Im sure most will agree the rankings in place for all Orgs are woefully out of date, inaccurate and generally poorly maintained. I have approached most of the main orgs for some time requesting updates motivated by my desire to promote worthwhile title fights on my shows but to no avail.
So.... rather than bitch and moan on here i have tried to do somthing about it, for a while i was assisting Daz Philips with the UKMF rankings but with recent events and sheer frustration he has handed the batton over to me (Dont think anyone can blame him and i thank him for his assistance).
Now its not that im not concerned with recent events but i personally think that its easy to dismiss somthing rather than try to fix it, so i will be Administering the rankings for the UKMF from now.
After many conversations and with the interest of transparency i will initialy set the rankings using the very little information i have recieved from promoters re results, time consuming google searches and whats held by the Org. Once this is done and im sure debated very positivly on here :) I will be assisted by Dave Croft and Craig Jose, hopefully it will be kept simple with fighters beating each other to move up and down the table with any issues being ratified by the three of us thus leaving no individual the power to manipulate the rankings.
I hope people get behind this in the spirit it is being set up, lets face it recognition by your peers is pretty much all you can expect to recieve until the millions role into the sport :)
Thanks in advance for the support.
Think most people would prefer some sort of reasonable, understandable and fair response to the happenings that we all already know about.
Good luck with the rankings Steve, just think without some sort of closure from the UKMF to restore some of the lost faith IMO its a pointless task (if its on their behalf).
Thanks Keith and Sandy,
Paul, I dont really want to get involved in the issues at hand. Im not burying my head in the sand or condoning either sides actions but i do think we all support UK Muay Thai however we can and this is my way of doing that.
"Pointless task"? I dont think its relevant which Org is supporting them so much as keeping them upto date and accurate.
I have had quite a few emails already which shows this is somthing that coaches and fighters want to support. I thank you all and have made initial changes to the rankings using the information provided. However its only as good as whats been supplied! So anything you believe is wrong wether it titles held or if you think someone is in the wrong place then please get in touch.
Do C-B class fighters have rankings?
they look good :). and very happy for me mate keith
Dont get me wrong Steve, I have massive respect for anyone that puts their time into rankings and dont wish to undermine your fantastic work.
Would've been nice for them to be independent............
All the best mate.
**Rankings Update**
In the interest of transparency I have updated the rankings with a brief explanation as to how the changes have been implemented.
However as mentioned before the information is only as good as what people have provided as well as what i can find generally off here and from the few people that actually submit results ect. I always welcome input from fighters/coaches and you can mail or call me with updates.
122lbs (-55.338k) Minimum Weight
126lbs (57.153kg) Featherweight
#2 Harry Richardson removed due to inactivity, fighters #3-14 move up a place, Chris Taylor #14 Steven Clarke #15 enter rankings
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
#10 Carl Copestake climbs to #1 after defeating Lee Colville who drops to #4 so with #3 Rung Karnphan removed following his retirement fighters #3 & 4 move up a place , 11-15 climb a place. Richard Lee enters at #15,
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Fighters from #3-12 drop a place as Panicos Yousef enters the rankings, Robin Downer makes way as inactive.
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Two fighters exit the rankings #3 Yousef drops a weight class, #1 Harrison moves up a division.All fighters move up a place with Wooton now uk #1 Super Lightweight, Crawford enters rankings after winning Southern Title Anderson drops a place as least active in the division, #15 vacant
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Harrison enters at #1 meaning top 10 drop a place, Copestake removed as least active in the division.
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Steven Meikle enters rankings at #3, Paul Chedd exits rankings as least active in the division. Goink and Kemp drop a place.
160lbs (71.575kg) Middleweight
168lbs (76.363kg)Super Middleweight
The rankings will be updated on the UKMF website in the next couple of days, if anyone has information that you think is relevant please contact me.
Nice one Steve for putting Carl Copestake at number 1, he worked hard for that and there was talk on another thread that he wouldn't get the credit for that.
A few years ago I did used to organise a rankings and it was a terrible job to do, just because of the lack of information.
To day there are a LOT more shows, so probably a lot harder to keep up with.
But one idea that you might like to use that I used to do and found it quite usefull is. I used have a statement on the rankings (I can't remember the exact wording, but something like)
These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking and you have beaten someone above you for example or you know that a fighter has retierd or in the wrong weight division etc Please let us know by contacting us here ------------ with the correct information.
That way it cuts down a bit of your time searching for information because they let you know asap.
Well done because it is very hard job, but only if people withold information.
right Carl ya bassa, me n you square go ya jumping swine lol
Why do the rankings only go up to SuperMiddle?
Hay Paul,
We really wanted to make these upto date and accurate so obviousley with fewer divisions its easier to do this.
Also as the number of fighters in the higher and lowest divisions are rather scarce and tend to fight across two sometimes three divisions due to limited pool of fighters it makes it a very difficult task.
Hopefully in the future it is somthing we can look.
all show results need putting up here maybe a specific results tab only, without anyone comenting on them and results only so its quick and easy to see who won who lost for everyone so real fight records can be established. good luck steve
Do you have to be an A Class fighter to be involved? And where do you submit the results to? I've put my record on my AX profile but don't know what to do after that.
Paul Karpowicz is still the UKMF British Champ at 61.5kg, the fight against DOC was ISKA Sanctioned and not a title defence.
Also Paul has had a mojority of fights at 63.5kg
and are the rankings based on UKMF sanctioned shows or does this not matter who sanctions the show?
maybe a silly question but can a fighter be ranked in different wieght catogories at the same time
if he was to win a title at two or even 3 different wieghts, and a lot of fighters seem to float around taking fifgts from maybe 60 - 64 kilo, just curios ??
how do i go about gettin back in the rankings, im surely not out due to being in active. i dont get it??
As I said above, when I was running the WMTO rankings
''But one idea that you might like to use that I used to do and found it quite useful is. I used have a statement on the rankings (I can't remember the exact wording, but something like)
These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking and you have beaten someone above you for example or you know that a fighter has retierd or in the wrong weight division etc Please let us know by contacting us here ------------ with the correct information.
That way it cuts down a bit of your time searching for information because they let you know asap.''
There needs to be a simple way that fighters who feel they are in the wrong position or division can let the ranking officer know.
This is good for people like Craig, Paul and Jay above and good for the rankings officer as he gets upto date info.
Give it a try.... it works .. honest, :)
Been on my holidays so havent been on AX, so....
@Craig Jones, You dont have to be an A class fighter to be ranked, depends on the depth of the division.
@2Tech, the title has been amended, was a mistake he was previously listed correctly but within the last update the data was corrupted.
@Peetee, thats a tough one but to keep it simple fighters are only listed in their preferred division and can only hold titles at the weight they are ranked.
@Jay, all fighters who compete in the UK qualify for the UK rankings. Its a very difficult task getting upto date information from around the UK so near impossible searching worldwide. A number of Orgs have world rankings so thats the logical place i believe for fighters competing further afield.
@Steve Logan, Thanks for you support and i will defo be using that passage at the start of all my future posts and emails. People scream and shout if they are ranked wrong but only at that point do they submit their fighters info!
IMHO they are getting better and more accurate with every update, next one will be after the Supershowdown in November.
Thanks to everyone for their support.
@2Tech, sorry missed the second part of your post. The rankings are based on ALL shows not just UKMF. It is easier to find UKMF results as they have a calender of events that i can check and search for the results, all other shows that are put onto AX get checked by myself with results being implemented. However if people dont post results i cant update the info.
is there anywhere i can find details of area title holders please?
All area titles for UKMF are listed on the rankings, if they arent listed then their vacant.
WRSA also have theirs listed on there site.
could I be ranked at welterweight please mate, I have only fought super
welter about 4 times haha.
Mark Bryson
14 Fights 10 wins 4 losses.
2xScottish champion.
Recently relinquished UKMF superwelterweight title.
1. Tommy McEwan, Wossobama gym, Win KO RD1.
2. Barry Colquoghan, Badboy Gym,Win Judges decision. SFMA Scottish amatuer welterwightchampion, gave away about 11 fights experience in this fight.
3. James McGuiness, Team Glahan, Win judges decision.
4. Allan Strachan, AMAG, Loss due to clash of heads causing cut above eyebrow.
5. Steven Blair, DMT, Win KO RD2.
6. Tommy Kiltie, Wossobama gym, KO RD1, B class, New UKMF Superwelterweight Champion.
7 and 8. 8 man B class tournament. QF, Rithcie Carrigan, MMAG gym, win points, SF chris ferns, POS Fight Team,Loss points.
9. Sean Hodgers, Sitjaipetch Ireland, Loss RD 3 stoppage Low kicks. There a bitch haha.
10. Ritchie Sockell, Sit Chinawut, Win RD 2 Stoppage, body shot, ESU pro am welterweight Scottish Champion.
11. Jamie MacRae, Aberdeen Muay Thai, Win decision, UKMF superwelterweight Scottish Champion.
12. Adam Srika, Carnage, Loss RD 2 doctor stoppage, belter of a cut
2 fights i cant rememeber somwhere.
Thanks Bison, will be included in the November update.
I have had a go at the womens rankings but must stress, i thought the lads was hard to find info, then i tried the girls!
so this will be a first draft with the information i can find! They will be uploaded in the next few days
But please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking and you have beaten someone above you for example or you know that a fighter has retierd or in the wrong weight division etc Please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information.
I've just seen on the UKMF website that Tim Thomas is ranked at number 1 in the welterweight division above Liam Harrison who is ranked nuumber 2!!! A few posts up it says Liam Harrison will be ranked number 1.
Is it correct that Liam Harrison is ranked number 2 or a mistake on the website?
If it is correct, is Liam Harrison vs Tim Thomas a fight that would ever happen? I know they're not from the same gym but I don't know whether they're friends and would not want to fight each other?
Hay Rich, it was very late and was a bit of a nightmare updating the site but it is correct, Tim Thomas is #1 and Harrison #2. Both are obviousley the creme of the crop and their has been mention of a fight to settle the #1 spot. I for one would pay top dollar to watch that one!
They are both amazing fighters! I've never seen either of them fight live but from what I have seen on video I would sell my home to get tickets for this fight if it ever hapens! I really hopee it does!!!
Hitman v TNT !! 66kg no1 decider!! Has to be biggest domestic fight out there. On a par with Watson v Wakling. If not better. Someone has to make this happen.
as far as i know there was a discusiion on facebook as harrison got ranked above tnt n he wasnt happy, and rightyl so tbf, so it was changed and both fighters hada private discussion i believe
not that it cncerns me but how come the weight classes only go up to 79kg?
We really wanted to make these upto date and accurate so obviousley with fewer divisions its easier to do this.
Also as the number of fighters in the higher divisions are rather scarce and tend to fight across two sometimes three divisions due to limited pool of fighters it agai makes it a very difficult task keep them upto date and accurate.
We are hoping with the next update in November to list all the title holders at these higher weights on the site giving them the recognition they deserve, I think to have a division with only two or three fighters ranked and be number one does not do the top lads justice.
Is there no rankings anymore above 175lbs (Light Heavyweight) or is that purely through lack of response to putting fighters in the rankings?
@Alex, basicly yes, their are not enough fighters at the heavier weights to give any real value to being number one. Also as divisions are so scarce people fight whoever they can at different weights meaning you could have the same fighter as number one in multiple divisions. To recognise the achievement of these fighters we will instead rank title holders only, giving everyone something/someone to aim for from area to British champions.
The women's rankings are online, all title holders I am aware of
Have their belt listed but if anyone is aware of any I have missed
I would appreciate a heads up.
Also inactive fighters (12 months since last fight) have been removed,
Any help would be appreciated, looking for females not ranked who
deserve the recognition?
please mail me.
can someone please list all the -57kg ladies bouts and dates that have happened in the last 2 years within the top 5 ranked as it would be great to see who has really been active in this would be nice to see evidence of results,pics,vids etc to help steve look into the rankings further..ta
lucy payne
oct 2010 ukmf british title v cassie robinson win 2nd rnd ko
feb 2011 unanimous points win over sarah mccarthy
march 2012 57kg world title unanimous decision over wmc world title contender meryem uslu from germany.
other bouts at -60kg
annabel gely points loss team teiu show
k1 points loss bonnie van oortmerssen amir subasic pure force show.
