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Posted: 2007-02-14 07:37:11
Like to know what people reccommend eating the night before and on the day of a fight to feel good and have a good energy reserve (when weighting in is no problem).

Doing 5 x 2min rounds at c.8pm and never know what to eat and what time to eat it to boost energy levels but not to have anything heavy in stomach at the same time.

Advice would be great as my fight is on Sunday and would like to get it right this time.

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-14 08:44:23
I personally think it all depends on the person.

Everyone does well on different foods and ratios of macronutrients (protein, fat, carbs).

I'd try to eat real food. Nothing from a box or package, not processed, if its white or clear likely crap.

The right ratios for how yoUr body processes food will give you the longest lasting energy from it.

These are all things you should figure out before hand. How long does it take for the food to setlle etc You should have a good idea about this from training.

If not just do what you usually do and try to eat food with some actual life force in it.

All the best.

One day of eating 'right' isn't going to transform your body or the amount of energy in it.

But avoid thiings that give you gas should help.

Posted: 2007-02-15 07:58:34
Hi Mark,

Cheers for your reply - I eat quite well during the day - fruits, pasta, water, vegetables, etc.

On the day of a fight I usually take pasta with me and bananas etc, but its things like isotonic drinks - Are these good for you and when should you drink them...just before or an hour or two before? I have been told a Mars bar can be good - is it?

Bananas - they are meant to be a quick source of energy but how quick? So again when should you eat them. I know everyones body varies but when you eat a couple of bananas there isnt a point when I suddenly feel I have energy... Its just there - so I cant say I have learned the best time to eat them - what time would you reccommend.

I might be wrong but I feel that when you eat at the right time, you never feel you have loads of energy but when you come to train or fight you find out then by how long your energy reserves last. I have days when I have come to train, and I am buzzing full of energy and can't pin-point what I have done right and other days where I feel I want to stop as I feel drained and need sugar to carry one.

If you take a headache tablet, you feel when it kicks in as your head eases off for example but with food you dont really - I just dont seem to learn and havent had enough fights to have learned what worked and when.

Is there foods you reccommend that are good quality and ball park times they should be eaten or drunk.

Hope the above makes sense
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-15 10:32:31
The point is I cannot tell you as we are all different.

If you keep note of how you feel an hr to two hrs after eating and keep note of what you eat you quickly see how strongly food and ratios effect you.

If I ate fruit, pasta, and veg for a day I'd be really hurting. I need protein and fat big time. IMO&E we all need a balance of fat, protein and carbs but everyones balance is different for them. Some of us need the same ratio day in day out. Some need to ajust for am and pm a little. Then you have changes from seasons (more protein and fat in winter and less carbs for most and can have more carbs in summer). Hormonal cycles for women often create different ratio needs and eating right for that person can help alot!

Some people will not do well on bananas and some will do great on them.

Its all about finding out what is right for you. Not what some expert thinks. After all if you don't get results why the hell are you doing it? (programming comes to mind)

a headache tablet oh dear. I fear you feel a headache is an asprin defficiency. Taking the drug to cover the symptom (meaning signal) is like putting duct tape over the signal light in your care. That does not solve the problem or find the cause. It only hides the signal. (very often headaches are from dehydration as one possibility)

"I might be wrong but I feel that when you eat at the right time, you never feel you have loads of energy but when you come to train or fight you find out then by how long your energy reserves last. I have days when I have come to train, and I am buzzing full of energy and can't pin-point what I have done right and other days where I feel I want to stop as I feel drained and need sugar to carry one."

Wonderful observation of self. You hit the nail on the head. This can happen from every meal all day for your life. Feeling normal and good and not running out of energy between eating is the goal of any good 'diet' program.

This you will get mostly from the right macronutrient ratio (carbs/protein/fat)
for YOU!

Pick any one of the diets out there and some people will get that and some won't.. the whole point is we are all different.

Alot of people do better on a bit more protein and fat in evening than morning but thats not true of all...

Its really figuring it out for you.

I personally drink nothing but water (good quality water with a pinch or two of good quality unprocessed sea salt per liter). If you were to train that extremem and need a bit extra I wouldn't trust any copmmercioal drinks but would consider making my own.

Unless you are a real hard core athlete fighting pro at a high level its probably not needed IMO.

Hr or two before bed is NOT a good time to take in sugar for most people and will effect sleep for most. especially if taken alone. I'd stick with water (pinch of unprocessed sea salt)

Mars bar-if you think a mars bar has anything good for you, for your health, or for your athletic performance I strongly suggest stop watching TV.

