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Posted: 2003-11-18 08:11:54
K-1 max results anyone????

Sherdog has tham but I can not get on that page as maybe there is too many users reading it.
Posted: 2003-11-18 08:19:08
kraus won 3-0 on points against sudo
Posted: 2003-11-18 08:20:49
Thanx to Mr. Ralphage from Holland

1. Magunamu Sakai win - Arslan Magomedov - KO 3rd RD
2. Yaduhiro Kazuya win - David - 3-0 (30-28, 30-28, 30-28 )
3. Ohno Takashi - Shin Nopadetsorn win - 1 added RD (9-10, 9-10, 9-10)
4. Doi Hiroyuki - Marfio Canoletti win - 0-3 (29-30, 28-30, 28-29)
5. Kohiruikaki Takayuki win - Tony Valenti - KO 3rd RD
6. Murahama Takehiro - Andy Souwer win - 0-2 (28-29, 28-28, 28-29)
7. Toshio Matsumoto - Duane Ludwig win- TKO 2nd RD
8. Genki Sudo - Albert Kraus win - 0-3 (29-30, 29-30, 29-30)
9. Kohiro - Daniel Lawson win - 0-2 (29-30, 29-29, 29-30)
10. Masato win - Vince Philips - KO 2nd RD (15 seconds)
Posted: 2003-11-18 08:24:08
What was the Vince Philips ko? Punch, kick, leg knackered etc?
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-18 08:27:49

Ehheee, get it?
Posted: 2003-11-18 08:29:30
Oliver I see David there, LOL
David Cummings
Posted: 2003-11-18 08:35:54
Great job Ludwig!!! I am curios as how the Phillips fight ended as well
Guy Paret
Posted: 2003-11-18 08:48:46
Masato won KO
Posted: 2003-11-18 08:49:55
punch ko?
Posted: 2003-11-18 10:03:50
who is david?
Posted: 2003-11-18 10:13:53
Masato won by low-kicks.
Kohiruimaki won by a body-kick.
Ludwig won by the towel being thrown in.
Magomedov won by a right cross.

thefan- David is an American who lives and fights in Japan. He was a last minute replacement for Yilmaz.
Posted: 2003-11-18 10:15:36

Did you see the fights, if so can you give us an account of the Masato/Phillips fight!

Posted: 2003-11-18 10:31:45
No, I didn't. I just saw the results on
Posted: 2003-11-18 10:45:13
who is thefan?LOL- and where is he???
Posted: 2003-11-18 11:15:53
Sounds like our one worry about Vince was right then, his ability to take the low kick just wasn`t there. Unlucky. Dead legs all round barman.
Posted: 2003-11-18 11:30:01

Posted: 2003-11-18 11:31:34

Posted: 2003-11-18 11:33:32

Posted: 2003-11-18 11:36:34

Posted: 2003-11-18 11:37:48

David Cummings
Posted: 2003-11-18 11:44:26
whats up with the Bruce Lee outfit :-)
Posted: 2003-11-18 11:57:32
It goes with the Jim Kelly hair :)
Posted: 2003-11-18 11:58:47

David Cummings
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:08:34
LALMAO now that is worse than a mullet

Cool Pics Satankid
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:20:30

Apparantly, when defeat came along he didn't even notice... He was too busy looking good!
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:22:08

David Cummings
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:24:22
he needed to work on skills instead
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:28:56
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:31:34
BIG LOL!!!!!!!!!!

Bruce Lee with Afro in the K-1 World Max. What will be next, Chuck Norris with tomahawk hair and shorts made of buffalo skin?
Mark L.
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:35:10
Dynamo-I don't know how they are judging but they look like they are all on the same page. Thats excellent!!!

What weight was this at??
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:37:17

Is he a former member of Rock Steady Crew, or just a break dance freak?
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:37:57

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:38:14

Posted: 2003-11-18 12:38:27
great pics guys!!! thanks!!!!! (and it also ended being a fashion show! great event!!!) lol!!! =)
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:38:31

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:38:51

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:39:09

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:39:30

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:39:42

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:39:57

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:40:12

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:48:33

Damn, this guy is cool!

He can jump, walk like a dog, kick and break dance:)
tommy bee
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:49:15
Congradulations Duane ,It is good to see an American doing so good in these competitions.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-18 12:50:49

Posted: 2003-11-18 12:54:57
It looks like Dawson is wearing shin pads? Surely not in a pro fight?
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2003-11-18 14:03:10
whats up with the yellow suit?what style is he from?
Richie Hardcore
Posted: 2003-11-18 14:10:43
What's the idea behind the shootboxing pants? Is there some sort of advantage or what? Did Dawson win his match?
Posted: 2003-11-18 14:43:51
In shootboxing a particular style of shinpad is optional. As Dawson has been fighting in shootboxing I guess K1 allowed him to wear them.
According to the K1 website Tony Valente does Wing Chun but he has fought in kickboxing twentysomething times.
Posted: 2003-11-18 14:45:13

