Does anyone know what the matches are for Master Skens next show?
At the moment Master Sken starts to Match Making,he will have to finalise with fighters and trainers.So far that I know POSSSIBLE MATCHES are as follow:
Andrei Kotsur-Belarus V Rung,Imran Khan V Richard Cadden,Adam Mills V Mehdi Firoozi,Chris Nyimbi-Holland V Richard Barnhill,Damien Trainer V Sebastian Oceana-Frence,Paul Karpowicz V Thomas McCormick
Master Sken is looking for fighters to match some of the fightters as follow:
Jordan Watson,Andy Howson,Ben Dukes,Robert Bourke,Eric Darricarere,Sam Bowden,Sam Mitchell,Ronnie Mann,Colin and Barry Denholm and more......
Looking v tasty. Would like the chance to see Nyimbi.
looks like a crackin line up! imran khan and cadden will be a some fight, and trainer vs sebastain will be good i watched sebastian when he fought on the power of scotland show he looked really strong and fit
innit great when u hear about "possible" fights on the internet!
should be a good 'un though! :)
Thomas McCormick great style cant wait to see him again. Adam mills is a wrecking machine
John do you no the date of the show yet?? Just i really want to fight seen as i am kinda a regular but im going away in Sept for a week for my old mans 50th so if im honest im gunna rat arsed 24/7 while im there, and depending on the date may actually be away. Cheers mate.
Hi Andy
The show will be on Sunday 24th September,Venue:George H.Carnall Leisure Centre,Urmston,Manchester.Hope you will be fighting,all the best.
anyone got any information on rungs opponent
Did Kieran Keddle fight Andrei Kotsur
Kieran beat him convincingly on points, highly rated Belurssion fighter
Master Sken just told me that Andrei Kotsur is WKN World Champion"King of the Ring champion 2005" His record is 96 fights 88 wins
Could Stevie Nisbet contact Master Sken,please.
stevie try to get hold of the recent crawley i dvd and you will see him fighting kieren
Hey John thanks for letting me no, but doesnt look like i can fight on this one, gutted. I go away for a week on the 12th Sept so wouldnt be fit to fight after a week on the pop.
KK V Kotsur....looks tall! :)
kotsur is very strong, kee took the normal 2 rounds for him to warm up and then to be fair took him apart with ease and made a fighter with a very good record look average which he obviously isnt kee was just on fire that nite Andrei must have a head made of stone with skin as thick as a rhinos with the amount of elbows landed to the upper half of it ...Quality fight it was
he is training with us in crawley at the moment very good fighter and a very nice bloke to.
paul vs thomas will be an excellent fight....wish i was home for this show
Would like to see Liam fight at Master Sken's show again
Kotsur's weight is between 61-64 kg
i dare say if timing is right (liam being in the UK)
....and the money is good, then you may see liam on skens show again, but I doubt it will be this year.
It is well worth it to have Liam on the Show
I dont think he is back until late October, early November.
Any fight offers for liam should be directed through Mr Smith and he will chat with Liam directly....
i thought u were don king noi?
Dont go saying that you'll get me shot!
ALL bad co fight offers go through Mr Don King Smith!
you spell that as Corlionni...
get yer hearing aid fixed you old bugga! :)
food on the brain as usual....
you'll be deep frying them next as well!
ha ha ha
lol, less of the old mate, I'm in my young 30-50's lol
Andrei Kotsur V Richard Cadden
OK.....whoever Mr Smith has sorted for me!
Who's Rung fighting then? Kahn? That'd be another cracker!
May have a problem with khan's weight,he would like to fight at 65 kg.Rung is very light.Rung's best weight is max 61-62.5 kg.Will let you know asap.
you saved me doing my research stevie... cheers mate! :)
What happened to the Mr Cadden V Mr Khan fight is that now a no go ??
Different weights by the look of it Russ. I I was lookin forward to that too but we all know these things change day by day!
ow comes khan just blew up to 65? he elbowed that french all over on the wicker at 63 and he didnt look drained.
I think he finds it very hard to make the weight at 63 kg,65 kg may be best for him.
surely khan should fight showers 1st tho before fightin cadden seein as cadden just defended his number 1 spot against showers a few months ago?
good luck to dean james a tough fight at a much heavier weight against mark timm still unbeaten?
no he lost at the crawley show agnaist mark brown he got cut in the 2 round,
cheers honey....
pukka up! ;)))
Liam just wandering where you heard about the Mark Timm Fight as he doesn't know himself.
The Mark Tim V Dean James fight has not been confirmed. It was suggested as a possibility by Master Sken but fight details still have to be discussed and confirmed with those concerned(most importantly asking Mark and his coach John LOL).
Cheers Tony, was speaking to John about this on wednesday and he was a bit confused.
sorry tony blame your blonde haired student ya know who i mean, the gay one.
No probs Liam; I will work him extra hard when his broken toe gets better and he gets his butt back to training. I just hope he isn't as premature in other areas of his life ;)
racoon arse nout was sed bout it bein a secret and music machine had spoken to the short fat 1 who cant spell b4 liam knew. anyhow i will be back in some sort of state to bash dean and hopefully rdouble u no i never miss a session when not injured. anyhow gays gotta love u and leave ya off on the prowl and nothing will be leaking prematurely tone as u know i am the ajarn in that area of our camp lol
Master Sken will confirm the fight between Mark Timm V Dean James very soon
Please Trainers give Master Sken a call or e-mail, he is looking for fighters to match these fighters:
Gavin Sterritt, Jordan Watson, Sean Wright, Robert Burke, Imran Khan, Sam Mitchell and more...
what weights are these fighters?
some good fighters lookin to get matched up should be a top show
some good fighters lookin to get matched up should be a top show
Gavin 75-76kg,Jordan 66-67kg,Imran 65 kg,Sean 69-70 kg,Sam 64-65kg, Robert 63-65kg thanks
I can match Burke ask Master sken to mail me cheers.
Master Sken will contact you today Vinny,cheers
I also think it is very good match between JORDAN V KHAN
Hi John, just to let you know that you had me down to fight at 64/65kg, but i fight at around 62/63kg max, Cheers. Sam
Thanks Sam.Master Sken will match you at correct weight 62/63 kg
I think Jordan v Khan would be a superb fight, love to see that one!
would pay to see that fight alone. Heavy heavy lol
It will be excellent fight, Master Sken is working very hard on Match Making
Mark Timm V Dean James Max 57 KG 5x3 Rounds Full Muaythai Rules confirmed.
can some please tell me what the date of this show is 23rd or 24th?
Sunday 24th September 2006 George H.Carnall Leisure Centre,Urmstom,Manchester
Good luck Dean! I'll be back in the UK by then who knows i might be able to make it up to Manchester...
Love the pic in your profile.................
Why is Liam the only 'topless' one and what is he squeezing so tight??
must be the only one who actually bothered training that session and gets em out for the girlies...
either that or he got collared trying to escape a picture and dragges back in from the showers! ohh yes nothing under those shorts baby! LOL
check out Tony "samkor" Myers with no shinpad on the left lol
theres no way that liam was TRYING to get away from that picture, the way he is can see the strain on his face! LOL
I also think he is smuggling tennisballs in his armpits, as his lats arent that big! ha ha ha
is the line up finalised yet?
still waiting for the silicon to go off in the old lats thats why i couldnt drop the arms down beagle toe
James France from Bad Co. V Chris Nyimbi from Calmaro Gym,Holland
James has agreed to fight but just wait for confirmation from Calmaro Team
This fight will be a fantastic.
my money is on james , get in touch for a little wager
I have just confirment the fight of Chris vs James France to Master Sken
Team Calmaro
wow! great fight and another big name for Badger to fight.
Tough contest for both boys.
Go on Badger lad do the business.
Any more prediction between James France V Nyimbi and Cadden V Kotsur
Personally both fights are well worth for your money.There are many excellent fights on the show.
If Badger is in the mood its all about him stopping him within 4 rounds if not he has it in him to grind out a points win or even a late late last round stoppage as he proved against stevie patterson in his last fight, ill be in the corner shouting at him and getting him wound up, imo James is one of the best fighters in the uk at the moment and has the potential to be absoloutly amazing, (just a lazy twat) Beag im predicting (and hoping) for a convincing points win, he is on a mission to prove something and will be well up for it.
Nyimbi will need a horse shoe in his glove to stop James france. Stevie patterson hits like a horse and james just kept coming. One tough bugger.
James V Chris,could go either way.Both are excellent fighters
The Match Making at present:
1.Richard Cadden V Andrei Kotsur 5x3 Rounds Full Muaythai Rules
2.Mark Timm V Dean James 5x3 Rounds Full Muaythai Rules
3.Chris Nyimbi V James France 5x3 Rounds European Rules
4.Ben Dukes V Daz Julary 5x2 Rounds European Rules
5.Gavin Sterritt V Mehdi Feroozi 5x3 Rounds Full Muaythai Rules
More Matches to come..........
i cant wait to see james france fight, the guy is an exciting fighting, think he is under rated by some but def not me after throwing me around like a rag doll! he has it all power, speed, great technique and so clever! good luck in this one mate cant wait to see you in there doing your thing! would have loved to see his fight with full rules though.
european rules whats that about???????????
WTF are those rules? France is the elbow doctor that smells. good luck to dean james music machine, james badger, noi666 beagle toe orange-otang and gav sterritt on his return.
Unfortunately the Dutch team wouldn't take the fight with elbows. It will still be a great fight though. Looks like a brilliant line-up.
sorry meant to say Exciting fighter, im thick at times lol!!!!
Nyimbi will have another fight very shortly after this show in Holland,he would like to fight with Full Muaythai Rules at Master Sken's next show.
i seriously doubt he will be in any fit state to fight shortly after this fight.
all the best to dean but ill be there anyway no worries. good luck to all the bad co lads fighting.
Dean James will be in the best shape of his life..........thats my job he he he he he !!!!!!!!By the way Dean how come you have time to look at a computer!!!!!Get down and gimmie twenty!
Daz it could be worse i have heard you announced as Jaz Delali!Het mate looking forward to seeing you fight and gav skerrit aswell and James france and and and and ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im gonna explode
I need to get out more!
There are 2 or 3 C Class on,anyone is interested in fighting on this show,please email Master Sken above email address.
I really like to see Jordan Watson V Imran Khan
hey up rdouble, aint seen you in agggggggeeeeeeesssssss! if you have changed your number get in touch and let me know, mines the same as its always been if you still have it. and yes im sure too that dean will be in excellent shape!
watson would win by KO within 3 rounds....imran is very good but jordan would be too strong.
Still think Khan V Cadden would be a more exciting fight
Jordan is very powerful,I'll bet on Jord.I also like Khan,he is very technical fighter,he has a very good trainer-Kru Mick Mullany.
watson will bring disgrace on whoever he fights, why not rematch with darlo lad that would be nice to see
Karpowicz where are you based?
cadden vs imran would be a disgraceful fight elbows would be flying all over the place lol
yes, ...yes it would! lol
Would be a fookin good fight though, pretty sure there would be hindreds of people wanting to see that.
I am sure it would but lets get this one out of the way first.
Me V Kotsur.
I have a few fights planned all the way up to about next march/april never know...I leave all fight management up to Mr Smith. He always gets me great fights.
Back on topic...
Hi Rdouble,
I am training with Master Sken,I hope I will be fighting Thomas McCormick from Wicker Camp.Do you stop fighting Rich?
Illonka V Jones
We are waiting for Illonka's trainer to confirm this fight.
Hi guys
Dave has discussed his willingness for rachel to fight Ilonka and Rachael is preparing now in readiness.
It is hoped that Alex from Daves (bradford Thai) will also be fighting. His last fight was Ronnie Mann whom he beat over five rounds on Master Skens last fight. Alex has only had four fights but made the jump from three fight C class to B class for the Ronnie Mann fight and justified Daves faith in him. Should be exciting. Daves wants Joel Heany on as well. 3 fights and 3 wins to his credit.
Master Sken Message
"Sadly to know that Ronnie Mann will not be fighting in Muaythai but concentre on MMA,he is very good fighter and wish him all he best.Charlie Joseph is excellent trainer,I hope to have fighters from Charlie to participate on my future show.Charlie,I hope to see you at the show.
Last fight Ronnie V Alex, Alex did make the weight but it was a night before,so on the day Alex was bigger however it was very good fight.I also hope to have Alex and Joel to fight on my show this time.I have 14 fights on,I apologise if I may have to disappoint some one.So many Instructors have given me overwelming support,I do appreciate for the support.Sometimes I do suffer from lost of financial,I must be mad but I love to promote Muaythai.I take my hat off to all promoters out there.All the best everyone"
does anyone know the full 14 fight line up?? obviously this will be subject to any fighters pulling out from now until the show!! thanks
Master Sken has got the line up and working on Artwork for posters and leaflets.We will put it up on Ax asap.Thanks
ok john just wondering what n and/or c class fighters he had on the bill,cheers anyway
I take it that from Master Skens/John post that Ronnie Mann will no longer be competing in Muay Thai. Sad Loss. And such a promising talent too.
As for alex being heavier/taller etc on their last clash...You should have seen him before the 6 hour stint in the suana. dave nearly killed him!! But he was told 67Kg with plenty of notice so he suffered at his own hands. Pies versus diet. Pies nearly always win...Eh? Alex you fat dog!!
At least three fighters had to do skipping with bin bag for 45 minutes,food and weight=pain and suffer,Alex was really suffered for that with sauna.Well,all fighters get yourself on a right weight for this show.
One of them was my boy Abdul....he got in soooo much trouble for that!
that will have been the KFC family bucket and 3 litres of coke the night before! LOL
bad, bad, deano brown, baddest man in the whole damn town! :)
thought i recognized that weird looking chap with a belt on. haha go on dean mate.
ROFL who bought our whippet a new collar?
4got to show you my pic yesterday'd have loved it! :I) (handlebar tash)
deano wants to be ja rule lol
needs to put on about 2stone! :)
triple chinatown coming up....
john how comes u wacked a pic of DJ up on his own? do you fancy him? how comes all people with the initials DJ are gay dave?
Dean used to be usher but dont worry tonight "aint nothin but the Rule baby"
is all that will be used in the gym!
Try to collect all Photos of fighters,please all trainers and fighters send the Photos to above e-mail address very soon,thanks.
no way, im gutted being ripped left right and centre! lol, liam called me at work today, wetting him self about this photo, can see why now lol! please will other fighters send their photo so there aint just me getting the pee taken out of them.
if i put 2 stone on and die my hair blonde and pink could get mistaken for mr cadden not ja rule lol. sorry mate!!
liam its on at the gym tonight mate!! WAR!
yeah its on for 30secs of the 1st round ive been out for 11 weeks remember so fitness wil not be high, ive got a new punch for you i call it the drainer, im hoping it will slow you down a touch!
Dear god, Deano you mean mofo you,lol.
Urgent,we need a fighter for Paul Karpowicz 17 yrs old 5x2 Rounds Full Muaythai Rules or European Rules Max 61 Kg 3 fights 3 wins from Master Sken-Sitnarong, Stockport
5x2 full rules? is that 3/4 rules then?
anybody know the full line up for this show yet, from the few ive heard sounds as though its going to be a good night!!!!!
If a fighter accepts to fight Full Muaythai Rules,as I know this show we accept to fight with or without Full Muaythai Rules
Hi John .
Dave reckons that young paul is a talent and one for the top of this sport. Dont hide the search for an opponant on this post. Get it under a new heading and attract the attention this boy warrants.
