been a twat towards you just mho mate thats all, i wish you all the best.

Now anyone else want me to take there money off them eh?? :)
Posted: 2010-11-09 08:02:31
i'm feeling the love in this room now! why don't we all stop fighting and take off our shorts and groin guards and be free..................:-)
Posted: 2010-11-09 08:19:22
I think i like mercyman now the nutter, lol

Jo young simmer mate i no Ryan Coley he isnt rimming he is just trying to keep the peace whih tbf he is the youngest 1 and seems to be the most sensible seen as me and you caused trouble, lol. lets just leave it all no yeah boys? After the fights youll find me and mercyman pissed up pants off at the bar, haha. x
Posted: 2010-11-09 08:24:07
This topic is great. Thai Boxing, arguments, gayness and love.
Carl copestake to win!
Jo Young keep up the good work you are funny and bring a lot of laughter to Ax
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-09 15:59:12
lmurphy watch it u si some think nice about some 1 jo will think your rimming !! hahaha
Posted: 2010-11-09 16:09:17
ok Ryan thanks
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-09 16:17:32
no probs just doing my job :)
Adrian Maguire
Posted: 2010-11-09 16:45:29
This is an awesome thread! Going to be an awesome night! And jonno and carl has got the making of a fantastic fight! I hope your all going to get your tickets for this one!
jo young
Posted: 2010-11-09 19:13:07
Thanks lmurphy the first troll fan. lol I was once part of a one man band but due to musical differences i split up. Maybe i will now pretend to be a Thai boxer like Ryan and buy my self some toys'r'us belts just like his, i might even stretch to a photo for my profile as well.
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-09 19:26:01
sounds good to me mate :)
toys'r' us blets hahaha tell u what kid ur funny !!
tell you what mate you stick to 1man band u might get a bit further than being a thai boxer :) better still you could be a comedian
chat soon.
love you !!
dean jay
Posted: 2010-11-10 02:52:50
Pindi vs Bendon, right pindy is a good friend of mine and find it quite funny that people believe pindi will get ko'd. Pindi isn't just techniques he is a really tough lad that is improving with every fight, never seen him rocket by anything.

I havent seen Nathan ko'd many people by punches at all so wondering where this point has come from?

Nathan is a very good fighter, got a really nice explosive style. This is gonna be a great fight both are young and up and coming lads and both fight out of very good gyms.

Jonno and Carl will be a war, both very tough fighters and cant see either of them backing up a step, i admire the fact that they will both fight any body infront of them. very different styles and both are exciting to watch. jonno is very cool and picks his shots really well. carl is very awkward and unpredictable, who has a high work rate and all out attacking style........yet again another great match.

Ryan vs Sam

Seen Ryan fight a few times now and does seem to get better and better with every fight, he has lost a couple to some of UKs best but i like the fact that when he loses he doesnt moan or find excuses he just gets on with it. he has really good timim on his kicks and long knees and with his height can cause alot of problems for people. i watched him fight a lad from snipers and really did pick him apart from the outside and put in and outstanding performance.
sam is young tough and very hungry for success, he is freakishly strong for his weight and really can hit. at such a young age he is showing just how bright his future is gonna be in the sport.sam has a very good style and moves around the ring like he has had 30 fights. really enjoy watching both of these fight so im over the moon they are fightin each other. yet again another good match.................well done steve!

Nathan Epps for me is one of the stars of the future, seen him fight a few times now and really like his style. with his height and timing on techniques can make it very difficult for opponents to get any where near him. after fighting a hard fight with billy i think his confidence will grow more and now believe just how good he is. really nice fella that is going on to big things. never seen matt butcher,but fighting out of shawn bolands gym i expect he will be very good and have a nice style, it will be a crackin fight.

dean jay
Posted: 2010-11-10 03:09:15

not sure how me and andy got dragged into this thread but imo it was a bit unfair to say 'destroyed him' it was a very close fight which both me and Andy know. Andy is a brilliant fighter and had some great matches. we have spoken several times about the rematch, have a lot of respect for Andy AKA Peter Pan lol.

Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-10 04:43:58
andys post was spot on

the last round i thought and my corner thought i was behind and i went out to try take his head off and failed miserably and he kneed me all over manchester

i think this was a good decision to try force a count in the last round either that or it would have had to be a massive round scoring wise which on the night didnt seem to be happening look forward to the rematch for sure as i do any fight with andy or dean in it against anyone.
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-10 04:49:41
with ref. to Sam v Ryan i have only seen Ryan fight once which was against bi-Curious George Berry which was a good fight.
Sam has only had 5 fights but mixes it with good company and although naturally 62 gave a decent account against a much bigger Salah at 65 and was not phased at all with fighting 5x3 full thai.
At his level of experience and age fights against quality more experienced opposition like Ryan are a win win for Sam, he doesnt know who Ryan is, didnt know who Salah was and didnt know who Danny Crompton was or even what the reebok or is LOL he just turns up at the gym and cracks on with what he needs too. I wish i was his age again i usually cant walk for a few days properly after a 5x3 fight and he was in the gym sunday morning after fighting saturday night A class, jealous!!!
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-10 05:47:25
Added some more fights
Nathan Epps (K-Star) V Matt Butcher(pHraya Pichai),
Oliver Osbourne (Evolution) V Pawel (Bradford),
Barry Mountfort (K-Star) V Kieon Fredricks (East London)
looking like a great show
Posted: 2010-11-10 05:50:29
agree with deano , nathan epps deffo going big places
Posted: 2010-11-10 07:50:43
Nathan Epps (K-Star) V Matt Butcher(pHraya Pichai) Epps by KO

Oliver Osbourne (Evolution) V Pawel (Bradford) Osbourne by KO

Barry Mountfort (K-Star) V Kieon Fredricks (East London) Dont know these two but i will go with the k-star boy.
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-10 07:59:59
Deano it says Phraya Pichai not Chao Phraya? who is Shawn lol poor old Shaun
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-10 09:29:45
Some good points by Dean. i said earlier that I dont see either the Pindi v Nathan or Jonno V Carl fights ending in a KO.
These are good fights for all the fighters as they will get lots of experience from them.
Matt Butcher is from Phraya Pichai in bury St Edmunds. He's a good fighter who has fought full thai rules befores, so will be a good challenge for Nathan epps.
nathan Epps is a very good prospect. The reason that he is good is that he trains all the time and listens when he is given advice. He is always learning and will be very good in the future, but he has some hard fights in front of him before he gets to the top.
I will have a few more fights confirmed in the next day or two.
Posted: 2010-11-10 10:05:37
Cheers Deano, love you too :) i shal see you and Robbo there. Lets be honest i did get knee'd into the floor and back in that last round it was funny as shit, you actually took me off my feet with 1 of them as i dived in from egypt with a left hook, lol. Rematch will happen 1 day just need dates and availability sorting out cause both got things on at the min.