Posted: 2003-11-18 14:47:38

Posted: 2003-11-18 15:19:19
Remember Dawson has been pro-boxing for a while now and was a late call up - with little if not any kicking, maybe his shins have lost some of their "conditioning"
Posted: 2003-11-18 15:25:51
Just seen the pics, what a cool event! Silver Surfer pants and Kill Bill/Game of Death specials. Lets hope Valente didnt end up on a hook above a vat of acid.
Posted: 2003-11-19 01:31:05
Answer :
Phillips wore `all` the kick shots to his legs/head&body throughout the first round. He was missing his occassional few chances to box in close, because he seemed content to stand way out and just throw long punches at Masato. ??
He came out in the second and stood there and Masato stuck to his game plan, and just kicked at the leading leg (pretty fast I might add) , and the first one that connected dropped Phillips real bad. He didnt & apparently couldnt stand up for ages. Then when he did get up (to give congratulations to Masato) he was unable to put any weight on his left leg. He went out on a stretcher.
Roger Deaton
Posted: 2003-11-19 09:53:57
The Bruce Lee jumpsuit was a bit over-the-top.

Posted: 2003-11-19 09:57:29
I think the Phil Valente guy is a wing chun stylist but he fought on K-1 before in the same Adidas track suit. Guess it's his tribute to Bruce Lee. I think this a fighter with Dewey Cooper.
Posted: 2003-11-19 10:09:58
I gotta admit it was cool seeing a guy with a power-fro and Bruce Lee tracksuit sidekicking in K-1 Max.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-11-19 12:39:12
David Lucas
Posted: 2003-11-19 15:57:56
if people are wondering about how the appearance of boxers like botha
and phillips in k 1 events will help expand the audience of k-1, here is a review
of the masato-phillips match by ( a boxing website) :

Phillips KO'd in K-1 event!
By Joe Koizumi
Ex-IBF junior welter champ Vince Phillips was miserably knocked out at 0:15 of the second round in a K-1 bout as a Japanese K-1 fighter named Masato kicked him at the thigh and Phillips fell for the count on Tuesday night in Tokyo, Japan. It was a pity that the 40-year-old ex-champ who once dethroned Konstantine Tszyu in 1997 appeared in another martial art than boxing and was annihilated in such a fashion. Not a few ex-world champs from the US may participate in a K-1 bout with the charm of dinero in the future, but hard-core boxing fans here will likely turn a deaf ear to such engagements.
Wednesday, November 19 2003
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2003-11-19 17:02:43
OK David well he is some controversial thought for you:

All I see from this writer is sour grapes and agenda - written by a hard core, old school boxing fan. The descriptions miserable, 40 year old and 1997 are used to make a point interestingly this point isn't made when a younger hungry up and comer is fed a still top ten ranked Vince Phillips to add a safing but fading top name to his record.. it could read:

Barnstorming Young Champion destroys the only man ever to KO Kosta Tszu. XXXX KO'd the former World Champ Phillips in the second round with a devestating right hand. 39 year old Phillips is still dangerous and a potential handful for any fighter so this represent a big step up in XXXX's challenge for Tszu's crown .... etc "

Boxers for years and years have held some form of superority complex over Kickboxers. They are notoriously old school and not open to to change.

Even though guys like Vince, Botha and co are a bit past thier used by date it still have leverage for the non hard core boxing fan. The hard core fan is not our market anyway K-1 and Max is more mainstream than that.

The mainstream sports fans who watch quality sports and event like Boxing title bouts, NFL, Soccer World Cup, NBA etc, those are the market. Leave the boxing geriatrics sitting on ther bar stools, smoking, drinking and talking about the good old days of Jack Dempsey where they belong.

The other reason that boxing won't embrace K-1 is that it is a threat to their big business - which is why you won't see a current world boxing champ outside of Thailand fighting kickboxing , at this point he will have too much to lose.

But what is happening is that there are now fighters who train and excel in both sports coming through, in five years time it would not surprise me to see a K-1 champ also holding serious boxing title.

The other thing is that the media never impartial there is always some vested interest or control ie who pays my wage - dont believe what they have to say. As a journalist I can write about the same fight with the same facts and slant (read bias) my point of view in an entirely different way.

By securing the used by date fighters for the shows K-1 has started a bit of a groundswell and a silent challenge to boxing's superiorty which they have trumpeted for years, for the public this is an intriging match up. It has to begin some where, and although it is a bit cheap and nasty now it will develop and it will develop bbecasue eventually the paying public will demand it. It won't happen over night but it will happen - a main stream boxing star will come over and fight K-1 but not now while the financial risks are so great.
Lucy Tui
Posted: 2003-11-19 17:19:17
This is for Lolo, does that guy remind you of someone?????? the guy in the bruce lee outfit LOL'sLOL's ....hehehehehehe
Lucy Tui
David Lucas
Posted: 2003-11-19 19:01:07
mike you didnt have to say it twice-i totally agreed with you the first time! ;)

k-1 may offend purist fans of karate, muay thai, boxing, etc., but thats not important. they are trying to build a fan base of non hardcore fans as you say,
and what they are doing makes sense by throwing in boxing and mma fighters into
the mix to expand their potential audience.