On a note its that with 3 fights and three wins his natural opponants aint likely to want the full rules inclusion. Im sure Master Sken has his own thoughts on this but you might need to go for a more experienced opponant to get what you want. Stay with the full rules though! The boys too good to drop back in status
Master Sken knows that Paul is a natural fighter,he is trying to get Paul to fight FTR as ofthen as possible.He is very young and learning all time.Many thanks Lee for your comment.
Hi Vinny
Please contact Master Sken,re:your fighters,thanks
More fights have been confirmed:
Eric Darricarere-Sitnarong V Richard Jones-Beastmaster
Tony Horbury-Bolton T.B.Club V Gareth Richard-K-STAR
Colin Johnson-KBS Gym V Ryan Taylor-Lumpinee
Sam Mitchell-Pheonix V Sheree Haliday-Woking T.B.Club
Hi Lee
Please ask Dave,when is Illonka's trainer back from Holiday? We can finallise the fight, Jones V Illonka urgently.Thanks
Ilonka's trainer is away until the 22nd August, ive sent him an email to contact MAster Sken, he may not check his emails very often though.
Ive sent a confirmation and so has Rachel. I asked Eric (elonkas trainer) how much they need so we can get the sponsorship sorted.
Of interest a dutch TV show has asked for photos of Rachael Jones for a story line involving Elonka Who told them she was fighting Rachael. So it seems they know its on?
Did you get an opponant for young Paul?
We have not yet got an opponent for Paul Karpowicz
What about John Dennis for Paul, he fought Thomas on the Wicker show this year, might be a little heavy though
That will be a very good fight,Paul has to put a weight on.He is getting lighter
as the more he trains.One problem,very hard to get hold of Pete Feely.
I'll get Dave to give him a call.
Maybe a bit too big for Paul is John mate, John fights 61-63 i think and has a bit of a dig on him so would the natural power advantage over Paul, not worth Paul possibley losing just for the sake of getting a fight you no?? What about Ranjit Dheer?? I hear he is pretty good? he's had bout 7-8 fights i think not sure,would be a good fight for Paul maybe.
how light is paul he fought at 61 last time i saw him i fought with him gettin older his weight would naturally go up.......i fought rhanjit retired after he fought dean james love machine?
thought.........sorry spellin is awful
Ranjit and Dean foughr at 55kg
Thanks Lee,Andy,Liam and Rdouble for suggestion.Paul is growing up,but he really looks after himself well,teaches and train regularly.He seems to keep his weight down very well.I think it will be best for him to fight at max 61 kg.
ranjit is 55kg and has had 15/16 fights not 7 camel breath
Paul can make a weight at lowest 59 kg and to fight someone who has no more than 8 fights.
whats the current line-up for this show at the moment??
Elonka has accepted the fight with Jones.
The suggested fee is a little high right now but I anticipate Dave will be chatting to Master sken tomorrow when he sees him. And no doubt all of his contacts too in an effort to raise the cash.
The fight will be televised on dutch TV too with over 3 million viewers on mainstream TV shown three times. The programme is similar to THE BILL or somesuch programme in which Elonka as an actress appears.
Dave agreed 5x3 full rules. 2 mins between rounds.
Ch5 TV and Manchester-CHANNEL M will give a coverage of this show.Master Sken has agreed with a Professional Company to film and make DVD of the fights.It is also very good news that you can watch the fights on the Web: will be on this website between 2-4 weeks after the show.
Dave Croft is working really hard to help Master Sken to raise the sponsorship for this fight,look like it very possible.It is really good for sport as many Televison companies are interested in this show.
After a day of serious blagging Dave has raised half the cash already. Only a small kings ransom left to find.....Master Sken has agreed to sanction this clash as a title fight.
Mark Timm V Dean James
Gavin Steritt V Mehdi Ferroozi
Mark Timm V Dean James
Mark Timm V Dean James
I heard Mark Timm is fighting Dean James, can anyone confirm this?
which title is the jones v ilonka fight for?
SIMTA European?
I think Illonka is a World Champion,she will not need to fight for European title.It will be best to fight as a Super prestige fight.
Who is Dean James fighting?
its all about titles isnt it noi lol
Rachael Jones has two British titles. One at 52Kg one at 55kgs The next logical step is European. Master Sken could offer a SIMTA world title but doubts there is enough time for a Sanction from the WMTC. Master Sken would want a title to have the correct sanction.
I doubt it matters if the fight is for a european Title unless you believe Jones will win. In which case it matters. Ilonka's fighting for the money and her career, television and profile. JOnes is fighting for no immediate reward. Why not a title?
Besides Ilonka may offer up one of her World Titles? Who's to say.
if rach wins she will prove shes world class anyway
Hi Ally
Mark Timm V Dean James has been confirmed.
Ilonka should put one of her world titles on the line if she is asking for such a big pay day (and that Rach is fighting for free!)
Cant be arsed to trawl through whats the date for this again?
Update. We're half way there for the fee on this one. So its safe to say this fight will go ahead as scheduled.
Dave asked Ilonka if she wants to put up a belt. Answer pending
Try to post the photo,hope it work this time
Tony"Tiger"Horbury-Bolton T.B. V Gareth Richards-K-STAR
is the fight tony"tiger"horbury and gareth richard full or euro rules????
Rachael Jones
Gavin Steritt V Mehdi Feroozi
Richard Cadden V Andrei Kotsur
James France-England V Chris Nyimbi-Holland
Ben Dukes-Bad Co. V Daz Jalali-Beast Master
Looking forward to this show, coming up with Sheree who is fighting Sam Mitchell.
Be good to see everyone.
Mark Timm V Dean James
Illonk Elmont
*** 5 times World Champion***
- World W.P.K.L Champion (50.8kg)
- Two times Champion of the World W.P.K.L. (-52.16kg)
- Champion of the World W.M.T.C (-51,5 Kg)
- IMKO World Flyweight champion(51kgs)
- NKBB Dutch Title (52 KG)
Ilonkas ring entrance is great!
every fight badger has he wears my shorts hes even got them on in that pic the big fatboy that was good
what time will the show start
France is a very good fighter(i know that you were not realy slagging him of Mr Harrison),i never owned my own pair of fighting shorts until about 9 months ago i always borrowed club ones it aint what you wear its what you do.James is a very strong fighter and i expect big things of him in the future,this should be a very good show im looking forward to it.
Start at 12.30 NOON.Hopefully a Lighting Crew for TV will be ready by 11.00 A.M.We may start ealier.
what are the ticket prices and will u be able to get them from master skens site
badger dont give a shit he fights thai style and lives his life thai style (ie dont have a care in the world, always takes everyone elses stuff and usually turns up 4hrs late for things) i moan about takin other peoples things tho cos every training item i use aint mine i have nothing at either badco or jittis at badco i wear stuff out the lost property box, and at jittis i steal things off the washing line.....westwood dont be expecting things from badger he will prob retire again after this fight i think that will be the 6th
Tickets and Posters are ready next week.Tickets will be available at Master Sken's Website.They will be also available at Master Sken's HQ,Bad Co.Gym,Beast Master,Bradford Thai Boxing,Woking Thai Boxing,Siam Dornadair,Bolton Thai Boxing,Wicker Camp,Salford Thai Boxing,Sitnarong Prestwich Thai Boxing,Sitnarong St.Helens,Phoenix Thai Boxing,GFC Camp,Crawley Muaythai,K-STAR and KBS GYM.
Chris Nyimbi-Holland V James France-England
Gavin Steritt-Warrington Muaythai V Mehdi Feroozi-Wicker Camp
Lost my phone and all its numbers...Dave Croft pls contact me, my mate just got back to me with positive news :
Hi Dave
Please post Gavin's photo up on Ax,tried twice but not working.Thanks
Steve Primrose-Beasmaster V Steve Rogerson-Sitnarong Prestwich
Steve Primrose-Beasmaster V Steve Rogerson-Sitnarong Prestwich
Gavin Sterritt
Hello Lee,
nobody has ever televised thai-boxing on Dutch t.v. or Eurosport,
neither of Ilonka, nor of Germaine de Randemie. It is therefore
surprising, that this match will be shown on Dutch t.v., while nobody
has ever heard of Rachel Jones.
I think, that it then will be more of a report on Ilonka herself.
Ilonka herself, has a minor role in a Dutch t.v. soap and as a 5-times
world-champion, together with her world-known trainer Carbin, they
are rightfully very expensive and the fee could well be running into
thousands of Euro's.
Lately, Ilonka could not add any spectacular wins to her name and she
therefore sorely needs one at this moment.
I therefore expect a spectacular match, whereby Rachel, known as The
Hammer, shall attempt to look for a quick k.o. and Ilonka, at long last,
would like to shine again as The Killer Queen, as in the past.
I therefore wish both ladies a fantastic match!
Hello Lee,
nobody has ever televised thai-boxing on Dutch t.v. or Eurosport,
neither of Ilonka, nor of Germaine de Randemie. It is therefore
surprising, that this match will be shown on Dutch t.v., while nobody
has ever heard of Rachel Jones.
I think, that it then will be more of a report on Ilonka herself.
Ilonka herself, has a minor role in a Dutch t.v. soap and as a 5-times
world-champion, together with her world-known trainer Carbin, they
are rightfully very expensive and the fee could well be running into
thousands of Euro's.
Lately, Ilonka could not add any spectacular wins to her name and she
therefore sorely needs one at this moment.
I therefore expect a spectacular match, whereby Rachel, known as The
Hammer, shall attempt to look for a quick k.o. and Ilonka, at long last,
would like to shine again as The Killer Queen, as in the past.
I therefore wish both ladies a fantastic match!
Hi William.
You actually misread my thread. The dutch TV theme was that Ilonka was to appear in a Dutch TV police soap and the fight was to form a back drop to the plot. Not in itself televised for its own sake. I doubt that Rachael is known in Holland right now but she may well be if this clash goes the way She'd like it too. Either way it'll be exciting.
As for expensive you would be correct and think multiples of thousands more than two and you'd be near. But like you say or rather implied Ilonkas the champion and a media starlet. It aint expensive it that sense. No ones complaining. Eric asked Dave if Rachael wanted the opportunity. She did. Thats the price. End of story.
Besides Daves got the money now. Its a done deal. all rachael has to do is win. Or she's cleaning the gym for a long while to come LOL!
Dave Jackson deserves a medal too. He's got a sponsor to put a few hundred into the pot. He did'nt need to but he did and thats brilliant.
Who calls Rachael the Hammer? Tho I spose with the red hair and pale skin she could qualify as a viking and so thor's hammer? would apply...I'll tell her its her new name
Sheree Haliday-Woking Thai Boxing V Sam Mitchell-Pheonix Gym
Sam Mitchell V Sheree Haliday
Richard Jones V Eric Darricarere fight may be in doubt,as Jones was knocked out in London show.Hope Jones will get well very soon.
No probs Master Sken, I put that pic up of Gav looking really gay so that Mehdi and his team will know how easy it is gonna be for them. I hope you have all noticed that Gavins Tash is way ahead of your lots feable efforts!
is sam from gary mcallisters? is his gym called pheonix? nice technique from the other fighters ive seen him put out
Yes,Sam Mitchell from Pheonix Gym,Kru Gary McAllister
Yeah Sam's a good lass, good solid technique and goes about her work well. it'll be good to see her fight.
Gary and Sam have always supported Master Sken's Interclubs,Sam is very dedicated and has very good techniques.
to be fair all the lads ive seen from garys had nice technique. liked the style of the lad he's got who was winning by miles before he got kicked in the nuts about 3 times aswell when the blow up sheep got tossed in the ring and it all kicked off. Classic.
Anyone for Paul Karpowicz 61 Kg 3 wins 5x2 Rounds?
Hi John.
I have a lad at 61kg 5F(2W,1D,2L) that might do. Do you have master skens email and will forward details.
Many thanks,Bridgestone.Master Sken's e-mail as above.His Tel:0161 429 9660 Mob:07785 733 734.Please give him a call.
3f? thort he'd had a great deal more juniors etc???
He still is a junior. He has only just passed his 17th birthday.
Its a promotors worse nightmare that their integrity and declared fighters records are cast into doubt. If indeed a fighters record is not 100% correct then that is a matter for debate between proposed opponants and their respective trainers not public debate.
I believe your intentions in asking with a question mark to be honourable but but you could have paraphrased it a little less disbelievingly of the stated facts.
I make the point because I am aware this is Daves pet issue. Honesty when declaring a fighters history. Having suspected set ups for easy wins from others against his fighters. But again without an independant regularing body to keep permanant records its down to personal integrity.
thought it might b a typo mate like 13f sorry just seen a lot more than three there might be 2 pauls at skens then.
difficult age 15-17, takes good matching like richard smith did with jordan. good luck with the lad.
We are talking about Professional Fights Record here.S.I.M.T.A Licence and Fight Record are seperated in 2 Catagories,one Record for Interclubs or Amateur
and Professional FightRecord.His Professional Fight Record 3Fights 3 wins.If you have a look at Boxing Record.Amateur Fights Record will be totally seperated from Professional one.Most of his Interclub fights were no decision.Paul Kelly has kindly contacted Master Sken with an opponent for Paul,I have no doubt Master Sken will clarify Paul's Record to Paul Kelly.
I hope this clarify to Liam R./thaisoon17.
wicked hope he does well, think i saw him on a tony moore show some time back. good luck
Hi John,
Just to inform all that Master Sken had indeed contacted me and confirmed Pauls pro and amature record so all is upfront and in the open and this would be important for our fighters as we do not have the luxery of having interclubs as only about 9 clubs in the island of Ireland and would not have enough to do both amature and professional promotions as not enough fighters for both but some new clubs starting up and in the future this will become a reality as Muay Thai is growing in popularity over here also.
We have a lot of experience of fighting in the Uk under different promoters and all so far have been upfront with details of records as to the best of our knowledge. I have a couple of options for Master Sken on an opponant for Paul Karpowitz and hope to confirm in the next few days.
Many thanks,Paul.Look forward to seeing you and your fighters on Master Sken's Show.Yours in Muaythai.
Guy Ramsey-please contact Master Sken
Update:there are 13 fights still on at the moment,but Sheree Haliday is injured.Now we need an opponent for Sam Mitchell.
when will posters and tickets be available?
Posters and tickets will be ready on next Tuesday .
Real shame that Sheree had to pull out, she torn a tendon in here elbow on MOnday during sparring. She was very much looking forward to the fight and was training very hard. Both myself and Master Sken have tried to contact Gary but with no luck. I have sent him an email, so if Gary or Sam read this, many apologies, but hopefully get the match on another show November time.
Gary is on holiday until the 6th Sept,
john could you please send me a couple of posters, I'm trying to get some students to come down, also is there a current line up
zebs have been talking to one of garys lot today and told him to tell sam.
cheers Mark.
Training is going well.