Really looking forward to the show now not long :) good work on the match making Steve.
Raf Hussain
Posted: 2010-11-10 14:12:34
Show is shaping up nice, some good fights there.
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-11 13:41:44
Tickets have been sent out to all the gyms now.
I am offering a discount on all group bookings of over 10 tickets please contact me 0121 331 4074.
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-13 03:27:29
here are a few more of the fights that have been confirmed for Sunday 28th November.
Jonno Chipchase, MFA V Carl Copestake, K-Star

Sam Omomobge, Liam’s gym V Ryan Lowney, Pythons

Kieon Fredricks, East London V Barry Mountfort, K-Star

Matt Butcher, Phraya Pichai V Nathan Epps, K-Star

Adam Armstrong, Super Gym V Kieran Fortune, K-Star

Chirayute Steele, Stoke V Shayan Mohammed, K-Star

Tom Holland, Thaitans V Trev Walker, Phraya Pichai

Sophie Hutchins, Thaitans V Emma Pennington, Mersyside KB

Charlie Brough, Thaitans V Joe Godden, Banbury

Oli Osbourne, Evolution V Rich Mullings, K-Star

Tickets are on sale now £25, call 0121 331 4074
Posted: 2010-11-13 10:14:23
is Pindi still fightin Nathan?
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-13 10:55:02
Yes he is, I can't believe I left that off the list

Pindi Madahar, Liam’s Gym V Nathan bendon, K-Star
kalida man
Posted: 2010-11-13 11:48:21
is Shayan Mohammed a good fighter?
P.S Rai
Posted: 2010-11-13 12:48:09

And The Plot Thickens :-)
Adrian Maguire
Posted: 2010-11-13 12:56:41
Kalida man, is shayan Mohammed a good fighter?

If you come to the show you can judge for yourself :-)
Posted: 2010-11-13 13:04:29
yeah he is.
I fought him last week and he beat me on points, very good fighter.
kalida man
Posted: 2010-11-14 04:32:45
Posted: 2010-11-14 07:47:18

My last fight against current Iska world champ.
took it week and a half notice.
ill be alot fitter for carl but i learnt alot im gunna bring to this fight.
This is going to be an awesome show!
cant wait for sam vs ryan either , epps , ect ect
Posted: 2010-11-14 09:36:05
what did you learn jonno?
Ryan Meehan
Posted: 2010-11-14 10:30:58
Probably how to loose lol
Posted: 2010-11-14 11:37:09
No serious Jonno, what will you bring to this fight??? how do you see the fight going and do yoiu have a game plan?

Ryan Meehan why dont you fuk off
Posted: 2010-11-14 12:30:12
He will bring a Scandle jumping knee!
Ryan Meehan
Posted: 2010-11-14 12:57:44
mercyman i will try but it will be hard.
I was just kidding about the Jonno comment.
I think he is a great fighter and I am sure he will put on a awesome fight.
Is the fight rules knees and elbows to the faceand head
what isa scandle jumping jnee lol
and can some one explain toys'r' us blets please
Posted: 2010-11-14 13:24:13
I learnt alot.
I let it all get to me, when if i didnt i believe i could of won.
I didnt listen to my corner 100% either.
Im glad i had it before the carl fight because i respect him
100% and i want to beat him.
I dont see it being stopped if its not on cuts.
Everyone saying he will ko me, iv never been dropped,
in gym or otherwise. So i dont get that.
And i know hes tough so will be hard for me.
he has fought good people but i dont think cieslinksi or deachkalon or audley or ect ect ect are that bad either lol.
im coming , fitter than i have been throughout this year.
With a tough loss under my belt against a current world champion with 300+ fights whos headlining k-1 in a month.
and im coming to set it right with a W.
And i see it going to war.
whoever trained hardest will win
Raf Hussain
Posted: 2010-11-14 13:35:13
I like the confidence jonno, not seen you fight yet but should be a good fight between you and Carl. Good luck to you both.
paul pearson
Posted: 2010-11-14 14:05:23
Confidence is king:)
Craig HLTK
Posted: 2010-11-14 15:57:44
strange to predict Jonno will be KO'd when he has never been put down???

some logical predictions on here, and some not so logical ones lol. I predict Jonno to win by stoppage, has great resistance and hits I'm biased towards a fellow Mancunian!

No disrespect to Carl, also a great fighter - just my opinion.
Posted: 2010-11-14 16:19:09
Jonno's nails folks, he has foughht big hitters and ive never really seen him hurt so saying he will get sparked is a bit far, Si Audley, Kyle fella,Jordan Calder have some whacks on them and he's never been rocked, ive seen him counted once and that was from Deachkalon who is a top class fighter.
Craig HLTK
Posted: 2010-11-14 16:29:24
Couldn't agree more!
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-14 16:33:11
Jonno has some ridiculous batfink ribs of steel too aswel as granite chin. I think cuts from elbows could be the key in his fight, both love to throw them, jonno can dishearten a lot of fighters you can hit him with kitchen sink and he will keep coming he is insane a bit like howson but better tattos haha
Posted: 2010-11-15 03:36:55
Only 1 better tattoo mate ;) lol.
Posted: 2010-11-15 03:54:57
exactly! How can Jonno get knocked out when he has never been knocked out before and he is from Team Scandle? Duh, some one that has never been knocked out before can't get knocked out full stop! Some of you lot are really stupid!
Posted: 2010-11-15 04:11:21
Did we say he cant be knocked out? no think you will find we said he hasnt been, or hurt, or rocked etc so its silly to just assume he is gunna get sparked by someone who isnt a big puncher. Anyone on the planet can be ko'd thats a simple fact no stupiddity about what we said, its just pointing something out. Seen as your so quick to gob off why dont you put your money where your mouth is? you can have Carl to win Ko ill Jonno to win points.
Posted: 2010-11-15 05:29:11
So are you saying Carl Copestake isn't a big puncher?
If you read the thread correctly Andy I said Carl will out score Jonno and probably win on points.
I like both fighters but I think a lot of people underestimate Carl Copestake. He doesn't look like he hits hard but all the people he has fought say that he does.
Posted: 2010-11-15 05:56:38
Im referring to your last post.

"exactly! How can Jonno get knocked out when he has never been knocked out before and he is from Team Scandle? Duh, some one that has never been knocked out before can't get knocked out full stop! Some of you lot are really stupid"

i made a simple statement that Jonno is nails, youve turned it into me saying basically that if your in team scandal your invincible, get a life. TS wasnt even mentioned and is nothing to do with any of this, Jonno is a mate, and he is nails fact, Carl has had a good roll of late and it will be a good fight and im not slagging Carl when i say he isnt a big puncher, how many ko's has he got with his hands?? All Steve's guys are good boxers and all round good fighters with a good style my point is im sure most of Carls stoppages have come from his awkwardness and mental elbows, as stated on here by a few people this fight will prob go distance and if anyone of them does get stopped im betting its going to be on cuts more than anything else.

Posted: 2010-11-15 06:07:23
Awkwardness? Carl is skilled and knows how to win a fight.
Posted: 2010-11-15 07:38:32
But his style is awkward, not traditional style all im pointing out.
Posted: 2010-11-15 09:51:38
not always a bad thing was a lad from our gym, very nice guy but not very talented,i used to avoid sparring with him as was so awkward.
Posted: 2010-11-15 10:16:13
I'm not saying he isnt talented though, just that his style is awkward, and if you ask anyone he has fought they say the same, wasnt a bad comment i was making.
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-15 18:23:55
Jonno is nails. Carl has beaten some very good fighters, he hasn't had many punch KO wins, he did beat Depesh from shinkick with punches, but did cut him earlier with elbows.
A very close, tough fight for both of them.
I am still trying to match the following fighters, can anyone help?
James McGlone, Spirit of Siam 53kg 13w 5L

Erica Tso, Team Tieu 55kg 1w

Pete Rai, K-Star, 78kg 3w 1L

Dan Edwards, K-Star 78kg, 3w 2L

Posted: 2010-11-18 16:20:07
Andy, i dont think you have followed many of my brothers fights because if you did you would know that he has knocked out 60% of his opponents........