yes, this guy is a writer on a boxing site so hes looking at the fight from an
"old school cigar chomping point of view" and im sure that he is not exactly open minded about promoting any sort of kickboxing, but probably a few people will read this and pay attention.....
Posted: 2003-11-19 19:25:32
She got you there hard man ,lucy forgot the sood pipes..I am quite sure that the K1 Max could have done better and put JWP or someone like Genk ...He would have fought his heart out,and the Japs would have loved his guts..
Posted: 2003-11-19 20:29:07

i was thinking the same thing. i saw the suit and afro and remembered stories about your ex. actually i thought it was him for a second but the age didn't quite match. then i realized that it was indeed possible to have two bruce lee fans in the world.

the story i remember is when he wore the bruce lee outfit and challenged the winner of a karate tournament as said winner was receiving his trophy. is that true or am i suffering a memory lapse?
Posted: 2003-11-20 06:05:53
if them muthaf@#$%!s keep wearing those damn pants,we won't have to worry about a fan base.there won't be none.
the fc guys are shaking their heads wondering why ppl make fun of their pants after seeing this.

tony valente,didn't he fight the bullet in vegas?why ain't craig in there?
Joe Blow
Posted: 2003-11-20 06:26:09
Maybe the guy in the Game of Death jumpsuit had just seen KILL BILL!!!! Ihope the K-1 max isnt going the same way as the K-1 with side show freaks in it, ie Bob Sapp, Francis Botha ect
Posted: 2003-11-20 06:40:59
I just think he spends too much time playing PS2 with Eddy and Lei in TTT.
David Lucas
Posted: 2003-11-20 14:12:56
just for fun heres todays report on vince phillips from boxing site,
the last sentence says much about the writer's attitude;

Vince Phillips fractured arm!
By Joe Koizumi
Former IBF 140-pound champ Vince Phillips, 40, turned out to have his right arm fractured when he blocked a strong kick of Japanese K-1 fighter Masato, who easily annihilated Phillips in less than four minutes this Tuesday in Tokyo, Japan. It seems pitiful that such a formerly well-reputed old boxer as Phillips appeared in a K-1 bout without any experience of fighting not only with his hands but with his legs, and thus suffered an injury. He was publicized and introduced as the man who had inflicted the sole defeat to Konstantine Tszyu, which must be a humiliation to boxing.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2003-11-20 14:21:17
Could Valente actually fight - if he could I don't too much what he was wearing, if not not chuck him on the scrap heap.

At the end of the day the jumpr suit will only affect him, don't like the Dawson shin guard though bity dodgey
Chris Hernandez
Posted: 2003-11-20 15:04:19
Hey Kirk!!! I was thinking the same thing about Valente!! He did fight Craig in Vegas 2 years ago....Craig had a lot of trouble with Malapeit in Victorville last year. Maybe he is regrouping and will do K-1 next year(lets hope)!!!
Duane BANG Ludwig
Posted: 2003-11-20 20:41:21
How can I get copies of these pictures? Can someone please email me? THANKS.
Posted: 2003-11-20 22:01:05
congrats duane. i've seen your opponent fight twice on ichigeki shows. you handled him surprisingly easily. good for you.

what weight did you fight at? 75kg.

how strict are the k-1 max weigh ins? has anyone been sent to the sauna or enema room?
Posted: 2003-11-20 22:32:48
Posted: 2003-11-20 22:36:07
I believe those pictures were downloaded from
Posted: 2003-11-20 23:05:35
Duane- I emailed you a couple of links.

Felix- Good point about the strictness of the K1 Max weigh-ins. I would imagine they are kosher, though. When it became apparant, a couple of days before the event, that Valente was struggling to meet the limit they upped it from 70 to 72kg (just for his fight, none of the others). If they were not strict I don't think they would have bothered.
Hopefully Duane will enlighten us :)
Duane BANG Ludwig
Posted: 2003-11-21 11:44:02
Thanks for the photos Joe Blow. About weigh ins, four people were sent back to make weight, I was one of them. Weigh ins are pretty strict.
Brian Ritchie
Posted: 2003-11-21 11:46:02
Hey Duane... a few of us on Are Ax chat, if you wann join us at

Richie Hardcore
Posted: 2003-11-21 18:00:48
Hi, does anyone know if it is possibile to order a video or dvd of this event? A website I could order from perhaps? Thank you.
David Lucas
Posted: 2003-11-22 00:49:07
i have a question for anyone that has seen the masato- phillips fight.
what happened between phillips and masato after the fight? what was phillips
saying to him?
Posted: 2003-11-24 04:13:13
The guy in the Bruce Lee suit got dropped with a wicked kick to the body by Kohi. Duane knocked the guy down with a right hand after a right body kick, then finished him with a knee to the jaw. Masato dropped Phillips with leg kicks. I'm susprised Phillips made it out of the first round, Masato was hitting him with both front and rear leg kicks, plus a few high kicks to the head and some knees and kicks to the body. Phillips is a tough sumbitch to take all that punishment.
Posted: 2003-11-26 17:31:08
I just got my copy of K-1 max and started watching it, and all I can say is:
AWESOME so far!!
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