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Posted: 2001-10-21 19:33:51
Ok Oliver. Here is how I would expect the Aerts-Filho fight:

First a comparison:

Height and reach advantage: Aerts
Punching power: Filho
Kicks: Even
Stamina: Even
Chin: Filho
Legs: Filho [slightly]
Technique: Aerts [slightly]
Experience: Even


Aerts' strengths:
1] Experience. He has had enough tools to beat everyone: Hoost, Bernardo, Hug, LeBanner, Greco, you name it.

Filho's strengths:
1] Hard to hurt. Being a kyokushin champion means bare knuckle punches to the ribs.
2] Decent punching power.


Aerts weaknesses:

1] Losing streak. This is his second year in a row where he didn't qualify for the Grand prix.
2] High kick. He hasn't landed this since the Sam Greco fight in '99.
3] Fear. Fighting Aerts used to be scary. Now that guys like Nobu Hayashi can last into the 5th round, no one is afraid and they all want to do what Abidi did. He gets no respect anymore.
4] Chin. At one time he could take some pretty hard punches. Those days are gone. He is easily rocked by counter attacks.
5] Health. Surgery on his elbow and weight loss. I wonder how much training he can do.

Filho's weaknesses

1] Movement. Mobile fighters can get in and out.
2] Hands. Usually looks for one big punch rather than combinations.
3] Consistency. Sometimes he is on fire and sometimes he is a punching bag. Will he come prepared for two events in a row?


Aerts' strategies:

1] Use reach and movement to outscore Filho.
2] Use knees and grappling in the first two rounds to tire Filho then #1 in the third round.

Filho's strategies:

1] Pressure. Keep attacking so Aerts can't jab from the outside.
2] Be ready for the grappling. Push+combination. Aerts should be vulnerable recovering his balance.
Posted: 2001-10-21 23:41:55
i disagree.
in the experience category you have to give it to peter.
chin is up in the air. why? both have been out, but counting how many times peter has laid it on the line against the best compared to how many times chico's laid it on the line against the same company is totally different.
tech. i give to filho.
stamina i give to peter. peter's work rate is higher. he's a pressure fighter,chico's a laid back counter fighter.
here is the monkey wrench. both men know who won regardless of the official outcome. peter was spanking chico. now that was a hot peter against a hot chico. i think peter knows he can get to him with his pressure and style. my pick,aerts.
i pick my boy leko to win the whole thing.
Posted: 2001-10-22 00:18:42
I wouldn't contemplate this match-up too long, Aerts wont fight. I believe they want Ray Sefo to fight, but Ray and Francisco are training together at the moment so i dont think they want to fight each other. Could get interesting...
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-22 01:52:41

Great work... AGAIN!

Here is my comparison:

Height and reach advantage: Aerts
Punching power: Filho
Kicks: Filho (Aerts have a better knee-kick, but Filho have the best and most powerful straight and circle kicks in the game!!)
Stamina: Even
Chin: Aerts
Legs: Filho [slightly]
Technique: Aerts
Experience: Aerts... He has been in the game longer than anyone!!

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-22 02:01:35
Just like Grim, I don’t think that this fight never will take place, but I hope so!

Filho & Aerts should have been fighting against each other so many time the past year, but one of them always get injured or sick before the match-up, and somehow I don’t think that Peter Aerts will be ready to fight in December? So I have this scary feeling that this fight never will take place.

I also think that Ray Sefo or Mike Bernado will take over for Aerts, but I don’t hope so. I would love to see Filho fight against Aerts. But Ray Vs Filho could also be a very interesting fight, especially when the are training together. As I see it, Filho has a better chance against Ray Sefo than against Peter Aerts.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-22 02:09:15

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-22 02:09:32

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-22 02:29:14
Aerts & Filho, two great fighters... Let’s hope that the fight will take place, and that the best man will win.

How do you think Aerts or Filho chances would be against Ignashov?

My personal bet would be, that Aerts style is the one who looks the most like Ignashov's, and therefor it would be a very even fight. Veil Filho's karate style and technique might be difficult for Ignashov to read and fight, and therefor Ignashov will be unable to control the fight and fight in the style and rhythm that he uses to. I will say that it is even, maybe with a little advance to Filho?

