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The Phoenix
Posted: 2011-05-03 06:38:34
History Of Violence

You find out a guy has behaved violently towards your little sister

You then find out he regularly hits women and is volatile and dangerous

What do you do ?

The obvious answer is kick the shit out of him.

Don’t say leave it to the police but cos the guys been done before and hasn’t learnt

He has also had a few slaps but still hasn’t learnt his lesson

being a person who now knows martial arts, I am in a predicament, (I know most martial arts wont work in most street fights)i dont like fighting if its not in a ring or a cage.

1) if I beat him to bad, I will get done for using martial arts to attack a defenceless person and they will forget the fact of his violent history
2) if I don’t beat him enough I could get seriously hurt and I will become a victim!!!!
3) if I do nothing the next time I read a paper he could of done worse than just slap a women?

Posted: 2011-05-03 08:55:33
follow him into the toilet where he drinks and give him one from behind( right hook that is). dnt mean fill him with manfat!
Posted: 2011-05-03 09:46:21
aye shot tae the kidneys while he's takin a piss
Posted: 2011-05-03 10:29:08
He definitely wants teaching a lesson. Do the dirty deed in the toilet. Bash him up a bit then stick his head into the urinals

OR you could pour some sort of viscous liquid on him and pretend its petrol?
Just to put the frighteners on him.
The Phoenix
Posted: 2011-05-03 10:43:55

some quality ways to hurt this guys

stevie nisbet
Posted: 2011-05-03 11:05:16
aye, the dalia lamas a cunt as well, and mother Therisa let a pile of kids die and was a cash grabing monster
Will Crombie
Posted: 2011-05-03 13:00:56
why dont you learn your sister martial arts, problem solved
Posted: 2011-05-03 14:44:51
go kick fook out of his grandma. or kettle water with sugar in.
Posted: 2011-05-03 15:30:49
Mother theresa was a cash grabber?????????
How did she let kids die???
Posted: 2011-05-03 16:40:05
she sold them candy that was out of date, bitch...
Posted: 2011-05-03 17:35:35
there's a documentary about her. Apparently the crazy bitch had all sorts of weird rules about using the same syringes multiple times and shit like that despite her charity takin in millions every year. She also banned sick folks' families and friends etc from seeing them and basically outright said that she deliberately wanted to see people suffering because it made her feel closer to god. Which might have something to do with why 99% of the money given to her charity was spent on building convents and such and NOT on the poor and sick people - the people everyone thought it was being spent on.

bitch was crazy had terrorist pals and all sorts of mental shit.
The Phoenix
Posted: 2011-05-04 04:02:56
Will I have tried teaching her martial arts, but she cant be assed to take time, i have taught her basic self defence
groin strikes - eye gouges - throat chops etc

Nephilim & Steve the government are watching you lol

some serious eye openers there thanks
Posted: 2011-05-04 13:37:16
soldier o love, sugar n boiling water gives good results when aimed at the right target
Posted: 2011-05-05 12:09:49
Same as Gandhi the four eyed flip flop wearing tea drinking vegetarian cunt denied his wife medical treatment from the British and she died, when he got sick though, he could get enough of the panadol down his neck quickly. Of course, he choked on one and died.

Or was that Bruce Lee who died after taking an aspirin?

Any love it when people nick some random Gandhi quote for their facebook status update, i will reply with an euqally or more profound quote and they ask Wow whos that by? And usually its by Genghis Khan/ Adolf Hitler/Charles Hawtree.


Posted: 2011-05-05 15:01:49
get a couple of mates, some ski masks, some baseball bats, follow him and find out when he'll be alone at night and wait for him, then smash his arms and legs to fuck.....

Posted: 2011-05-05 16:33:04
your talking about the stealth method then dan, why dont you just ry speaking to him, if you speak to him properly and mean it yobbo's normaly get the hint
Posted: 2011-05-05 18:21:39
"talk" to someone like that? No...
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2011-05-08 22:14:21
you violent lot jeeeeez ! :-( and whats sugar in boiling water??? whats that?

paulinthailand said it right

face him and front him and warn him

karma will do the rest
Andy Bell
Posted: 2011-05-11 17:03:41
throw him in a transit van. drive to a good high speed and slam anchors on a few times repeat as often as required.

I heard that the boiling sugar water idea is a prison punishment dished out to nonces.
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2011-05-11 22:54:22
lol hahahahahah but what is sugar and hot water? whats it do?
accrington muay thai
Posted: 2011-05-12 02:51:34
Posted: 2011-05-12 03:26:41
A mate of mine had his garage robbed by the local smackrat. Needless to say the junky went missing for a few hours then was drove back to our local pub. Where my friend was waiting to finish him off. He was knocked unconscious and dragged to the tram tracks and left. Bit extreme for a set of golf clubs.. But he never stole again.
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2011-05-12 03:37:10
Posted: 2011-05-12 03:41:32
an old friends elderly mum was raped by a local psychopath, my mate caught him and put him down the cellar and tourtured him for 6 or 7 days until the police found him, my mate got 2 years in prison for it.
Posted: 2011-05-12 06:02:31
A take it this mate of yours wasn't the president of the local polo club?
Posted: 2011-05-12 06:34:09
he was my boss, really good guy, used to get in a bit of football trouble but nothing serious. the courts said if he hadnt had such brutal circumstances and had done the same thing he would have got 10+ years
Posted: 2011-05-12 06:48:13
england could do with this website

when i found this i couldnt believe that they give registered sex offenders details, pictures and criminal records out to anyone who looks, when i was in the usa i typed in my address and there were over 200 local child molesters, shows you thier home address, we had 3 or four on our street. the amount of this stuff that goes on shows how civilization is a scratch deep. "normal" SEX offenders are marked by a green spot, dangerous and volotile ones are marked with a red, type any usa city into that and have a look how widespread the problem is.
Posted: 2011-05-12 06:55:47
just as an example type bakersfield in the city, then california in the state and press search then watch in disbelif how many sex offenders come up on the map of the city
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