A candy bar for sport and health? One on one I could prove to you it makes your body weak and is garbage.

To leave limits behind and become anything you truely will-the less TV and newspapers you read the better. IMO&E

And anything anyone teaches you, you question, including everything I say, your parents say, gov says, school says.

Don't question to be a pain but see if it is true for you in your life. See if it works. See if it makes sense to you. Learn to listen and rely on you too ;)

Ball park times to eat. Before you are hungry! Most people do better eating every 2.5-3.5 hrs. Not true for all but...

Snack as needed (just not on junk and try to get protein/fat/carbs) in every meal/snack)

Pay attention to how you feel a couple hrs after eating and compare with what you eat and you will quickl notice some interesting things.

Poor mans way of figuring out macronutrient ratios.

Eat only protein and fat to start.

If feel better (most will cause most of us over eat carbs big time) continue to eat till not feeling quite so good.
Add small amount of carbs (low starch, not grains to start)
If feel better eat till feel not so good.
Add a little more carbs. Feel good stay there.
Feeling not so good add a little more.

You'll get to a point when a little more carbs makes you feel not so good. Then go back a step.

Thats a rough gage and cheap mans way of doing the ratios on your own.

(anyone that tells you that will be dangerous cause of pH balance etc tell them to run around the block and then measure their pH. It will change it way more than eating straight red meat)

Gas, bloating, farting, inconsistant stool etc is more to do with the right foods for you.

Energy is more to do with the right ratio.

So for your fight right now I wouldn't try anything to far from what you already know or have done.

Those days you get a buzz training then crash-don't eat that.
The days you just feel good and have energy to train-eat that.

YOU know best for YOU. IF you listen to you and learn from you.

You have the potential to be a way better doc or health care person for you than anyone else!!!!!!!!!! Start trusting yourself (have to work at doing it) and you will start to learn loads from yourelf.

All the best! :)

(metabolic typing will help you know what foods for you and a starting ratio point to work from)
Posted: 2007-02-16 04:36:16
whitti, i know it sounds a bit self indulgent but maybe for your next fight, i read about this sports psycholgy guy and its similar to what mark l says above. I cant remember his name but he recommends keeping a food diary aswell as a training diary, and after each session (straight after - when you're changing)you write about how you feel e.g exhausted, confident, frustrated, full of energy, calm, realaxed etc, and look for patterns in the food vs feelings.
Posted: 2007-02-16 05:35:20
Hi Mark - thankyou very much for your reply, and it all makes sense to me, it is great advice....again thank it is really appreciated.

Handsup! Good idea about the diary, I didn't think about that either. You have a great session at the day and feel good and can never piece together what you had when - a diary makes sense.

Thank you both and I hope this thread helps many other people too.
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-16 07:14:25
I would note water, food and sleep.

Don't forget thoughts too :)

Emotions are a great gage. Like signals. When your emotions are out you know something is wrong. Likely either your thinking, food, water, sleep or movement (not enough or too much).

Remeber your whole body has receptor sites for the chemicals produced by thoughts and emotions. It will effect ALL of you.

To wirte right after training sounds very good to me. I would compare with what OI ate (drank, sleep stress levels of day etc) and how long before training I ate etc

You'll quickly see how long you need to leave after eating for training.

Writing it down is key and leads to some amazing discoveries. It shows us how things DO effect us.

Really its all about awareness. Without awareness you can't consciously change.

Not consciously trying to change will, for the most part, leave you the same.

Most people do the same thing over and over.

"To do the same thing and expect a different out come is a sign of insanity."

In sport and exercise I see... Going to my spin class and eating shitty. Better gop to more spin callses or ...people sit on the cardio machines daily for years (and talk about how good it makes them feel-read cortisol high which numbs pain-but don't get healthier or happier in their day ...or fatigue in a fight and go train harder-fatigue in a fight and go train harder-fatigue in the fight and go tain harder (never mind sick or injured all the time-must mean train harder.
Posted: 2007-02-18 00:30:39
Eat Complex Carbohydrates!!!!

The following is From Ross Enamait's "The Boxer's Guide To Performance Enhancement"

Carbohydrates control the level of sugar in your blood. As athletes we need a steady level of blood sugar. By doing so, we ensure a steady level of ENERGY. When blood sugar drops drastically we experience feelings of fatigue and tiredness. IE, sugar rush from candy. Your body senses the unusually high level of sugar so consequently takes the sugar out of your blood to feed your cells. Your blood sugar levels then bottom out and you feels tired.