3rd round stoppage win over hannah stevens nov 2011
Will email Steve directly
However my female fighter Debbie Willmott retired for forseeable future due to injury and babies.
Can enter Tanya Merrett 59KG 4 win Thai, 2 loss Thai, 2 win K1, 2 win Amatuer Thai and 1 loss Amateur Thai (anybody want to match Tanya, looking for opponent 24th November in Cardiff give me a call)
Lee - 07792204881
Just wondering why I have been dropped to 12th in the rankings behind Salah and mike Egan. Both of whom I have beat!!
Surely I should be above them?
Can't be down inactivity as I fought last month and am fighting again at the weekend.
Bit annoying getting overlooked like that considering the people who I have fought. Losing only once to Luke Turner in 18 fights. Is there any reason for getting moved down?? If you want my full record I can happily provide it.
Both fights with salah & mike where under 5x3 FTR too
No probs, where have you messaged me? Don't seem to have recieved any emails
Email on your profile mate
no more info on -57kg ladies then people?
would be helpful to steve to have evidence so he can see who is active in the ranking.
How do you access messages to your profile?
i think he means he sent it to the email address you have on your profile josh
Sorry found it, was in junk for some reason
Report PostRich Ward
Posted: 2012-10-15 10:40:19
I've just seen on the UKMF website that Tim Thomas is ranked at number 1 in the welterweight division above Liam Harrison who is ranked nuumber 2!!! A few posts up it says Liam Harrison will be ranked number 1.
Is it correct that Liam Harrison is ranked number 2 or a mistake on the website?
If it is correct, is Liam Harrison vs Tim Thomas a fight that would ever happen? I know they're not from the same gym but I don't know whether they're friends and would not want to fight each other?
I don't see what being friends has to do with anything? There is no friends in love and war!!! Get this fight on it would be awesome. Tnt for me!
liam has already stated on a previous thread that being friends with someone wont get in the way of a career bout so i cant see him refusing if the moneys good.
any more 57kg female records? if not can we hurry up and re-adjust the rankings if the evidence cant be submitted.thanks x
nathan dont worry about these rankings mate they mean about as much as those contracts we signed for mpl haha. just keep lucy fighting keep winning and that speaks for itself
Liam I disagree with you, the rankings are far more relevant than the multitude of title fights happening every weekend around the country. To be number one should mean something alot more than being one of the six or seven champions at each weight. With the help of the fighters they can be better and I believe they are getting more and more accurate with each update.
Would you and Tim be looking at an epic fight in the future without them? Maybe, maybe not. Would Carl Copestake be finally getting the oppertunitys he is now if hadn't taken that top spot? I hope you will support what we are trying to do which is ultimately generate interest in fights, get bigger Pay days for fighters and improve the sport.
Liam v Tim would be epic and shame on any promoter who isn't paying top top dollar for this fight to happen. The whole of the uk MT scene would come out to see it!
Nathan, I will update the rankings tomorrow, now all the information has been collected, I'm sure you want this as a permanent adjustment and I have heard the interest in the fight has been increased now that top spot has been changed ;)
I've just been informed if I don't renew my gym insurance my fighters will be stripped of there title and kicked off, surley this can't be right?
I believe the rankings should be a true reflection of the UK s
best fighters competing on our shores, regardless of political allegiance. That is the way I administer them and intend on doing so in the future.
Their to my understanding has always been criteria for holding UKMF titles which has been enforced to varying standards, i am an administrator of the rankings not an enforcer of policy, I suggest you speak to Paul who can clarify.
Steve will confirm this but a place in the rankings has nothing to do with membership of any organisation. it is a results based listing.
I doubt there would be any justification to strip a fighter of a title for simply not renewing an afilliation. However; to defend said title a current license and membership of an affiliated club would be required.
I do not know exactly but imagine that an undefended title might become vacant in time.
So the information you have been told would seem to be incorrect.
After a conversation with Dave all is cleared up cheers mate
Hi steve did you receive my email?
Ok just to confirm 1 have stated earlier in the thread that fighters having 12 months or more out of the ring have been removed??? yes mate? well for me this could be so hit and miss, ie been let down with fights, injuries etc!! And if this is the case then people like poor Dean James would be removed and i would be back at number 1 without even having to fight him again which is a joke really. Dean hasnt fought for about a year now due to illness Yogis Bingley Hall show, then been busy with a new born, lost out on fightvon Main Event due to been too busy to train what with work and the baby etc and recently just lost out on 2 more fights so god knows when we will see him back in the ring??? Same with the girls, your saying 12 months... what if they have children? clearly they wont be fighting in a 12 month period will they? so get removed. Its not really fair at all tbh that. I totally agree with Liam and not cause of family ties or anything like that! kIts pretty clear you keep fighting good opposition and winning your doing pretty good. Rankijgs dont really matter as long as you are performing well and working your way to the top or a top flight fighter staying at the top.
i agree with Andy on that point and maybe extend that to 18 months? but obviously if a fighter announces retirement then ok
Also 100% a Fighter should be ranked in 2 weight divisions or even 3 if they can drop and go up !
just like in the above case with Liam H
i remember one of my fighters held 3 British Titles in 3 weights and im sure many others around now can do at least 2
btw is there a Cruiserweigh division? and what weight is it exactly please?
also a Under -50? kilis Female rankings?
thank you steve,it means a lot to clear it up.
only from a personal perspective and considering from where i am unfortunately situated in the uk. rankings are important to me/touchgloves as the gyms like mine that are not as recognised in the uk still get a good chance of getting fights abroad if foreign clubs/promoters can see that your fighters are no1 in england via a document/webpage instead of reading a "grapevine" style of whose best on the forums etc..
there isnt a great deal of money etc in the sport so trips abroad to represent the country and showcase your existence have become really important and is the main reason im still involved as i get to meet new people and travel.
a lot of fighters/gyms will always have and always will have opportunities of competing abroad,some of us have to fight through the lies and bs to prove ourselves.sometimes its a drag but it keeps me fired up as im happy to prove their ability.x
@Josh, got your mail mate and thankyou for the information, il do the November update after supershowdown.
@Andy, You make some good points, the whole point of being inactive is really to do with the availibility to fight. Its a general rule to keep the rankings upto date rather than sitting here with a calender waiting to cull people. Im doing it on a fighter by fighter basis. For example, their are a few fighters who have emigrated, travelling abroad or just not training for some time who with the required notice would not be able to fight if challenged, thats why they are removed. Its how you apply the rule rather than black and white "not fought for a year, your out!".
Also fighters at the top level would re-enter the rankings when they fought again as more than likely they would be fighting someone in the top 15.
@Sandy, again good points regarding ranking in two or more divisions. I think it would apply to only a couple of divisions/fighters and it may be somthing we look at in the future.
As far as cruiserweight division i have answered the same question a number of times so have a look abit back on the thread.
And womens -50? we already have that in place, as well as a -48 division. :)
@Nathan, Thanks for your support. I also believe the rankings are a good thing rather than the multitude of champions.
Conversation one
"you any good at this Thai Kickboxing" :)
"Im the British Champion along with 5 other people"
Conversation two
"you any good at this Thai Kickboxing" :)
"Im the number one in the UK"
I wanted to do an update/correction before i go to Thailand but not going to be able to do the mens, will do it in two weeks after Supershowdown.
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking and you have beaten someone above you for example or you know that a fighter has retierd or in the wrong weight division etc Please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information.
-48kg Strawweight
-50kg Junior Flyweight
#9 Debbie Wilmott removed as inactive, 10 and 11 move up a place
-52kg Flyweight
-55kg Bantemweight
-57kg Featherweight
Anna Zuchelli the UK number one announces her retirement and is removed from the rankings, All fighters move up one place making Lucy Payne the new UK number one.
-59kg SuperFeatherweight
updated information regarding a previous bout between #1 Bernise Alldis and #2 Amanda Kelly which Kelly won means fighters switch places. Tanya Merritt enters at #8.
-61kg Lightweight
Rankings will be updated in the next few days.
You are doing a top job Steve, well done mate.
This is a hard job to upkeep on scraps of info
Miscommunication. Anna beat Bernice . Amanda has not fought Bernice . But has not lost at that weight
Thankyou very much Steve
Emma Beeps Bragg 48-50 kilos max can she be in 2 divisions please as she fights every time at 49 no diet at all
16 fights
12 wins 4 loss
carlos de Graca
85.5-90 kilos (cruiserweight)
6 fights
5 wins 1 draw
Sandy holt's Gym Bolton Thai boxing club
1 Denise Mellor (Bourenmouth)
2 Amanda Mcwilliams (Mersey Thai)
3 Jade Nicholls (Scorpions)
4 Emma Close (SMTC)
5 Candy Berry (Northern Spirit)
6 Sarah Gibbs (Kao Loi)
1 Simona Sukapova (KO Gym)
2 Michelle Newall (Firewalker)
3 Alexis Walker (Hakuda)
4 Emma Bragg (Bolton) English Champion
5 Jade Sandlan (Salford)
6 Lauren Humphrey (Phoenix)
7 Amy Lloyd (Knuckles)
8 Tracey Richards (WAKT)
9 Debbie Wilmott (Eagles Wales)
10 Rachel Jones (Kao Loi)
11 Kirsty Green (Studio 2000)
Emma can make 48 49 and with clothes on 50
and always fights at 49
amanda Mcwilliams has had all but 1 of her fights 48-50 kilos (ask Paul to verify pls)
Candy Berrys last fight was on My show over a Year ago in Bolton IKON and was matched at 50-52 she was 51kgs and defo not in the 48kilos ask lisa
YES Alexis Walker beat Emma Bragg in the 4 woman 50.1 kilos tournament NOT -50 she was and credit to her for making it to 50.1 btw and emma was 48.9kilos (check with promoter craig neild)
and Alexis fights as her other 3 fights in the 52+ division so maybe needs tweeking ( she is however unbeaten in her 4 fights too )
so i think
emma and amanda and alexis need moving about and also in 2 divisions as they all compete in the 3 mentioned above cheers ( hope thats not too Kungfusing lol )
surely you can call 50.1 and 50.0 the same thing haha.
0.1 = the difference between weighing in with socks on or your socks off haha :)
@Shaun and Paul, i realised it would be tough but maybe not the full scale of the task! However with the next update (Late November) really think we are getting somewhere and appreciate your support.
@Bill, thanks for clarifying that, lost in translation somewhere i think.
@Sandy, for the time been we are only ranking fighters in the weight division they are competing. Sorry to say its not really relevant if she comes in under weight for her fights as she is competing in the -50 division and also holds a title at -50, I appreciate that she fights light ect ect but she is fighting over 48 so cant really be ranked their. I am looking at putting on the -48kg English Title on my next show and would offer her the chance to fight for it, she would then be ranked in that division (if she wins as she would hold a more prestigious title and be competing at that weight) but have no date as yet.
I do appreciate the info regarding the other girls and will check with their trainers, thanks for your continued support.
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking and you have beaten someone above you for example or you know that a fighter has retierd or in the wrong weight division etc Please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information.
-55.338kg Minimum Weight
-57.153kg Featherweight
-58.967kg Super Featherweight
After recieving substantial information from a number of fighters we have applied this to the rankings which has meant a few changes in position. #8 Jonno Chipchase moves upto #6, his win over Copestake and results against others in the division mean #6 & #7 drop a place Steve Foy enters at #11 after beating Hatton who drops a place. Saab Singh removed as inactive.
61.235kg Lightweight
#9 Ross George climbs to 5th after beating Terry on MTC show meaning #5-8 drop a place. Sean Silver removed as inactive, replaced by Ricky Sewell Liams Gym.