I am gonna be away from the uk for the next week or so. Its my birthday on wednesday and my gf has bought me a weeks stay at a training camp, somewhere abroad....all I have been told is that I need training gear and beachwear..and the av temp for the last week has been I'll be ready for action and on weight early, and not have a replay of the last weigh-in!
and nice and orange i'm coming to watch you and your mates from the gym so good luck to all.
i may well have a orangy tinge, compared to the other pastey buggas from LS9! :)
Current Line up:
1.Richard Cadden-Bad Co.Leeds V Andrei Kotsur-Crawley Muaythai.Belarus
2.James France-Bad Co.Leeds V Chris Nyimbi-Calmaro Gym.Holland
3.Ilonka Elmont-Holland V Rachael Jones-Bradford Muaythai
4.Ben Dukes-Bad Co.Leeds V Daz Jalali-Beast Master,Altrincham
5.Dean James-Trojan,WolverhamtonV Mark Timm-Siam Dornadairm Glasgow
6.Eric Darricarere-Sitnarong,Stockport V Richard Jones-Beast Master.Altrincham
7.Gavin Sterritt-Warrington Muaythai V Mehdi Feroozi-Wicker Camp,Sheffield
8.Steve Rogerson -Sitnarong,Prestwich V Steve Primrose-Beast Master,Altrincham
9.David Southern-Sitnarong,ST.Helens V Tom Bird-Bad Co.Leeds
10.Paul Gerathy -Salford Muaythai V Elliot South-Singto,Cambridge
11.Alex Abusin-Bradford Muaythai V Leroy Morgado-Nongkee Pahuyuth,Knutsford
12.Colin Johnson-KBS,Bolton V Ross Kane-Siam Dornadair-Glasgow?
13.Paul Karpowicz-Sitnarong,Stockport V TBC
14.Jordan Calder-Caledonian,Glasgow V TBC
Posters and tickets will be ready next week.
Number 14 should be good.
Richard Jones still def fighting after recent KO?
Sorry,miss one fight:
15.Tony Horbury-Bolton Thai Boxing V Gareth Richards K.Star,Birmingham
Pele Nathan will confirm us after consultation with a Doctor next week.
Noi666-You lucky sod...
Gotta fill me in where to find one of those :P
have fun..
Good luck to all..
Master Sken has been asked by briancal for his son(Jordan Calder) to fight at the show,Master Sken is trying very hard to match Jordan,any instructors who have a Junior to match him.Please contact Master Sken.
Jordan Calder 13 years old 46 kg 9F.
Hard training but enjoy it
dean james fights from pra chau suua gym not trojan.
looks like it's going to be a good show
Good luck Jordan, a great opportunity for you to fight on a massive show, hope you know we re all going to be kicking you about the gym to get you ready for it though!
I may have an opponent for young Jordan from Calmaro gym,Holland.I am waiting for an answer.I hope the young Dutch has a passport.
Jackie Dings 13 years old from Calmaro Gym,Holland V Jordan Calder confirmed.
Would Brian send me a photo of Jordan urgently please,thanks.
Jordan Calder, 12 years old, Caldedonian Muay Thai, Glasgow.
good luck jordan is it a title fight? looks like a good line up
Good luck Jordon from wee Johnny!
Yes good stuff Jord, ill be there mate and ill be hijacking the corner for ya like you always do when i fight,lol. I hope your training hard mate, ud better be its a big big show your on and will be a brilliant chance to show everyone what your made of lad, and a big step up fighting a dutch. Get training and stay away from kfc,lol.
There are 15 fights on,this is well worth for your money.Would Paul Kelly confirm a fighter for Paul Karpowicz urgent please
Best of luck to Jordan Calder (come on wee man!)
Loadsa stress and sleepless nights noo Brian.
Train hard Jordan and you wont need luck !!
Tell me about it Wilma it has started already, you know me too well. I will phone you later in the week. And thank you to everyone for their support.
best of luck to ya Jordan C!
Now Paul Karpowicz has an opponent-Steven Meleady from Bridgestone Muaythai Gym.Many thanks to Paul Kelly.
Please John Craig contact me,thanks
Need an opponent for Colin Johnson weight 61.5 kg Max, 3x2 Rounds , 1fight 1 win.
Master Sken I am back home now I will contact you in the next couple of days
Thanhs you master sken for the fight agains Jordan,it,s goining to be a good fight.
Dutch champion 2005.
Hi Jackie
You are very welcome.Look forward to seeing you in England
Poster for my show,Leroy Morgado from Vinny Shoreman,Nongkee Pahuyuth, Knutford.The printer put Sinarong behind Knutsford,it's a mistake,sorry Vinny.
Sorry it's not working,I will try again later.
email it to me, i think i know whats wrong
Can't wait.
Roll on 24th. Gav's appparently finshed. So Mehdi will have an easy ride. Good Luck Mehdi!
Gav...They will be training their asses off to beat you. :)
All you have to do is train like the Budgie says and we are there!
Our Zone is a different zone. Whoooo whooo !
bring it on :)
who sed gavs finished? 1 poor result is nothing look at chelsea the other week
Gavs not finished Steve Jones is underrated,that kid trains like a trojan to compensate for his slight lack in technique,aswell that boys got the real heart of a lion,never ever gives in fights till theres blood in his boots.Gavin is a good fighter,nobody can take that away from him a loss against Steve Jones is not a poor performance.
(dave i know you were joking i just wanted to give propper credit to Steve Jones....the quiet man of British Muay Thai.)
Much appreciated John.
I still have a problem to find a fighter for Colin Johnson 61.5 Kg 1 F 1W.
Alan Currie is trying to help and has texted many instructors for me,thanks to Alan.If anyone has got a fighter,please contact me at above e-mail address.
Any prediction of the fights?
james france dean james gavin sterrit and eric D all to win good luck to jordan cal aswel
Finally we found the opponent-David Thorncroft from Pele Nathan for Colin Johnson,many thanks to Pele.
I would also like to express my sincere thanks to Dave Croft,John Craig,Guy Ramsay and Alan Currie who have been brilliant in helping me.
I do know all Instructors and fighters are working very hard in preperation for this show.I wish you all have a good health and safe in training,I hope the hard works that you are all doing,lead to very good result in this competition.
Through dedication,determination and right preperation with strategy,I believe that you can achieve your Goals.
Mark Timm to win! SMTC crew behind you all the way, looking sharp and as fit F**k, kick ass Mark don't get robbed!!!
What do you mean"don't get robbed"? Any way good luck to Mark Timm.
don't get robbed laura??? bit harsh dont ya think? has he ever been.
1.Richard Cadden-Bad Co.Leeds V Andrei Kotsur-Crawley Muaythai.Belarus, Cadden points.
2.James France-Bad Co.Leeds V Chris Nyimbi-Calmaro Gym.Holland, James KO.
3.Ilonka Elmont-Holland V Rachael Jones-Bradford Muaythai, Ilonka points (unless Rach catches her with 1 of those big right hands that could swing it.
4.Ben Dukes-Bad Co.Leeds V Daz Jalali-Beast Master,Altrincham, Ben points
5.Dean James-Trojan,WolverhamtonV Mark Timm-Siam Dornadairm Glasgow, Deano points.
6.Eric Darricarere-Sitnarong,Stockport V Richard Jones-Beast Master.Altrincham, if fight still going ahead Eric by KO. (seriously Richard needs to stop fighting now, been KO'd way too many times. Real nice guy but we need to think of his saftey now.)
7.Gavin Sterritt-Warrington Muaythai V Mehdi Feroozi-Wicker Camp,Sheffield, a tricky one this, Mehdi not as experienced as Gav but is very good and has a dig, i just think Gav will take this one on points, he will be determained after his shock loss to Ste Jones.
8.Steve Rogerson -Sitnarong,Prestwich V Steve Primrose-Beast Master,Altrincham, dont no either guy so ill go for Steve to win,lol.
9.David Southern-Sitnarong,ST.Helens V Tom Bird-Bad Co.Leeds, Tom KO.
10.Paul Gerathy -Salford Muaythai V Elliot South-Singto,Cambridge, no idea.
11.Alex Abusin-Bradford Muaythai V Leroy Morgado-Nongkee Pahuyuth,Knutsford, Leroy points.
12.Colin Johnson-KBS,Bolton V Ross Kane-Siam Dornadair-Glasgow? no idea.
13.Paul Karpowicz-Sitnarong,Stockport V Steven Meleady from Bridgestone Muaythai Gym, Paul win points.
14.Jordan Calder-Caledonian,Glasgow V Jackie Dings Calmaro Gym Holland, Jordan C win points, well youd better anyway lad otherwise im gunna batter you even more than last time the next time me and Liam come up to see you, lol. Brian Cal drop me an email mate let me no how his trainings going, need a chat with ya anyway.
I reckon Mr C will win on points.
I think Rachel will also beat Ilonka convincingly on points.
Richard Jones will lose by KO
James France v Nyimbi - draw
Dean James will win on points.
Steve Rogerson, didn't he break his leg at Master Skens show last year? He looked decent enough until that happened so I will go for him to win (assuming his leg is now ok!)
Gav 'Gareth Southgate' Sterritt will win on points.
Best of luck to young Jordan, will be a proper good step up if he wins this one.
laura email me if your up for a bit of a wager on the mark timm dean (love machine) james fight:-)
I will keep my win/loss predictions to myself, but I predict another cracking show. Can't beleive I have no fighter on this show, not to worry i will be there.
gutted im missing this! Jordan do your thing mate i know you'l come home with that belt!
liam h mate let me know as ill put some money on i think you know who!!!! lol. im going dean james (music or love) machine all the way. do the biz mate. whos going to the show? liam h? andy h? you all going to this one?
Andy how come you have Daves two fighters Rachael and Alex losing on points decisions? Have you no faith boy?
Remember they have to win. Daves had to get the money for Rachaels fight and after all the effort thats gone into Alex recently neither dare lose....Or if indeed your predict correctly the salford canals gonna get full.
cya there!!!!
I can assure you that no one will rob Mark Timm,John Craig is my student and freind.Some times Judges made their decision,no matter right or wrong.I do not think they did mean to be bias,but just need more experiences and education.
Looks like a great line-up I'ld come and watch but I'm in Thailand. I'm interested in the Colin Johnson vs David Thorncroft fight - these are my last 2 opponents. I never got out of first gear with Colin, he just shut me down straight away - I went the distance with David, which he took on points - quite close decision I think. Hope David tests Colin better than I did.
Would like to see Dean James fight again, he was ace last time I saw him. The Gavin-Mehdi fight should be a cracker too.
Best of luck with the show Master Sken.
how can i go wainey you lama licker im in thailand....good luck master sken with everything, see you in feb.
My predictions are based on what i have seen, i have watched both Ilonka and Rach fight many times, Ilonka has alot more experience (which i no means nothing) and from her fights i have seen she has been awesome, and she has fought and beat some really good top names, it was not meant as any disrespect to Rach just what i think may happen. Rach hasn't had the fights or the kind of opponents in front of her that Ilonka has thats all. My heart says Rach and i really hope she pulls it off, my head however says otherwise, regardless it will be a right fight and if Rach lands that big shot of hers it could change the fight full stop.
As far as Alix i have never seen him fight before but i think i have seen Leroy fight and i recall him been pretty good, he is from a good camp aswell. (as is alix.) regardless this is gunna be a wicked show again from Master Sken, Well done Master Sken for pulling it off once again. See you at the weigh in. Wainey ill be there in force cornering for our guys and little Jordan Calder, and screaming for the music machine, as im gunna have done loadsa training with him by the time he fights. See you there mate.
Valid points Im afraid. Ilonka wins the tale of the tape. But as you say Rachael is on the up and has stepped on some names in her climb. So I for one am nervous but quietly confident.
As for Alex. He beat Ronnie Mann on only his fourth fight this next being his fifth. Maybe a dark horse? we will see eh?
Cya all there
"lama licker " quality mate .
Yeah im not wrighting Rach off she has always got that big shot, she is the heavier hitter of the 2 so you never no, trust me though mate ill be cheering her on. did he fight Alix on Skens show?? if so i think i remember who he is.
GOOD LUCK to Tony horbury from B.T.B.C. Do the do Tony!
Best of luck to ALL fighters/gyms.....LOOKS A TOP show as always!
I'll be there.
I personally think Rachel will be far hungrier for the win than Ilonka. This allied with the fact Rachel is actually top class anyway will see her win the bout IMO.
Liam and Andy,really look forward to have you both on my show again next year.I wish you all the best Liam,hope to see you soon.Andy, see you at the weigh-in.Alix James,I hope to have you on my show next year.Many thanks to everyone for your support.
We really look forward to the show.
Phil: Indeed we expect Rachael to be hungry for the fight, but we are aswell. After Ilonka's sabatical (and Shibata fight) we haven't had a satisfying win. For some reason we kept running into trouble with the rock bottom fight vs Geitsidou where Ilonka broke her foot.
We will be ready and hungry for this fight aswell. We where not satisfied by a longshot of how things went last few fights.
get yourself a flight nack just for the show then !!!!! yes mate ill see you there andy!!!
Reply to Andy.
Yeh Alex fought ronnie on Master Skens last show in february. Im tipping him for great things and he has time on his side.
Ilonka has a massive profile and deservedly so and without a doubt Eric has presented Rachael with a splendid opportunity so early in her career. Shes earned it tho and Im expecting fireworks.
Lee, i did see a bit of the fight, but i think i was in the back warming up for my own fight. think i caught the first 3 rounds or so, looks good, im looking forward to the show, and killing our guys in preperation for it, lol.
that was weak wainey comeback quick and take harrison down
Yeah Wainey that was a bit poor mate,lol you forget Liam is the takedown master,he,he. Master Sken im looking forward to the next show already and cant wait to fight on it for you again, am looking forward to seeing what challenge you thro my way this time. See you at the weigh in hope everything is running smoothly for the show?? See you soon.
Yeah Wainey that was a bit poor mate,lol you forget Liam is the takedown master,he,he. Master Sken im looking forward to the next show already and cant wait to fight on it for you again, am looking forward to seeing what challenge you thro my way this time. See you at the weigh in hope everything is running smoothly for the show?? See you soon.
wainey looks like the teeth and nose will rattle again, that was weak and theres been no comeback
Up date:
Steve Rogerson is still having a problem with his shin again,Doctor advised not to fight.Dave Croft offers his fighter,so there are 15 fights on.
I would like to ask trainers and fighters to keep Ram Muaythai as short as possible.Please all trainers get your fighters ready well before each Bouts.It will safe a lot of time.Let's enjoy the fights and can get home early.Many thanks.
Hi Master Sken. Dave hopes that Joel will be ok for this fight. Unfortunately Dave cannot confirm immediately as Joel is away with his religeous studies until friday evening. Joel is hoping to take up a religeous vocation and takes time out for prayers every now and then. This week is a study week. However; it is hoped that we can be positive and joel will be ready.
Dave will call you later Master Sken once Joel comes out of Prayers.
Make sure Mr Cadden is on last if you want the Ram Muays to be short :)
Nooooo...put Cadden on first so he can do his Ram Muay to an empty room just in case any Nak Muay decides to copy it.
my comment about Mark Timm was about a points loss in Sweden that everyone felt he won, that was his first loss. I was just giving Mark a bit of support. I did not mean he would be robbed on this particular show!
looks like a great show, good luck to all the fighters!
Yeah Yeah Laua any excuse,lol. Just kidding, i dont think anyone was making out that you meant this particular show but you never no with you scotts,ha,ha. (only kidding me and Liam are part Scottish too, our grandad) See you at the show and good luck to Mark.
just starting mine now guys.....see you in two weeks!
just starting your ram muay???? hopefully you will be finished in time to fight then! lol.
sorry no reply to mr h's comment, i will treat the comment with the contemp it deserves! (no reply)
and thaisoon yeh ill see you tonight mate gumshield an all. lol
see you next monday wainey ive contracted another virus lol
I have been told by Tony Myers that a very close member of Dean James has passed away and his brother involved with very serious accident.May I express my deepest sympathy to Dean,I hope your inner strenght and spirit of Muaythai could help you to deal with tragic circumstances.Please do not worry about letting anyone down,Dean.I fully understand and I am sure everyone else will do understand.I now have Mark Timm without an opponent,I found 3 fighters but they are too heavy for Mark.Anyone can help,please contact me.Many thanks.