This doesn't happen when you eat COMPLEX CARBS. Complex carbs allow your blood sugar to stay constant, which equates to continuous energy for training.
Examples of complex carbs are:
sweet potatoes
apples, oranges
whole wheat bread
whole wheat pasta
brown rice
These foods have low glycemic index levels. GLycemic index is defined as the rate which foods cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Foods that are high on the glycemic index will cause sharp swings in blood sugar levels leading to fatigue and poor performance.
Examples of Carbs to avoid are:
white potatos
white bread
white pasta
white rice
white flour foods

Your pre-fight meal should consist of 70-80% carbs, 15-20% protein, and 5% fat.

All of these questions and more can be answered at Ross's site

Ross is an amazing athlete and professional boxing trainer. He is currenlty in the process of training Pito Cardona for a fight with Zab Judah in April.
Ross actively participates in his forum and answers any questions you may have.

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-18 09:58:41
wheat is one of the worst foods out there

eating carbs by themselves for almost everyone will be too much of a spike in my opinion.

And if I eat an orange I totally get way too alkaline (too parasympathetic, slow, lathargic, easily depressed etc etc)

pre fight meal should be right for the individual in my opinion.

If I ate 70-80% carbs in ANY meal and especially if wheat was a part I would have plenty of problems.

One way for all (be it food, religion, training, anything) cannot be in my opinion and experience.

15-20% protein and 5% fat..

Someone like me whos burns through carbs very fast needs a much higher percentage of fat and protein.

Infact I do very well on high fat (quality fat).

My training partner is different than myself. We have different foods that work for us and different ratios but he also needs way more fat and protein and eating high carb does plenty to him.

We have both experienced big changes in mood, energy levels, clearity of thought, improved digestion, improved sleep etc etc etc

By upping the fat and protein and cutting back on the carbs ESPRECIALLY wheat.

There are some people that might do well on 70% carbs too. But there is no one way in my opinion and experience.

People whos ansestors came from hot climates (say India and Africa) may do better on a higher carb, lower protein/fat diet.

I do better on dark and red meat. So my fat % is already gonna be over 5%. If i eat white meat and all those carbs its like sugar for many people.

I think one diet fits all is like saying every fighter should fight like Tyson, or every fighter should train like Ali.

Reality is we are all different IMO&E

If it works for you, do it!
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-18 10:04:41
On an empty stomach if everyone on Ax ate an orange we would get too main noticeable results.

Some wouldn't notice much.
Some would feel good.

Some would get too alkaline, like I do.
Some would get too acidic.

Too acidic is fast, hyper kind of symptoms
Too alkaline is slow, sad kind of symptoms

I litterally crash with oranges.

Are oranges good or bad? Neither... they just are. Its the individual not the food that is important (besides the quality)

(wheat is just garbage for almost anyone-especially US wheat. Never mind is much of it GM but the quality is so poor that 3rd world countries don't want it for free from the US if they can get it anywhere else. Never mind almost any product with wheat is processed crap even if the wheat was decent to start. Bring me some we wheat product and I can show you clearly how if makes you weaker or stronger!)
Posted: 2007-02-18 13:14:10
I will agree that everyones diet will be a little different. And there is no perfect plan. There are however good and bad ones.

"wheat is just garbage for almost anyone-especially US wheat"

Thats an interesting statement.

In your example, you simply gave your OPINION as to why "wheat is just garbage for almost anyone-especially US wheat".
However, I believe in my example I gave scientific evidence as to why you should eat COMPLEX carbs.

"Complex carbs have low glycemic index levels. GLycemic index is defined as the rate which foods cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Foods that are high on the glycemic index will cause sharp swings in blood sugar levels leading to fatigue and poor performance."
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-19 00:12:47
grains have a way higher GI level than fruit in general.

Look up some numbers on your pastas and breads.

More details doesn't make it a fact or opinion.

Want facts on GI look up some numbers.

Grab a loaf of whole wheat bread/pasta and look at the ingredients. Feel free to list.

I forget figures but in Canada to be whole wheat (even 100% whole wheat) the product only needs to be something like 13% whole wheat.

GM wheat is hugely common.

We did not get here eating grains 3 meals a day 7 days a week. We have not adapted so well to it yet.

Man devloped out of hunter gatherers. That ment following the meat, not the grains.

