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Posted: 2009-11-30 15:06:27
This post is purely for information purposes not to develop an online slagging match .. anybody interested in details etc by all means email or call me

I have pulled away from what was Jesters Gym in Matlock Derbyshire. After a total loss of respect and trust in who I was working with I decided to pull away and take up an offer of coaching in Chesterfield. … this is the complicated part lol …. The gym in matlock are using the name JESTERS MMA CLUB but seeing as JESTERS was a name I founded and developed to what it is I refuse to let it go and will be putting Kick , thai and mma fighters out under JESTERS FIGHT CLUB . Anything associated with JESTERS MMA CLUB or Mark Ball will have no connections with myself what so ever !!

I have spent a lot of time and effort within martial arts to build up what I hope is a good reputation and large list of contacts . Its now time Mark Ball build his own reputation and his own contacts.

Thank you
Posted: 2009-11-30 15:08:17

New logo
dean perks
Posted: 2009-11-30 15:39:02
To my knowledge Dale it is a good reputation you have and im sorry to here this news.
As you close one door another opens. New beginings and exciting times ahead.

All the best!!


Posted: 2009-11-30 15:42:50
Cheers Dean , i do feel the buzz again , missed it
Posted: 2009-11-30 16:23:56
Posted: 2009-11-30 16:26:38
Good luck for the furture Dale not that you need it. love the new logo ...
Posted: 2009-11-30 16:28:31
Dale has full cobra support.

Jesters is his name as far as im concerned.
Posted: 2009-11-30 16:37:48
Wicked logo! Good luck and congratulations with your new and improved jesters gym :)
Posted: 2009-11-30 17:46:03
Dale is a Jester anyway!!!
Hee hee hee!

Sorry to JEST at your expense !

Ok i had better stop before they get worse and worse.

On a serious note Dale.
Whenever you have supported my shows it has been the likes of you, Rachel, Mighty Mick and my mate Ben Seddon.
I have only met Mark once or twice in all honesty.
I will still be having your guys on my shows. Especially the mighty one!!!
Posted: 2009-11-30 17:57:11
All the best mate... you are Jesters as far as I am concerned. As someone mentioned, things like this happen usually for the better, we at bai lang support the real jesters :)
Posted: 2009-11-30 17:58:08
good luck. It's the person not the name that we deal with!
Posted: 2009-11-30 18:05:50
cheers :)
Posted: 2009-11-30 20:10:54
Dale is and always will be a total Joker... Oooops! of course I mean Jester lol

Shame things didn't work out at the Matlock gym for Dale but I fully support him and congratulate him on his new venture in Chesterfield.
As it was the brainchild of Dale originally I think it is only fair for him to retain the original Jesters brand as he is synonymously linked to it.
Maybe Mark will see that too and look for a totally new name to launch his gym and make a fresh start for all involved.

One thing is for sure though, whatever brand Dale Instructs and coaches under he will go on to produce quality fighters and continue to be one of the most respected and stand up guys involved in the sport.

Best of luck with the new venture champ.
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2009-11-30 22:25:01
Best to the Past and best to the present and All the Best to the Future
and Luvin the Logo :-) tip-top

and Hey Was you at the Derby Show sunday at the Zanzibar Nightclub
Thai, Kick, mma show?
Didnt see ya?
i was M.C.Ing for Serge and paul Barnnet
Posted: 2009-11-30 23:26:49
no i was on a wonderfull night shift sunday night , how did the show go ?
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2009-11-30 23:53:24
hahahahaha lolo ya shoulda snook out :-p lol and yep it was pretty good ta
cheers sandy man
White Wolf
Posted: 2009-12-01 03:00:34
How weird. Everyone seems to like you Dale! All the best mate and good luck with the new venture.
Posted: 2009-12-01 04:03:50
Just to echo what has already been said Dale your an arse!


No Really, people become synonimous with a brand, and it is almost unthinkable to not associate Dale Wood with the Jester lable so it would be pointless to leave it in the hands of anyone else, what ever the rights and wrongs. It is true that we bring to the martial arts what should be, our good name, and to flourish your good reputation and deportmant which must be built up over a period of time.
Posted: 2009-12-01 04:08:41
OOPs sorry mispost!

Just to echo what has already been said Dale your an arse!


No Really, people become synonymous with a brand, and it is almost unthinkable to not associate Dale Wood with the Jester label so it would be pointless to leave it in the hands of anyone else, what ever the rights and wrongs. It is true that we bring to the martial arts what should be, our good name, and to flourish your good reputation and deportment which must be built up over a period of time. I am privilege to have the new Jesters Fight Club working with us on our show on Sunday where I am sure they will further enhance their reputation of being a quality and professional team.
All the best Dale and Team
Posted: 2009-12-01 07:05:07
good luck with the new gym mate. cannae wait for my knee to be fixed so i can start travelling down to chesterfield for beastings.
Posted: 2009-12-01 07:57:47
Having read the whole thread, I do think it is a little bit naughty to be taking someone else's gym name.
It would be like there being another AFK gym running around with a different instructor.
liam badco
Posted: 2009-12-01 08:10:49
good luck mate hope all goes well, im sure it will x
Posted: 2009-12-01 14:59:16
ps .. new logo means new rules .. all fighters to wear yellow lol
Mick Crossland
Posted: 2009-12-02 09:57:19
Just like to offer my continued support to the real Jester of UK Kickboxing Mr Dale Wood.

I have been very privilaged to have Dale working alongside Craig Burke and Chris Shimwell to oversee my career over the last 2 years and have made the many trips down the M1 to train at Jesters because Dale is there. Dale has everybodies respect because of what he's achieved and what he knows and the knowledge, experience, contacts and opportunities he brings are what made Jesters so credible and respected both locally and nationally. Its tough to pull off the name without him.

Its sad when relationships break down but as someone has said when one door closes another one opens and what Dale is putting together with Jesters fightclub is very exciting and deserves everyones support as there is already talent coming through.

Watch this space!

All the best with the new venture champ.
White Wolf
Posted: 2009-12-02 10:32:38
You two really do need to get a room!
The Anvil
Posted: 2009-12-02 10:51:30
best ov luck snail!where did u get ur black and white portrate from? hahaha
Posted: 2009-12-02 12:36:00
Mick .... love you too x

Whitewolf .... not sure what you mean ;)

Anvil .... its yellow and grey u tit
Posted: 2009-12-03 02:57:32
thing is......micks right.
Posted: 2009-12-03 04:04:30
name is insufficient its the coach we all deal with, if your a good enough coach dale as we all know is then it dont matter if your gym is called girls blouse academy lol
Mo Islam
Posted: 2009-12-03 04:27:21
Love the logo!!
Posted: 2009-12-03 04:28:45
Does CKA stand for something kinky then?
White Wolf
Posted: 2009-12-03 06:11:11
Dale Wood's Girls Blouse Academy .... I like it, very apt LOL
Posted: 2009-12-03 10:14:36
first its yellow boots , now girls blouse .... im tellin my mum
Posted: 2009-12-03 10:15:41
Whats wrong with Yellow boots? I want some!
White Wolf
Posted: 2009-12-03 11:04:12
Just as well you're confident of your masculinity mate. You are aren't you?
Posted: 2009-12-04 11:31:49
of course i am ,.... darlin
Posted: 2009-12-05 10:46:36
lol whitte iv been trying to make something up but coulndt without swearing, mylads are gonna wear yellow boots and a blouse for the next fights mite get em some pink reyes lol
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