63.503kg Super Lightweight
#6 Snelling removed as inactive so #7-11 move up a place. New entry at #11 Jamie Clark Carlisle Muay Thai 10w 5l 1d. New entry at #13 Jaz Meates.
66.638kg Welterweight
69.853kg Super Welterweight
Josh Turnbull moves to #6 after submitting a full record which includes a June 2011 win over Salah, #6-8 drop a place with #9 Damyinov removed as inactive. Steve Long enters at #11 after recent win over Egan. #14 Bryson removed as now fighting at Welterweight replaced by Keven Cottrell Fighting Fit Scottish Champion.
71.575kg Middleweight
New entry at #9 Matt Montague defeats Barton,Sherlock removed as least active in division. #14 Richards removed as changed division replaced by Craig Jones Macclesfield.
76.363kg Super Middleweight
#1 Stephen Wakeling moved to Light Heavy division meaning new #1 is Adam Sawyer. #2-14 move up a place, new entry at 14 Euan Irvine Fighting Fit.
79.379kg)Light Heavyweight
New #1 Stephen Wakeling, Eric Lloyd removed as fighting in a higher division 12 & 13 removed as inactive. new entrys at #7 & 8 Smitten & Long.
I will update the higher divisions in a couple of days.
did anyone else read tht n here top of the pops in their head lol
I thought I would be ranked at welterweight? not removed all together? It was a mistake me being ranked at superwelter also. a've always been a welterweight only had 3-4 fights at superwelter.
@Keith, LOL. I think its important in the interest of transparency to explain the changes made, if they have to be justified it would be very difficult to manipulate them. Im always happy to make corrections when i recieve information from fighters though so if anyone feels they are ranked wrong let me know!
@Bison, the Welterweight division is the most competative in the uk at the moment, with the talent already ranked you are unfortunatly just outside the top 15. You have three options really, win the Scottish title at the weight, beat a ranked fighter and finally someone already ranked is inactive and removed.
Just out of interest where would you put yourself?
1 Tim Thomas Nak Soo
British Champion
2 Liam Harrison Bad Company
3 Andy Thrasher GFC Muay Thai
4 Imrahm Khan Bad Company
5 James France Bad Company
6 Thomas McCormack Wicker Camp
7 Liam Robinson Pra Chao Sua
8 Sam Omogobe Liams Gym
9 Soloman Wickstead Franks Gym
10 Reece McCalister Phoenix
11 Charlie Peters Semtex
12 Adam Srika Carnage
13 Richmond Annan KO Gym
14 Kyle Hellier Lord Hell
English Champion
15 Marcus Compton St Neots
Midlands Champion
"where would you put yourself"
.....back into the superwelterweight divison!
[quote]Rankijgs dont really matter as long as you are performing well and working your way to the top or a top flight fighter staying at the top.[/quote]
Just to play devils advocate here.
1) Rankings don't matter?
2) Performance does!
Q)Why does performance matter?
A)So that you can work your way to the top.
Q) The top of what?
I don't understand why rankings don't matter if titles do, If a rank doesn't matter then surely the title is defunct as being the head of "no matter".
This rankings malarky is a tough job and I look forward to seeing it implemented and marked for a long time to come.
Hi Steve,
rematch for Matt Montague with jake available anytime he wants it, we can challenge him now he's above him in the rankings.
@Keith, LOL
@FCKB, thanks for your comments couldnt of put it better myself.
@Phil, Great attitude mate, hope you get the rematch.
@Keith lol sounds about right haha.
I see what u mean there all great fighters. guess i'll have to fight a few and find out.
the goal for me actually next year is to fight at 63.5 a tall order for me to make thst weight so thats why i asked to be ranked at welterweight just now.
I couldnt win the scottish title at that weight also as brian stevenson holds it and fights out of the same camp lol
of course steve, totally agree and think yer doing a grand job.
jst when i was reading it i could here the wee guys voice from top of the pops lol.
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking and you have beaten someone above you for example or you know that a fighter has retierd or in the wrong weight division etc Please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information.
Couple of corrections and changes to finish the year off,
57.153kg FeatherWeight
Jordan Calder enters (#3) division, fighters below move down one place with Azza Dominicus making way as least active in division.
58.967kg Super Featherweight
#3 Calder moved division meaning all fighters move up a place, Aiden Greenwood enters rankings at #15.
63.503kg Super Lightweight
James Snelling re-enters the division (#6) and is available to defend his English Title under the new 5 x 2 min A Class rules. fighters below drop a place with Meates making way.
66.638kg Welterweight
Richmond Annan makes way for the Scottish Champion Brian Stevenson (#13).
79.379kg Light Heavyweight
#10 Gill & #12 Sibanda removed as inactive, replaced by Mitchell Flett (10) and Derek Strain (11), all below fall a place.
-55kgs Bantamweight
Jaqui Bogart enters the division at #3 after defeating Laura Baugh.
Bit more info submitted effecting the Featherweight Division:
Duncan Scott moves up to #7, Gurtak Swali moves to #8. Scott has a victory over Kennedy and Swali coming off a big win over the Italian Champ under A Class rules. Fighters below drop a place.
Update will go up in the next few days.
Steve you have give yourself alot of headaches doing this! Fair play to you.
On the point of my tournament which has been mentioned which Alexis Walker and Emma Bragg fought in, Alexis won the tournament beating Emma Bragg and is now 4 fights undefeated. She has fought all her fights on my shows. The tournament was at 50kg and I had agreed will ALL trainers 0.3 allowance. 50.1 Alexis weighed in so I feel that should be classed at 50kg and sick of hearing same digs about 0.1kg. Alexis won the tournament fair and square.
Hi there.
I'm Kyle Helleur's coach and run LordHell Muay Thai.
It looks like Kyle will be moving to 63.5kgs in 2013 after beating Yahia Abazia (no10 UKMF rankings) the other weekend after 5 hard fought rounds.
In the last 2 years he has won and defended the UKMF English Title -67kgs, and had 6 fights winning 5 and losing only once against Salah, but remains at 14th in 66.6kgs and has probably been more active than some people above him. However,
I'm currently looking for fights next year within the 63.5kgs division, anyone interested? He has already beaten Yahia at pro and Wayne Fisher at amateur level and we feel this is his natural home.
How many fights does he need to have to move into the 63.5kg division?? Or can he just switch? If so where would he be? Or who else does he need to fight/beat to move up the rankings?
Hi Jez
As you know . I was not happy with the decieson with Yahia . A rematch would be great . Kyle should be ranked above Yahia ( for now) . I was going to appeal the result but best to get it sorted in the ring . Imo
Kyle will be massive at 63.5kgs, reckon that'll be a much better weight for him x
Hi Bill
It was a close fight but I though Kyle did enough to win and we are happy to rematch as it was a great battle of Muay Thai skills for the fans.
Be good to have it for a title? Maybe later in 2013 they can get it on again if their schedules work out.
Hi Dave, yep I agree. He was told this by a few people when he went to the IFMA Worlds earlier this year, so the decision has been made to continue at 63.5kgs for 2013 and to have him fight those in that weight category and get into the top 5 x
Hi jez you must remember that Wayne had already fought twice that day and also Wayne was at 63kg with Kyle at 67kg. Wayne up to 64/65 now and I think a pro rematch would b a brilliant fight.
You just gotta keep him off the pies now Jez ;) lol x
@Craig, thanks mate, didn't realise how bad things were but slowly getting their ;)
@Jez, il answer the second part first, RE Kyle being #14, it's not down to how
active (number of fights) the people above him have had , more the fact they are active and available to fight within a reasonable time frame. It's very simple to move up, fight someone who is above you or a fighter is inactive and removed.
As for him moving division, you have made my job very easy! He would be straight in at #10 as he beat a lad already ranked. However if he is moving then it would be great if he relinquished the English giving someone else a chance at it. James Snelling currently holds the English at 63 and has told me he would defend the belt (under the new 5 x 2 A Class) so a possible fight for your lad.
@Stu Holden, is Wayne now fighting in the -66.6kg division? Is that where you would like him ranked? Or will he still be fighting 63.5kg?
Hi Stu, hope ur well. Yea I remember the circumstances when Kyle fought Wayne at amateur level, I was just stating that Kyle has already fought and won against 2 people in the 63.5kg division and we have made a decision to come down to that category. I also agree it would be a great fight between Kyle and Wayne at 63.5kgs and if that can happen in 2013 then I hope some promoters are reading this and can arrange things.
Hi Steve, as Kyle is fighting at 63.5kgs in 2013 and if the rules are he goes in at number 10 after his recent win then we're ok with that. He would also relinquish the English 66.6kg title and allow others the opportunity.
If the fight with James Snelling can be arranged then, yes we will take that as well.
Dave, if Kyle ate 20 ginsters pies for a week, he wouldn't put on any weight. Its really annoying from my perspective cos I'm jealous and as soon as I look at a pie I put weight on ;) x
Hi Steve Wayne can still make that weight with a push but isn't 63.5 the min weight in that category?
@Jez, thanks mate, will update the rankings with him in the Super lightweight division.
@stu, 63.5 is the max for superlight weight (where he is currently ranked) what I meant was do you want him in the welterweight division -66.6kg?
Be fine in superlight thanks
Mike Egans had a busy year
He beat mark Evans , Danny connaughton , nauzat Diaz by K.O
Became WBC International champion , ISKA 5Nations champion
Won his boxing fight , & lost two closely fought fights with Steven long & jack fallon.
hi steve,can you take julie kitchen off the rankings now please as she has retired from muaythai.
got vikki church 59kg 1w 2d who is up for a scrap with a few in the top ten if anyones interested ?
many thanks x
Well its been a good year for the rankings, people seem to have really brought into what we are trying to achieve and IMHO they are getting better, being regularly checked and more accurate with each update, so a big thankyou to everyone who has contributed.
I have a few updates to do so hopefully this will be the final time they are amended until February when the first shows of 2013 kick off.
All the best for the new year and remember, beat the fighters above you to improve your ranking!
a quick question - are the cadets in with the adult rankings?
hay Lee, I'm only ranking the adult divisions, good luck to anyone who wants to take on the juniors and cadets but it won't be me!! :)
Little update to start the year off, had a bit more information submitted over Christmas but as always:
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information.
Junior Flyweight
New entries Vicky Woulfe #8 and Natasha Sweeney #9, fighters below drop two places
New entries at #5 and #7 Kat Steele and sofia Christolodou, fighters below drop two places
Super Featherweight
New entries at #7 and #8 Wilson and Gallacher will fight for the Scottish Title in April on Carnage show. Fighters below fall two places.
Junior welterweight division removed, Kitchen retires as uk number 1 leaving just three ranked, all of whom seem inactive.
Minimum Weight
Steven Clarke removed as now competing at 60kg, Chris Taylor moved to (#11) super featherweight. #14 & 15 vacant, suggestions welcome.
Super Featherweight
Steven John and Billy Hatton removed as inactive, replaced by Tim Nutter and Chris Taylor
Super Lightweight
Hellier beats Abbaza and enters the rankings at #10, fighters below drop a place, McKeown makes way
Division changes for Kyle Hellier (drops and vacates the English Title) and Semtex fighter Charlie Peters (moves up) mean Willie Dempster enters at #12 and a first appearance in the rankings for 10W 1L David Tieu at #14.
Super Welterweight
Goink removed as inactive, replaced by Addis who drops a division. Charlie peters enters at #9, fighters below drop a place with Sean Perry making way
Addis moves division, Hodge removed as inactive, fighters below move up two places, Decarriere enters at #7 new entry at 14 Sebastian Fraczyk
Super Middleweight
#3 Gillespie move to Light Heavy means all fighters move up a place, #15 vacant any suggestions welcome.
Light Heavyweight
Ryan Li enters the rankings with a recent win over Flett, Gillespie changes division and enters at #3 after beating Edwards fighters below drop a place with Donavan and Long making way
Rankings are know online, couple of vacant spots so if anyone can help out id appreciate the support.
re Female Junior Welterweight Claire Haigh still wants fights just needs to be offered them...inactivity in the UK is purely as fights havent been offered or accepted.... so has been fighting abroad / teaching abroad also - not really her fault...