My best goes to Dean and his family.
Hope everything works out for you soon Dean. Take care pal.
Thanks guys. Just want to say sorry to both Master Sken and Mark Timm, Im going through a real hard time at the moment. Really hope Mark gets matched for it. Any other show coming up i would be happy to take this fight. Hope you understand mate, sorry. Hopefully it will happen soon.
all the best deano!
stay strong bro!
Thats awful news. Hope you get through it ok Dean, my sympathies to you and your family, all the best.
Take care bro, hope everything gets better soon for you and your family...
No problem at all Dean,I certainly put you on my show next year.Take good care.
Jeez, don't worry about that mate. All the best to you & your family.
Deano i phoned you the other day, did you get my message mate??? Hope your ok mate? i feel for you and no just how you feel, been there done that as most people can say but i no that in time you will be ok. You no where i am if you need me mate, talk soon.
A freind in need is a freind indeed,Andy.
Hey all, as most of you know I tend to take photos at shows.
I have decided to sit this one out and watch the show rather than taking photos. I would like to watch a show. So someone else may have to take the photos cos I'm crap at putting them up!
Tickets are going very fast,only two weeks to go.Please book tickets in advance.
kotsurs fight against keddle is on muaythaionline now he starts fast but looks small and not to have much power, sharp hands and kicks though. but not very clever in the clinch. what weight does he walk ropund at cos kieran looked noticeabley bigger. i think beag and kieran are around the s
kotsurs fight against keddle is on muaythaionline now he starts fast but looks small and not to have much power, sharp hands and kicks though. but not very clever in the clinch. what weight does he walk round at cos kieran looked noticeabley bigger. i think beag and kieran are around the size.
Hi Guys
Cant wait for this event, 3 reasons
1. master sken always has, and does put superb fights on
2.Ive at last got a fighter on ( dont know how i will do corner and co-commentate for T.V. tho lol )
Andy BC wheres the prediction? :-p
Bout / fight 15.
Tony Horbury-Bolton Thai Boxing-club sandy holt
V Gareth Richards K.Star,Birmingham steve logans
3.And as mentioned above ref: i get to talk about the best sport in the world and priveledged to do so, sat ringside with malcolm martin for channel-5 T.V.
( anyone want a shout/ lol )
Dazza thai wow no fighters on? yep thats a
saw mr Andy thrasher basher was out in the printworks Manchester last eve:
in a club last night called Pure, i was with 2 ladies ( he caught me lol ) he was out with his lady and friends and only a wee bit tipsy i might add ( i dont drink, ever) Oh and andy asked me about his fight v michael dicks on Dvd / tape? yep i got it!
and how he wants him again lol nutter... top man
Dean james
So sorry to hear about that etc;
what can we say on here? but use Muay-thai to stay strong.
ref; wanting to fight again on another later show?
craig brown and i are doing a joint promo end of year @ the Monaco Ballroom
hindley nr Wigan sun: 3rd:December as a possiblility?
And good luck and chok dee to all fighters on this show and hope to see all you AXers again there, prob; outside @ the thai food stall too lol
yum yum `aloy mak mak`
sandy Mcmadman holt
1st post
Sandy mate ive never really seen either fighter so hence me not putting my prediction on, good luck to both guys though, anyways i hope everything is still running smoothly for the show Master Sken and will see you at the weigh in, i have a suprise for you there. Sandy mate i will see you there also i take it? if not see you at the show and chat to you then. By the way does anyone no if my fight with Damien Trainor from the last show has been on Night of Combat yet?? just wondering cause Tharasher Dicks has and we ahere on before them and i still not seen it. If anyone has a copy could they hook me up please?? ta peeps. Good luck to all on the show.
Hi Andy
Every thing is going well,hope all the fighters have no injury.I must apologise to Mark Timm and John Craig,I will not be able to get him a fight now,as my budget is so limit.I hope one day I will get a payment from Channel 5,at the moment I have to pay to Camera Crew,food,hotel,Mc etc.Many thanks to Paul Kelly who kindly give me very good support with fighters.But I have to pull one out.
I think I have a copy of your fight V Damien,if I will find it I will give it to you at the weigh-in.Take care.
Many thanks Master Sken that would be fantastic thanks again. I think i just missed it when it was on TV thats all. Good luck to Mark Timms getting matched up asap, would be good to se you and Dean fight one day, i reckon it would be a real good scrap. Looking forward to the show,not long to go now, See you at the weigh in Master Sken and thanks again for the dvd of my fight with Damien apprieciate it.
I see the DAILY STAR are one of the sponsors...does that mean we will get coverage in a national tabloid? :)
Hi noi666
Daily Star is a Sponsor for Ali Jacko,he is so busy with his life but no time for anything else.I will ask him to get the Coverage.Thanks
lol, you might get some page 3's
Andy,I have a good news for you,I have found the DVD of your fight.I will get John Barwell to make a copy and send it to you asap.
Thank you yet again Master Sken, see you in a couple of weeks.
Master sken, have your last fights been on NOC yet
stevie havent got big enough boobs to get in the Star.
I am not sure Stevie,NOC was on very late.I am working on Televise Live in the future.
wow! LIVE!
Nice work!
Dave: we're just trying to catch you up mate! :)
Do they have an over 50's page 3 section?....boobs around yer knees etc!!! :) lol
Less than 2 weeks,anyone is going to the show?.
There are so many Muaythai Teams participate on this Show:
Bad Co,Wicker,Sitnarong Stockport,Sitnarong St.Helens,Nongkee Pahuyuth,KBS,Caledonian,Siam Dornadair,Crawley Muaythai,Bolton Thai Boxing,Beastmaster,Salford Muaythai,K.Star,Bradford ThaiBoxing,Bridgestone Muaythai Rep.Ireland,Warrington Muaythai,Calmaro Holland,Lucien Camp Holland,Singto Muaythai.Hope I do not miss anyone.Good Luck everyone.
Mark Timm,please get in touch with John Craig urgently.You have an opponent.Thanks
I have invited many Promoters and Instructors to the show,if other Promoters and Instructors would like to see the show.Please contact me,it will be my pleasure to have you there.
I have invited many Promoters and Instructors to the show,if other Promoters and Instructors would like to see the show.Please contact me,it will be my pleasure to have you there.
Mark Timm V Darran from Bridgestone Muaythai,Rep.Ireland-confirmed.
Weigh-in at Master Sken Academy,Wood Bank Works,Turnrof Lane, Offerton,Stockport SK1 4AR 6.00 P.M.Saturday 23rd September.
If you can not make it,fighters can weigh-in at G.H.Carnall Leisure Centre 11.00 A.M.on the day.
good luck mark. do the biz mate.
dean jay,you are welcome to the show and be my guest,it may be help you to take your mind away from problem,take care.
thanx alot master sken, i will be there.
No,he does not fight FTR,his opponent does not wish to fight FTR at this time.
Dear Instructors/Fighters
If you can not sell your tickets,please send them back to me urgently.I have sold mine and more tickets are needed.Many thanks
6 days cant wait!!!wooo hooo!!!
Good luck to all. Sounds like it'll be a great show.
Kick some ass noi666
Good luck to everyone who is fighting, especially Jordan and Mr. Cadden, chokedee.
DIRECTION to my Gym for weigh-in:
Master Sken Academy,Wood Bank Works Top Floor,Turncroft Lane, Offerton, Stockport SK1 4AR Tel:0161 429 9660 Mob:07785 733 734
M60 CLOCKWISE Junction 26,Big round about,1st Left,next Light,Turn 2nd Right,New Zealand Road,T-Junction and Turn Left,turn Left again at the Gate,you arrive at my Gym.
M60 ANTI-CLOCKWISE Junction 27,down to big round about,take 4th Turn off(Sign for Marple),pass 1st traffic light up on small hill,bare left and turn left at 2nd Traffic Light,Total Petrol Station on your left,turn left behind Petrol Station you are on Turncroft Lane,past New Zealand Road and turn left at the Gate of Wood Bank Ind.You arrive your destination
Please also go to my and at Home page,click on"Training" on left corner,you will see Stockport Map and Click on.
Any problem please do give me a call.Have a Safe Journey.
The Show Venue,GEORGE H.CARNALL LEISURE CENTRE,Kingsway Park Road,Urmston Manchester.M60 Clockwise Sign for Bolton Junction 9 Turn left and 1st Street on your Right,Turn Right.You arrive your destination.(Anti-Clockwise Sign for Stockport Junction 10)
sorry Stephen Jordan isn't fighting on the show. We turned a fight down because he was supposed to fight on the WBC show last weekend.
Rich Cadden v Andre Kotsur
James France v Chris Ngimbi
Ben Dukes v Daz Jalali
plus Tom Bird from Bad co.
Good luck guys!
Meant to say good luck to Jordan Calder :)
Dear Tony Myers
Please send tickets to above address,I sent an email to you but returned.Many thanks.
Thanks for the good luck guys.
After a couple of below par performances this year, I am looking to set the record straight. Training has gone really well and I can not wait for Sunday! :)
Oh yeah...I have been asked a few times from people as well...For those reliant on Sat:Nav the venue is: M41 7FJ
See ya there guys!
i cant wait too i held pads for badger last night and he was and cadden was lookin the best ive eva seen him both training wise and appearence wise, with his new tash.
Good luck to Mark Timm. Held pads for him on saturday and rapid is an understatement.
good luck mr.C i know u were drained against rung but the performance against showers was very decent. Also good luck to the badger who ive heard disgusting things about from music machine!
Hi Liam
Are you back in England? Hope to see you and Andy at the weigh-in.Bad Co.Team was always the first team arrived at my Gym,not last time.I think Andy got lost,do't be late this time.
hi master sken i arrived back in the uk yesterday i will make sure we are there early as there is more chance of a chimpanzee finding his way to your gym than andy.
Andy did take directions from Mark Lee, he just confused after stopping at three different KFC's
Poor Mark gets some stick! What is the crack with Mark? I know he's had a bad injury, will he fight again? He was one of the most promising young fighters in the country a few year ago.
Thaisoon - Not saying it was a bad performance, just that I had more in the tank.... and I intend to show that this weekend! :)
I will ensure we arrive on time for this, Master Sken...we will be knocking on the door at 5:45pm! :)
See you Saturday.
GOOD LUCK Everybody! Really looking forward to this show and it's my birthday day after.
Phill "chalky"
You can buy us all a drink then Chalkster :)
T'other way round mate! lol ;-)
I will be there before anyone arrives,please do not let Andy or Mark lead you to my Gym,Rich.You will get lost again.
Liam,look forward to seeing you and couple VIP tickets for you and your guest,take care.
Chalky,I wish you have a good Birthday and enjoy the show.All the best.
Poor Mark gets some stick
Poor mark gets some stick because we all want him to come back and fight again,he was the "Jordan Watson" of a few years ago.
Come on Mark we want you back you have a shining future in Thai Boxing ..........take it!
mordan you were lucky enough to just be holding the pads. sparrings worse he hits you that often its like being surrounded
THANK YOU Master Sken for your birthday wishes and i will enjoy the show,as i always enjoy your shows.
Good luck Tony'll hear me shouting ringside and the Bolton crowd! ;-)
id like to see mark lee v akebono or mark lee v Choi
just spoke to him said hes prob gona come down, which really means i cant be arsed im off to have 9pints and wake up in a field in nothing but my underpants and kebab meat stuck in my hair
who wrote on the walls in the gym about him at urz?
lol Mark lee is a c*nt was wrote by his ex bird.
Fighters,please take good care at Home,Works and Gym.It is not long to go,before you know it.You are in the Ring.
I bet the last week before a show is awful for a promoter. So much dependence on the fighters staying fit, you must want to lock them in a padded room until they step in the ring!
Some of em need locking in a padded room!
Kettle + Pan springs to mind there RDouble
Due to an injury at work Colin Johnson will not be fighting this weekend.I have emailed master Sken before this post with the facts and there will be no further comment made by myself
True Phil,you never can be sure until fighters step into the Ring.I wish Colin get well very soon.I still intend to keep every fights on.Any trainers would be able to match Dave Thorncroft from Pele Nathan,Beast Master,max 62 kg 2 Fights 2 wins.Please do give me a call or email me above address.Many thanks.
Master Sken im bringing the lads to the weigh in and i now no my way with my eye's closed, i promise you we wont be late, See you there and thank you again for the dvd you have for me. Good luck for the last few days.
Master Sken,
Good luck for your show this weekend. Would love to be at this show but it's a long way to come from New Zealand. All the very best.
Your students
Brett & Catherine
Sitnarong New Zealand
Hi Brett,Catherine and Students at Sitnarong New Zealand
It is lovely to hearing from you,I am thinking of you.I would contact you soon any way.It is a nice surprise to hearing from you.I hope both of you are well.One day I may be able to get you (Cath) to fight in UK.I do know that you are doing very well with fighting.I hope to seeing you very soon.
I am so busy with the show,but it is all worth while.Every thing is going well.But I can not be certain until the end of the show on Sunday.Paul,Eric and David from Sitnarong are training very well,they really look forward to the show.Keep up training and keep up good works Brett,Cath and everyone.
All the very best
Your teacher
Hi Andy
I am glad you know your way now,I have the DVD for you,take care and see you Andy.
This boy Jordan Calder must be a bit of all right if Master Sken is putting him on his show, dont think ive ever heard of a junior on Skens before.
Good luck ;-)
Good luck to all fighters
Dave J: Dont you mean "pot" "kettle" "black" for RDouble :)
Sorry to hear Colin Johnson is not fighting. I think he is a real prospect and has some great fights ahead of him. I hope he recovers soon, and we see him back in action in the near future. All the best mate!
As I am now tapering down my training, I am spending my spare time knife-juggling and fire-breathing, but I am sure I'll be ok.... LOL :)
thanks rich so do i im gutted,talk about depressing!!!!! aaaaaarrgh
see you at the show then.
Don't worry too much about it, you have plenty of time to set the world on fire. Don't rush to get back, make sure you give yourself time and get back to full strength properly. I know Nige wouldn't have it any other way.
See you soon.
Get well soon Colin,I have already planned more fight for you.
Rich,I would like the fire eater act on my show,I don't know you can do that.
As silverfox mentioned about young Jodan V Jackie of Holland,both are very young,but they are very good Champions.I would like to give them a chance to perform in a big show.I am very sure that they will perform so well and probably better than some Adults.briancal was kindly contact me and really passionates about his son fighting.It's my pleasure to do so.New generation is a new future of Muaythai.I hope you all enjoy the show,I will always do my best to improve my promotions.
just seen how much that knife thrower looks like noi666,lol
peahead.....just seen your profile......shouldn't that read 'hung like my little pony'
he he
Good luck to all the fighters for sunday am really looking forward to a great show
you wudnt like it as a wart on the end of your nose mate ha ha
good luck Master SKEN & all who are fighting sorry i cant make it but look forward to see you at S.T.B.A SCHOOL of eX in the near future.all the BEST to paul& jordan
Good luck to Jordan Calder & all the guys fighting at the weekend - sounds like a great show!
Not long now,It will be great as always.Great match up's/bouts.Looking forward to all of them,Loads stand out!.....But Rachael's should be very good.Sorry also to see Colin Johnson is not fighting now,Impressed me a lot at Leeds town hall show.
Go Tony "Tiger" Horbury!!
I've got a cold! But plenty of Vit C should do the trick ;-)
My Mrs enjoys the shows as well,And has also trains in M.T now.