This will be a great fight i have alot of respect for Jonno as he is a wicked fighter but im afraid i will obviously be backing my brother and beleive that no-one can underestimate him.
Posted: 2010-11-18 16:21:53
Andy, i dont think you have followed many of my brothers fights because if you did you would know that he has STOPPED (sorry) 60% of his opponents........

This will be a great fight i have alot of respect for Jonno as he is a wicked fighter but im afraid i will obviously be backing my brother and beleive that no-one can underestimate him.
P.S Rai
Posted: 2010-11-18 17:37:56
aint i getting it on with one of the EVO lads, at lower weight?
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-19 08:00:24
Anyone got a 63kg 4W 2L for B class on this show?
Posted: 2010-11-19 11:55:54

have you fought carl?

andyBC, is fair in what he's saying! Carl is skilled and can win a fight, but his style is awkward or unorthodox! call it what you will, its not a putdown it works for him! He comes in at angles and throws things from everywhere! simple as.

Was speaking to si audley today at the super fights weigh in, and even he said he hit jonno with a hayemaker square on the jaw and couldnt drop him. Same as jonno, iv'e never been stopped or dropped and carl hit me pretty hard once or twice, and i think everyones seen the pic of me swallowing his elbow!! lol

i think elbows will be key if theres to be a stoppage, but id just love to see 5 rounds of all out bloody war and the best man winning on points!
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-19 13:16:07
It is just over a week until my show at the tower ballroom on Sun 28th Nov,
i have some great fights lined up, but as usual, I have had a few pullouts this week, so I still need to match the fighters
I am offering a great ticket deal, Please Call or email me asap. 07866365963
Steve Logan

Pete Rai K-Star 78kg 3w 1L
Dan Edwards K-Star 78kg 3w 2L
Patrick O'Sullivan F's 80kg 0f
Colin Reeves Evolution 75kg 4w 1d
Dean Reed Thaitans 68kg 3w
James McGlone Spirit of Siam 53kg 13w 5L
Sam Omomogbe Liam's gym 64kg 4w 1L

Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-19 16:21:45

Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-19 16:22:46
Copestake and Manchester’s Jonno Chipchase. A lot of people have been giving their opinions on the internet about who will do what to who. But the two fighters have been pretty quite and no knows what they think.
So Adam Boyce recently interviewed both Carl Copestake and Jonno Chipchase.
Below is Carl’s interview, Jonno’s will follow.

How are you feeling about your next fight at the Tower Ballroom in Birmingham on 28th November against Jonno Chipchase?
Carl Copestake. ‘I’m feeling fit and ready, I can’t wait.’

Are you looking forward to fighting in front of your home crowd?
Carl Copestake. ‘Yes I am I haven't fought at home for 2 years.’

In your opinion where would you say you are ranked in your current weight category?
Carl Copestake. ‘In my opinion I should be ranked 3rd or 4th.’

What do you know about Jonno?
Carl Copestake. ‘I know he is a good technical fighter, I have a lot of respect for him’.

How important is this fight to you?

Carl Copestake. ‘Very important, I lost my last fight in 2 rounds so I need a good victory.’

How do you see the fight going?
Carl Copestake. ‘It will be a war but I am confident that I will win’.

After this fight, who would you like to take on next?
Carl Copestake. ‘I would like to fight Lee Colville next and hopefully knock him off the top spot.’

Is there anything else you would like to say to any one or about the fight?
Carl Copestake. ‘It will be a good fight for both of us and a great way to end the year.’

Thanks for your time.

Posted: 2010-11-20 14:03:17

Lets not forget you weighed in a couple of kg heavier than my brother and he had only trained 2 weeks for you,

I dont think it would be wise to underestimate him, as he is fighting someone who is at his weight for a change and this time i assure you he has been in training solid for the past 2 months.
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-20 16:54:42
Yes, Carl is in great shape for this fight
Raf Hussain
Posted: 2010-11-20 18:06:32
Carl "the crazy man" Copestake : ) good luck with the show Steve and good luck to all the K-STAR lads.
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-21 09:25:46
Thanks Raf.
Here is Jonno's interview

How are you feeling about your next fight at the Tower Ballroom in Birmingham on 28th November against Carl Copestake?

Jonno ;I'm feeling great, trainings gone well.
I never really have alot of sparring but this time i have so i will be extra sharp and extra fit.

Will it have any impact on your performance fighting away from home?

Jonno :No , not atall. Iv never fought at home.
I think 90% of my fights have been against home favorites, i love it like that though.

In your opinion where would you say you are ranked in your current weight category?

Jonno : I'm not sure , there are guys with more experience who have done more, up and comers slamming it.I'm raking up the experience and have done good this year apart from a slip up or two. I think with the top 8 anyone could beat anyone on there day, so i wouldnt place myself above anyone until iv proven i can beat them in my own heart, although i know on if im on form, not many are unbeatable.

What do you know about Carl?

Jonno: Carl is cagey, strong , tough , unorthadox , but most importantly hes underestimated, and i wont be underestimating him like a few people might after his last fight. He's done big things, and hes one of the top lads at our weight , tried and tested. Anything can happen at that level, look at Dicks Vs Kueblin, could of been a war , could of been dicksie all day , but it was Kueblins day to break through with those few hurtful shots that did the damage early. And lets not forget he lost against John Dennis, who in my opinion will be one of the biggest names to come from England in the years to come.

How important is this fight to you?

Jonno : All my fights are important to me this year, they'v been about proving my place. I had a slip up, i went in against a very fit, deserving brad who i felt at the time i should of been able to beat with my experience, but apart from that iv beaten the other three fighters iv faced at mostly heavier weights and lost against deackhalon sinbi gym in a wmc tournament who was a world champion ect and lost against marsiusz cieslinski who is still iska world champion on a week and a half notice, both points and not out of my grasp. This is to prove , to myself and to the people that support me that you dont need a massive gym to be the best fighter you can be , just the heart. Im coming to prove im one of the best against one of the best.

How do you see the fight going?

Jonno : war , plain and simple. Im not going to back up and niether is he.
We're going to meet in the middle and whoever has trained hardest will win.

After this fight, who would you like to take on next?

Jonno: Anyone my managment (fightstar promotions) want me too.
Although id love a rematch with cieslinski on home ground with prep time, id enjoy fighting Francis Mania or Marc Brown or any of the top lads really. Keep fighting the best to prove thats what i deserve to be.

Is there anything else you would like to say to any one or about the fight?

Jonno : Good luck to carl in his last week prep , i hope hes 100% so whoever wins deserves it.
I want him to be at his best so when i claim his place there will be no doubt i deserve to be there or he still deserves to remain there with all the up and coming tallent trying to break through.
either way it will be fireworks and ill buy him a drink after he punches my face off .