"now online" bloody I phone
@Noel, I agree mate, its absolutly not her fault she cant get fights in the UK. The problem im having is keeping all the divisions men and women upto date and accurate with very little information so when a division is so scarce (mens heavier divisions also)there is no value to being number one, hopefully in time this will change.
fair enough mate... womans catagories thin out all too quickly...real shame
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information.
Minimum Weight
#3 White, #11 Brincatt and #14 Mummery removed as inactive, all fighters move up. First appearance in the rankings for former outstanding juniors Daniel McGowan and Macauley Coyle with Gurpreet Swali taking the final spot
New entry at 9 Craig Floan, fighters below drop a place with Afri Harry taking the final spot
Super Featherweight
Chipchase moves up a division, fighters below move up a place with a first appearance for Franks Gym fighter Chris Whittle
Chipchase enters at #4, fighters below drop a place with Andrew Lofthouse making way
Super Lightweight
No change
No Change
Super Welterweight
No Change
Keith Middleton moves up a division, Whelan rises one place with a first appearence at #12 for Didzus Musulus
Super Middleweight
Keith Middleton holds a recent win over Irvine and enters at #13
Some great fights coming up with a number of promoters embracing the rankings leading to some excellent matches being made.
KO gyms Ash Uddin takes on Ramakiens Desi Swali (Blood & Glory 2nd March) with both lads looking at improving their positions putting them in-line for future title fights, also on the Card Super Featherweight standout Keith McLachlan finally gets the chance to challenge Jose Verela for his UKMF British Title after beating most in the division. A week later at the famous York Hall Team Tieu promote another excellent card featuring #14 Welterweight David Tieu against the tough Adam Srika (Carnage Gym Scotland #11) with another home fighter Farindon Karoaglan (Team Tieu) facing #14 Duncan Mcdermot, a number of international bouts top the bill.
The reborn Rumble at the Reebok features a number of exciting bouts (27th April) with the pick of the bunch Paul Karpwicz (#2) 2Technical vs Jonno Chipchase (#4) MFA at a weight he is unbeaten Chipchase continues his fight anybody attitude. Karpwicz coming off a couple of great performances looks to get back to winning ways after an unsuccessful previous title tilt against UK #1 Darren O`Conner who Chipchase takes on 23rd February (Showdown, Liverpool).
Staying in Liverpool may be a good idea on the 9th March as MASDA Gym promote another top show featuring Leigh Edlin taking on Mike Egan, not to be outdone by the men Kate Stables (Bad Company) V Ruth Ashdown (Lumpinee) could steel the show with Chris Whittle and Aiden Greenwood on the undercard also looking a great match.
Josh Turbill fights Steve Long (23rd March, Wigan) with both coming off great momentum building wins and looking to continue up the rankings and a possible title shot.
So a busy start to the year with a number of top shows well supported with excellent undercards to look forward to, good luck to all the fighters and please remember to send through your results.
I also fight on 10th march golden bear show Leeds
So will be looking to go back in the rankings :D.
There is also Craig Jones vs Matt Montague on 24th Feb, and then vs Jake Barton in May
Hi Steve, i sent you an email last week, wondering if you got it mate?
Hay Steve, got your message and passed it on to the relevant people, glad we could help.
Loads of fights coming up which will effect the rankings, I will update as usual, ASAP to keep them upto date and accurate
Mate I think with what Amir Subasic has coming up with heavyweights theres no reason not to open up the rankings at this weight, there's at least 10 guys there! I also have some Super Heavyweight fights coming up on my show too
Agreed Jason dutton is the future of heavy weight Thai boxing
Steve doing a good job with rankings... Nice to know your fights count for something and much better that they are updated so often.
@John Dennis, be great to have you back in the rankings now your active again, can you please send me some details ie record & weight you will now be campaigning at.
Congratulations to the new Northern Area Champions:
(Featherweight) Vicky Woulfe, Beastmasters
(Middleweight) Sebastian Fraczyk, Beastmasters
Got my internet sorted so will upload the new rankings after this weekends shows.
You get my email mate? Cheers
@John, yes I did mate, could do with a bit more info though ie last 5 opponents, date, name & result .
I know it can be a pain but helps keep them accurate
Hi mate last 5 fights
1 naoki ishikawa win ko 4th jan 2010
2 sofiane dadaga L pts 5th may 2010
3 Carl copstake win ko 2nd oct 2010
4 Kyle hellier win ko 8th aug 2010
5 Keith mclachlan win ko 19th feb 2011 - this fight never got going and he broke his leg on my hip so don't really count it thanks
Hope that helps mate like I said mate bk in there 10th march (2weeks) :D golden bear promotions
Same mate would have been a belter :( plenty ppl wanted to see that fight
What weight are you coming back/fightin at?
I kno m8, had loads of strangers message me and come up to me saying tht they were mainly there to see us :o considering the guys tht were fighting tht day is pretty mad lol
First 1/2 fights will be 65kg then go down to 63.5kg mate n i no mate I had the same mate
Busy weekend of shows has thrown up a few changes to the rankings
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information.
66.638kg Welterweight
#5 James France removed (retired), fighters below move up a place with jerseys Micheal Blood in at 14.
69.853kg Super Welterweight
Shaun Facey removed as inactive fighters below move up a place, (10w 1l) Liam Hughes Team Tieu enters at #15
72.574 Middleweight
Craig Jones rises to #8 after beating Matt Montague, all fighters below drop a place
79.379 Light Heavyweight
Grew removed as retired, jonny miller enters at #14
Now for the extended weight divisions to be added:
82.5 Light Cruiserweight
Richie Hockin ** POS Fight Team
British Champion
Mark Timms ** K Star
Joe Newton ** Impact
James Young ** Ultimate Boxing
86.183 Cruiserweight
Christian Di Paolo ** Legends Gym
Erik Lloyd ** Semtex
British Champion
Charles Sikwa ** Eagles Wales
David Sa ** Team Tieu
Bia Sor Motang ** CFA
Southern Champion
Mick Terrill ** Sor Thanikul
Northern Champion
95kg Heavyweight
Arnold Orbatov ** KO Bloodline
British Champion
Paul Crossley ** Walkden
Romy Da Silva ** Red Dragonz
Andre Groce ** Firewalker
95+ Super Heavyweight
Danial Sam ** Masters Muay Thai
James Locke ** Benfleet
British Champion
Jason Dutton ** Impact
Chris Cooper ** Black Widow
Correy Robbins ** Pythons
Boris Uhlic ** Black Label Fighting
Midlands Champion
I imagine the heavier weights may be disputed but you cant all be ranked number one, all listed are active, if you think you deserve to be higher then fight them and beat them, win a ukmf title or mail me your full record and state your case.
Shaun facey shouldn't be removed was active last year fought a few times including Aslan from Bridgestone in Dublin and a French fighter in Cardiff in November at k1. was asked to fight Mike Egan rematch for Egans title on Masda show but they changed their mind and went with Edlin, we agreed that fight.
not good to bin someone for inactivity when they are fighting Europeans to get fights
Padraic here golden team - thanks for adding johnny miller
Also Michael Mcdonagh golden team beaten Joe Newton impact
Also look out for Ste wain 65-67kg
Amanda ward female 58kg is fighting Kelly creegan in her next fight Irish no1 I believe
@Lee Powers, I compile these rankings from the scraps of information submitted and results posted on various sites, if he is infact active then please send me the dates for his last few Muay Thai fights and i will gladly reinstate him however all i can find are K1 rules bouts. These rankings only incorporate Muay Thai results and NOT Oriental rules, Enfusion rules, Glory ect ect.
@Padraic, Jonny is in the rankings on merrit mate, he has beaten some good lads.
March is a busy month for the UK Muay Thai scene with eight shows that could effect the rankings, I will do an update at the end of the month rather than after every weekends events but please submit your results to guarentee they are taken into account.
Rankings update coming up this week! All MUAY THAI results from March will be used to update the divisions, Glory & Enfusion will not be considered as they are not perceived as Muay Thai.
Still after a few results from Scotland, Kombat show if any one can help?
Tanya Merrett loss pts to Lucy Payne last week at 57kg in Cornwall both weighed in at 56. was FTR 5 X 3 with elbow pads
Tanya looking for fights from late June onwards will fight FTR or B class
Kombat show
Mikey Wiseman bt Robert Burke 2nd rnd KO
Andy cairns bt Allan Strachan points
Chris Shaw bt Bartek Miasik 1st rnd KO
Andy Primrose bt Michael Roach 3rd rnd KO
Not sure of any others that would change the rankings
is there any rankings actually being updated anywhere?
@Lee & Keith, thanks for the results
@action promo, the rankings on ukmf site have been updated probably 10 times since September. They will also take a prominent position on a new (independent) Muay thai web site to be launched very soon.
After the lies corruption, of the U.K.M.F in front of the World, before you managed to get thread pulled down, NO SCORPIONS FIGHTER WILL EVER FIGHT ON A UKMF SHOW PERIOD. So unless you know something different from me about James leaving Scorpions, Its a fantasy and dream that a Scorpion would ever fight on a UKMF corrupt show LMAO
Well said Mr Wakeling.
I for one HATE hearing about corruption in the sport.
Thank you Farhad. Some things need to be said, I wont go over it again, but the World of Marshal arts see what they done !!! Still not put it right, So they sweep the corruption and lies under the carpet. Not a trustworthy body I can work with.
And for someone working with U.K.M.F to imply Scorpions would defend a dirty corrupt tittle on one of there shows, as if I could forgive what they done !!!! Is just plain pushing it.
Mark Wakeling
Steve could you please list for us the latest rankings for 72.5 division?
Also, does anyone in there fancy fighting meeeee?
In June sometime, June goood.
By the way im Colin Reeves i fight for Tony Myers
cheeky callout colchai!