The big difference will be, that Aerts or Filho will be very tiered going in to the 2nd round, veil Ignashov should be able to stop Pettas early in his first fight. But who knows, this is the K-1, and by that I mean that there is always some big surprises. Just look at the fight between Mike Bernado Vs Adam Watt at the K-1 Fukuoka Grand Prix. Who would have believed that Watt will KO Mike? So go for it Pettas, surprised the world and qualified yourself to the 2nd round in the Grand Prix. There are millions of Kyokushin karate-ka around the world there will “die” to see the fight between Filho Vs Pettas…. And I am one of them!!

Posted: 2001-10-22 03:50:56
yes i know aerts has more experience than filho, but at some point it is no longer an advantage. that is why i said the experience was even because neither had an advantage because of it. on the other thread i gave the nod to lebanner because experience might be a factor in the fight.

filho's last ko loss was to lebanner. peter has been rocked and rolled a lot over the last 2 years. that's my reason to give filho the nod in terms of chin.

i believe peter has better stamina but not enough to be an advantage.

i really would like to see aerts take some time off. if he drops out, i'd like to see bernardo take his place. i think sefo would win and then be unable to continue.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-22 04:13:54

I do not think that Ray will or can defeat Filho, "if" the fight would take place. But if it did, and if Ray did defeat Filho, it will not surprise me if Ray again again was unable to continue.

I guess that fighters like Mike Bernado, Ray Sefo, Van Dams and the CroCop is standing ready, if one of the 8 fighters who already has been qualified for the Grand Prix should get injured. But I sure don’t hope so!!!
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-22 04:24:21
Personal I think, that Mike Bernado or Van dams should get the wildcard if one of the 8 fighters should get injured and unable to fight.
Lucy Tui
Posted: 2001-10-22 04:32:35
I think Vandames or Sefo should get the nod....
Lucy Tui
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-22 05:01:06

Or what about the touristguy?
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-22 05:10:02

Posted: 2001-10-22 05:36:50
david lucas
Posted: 2001-10-22 13:42:21
i still think that aerts has the edge over francisco in this matchup.
filho's punch defense is extremely weak. i think aerts will be able to
exploit his reach advantage and keep his jab in filho's face and set him
up for some right hands.
i think both are strong kickers, but i dont think the legs will be a decisive
factor. i think both guys have strong legs and can take leg kicks well.
aerts needs to adjust a little. he still goes after people like he has an
iron chin, and weve seen him become more susceptible to ko punches in the
last few years. he needs to be a little more cautious, or francisco.
if neither fighter lands a big blow, i think peter will win because he
will intiate most of the action and be the aggressor.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-23 03:34:34


Filho has some great kick/lowkick blocks, I will say some of the best in the K-1, but I agree with you about his punch defense, they are more than extremely weak. So Filho highest priority is to stay away from Aerts straight jab and one-two combination, combined with his knee kick or circle kick, that has KO so many fighters in the past! Peter Aerts kick is not beautiful, but they sure are effect- & powerful!!

Filho is a much better kicker than Aerts, but because of his weak boxing skills and pure defense, he do not kick that much because he is afraid to get court and hurt in the attempt. I don’t know who have the edge in the matchup, but I think that Filho on the paper have the biggest chance to win the battle, but I am not 100% sure?

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-23 03:46:46

Filho have to fight Aerts on the distance, then he will have big chance to control the fight and to slowly break down Aerts. But if Filho start to "fight" Aerts and start exchanging punches and knee kicks on the short distance, I will say that Peter will work away from the ring as the winner. For Filho it is all about hit and run, and not give and take.

Chris Lauer
Posted: 2001-10-23 10:24:50
I do not see Filho winning this fight, unless its on decesion. Aerts may not be on much of a winning streke lately, but he is still dangerous. The one thing we can say about Aerts is that he moves, hes always on his toes. Filho has very bad movement, is slow, and stiff. Aerts should have no trouble outpointing him, but I fear that the judges are more than likely already on Filhos side. It may be difficult for Aerts to get a KO, because Filho keeps such a high guard, like he is afraid to get hit in the face(watch some tapes, he closes is eyes everytime, someone throws a punch at his head) So far this has done well for him not getting Ko'd, but has made for probably the most boring fights I have seen in K-1, as well as some very bad decisions. Aerts, should be in the position to were, he has lost enough, that he knows needs to get big win, and I expect to see him come after filho, for a KO, to prove he is not finished yet.
Chris Lauer
Posted: 2001-10-23 10:26:26
Also I dont think Filho has better kicks power wise, they may look more pretty than Aerts's, but I dont think there more powerful. Anyway my moneys on Leko.
Posted: 2001-10-23 19:15:46
don't you think elbow surgery will have an effect on peter's training?