Posted: 2010-11-21 12:12:24
carl says he would like to fight lee coville next and i no lee would be up for any of these two fighters if it was worth it for lee . but lee was fighting at british level ten years ago and wonts to go forward lets not forget lee is a current world champion ,but he is keen to fight in england again but for at least a european belt maybe that back street brawler jonno has ,
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-21 13:03:04
anyone available 62-66kg to fight Sam 62kg 4W 2L?
Raf Hussain
Posted: 2010-11-21 15:34:50
Mike Bains MeeGee who fought y'day at superfights normally fights around 63 also David Gumbly from Johhny T's Bolton same weight used to fight for K-STAR said he was meant to fight, work your magic Liam : )
Adrian Maguire
Posted: 2010-11-21 15:59:55
I know david gumbley is fighting the 5th December in Bolton, mik bains might be a good one if he ain't got any injurys
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-21 17:16:31
marcfreefight, Lee covile fought for the BRITISH title on sept 19th in Swanley, so he is still fighting at british level.
Lee is a friend of mine, so i dont want this to start getting personal, but i think carl would give him a very good fight.
carl has beaten marc Brown (who lee beat for the title) twice.

I will contact mik about fighting sam, dave g is fighting on 5th dec.
Posted: 2010-11-21 17:55:30

Yes mate, i came in a little heavier but that was down to miscommunication. Ended up in the sauna and was 62 at final weigh in, and your bro was 61 i think so i dont think there was any diff in the end. Im comming in at 61.5 now for my fights since and comfortably making that and will fight at 61 in the new year now. Anyways, carl has all my respect and i loved our fight and hope to get it on again. Wasnt being funny in any way mate, just giving my thoughts having been in there with him, and no he shouldnt be underestemated!

Its all love, and will be a cracker whatever happens!
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-22 05:54:25
Sam has already fought Mik mate so still looking for a 62-66kg to fight Sam 62kg 4W 2L
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-22 11:49:54
still looking to match all the fighters listed above.
P.S Rai
Posted: 2010-11-22 17:35:43
Steve Logan :

i have some great fights lined up, but as usual, I have had a few pullouts this week, so I still need to match the fighters
I am offering a great ticket deal, Please Call or email me asap. 07866365963
Steve Logan

Pete Rai K-Star 76kg 3w 1L

Dan Edwards K-Star 78kg 3w 2L
Patrick O'Sullivan F's 80kg 0f
Colin Reeves Evolution 75kg 4w 1d
Dean Reed Thaitans 68kg 3w
James McGlone Spirit of Siam 53kg 13w 5L
Sam Omomogbe Liam's gym 64kg 4w 1L
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-23 05:45:49
Steve Logan :

i have some great fights lined up, but as usual, I have had a few pullouts this week, so I still need to match the fighters
I am offering a great ticket deal, Please Call or email me asap. 07866365963
Steve Logan

Pete Rai K-Star 76kg 3w 1L

Dan Edwards K-Star 78kg 3w 2L
Patrick O'Sullivan F's 80kg 0f
Colin Reeves Evolution 75kg 4w 1d
Dean Reed Thaitans 68kg 3w
James McGlone Spirit of Siam 53kg 13w 5L
Sam Omomogbe Liam's gym 64kg 4w 2L
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-23 07:00:36
I have just had another pullout for this sunday (28th Nov) can anyone match
Adrian Maguire, K-Star 54kg 3w2L1d
Posted: 2010-11-23 16:32:49
hi steve yes your right lee did fight for the british title . that was his come back fight in this country but has been fighting at higher standard in lumpinee and in holland . his last fight in this country before that was against rob storey which lee stopped in the second round and still he got overlooked and rob went on to fight for european and world titles . so yes lee did fight that fight for the british title but his standard is better than that not forgeting he has a world title . and as his manager ramon dekker say should be fighting for world titles .

good luck with the show on sunday looking like a great night we will see you there thankyou.
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-23 17:01:02
yes i agree lee has been overlooked a bit too.
i think part of the reason for that is as you say he mainly fights abroad, so we dont get to know what he has been upto.

Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-25 11:59:10
I have finaly managed to match Sam Omomomgbe with Dean Reed from Thaitans at 66kg. Should be a very good fight.
3 days to go and 12 great fights lined up.
marc brown
Posted: 2010-11-26 07:33:59
carl is very akward and would give anyone a hard fight. good luck to both lads. it should be a cracker!
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-27 10:43:14
Weigh in went well, couple of guys had to skip off, but all ended well. looking good for tomorrow.
Posted: 2010-11-27 13:55:00
Anyone having a last minute flutter? will have a cheeky one on either colin reeves or ollie osbourne to win if any k-star lads fancy it? ;)
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-27 16:42:47
can't wait !! i predict more than fire works !!!
Posted: 2010-11-28 07:59:29
Looks like another great line up, nice one Steve!.

Good luck to Dean, Charlie, Sophie and Tom from Thaitans!
Posted: 2010-11-28 15:34:52
Any results yet anyone?
Darren EFC
Posted: 2010-11-28 16:24:44
just had a text saying Chipchase won points, well done Jonno x
Posted: 2010-11-28 17:16:59
This is a genuine query into the Nathan & Pindi fight. First what a fight best I've seen on B class show in a long time.

Ok Pindi got the decision and I'd like an explanation on how...... I don't claim to be judge but the understanding I have is on effect, balance and how it's delivered etc now a majority of Pindis kick where thrown with him off balance where as Nathan's were delivered sharper and with him in balance, also going with effect Pindi was physically shaken on a number of occasion's with Nathan's punches. In my opinion what Nathan did in the fight fitted what I feel I've been told for a number of years on how to win a fight.

Just one more thing after talking to Tony for an explanation on why & how, he said he couldn't comment as he was refing so watches the fight differently which is a fair comment so I asked Liam Robinson who is Pindis trainer again he said it was close fight and Pindi had asked him after fight did I win and Liam said his response was he wasn't sure. The score cards didn't reflect a close fight as they were 49/47 on two of the judges & 49/48 I believe the other was. This isn't a dig it's genuine query as to why and how?

(excuse any spelling mistakes and grammar etc I'm doing it off my phone lol)
Posted: 2010-11-28 17:17:07
well in jonno!
Karl Hanson
Posted: 2010-11-28 17:28:14
yeah buoy !!!!! get in there jonno.
josh turbill
Posted: 2010-11-28 17:49:53
Awesome jonno, made up for you bro!!!
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-28 17:51:49
nathan vs pindi ..
personly i think nathan won 100% with no iffs no buts in it !! nathan was scorning better,,allways going forward and was sharper and roked pindi a few times ?
the fight was eletric tho and had every 1 on there feet 1 !!!
Posted: 2010-11-28 17:54:58
Just read my post back and the first sentence may come across no way is it I'm just eager to advance my knowledge.
paul pearson
Posted: 2010-11-28 18:10:28

Your question seemed a genune one to me and didnt appear rude in my opinion.

I didnt see the fight your refering to(sounds a good one) but we will always have controversy and different opinions on results wont we,not a bad thing I dont think,same happens in Thailand and elswhere in the world.