122lbs (-55.338kg) Minimum Weight
1 Dean James (Pra Chao Sua) WMC European Champion
2 Andy Howson (Bad Company)
3 Damian Trainor (K Star)
4 Paulo Da Silva (Lumpini Crawley)
5 Kieran McKaskill (NKT)
6 Wayne Gonsalves (Minotaur Gym)
7 Ash Uddin (KO Gym)
8 Abdul Yassine (KO Gym)
9 Reece Crooke (Evolution)
10 Lee Johnson (Pra Chao Sua)
11 Adrian Maguire (K Star)
12 Joe Boffey (MASDA)
13 Daniel Mcgowan (Liams Gym)
14 Macauley Coyle (Liams Gym)
15 Gurpreet Swali (Ramakien)
126lbs (57.153kg) Featherweight
1 Davey Maclntosh (Bad Company) WMC International Champion
2 Matthew Tieu (Team Tieu) English Champion
3 Jordan Calder (Caladonian)
4 Alan Weaver (NAMT)
5 Steve Lockhead (GTBA)
6 John Dick (GTBA)
7 Duncan Scott (Kao Loi)
8 Gurtake Singh Swali (Black Diamond)
9 Craig Floan (GTBA)
10 Luke Kennedy (Tobins)
11 Sam Shambelby (Fight Unit)
12 Darren Whewell (Saphire )
13 Richard Gander (Simmonds Thai )
14 Duncan Mcdermot (St albans)
15 Afri Harry (Team Tieu)
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
1 Carl Copestake (K Star)
2 Keith McLachlan (Griphouse)
3 Lee Colville (Colvilles Gym)
4 Jose Verela (KO Bloodline) British Champion
5 Chris Shaw (OB`s Gym )
6 Loz Reilly (Hanuman)
7 Mark Brown (Lumpini Crawley)
8 Francis Maina (Diesel Gym) English Champion
9 Steve Foy (Fortitudo)
10 Chris Taylor (Jai)
11 Tim Nutter (Kiatphontip)
12 Mark Tim (SMTC)
13 Richard Lee (Team Tieu)
14 Aiden Greenwood (Bradford Thai Boxing)
15 Chris Whittle (Franks Gym)
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
1 Darren O`Conner (TMAS)
2 Paul Karporwicz (2Technical) British Champion
3 Panicos Yousef (Liams Gym)
4 Jonno Chipchase (MFA)
5 Danny Taylor (Lumpini Crawley)
6 Ross George (Kaang Raang)
7 Daniel Terry (Team Tieu)
8 Adam Lee Mason (Semtex)
9 Danny Crompton (Salford ) English Champion
10 Anth Shelton (Phoenix)
11 Craig Dickson (SMTC) Scottish Champion
12 James Hawksworth (Wigan)
13 Ricky Sewell (Liams Gym)
14 Jason Mcginn (Wossabama)
15 Conner Sandlan (Salford) Northern Champion
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
1 Greg Wooton (KO Gym) British & WMC European Champion
2 Luke Turner (Bad Company)
3 Brian Totty (Griphouse)
4 Robert Burke (SMTC)
5 Wayne Fisher (Carlisle Muay Thai)
6 James Snelling (Scorpions) English Champion
7 Matt Sheedy (Eagles Wales)
8 Michael Wiseman (Griphouse)
9 Ahmed Ibrahim (Siam Donandair) Scottish Champion
10 Kyle Hellier (Lord Hell)
11 Yahia Abbaza (KO Gym)
12 Carlton Lieu (Team Tieu)
13 Jamie Clark (Carlisle Muay Thai)
14 Rory Crawford (Keddles) Southern Champion
15 Jarvis Anderson (Eagles MT) Midlands Champion
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
1 Tim Thomas (Nak Soo) British Champion
2 Liam Harrison (Bad Company)
3 Andy Thrasher (GFC Muay Thai)
4 Imrahm Khan (Bad Company)
5 Thomas McCormack (Wicker Camp)
6 Liam Robinson (Pra Chao Sua)
7 Sam Omogobe (Liams Gym)
8 Soloman Wickstead (Franks Gym)
9 Reece McCalister (Phoenix)
10 Adam Srika (Carnage)
11 Willie Dempster (Dragons Gym)
12 Brian Stevenson (SMTC) Scottish Champion
13 David Tieu (Team Tieu)
14 Michael Blood (Jersey Thai)
15 Marcus Compton (St Neots) Midlands Champion
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
1 Jordan Watson (Bad Company)
2 Craig Jose (Faktory)
3 Stephen Meikle (Caledonian)
4 Kris Addis (Koi Loi)
5 Stuart Kemp (Tobins Gym)
6 Josh Turbill (Spitfire)
7 Salah Abdul Salam (Minotaurs)
8 Brad Stanton (Kiatphontip) British Champion
9 Charlie Peters (Semtex)
10 Leigh Edlin (Chao Phraya)
11 Steve Long (Hanuman)
12 Mike Egan (Next Generation)
13 Keven Cottrell (Fighting Fit) Scottish Champion
14 Nathan Epps (K Star) English Champion
15 Liam Hughes (Team Tieu)
160lbs (71.575kg) Middleweight
1 Michael Wakeling (Scorpions) WMC European Champion
2 Chris Shaw (Douglas Muay Thai)
3 Daitan Jackson (Salford) British Champion
4 Samuel Wilson (Team Tieu)
5 Adrian Wedalowski (Griphouse) Scottish Champion
6 John Greenwood (Bradford Thai Boxing) English Champion
7 Eric Decarriere (All Powers Gym)
8 Craig Jones (Macclesfield MT)
9 Matt Montague (Waterloo Street)
10 Jake Barton (Elite)
11 Colin Reeves (Pra Chao Sua)
12 Luke Wheelan (Semtex)
13 Didzus Musulus (Elite )
14 Sebastian Fraczyk (Beastmasters ) Northern Champion
15 Chris Valeret (Keddles) Southern Champion
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
1 Adam Sawyer (Lumpini Crawley) British Champion
2 Ally Smith (Wossobama)
3 Jon Edwards (Semtex)
4 Mike Clarke (Tobins Gym) English Champion
5 Don Heatrick (Phraya Pichai)
6 James Ogden (Wicker Camp)
7 Edd Lyons (Pra Chao Sua)
8 Lee Whitfield (Reaper Gym)
9 Joe Roberts (Jai )
10 Gavin Rogerson (Wigan ) Northern Champion
11 Andy Bakewell (Waterloo Street)
12 Seb Long (2 Technical)
13 Keith Middleton (Aberdeen)
14 Euan Irvine (Fighting Fit)
15 Adam Memon (Singto) Midlands Champion
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
1 Stephen Wakeling (Scorpions )
2 Marc Sargeant (Studio 2000)
3 Charlie Gillespie (Team Tieu)
4 Dan Edwards (K Star)
5 Kev Ward (Elite)
6 Mick Madden (SMTC) Scottish Champion
7 JP Donough (Semtex) English Champion
8 Loz Smitten (Kiatphontip)
9 Eddie Long (Bad Company)
10 Barry Denholm (SMTC)
11 Ryan Li (Team Tieu)
12 Mitchell Flett (Sit Rung Thai)
13 Derek Strain (Douglas Thai)
14 Jonny Miller (Golden Team)
15 Arvydas Jusinkas (DBMA) Northern Champion
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
1 Richie Hockin (POS Fight Team) British Champion
2 Mark Timms (K Star)
3 Joe Newton (Impact)
4 James Young (Ultimate Boxing)
5 Vacant
6 Vacant
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
1 Christian Di Paolo (Legends Gym)
2 Erik Lloyd (Semtex) British Champion
3 Charles Sikwa (Eagles Wales)
4 David Sa (Team Tieu)
5 Bia Sor Motang (CFA) Southern Champion
6 Mick Terrill (Sor Thanikul) Northern Champion
208.9lbs (95kg) Heavyweight
1 Arnold Orbatov (KO Bloodline) British Champion
2 Paul Crossley (Walkden)
3 Romy Da Silva (Red Dragonz)
4 Andre Groce (Firewalker)
5 Vacant
6 Vacant
209lbs+ (95kg+) Super Heavyweight
1 Danial Sam (Masters Muay Thai)
2 James Locke (Benfleet) British Champion
3 Jason Dutton (Impact)
4 Chris Cooper (Black Widow)
5 Correy Robbins (Pythons)
6 Boris Uhlic (Black Label Fighting) Midlands Champion
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Flyweight 1 Paulo Da Silva Crawley
-52 2 Kieran McAskill Team POS
3 Ash Udin KO Gym
4 Abdul Yassin KO Gym
5 Lee Johnson Pra Chao Sua
6 Adrian Maguire K STar
7 Che Nam Shin Kick
8 Andy Hughes Spartan
9 Jack-Scott Roberts LMTA
10 No Nomination
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Bantamweight 1 Dean James Pra Chao Sua
-55 2 Andy Howson Bad Company
3 Damien Trainor K-Star
4 Reece Crooke Evolution
5 Sam Shambley Fight Unit
6 Darren Whewall Fortitudo
7 No Nomination
8 No Nomination
9 No Nomination
10 No Nomination
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Featherweight 1 Dave MacIntosh Bad Company
-57 2 John Dick GTBA
3 Matthew Tieu Team Tieu
4 Harry Richardson Scorpions
5 Alan Weaver NAMT
6 Danny McAskill Power Of Scotland
7 Steve Lockhead GTBA
8 Luke Kennedy Tobins Gym/td>
9 Duncan McDermott St Albans
10 Larney Super Gym
11 Andy Hughes Spartan
12 Gurtake Swali Black Diamond
13 James Holden Tobins Gym
14 Aiden Greenwood Badford Thai
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Super Featherweight 1 Rung Eclipse
-59 2 Keith Maclachlan Eclipse
3 Carl Copestake K-Star
4 Lee Coville Caledonian
5 Jordan Calder Caledonian
6 Jose Varela KO Bloodline
7 Loz Reilly Hanuman
8 Jonno Chipchase MFA
9 John Cassidy Dean Whites Gym
10 No Nomination
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Lightweight 1 Darren O'Connor Liverpool
-61 2 Paul Kaporwicz 2 Technical
3 Danny Taylor Crawley
4 Brian Crichton Kirby Thai
5 Ross George Kaang Raang
6 John Ang Chang Kow Doncaster
7 Ricky Sewell Liams Gym
8 James Hawksworth Wigan
9 No Nomination
10 No Nomination
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Junior Welterweight 1 Greg Wootton KO Gym
-63.5 2 Luke Turner Bad Company
3 Panicos Yusuf Stockport Thai
4 Danny Crompton Waterloo Street
5 Robert Burke SMTC
6 Wayne Fisher Dragons
7 Brian Totty Griphouse
8 Daniel Terry Stars Gym
9 Adam-Lee Mason Semtex
10 James Snelling Scorpions
11 Matt Sheedy Eagles
12 Michael Wiseman Griphouse
13 CArlton Lieu Team Tieu
14 Jaz Williams Studio 2000
15 Jamie Woodward Wicker Camp
16 Mark Bird Bad Company
17 Jonny Chaplow Hanuman Darlington
18 Matt McKeown Black Diamond
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Welterweight 1 Liam Harrison Bad Company
-67 2 Tim Thomas Nak Soo
3 Andy Thrasher Manchester
4 James France Bad Company
5 Michael Dicks Darlington
6 Thomas McCormick Wicker
7 Imran Khan Bad Company
8 Stevie Meikle Caledonian
9 Liam Robinson Pra Chao Suua
10 Gordon Smith Caledonian
11 Dave Copestake K-Star
12 Kerrith Bhella Firewalker
13 Brad Stanton Kiatphontip
14 Sam Omogobe Liams Gym
15 Salah Minotaurs
16 Solomon Wickstead Franks Gym
17 Billy Waterworth Evolution
18 Danny Kendricks Minotaurs
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Junior Middleweight 1 Jordan Watson Bad Company
-70 2 Craig Jose Sor Thanikul
3 Richard Fenwick AKA
4 Richard Barnhill Super Gym
5 Adrian Wedolowski Caledonian
6 Reece McAllister Phoenix
7 Charlie Peters Semtex
8 Kyle Nicol Crawley
9 Stuart Kemp Tobins Gym
10 Josh Turbill Spitfire
11 Mike Egan Next Gen
12 Leigh Edlin Chao Praya
13 Nathan Epps K Star
14 Mark Skeer Salford
15 Andy Brocklebank Elite
16 Sean Facey Eagles Wales
17 Sean Perry Wigan Thai Bozing
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Middleweight 1 Michael Wakeling Scorpions
-72.5 2 Chris Shaw Douglas Thai
3 Daitan Jackson Salford
4 Ben Hodge Crawley
5 Kris Addis Kao Loi
6 Sam Wilson Team Tieu
7 Ritchie Green Liams Gym
8 Eric Decarriere All Powers Gym
9 John Greenwood Bradford Thai
10 Colin Reeves Pra Chao Sua
11 Keith Middleton Aberdeen
12 Jake Barton Elite
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Super Middleweight 1 Alan Sawyer Crawley
-76 2 Alan Smith Wossobama
3 Mike Clarke Tobins Gym
4 James Ogden Wicker Camp
5 Ed Lyons Pra Chao Sua
6 Kevin Ward Elite
7 Don Heatrick Phraya Pichai
8 Joe Roberts Jai
9 Gavin Rogerson Wigan
10 Andy Bakewell Waterloo Street
11 Johnny Miller Golden Team
12 Seb Long 2 Technical
13 Lee Whitfield Reaper Gym
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Light Heavyweight 1 Steve Wakeling Scorpions
-79 2 Marc Saergent Studio 2000
3 Eddie Gill Darlington
4 Dan Edwards K Star
5 Mick Madden SMTC
6 JP Donaghue Semtex
7 Barry Denholme SMTC
8 Adam Oxer Scorpionsd
9 Eddie Long Bad Company
10 Andy Morris Super Gym
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Super Light Heavyweight 1 Lyndon Knowles Minotaurs
-82 2 Erik Lloyd Semtex
3 Charles Sikwa Eagles Wales
4 No Nomination
5 No Nomination
6 No Nomination
7 No Nomination
8 No Nomination
9 No Nomination
10 No Nomination
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Cruiserweight 1 Christian Di Paolo Legend Gym
-86 2 Ritchie Hocking Power Of Scotland
3 Joe Colville Shin Kick
4 John McAskill Teeside Thai
5 Dave Johnson Fire Cobra
6 No Nomination
7 No Nomination
8 No Nomination
9 No Nomination
10 No Nomination
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Heavyweight 1 Arnold Oborotov KO Bloodline
-95 2 Paul Crossley Walkden
3 Romy Da Silva Red Dragonz
4 No Nomination
5 No Nomination
6 No Nomination
7 No Nomination
8 No Nomination
9 No Nomination
10 No Nomination
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Super Heavyweight 1 Daniel Sam LMTA
+95 2 Chris Knowles Minotaurs
3 Craig Burke Fight Unit
4 Jimmy Kram Derby
5 Jason Dutton Impact Thai
6 Arunas Storm Gym
7 Carlos DeGraca Bolton
8 Duncan Scott Hakuda
9 No Nomination
10 No Nomination
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Strawweight 1 Denise Mellor Bournemouth
2 Emma BRagg BoltonC
3 No Nomination
4 No Nomination
5 No Nomination
6 No Nomination
7 No Nomination
8 No Nomination
9 No Nomination
10 No Nomination
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Junior Flyweight 1 Rupsana Bequm KO Gym
-50 2 Kirsty Mack Caledonian
3 Lauren Humphries Phoenix
4 Amanda McWilliams Mersey Thai
5 Debbie Wilmott Eagles Wales
6 Michelle Newall Firewalker
7 No Nomination
8 No Nomination
9 No Nomination
10 No Nomination
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Flyweight 1 Ruth Ashdown Crawley
-52.5 2 Jo Calderwood Caledonian
3 Kate Stables Bad Company
4 Carla Sullivan Semtex
5 Lanchana Green Darlington
6 Lia Briarly St Neots
7 No Nomination
8 No Nomination
9 No Nomination
10 No Nomination
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Bantamweight 1 Alexis Rufus Stars/eddles
-55 2 Iman Barlow Melton Mowbray
3 Hilary Mack Caledonian
4 Hayleigh-Jane Clarkson Semtex
5 Laura Baugh Mersey Thai
6 Sophie Hawkswell Kiatphontip
7 Kat Steele Sitnarong
8 Kerry Bennett KO Gym
9 No Nomination
10 No Nomination
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Featherweight 1 Lucy Payne Touch Gloves
-57 2 Anna Zuchelli KO Gym
3 Mandy Stainthorp Silipa Thai
4 Leesa McArthy Tobins Gym
5 Gemma Coast Beastmasters
6 Trish Carson SMTC
7 No Nomination
8 No Nomination
9 No Nomination
10 No Nomination
Weight Class No FIGHTER GYM
Super Featherweight 1 Bernise Alldis Keddles
-59 2 Cassie Robinson Salford Thai
3 Claudia Celder KO Gm
Think iman is no 1 now. Just beat alexis
Jack Scott Roberts is at Minotours now
also Farridin Karoaglan should be ranked above Duncan McDermott, as he beat him on points in March and is a current ISKA champ
These ranking are really old???