Phill "CHALKY"
Many thanks for all support and well wishes from everyone,I am really proud to know that there are many Promoters,Instructors,fighters and spectators from all corners of the Country to attend the show.It is always my dream and goal to see Muaythai going forward and achieveing goals by working together.
Hi finnie
Looking forward to seeing you at S.T.B.A Shool of Excellent very soon,this weekend I will talk to Gary and John about my next seminar in Glasgow.Take care.
Talk about a talked about show :) M. Sken, you must be doing something right. I'd almost rather be there watching than going to the one here...and I'm fighting on the one here lol
Seriously looks good and good luck to all!!!!!! Course Bad Co and Axers have my bias-good luck double!
Hi Mark L
Good lucks with your fight,hope one day to have you fighting on my show.Many thanks.All the best.
Thanks, and I'll be in touch :)
Good luck on your show. Don't let Rich give you any problems :P
You guys sell DVDs?
Peahead don't worry about the size. Greeny was well tiny haha
ha ha laughin my cock off at that now little chipolata green were gona call him on monday
good luck to mr.c hope all goes well mate
rich c you got a shout out from sensei will vanders tonight on tv man (fookin big time) do the bizle mate
rich c you got a shout out from sensei will vanders tonight on tv man (fookin big time) do the bizle mate
jordan calder, everyone is rooting for you back home, we know you've got the skills, the drive, and the determination to see this through, and come out winning. I'll be phoning between every round!! Good luck the (not so) wee man.
Just about starting or what?? :)
Just heard Wee Jordan C lost a hard fought fight on points.
Has to be a rematch, if Brians nerves can take it! Lol
Unlucky Jordan, you can only give yer best.
Yeah, i wasnt there but spoke to Brian and he said it was a close fight but that the other boy just had a higher work rate than Jordan. Unlucky Jordan, fighting at that level is an achievement in itself and im sure you ll come back better and stronger than ever. Its definately true that you learn more from a loss than a win mate, and besides your mum and dad are going to have to move to a bigger house if you keep racking up the belts like you have been. Im sure everyone at Caly, and Scotland for that matter is proud of you. See you soon mate.
unlucky on the result ,but congratulations for today.
mr c lost by 5th round k.o
anyone got the full results of the show??it must have finished by now???
cadden and kotsur had a nice close fought battle when kotsur landed a sweet right hook in the last that cadden walked straight onto....unlucky mate.
rach beat illonka on pts and nearly KOed her in the 4th.
ben jukes drew with daz jallari close fight again a bit of a war.
tom bird lost pts to sitnarong fighter.
gav sterrit was cut in the 2nd against mehdi i fought gav was comin on strong with good combos and strong low kicks too but got caught with an elbow and the doc stopped it.
badger france destroyed chris ngyimbi with everything really a class performance from a class fighter....james also won a trophy for fighter of the night absolute class.
thats all i can remember
Richard Jones won
Rachel Jones won
Sterrit lost
I think that's what my mate told me; apologies if I got any wrong.
also jordan Cs fight was a nice battle between 2 young lads with a very bright future
oh yeah jones KOed eric decarriere and looked the best ive ever seen him...a v.good performance
We've just got back.Great show,well done.
Great fights,esp:Richard caddens,James France,Eric V R.Jones,Racheal jones!
Well done to all fighters/gyms.You have my upmost respect.
Good to see/speak to people from gyms/interclubs i've done.
Axer's that i knew....nobody else came up and said "hello"
Just one Major gripe....What the hell is the point of paying £40 for a ringside seat(£80 in my case,two of us)when you get about a quarter of the ringside seats full of "chancers" and people who paid £25!! They were just coming and sitting in the seats.The security did not check tickets through the show and it was a farce really.I'll just save myself £30 next time and go and hog a ringside seat! OTHER people commented on it also.
Birthday tomoz! hip hip hooray! 21 again ;-)
Tough luck Rich!! Nice to hear it was a great fight though!!
Sounds like a great show!!
Wow, massive apologies to richard jones as i said he should retire (along with a lot of other people) obviously him and his trainer knew better. congrats to everyone that took prt sounds like it was a good show.
Already told him...but hey well done Tony H.(B.T.B.C) Tough fight,Tough opponent.
Jackie Dings beat jordan Calder pts, Jordan looked the stronger of the two but froze allowing the Dutch lads workrate to take the fight
Tony Horbury won pts, good fight from two big lads with Tony's knees being the big difference
Paul Kapowicz won pts, pulled away really in the last two rounds
Eliot South won 3rd ko with a knee
Richard Jones ko'd Eric in the 4th. I've been on the band wagon suggesting Richard should retire, but this was a class performance, he controlled the fight with a his body kicks which in turn allowed him to drop in his bombs. I'll publicly appologise now!
David Southern beat Tom Bird points, I though this should have gone the other way, Tom landed the better scoring shots with noce body kikcs, whilst David backed off and landed with some low kicks which didn't realy have any effect
Lee Morgado beat Alex Abusin in one of the most one sided fights I have seen without there being a count.
Daz Jalali and Ben Dukes fought out a draw, awkward fight for both really as they are both Soutpaws. Daz's low kicks perhaps should ahve got the decision as they were off balancing Ben.. REMATCH
Joel Heany came out like a mad man and boxed the ears of Steve Primrose stoppng him in the first
Mark Timm looked in total control against Darran Dowdall, putting him down in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th before the fight was stopped
Richard Cadden and Andrie Kotsour had a good match, with Andrie looking perhaps the stronger of the two, he was starting to pull away despite a few nice elbows from Cadden when in the fifth he dropped a bomb which dropped Cadden like a "don't know what". I've been watching Cadden fight for a long time and I've never even seen him fazed by a head shot before, so to knock him out the way it dit it really must have been some shot!
Gavin and Mehdi was really shapping up nicley when an elbow in the 2nd opened up a nasty gash on Gavin's head, the figth being stopped between rounds tow and three
Racheal Jones got the knod over Ilonka
James France's was the performance of the night for me, he totaly controlled the fight against Chris Ngimbi from round one and refused to be drawn into Ngimbi's style of fight. A very good performance and deserved win and fighter of the day!
Great show as usual, just felt very strange not having someone on!
Good round up of results,Dazza.
has chris ngimbi fought on one of master skens shows before?
Great fight between kotpsur and Cadden , good win for David southern making his debut and richard jones gave a great performance.
Great show Master Sken, congratulations, thoroughly enjoyed it.
Correct me if Im wrong but havent I read on here before that James France isnt really as dedicated as other Bad Co fighters and takes it in his stride? Well if he ever went into it properly he would be up there with the best around, absolutely outstanding and so tough and strong!
Ngimbi is class but France made him look sloppy at times, especially when he weaved away from 2 head kicks in a row and followed up with his own midkick twice in a row as well!
I`m glad Mr C got up ok, I was worried for a minute, hope you are alright mate. Very close fight until then, but Mr C had already landed a class spinning elbow to the stomach! I also thought his use of elbows was a level above Andrei`s but Andrei was very strong and worked hard so just one of those thing unfortunately, could have gone either way in points.
Rachel was outstanding and Ilonka came forward none stop. Hugely impressed with both and again it was very close between two of the best women in the world without a doubt. I am sure Rachel would have downed Ilonka if she had not slipped on the water in Ilonkas corner as she had her in serious trouble but slipped at the vital second when she was about to follow up.
Richard Jones I am sorry for saying you should maybe retire because you put on a class performance and looked fresh, hungry and very capable, so a huge well done there.
Thought Ben Dukes had lost but thats only my opinion and Paul Karpowicz will come unstuck against stronger opposition if he doesnt calm the showboating down, although he was still very dominant.
Anyway £25 for 6.5 hours entertainment (VERY uncomfy bench seats though, had to stand betweeen every fight to get the aches out of my bottom and legs!) is all good in my book, with the ring right in front of you as well. Compare that to £30 for 1.5 hours of football sat miles from the pitch and there is no competition!
james is always at the gym but he also likes to party and eat what he wants hence only fighting around 3x a year also after every fight he says right im retiring now.....but never does he loves it too much.
Phil,You should have come at sat ringside with me and my Mrs.
Loads of others did. ;-p
I wish I had, my arse was killing me.
Just wanted to say Alex really did have his hands full will Vinnys lad. No real answer to an endless barrage of knees. Not really as one sided as Dazza infered but truthfully a win every round to Alexs opponanant. Alex boxes with an accomplishment few will ever witness. But like paper stone scissors game a good clinch and powerful knee combo beats pretty much everything. Game set and match. Dave had Alex tie his man up in the last fews rounds to quell the attack but the fight was lost by then.
Rachael was awrded 50/47 by two judges and by the unofficial score card of the TV panel. However, one judge went 48/49 to Ilonka. Which was strange as even Lucian and Eric( Ilonkas team) had Rachael the clear winner.
Joel Heany is truly a peaceful man who was in a religeous retreat but two weeks before the fight. He came, he fought, he won. The End.
Need to thank Eric Ruttner, Lucian and Ilonka for the opportunity to challenge Ilonka with Rachael.They are truly a professional team and such nice people too. Thats two British titles (one at 55kg) Linda Ooms and now ilonka.
Jones is on the up.
I was in the chaging rooms with Dave most of the fights but can happily say that as ever it ran like clockwork. Win, lose or draw this was a show to be on.
Sorry Lee. I should have written your name not just Vinnys lad. Couldnt remember. Lee beat Alex for the record.
Sounds like a great show. On a personal note i would like to say well done to Richard Jones, it takes a lot of balls to come back after a bad run of fights to dominate someone of that standard, well done mate.
Fantastic show!
Would like to say thanks to Master Sken for giving my lad an opportunity to fight on such a prestigous fight night.
For such a high profile show, to have my lad out on it for his first fight was absolutly amazing, something I am sure he will never forget.
Also, thanks for organising one of the most professional events that I have ever attended.
Well organised, everything where it should be, no one running round like a headless chicken... and then your personal touch on everything was great.
Thanks for moving my wife to the front, she thoroughly enjoyed it.
It would be an honour to come back to another one of your events.
Khap Khun Khrap
what a great show!
Best in a while i think,was good to watch fights so closely matched and so strongly contested.
good to see the Bad co lads again plus a few old faces from peles gym.Good to see Ashley and Trish again.Great to finaly meet the legend that is Vinny and good to catch up with my old mate Steve Donnaly who i havent seen in a few years.
I was impressed with Vinnys lad who used ths clinch realy well.
James France was very very clever and strong against a very good Dutch import.
I thought it was a bad decision for the Daz Jelali fight and i thought he did enough to win it.
Well Mr Jones i take my hat off to you i realy didnt think you had what it takes to come did it with a bang!Very very well done.......I could hear pele in the corner screaming...chillout...chill out! worked for you good luck in the future.
Mr C ! you nearly gave us a heart attack!Agood exciting fight throughout against one of the best European fighters i have seen in the uk for a long time!Beutiful spin and reverse elbows from Cadden grean knee work kicks and punches from the Russian....well good elbows and punches aswell!The last round was excellent because Cadden knew he was behind and instead of retreating into a shell and just getting through the round he went for the win....obviously exposing himself to blows also,nothing wrong in going out on your sheild!The punch he was caught with was an absolute peach and Rich banged his head hard,i must admit i was very very happy whaen he got up after such a long time of not moving.I wish both boxers sucess in the future and a speedy rcovery.
phil you got it about right there mate.
Paul Kapowicz looked better early on but tired and danced around a lot in the last 2.
Richard Jones was really good, look like a different person in there from the london show a few weeks ago, his timing on the kicks, use of the ring and more calm composed state allowed him to get his big punches off at the right time without rushing in from the first bell and getting tagged, nice one, look forward to seeing him fighting again soon.
Tom Bird should have won and i believe this was a split decision but there u go.
I thought Ben Dukes was a bit fortunate to get a draw, he definitly had the better of some of the exchanges but kept getting caught over and over with the same shots.
Mark Timm won and looked very relaxed against a tough irish lad who is due a win soon hopefully at 55kg mate!
Andrie Kotsour had lovely balance when kicking and looked strong in the clinch, fight was close but cadden needed a big last round, went for it and got caught. No doubt cadden can beat this guy if he kept him on the back foot as Kotsur looked like he was struggling when cadden pressed, only when he was given time and room he scored well on MrC. Noi where do you get some of those outrageous elbow moves from? you should be in ong bak LOL
Gavin Sterrit looked in good shape but i didnt see any of his trademark heavy kicking, he was always on the front foot but didnt seem to start working, think he was still warming up for a big 4th and 5th but the doctor put pay to that one!
Racheal Jones gave it everything and had a massive lump on her left shin from the 3rd i think it was, looked nasty but kept kicking with and blocking with it, had nice boxing and only came unstuck in the clinch maybe a little closer than the 3 point margin on 2 of the cards though.
Badger was a pleasure to watch i can see him not just beating a lot of people in the future but making them look very basic as his timing and judgement of distance is class.
Very well run show, look forward to the next one.
RIDICULOUS k.o. punch Mr.C. got caught with. What next for him?
Well done and thanks to Master Sken on such a great show. As usual its a pleasure to support Master Skens shows - everything is run well, the fighters are treated well and they are brilliant shows.
I thought Tom Bird was unlucky not top get the decision but then I also thought Ben Dukes was lucky to get the draw so its swings and roundabouts I suppose. Seeing Ben and Daz chatting in the changing room afterwards nursing theitr injuries and struggling to walk properly was a funny sight!
Caddens fight was very exciting - Kotsur was brilliant and although it was close I felt that he stayed just ahead throughout as he was so sharp. I knew he was behind in the last and we told him he needed a big last round and to change the rhythm of the fight for round 5. He did this very well and it was working for the firt minute but as Cadden was fighting out of his style he made a mistake and got caught with a superb punch. It dropped him like a stone and he hit his head on the canvas and was out for a couple of seconds. The paramedics kept him down for quite a lomng time to make sure there was no spinal injury and Caden was desperate to get up and show he was ok but his health is more important than his ego. As RDouble says he went out on his shiled and there no harm in that.
It was a good close fight with and I'm proud of Richard not just in this fight but for how he's dealt with disappointments in the mast and come back stronger, and I know that he will do this time too.
James France was great - his performance was superb. Ngimbi is very dangerous and unorthodox and James contolled it very well. Many fighters would have been phased by the way Ngimbi came out but James took it in his stride. Amazing fight!
Well one to Mehdi onb a good win over a much more experienced opponnet - Gavin will be back I'm sure. I Muay Thai anything can happen.
It was great to see Illonka and Lucien again and very well done to Rachel on a great win. Also well done to Dave Croft for believing in her enough to raise the sponsorship and going the extra mil for her.
Also nice one to Richard Jones - Eric is very good and you have obviously never stopped beleiving in yourself after a few bad results and you've reaped the reward.
I diodnt see much of the rest of the show but there wasnt one bad fight and the standard of the fighters gets better and better.
stevemuaythaiguy1 another TROLL go away you LOSER.
Cheers guys!
Well done to Andre. He has great timing and distance awareness, and made my fight very frustrating. I wasnt able to get in to my normal routine and even after landing some heavy elbows (which have dropped other people) I was suprised to see him still standing there. The spinning elbow I caught him with in the second round landed sweet, but cant quite have been on the spot. All I can say is he is a very tough durable fighter.