aerts moves but filho last two fights were against ivanovich. now there is a mover. the k-1 judges are going to play a major role in this outcome. if aerts outpoints filho but gets rocked by a few hard ones that make the crowd gasp, the judges will give the round to filho. not only that, they might give a 10-8.

i really don't know what to expect from the judges nowadays. they ask for way too many extensions.

anyway, we only have a few weeks to go.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-24 02:03:01

I agree... The judges in the K-1 often give the fights to the wrong fighter, or give point like they don’t know shit about the rules. Too many fights are given extra rounds, bad scorecard and unrealistic points, and that is a big shame for the sport and even more important, to the fighters who loose a fight because of blind/"incorrupt" judgement!

david lucas
Posted: 2001-10-24 07:20:37
i recently watched a k-1 match between matt skelton and lloyd van dams.
it looked like skelton pretty much dominated the fight, but van dams got the
decision. i know skelton's style isnt pretty, but i think the judges really
jobbed him here. i dont know what they were looking at in this fight.
Posted: 2001-10-24 08:23:00
it could be that they thought filho would have had more trouble with skelton who gave hoost a rough time.

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-24 08:35:22
Skelton was also very angry after his fight against Van Dams, at the Fukuoka Grand Prix, according to the K-1 news on the Martial Arts Homepage. Skelton was 110 % sure that he won the fight after the 3 rounds was over, but... Again the judges took the fight to an extra round. I have not seen the fight myself, so I dont know who of the two fighters was best!!!! But I am not amazed about the pure judgement in the K-1.

Read this from the man magazine (

"But the judges didn`t see things Skelton`s way -- all three scored the fight a draw. In the extra round, Van Dams careful style prevailed over Skelton`s swaggering, and he squeaked out a decision that left Skelton and his corner stunned, and more than a little reminded of the Hoost fight."

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-24 08:38:21
Skelton was also very angry after his fight against Van Dams, at the Fukuoka Grand Prix, according to the K-1 news on the Martial Arts Homepage. Skelton was 110 % sure that he won the fight after the 3 rounds was over, but... Again the judges took the fight to an extra round. I have not seen the fight myself, so I dont know who of the two fighters was best!!!! But I am not amazed about the pure judgement in the K-1.

Read this from the man magazine (

"But the judges didn`t see things Skelton`s way -- all three scored the fight a draw. In the extra round, Van Dams careful style prevailed over Skelton`s swaggering, and he squeaked out a decision that left Skelton and his corner stunned, and more than a little reminded of the Hoost fight".

Skelton : "Again, I thought I had won, said the frustrated fighter, I really don't know what I have to do..."
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-24 08:52:54

One of the worth judgements I can recall from the K-1, was Glaube Feitosa’s fight against Satake in the K-1 Grand Prix 1998. Glaube did kick Satake around the ring and controlled the fight 110% from round one, but fighting against the biggest Japanese star in the game, the judge gave Glaube the finger and gave the victory to Satake.

I mean.. Glaube hit Satake in the face twice in the fight, but never the less, Satake was the winner after tree rounds. I still don’t get it?
Posted: 2001-10-24 19:39:16
i thought the same thing. satake was getting points for punching the air.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-25 01:35:10

Did Satake hit anything in that fight? LOL.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-25 01:50:31
To be real serious.

I wonder how it can happen?? I mean, if you look at the K-1 fight between Glaube Vs Satake, where Glaube is the offensive fighter and the one who constantly are attacking Satake, and also hit him big time with some amazing kicks, and some clean one-two combinations, but never the less - Satake wins the fight on points??

I don’t get it! And I don’t understand why all the K-1 fighters don’t stand together and protest against the judges, because if it do continue - who will be next? I know that I do not happen in every fight, but I do happen in almost every tournament, that the judges give the victory to the "wrong" fighter.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-25 01:51:54
To be real serious.

I wonder how it can happen?? I mean, if you look at the K-1 fight between Glaube Vs Satake, where Glaube is the offensive fighter and the one who constantly are attacking Satake, and also hit him big time with some amazing kicks, and some clean one-two combinations, but never the less - Satake wins the fight on points??

