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Mark L.
Posted: 2006-05-28 19:40:11

There is a start if you want to read one or two...

By the dictionary deffinition of a poison and by the biological and physiological effects of sugar in the body it IS poison.

Posted: 2006-05-28 20:06:06
Mark life is life and who really cares we are all going to die one day, and why are you trying to prove your right in every conversation?
Donald Boswell
Posted: 2006-05-28 23:53:44

Its funny in text sometimes to get tone and emotion across. Knowledge is power and directly helps us make desicions. I know Mark and a preacher he is not, he is a very relaxed guy. He is very hungry for knowledge and as his nature is to help others, he is passionet about passing it on. Its all good.
Posted: 2006-05-29 04:02:59

Why come onto an informative thread as the second poster and flame on the creator?

If you don't like the thread.....move on.

Mark L.
Posted: 2006-05-29 09:06:09
Thanks guys :)

I get carried away. Its not about being right (I don't think-I'll do som looking and see-maybe a part is :)

This is an area I am very passionate about. Many of you on this sight have helped me along the way too. Many I disagreed with and debated with. If memory serves it was Eric (amoung others) who talked about benifits of fat-I use to be of the belief that, for the most part, we should eat low fat diets.

Don has inspired and helped alot with my learning in health as well. Thank you.

I really don't like to see people hurting themselves..

Sugar-I really do believe it poison. I also believe that most of us don't realise that it is that bad or think it is.

Tell me, if you phone out that people drank bleach, knowing what you know about how bad that would be...what would you say?

I also get e-mails with questions etc so I know some people do want to read. I also know a few axers that have benifited from some of these methods etc

I won't be offended if you skip my posts :) My intentions are to share knowlage..

(I skip some people posts-they don't mind either though-they don't know :P)
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-05-29 09:15:26
Leviathan-no one is always right.

All that matters when it comes to health is results. That is all the individual wants.

For many they think things are fine because things are still working well enough.. IMO

But when you work with people (I'm young in this but do see results and improvements in people) you cannot have a one size fits all sollution.. Not if you want a damn good chace with everyone.

Big diets out there market to millions of people. They make tons on those it doesn't work for. I look to people who get known for getting results when no one else can.

My personal experience with myself has been great. I know many others who have followed similar or same principles with great results and the more clients I work with the more positive results I see.

Does this mean I'm right all the time? No

But in my experience its been working.

Sugar is a big one for me because so many people don't know and so many feed sugar to others!!!!! Sometimes the 'others' don't have controle of thier own intake. This is sad and scary to me.

Marketing in my opinion plays a huge role here.

Sugar IMO IS poison.

polio-they could not induce it to rats (or mice forget) untill they fed them sugar.

Sugar is linked to things like AIDS, cancer etc etc

This is a big and serious topic IMO

and if you disagree thats cool to :)
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-05-29 12:00:36
I am still a slave to my ego but I try to live along these lines..

"You should seek out your enemy, you should wage your war-a war for your opinions. And if your opinions is defeated your honest should still cry triumph over that!" -Friedrich Nietzche

To me this is a discussion board. On subjects of health opinions are great but we should challenge them and look for improvement and verification. I don't think we should ever settle for what we are taught. You can respect a teacher, parent etc and still challenge what they imprint in you. If the challenge proves them right (in your opinion) great!!! If not, is that not also great!?IMO

As a fighter I believe one should always strive to improve. I also believe that there is much more to fighting than kicking and punching.

my ego likes to be right-thanks for bringing that to my attetion again :)

Mark L.
Posted: 2006-05-29 13:05:19
"Professors often make a strong impression on their students, but, especially in technical or scientific fields, they usually do this by controlling the discourse, so that radical questioning is excluded. What they don’t know “isn’t knowledge.” Under the pressure of “getting a professional education,” students appreciate organizing principles and mnemonic devices, but this gives traditional ways of systematizing knowledge tremendous power that, in practice, is far more important than mere experimental results. (Experiments that don’t acknowledge the ruling metaphors are almost universally considered inadmissable, unpublishable.)"
-Ray Peat
Autonomic Systmes

question. always question. if I ever respond in a way that says your shouldn't question-please remind me..

Question me, your friends, your parents, your teachers, your proffesors, your trainers. Do it with respect but don't accept (at least things you feel are important) without questions.