I was told by my corner that I was behind in the last round and I had step it up and I went for the win. This change of tactics worked well in the first half of the round where my kicks were scoring well, but unfortunately (as I have been told) I stepped forward with a left kick as he stepped in with a right hand, and as I found out this shot was "on the button". I was able to get up just as Howard Hughes was waving it over, but due to the nature of how I fell, the medical team were just doing their job and had to take the necessary precautions. This is why they brought in the stretcher in to the ring.
I obviously didnt want to go out in this way, so they had to do a few checks before letting me get up...
One thing is for sure....I'll be back! :)
Thanks to Master Sken on another amazing show, everything went like clockwork as always. Well done M. Sken it was a pleasure to be there.
Yeah, I did get caught with a punch which was on the button, and this is the first time in 40+ fights that this has happened, so it must have been something special!
What next?
I'll tell you what next.....
I will carry on fighting, doing my thing and you can carry on sitting behind your computer passing comment.
There was a quote by a soldier who said "its easy to pass comment from the side lines when not sat in the heat of battle"
I'd rather be a big fish in a big pond than a big fish in a little pond...Mr Smith is willing to put me up against the best A class fighters in the world and this is what I want to continue on my career.
What next?
I am a soldier and I will fight whoever Mr Smith tells me to!
here here mate,fuck what anyone else says!!
Good to see you're up and fighting Rich. Sorry to hear what happened, but like you said - in 40+ fights this is the first time...
Really sorry I couldn't make it, sounds like it was a fantastic promotion with some real wars on it.
Just re-read my post and realised I should have checked the spellings before I posted! Apologies!
Also - well done to Jordan Calder on a big step up for him. I didnt see the fight as I was getting the guys ready but this was a big occasion against an older and more experienced guy and he can put the experience in the bank now. It was very good of Master Sken to give him the opportunity.
From the few fights I did catch I was impressed with Sandys guy (Tony Horbury). That looked like a real war and it was exciting to Liam said, 2 big guys going at it almost like a Rocky film!
The only other fight I really saw was the last one, Badger V Chris.
Great, exciting fight with a nice match of the classy technical style of badger versus the unorthdox style of Ngimbi. Great tenacity by badger, not being phased by the flashy jumping techniques Chris was pulling out of the bag and a classy points win. Nice one mate.
Thanks again to Master Sken for letting me fight on this great promotion.
I'm looking forward to the next one.
Dont think I am looking forward to seeing the video though! :)
Any ideas when that is, the video or televised?
I had to leave at the second interval (4 hour journey home), I missed some of the best fights for sure.
Count me in for several copies of the DVD (?)
Most memorable fight, was that beast from Bradford... 78kg (i think).
1st round stoppage, the guy flew across the ring with that last punch. Ouch!
Yes a very BIG thank you to Master Sken for giving Jordan the opportunity to fight on such a high profile show. I have sent you an e-mail M. Sken, many thanks once again.
I didnt see the two of the three fights I wanted to watch..
1.Richard Cadden-Bad Co.Leeds V Andrei Kotsur-Crawley Muaythai
This was the main fight for me, sorry Richard, do you think possibly fatigue in the last? Or was it in all guns blazing for a finish? You gonna rematch? Best of luck with your next fight. Cant wait to watch this one, sounds likea real battle.
4.Ben Dukes-Bad Co.Leeds V Daz Jalali-Beast Master,Altrincham
I have watched the last couple of Bens fights, and really enjoy his style. He didnt seem to comfortable on the night though, not sure if he has fought a southpaw before. Again good luck with the next fight.
3.Ilonka Elmont-Holland V Rachael Jones-Bradford Muaythai
I missed this, and am gutted. Well done to Rachael for her win.
Congratulations Andre Kotsur, nice fella and good fighter
Couple of points. Mr Cadden no amount of training puts muscle on yer chin. You were in the thick of it and got caught. A worthy opponant. Your credibility is more than cemented in peoples minds. Your man was there to fight and knew you were in there with him. Fights like that never end in a draw. Top performance.
To Singo. That beast! is Joel Heany. and a very religeous man who was in religeous study but two weeks before the fight. He is one of Daves closest mates and agreed to fill in a vacancy when Master Sken asked if he would. I think 78kg is an ideal fighting weight for the lad. I know Dave wants him to continue his career. Thats 4 fights 4 KO's.
They must have a cracking weights gym at that retreat.
Well done to Master Sken and all the fighters, really good show!
There was lots of good fights, but I have to say I was really impressed with Kotsur brilliant fighter, good technique and balance, not to mention tough, I thought Noi landed that reverse elbow on the button and he didn't show any signs of affect!
The best performance of the day has to be James France, I personally think he has to be one of the best fighters in the UK, awesome! I can't believe he would even think about retiring with his talent, brilliant balance, power and controlled the fight in a true Thai style, can't say any more good things about him, joy to watch his technique!
I've just said on the other Master Sken thread, I'd love to see James fight Michael Dicks, good test for both of them.
Thanks for all the nice comments about Leroy it means alot to us as he has had 18 months out due to injury,Alex was tough enjoyed all the fights good show cheers and good luck to everyone in the future,saw Sean toomey how he got from Holland so fast i don,t know but was nice to see everyone x x .
Vinny. Sean has just left my house and tells me that Leroy looked the business. Well done to him after that lay off. I will have to take advice off him on coming back from injury :-)
That retreat doesnt have a gym no. But if you cast an eye over all of the lads from Bradford you'll see a common thread from Dave down thru his team....theres no substitute for hard training and that includes hitting the iron.
Lee, couldnt agree more, 78kg.. awesome!
thanks jd i will pass that on to him
Vinny.....Dave here using Lees thread.
Leroy was excellent. My compliments. I have to accept the blame for Alex struggling with that awsome clinch/knee onslaught. I really did think he blow chunks and slow the pace down. I was wrong. Credit is due.
Alex excells at boxing and kicking and is an accomplished knee technician too but that was a classic tactic that exploited Alexs (and possibly a lot of others) weak spot. Hell ilonka tried it with Rachael too! but by that time I was up to speed on twarting tactics and had Rachael simply tie Ilonka up so they could get back to Rachaels strong points.
Any way thats enough smoke up yer time. next time? cya around
Dave that was very nice of you thanks Lee will be better as he gains experience Alex was nails thank you again.
I'd also like to say that I was impressed with Kotsur both as a fighter obviously but also as a person. He was very respectful when he'd won - didnt go mad celebrating while his opponent was down and seemed like a very nice guy. Humble in victory.
Same goes for his team. I know John Jarvis and get on with him well, but I've never actually met Paolo who seems like a nice guy both on here and in person.
that guy from bradford had wicked traps i reckon if you tried to clinch him he would tilt his head and snap your arm off, im off to do some shrugs
Vinny believe me when I say if I couldve had Alex do anything I would have. Its a learning curve and Lee provided an excellent and worthy lesson. Never underestimate or make assumptions of your opponant....ever. Next time Im gonna get alex (if we do) to twat Lee with the corner stool. That slow the fucker down!!!
It was cool. See ya around guys
from john jarvis
I would like to thank Master Sken for inviting us to an Excellent Show, The show was very Proffesionally run, Some very good fights and great atmosphere from a very friendly crowd.We were well looked after by Master Sken and his Team. Thankyou.
Andrei Kotsur said it was an Honour to fight on Master Sken's show and would love to again. he said Richard Caddon was very strong opponent with a good heart and good Technique.
On another note it was really nice to see so many people at the show, other promoters and trainers: some of which didnt even have fighters on the Show.All in All Top quality show!!
Really nice to see John and Laura Craig (Thanks for the beers mate...) and Little Johnny too. Vinney a pleasure as always, see you in a couple of weeks in Crawley, bring your dancing shoes mate....
Looking forward to your fight Mr. Harper.....
sounds like a great show wish i cld av seen
unluky mr cadden im shocked and disapointed it ended that way when i saw him against kieren he didnt conect with hardly any punches kieren took him out of his comfort zone i think when he hurt him and controlled the fight from then on
hope youre ok noi i heard u shaved the killer tash of maybe it was a bad omen
Yeah, I saw the fight between KK and Andrei on muaythaionline... As Tony said, he looked a lot more composed and balanced in comparison to that performance...but we all live and learn. We all get better. We all improve with every fight. All credit to Andrei on his win. As Mr Smith said he was humble in victory.
I suppose it can depend on who you are fighting and how they are affecting you on how composed and balanced you are. I look composed and balanced when hitting pads
Baby!!! they have been packed ready and so are Barnhills too,Kevs ready and eager,RDouble...we was calling him Kneeroy too lol was nice to meet you thought you looked younger than i imagined??? again thank you, must say thank you to Dean and all the rest because they wasn,t there but had good luck texts etc so xxx
Well done to everybody who fought on the show, sounds like an excellent day for all involved. And Beagle yet again you take the negative comments with such grace and very polite about it too!
Everyone who's involved with Muay Thai keep the Muay Thai ball rolling because excellent shows like Master Sken' and others in the UK can only press the sport forward
Many Thanks to Master Sken in having us over to a very professionally run show with some great standards of fighting and for looking after the fighters.
All respect to Mark Timm who was a very strong compossed fighter. Darren knew he was coming over to take on one of the top rated fighters in that weight class from the UK but took it at short notice with no qualms and showed great heart in continuing on after a big knockdown in the second but Tony Myers rightly stopped it in the 4th round as Darran not the type of guy who will stay on the canvas, but he will be back to fight again. Steven really enjoyed his fight against Paul Karpowski, being the first time doing a 5 rounder and only his fourth fight he did really well and learned a lot from the fight. Paul is a very stylish fighter and turned out a very decent guy outside the ring also showing appreciation of the battle Steven had given him.
Only got to see the fights after Darrens but they turned out to be some of the best from the sounds of previous inputs.
James France looked class againts his Dutch opponant and seemed to control the fight with ease. Cadden v Kotsur was also a very tough battle. I found it hard to say who was ahead going into the last round and knew both were going to up it in this round, unlucky for Cadden to get caught but a great punch by Kotsur and good to see Cadden ok afterwards.
I though the most composed and impressive fighter was Rachael Jones who fought a great fight and a worthy champ.
It was good to talk to a lot of the coaches over there and no doubt see you again in the future. So thanks again to Master Sken and hope we can accomadate with more fighters for your next show.
Best regards,
Paul Kelly.
Dublin, Ireland.
i would also like to add what a nice guy mr kotsur is......very sharp as i mentioned wasnt really a heavy punch that ended the fight just beautifully timed and on the button, i loved caddens 3 reverse elbows in the 3rd tho.
Let me start by thanking everybody for a great weekend.
It was great to see so much friends back again and have time to catch up and get all the support we got. You really made us feel welcome. The show was great (big compliments to Master Sken) and everything was superb. A big thanks to all involved getting us over and especially to Dave Jackson, James and the team from Warrington for being the perfect hosts and taking care of us this weekend. We really had a great time.
I wasn’t planning on commenting on the fight and the outcome. But I only want to say to one of the persons using the “lee murray” alias earlier in this topic (as I understand it’s used by different people ) don’t falsely “quote” Lucien nor me on things we didn’t say. Of course we where disappointed with the outcome but that is something completely different then “having Rachael a clear winner” Talk to Dave at your own gym. I talked to him earlier today and he knows my vision on the fight. I prefer to leave it at that. Both Rachael and Dave are professional and friendly and are a pleasure to work with. So please don’t put either of our teams in an awkward position. Rachael got the jury’s decision yesterday. So enjoy it and celebrate it with her at your gym but leave both Lucien and me out of it.
Here is the link to the footage of my cam. It’s in DivX-avi (about 120Mb’s)
Dave Here. Yeh I feel the comment was that Eric acknowledged the judges decision on the day. Acknowledging and recognising is not always agreeing. But is professional.
In mild defence of the comment I understand it was directed as a responsive reaction to another post that possibly the author didnt agree with. Ive mentioned this to the author and its done with now. Sorry for any misquotes in Lees name.
For the record Lee Murrays my porn know first pets name and mothers maiden name. I thought it was funny (at the time). Theres all the guys using it and I like to think wisely too (mostly).
But I am happy to confirm Eric and I have had a great chat today and clear winner was not ever used in any dialogue. Like I write in my opening paragraph. An acknowledgement of the decision. No more. The decision did go our way and for that im very grateful. As I am to Eric, Lucien and of course Ilonka for an opportunity of a life time.
Friends are hard to come by. Its easier to make enemies..And I dont want to
Chat soon Eric
You had a pet called Lee? Did you have a dog called Brian?
Yeh yeh yeh. Dont pretend youve not done silly name games....My first dog was called Lee and Im Irish by nationality and my mothers given name is/was Murray.
Ive had dogs called Colin, Martha, Andrew and Boris too...Never a porn career tho? Damn!!!
A dog called Colin, fantastic!
Sorry have to use this password mine doesnt work. Thanks to Master Sken and Eric/Illonka/Lucien for putting the fight on, Im happy with the result and looking forward to watching the fight. (i cant get the fight on my PC unfortunately) Great show, all the fights were top class. Paul Kelly from Bridgestones Muay thai is my new best friend for his comment! Thanks very much.
Well done everyone
I'd like to say thanks to Darren as I didn't get to speak to him afterwards (we had to leave sooner than I thought). I know he took the fight only on a couple of weeks notice and I respect him a lot for that.
I missed most of the show as I was in the changing rooms all day so am not going to comment on fights that i caught short glimpses of.
The only fight other than gavins that I have see all the way through is Ilonka and Rachels on tape which I watched a couple of times later at the hotel but I prefer not to comment.
I had a great weekend with the Dutch team, I am glad I was able to spend time with them and we are planning to meet up again soon.
The show started on time right to the minute and was well very well run.
Master Skens background boys (the guys running round with gloves and making sure everything was on schedule) were helpful and friendly and should take some credit for the efficiency of the show.
Gavin wants to thank Mehdi for the 12 stitches and promises to give them back some time soon!
Hi Everyone,
I do not know how to begin to say big big thanks to everyone as I have so many people to say it and reply to.I should have gone on a holidays after very busy time with the Show.But I found out Paul Karpowicz has booked his holiday and gone away.Leave me no choice but I had to teach tonight,I will get someone to teach for me so that I can chill out.
I would like to answer to chalky,I hope it did not spoil your Birthday.I make note of your comment,I will make it better.If you could approach me,I would have sorted it out immediately.There will always be a room for improvement.
Congratulation to Richard Jones,very composed and determined,well done.Pele and I discussed about Richard and gave him a chance.Eric made a mistake,Richard took it.Eric always can learn from this fight.He is so dedicated and will be ready to fight again soon.
Richard Smith and Bad Co.Team,I appreciate and value you all.As always I found all of you very good freinds to me.James France is a STAR,brilliant ability.He is my "Best fighter of the show".Rich Cadden,you are very good fighter,take a good rest and back training.Very soon you are on your way of winning again.
John Jarvis,Kotsur and Paolo,you are very welcome and look forward to have you back on my next show in March 3rd,2007.
Paul Kelly,Darran and Steven from Bridgestone Muaythai,you are so helpful and I have a really good new freinds.
Tony Myers,a gentleman and very complitent referee.Many thanks for your service and freindship.
Stevie,you have some good photos,well done.Please post to me soon.
Dave Croft has been wonderful support and has heart of gold for Rachael.I would like to congratulate to Rachael for her title.Excellent result against a Worthy Champion.Lovely to see Ilonka's entrance with my freind Lucien Carbin joined the dance of Warrior.We have not met each other over 10 years.Many thanks to Dave Jackson and Warrington Muaythai for being so helpful.
Ryan Rudkin,I do appreciate your support,it is my pleasure to take care of you,your wife and Eliot.
