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Shaun Keddle
Posted: 2004-11-11 05:25:25

My first child - Jessica Jane Keddle was born on November 2nd at 21:30. This is Keddle No6 for our next generation of Keddle's, so you lot have some sh@gging to do if you want to compete with us lot in the years to come.

The future is bright, the future is Keddle!!

Posted: 2004-11-11 05:27:43
Congrats Mr Keddle,

I can see in 20 yrs or so a full Keddle Thai Dynasty. Something like the Brazilian Gracie family !!!

Well done.

Baz Faulty
Posted: 2004-11-11 05:32:43
Congrats Sean, a girl as well so she won't loose her hair lol
Posted: 2004-11-11 06:00:55
Congratulations Shaun & Mrs !
Posted: 2004-11-11 06:36:52
Congratulations pal, have to meet up for a booze soon.
alan keddle
Posted: 2004-11-11 07:13:44
The 'NKA' new keddle army..
Kane keddle
Neeve Truelove (keddle sister)
Rex keddle
Xanthe keddle
Jessica keddle

the next generation to look out for. Kane has been in training since he was two years old and is now 4!!!watch what this boy can do! nothing short of amazing. his first punch on a bag on his first birthday and in full training at two years old. rex is just beggining at two but is more of a grappler cos he is big. xanthe and jessica will be dominating the female division in years to come if that is what they want to do (like they will get a choice!) when kieran retires at 50 then they can take over!!

well done again shaun and amy!!!
alan keddle
Posted: 2004-11-11 07:15:33
i reckon kane couls have been the youngest thai boxer in the world born to the gym and in it from scratch. wlking at nine months and on the bag at exactly one year old!!! will get photos of it on here plus others of his recent training sessions
Posted: 2004-11-11 07:23:55
Alan, I'm trying to get my nephew who's one and half to throw a jab cross, but am having no joy what so ever ! I'll have to get a few tips off you !
Basil the Fox
Posted: 2004-11-11 07:27:22
Not a bad effort for two minute's work, eh? ;)

Congrats, mate.
Posted: 2004-11-11 07:28:04
Congratulations Shaun! I'm sure you'll have your figure back in no time!
Posted: 2004-11-11 07:38:16
well done, all the best mate,another edition to the poncenby clan lol!
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-11-11 09:50:31
Crikey More Kiddles than a Ten Pin Bowling Skittles :-p
Congrats fella
well Shaun ya Must be a Big Boy !
yav Filled a Pram ! LOL

The Futures Bright the Futures BALD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr Smith
Posted: 2004-11-11 10:13:20
Congratlations Shaun! Nice one!
Posted: 2004-11-11 10:18:42
Many congratulations Shaun. Please pass on my love to Amy and congratulate her for me because I am convinced she must have helped out a little bit in the birth!

Chris Keddle Carley
alan keddle
Posted: 2004-11-11 10:23:14
basil two minutes?? whatv would we do with the otherv minute and a half?
Posted: 2004-11-11 11:07:53
Congratulations Shaun
Posted: 2004-11-11 11:10:25
All the best to you all.
Posted: 2004-11-11 11:18:03
Thank fuck for that, the baby has her mothers looks and not yours:) Congratulations mate>
Brazilian rookie
Posted: 2004-11-11 12:16:19
Posted: 2004-11-11 12:22:29
Congrats Shaun, and I always thought you batted for the other side!!

Posted: 2004-11-11 12:33:14
congrats shaun ,...
but i always thought you were single judging by the comments you come out with :P
Shaun Keddle
Posted: 2004-11-12 04:56:10
Thanks all,

Amy did say that the 13 secs of sheer pleasure was a fair trade for the 21 hours of painful labour!!

Mikey/Chris/Alan - Wetting the baby's head (again) on the 20th november if you fancy it.

Basil - 2 minutes? you must be some sort of tantric-sex love god! Its a sprint not a marathon and I always win.

JD - round is a figure!

xMike151x - Ponceby clan - lol! How's the hudcap collection?!!