If you question me it makes me question more, look deeper, double check, raises a possibility of uncertainty in that if I find some contradicting info I might be more open to it. It challenges my ego too :) Thats a good thing

If no one questioned the world would still be flat and they be doing some other horrible methods in medicine, no one would have gone to the moon(if they did go lol), no one would have flown-it can't be done-.

Look at what people believed 500 years ago. Some of it if you told a 12 year old they'd laugh at.

Look at what Chinese children believe. British kids. Russian kids. African kids. Many beliefs are different.

Thats what they are taught. I think we are very arrogent to believe that what we taught is right and everyone else is wrong. I also think this is very normal and part of the human ego.

My dad drinks coke so its ok... Not trying to pick on you. I have been there and am there still in some ways I'm sure. We all are. This is normal human behaivor and I believe its largely to do with ego preservation. Thats fine, normal and not bad. But there is no basis to support that belief from that thought.

However.. doesn't mean what we believe, or have been taught is true or false or that it can't be true for one and false for another.

I'm not saying believe me. I am giving you my beliefs and evidence to check it out. You can ignore, check it out and decide, agree or disagree. Just like I can with any opinion anyone else puts out.

With health-results are all that matter. But don't confuse fitness with health. The real test also comes when there are health challenges. When things are going fine and when the body is strong its amazing what we can get away with.

The real test and I think what really shows if something works is when you test something on a system that is is hampered or damaged. Then you get much quicker feed back.

A still 'healthy' body and a strong expression of genes may allow someone to party all night and train like a mad man. That doesn't prove a thing.

Being able to get someone who couldn't train to be able to train again. I think that lends more credibility to the approach and methods.

Just some thoughts
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-05-29 13:15:04
Often sugar cravings have to do with yeasts and fungus etc in the body. Guys, did you know that sex with a women with a yeast infection means you get the yeast and you can have prostate probs?

Sugar/refined grain cravings are not a good sign. (women more so than guys) Often hormones are effected too.

Symptoms=signal. Something is amiss.

According to Paul Chek-in about 20 years of clinical experience he has found that about 60% of his female clients to be protein defficient.

Protein, sugar, refined carbs etc all play a role in the internal enviroment of the gut making it a place for more or less receptive to bad bacteria, fungus and yeast etc

These play a large role in development of crohns, colitis, IBS etc
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-06-06 09:13:33
The Real Dangers of Soda to You and Your Children

The Amazing Statistics and Dangers of Soda Pop

Soda Drinkers Have Higher Cancer Risk

a couple articles that can be found on for those who think soft drinks are ok or good
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-06-21 10:49:19
"High Sugar Intake Corrupts Muscle Performance And Impedes Strength Development Dramatically"

Killer Sugar! Suicide With A Spoon
Bill Misner, Ph.D. E-CAPS Inc. & Hammer Nutrition Ltd. 1-800-336-1977

Posted: 2006-06-21 23:43:11
Mark L sometimes you can be infuriating with your questions and your constant checking of other peoples facts, but Im sure Im not the only person who has taken on board some of what you have said and been much better for it. There are some posts where people sit around waiting for your answer because they know it will have been researched within an inch of its life :) I may not always agree with what you say but in all fairness your posts are always worth reading. Sometimes when Im feeling perverse I hop on here to see what other aspect of my everyday life you have found evidence to suggest is bad for me :) All the best for your future studies, its always good to get another opinion and question the status quo, even if you then have to get off your bum and do something about it because of a little voice is in the back of your head everytime you go to do a sit-up telling you remember the damn topic about core work sit-ups are a waste of time. Im now going to have to try to repress memories of being a kid and going to a farm and breaking off bits of sugar cane and chewing it for hours. Thankyou for ruining another happy memory for me, now I know my parents were really poisoning me. LOL. Seriously though keep the ideas and the questions comming.
Posted: 2006-06-22 00:01:24
hahaha marlboro i agree that by looking too closely at what we do everyday you'll end up not doing anything, since there are more ways than not to screw everything up.
I think a bit of anything (sugar, fat, butter, milk, margerine, sit-ups) won't bother your body much. The body has a remarkable way to adapt, clean and heal itself.
I think the core question is alway and only one, do everything with moderation and you'll be ok.
As for your sugar cane story, get this, as a kid we used to buy the milk for the family in a nearby farm. The guy would pop the bottle under the cow, place a funnel of it and milk Mrs. cow while i waited.
On my way home i usually drank a quarter of the bottle as i liked the milk still hot!! I was never sick and grew to be a healty man...tell this to doctors and they'll freak! I will tell you what i did with the eggs another time! ;-)
Posted: 2006-06-22 00:02:57
ps. the funnel was on the bottle not the
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-06-22 10:37:08