I think its great that you are still wanting to learn,question and understand after all your time and experience in our sport,your a great example to us all.:)
josh kaoloi
Posted: 2010-11-28 18:24:48
Well in Jonno!
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2010-11-28 19:44:02
Full results and how did johnno win ? cheers
Posted: 2010-11-28 19:47:27
It says a little further up sandy mate
Posted: 2010-11-28 19:48:57
I could go into this with a long winded effort but id be here ages .... pindi vs nathan was a brilliant fight, and yes nathan did manage to rock pindi with a couple but everytime he did pindi hit him with something that scored, near every punch thrown from nathan was answered with a well timed kick across the body from the way nathan was stretching for the punch, you could almost tell alot that nathan was looking for a knock out blow and sometimes was out of range and got kicked or threw the punch and got kicked at the same time, the times pindi got slightly rocked he stepped in and kneed, pindi got knocked back by punches and came back with kicks and punches both fighters were really good and to date thats the best ive seen nathan perform but in my view he was outscored and by no means a clear win but enough to win the fight
it was my card that was 49/48 pindi winning 3 and 4 nathan winning 5 but not big enough win in 5 to take the fight overall.

on another not brillaint performance by lee johnson from pra chao suua, most technical display of the night from start to finish...
and jonno the nutball chipchase .... well done mate on a well deserved victory
Posted: 2010-11-28 19:52:04
oh and Ryan going forward all the time doesnt mean that you will win the fight you can win a fight going backward the whole fight aslong as you keep scoring .... and that fight was never one sided with one or the other always attacking ...
Posted: 2010-11-28 20:04:04
I still disagree a little Wainey as Nathan didn't only through punches he also delivered good body kicks of his own which I recall were more solid when thrown and at times were not answered by Pindi and I recall Nathan more often than not returning a majortiy of Pindis kicks with his own. When you said Nathan rocked Pindi and Pindi countered with something that scored wouldn't the punches that physically effected the boxer of out scored the body kick or would it still go in favour of the boxer that threw that body kick at that time?
Lee Green
Posted: 2010-11-29 00:50:16
Bloody hell It was my little girls bday wkend and I totally forgot about the show well pissed off hope it all went well
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-29 02:13:50
Pindi is a nice guy and fought his heart out, so I dont want to get personal or anything.
Nathan was also kicking and moving Pindi with his kicks too.(I have been to told that this demonstates effet)
What the problem is, is that we are often given the analogy of a muay thai fight being like a race and who ever is strongest at the end is the winner. Well if you watched the last minute of the last round, then Nathan clearly won as Pindi was out on his feet.
It was a fantastic end to a great fight. I dont think that Pindi did enough to win.
Posted: 2010-11-29 03:13:51
we could go on about this back and fourth about who kicked and who punched.... half of pindis kicked sent nathan across the ring .... yes nathan scored well and with strong technique but so did pindi... im not going to get into a long debate over it because i gave it the way i saw it as i do every fight i judge but so did the other judges, near enough every result last night on points was unanimous....... i think pindi won i gave it to pindi by 1 point thats my view thats how i judged it thats what ill stick by.....
Raf Hussain
Posted: 2010-11-29 03:54:51
If a fighter kicks across his opponents body with effect & his opponent counters with punches with effect, how is that scored? equal or does the kicker get the edge? I'm not having a dig, I want to learn. I also thought Nathan won so would like to know where i was wrong.
Lee Green
Posted: 2010-11-29 04:24:38
Well done jonno unlucky Carl both great lads and a credit to the sport!

Damien have you got a new walking stick yet ;-) lol
Lee Green
Posted: 2010-11-29 04:30:58
Steve Logan says

"What the problem is, is that we are often given the analogy of a muay thai fight being like a race and who ever is strongest at the end is the winner"

Lol that old chesnut again god i love our sport :-)

Hope the show went well bud sorry I didn't make it my little girl birthday she kidnapped me and held me ransom at the bear factory ;-)
Posted: 2010-11-29 04:32:22
As I said it was a genuine query as I saw it the way I did which is why I asked Tony & Liam on how.... I usually discuss some of the fights with yourself and Dean when the show ends but didn't get a chance to last night. No doubt we'll get to discuss it at some point :-)

A great show though and pleased with the performances from the k-star lads and what an atmosphere during the Narhan v Pindi haven't seen at armosphere at the Tower for a long time.... My voice is really gruff this morning from shouting
Posted: 2010-11-29 04:54:44
No worries Damien I'd b more than happy to sit with you and watch the DVD be loads easier to go over it that way than working off memory .... As a judge you can only give it the way you see and what you see yourself it's how I've been taught and how I judge regardless if ultimately I'm right or wrong I give my decision based on what I know and always will.... As I said it's the best I've seen Nathan fight to date and yes the atmosphere was electric it was a brilliant fight from the 1st bell to the last
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-29 05:03:33
Was a very exciting fight, started off very fast pace both were fit and sharp and went non stop for 5 rounds. To be honest both performed better than i thought they would and above their level of a handful of pro fights, no doubt at all this was worthy of an area title or even an English.
As Damain says both him and Pindi asked me who i thought had won and i said to Pindi it was a very close fight and hard for me to tell from the corner, i had pindi definitely ahead going into the 5th round from some of the body kicks he was landing when Nathan was punching, ive no argument at all that Nathan won the 5th round but im unsure as to weather he did enough to turn the bout around, Nathan scored with punches and with a low kick as they were showing clear effect. Atmosphere was electric and both fighters such nice guys, Nathan came to say thank you to us and Pindis crowd lifted him up in the air and were cheering his name, i cant wait to see the DVD. Totally lost my voice from shouting at the 3 i cornered but it was hard to be heard in the last bout. Would make an excellent rematch considering there are no draws in title bouts.
Massive thank you to Steve for the oppourtunity and to Nathan for a fight that Pindi will have learnt more from than all of his previous bouts collectively.
It was a top show, i was very proud of young Sams performance against a bigger older opponent with real KO power who has taken out a couple of guys completely. Really cool and great timing from Sam and showed killer instict to finish his man off when he had him rocked.
Damian il go halves with you on some throat sweets, im feeling it today.
Bring back WMTO, Steves association was the best and lets use laceup gloves please! Dont let kickboxing kill our sport.
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-29 05:05:18
Massive congrats to jonno mate u stuck to the gameplan eventually when u listened! Good performace, now you are starting to benefit from all you have learned in the hard bouts u took prior to your recent wins.
Ravi Rawji
Posted: 2010-11-29 05:43:13
From my point of view I think Nathan should have won this fight it was close, but to be honest Nathan fought amazingly for that area title, the judges (N)... Very disappointed tbf, I think a re-match for the area title would be a good idea? Nathan has got a very big heart and he gave it all his best from my point of view.. Round 4 and 5 Nathan was doing Superb, went non-stop he got pindi off balance and got some great kicks on him, I just don't know what went on (N) Nathan is an excellent, talented fighter! I think a re-match is in order. Both done great kicks and punches but tbf I think Nathan should have won this fight.
Posted: 2010-11-29 05:54:10
Nathan had a good 5th which he won but i think Pindi edged more of the rounds, very close decision but fair play to both lads hell of a fight! Hope this dosent drag on as it takes some of the shine off a great show.