Jessie - It's not that I bet for the other side, it's the fact that when you have a name like yours it is a natural to assume that you are a bird (and a minging one as well!)

Bulldog - you haven't seen the mother! (well I hope not, anyway!)
Posted: 2004-11-12 08:34:32
Congratulations Shaun...she's beautiful.

Posted: 2004-11-12 14:08:13
Even after 2 hours sleep a night, screaming at 2am, dirty nappies and the loss of a social life for the next 2 years, Shaun still is the king of the wit!!!

Made up for you though mate, well done
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-11-12 22:04:25
hey Shaun ya Missed me off your Hit List Above !
and Whats up with you Guys?
its 30 to 60 Mins for me or i aint Playing ! Wheres the Fun in 30 secs: or 2 Mins: ?
Boy im Glad i aint married ! :-(

zebedee writes:

Even after 2 hours sleep a night, screaming at 2am, dirty nappies and the loss of a social life for the next 2 years, Shaun still is the king of the wit!!!

Its only been a week ! How can you see into Shauns Future?
Lets see if thats the case in 2 years?
Plus aint it the Mother that does 90% of the Work anyway?
Guys are lazy !

Bless you if thats the Thing i gotta look forward too ?
NO Thanks

Posted: 2004-11-13 02:22:15
Thats just cos you want to get your moneys worth Sandy! lol
Posted: 2004-11-13 02:46:13
Congrats Shaun from both Rich and I!
ercan gürgöze
Posted: 2004-11-13 04:49:52
congraluations and wishing her and to the family a healthful, happy life...

(i hope that the baby will be a silent,cool one , otherwise forget the training and fights...being a father in this decade is not so easy compared to our father's times since manhood had lost the battle against the women ...married people will understand what i am talking and you will get also the experience, shaun ...)

right; as being an unmarried person you are very happy, i can guess it ...
stevie nisbet
Posted: 2004-11-13 05:31:35
shaun, welcome to the wonderfull world of fatherhood, the best thing in the world EVER.
dont let the funny little dwarf(sandy)slag you of at least your batting on our side. lol

Sean Toomey
Posted: 2004-11-13 05:36:18
Nice one shaun and Amy, the baby has got more barnet than me.
Posted: 2004-11-13 12:21:31
Shaun I am near you on the 20th for the paintballing session, and if I am granted permission from yourself, (to bring K who is also paintballing) I should be be allowed out to help you drench that babies head! I know you are a traditional man so if this is not ok I wil meet up with you soon for a couple.

Chris Keddle Carley
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-11-13 22:56:07
Yep Fatherhoods easy ! Its the Poor Mums that have to do ALL the Work
stevies Proof of his
`90`Secs: worth !
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-11-13 22:57:34
Yep Fatherhoods easy ! Its the Poor Mums that have to do ALL the Work
stevies Proof of his
`90`Secs: worth !

stevie nisbet writes:

shaun, welcome to the wonderfull world of fatherhood, the best thing in the world EVER.
dont let the funny little dwarf(sandy)slag you of at least your batting on our side. lol


Easy to call me a Dwarf on here and from all the way up there though !
Posted: 2004-11-14 04:44:27
I hear tale of a breed of man who does lots of 'mommy' stuff in raising a baby/child. I also have heard of a species that hoovers/cooks/cleans too. lol

The key word here being 'heard'. NOT seen lol

Congratulations to the Keddle Family.
stevie nisbet
Posted: 2004-11-14 05:11:05
90 secs gollum , you give me too much credit lol
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-11-14 11:51:50

Urban Myths ??

Mr `Nes"QUICK"
your Wellcome ! 3 x 30 secs: rounds !
= 3 Kids Well done !
Posted: 2004-11-14 15:57:42
congrats fella hope all is well with you 3 , sorry i aint been intouch sooner your kids been working me to the bone lol, becoming a dad and a father is by far the best thing thats ever happened to me and when i think of my now not so little boy i get choked every time .
enjoy it shaun there is NO feeling in the world like it
best wishes to you all

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