sugar cane isn't nearly as bad as processed sugar of course :) Enjoy your memory lol (sugar cane is more 'natural', dare I use that word:P)

I htink in general we're talking man messing with processed garbage (not that I htink one should eat too much cane sugar:P)

Everything in moderation-good luck

Hey I do loads stuff. The concept of change is the hard thing.

I love milk and drink it when I can. I just don't drink dead, poisoned milk :)

Sit-ups won't bother body much-actually almost 100% of teens have muscluloskeletol disfunctions and they WILL effect thier lives. Back pain for example-start taking the drugs for it, or going to a chiro or taking relaxents etc etc all those are poison..

Why not just do an exercise that doesn't mess you up and works better functionally anyway?

Ahh but change-thats the dirty word.

Realistically-its all a step by step process (IF one were to look at improving health, life, happiness etc cause I think they are all linked).

You don't go watch a Lumpinee fight and say 'well I was thinking about fighting but hell thats just way to big a jump'. Steps, and learning. Bit by bit (down whatever road one chooses).

I do walk the talk. But that doesn't mean I do everything I comment on 100% some I do basically and some I am working on and some I am further along than others.

Its a progressive journey.

30min of playing music or dancing etc (probaly depends on music lol) will improve your immune system.

Saying that doesn't mean its the step for everyone. But IF thats true (one can always do some research) then isn't that good to know?

Someone who likes music can take that and use that to improve life.

We have wool pulled over our eyes but industry-they create a society and a life style we long for, feeding thier pockets along the way.

Funnily, when you peal away much of the bs, life actually can get better. :)

Just my opinion and experiences.

Also I start threads so people can skip and don't read if not interested :)

-if any of you haven't noticed-I spend way too much time on here lol Not good for my eye sight I can tell you that or the electromagnetic pollution and radiation etc from computer lol

Posted: 2006-09-15 02:08:59
ok the sugar is poison i agree and at the same time i completely dont
i am hyperactive and find that sugar is a god send sometimes to me its like a
drug but that seems to be the way my body processes it if i have to much im on the ground spewing my ring out with the shakes and sweating alot (so not pretty at all) but over the years i have learnt to control it and i still get high of sugar which i liken to taking drugs as when i run out i go flat and crash hence the sneaky chocolate in my bag when i go out.
my daughter has the same problem and i refuss to let anyone feed any of my kids sugar as the coming down is horrible confussing and scary for a child.
i also beleave adhd and add is often misdiagnosed due to our quick fix sociaty
i have told many a parent to remove sugar from childs diet due to behaviour problems whether they listen its up to them but too many people think its cruel to not hand out these so called treats. so basically i only agree when it comes to children but i think i am not brave enough or just dependent on my fix to ever give it up after all my friends pay upwards of $60 dollars for their high mine costs $5 dollars and i have some left over. Its hard to find people that dont beleave in giving children sweets i have even been abused for not letting my kids have them and am often told i am mean but i do know that sugar is bad and thank you for voicing your opinion after all it is good to challenge our beliefs and not just do things because.......
Posted: 2006-09-15 04:45:09
Which type of sugar is poisonous??






or what about the artificial sweeteners?

Are all poly saccarhides Bad, are cardohydrates poisonous//

What type of sugar is poisonous??

Interesting take on sugar, seems alittle broad though.
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-09-15 11:05:06
we're talking general terms-processed, taking out of natural enviroment, man f&%#ed with sugar. Make sense? :)

All carbs break down into sugar of course..

Artificial sweetners (I would eat sugar over almost all of them).