I don’t get it! And I don’t understand why all the K-1 fighters don’t stand together and protest against the judges, because if it do continue - who will be next? I know that it do not happen in every fight, but it do happen in almost every tournament, that the judges give the victory to the "wrong" fighter.
Posted: 2001-10-25 22:41:14
well oliver,

the worst decision has to be nakasako-stan.

with only one promoter in the world who pays what the k-1 pays, it's little wonder athletes with a mere 10 year [or shorter] career will be interested in risking damage to the money tree.

in defense of the judges though, i don't think they are in favor of japanese fighters over foreign fighters. musashi himself was robbed in the fight against braga. they were using the iska 1/2 point system. at the end of the fight each of the judges had to round the 1/2 point to whole numbers. if they all rounded up or down, musashi would have won. one of the judges rounded up and the other rounded down, both against musashi. the result was a majority draw rather than a majority decision.

also, in most cases the outcome is not affected. abidi beat kusatsu both in the ring and on the scorecard. the fact that it was a split decision was shocking but the winner in the ring and on the scorecard was still the same person.

in short, i don't think the judges are out to screw fighters. they just are poor at evaluating fights. perhaps they have expectations and get lost when they aren't met. kustsu was doing well on the losing end of his fight with abidi. it threw the judge off. skelton wasn't brawling with van dams. even the commentators were saying "what's wrong with skelton?"

back to aerts-filho, if aerts is healthy and doesn't get knocked out. i expect the judges to have these two fight 5 rounds. filho has been forced into overtime a lot. i don't see any reason not to expect it this time.
Chris Lauer
Posted: 2001-10-25 22:47:39
The judgeing has been very crappy lately. It seems the judeges are very hypocritical. It seems like they wont score for guy who is moving around, on the attack and throwing combo's, but turn around, and score in favor of that, in there next fight, point in case is, Ivanovich vs Filho II, Ivanovich moved, great, was always attacking with combos, yet loses, and then Filho, fights a slower VanDamms, and starts throwing, combos even though they did no damage, but gets the win, it doesnt make sense, basically the judges were saying, that it doesnt count with Ivanovich, but it works with Filho. To me, it seems more like corruption, than bad judgeing.
Posted: 2001-10-25 23:58:39
now that crocop has tried fake-wrestling. the word corruption makes me shutter.

i hope it is just incompetence.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-26 02:03:54

Yes, Filho has been forced into overtime a lot, and I am not sure why? As I see it, there can be these special reasons why.

1) It seems like the judges have difficulties to find out wetter they like his fighting style or not?

2) It seems like the judges have difficulties to find out wetter they like Filho or not?

3) Filho is not the best K-1 fighter in the game, but he has a spirit and physic like a lion, and also the technique to take out every fighter with a single kick or punch. (Sam Greco, Andy Hug, Hoost, Van der Merve) So as I see it, the judges may not like Filho to win a major title, because he is a Kyokushin star & fighter. And Kyokushin & Seidokaikan is not the best friends in the world. Well, on the front cover Kancho Ishii and Kancho Matsui are shaking hands and look like two brothers, but believe me... they are not! If Filho win a K-1 tournament, Kyokushin also win, and the K-1 is Seidokaikan, so for Kancho Ishii it would be the worth thing that could happen to him, because then it would be Kyokushin Vs Seido, and Seido loose. Get my Pointe?
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-26 02:16:30

Talking about Kyokushin Vs Seidokaikan!!

Here is latest photo from the Official K-1 homepage. To the left you see the young "upcomer" in Kyokushin karate Noji, and in between Kancho Matsui from IKO1 Kyokushinkai karate, and to the right the biggest Japanese star in the K-1, Musashi.

They are going to fight each other at the K-1 Grand Prix in December. Please tell me, why is Kancho Matsui on the picture? (Business, I know. )
Chris Lauer
Posted: 2001-10-26 03:15:56
Noji is going to get crushed, he ducked out on fight with me when her first started into kickboxing, My manager wanted me to fight this guy so bad and we got a tentative date, but nothing in writing, well, it fell threw. his coach called my coach and said, something like he hurt his hand, well that next month, they threw him in the ring with a cruiserwieght, trying to give him and easy win for his debut, and he nearly got crushed,he did end up winning, but he got his nose broken, the smaller guy, had 3 fights to his name, and weighed 86 kilos, when Noji was at 100. Well it pissed me off to see that, he cancelled a fight with me, because of an "injury", and then fights on the same card, against a mismatched oppenant. GO Musashi!!!!!
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-26 04:07:17
I also think that Noji are going to loose to Musashi. Even do my heart belongs to Kyokushin, I think that Musashi will win this one by KO in the 1st or 2nd round.