The odd grain here and there... Farming (about the time warring factions really got going too hmm) brought in a food that we ate the odd time and now we're progammed to eat it (if you can't not have your cereal for breaky you are prgrammed to have it- thats not good or bad... but is nice to choose programming that is benifitial to health)

I have a client that just lost 6 lbs. We did some emotional healing etc but basically she got off the bread. I believe that is what is having the biggest effect.

Get off gluten, get the right amount of water, avoid processed sugar/salt/grains/dairy and get protein every meal and don't skip breaky.

That alone would change most peoples lives.

Not being able to go off a food means either one is programmed or addicted.

They did a study with terminally ill patients. They were told if they didn't change their lifestyle andf diet they'd die within 6months. 95% could not make a change.

What does that tell you about the power of either addiction or programming?

If desire to change is not greater than resistance to change you'll get no change.

death didn't create enough desire to change eating habits...

oh but I like my bread. You gotta eat bread. I mean how can you not eat bread???

All programming

Calcium from milk -BS

But tell a Mum milk is no good for her kid and she'll ask "how will they get calcium?"

What is a fact anyway???? Look at medical text books. The 'facts' change all the time.

What ever works. I see nothing but improvements when I get people of wheat (gluten).

If nothing else almost all westeners over eat grains so even if they aren't sensitive to gluten they get results.

Grains for diabetes. The first thing I would say is get off grains.

Look up the GI levels
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-19 00:17:17
Peanuts 14 4 oz (113g) 15 2
Bean sprouts 25 1 cup (104g) 4 1
Grapefruit 25 1/2 large (166g) 11 3
Pizza 30 2 slices (260g) 42 13
Lowfat yogurt 33 1 cup (245g) 47 16
Apples 38 1 medium (138g) 16 6
Spaghetti 42 1 cup (140g) 38 16
Carrots 47 1 large (72g) 5 2
Oranges 48 1 medium (131g) 12 6
Bananas 52 1 large (136g) 27 14
Potato chips 54 4 oz (114g) 55 30
Snickers Bar 55 1 bar (113g) 64 35
Brown rice 55 1 cup (195g) 42 23
Honey 55 1 tbsp (21g) 17 9
Oatmeal 58 1 cup (234g) 21 12
Ice cream 61 1 cup (72g) 16 10
Macaroni and cheese 64 1 serving (166g) 47 30
Raisins 64 1 small box (43g) 32 20
White rice 64 1 cup (186g) 52 33
Sugar (sucrose) 68 1 tbsp (12g) 12 8
White bread 70 1 slice (30g) 14 10
Watermelon 72 1 cup (154g) 11 8
Popcorn 72 2 cups (16g) 10 7
Baked potato 85 1 medium (173g) 33 28
Glucose 100 (50g) 50 50
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-19 00:20:03
Table sugar (sucrose) 65
Canned green pea soup 66
Instant oatmeal 66
Pineapple 66
Angel food cake 67
Grape-Nuts 67
Stoned Wheat Thins 67
American rye bread 68
Taco shells 68
Whole wheat bread 69
Life Savers 70
Melba toast 70
White bread 70
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-19 00:27:56
first didn't have whole wheat lol

whole wheat 69
table sugar 65

but most whole wheat isn't only whole wheat even and most much is GM

Do some research and third world countries do not want free grains from the US. They ont take them if they can't get anywhere else.

The quality is so bad it doesn't help the starving!! Look into that if you want to look for some facts.

I personally don't buy any grains. I had about a spoon full of white rice with some fish today when I went out but I avoid grains mostly (not saying we all should).

Its the grain companies that want you to eat the stuff 3 meals a day.

I can show you they make you weak in minuits of muscle testing too.

The body cannot lie.

But the GI is high anyway which was your arguement.

Your 'facts' had nothing to do with any food you recommended. It was assumed that the foods fit into your 'fact'.

Regardless of 'facts' experience shows me time and time again wheat is just not good for most people.

In my opinion if everyone in the West cut out gluten (including all wheat) we'd have a health revolution.
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-19 00:35:04
Seriously find someone in your area that does applied kinesyology (muscle testing) they'll show you in a heart beat.

Specialists that deal with food allergies like Sandi Radomski doesn't even include gluten and wheat in her testing or treatment really. She just tells evry client to stay away from it.

Anyone that specializes in allergies, food sensitivities etc etc will tell you wheat is huge.

Get kids off gluten and see many transform seemingly over night with many symptoms that have them on harsh, damaging medical drugs.

If you want to do some research you can find plenty on wheat in a heart beat and it could keep you reading for years.