Stevia is one of the few I'd use on occasion and once in a blue moon I might use a couple others. But Sugar (which I think is poison) over all the big name, used in everything crap artificial sweetners. IMO

Basically if it has sugar ( words ending in 'ose') its usually crap. Why cause you can't put fructose on an orange though it has it in it. If you know the contents its usually been added seperatly.

Packaged foods are gernerally garbage-organic or not. IMO

meat, fruit, veg doesn't have any 'ose' on the ingrediants lable (no lable)

Exceptions of course-talking general rules.

Sugar-is generally ment to mean processed crap!

Just like salt doesn't include unrefined, unprocessed sea salt. Salt is crap. Doesn't mean you don't real food with mineral salts in it and it doesn't mean ALL salt is bad. Processed foods (99% of timre) are processed crap.

Watch kids and parents when they want or buy the kid sugar (candy pop etc) or if they are told no, or have to wait.. Look like little addicts not getting fix...well thats what they are much of the time.
Posted: 2006-09-15 12:29:14
Atreiu we used to buy our milk fresh too, it was fantastic when it was still warm and we would drink litres of milk a day. Man those are happy memories, fresh milk, going out and getting vegies from the garden for tea and climbing the fruit trees and spending hours sitting in the tree stuffing your face, my favourite were mullberries and when they were in season we would have permanant stains on our faces and clothes :) I still get excited when i see those fruit stands on the side of the road outside farms where you can buy stuff fresh picked, mangos from the shops will never compare to the fresh picked ones.
Virginangel some people have seriously warped ideas about doing the right thing by their kids if they think feeding them lollies is better for their welfare than being "mean" and feeding them fresh foods. My parents were pretty full on about healthy foods and at the time I probably resented it but now Im greatful that I dont really have a taste for sugary or salty foods and dont get stuck in the same craving crap food like McD's then hating myself for eating it cycle that many of my friends are in.
Mark if I remember correctly your pretty good at identifying what cravings are really indicating, something from another post about craving something else meaning you needed more protien, so I have a question for you. I know I crave protien when I am training hard but why would a person crave sour cream (not the off stuff the sour cream from the shops:) ) Some days I could eat it with a spoon, disgusting I know, but do you know what the body would need for you to crave it and is it the right thing to eat or one of those things where the body craves it but needs something else?
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-09-15 14:06:17
lol no idea...

Often sweet/carb/sugar cravings are a need for more protein (but not always). Also caused by late nights and artificial lights.. (look out for some yeasty friends ladies-and guys-and guys...guess where the yeast goes when you have sex with a woman that has some yeasties making home inside her.... Your girl crave sweets???? Watch out!

sour cream-pregnant maybe?

I was allowed some sugar, TV etc nd we didn't eat that well (knowing what I know now) but I am SOOOO greatful for the limits and efforts my parents made.

Posted: 2006-09-15 23:11:38
OHHHH yuck. Im not even going to sit on the same seat as someone eating a chocolate now incase they have a yeast infection, no-one has the ability to traumatise me quite like you do Mark lol.
LOL Im not pregnant unless Im an elephant and have been pregnant for the last 3yrs. Must just be a quirk.
And I know what you mean, my folks were far from perfect but the older I get the more I appreciate the effort they did make even if I thought they were mean and unfair at the time.
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-09-16 08:44:44

(just so we know what actually happens... ends up in prostate guys)

'better start slipping them some bacon and eggs' (oh unless they are vegan...)
Posted: 2006-10-12 10:58:18

thanx for the very interesting topic, I'd like to ask what about honey instead of sugar as a sweetener(in your tea coffe etc.)?

Your opinion on that Mark is honey a better alternative or not?

Posted: 2006-10-12 10:58:19

thanx for the very interesting topic, I'd like to ask what about honey instead of sugar as a sweetener(in your tea coffe etc.)?

Your opinion on that Mark is honey a better alternative or not?

Mark L.
Posted: 2006-10-12 12:57:29
IMO how the individual will react to honey will determine how good or bad it is for them... That said honey as a general rule would be way better than processed sugar..

Better yet would be raw honey, which is hard to find but tastes so damn good!!

When man messes with it it generally turns out not so good..

But honey would be a much better bet than sugar for sure. Organic cane sugar would be much better too!!

I will say that I would have sugar over artificial sweetners any day though.

Stevia is something you can try. it does have a bit of a taste.. some like, some don't and some get use to (like me)..