Maguire V Johnson was a good fight also, Johnson took it at a weeks notice and looked clinical. Hope Maguire comes back strong from the loss.

Epps looked good again, defo one to watch out for also.

Enjoyed the show, 12 fights so much better than the Marathons i have seen at the Tower before and a new walk way :)
Ryan Meehan
Posted: 2010-11-29 06:41:17
Very good show. I thought Natahan Benden won imho but i think maybe the judges were influenced by the crowd. Natahn was punching Pindis head off at time and he was all over the place so that should score all the way.
Sam Omogoby was amazing. He set a fast pace and stuck to it and worked for him. He has a big future in Muaythai.
Jonno and Carl didnt really live up to the hype. It was interseting at times but with neither landing anything to take a win. would not want to see a rematch.
In all it was a great card with some great KOS also an amazing atmosphere. i will be at the next one.
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-29 08:24:40
just reading this back, and as wainey says I can see this going back and forth and taking it away from what was a great show and there were some great performances that don't need to be buried by a debate about judging.
I think nathan won, so we will agree to disagree.
Jonno was very good, very strong and clinical. I am going make sure that Carl fights below 59kg from now on, at this level the extra weight makes a big difference. Well done jonno.
Lee Johnson was excellent against Adrian maguire, he did take it a weeks notice, but was due to fight 14th Nov, so was already fight fit and a little heavier. A Very strong fighter. One to look out for.
nathan Epps was also very good. (Very pleased with all the K-Star fighters)
I agree 12 fights was good. i prefer 8 fights, but too hard to achieve with pullouts etc.
A big thank you to everyone that supported the show and helped to make it another great show. Thanks to all the fighters, Instructors, the IKF and especially my team of helpers who always make sure that the show runs smoothly.
Posted: 2010-11-29 20:16:49
First of all I need to say well done to Steve Logan. What a great show and what a great person. This was the first Muaythai show for some of my students and they were amazed. Steve you are a credit to Muaythai in Birmingham and the Midlands. The Tower Ballroom is a fantastic venue and you host some of the most exciting fights.

There was one shock towards the end of the show and that was the decision of the last fight. I think talking about this would not take any attention away from such a great show. There for I am going to say that I believe the decision was wrong and Nathan Bendon should have recieved the nod. From round three he took the fight to Pindi Madahar scoring well and keeping composed. I don't recall Nathan being kicked across the ring but what I do remember was Nathan hitting Pindi with some ferocious punches and nearly removing his head from his shoulders lol. Nathan also landed a lot of rib kicks and countered back with a lot of rib kicks followed by flurries of punches. Round 4 was close but I think what won him the fight was how well Nathan performed in the 5th. He kicked Pindi to floor at the start of the round and nearly knocked him out just before the bell went. I do not understand the margins from the score cards. Prehaps a seperate thread is needed for this topic to continue. What I found most amazing was the support shown for Pindi and Nathan with no trouble at the end even though the decision was incorrect. Great sportsmanship from every one.

Another great quality of Steve Logan is finding and matching some of the best up and coming fighters for his events.

Sam Omomgobe, Nathan Epps and Lee Johnson will no doubt be some of the biggest attractions in Muaythai in the following years to come. They all won by knock out and looked incredibly good. They performed like veterans and my students were suprised that all of the just mentioned have under 10 fights each to their names.

Once again, well done to Steve and all fighters and Instructors that participated at the event.

Sandy Holt
Posted: 2010-11-30 00:04:36
ok and back to Results (full ? ) isnt any? 12 fights ? 12 results Please :-))))))))))))))))))))
full names and gyms etc: thankyou kindly
Damion where are they? you said up above ??
where ? lolo :-p or should i or u go specsavers? lol chees btw
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-30 07:52:50
there was massive support for both fighters and they were all very merry from the booze all night but they all matched the respect the 2 fighters showed eachother in the ring that night which was good to see.
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-30 07:57:50
jon barwell
Posted: 2010-11-30 10:00:11
Looking at the video nathan was robbed
Posted: 2010-11-30 10:23:51
Mr Maguire dont you go forgetting my money next time i see you :) hehe. Congrats Jonno and Steve and the boys on what looks like a great show, somethng came up and i missed all the action at both shows this weekend :( gutted.
Posted: 2010-11-30 11:07:37
Jbramson and jon barwell clearly thats why your not judges then .... you have your opinion and fair enough but your not sat there judging the fight and taking all the critisiscm, its easy to say you think someone won and have a moan about judges as everyone always does but they never seem to do any actual judging themselves... its a non thanking job but theres a reason why steve uses us again and again , ive said why i gave it the way i did and Pindi did win the fight ...
Posted: 2010-11-30 11:16:07
I wanted to go this but had to see jonno vs carl but well done to jonno on his win, would love to see the vid of that. Nathan an pindi does look a close fight, but there will always be controversy of whose won on close fights like that and arguments will just go on and on.
Posted: 2010-11-30 11:16:46
I wanted to go this but had to work, really wanted to see jonno vs carl but well done to jonno on his win, would love to see the vid of that. Nathan an pindi does look a close fight, but there will always be controversy of whose won on close fights like that and arguments will just go on and on.
Posted: 2010-11-30 11:24:53
ive just watched that video and although not the best angle and to me it still clear that pindi won ....
Dave McAteer
Posted: 2010-11-30 11:35:05
for what my view is worth and you can't really judge from a video but...

49-48 Red
Adrian Maguire
Posted: 2010-11-30 11:37:43
Congratulations to lee Johnson! That's the hardest I've been kicked my ribs are sore, next time I'll block.
spoke to jonno at the show and he is deffently a character, he fought really well and he is just simply nuts :-) lol
nathan and pindi was eletric! I fought nathan had won but all good fights have contravousey.
and not forgeting Mr Howson, I really don't want to give you this money but the next show I see you at I'll pay up :-( lol
Lee J
Posted: 2010-11-30 13:17:02
Many thanks for the kind comments regarding my fight with adrian Maguire,and Adrian best of luck for your future bouts mate. Cheers
Posted: 2010-11-30 13:17:16

photos now going online ...

Big thanx to sean for covering the show ( due to mt pot leg lol )
Posted: 2010-11-30 15:43:52
I hate doing this but I've been asked.

First of all great fight!!!

I had Red winning, not sure if I would even have given blue the last round as the punch for me evened that round up. But as the overall score should reflect the fight, probably would have given it on the night 49-48 as it was a great effort. I would strongly recommend watching the video with a judge who can talk you through why some kicks scored and others that on the face of it where the same did not.
kev b
Posted: 2010-11-30 16:00:54
Pindi lost. What a joke. was Don king involved in the Promotion
Posted: 2010-11-30 16:24:04

round 3 brigsy , i have round 2 too somewere but thats it ,
plus i dont wanna add too much until a little while after the dvd is out
Posted: 2010-11-30 16:37:54
brilliant post kev b .... care to back up why pindi lost with an analysis so we can share your view of scoring too ...
Steve Logan
Posted: 2010-11-30 17:30:04
Can i ask a serious question?
What has happened to the anology of the fight being like a race and the fighter who finished strongest wins the fight?
Has that changed now?
Also who was you asked by Darren?
Liam R
Posted: 2010-11-30 17:43:13
we have accepted a rematch and that will be that, while people are not slating either pindi or nathan still happy to comment on this one.
was way too involved on the night to be able to judge it but from the video footage pindi clearly won the fight, he was ahead going into the 5th and nathan needed a big round to take it and it was not a fight turning round.
keep this to red and blue and a scoring debate if possible as both lads fought their hearts out and real nice lads.
Posted: 2010-11-30 17:46:24

Yes the analogy of a marathon or running race for judging Muay Thai holds true. In other words the boxer who wins by the biggest margin over the whole fight wins. As such it is not just counting up the number of rounds but it is also important to consider the distance by which a round is won. Finishing strongly is important (i.e. if a boxer is edging the fight they can give it away by seriously fading in the last couple of rounds and losing position). A fight can be turned around in the last round, depending on how far their opponent was ahead "in the race".