I will upload the latest rankings this weekend, moving house and gym at the moment so a bit hectic, I'll also reply to all the posts v. Soon
Y have I dropped down in the ranking 3 of the people above me ain't fought as many ftr fights as me I was 5th in the 79.2kg
Now I have been put 6th in the 76kg
I drew with mark casserly under Ftr's who has beaten number 1 an 2 at this weight surely I should be higher
@Mark Wakeling,
I did try to call you on the numbers listed on your web site both gym and mobile (which i left a message on) but havent had a response, couple of points to clarify. I think if you read the thread you can see im not a puppet for anyone or any organisation, the rankings are a reflection of TALENT and not political allegience. I do not want to get involved in an argument but thought i should clear this up so we can move on with the Rankings.
"And for someone working with U.K.M.F to imply Scorpions would defend a dirty corrupt tittle on one of there shows, as if I could forgive what they done !!!! Is just plain pushing it"
I will explain how i came to post James was willing to defend:
You can see from above i mistakenly removed James for being inactive (I rectified this within a couple of days after he mailed me directly). At the time there was another discussion on here as to making UKMF National title fights A class, this is what james emailed me:
"Reading your post on ax mate and agree with you I would defend my ukmf title and also my Iska British any time how's the update going ? Cheers"
Sent to me by James.
Im sure you can see there is no liberty or "pushing it" as you say. Its a real shame if he lost an opportunity to defend a title he seems to value, but it is your perogative as his coach. I can vacate the title and give someone else a chance but would rather not as he deserves the credit and recognition.
Please call me or mail me as i would like to keep the thread about the fighters rather than drag it down like so many AX threads seem to go.
Okay pop pickers back to business:
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information.
**Rankings Update**
Mens Update
122lbs -55.338kg Minimum Weight
New info submitted, Crooke (new #6) beat McKaskill then Yassine (new #5) beat Crooke, Boffey and Gonsalves removed as inactive, first appearence in the rankings for Smith and Kahn #14 and #15
126lbs 57.153kg Featherweight
Floan removed and replaced by jason Dick (admin error by myself), Luke Kennedy and Richard Gander removed as inactive, replaced by new entries Viet Pham (#10) and Farrindin Karoglan (new #13) who beat Mcdermont on mtc show
130lbs 58.967kg Super Featherweight
Mark Brown removed as inactive, replaced by Dave Fensom who returns to active competition with an A class win over French Champion
135lbs 61.235kg Lightweight
Danny Taylor removed as inactive replaced by Stevie Brown Wossabama, Andy Lofthouse re-enters the rankings at #6 beating George under A Class rules on Last Man Standing, Mcginn makes way.
140lbs 63.503kg Super Lightweight
Michael Wiseman climbs to #4 after beating Burke on Total Kombat (Scotland) fighters below drop a place, Matt Sheedy removed as inactive, fighters below move up a place with Matt Mckeown re-entering at #12
147lbs 66.638kg Welterweight
No Change
154lbs 69.853kg Super Welterweight
Steve Long jumps from #11 to #4 with victory over Turbill (Kemp removed as inactive under MT rules), first appearence for John Kauffman (Fortitudo)#15
160lbs 72.574kg Middleweight
No Change
168lbs 76.363kg Super Middleweight
No Change
175lbs 79.379kg Light Heavyweight
Denholm removed as inactive, fighters below move up a place with Danny Leadbetter entering at #14, Miller moves above Smitten after defeating him on Golden Team show
181.5lbs 82.5kg Light Cruiserweight
Lyndon Knowles as new UK #1, Michael Mcdonaugh (now #4)enters above Newton (holds a 2012 win) fighters below move down a place
190lbs 86.183kg Cruiserweight
No Change
208.9lbs 95kg Heavyweight
Christian Knowles enters at #2, fighters below drop a place with Carlos De Graca at #6
209lbs+ 95kg+
Robbins moves above Dutton (holds a KO win over him), fighters below drop a place
Update will be uploaded in the next few days but any information you feel may be incorrect is welcome
154lbs 69.853kg Super Welterweight
My mistake, its late :) Steve Long jumps from #11 to #4 with victory over Turbill (Kemp removed as inactive under MT rules), first appearence for John Kauffman (Fortitudo)#15
Kemp is not inactive recently fought on Leeds show, Steve Meikle has emigrated to Oz so is removed.
4 Stuart Kemp Tobins
5 Steve Long Hanuman
6 Josh Turbill Spitfire
how long do there have to be inactive for steve alot of lads been inactive but still in raking 12-24mths inactive ???
Is Chris Knowles fighting again?
@ Weazeldeazel.
First the mobile number listed on website has not changed for 20 years. Due to trolls and sales people, private calls are ignored, no number no answer !! never has a message been left on mobile phone.
As for gym landline, I will ask later if there was any messages left on it for me, normally they will be written down and left in my message box.
As for reading threads, and you talking about puppets, and talent.
Start with talent, I have no probs with people showing that, but cant see why it has to be done under a name UKMF that has showed how corrupt it can be, and considering a lot of talent wont fight under this corrupt org, will never reflect who really is no 1 so therefor shows nothing. And is why only a independent ranking of all orgs fighters, would be the only ranking that would show fighters real talent, and were they are in the pecking order.
As for puppets, anyone that works for UKMF or with them, and will not lie and follow corruption protocol, is instantly sacked and removed from UKMF as shown by honest people and officials that spoke out on that corrupt day. So hard to see were your taking the puppet thing !!! As you brought that up lol
The little note you put on from James Snelling !!!! As you know that note was before the UKMF corrupt day, before the UKMF showed the world what they stand for. And when a org can do this at that level, what does that make the decisions on who won a fight at English lvl worth, in my book nothing, so UKMF tittles mean nothing to me !!! my fighters will show talent and fight with the best in the country and world and don't need a corrupt org to show talent.
As for James Snelling, he just stepped in with a Thai, as a replacement for Greg Wottern and with his 8 fights experience, showed his talent on screens around the world, with messages coming in from different parts of the world on how well he done.
As a coach of a fighter that good clean non corruption is what I want for me and my fighters.
Sorry if you think me as a coach is holding a fighter back, not fighting and defending corruption, your opinion not mine !!!!
So using a old note from James to make the world think that our views had changed about this corruption, and supporting UKMF, I think and still do is pushing it !!!!!
Now back to keeping my gym clean, and showing my fighters talent around the world without the corruption of the UKMF.
Find something corruption free !! I will support it !! Keep it clean, Keep UKMF OUT !!!
All the best in everything else.
Mark Wakeling
It is not my intention to bring the issue of your sons fight up again merely explain my own comment that James would defend his title.
I mentioned the word puppet as in the past you have insinuated that people who work with the UKMF are controlled and do not have the strength of conviction to act on their own, that is how I have perceived your comments.
I left you a message previously on your mobile regarding James defending the title, I cannot prove that I did but have no reason to lie. I rang your gym number also but it was daytime and no one answered, I did not leave a message on that answer phone, I hung up so don't know if that was possible.
only an independent web site holds value, I can see some weight in what you say however I did originally contact all the Orgs and Dan Greens web site through email but no one responded. I take results from all shows under MT rules and add no more weight to a result if it is on a UKMF show. It's 100% on results and not my opinion so I believe it is the only Independent ranking that happens to use UKMF as it's platform however this may change in the future.
Finally, the date of the show was 7th July 2012, the date of James final mail which i took the extract from was 27th November 2012, I can forward it to you if
you like.
Again it is not my intention to insult you, I only care about the rankings not all the political BS that holds the whole sport back.
With Respect,
It can be a thankless job doing the rankings, a bit like being an official, so in Steve's defence he is doing an excellent job and I know Steve, he is a genuinely good guy and a friend.
However, Mark has a good point regarding independent rankings;
For UK Muay Thai, you can be ranked with UKMF, ISKA, IKF,WRSA,WBC, GOLDEN BELT and probably a few more. Each one of these has their own rankings based upon the individual's fight record and achievements within the said organisation.
However, a fighter ranked no 1 with ISKA may not have the same ranking as say IKF and I understand this as it happens also in boxing with WBC, WBA etc. If you buy a copy of 'Ring' magazine you will see the WBC & WBA rankings separately but there is also a 'Ring magazines' independent rankings, which is based upon the overall fight record and achievements of the individual fighter not just what they achieved via a governing/sanctioning body.
So, each individual body will of course continue to publicise their rankings but an independent ranking should be implemented in my opinion. As an example: IMTRB - Independent Muay Thai Rankings Board (just an example suggestion that I randomly made up to give a flavour of the idea).