Though the taste of sweetness itself can have draw backs in terms of health/cravings etc etc if not over done stevia is really very safe and has basically no real negative effects (that I have ever heard of). I would give that a shot..

i try not to drink much coffee but sometimes I enjoy an americano + extra shot (for my metabolism that is especially bad-some people not so bad...also depends on how strong your adrenals are)... anyway when I have an americano I use stevia.. I like the taste.. I usually put in garbage milk too... but otherwise I won't touch processed milk (nasty stuff)

Mark L.
Posted: 2006-10-12 13:03:46
Now as bad as I think sugar is for health (or anything that is..) IF you 'have' to or don't have an alternative or choose to eat (or do anything) that you is not good for you... enjoy it and don't worry about it :) The worry will do damage as well...

If I choose to have an americano, which is NOT good for me, I enjoy it.

If I choose to buy a piece of choc.. mmmm I'll enjoy it.

Even smoking or drinking or drugs... it doesn't not help you stop to stress about it (believe me!!!!!) and it does cause more damage.

So if you choose to have sugar... ok, no worries. You can choose differently tomorrow if you want. There is always tomorrow.


now I'm thinking of americanos and thinking of stopping on my way to my next appointment lol Well if I choose to I'll enjoy it :) (not stressing makes it less of an issue which actually makes it easier not to-many will read some of that like an excuse but... in my experience no sense damaging with thoughts and emotions on top of with physical)

Enjoy whatever you decide :)
Posted: 2006-10-12 17:50:45
Bowl of honey not cheerios doesn't seem so appetizing after reading the dirty secrets paper. If a rat can live longer eating a cardboard box then cereal........
Posted: 2006-10-12 17:54:52
nut :p
Posted: 2006-10-12 20:01:00

As for how raw honey tastes tell me about it my family are making their own over decades, I got quite a few stiches over the years as well but I read somewhere that in bee stiches the poison is good for your heart apparently or something similar... Anyway its all different here in the UK, but some off the honey you can find is not TOO bad. A general rule is if you leave honey in a room with no heating for a day or so it should go cloudy and hard. If that happens the honey is ok. If you heat it once it doesn't happen again and that should show processed honey. Same goes for olive oil.
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-10-12 22:00:28
I had a taste of some today :) nstopped by my buds-since we'd just been talking about and i hadn't had any in months I thought I'd sample a little :) yummy!!!
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-10-12 22:18:41
I wish I could remember the refferance (I should look for) and I don't remember all the details but sugar does some of the same stuff heroin does... I think I know someone who can tell me where to get the info on that end...

Guess what though? I'd have a little sugar here and there over a little soy or even gliadin (gluten) any day.
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-10-19 09:36:09
I'm not gonna start a new thread on artificial sweetners but I'll say I'll eat sugar over aftificial sweetners any day and I'll start posted a little here and there on artificial sweetners maybe..

One today anyway...

Spleda has chlorine in it!!!!!!!!!!

You know I think sugar is poison but I will eat sugar over this type of bs any day!!!

(you still trust the FDA?)
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-10-19 09:43:42

finally a study showing something that should be obvious!!!

And its only scratching the surface...
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-11-11 10:25:12

A great article on soft drinks/pop.

Mark L.
Posted: 2006-11-23 10:53:57
"Dr. Warburg from Germany received a Nobel prize over 75 years ago for discovering that sugar feeds cancer. Sadly, nearly all physicians fail to appreciate the enormous influence that sugar has on cancer growth. The evidence is strong, compelling and clear, yet nearly all fail to apply this knowledge until it is far too late."

Sugar also suppresses the immune system which fights cancer deals with cancer cells on a day to day basis (if its working)

Disease develops often over 10, 15, 20 yrs etc etc di-ease is the opposite of health not just some bad piece of luck the universe sends or that you parents gave you. (usually a combination to a degree)

Hell of a lot more than genes involved here. In moderation won't hurt me- seriously add up amounts of sugar you eat if you say that and you'll be shocked!

Of course you can choose to believe its all genetics and the wonderful care system hasd drugs a radiation and knives if you are unlucky enough to get it.

Or you can choose to take responsibility for your own health and maybe eat sugar less or maybe not but know it is largely in your controle.
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