It is important that judges not only the number of shots landed are considered, or necessarily how aggressively they are thrown, or how powerful they are perceived to be, but importantly their effect on an opponent. As such balance and maintaining position are a very important considerations. A kick (punch, knee, or elbow) may not actually be that powerful, but can score very well if it is delivered with good timing, such as when their opponent is off balance.
Posted: 2010-11-30 18:06:39
Alright Tony mate

This is what i wanted to go over....the impression im under is as you said its not the amount of shots but how they delivered and what effect it has on the other boxer. Now me looking at it on the night and even the video the red corner started each round well and landing well but the blue corner finished the later rounds stronger the kicks that were thrown were delivered sharper and had more of an impact on the red corner, red also looked physically tired and staggered and wasnt the sturdier of the two.

So to me what you have said in the second paragraph is what would give the blue the nod for me.....but as i said id like to sit with either yourself, Wainey or Dean & go over it ill explain what see and vice versa so i can understand as on the night i felt a little hard done by.

Close fights are always a bigger lol

Posted: 2010-11-30 18:07:32
always a bugger i mean lol

Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-11-30 18:12:01
iv watched the fight 4 times now and i do think the fight was alot closer than wat the score cards read !!
48-49 to the red if im honest
Posted: 2010-12-01 03:19:27
Hi Damien mate,

I will definitely look at the video asap and judge the fight (just pushed for time at the moment with work and no car). When I have done that, I will be very happy to discuss with you why I came to my decision, whatever it is.

I remember it being a close fight and a quick cursory look is not appropriate for me to decide who I feel won and I need to look carefully to judge it properly. It was a great fight and both boxers should be proud of themselves. The rematch will be a cracker. I am also happy to ask a Thai judge to the fight from the video if it helps the learning process.

Whatever I consider the outcome to be, I do have to support all the judges on the night, who I know would have judged the fight as they saw it and without any deliberate bias.

It is also interesting to note, those independent judges who have come up with red winning a close fight (Steve Broome, Darren Phillips, and Dave McAteer) have all passed a rigorous judging assessment and are all experienced judges. Whatever the decision, both boxers have learned something about themselves from the fight.

It was great to see the atmosphere of anticipation and excitement at the tower. It even rivalled some of the great nights there from the past.
Ryan Meehan
Posted: 2010-12-01 03:29:49
Who did they pass rigorous test with?
Posted: 2010-12-01 03:38:34
Initially a three hour assessment that included judging 10 fights (previously judged by Thai officials) and they had to get a minimum of 80% the same as the Thai judges to pass. Most of the judges who have posted got higher than the 80% minimum (as did all the judges on the day).
Posted: 2010-12-01 03:41:51
Nice one for putting that little snippet of the fight up. lovin the constant pressure on him jonno. cant wait to see full fight. Will ya be stickin it up on youtube
Ryan Meehan
Posted: 2010-12-01 03:42:25
Didn't really answer my question though did it. who took the course. oh and Wainey you are a bit stuck up saying to people thats why you are not judges. Well you know what they say, Those that can - do. Those that can't - JUDGE
Posted: 2010-12-01 03:56:20
Do you mean who administered the assessment? or who delivered their initial training? Although they did the assessment and training at different times, in most cases that was me.

LOL..all the judges on that that particular fight on the night are actually all good fighters.

I think sometimes the replies and responses from judges can get a little heated as they do get considerable stick and often little praise for doing a difficult and often thankless task.
Posted: 2010-12-01 04:04:59
BTW Ryan, your assessment of the fight 48-49 to red was exactly the same as Wainey's card on the night.
chris podesta
Posted: 2010-12-01 04:05:17
i wasnt there, and have watched the footage. Also like to add i also judge all around the uk.
i would give that fight 49-48 red
Posted: 2010-12-01 05:01:23
i'd go with red too, altho blue had a big last round it wasnt enough to overhaul the good work done, in the previous rounds, by red
good fight though

amd big well done to jonno.
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-12-01 05:32:40
Tony i know 1 judge gave i 48-49 but im sure 1 gave it 47-49 ? it was closer than that im sure u will agree ?
Ryan Meehan
Posted: 2010-12-01 05:34:26
Wainey a good fighter??????????
Never mind.
Funny that, Ryan says he thinks Natahn won then he changes his mind. I think you will find most people will say 49-48 red corner before they even see the fight. Funny taste that.
chris podesta
Posted: 2010-12-01 05:41:44
why would people say something with out seeing the footage...
your profile suits thats for sure
Ryan Meehan
Posted: 2010-12-01 05:44:05
Read the end of my post.
Posted: 2010-12-01 06:25:50
unsure about the decision as i have no clue about scoring, but it looks like a great fight. will be a good match up again in the future!
Posted: 2010-12-01 06:51:25
Wainey, whay so rude and why so defensive?
I am appalled at your comments. I have trained and fought around Europe and Thailand and for you to just throw a phrase out saying that is why you are not a judge is very, very disrespectful. I expected better from some one in your possision but I can see I was wrong and at least I am man enough to do that.

I have watched the Video and I still think BLUE corner should have won the fight.
If it is possible and the Instructors and fighters are willing to do it again there should be a rematch and maybe with three different judges from three different organistaions, providing they will work together.

Posted: 2010-12-01 07:02:27
Three different judges from Dif orgs for one fight?
Tony ms crew is the best judgin crew with the phillips's
Tony himself and s few others.
They judge proper thai.
Iv been on both ends of there decisions and evenclose fights
Or fight i believed id won at the time i sumbitted to therescotes
Instantly because they are the most consistent.
They are the best.
In close fights u can argue either way and seem valid.
Let them fight again , settle the. Score.
No bickering to take away. From there fight.
Damein trainor is the classiest guy ,
I cannot believe how humble the man is coming on here
With no grudge askin for an exp.
Tonys guys the Same too.

Best performance wss sam o , nathan e, an lee.
Such class.

Thanks to carl , and steve for a great show an fight
josh turbill
Posted: 2010-12-01 07:39:33
Gotta' feel for Wainey, he always seems to be the point of attack on a number of threads. In spite of the fact he has other highly qualified judges backing him up, he continuously seems to get the sharp end of all the criticism!

I've honestly never met or spoke to Wainey before, so this is just an unbiased comment overlooking what I've read!!