I have never seen Noji fight in kickboxing, but I have seen some of his fights in Kyokushin knock down karate, and he is very good, strong and fast. Noji did fight Glaube Feitosa at the World Open Tournament back in 1999 in the semifinals, and it was a great fight!!! Glaube won, but Noji showed a lot of skills and talent. But one thing is to be good in karate, another thing is to fight in the K-1.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-26 04:15:55


I think that this is the fight you are talking about, where Noji broke his nose?
Posted: 2001-10-26 04:53:17
Oliver, where do you get all these pictures?
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-26 05:05:19

Most of my pictures are found on the Internet.

All my Andy Hug photos are sent to me from Susumu Nagao, the Official K-1 photographer. He is a personal good friend of my.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-26 05:06:50

Are you going to fight Noji in the future Chris?
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-26 05:10:17
I have about 4.700 pictures in my collection, so if you need some special photos, let me know. You might get lucky? (No thai pictures, I am sorry)
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-26 05:42:54

Do any one on this board believe that Aerts has a chance to become champion again? I have this funny feeling that Peter might surprise in December. I am not sure that he is going to win, but I am 110% sure that he will fight his a.. Out his K-1 shorts.
Posted: 2001-10-26 06:39:51
if peter does well it'll be a big surprise to me. i still think he needs a long long break. maybe a year.

musashi is pretty tough. he can hang with hoost and probably any karate fighter. his loss to pettas was partly due to fighting 10 rounds.

musashi will spank this new guy like he did tomihira and it will take years to rebuild his confidence. i'd like to see kazumi fight in the k-1.

ishii has been scratching a lot of peoples backs lately. inoki and now matsui. how slimy can he get?
david lucas
Posted: 2001-10-26 09:27:08
aerts did ko ray sefo last year, so he has a chance of beating anyone, but
i think hes too beaten up to win a tournament. unless he gets an early knockout
of filho, hell be too worn out to do well in later rounds. he didnt look like
a world beater at las vegas. leko was beating him pretty decisively even before
the knockout.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-26 11:47:01


Yes, Musashi is pretty tough, and he also has some great kicks and technique, and I am also sure that he will defeat Noji with out any big problems. Musashi have gone many rounds with the best in the game, so this should hopefully be his fight.

I will say that Musashi's biggest problem and weakest point is him self! If you look at all the fights at The Andy Hug Memorial Cup, he was not in focus and was using more times on "playing" smart, than concentrate on fighting. Especially in his fight against Pettas. It was the same problem Satake had when he was fighting, because Satake could also fight, he just didn’t had the spirit.

Hell yes.... I would also love to see Hajime Kazumi in a K-1 fight. I have never in my life seen any other fighter in the world, accept Andy Hug & Filho who is as dedicate and has a spirit like Kazumi has. Great to hear about a Kyokushin fighter on this board Felix - Have you ever seen Kazumi fight?
david lucas
Posted: 2001-10-26 16:01:57
in the andy hug memorial cup final against pettas, musahi looked pretty lazy.
he kept his hands down like hes incredibly quick, but hes not.pettas just
plain outhustled him. musahi has been king of the japanese k-1 fighters for
a while, but he hasnt really been competitive at the next level. hes got nice
strong round house kicks, but his boxing is not so hot. im surprised he hasnt
worked to improve on this.
Posted: 2001-10-26 19:55:59
musashi's hands down, fast footed, switch hitting style works at times but at other times he gets in big trouble. most japanese fighters he's fought are good examples of it working. ray sefo is a great example of it not working.

lazy? most k-1 fighters don't have great endurance. after 10 rounds, i'm not surprised that musashi was dog tired. we'll see how tired pettas is in tokyo against ignashov.... if it lasts long enough.

i see a world of difference between satake and musashi. satake didn't train except for photo sessions for the press. he depended on matchmaking to get him in the grand prix. remember kimo?

as for aerts, he did ko sefo last year and after that fight, i thought he was back after the lebanner humiliation.

then there was abidi, abidi and abidi. at the end of last year, i thought abidi was a great fighter.

then crocop beat aerts. i thought crocop was a great fighter
then hayashi went 5 rounds with aerts. i thought he was greatly improved.