Sandy,John Craig,Howard Huges,you always my loyal freind and students.Many many thanks to my wife Kay and all my stidents and freinds who helped me to make the event possible and simply I can not do things on my own.
I am getting sleepy now,sorry for writing so long.Good Night.
Master Sken a brilliant show again, well run, on time as always and some awesome fights, cant wait for the next one which will be even better (cause im on it,lol.) Mr C and Kotsur was an exciting fight and was pretty close going into the last round, we all told him he needed a big round to take it and he started off well banging away with his kicks lookin good, then all of a sudden as Liam said a perfectly timed right hook from Kotsur landed and unfortunatley that was that, it mustve been some dig cause ive never really seen Beag rocked too much in a fight so god damn that was a shot. Gutted for ya Beag mate we all no how much that fight meant to you but you no how it is and we all no you will be back a bigger and better fighter for it. Rach WELL DONE, i did predict that you would lose on points but as i stated that was what i thought would happen but not what i wanted, im so so glad that you proved me wrong, was a wicked performance girl nice to see and look forward to seeing you beating someone up again well done Dave some hard work gone in to the girl and some cash,lol shows how much faith youve got in her and she payed you back big time last night. Little Jordan Calder, mate dont even worry about that fight, first time you have fought without the body pad and no you no what youre in for, when you have that rematch in March you will be more than ready mate, just need a higher work rate against him and you be taking that belt back to glasgow. Fight on the night and fighter of the night has to James Badger France.....WOW. We all keep telling you how good he is but no one listens until they see him bash someone,lol. I just wish he would have 1 year where he fights full time, he would be fooking awesome. That was fight 3 for James this year and his 3rd win, all against top top opponents, A KO win over Tim Thomas ISKA WORLD CHAMP, then a KO win over Stevie Patterson, and a clear and convincing points win over Chris last night, Badger Andy Thrasher txtd me last night and told me to tell you that you his fucking hero, lol. Well done to all fighters on the show and Master Sken and his team for pulling it off yet again.
Hi Master Sken,
No it did not spoil my birthday,Thank you.But it did annoy myself and other people that people just "wandered in" ringside seats having paid for "normal" tickets.
You put on a great show as always and i would liked to have said "hello" but you were very busy and i did'nt like to interupt you.
I have upmost respect for you and all fighters/gyms and my instructor/kru Sandy Holt.
Rich Cadden,A great fight.....forget the trolling! i nearly said "hello" too!
vinnys boxer had some killer knees, what was his name vinny.
Big thanks again to master sken and his crew for a great show again didnt see many of the fights but i say onwards and upwards to cadden and gavin you fight you learn and thanks to you all thai boxing progresses well done to all. was great to meet with eric lucian and llonka fantastic people true proffesionals and a great asset to thai boxing hope to see you all soon
Liam his name is Leroy Morgado he can box and kick but used what worked,thank you for nice comments when on pads too Liam x x
sounds like it was a great show gutted I couldn't be there. Bad luck Rich but by the sounds of it it was a great fight and I'm sure you will be back harder and stronger. You learn more from the defeats than the wins and its innevtiable that when you fight the very best you will lose a few times.
Leroy was a machine, waded through everything, got the position in the clinch and hot every knee bang on. Very impressed, although Alex his opponent also looked very capable just wasnt his right fight style this time.
Leroy was a machine, waded through everything, got the position in the clinch and got every knee bang on. Very impressed, although Alex his opponent also looked very capable just wasnt his right fight style this time.
I hate it when that happens.
Like this thread doesn't take long enough to open already lol!!
hey guys, just a quick hello from me,just wanted to say it was a great experiance for me fighting on master skens show,there were some great fighters on that show not to mention the fights themselves,the Cadden vrs Kotsur fight was class,lol i saw that spinning elbow of cadden that was class,i heard the impact and i dont know how that didnt drop kotsur,nice 1 mate,lol if i had tried that i would of took the other guys groin guard off hahaha,thx Mr C for ur comments, i was a little nervous before fight as it was only my 3rd fight but i hope to get better and stronger,anyway a big welldone to all the people involved in the show from fighters to all the backroom staff it was a pleasure to be apart of a show like that, thx
briancal and Jordan,you are very welcome.Many thanks for your mail.I certainly will give another chance to Jordan.You requested from me with your heart,I gave you mine.
phil,I have always found your posts are constructive,honest and encouraging,many thanks.
"calves" it is very true,good Muaythai promotions will take our Sport and our Martial Arts forward.I will still work relentlessly.
It's really nice to see budgie(War.Muaythai)you fought many times on my past shows.
I also enjoyed the company of Vinny and Leroy Morgado(Nongkee Pahuyuth),see you guys at my Gala Dinner on 27th Oct.Take care.
Over 25 years of good freindship with Mick Mullany,Wicker Fighters,your value supports are much appreciated.
I had a chance to meet Sean Toomy,it's a pleasure to see you Sean,our cooperation starting from here.
Very good to see Gary O'Brien,hope to see you soon and organising another Seminar in Glasgow.Paul and Matt were so glad to meet everyone at School of Excellent.I have also changed the date of my show 2 weeks earlier than yours.
Once again,BIG thanks to all officials,trainers,fighters and sponsors.Especially
Spectators who gave me their support.
Yours in Muaythai.
great show with some quality fights,thought james france & mark timm were excellent, good to see cadden was ok , have to agree with chalky on the ringside tickets though i purchased 3 ringside only to find chancers sitting in the area with no checks by stewards, all in all a great show worthy of the 8 hour round trip by car. look forward to the wolves show next month
I also saw first hand how Master Sken had time for absolutely everybody that spoke to him, and personally saw countless guests to their seats, even though he must have been up to his neck with pressure and stress.
That says it all to me, you dont often see the personal touch like that nowadays. Makes the fact it was a great show even more deserving.
On the ringside thing, the other side of the coin is, if you have paid for them how would you like people coming and checking all the time to make sure you have got ringside tickets?
Jabber thanks i thought it was only myself and my Mrs who had "chancers" around them.
welcome to AX Tony "tiger" Horbury!
Dazza,When i've paid £80 on tickets alone and others just sit down without being checked/stopped.Then yes,they can ask for my/our tickets as many times as they want.I'm Honest and pay my way.
cheers Chalky.
Perhaps the ans would be to do something like they do at the Leeds Town hall, where the ringside areas are roped off and you have your ticket checked as you come into the area. But that would mean more stewards and therefore more cost.
Yes,Darren i agree with you."Roping off" is good and have a steward checking you in and out of ringside.Also a easier option would be wristbands for ringside and a different coloured one for V.I.P.
A black cross by pen for "normal" seats as already done
I have emailed Master Sken personally(just now) to explain what the problem was.
Your advise is very welcome as I said I will listen,think,take action and become.phil,you don't miss a thing.I do like to treat people right,this is how I have achieved so much in life.I hope to win heart and mind of people and make as many freinds as possible.It is so easy to do a wrong thing,but it is so hard to make it all alright.Well,I only can do my best.It is wonderful feeling to know that people enjoy the show.It gives me extra strenght to make better shows or best shows possible.Thankyou to everyone from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you Master Sken.
You work incredibly hard in all you do and make people very welcome.You do indeed do your best.I will be at your next show as always.
I do not mean to critisize you in any way,and please do not think i am.
Dear Chalky,
Many thanks for your email,it is very kind of you.I am fully understood your advise and certainly will take it on board,try to change things for better.
No problem at all,please do come to say Hi next time.It is always my pleasure to speak to everyone,if I can.Take good care and see you at my next show.
All the best.
Was great to see Richard Lewis also.
He came over to the "Dark side" as he put it and chilled with us for a while.
Richard talks to me on the phone often as we have kept in touch over the years and I like to think of him as a friend that I got from our sport as I would never have met him if he not fought one of my fighters.
It was nice to see him chatting with Budgie as it was Richard and Budgie who fought each other to start off a long time friendship.
There so many Muaythai fighters and teachers building excellent freindship with each others and with other Martial Arts too.
chalky you will always get people trying to pull a fast one mate, as iv'e said it was a great show some excellent fights and will be at master skens's next show' also thanks to john barwell getting the problem sorted when i tried to buy tickets online a few weeks back thanks for the call.
My next Show date has been changed to Sunday 18th February 2007.Main reason of changing date is to accomodate Liam as he has to travel back to Thailand on 3rd March and date clash with Gary O'Brien's Show and date clash with Dan Green Show.Now I wll not be able to change it.This date is confirmed.
Liam Harrison,Andy Howson,James France,Michael Dicks,Imran Khan and Frankie Hudders are on my top list fighters. Trainers and Fighters would like to participate on my show,please get in touch with me asap.I start my Match Making from now.I prepare to listen to any suggestions,I will do my best to match your dream fights and do my best to make it happen.Many thanks.
Any suggestion re:Match Making for Master Sken's next show?
Harrison v kotsur that springs to mind.
Sorry Liam v Andre not like i don,t know them both thats a real tasty one 50/50.
That is very good idea,Vinny.what about Rematch:James France V Chris Ngimbi Full Thai Rules.
Dave Jackson FORGETS TO write:
Was great to see Richard WESTON also.
Under Full Thai James would destroy Chris, he gave him a lesson as it is!
I like Liam v Andrei, as did Liam judging by the look on his face in between the latter rounds of the Cadden fight on Sunday.
i think liam will beat kotsur, he did look very good but i dont think he can touch liam. agree dazza no point in france v ngibi 2, he already got a lesson in euro rules, his face will get cut all over if he does elbows. Dicks v France would be better or thrasher v france ...
only joking andy lol cu soon kneefriend!
Vinny...Thats a good idea, I am currently working on a way to pre-glue Gav`s head into a solid cement block so it wont cut. I should have it sussed for then.
Weston ya big girls blouse, you know I love you so stop being so insecure x
I am very glad to hear your view on Match Making,at the moment I would like to match, Liam Harrison V Andrei Kotsur or Rung,Rung V Andrei Kotsur(What do you think?) Michael Dicks V Frankie Hudders or Imran Khan?? Andy Howson V Thai or Frence.James France V Michael Dicks or Thai or Frence or Dutch.
Supporting Bouts,Mark Timm V Dean James.There are many fighters I am very interested in them to fight on my show,Leroy Morgardo,Richard Barnhill,Andy Thrasher,Kevin Harper,Peter Davies,Eric Darricarere,Paul Karpowicz,Gavin Sterrit,Richard Jones,Chris Ngimbi,another chance to young Jordan Calder,Eliot South,David Southhern,Tony Horbury,Jason Richards,Rachael Jones,Sam Mitchell and many more.This is only the BEGINNING.Please keep suggestion coming,many thanks.
Would it be possible to get Nicky Van Holtzen back? He is one of the best foreign fighters I have seen on these shores.
nicky carter v karla hood,
Andy v Damien 3,Barnhill v fenwick.
Nicky Holtzen was on Eurosport last week fighting out of Deckers gym! Anybody got an explanation?
Daz what gym did he box from before?
Maby he has made the move.?
Steve Jones v Jason Richards
Frankie Hudders v James France
Gavin Skerrit v Nikki van Holtzen (Gav can make 72?)
Mark Timms v Dean James
Kevin Harpur v Mark Wakling
Liam Harrison v Thai
Andy Howson v Dale White(at 53/54 kg?)
Maby some good fights from the usual pool of fighters?
Mark wakeling v Kevin harper, no wtf you on Westy,Marks a talent but a novice in Kevs terms and Kevin has a date that month.
Ooops sorry lol Steven was vexed then too just had massive fight with ex...doh x x
KK v Dicks
Nicky wa with Clamero gym, confused because as far as I can see, Nicky as doing well with Marco, and Team Deckers has done nothing that I am aware of.
I'd like to see Neicky van Holzken fight again, he's great. Rdouble - If I recall correctly, the last two times he fought on Master Skens show he fought out of the Calmaro Gym.
What about getting Julie Kitchen up? She's got to be one of the most active figthers (male or female) in the UK at the moment?
Long way for Nath and Julie to come, but I'm sure the M5/M6 does go all the way down to the deepest darkest south!
Nicky Van Holtzen is a quality fighter great movement, power and technique awesome and exciting to watch as well.
nicky van holtzen has always been amazing but his last fight for team dekkers on that amsterdam show was very very poor in comparison
Rdouble writes:
Steve Jones v Jason Richards
Frankie Hudders v James France - WRONG WEIGHTS
Liam Harrison v Thai - NOT RUNG THOUGH
Andy Howson v Dale White(at 53/54 kg?) - would be interesting dales technique against andys power, bottle and want for a row! not sure about weights though, thought dale was 52kg and howson wont love below 55 haha i know you will say 1 or 2 kg here or there wont make a difference but at this level i think it does.
Id like to see...
Dale White v Andy Howson / Damien Trainor
Julie Kitchen v Karla Hood
Dean James v James McGlone
Richard Cadden v Michael Showers 2
Liam Harrison v Kieran Keddle
Imran Khan v Kotsur
Michael Dicks v James France
Jordan Watson v Tim Thomas
Dave Paquette v Kevin Harper
Richard Barnhill v Michael Wakeling
Fash v Damian Hood
Andre Mcintyre v Adam Mills
Gary Turner v James McSweeny
Hilary Mack v Rachel Jones or Rebecca Donnely
Di Paolo v Dutch or Russian
Steven Wakeling v Pajonsuk / Yodsaenklai / Buakow
Steven Wakeling v Buakow
me to!
There are so many good possibility fights,really good suggestion,many thanks.
It will depend on trainers,fighters,fee and availability of all concern and the date of my show.My own dream Match is Buakow V Steve Wakeling.But it will be very diificult but not impossible.I still have very strong connection with trainers and promotors in Thailand.So far that I know Buakow has a contract with K1 promotions in Japan.Anyone know any thing about this?
Neiky Holzken is still contacting me regulary but join Ramon Dekkers.It is too expensive for me to have Neiky on my show again.Marco Van Den Broek,Calmaro Gym is very good freind of mine,his fighters will be my first choice.
Why is Hudders v James wrong weight thought they both fought at 67?
Thanks for all the info .
So that counts as 67 then.
yep he prefers to fight at that weight
I think 69 is a little too heavy for james....domestically he would be able to deal with this weight difference but at world class i think it may be a bridge too far. At world class people are boiling down from 76-78kgs to make 69kgs on a day before weigh-in. James walks around at 72/73kgs max and being about 5'7, i think it maybe too much. Theres only so far being a double-hard-bastrd can take you! :)
Look at Saenchai...he gives away 3/4lbs (less than 2kgs) and this is considered a country-mile!
Can Frankie still make 67?
Racheal Jones v Hilary Mack would be a great female fight for the next show.
They have fought each other twice with a win each.
Hilary winning the first and giving away weight and Rachel winning the second and giving away weight that time.
hi master sken how jou dowing,it was a very nice show
John father of Jackie.
hi master sken how jou dowing,it was a very nice show
John father of Jackie.
Hi John,Jackie,Marco and Petra,Chris and everyone at Calmaro Gym
Ik ben well,alle is goed.Looking forward to seeing you at my next show.
Keep up training Jackie
Tot sien
Dank u well,goed de navon
Van M.Sken og Sitnarong Team
would love to see :
Karla Hood v Nicky Carter ( especially after seing the world rankings)
Harrison v Kieron Keddle
Andy Howson v Damien trainor 3
Dicks v James France
Thrasher v Liam Robinson
Hi Dean
What weight is Liam Robinson? I know Andy Thrasher is max 67 kg.