I can show you in econds that your body does not want wheat.

Do this. Don't eat wheat or gluten for a couple days. Go find a max weight you can lift. Eat a whole wheat sandwhich and go lift again.

Or just get muscle tested, much easier. But for the skeptic you could do yourself trhat way. I'd be willing to bet $100 a person if 100 people were to test with each individual if their max weight would drop.
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-19 00:43:51
K-it takes some practice and some skill but muscle testing is pretty easy.

If someone were to hold their arm straight out to their side and you told them to resist while you pushed down (not to fight you but just to try to hold arm still)...

So you do that and then give them a known poison to hold (in bottle etc is fine). Some cleaning product, deet, coke etc

Test again while they are holding.

If they test weaker then give them a bottle of mineral water to hold.

If they test strong then you are ready to move forward.

You need to be able to get clear responses or else what the hell are you getting?

I would go further and ask their name and test (should be strong)
Then ask them to lie and ask their name (should be weak)

Have them think of a positrive memory-test
a negative memory and then test

Know toxin/poison
Known something good (mineral water)
positive memory
negative memory

If you get clear responses all the way (correct in what is strong and weak) you should be able to trust any results you get when they hold a food for example.

If not getting clear answers then there is a problem. Either you the tester or them. On line I'm not going to go into it all (there could be polarity reversal, toxins that are mixing them up they could be 'switched' etc) The tester could be switched etc too

But if getting clear results with toxin/good for you, truth/lie, +/- memory then you should be good to go.

Hold a loaf or slice of whole wheat bread and test.

Have them say "I love you" test and " I hate you" and test if you want to cratch the surface of where this can go.
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-19 00:45:57
muscle testing, in Dr David Getoffs opinion, is more accurate than blood tests (which he also uses).

They have done studies in which they draw blood from one person, put it in two viels with different names on it and sent it off. Getting different results back. The best labs were fairly close. The worst were way way off, most were quite a bit off.

The body can NOT lie!

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-19 00:46:46
so then you have a tool that you can test anyones food theories or facts on yourself!
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-19 00:51:40
Did we even mention stuff like round up ready seeds etc??

spliced and diced seeds man messed with so that products like round up will not kill them though kills everything else around??

Round Up Ready Seeds. Nasty nasty stuff.

Wheat, soy, corn are three of the main grains that are taking over and that means big money and that means companies like Monsanto are pattening the seeds, making GM seeds, mixing with viruses and toxins and bacteria etc etc Its really nasty and scary stuff.

Watch "The Future of Food" (and thats tame but maybe a good starting point)

Posted: 2007-02-21 21:49:27
"What is a fact anyway???? Look at medical text books. The 'facts' change all the time."

Good point... And maybe I am wrong. Maybe I don't have clue what I am talking about.
But w/ that in mind, why do you so strongly believe that YOUR "facts" are correct and mine are not???

I was trying to answer whitti's question as you were. But my answer seemed to bother you which lead you to state 101 reasons why I am wrong.

Why is that? Is it because you are the "self proclaimed" expert on this board? And the idea of someone not taking everything you say as the holy gospel doesn't sit right in your stomach?? Hmmmmm.

As you said "facts change all the time".
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-21 23:54:38
I think its good to see what is true for us. I gave some examples and methods of experiencing.

I get into subjetcs and topics and food is one of my interests (I'm eating right now).

But you didn't even put a fact don't that supported the foods on the diet.

"In your example, you simply gave your OPINION as to why "wheat is just garbage for almost anyone-especially US wheat".
However, I believe in my example I gave scientific evidence as to why you should eat COMPLEX carbs."

I agree complex carbs are a good way to go.

However I think we are over prgrammed to eat grains meal in meal out and we are told they are good for us by the grain companies. I challange that idea and suggest putting to the test.

Whatever works for you is good for me.

But proving your should eat whole wheat by saying eat complexd carbs and then list a huge amount of grains is missing a few points IMO&E.

You may take or leave or comment on anything :) I hope you do. I also offer the thought that testing thoughts out is good too.

I'm more of an expert in my body than you and you are more of an expert in your body.

I just suggest all our bodies are different and to say x works for all is missing a bit.

I don't think anyone can tell whitti what is best for him without assessing and analizing whitti and whitti should be IMO, the best one to teach and learn for whitti.

In my experience and study wheat is generally just crap but it such a styrong belief system that no one believes it cause everyone eats it 3 meals a day.