Josh x
Posted: 2010-12-01 07:47:36
Wainey is a top fighter/judge/bloke
Liam R
Posted: 2010-12-01 08:12:04
If it is possible and the Instructors and fighters are willing to do it again there should be a rematch and maybe with three different judges from three different organistaions, providing they will work together.
I am Pindis trainer and I am happy for a rematch to happen with a different organisation and different judges.

On a side note, Wainey takes a lot of stick for being knocked out by Paul Kaporwicz but Paul is a top fighter and knocked out a lot, Wainey fought A class in his 2nd and 3rd bouts, not a lot of people would do that, he had a good win over an experienced opponent in Ireland who held wins over Danny Hadfield.
Will not state my opinion of Wainey as it is merely an opinion all i am trying to do is outline the facts and he is right to stand by his decision made on the night.

On the night i had no idea who had won the fight it was too close to judge from a cornermans perspective but i would like to have a Thai stadium judge watch the bout and score it because on viewing the footage of the bout i am cartain that Pindi won by 1 point and i am harder on my own fighters than any other.
Posted: 2010-12-01 08:40:57
Cheers Jonno
There is a correct way on speaking to people so no need to spit my dummy out, just a few things im uncertain of which I've already stated some things seem to contradict the other so I'm gonna look into it.

Great performance mate as ive said to you on FB and Liam I'm still up for getting thoughs throat sweets, mine still feels rough :-( lol
Posted: 2010-12-01 09:03:17
i was there and it was really great fight for the paying punter to watch . trouble is that when you watch a war but with a less skill than say to thai lads with better skill and better tec, the scoring can be hard to see because its not so clean as watching to top thai fighters with great clean skills
Posted: 2010-12-01 09:04:08
Refreshing true class and humbleness mate.
An thankyou, means Alot.
Was a tough fight
Liam R
Posted: 2010-12-01 09:13:47
mines sorted mate had some of that dequadin left over from thailand, good as new now ready to shout at daniel sunday and sam again next week
Liam R
Posted: 2010-12-01 09:15:30
is jonno v ryan lowney rematch on next tower show? that will be a cracker
Posted: 2010-12-01 09:24:18
Posted: 2010-12-01 11:28:40
just made a mental note to buy Josh Turbill a drink when i get to meet him ...... but the fact i get stick doesnt really bother me at all if people want to question a decision ive give thats upto them.... im there to judge and thats what ill do, my short fight career as of yet has nothing to do with judging so if you need to bring that up clearly you have a personal problem with me for some reason .... if you do sort it out !!!!!!

JABramson and how was my post rude ??? I stated a point that clearly you dont judge and if you do then maybe you should think of doing Tonys course and passing the assesment and then see if you come to the same decision of which you state was a shock and wrong .... and well done for fighting all around europe im so happy now i know that youve done that so you must be right ...

oh and liam im going to haver to phone you now to find out your view of me lol
Liam R
Posted: 2010-12-01 11:33:17
im ex-directory and i dont speak dudley lol
Posted: 2010-12-01 12:57:45
What is clearly obvious reading through some of the posts is probably the fact that it is important as a fighter/trainer or even spectator to spend the time and do the judging/scoring course even if you don't want to do the assessment.
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-12-01 16:21:36
arghh shit only jus realised what i said erlia !!
i still stand with what i said as nathan win but the fight is closer on the video that what it seemed on the night but even from the video i still think nathan won
ino im not a qualified judge nd o disrespet to the judges as i know it must be hard !
Ryan Meehan
Posted: 2010-12-02 07:51:45
It is true. people always give Wainey a hard time. I think people need to Troy and stop doing it and Wainey needs to Troy and relax a bit more.
So Wainey it looked like you said you might Troy and make a come back. That sounds good I hope it works out for you and remember just Troy your best thats all that matters. i think we all need to Troy and work together to understand thai scoring we should all Troy out Tony myers judge course. Maybe when we understand the scoring more we will be allowed to talk with other people in thaiboxing and have an opinion. For now we need to Troy and keep quiet as we dont want to upset the all the people that passed the super sonic life changing assessment.

Posted: 2010-12-02 14:48:26
not bad mate .... your nearly quite funny .... but hide behind your keyboard and no profile and keep on .... i lost to troy so what ??? this isnt about me is it ?? like i said if you have a problem with me personally then why dont you sort it???
Ryan Meehan
Posted: 2010-12-02 15:46:29
Oh! Did you you loose to Troy then Wainey? I thought some one with a Tony myers assesment would know how to score and win during the fight. Thats strange.
Yeah if some one has a problem with Wainey sort it out.
Posted: 2010-12-02 16:22:48
ive give up with you .... keep on in your own little world ...
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-12-02 17:49:52
Ryan Meehan Wainey lost to Troy so what ...? every 1 looses its part of the sport we do !! thes no need to rub it in !! least he gets in there and fights !! why dont your fight troy n let him rub it in that you lost ?
there was no need for non of that you wrote and personly i think that was bang out of oder !!!
Ryan Meehan
Posted: 2010-12-02 19:22:54
Wainey I will and you are always welcome to visit anytime as i know you are a nice guy.
Ryan Coley, how dare thee!
What about you jumping on the floor and pretending you are hurt and getting that poor lad disqualified - thats what I call bang out of order! and why dont you try fighting instead of jumping on the floor? Only joking Ryan you are really good.
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-12-02 19:44:00
how about you stop actin like a hard man behind ur computer screen n slaggin people of n actualy sayin it to there face ;)instead of being a btich with a dick !!
and mate divings my game :)
tell u what wens the next show ur at ill buy u a pint ad il explain how u can be just like me :) ino ud love that
love you
Ryan Meehan
Posted: 2010-12-02 20:24:02
Mate, dont act tough because it really does not suit you, I have seen you fight.
ok I will leave this thread now and give it a rest(scouts honour)
but as for being a little btich i am not sure what you mean so I cant help you there. maybe you ment Bitch.

unlike you Ryan it would take me more than 1 pint to get me diving on the floor. So if you save up your pocket money from now till summer you might be able to get me 2 pints.

oh and a little tip Ryan, if you are calling someone a bitch in the future, try not to put kisses and tell them you love them on the end of your post it doesnt quite work.
Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-12-03 05:48:58
i can aact tuff all i like mommy said im aloud n i dont have pocket money nowa days :( i have to work shame realy but i tell u what then you buy the driks :) and my diving is ace iv got a future in it :)
uv probz seen me fight once eh ?
so u bring out the bad bits :) u should try watch me fight agen ill buy you a ticket :) better still if u can make 69 kilo or 72 if your heay we can get it on ? :)
Ryan Meehan
Posted: 2010-12-03 06:05:22
ha! not on your best day

Ryan Coley :)
Posted: 2010-12-03 06:16:31
and that means ?
ben the pig
Posted: 2010-12-03 06:23:02
ryan meehan = HELMET!
Ryan Meehan
Posted: 2010-12-03 06:28:34
Ben just lost his V plates 2 posts ago
Posted: 2010-12-03 13:33:12
the disco pig is on ax ... lol ...
Posted: 2010-12-03 16:29:08
ryan losing a fight doesnt make you a bad judge, infact you dont even need to have fought to be a good judge, you just need to understand the scoring of muay thai properly and no matter how many people stick the boot into him wainey obviously does.
why else would people use him as a judge on big shows.

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