now i'm going back and realizing that aerts was struggling with weak competition. he can't put guys away like he used to. he gets rocked. he gets knocked out.

this isn't aerts-1998 in the ring these days, it's aerts-2001 and he doesn't scare anyone. on the contrary, most guys want what abidi's got.

do you have a copy of GONG KAKUTOGI magazine [apr 2001]? on page 124 there is a picture of kazumi sparring for punches to the head. i thought "wow. is he going to fight in the k-1?" i guess the answer is no.
Chris Lauer
Posted: 2001-10-26 20:11:24
I would really like to fight Noji, because it would be good for me to win over a top Kyokushin guy, but other than that I dont see much of challenge in the guy. Those are the picture from when his nose was broken. his physique makes Aerts look like Mr. Universe. I think Kazumi should stay in Kyokushin, and not change over to K-1. I do like the guy, he got alot of heart, fighting strong against Filho last year on a hurt leg, but to be honest with you he needs alot more than what hes got to make it in K-1. The only thing I have really seen this guy have is strong low kicks, good durability to the body and legs, and heart. Its hard to say what would come of it if he makes the change, but I think he should play it safe and stick to what hes good at.
Posted: 2001-10-26 20:50:40
Hmmm....maybe people dont like me....I think I was ignored earlier.
Peter Aerts wont fight.
Posted: 2001-10-26 21:43:01
with a name like grim reaper, do you wonder?

you may be right. good thing there is a list of stars to take his place.
crocop [i just raed that he might fight another fake-wrestler]
skelton [who will fight a fake-wrestler next month]

then i'll never know. hehe. i am a fan after all.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-27 06:29:09

No I don’t have a copy of the GONG KAKUTOGI magazine from Apr. 2001. But I would like to see the pictures of Kazumi from the magazine!! Are you sure that he is training K-1? I got a lot of the World Karate Magazine, and there are tons of pictures of Kazumi training with boxing gloves, but that is for Kyokushin, and has nothing to do with the K-1???
Posted: 2001-10-27 09:01:17
actually there was no mention of k-1. but he ws training with boxing gloves like you said and with punches to the head. i wonder why? there are no punches to the head in kyokushin tournaments. why is he doing this training?

i was hoping that it was to fight a k-1 fighter. that's all.

i tend to agree with chris though. we probably won't see him until after the next world championships [2003?]. even then i would assume that matsui would put the breaks on that.

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-10-27 11:31:27
Just like you Felix, I don’t think that Hajime Kazumi will fight in the K-1. But if he do attempt to fight in the K-1, I think that it would be against Hiroki Kurosawa who is a former Kyokushin star and champion, and who also would be a great match-up for Kazumi. Or maybe he would try to fight his young sempai, the big talent Noji, who is going to fight against Musashi in December? . Glaube, Pettas and Filho have too much experience in kickboxing, but I would love to see Kazumi test himself as a kickboxer.

But I don’t think that we will see Kazumi in a K-1 ring. He is to dedicated and as I see it, he will never ever fight in anything else than in a Kyokushin tournament. I hope that he will try to become a champion in year 2003, but I am afraid that the clock it ticking out for the amazing fighter. Kazumi lost to his sensei Kenji Yamaki in 1995 after he defeated Glaube and Filho and his way to the finale. In 1999 at the 7th World Open he lost to Filho after an extra round of fighting, weight control and tameshiwari. Kazumi got what I takes to become a champion, he has won the All Japan 4 times, he is World Weight Champion, he has past the 100 men kumite, but I don’t think that he will ever win "the" title, becoming World Open Champion.

Posted: 2001-10-27 19:58:03
he must get a lot of money as a karate instructor.

Posted: 2001-10-27 22:31:51
Lol Felix, I guess you're right. I'd be guessing that Bernado would take Aerts' place in the 8, because Sefo and Filho dont want to fight each other.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-11-04 15:46:49

Posted: 2001-11-05 16:53:08
I wonder if Kazumi (kazami?) and Yamaki (yamawaki?) are the same as
Ryuchi kazami and kentaro yamawaki in the K-1 grand prix playstation game
any pics of those 2fighters guys?
let me know if you can get pics of them please.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-11-07 09:21:55
I got tons of pictures of Hajime Kazumi and Kenji Yamaki. (Kyokushin karate)

If you would like to see some of the pictures, please visit this address:
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-11-17 06:52:50
Any news about Peter Aerts elbow and his injury??
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