When you are coming up against a belief system that ingrained and you say "yeah maybe wheat isn't so good" it goes no where. For anyone who may be interested in my opinion and experience (and if you are not that is totally up to you-hell I've probably been wrong more than I have been right) i'll share my thoughts.

The thing is I also gave some mehtods of backing them up. Some tests and experiments.

The whole GI index seemed to be a big push and whole wheat is up there with sugar.

Am I asking to take it on blind faith or offering evidence and merthods of verification?

Each muct choose for themselves.
I don't care if you think wheat is the second coming. I'll certainly tell you thats not my opinion though.

facts are all relative in a relative universe

More important are results for the individual.

If I say wheat is shit and you get awesome results from eating it. Then eat it, or don't or do what ever you want.

I'm not bothered. I disagree. the amount I write is not about you. Its about the subject and me getting carried away on a topic of personal interest.

(you'll see long winded posts on things where I am not discgreeing ;)

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-21 23:59:31
You did ask for me to support my premise you know ;)

"In your example, you simply gave your OPINION as to why "wheat is just garbage for almost anyone-especially US wheat".
However, I believe in my example I gave scientific evidence as to why you should eat COMPLEX carbs."

Posted: 2007-03-01 22:26:52
whitti, how did the fight go and have you got any experience to share now?
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-03-02 18:00:55
yes how did it go???
Posted: 2007-03-17 18:53:59
Sorry guys, Forgot to look back on this thread.

My fight went well, I won the Midlands title over 5 rounds. Fitness was so so as I had been hit with a bad sinus infection the 3 weeks up to fight.

Because of being ill, I weighed in on a full stomach with clothes on and was still 2kgs under the weight I should have been (was 76kg instead of 78kg).

On the day I had plenty of water, had a Sunday lunch (don't think many fighters have done that before lol), had pasta after way in, a couple of bananas and that was it. I didn't touch any isotonic drinks and last time I had a Red Bull but didn't this time.

I forgot what time I had what when on the day but I got through it obviously ok and fought ok considering been ill and was over weight.

I am now taking more of your comments on board again, experimenting next week with my foods and times, ready for fight on April 15th. I am taking a protein shake inthe morning also and one after a good train. Also trying a new supplement could NO Xplode (Nitric Oxide, Creatine)- not sure what your opinion is on it but it seems to get good reviews and 2 days I have tried it and works me hard when I train.

One quick question, what would you reccommend for breakfast? I can't stand oats, Wheatabix I like (with hot water) but seems to make you hungry quick? What other good breakfasts are there? I know alot of cereals are not too good - what about Kellogs Crunchy Nut Clusters? Alot of people say it is one of the most important meals, and I find myself skipping breakfast alot.


Mark L.
Posted: 2007-03-17 21:29:28
Glad to hear it went well considering :)

infection suggestive of over training...

Pay attention to bloating. If bloating m,eans digestive issues and something you are taking is probably not a good idea.

Cereals are mostly sugar usually...

Hard to recommend foods without testing. 'If you aren't asessing you're guessing'

I eat meat/eggs/raw dairy and veg, maybe a little fruit once in a while.

I think it was either quacker or kallogs (forget) they did a study and the animals died from eating their product (wasn't a 'high sugar one)

Another one done rats were put into 3 groups. One ate the cereal, one ate the box, and one ate nothing.

The one eating the box survived the longest and the one eating the cereal died first.

Don't skip breaky! It is important and not only is it big after not eating all night and important in many ways it also effects your sleep for the next night!

Its all oly info-go as far as you want if and when you are ready. take what info you want from any source and if you want try it for you.

Jamie Bates
Posted: 2007-05-03 16:59:46
Night before i fight if my weight is ok i load on the carbs but before a fight up to 2 or 3 hours before i eat jaffa cakes, pasta, chcoclate, bannans, flap jacks, i drink lucozade and plenty of water. basically i scoff myself lol.

Posted: 2008-02-27 20:47:53

I used to be a mad weetbix junkie, but after an anti-candida diet I swapped it for rolled oats and water. Doesn't taste that fantastic but I feel good after it and you get used to the taste quick.

My question for Mark is gluten free breads. I am a sandwich man who has always had 3 sandwiches throughout the day between breakfast and dinner, usually filled with low fat ham, tomato, hummus, letteuce, mung beans. I switched to gluten free organic bread, as my osteopath told me that I have too much gluten, which is like glue in my bowels.

Do you advocate the use of bread if it's gluten free? As I see form earlier posts that you're not a fan of your standard brown or white bread.
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