In saying all this, and this is an observation not criticism, my fighter Leigh Edlin is the IKF English & British Champion, ISKA British, Common-wealth and European champion but is not ranked anywhere on their sites.
So, even the more established bodies are having problems updating their records and so I can therefore sympathise with Steve for the tough job he has. Nevertheless, at the moment, the rankings he does are not independent.
Just my personal thoughts on this as it is a very debatable subject.
@Shaun, thanks for your comments i was motivated to do this as I was promoting shows under WRSA and wanted to add more weight to the title fights by having upto date and accurate rankings.
I understand what you are saying, my opinion is as I take results from all shows that they are independent but as you and Mark have mentioned because I use the UKMF platform they are not perceived that way. I take that on board, their is a new completely independent web site coming out very soon which has shown interest in displaying the rankings, maybe that is a way forward?
That is exciting news and definitely the way forward, keep up the good work Steve, you have my support mate :-)
@ Steve.
James is of to Thailand today to get married.
So I wont call him now. But looking up the post and seeing Steve and Mike at no 1, he prob felt bad at being taken out.
But political BS that holds this sport back is biggest in UKMF. So really cant see the need to do them under them, put your hard time and effort into your own independent ones Steve, Shaun just gave you a good name, Could even sanction tittles under it, and it would be clean and non corrupt.
Sorry Steve, but just cant see point in promoting corruption, UKMF had chance to come clean and put it right, but chose to be happy swimming in corruption on the highest lvl.
You don't need them, they need people, and this will never stay swept under the rug.
But trust me there is a fantastic and better paid and run fighting world outside of them.
Start your own, I will help and support all the way.
Mark Wakeling
are these domestic rankings or people ranked for fighting foreigners and also ranked for fights in 3 round bouts on tournaments, not really the same as a proper 5 round thai fight
@Liam, the rankings feature all Muay thai fighters based in the UK, wether they fight domestic or international opposition under MT rules. The length of the fight is secondary to the rules fought under ie. IMO thai fight (three rounds FTR) is still Muay Thai.
ok just sometimes if someones on their 3rd fight of the night its not a true reflection and can be beaten easily by a lesser but fresh opponent
i understand that Liam but I'm trying to be consistent, letting results rather than my opinion dictate the rankings. I think that's not without flaws but at least it's a level playing field.
I agree with Robinson on this ! Tournament fights are not a true reflection
Can I ask why I have not been put back in the ranking? Thanks
@John, email me mate:
@Mark, thanks for your comments
@Daz, I dont think we will ever please all of the people all of the time. Im trying to apply the same rule across the board, if you look to deeply into every result for example if a fighter takes a bout on a weeks notice or was ill and couldnt train then you could argue he should keep a higher ranking as he wasnt fully fit, where do you draw the line?
Couple of small updates:
Womens Update
-57kgs Featherweight
Mandy Stainthorpe removed as retired, fighters below move up a place
-59kgs Super Featherweight
Congratulations to Carnage gyms Helen Wilson who won the Scottish title at the weekend, new entry at #8 Amanda Ward of Golden Team, fighters below drop a place
Mens Update
63.503kg Super Lightweight
New entry the returning John Dennis who holds wins over others in the division and competing at British level and above comes in above former English Champion Fisher (#6), fighters below drop a place with Jamie Clark making way
76.363kg Super Middleweight
Edwards, Whitfield and Bakewell removed as inactive, fighters below move up
be up in a couple of days
John Dennis hasn't fought any one in the uk since coming back has he? So shouldn't be in the rankings until he beats someone
Steve u are doing a good job u are keeping the ranking updated an it isn't a easy job I think these ranking are the most up to date the independent rankings are out
Keep up the good work Steve
@Tony, John is UK based and competing under Muay Thai rules so meets the criteria to be ranked, there was a similar circumstance with Jay Woodham returning to the UK and competing however the bout he had was not MT rules so he is not technically active which is the difference here. John fought last week (hgh show Leeds) I'm happy to discuss any fighters ranking position though so please feel free to ask questions
@Kev, cheers pal. To be fair I started this to make my own shows and titles (WRSA) more credible and it's kinda snow balled but I think it's good for UK Muay thai
I see. Don't think was having a pop just asking. Thanks for the info. Good to see someone can actually be bothered.
John didn't fight at HGH show.
@betaboy, my mistake it was the golden team show, still Leeds though so half a point :)
@Tony, IMO the rankings are far more relevant than any title a fighter may hold, thanks for the support
Just want to say thank you for putting me back in there n looking to make my way to #1 Got some good fights lined up vs uk lads :D (Glad to be back)
Is martin goink not in the rankings anymore
1.5.2013 update:
Super Welterweight
Goink removed as inactive, replaced by Addis who drops a division. Charlie peters enters at #9, fighters below drop a place with Sean Perry making way
I know he has since fought on the KO show however it was under k1/oriental rules so does not meet the criteria to be included in the Muay Thai rankings
Charlie peters I think will be the one to beat in this country.
@Tony, I agree mate. hes fighting in the US soon for a world title (against a thai i believe), think he also holds a WMC title but not sure which one?
***Title Guidelines***
The UKMF takes both its titles and their subsequent defences very solemnly, we want them to be of worth and active so these rules or guidelines have been brought in over the last couple of months:
A fighter may decline a defense no more than 3 times before he must vacate it in favour of 2 suitable boxers.
The boxer who vacated the title may challenge the winner of the subsequent bout should he wish.
Should a boxer lose 3 fights in succession to domestically ranked boxers he must vacate his title.
A boxer must defend his title if challenged and may only decline for good reason. However; it is right they have the opportunity to decline 3 documented times before the governing body intervenes.
This IMO is not about stripping fighters of titles won but actually enhancing the standing that holding one of them brings. People often say its not the title but who you beat for it, or your not a champion until you have defended but how many mickey mouse title fights are on shows every weekend?!
I took on this role to make a difference rather than moan on the sidelines, i have had 4 title fights put to me this week and 2 i have advised should not go ahead as the fighters are not of the right standing. I looke at the record, the ranking position and who they have fought and BEATEN.
Im interested in peoples positive thoughts, as i have said all through this thread it would be a shame if it went down the pan like most seem to do on here lately!
Current British Champions (UKMF)
Super Featherweight
UK #4 Jose Verela
UK #2 Paul Karporwicz
UK #1 Tim Thomas
Super Welterweight
UK #8 Brad Stanton
UK #3 Daitan Jackson
Super Middleweight
UK #1 Adam Sawyer
Light Cruiserweight
UK #2 Richie Hockinn
UK #2 Eric Lloyd
UK #1 Arnold Orbitov
Super Heavyweight
UK #2 James Locke
How long does it need to be to count as inactive? When did Andy Thrasher and Imran Khan last fight? Not each other, I mean fight at all. I'm not saying they shouldn't b where they are, they're really good fighters and I may have missed them fighting recently. Same with Tim Thomas, he's lethal but I don't think he's fought Muay Thai for a while?
Imran Khan fought last June for sure on the Showdown 11 at the Octagon in Sheffield. He fought Miguel Varrela from Portugal and won.
Imran Khan fought last June for sure on the Showdown 11 at the Octagon in Sheffield. He fought Miguel Varrela from Portugal and won.
He also fought on Showdown 12 in sheffield in November against Josh Palmer and also won.
Fair enough, thanks for that, I wasn't trying to be snidey and rubbish anyone, I just didn't know about their recent activity. Also I want to understand the ranking system a bit better. Cheers
No worries rich, I think sometimes to much is made of the "activity" rule, what we are trying to do is find the balance between an upto date and accurate system. In the case of the elite or top tier fighters a certIn amount of leeway is applied based on the fact that opportunities to compete would be far fewer due to the level of opponent needed and costs that would involve. So for example rather than remove Jordan Watson and instill a new more active number one we give them more time as the general fraternity would not except the "new" number one as being the actual best in the country.
I understand what you're saying but would taking them out the rankings not give top fighters an incentive to fight for their place? And top promoters the incentive to pay and get the big domestic match ups on? As you mentioned above Jordan is the man to beat in his weight category, he is firmly at the top regardless of activity under Thai rules, make him fight to stay there? If someone can afford to get him on a show to defend his number 1 spot I would definitely watch.
And there lies the problem mate, how many can afford to put those fights on? It wouldn't happen often enough for it all to balance out, the MT fraternity would not regard the current #1 as the best making it the most active rather than the best as number one.
I know, wishful thinking on my part, all the top boys deserve to be there. I imagine doing the rankings to be a thankless task, I wish the sport could afford the competition that could make it really exciting. I don't really disagree with any of the rankings but I would like to see them tested more. There's just not enough money though :(
**Rankings Update**
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information.
Mens Division
122lbs (-55.338kg) Minimum Weight
Yassine, McKaskill, Johnson and Uddin removed as inactive, fighters below move up. Coe, Harris, Thompson and Boffey enter the rankings with Harris and Thompson soon contesting the English Title (51.2kg A Class)
126lbs (57.153kg) Featherweight
Calder removed as inactive, James O`Connell defeats Lochhead on POS and enters at #5, fighters below drop a place.
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
no change
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Mckeown drops a division and enters at #11, Sewell moves up a division
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Mckeown moves down a division with Sewell coming up and into #13
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Mark Skeer re-enters the rankings at #11 after beating Dempster on Rumble, fighters below drop a place with Michael Blood making way
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
no change
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Whelan removed as inactive under MT rules, Anthony Barton breaks into the rankings at #14, Fraczyk defeats Jones by split decision and moves up to #8, fighters below drop a place
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Heatrick removed as inactive, fighters below move up a place. Danny Leadbetter enters above Rogerson after defeating him (although bout at a higher weight Leadbetters next bout was at 75kg) Seb long switches places with Rogerson after defeating him on Rumble. Division looking a bit scarce so any nominations welcome.
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Stewart Graham defeats Strain on POS and enters the rankings at #12, Ledbetter moves down to super middle
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
no change
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
no change
208.9lbs (95kg) Heavyweight
Chris Cooper drops a division (enters at #3) to contest the ICO world title, fighters below drop a place with Groce moving up to super heavy
209lbs+ (95kg+) Super Heavyweight
Groce enters at #5 as Cooper moves down a division
Ash Uddin fought in march
Balls! Your right Adrian, will put him back in now, sooooo many results sometimes easy to overlook one
You and him depending on weight would be a good fight.
Me and ash fought in march 09 @52kg and it was a draw. I've been told ash won't fight above 50kg and I can't make that weight. I believe he walks round at 48kg so has always gave away weight to fight
Steve your doing a cracking job,
@Adrian, cheers mate appreciated
Uddin is back in at #6, fighters below drop a place with Boffey making way.
tough weight division this, most end up giving weight away. Your very own DT has made a career out of it! Some cracking fights for you Adrian, Desi Swali would be a war and my bet for fight of the night on any show! lads like Terry Harris coming through too.
Hi Steve my fight with leadbetter was reviewed by indie judges after the bout & ruled a no contest as anyone who watches the fight can see I won so can you review the new ranking plz
Cheers Gav, wasnt aware of that. very unusual but i will amend it now. thats the beauty of putting it on here a few days before i upload them to iron out the kinks :)
richmond annan should come in above marcus compton ko'd him in recent show
@Tino, Richmond has previously been ranked but due to fighter activity above he was removed, however he is definately on my radar.
Latest update is now online
Fight between danny & gavin is not a no contest & danny won as i said it cant be scored a no contest by anyone so the rankins stand.
- An Official and professional Enquiry was raised by Kevein Harper of Majestic Gym asking for the Fight decision to be reviewed by the governing body (Goldenbelt) overseeing the fight
- Goldenbelt in an efficient and professional manner followed this up and had the fight reviewed by an independent panel chosen by them
- After the review a decision was made by Goldenbelt to deem the fight a non contest with a view to a rematch. That decision is final.
Seems I'm dammed if I do and dammed if I don't, the irony can't be lost though. Further up the thread an org is slated for not acting and here a different org is slated for acting!