Robinson can make 66 day before weigh in.....that is a good match also.
As far as i know Frankie has never fought above 67
Frankie is a welterweight 66 kilos.
I will have a chat with Pele and Frankie next week,I have Instructors summitting their fighters list to me.Any other Instructors would like your fighters to participate on my show.Please let me know as soon as possible,I hope to finalise the fights before December.
Master Sken Gala Dinner Friday 27th October 06 at Acton Court Hotel,please trainers contact him with Fighters urgently,thanks.
Forgot to ask before. Anyone know who owned the Lambo in the car park?
Rachael Jones's brother is the answer.
Dave Croft
Think Hudders has retired ? anyone confirm this ?
Frankie is fighting Michael Diks on Peles show so,i guess
Thanks for confirmation, when is that fight ?
about 3 weeks 28th i think
Cheers Dave, nice motor, obviosuly not short of a bob or two.
I have talked to many Instructors,they give me their words and list of Muaythai fighters keep coming in.I am going to Thailand next month and hope to visit Buakow and his team.I hope one day I can bring Buakow to our shore.We have many excellent fighters in UK now,I am sure it will be really good quality fights next year.
What do you think about Buakow V Steve Wakeling?
Superfight if you can do it....EVERYONE will come.
I think Buakow will be very expensive,definitely will be A GREAT FIGHT.
pay him he is worth it, put ticket prices up a fiver each or summat he deserves a good payday
if you pay him they will come.
i kno i would
That would be the greastest thing so far in my carrer to fight on the same show as Buakow,please do it Master Sken?? As said it would be expensive but i reckon people would defo pay to see that, i even think you may need a bigger venue as there would be most of the Muay Thai community wanting to see him fight on our shores. Looking forward to possibley fighting another Thai on your show Master Sken, cant wait.
That would be the greastest thing so far in my carrer to fight on the same show as Buakow,please do it Master Sken?? As said it would be expensive but i reckon people would defo pay to see that, i even think you may need a bigger venue as there would be most of the Muay Thai community wanting to see him fight on our shores. Looking forward to possibley fighting another Thai on your show Master Sken, cant wait.
I will do my best,like I said it will be very difficult but not impossible.I will look for a Thai opponent for you Andy.
What do you think about Buakow V Steve Wakeling?
No doubt a sell out show...
one hell of a fight for Steven, if he could pull an upset (which does'nt seem to be an impossible mission)....
he would, sorry MR Steven, would be right up there, with the very best of the best. A legend.
If he doesnt win, but takes Buakow the full five, who would argue his status.. nutters thats who!
with those elbows coming from steves height he could upset anyone
I believe Steve Wakeling can fight anyone now,he has proved himself that he is very capable to win.
If you look at the basic price of a regional boxing show, with unknowns figting, where cheapest tickets are prob £30, then I think a bit more than this as a starting price to see one of the best ever in MT would be well worth it. Plus even the cheapest seats at most MT venues are the equivalent of paying £100 for a boxing ringside due to the smaller size of venue.
May be an idea to go down the proper VIP route e.g. tables of ten with a meal for corporate customers to entertain clients etc, should gain good sponsorship to cover a lot of costs then. I am sure there would be an impressive uptake, especially if TV get involved.
Yeah Master Sken a Thai would be awesome thank you, good idea that phil, as you say tables would bring in some sponsorship, when we fight at the townhall its £300 a table for 6 people and for that you get the table, your sponsors name and logo on poster, mentioned in the programme and i believe you get a small buffet too, something like that may work to bring some more money in to get him over?? Master Sken i will be able to get a sponsor for the show if that will help?? plenty of time between now and then so very easy to sort out and i would be happy to help, im sure that Liam could also russell 1 up so thats 2 for you already. Good luck trying to get Buakow over, im all exited just at the prospect now, he is the man and is NO:2 in my top ten fighters list, i no there is so many out there that are better in lumpinee and raja at the mo but i just love watching him fight, just his whole style and the slight cockyness he has, great stuff to watch, even better now that his boxing has now got deverstating speed and power to it, and accurate as hell too to match his kicks. will be a great fight.
Many thanks to Phil and Andy for your thoughts and advise,it is excellent idea about tickets price and food for corporate customers.Regarding Sponsorship,I think we have to discuss with Richard as he may need Sponsors for his future show,your kind thought is much appreciated.
I certainly look for the fighter for you,Andy while I am in Thailand.
I have been talking to Nash Keswala,he is promoting the show in March 2007.It will be too close for Steve Wakeling to fight on both shows.Nash and I have got a good relationship,I do not wish to cause any problem.But I wish to have Buakow V Wakeling whenever both fighters are available.
Siraphop Ratanasubun(Songchai Junior) has sent me some information about Buakow's fee and availability etc.Buakow is available from February 2007.I will be visiting Buakow and his manager in November.
It may be possible Buakow V other fighter,but who? Please advise.
Buakow V's Pete Crooke?
I know he has a retirement fight coming up but...............
That is good Match FB'Slim
i think everyone would hate nash if he stopped steve fighting buakow in uk lol.....Kev harper would be another good match.
Daniel Hudsons style could make for an interesting match. Could charge £100 a ticket and get Niecky Van Holtzen over to fight him!
Would love to have seen Buakow against Van Holtzen, that would definately be an explosive fight!
After watching Nicky's last fight, not so sure, very definate step backwards in technique, plus it was at 75
get Sato over here to fight wakeling that would be a nice fight
Nash does not want to stop this fight at all,it was my idea to have Steve Wakeling V Buakow.When I talked to him yesterday,he told me that he has arranged the fight for Steve in March 07 and very close to my show.I do understand the circumstances and would love to have my dream match in very near future.I will work very hard and with everyone helping,very possible.Two days ago I saw a fight between Kaoklai Kaennorasing V Spong(Dutch) and Spong won by KO 1st Round.I am not sure when was the fight.Does anyone know him and his manager and what weight is he fighting at? I am interested in him.
daniel hudson vs buakow???????? lets not be silly, daniel fights about once a year and hasnt been no where near that class so how you think hed cope in that fight bewilders me.
Buakow would discrace holsken, Nicky has only won 1-2 of his last 6-7 fights or something like that and they have not been against very good opposition, the last figt i saw him win was against an old and out of shape dutch fighter and he still didnt look as good as when he fought over here. He would be stoped within 3 rounds under full thai against Buakow. Master Sken the sponsor that i have is not just for Richard and his shows we tend to have a different sponsor for every show really, i am 85% sure that i have a sponsor for your show but i will get in touch with you nearer the time and sort between ourselfs not on here. Thank you for the Thai opponent and have a great time in Thailand, i wish i was there. Agree with Liam if Wakeling can not fight due to fighting on Nashes show in March Kev Harper would be another wicked replacment for the fight with Buakow.
Definitely I will need a good holidays,it has been very busy year for me.This weekend Sat 14th Oct, I will teach and Demo at a Charity Martial Arts Seminar in Worcester 5 hours,anyone is interested in Semniar,please contact me.Then I have an Interclub show on Sunday,Gala Dinner show at Acton Court Hotel,then seminar again.I need a holiday right now.
In this World,there are good and bad in people and in all of us.It is absolute pleasure in meetting many good people,Andy you are one of many good people that I have met,it is a reflection of your teacher and freind Richard Smith.
Muaythai is progressing in a right direction,but we should never stop working together relentlessly and tiredlessly in pursuing our dream and goals.
Just throwing names into the hat Liam, just throwing names into the hat! Might as well think of all we can if we want to see Buakow over here.
Didnt know that about Nieky, he was so impressive when I saw him last year. Has he thought he has made it too early or something and taken his eye off the ball?
Kevs fighting in February
You can have me on the show.......cut price Nieky he he
Tyrone Spong is the guy who knocked out the Thai and he is from Lucien Carbins gym,this was only a few weeks ago.
Many thanks Rdouble,I will call Lucien Carbin this week
Master Sken, the Kaowklai v Spong fight was scheduled for the week after your show. Lucien was talking to me about it whilst he was here and was extrememly confident about the outcome (looks like he was right)
What has happened to Daniel Hudson anyway? not heard of him fighting since he fought Van Holtzen.
he koed mark beale in the 1st round about 6months ago and hes fighting gena tchenko in wolves in nov.
Cheers, now that you say it i think i read on ax about his fight with Beale, an elbow stoppage wasnt it?
Many thanks Dave,now I have better picture who Spong is,he was very composed and very accurate and powerful puncher.His Trainer,Lucien Carbin was one of the best fighter in Europe and the World.I saw him fighting Wungkaew Sityodtong former Lumpinee Champion,Lucien won on piont.It was excellent fight,Lucien won on point.Dave,I need your help to find Sponsors.See you soon.
Buakow V a British fighter will be better,supporters will help the show.
Master Sken is looking for a fighter for James France.What do you think of James France V Michael Dicks at max 67 kg?
That would be CLASS, Badger is pure quality and he can take a shot. And Dick's well everyone knows about him, would be a cracker no doubts.
Ticket prices for shows like these should be 30,50 and 75 quid. Boxing generates it's income from higher ticket prices and so should we. £20.00 for shows is a joke. Master Skens last show alone was worth £40.00 a ticket.
MT needs to move on with pricing that's pricing of, tickets, lessons, equipment etc etc. We tend to do a bit of imploding with price cuts and trying to get by on the little budgets.
Let the fighters get bigger profiles and lets see prices and purses slowly creeping up to a level that reflects the true quality of what's on show instead of charging budget prices for top class events
So what do you think a lesson price should be Nige, private and class?
I agree Nige but the thing is there is no money in our sport as everyone well know's and most of us guys who fight full time bump our purse up with our ticket sale's and if show prices where into the 50-75 quid mark i no for a fact that i would prob only sell maybe 10 tickets, 30 quid is a decent price but does depend on who is fighting on the show. We need a hell of a lot more publicity though. Master Sken thanks for the kind comments earlier and have a great time in Thailand and don't get me anyone too good, ha,ha im just kidding ill be more than happy to get in the ring with whoever you find for me, thanks again.
Phil in 1990 prices for private tuition was around £10 an hour. I know gyms that still struggle to get that today!! I don't have a figure in mind as it must vary from city to city North & South etc. But I reckon £25.00 - £30.00 would be ample. Measure it against Driving lessons, golf lessons, shooting lessons etc etc and we are way behind. I think a lot of the pricing issues come from people opening gyms in the same area and try to cut each others throat. Same with equipment as well
One way for gettting publicity for a show (And this has been done in boxing many times) Send all the cast of say Coronation street tickets reserve the seats and see who turns up. I was at a show about a year ago and in walked about 10 cast of Coronation street. Sat there loved it and I have seen them since at other shows. It wasn't an high profile show either and maybe Master Sken being near Manchester would do this at is next show.
Please don't have any one inviting them who are in a crap run down hall!! It will spoil it for the shows they should be at! and don't go because they think the standard was the crap show in the little hall somewhere.
Andy I do agree with you but someone is gonna have to take the plunge some times. Boxing get's big sponsorship and still charges high for tickets
Phil in 1990 prices for private tuition was around £10 an hour. I know gyms that still struggle to get that today!! I don't have a figure in mind as it must vary from city to city North & South etc. But I reckon £25.00 - £30.00 would be ample. Measure it against Driving lessons, golf lessons, shooting lessons etc etc and we are way behind. I think a lot of the pricing issues come from people opening gyms in the same area and try to cut each others throat. Same with equipment as well
One way for gettting publicity for a show (And this has been done in boxing many times) Send all the cast of say Coronation street tickets reserve the seats and see who turns up. I was at a show about a year ago and in walked about 10 cast of Coronation street. Sat there loved it and I have seen them since at other shows. It wasn't an high profile show either and maybe Master Sken being near Manchester would do this at is next show.
Please don't have any one inviting them who are in a crap run down hall!! It will spoil it for the shows they should be at! and don't go because they think the standard was the crap show in the little hall somewhere.
Andy I do agree with you but someone is gonna have to take the plunge some times. Boxing get's big sponsorship and still charges high for tickets
My understanding was the general price for one hour private tuition was about £25 and I would expect to pay that at any gym if I so wanted that tuition. I am surprised if there are some doing it for a tenner?
Class prices I would wager will hover around the £4 per person mark, maybe a bit more for approx an hour, which adds up if someone is attending 3-4 times per week.
Like the Coronation Street example.
At Master Skens there were a few ringside seats empty so it wouldnt be as if you are having to sacrficice a paying punter if the seats are empty anyway.
I do, however, think you will drive yourself mad if you let the comparitive boxing ticket price get to you. I completely agree, as I have mentioned a few posts up, but the reality is boxing has the following and the publicity, which means promoters can charge a bit more up to a certain level, because they know tickets will be sold.
If we tried doing that in MT, as it stands now, then the tickets would be left on the shelf, as Andy pointed out.
You have to be realistic in finding the equilibrium between pricing and maximum demand because once you start on the downward slope of demand then the case will be if the ticket prices had been a bit lower, more would have been sold and you would have ended up with more profit than when the ticket prices were raised!
If only Ken Bates at Leeds would realise that! :)
Don't worry Andy,I will bring the best of Lumpinee fighters,only joking.You can trust my Match Making.
As the price for tickets in my view,we can adjust it but it must be done very carefully and I am agreed with Andy and Phil.I had some tickets unsold from last show.I hope it won't be too long,I can put it higher price.I am totally agreed Fighters should be paid very well in order to help them earn income and make a career out of Muaythai as a Professional fighter.I am really working hard on finding a good Sponsorship.when I have very good Sponsors,I will pay fighters good money.
I can not rely on tickets sell alone for my show,I am sure many promoters will agree with me.We take alot of risk loosing money,the return not great.I talked to John Jarvis and we both laughed and asked ourselves why do we do it(Promoting the shows).Answer is the same,we love Muaythai and we enjoy the fights.If we can earn very good money out of the shows then it is a very good reward,as to organise the shows taking so much time and effort.
When Muaythai is recognised by Sport of England.Then Television,Sponsors will take our Sport seriously.
I am certain that I will have many top quality fighters on my show,so far I have
fighters that confirmed are:
Liam Harrison,Andy Howson,James France,Michael Dicks,Andre Kotsur,Frankie Hudders,Eric Darricarere,Paul Karpowicz,David Southern,Imran Khan,Mehdi Feroozi,Eliot South,Bridgestone Muaythai Team,Richard Jones,Tony Horbury,Sam Mitchell,Alex Abusin,Joel Heany,Rachael Jones,Nongkee Pahuyuth Team,Thai fighters from Thailand and many more.
Top of the bill,if I can find enough Sponsors,Buakow Por.Pramuk.
THe Mainstream need to pay attention to our sport. Ive just posted under a new heading that the TIMES MAGAZINE are to do a full expose of Rachael Jones. This will be the first times a national glossy has agreed to run an article on Thai boxing.
If we can follow this effort up with more then as Master Sken and John Barwell report the future will get brighter for all concerned.
Love of a sport isnt always enough. You need to be rewarded. Fighters need to be rewarded. Master Sken is a leading light in this paying good respectable wages for the fighters. bUt with the right support, sponsors could be more.
By the way training last night was hard. I was just tooo tired and Im getting old. Master Sken noted I was dropping my guard...Dropping my guard? I wanted to lie down!
Dave Croft
if buakows fight dont last long make him fight twice or he cant go home!
Every seconds,we are getting older Dave,live life to the full.I will train you even harder next time.Take care.
Master Sken Im in good order for a 46yr old! I just need more sleep ha ha
Any women reading that I look a lot younger so dont panic....
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