Despite the controversy surounding the UKMF the lsiting of their British title holders shows they are the domestic title to have
From my memory the overall quality of the British title holders for IKF,ISKA, Goldenbelt and other assorted orgs is not as strong
@weazeldeazel - I see youve posted above the latest rankings are online, what website are they on?
@Bullet, not the positive input I was after :)
@Dizzle, they are hosted on the UKMF site however they are compiled from ALL Orgs results under MT rules.
Couple of updates, dosent seem to be much activity on the show fron this last few weeks?
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Mens Update
122lbs (-55.338kg) Minimum Weight
Coyle moves up in weight, Mcgowan removed as competing abroad fighters below move up, Yassine and Kahn re-enter after recent fights (#5 & #14).
126lbs (57.153kg) Featherweight
Macauley Coyle moves up a division and replaces Viet Pham who also moves up in weight
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Loz Reilly removed as inactive, fighters below move up with Viet Pham coming in at #7, Maina drops to #15.
vicky church from touchgloves picked up another win this weekend in guildford,she now has an unbeaten record of 4w 2d (all against credible opponents) in the -59kg category x
@Julie, has Vicky fought Tanya Merrit? i know Lucy has, just checking?
they had a draw mate.
trying to get Tanya a fight is a nightmare :-)
she will be at 55kg from now on - also 10w 3 loss including a win at mbk 2 weeks ago over thai regional champ who has beaten Jade Sirisompan and held an unbeaten record in Thailand until she fought Tanya. not that Fights in Thailand count for uk rankings.
How can fighters climb the rankings if they can't get fights?
We will go anywhere in uk to fights and will take on most opponents ranked above or below as we have shown by fighting Lucy when there were no fights offered to her.
IMO Tanya should be ranked higher and in 55kg division
congratulations to Vicky Church, a very good fighter!
good luck with the rankings mate it's a thankless task
has Tanya fought at 55kg? surely this is necessary before being included in the 55kg rankings.
Is this British rankings? James e Oconnell is Irish???
@Lee, thanks mate, we are getting there slowly. I have moved Tanya into -57 for now as that was her last fight weight, as mentioned to keep it consistent i will move her when she fights at 55.
@C_flo, James slipped through but will be removed, it is difficult somtimes and mistakes happen
tanya was the only british fighter that has stepped up to fight lucy at -57kg since sarah mccarthy ages ago.
tanya is one of the most respectful and game muaythai fighters on the circuit atm-imo-good luck at 55kg,i would always have her fight on my shows x
tanya v vicky was at 59kg , the result was a draw but i felt tanya won although taking on tanya was a big test for vicky but shows that vicky is a credible opponent for some of the top girls (although not in the league of sheree/amanda etc etc yet.)
all it takes is a bit of honesty between fighters/coaches and steves job would be a lot easier.
United Promotions (Leeds) and Smash (Watford) kick off an exciting summer of MT shows this weekend. Standout domestic fight in Leeds has to be Jon Greenwood #6 (Bradford) v Colin Reeves #12(Pra Chao Suua), its the power punch kneeing of Greenwood against the smart scorer in Reeves in what makes an intriguing bout. Watford will feautures the always exciting Salah taking on European oppisition but again plenty of domestic gems on the undercard, Dan Bowie (Minotaur) Vs. Pete Rai (K-Star) and Liam Nolan (Minotaur) Vs. Kane Chamberlain (Assassins)will be all action bouts but the pick for me is Affan Khan #14 (Minotaur) Vs. Adrian Maguire #8 (K-Star), loads more activity in this division with a long line in Smith, McGowan and Swali itching to meet the winner!
good luck to all fighters competing this weekend
Some good fights lined up this weekend.
Regardless of the outcome of Khan v Maguire, Maguire v Swali has been set to take place at Tear Up at The Tower 2 on 29th September at the Tower Ballroom. This is a fight that Swali has been chasing for a very long time.
Please make amendments to state Kyle helliur fights out of Semtexgym Essex, and jack Moore to enter 69,5 kg div as southern area champion.
Many thanks
@Steve, thanks for the info and congrats on the title
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Womens Update
-48kg Strawweight
Caslin comes in (#6) above Gibbs after defeating her on Kao Loi show
-50 Junior Flyweight
No change
-52.5 Flyweight
Jo Calderwood removed as now competing mma, fighters below move up
-55 Bantamweight
No change
-57 Featherweight
Tanya Merrit comes in at number 2, lost on points to Payne. fighters below drop a place
No change in higher divisions
Couple of tweeks to the mens rankings:
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Stuart Kemp removed as not fought under MT rules for some time, (keep an eye out for new K1 rules rankings coming soon) fighters below move up with Jack Moore entering as the new southern area title
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Eric Decarriere removed as inactive, fighters below move up with midland champ scott Richards coming in at 14
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
new entry at #3 Juan Cervantes, Newton removed as dropped to Light Heavy
Few tweeks to the womens rankings...
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Womens Update
-48kg Strawweight
Mellor removed as competing at -46kg, Bragg replaces her as new number 1 after dropping down a division
-50kg Junior Flyweight
Bragg drops a division, fighters below move up. Lisa Brierley enters at #6
-52.5kg Flyweight
Brierley drops a division, fighters below move up
-55kg Bantamweight
Hillary Mack removed as retired replaced by Cassie Robinson who drops down a division beating Bogart
-57kg Featherweight
Robbinson drops a division, fighters below move up a place
-59kg Super Featherweight
Maria Chu removed as inactive, fighters below move up a place
-61kg Lightweight
No change
Any probz or questions mail or post on here
vicky church is happy to fight anyone -61kg she has been way more active than most of the girls above her and holds a draw with claudia celdar.
vicky is matched in bournemouth next saturday which will be her 5th fight since november, next she is matched in woking august,then ringmasters and finally i would like to set up a match with sheree halliday/bonnie or any of the top 5 before xmas if possible. x
vicky church wins again, remains undefeated with 5w 2d.
there seems to be a bit of dishonesty with inactive fighters in the womens rankings.
lets hope there are more fights for the girls- Challi has been busy - she is overseas with me at the moment and has fought in Thailand a few times and also in Singapore - we are hoping to be on the Queens birthday and have a few other potentials in the pipeline in Asia. Off the back of her win last time Yokkao approached her and she is now sponsored by them - we have previously asked for a fight with Sheree (to a large UK promoter) who told us (whether true or not I cant verify) that she wouldnt take the fight. Claire is busy fighting in Europe and has won another belt or two - both have the same problem which is they need to be active but there arent enough girls in the UK and also (in Chalis case) only really Claire or Sheree above her in the rankings. Amanda is the weight below but we would fight her also at 61 if terms and schedules matched. Same for Sheree.... just a case of promoters/camps making it happen.
Chali would fight Vicky mate but right now schedule is tight for most of this year with fights overseas... however happy to fight anyone and I have only heard good things about Vicky so far :-)
we will fight anyone, anyware - very simple x havent swerved anyone yet and dont intend to
@Nathan, Congrats to Vicki on her win. It seems to be a near impossible task with the womens rankings as so little activity in the majority of divisions but if you have any info on whos inactive just let me know and ill look into it.
@Noel, same thing really, its a real shame you have to go abroad for fights
We are always amending the rankings to keep them upto date and accurate but we do need your help to. All info is confidential so if you believe someone is inactive then please let me know and ill look into it
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Mens Update
55.4kg Junior Featherweight
No change
57.15kg Featherweight
J Dick (inactive) and O Connell (Irish National) removed, fighters below move up, Tam McCourt enters rankings at #9 with Dan Brissett coming in at #10 (Both A Class fighters)
58.96kg Super Featherweight
Chris Whittle climbs above Taylor after defeating him on Kiatphontip show
61.23kg Lightweight
No change
63.50kg Super Lightweight
After beating Irish stand out Andy Grey who recently beat #9 Ahmed Ibrahim Ricky Sewell climbs up the rankings four places. Jarvis Anderson is removed with his Midland title being vacated due to his "unavailibility" for some time to defend, in comes Nathan Ghundo with Crawford dropping a place
66.63kg Welterweight
Andy Thrasher removed as not active in the UK, if or when he fights on these shores again he will be reinstated, Richmond Amman (14) returns to the rankings after an impressive stoppage win over Compton, fighters above move up a place
69.85kg Super Welterweight
Adrian Wedalowski drops a division and enters #8, fighters below drop a place with Kauffman making way
72.54kg Middleweight
Wedalowski drops a division, replaced by Ben Hodge returning (#5) with a points win over Solomen Wickstead, Dale Hughes defeats Craig Jones and enters at #8, fighters below drop with Barton making way
76.36kg Super Middleweight
No change
79.37kg Light Heavyweight
Derek Strain drops out of the rankings after his defeat to McCormick who replaces him
82.5kg Light Cruiserweight
Charles Sikwa drops a division and enters at #3, fighters below drop a place with Young making way
86.18kg Cruiserweight
Sikwa drops a division, De Graca enters at #4
95kg Heavyweight
De Graca drops a division with the sixth spot vacant
95+kg Super Heavyweight
No change
Will upload in a couple of days
Surely Daitan Jackson should be removed by now? Especially if your removing the likes of thrasher ? Jackson not fought for well over a year
Yes Daitan has been inactive for some time, however he holds the British title and should have every opportunity to defend and not have it taken off him outside of the ring. It is policy to have only ranked fighters as champions under ukmf.
If you read up a little you can see we brought in a rule stating champions will have three opportunitys to defend their titles, if all reosnable offers are refused then the title will be vacated on the third refusal and he would then be removed from as inactive, he has not had a single challenge.
I am holding a show on the 19th October and have offered Daitan a defence against a ranked contender, im awaiting a response.
Andy Thrasher no longer meets the criteria as he is not based in the UK. Its hard enough gathering results over here so would be near impossible to keep tabs on the uk fighters competing abroad.
I have spoken to Daitans Team and he will be fighting on The Main Event in November, then early 2014 a title defence will be on the cards.
Daitan has fights already scheduled, like Steve says if a mandatory defense is to be made, it will be in 2014 ! But for now we are concentrating on the The Main Event 2013
Be great to see Daitan back in the ring he is an exciting and explosive fighter - Always gives his best
John dock has fights in October and November, 1 of which is against Alan weaver who was above him in the rankings n he's been pulled out
@C_flo, Obviously i was miss informed pal, ill put him back in, cheers for the info
Got a few amendments to make as more info has come in, will post em up shortly
When you say 'Barton makes way' does that mean I've been removed or just moved down?
@Jake, it was Anthony Barton from tmas who "makes way" as he was the lowest ranked none title holder, only list the top 15 so if someone new beats a ranked fighter they enter, meaning someone has to drop out
It's not a problem mate tbh johns not fussed with the rankin anymore as he's closin to a retirement, so by keepin him out isn't an issue, I was jus backin the bullet up with his point
Ahh no worries :-) forgot about Anthony too lol
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Womens Update
-48kgs Strawweight
KO gyms Rupsana Bequm enters at #3, Mcwilliams remains a strawweight (#2) and is looking to challenge for the number one spot, Naughton and Robinson enter the rankings
-50kgs Junior Flyweight
Lanchana Green enters at #2 after defeating Newell, Team Tieu`s Anne Chavenny enters at #7, fighters below drop a place
-52.5kgs Flyweight
Lanchana drops a division, Brierley moves back to Flyweight where she will soon take on Northern Champion Vicky Woulfe
-55kgs Bantamweight
Currie enters rankings after recent win over Hanuman`s Hayley Fox
-57kgs Featherweight
No change
-59kgs Super Featherweight
No change
-61kgs Lightweight
No change
weazel-i have emailed you re brian evolve (brian jack taylor). Not sure if your address on your profile is the one you still use?
Brian drew with Danny Leadbetter on fighting Machines 7 but is not included in the rankings at that weight. You mention that this weight division is undersubscribed so could/should Brian be in there?
Many thanks, Phil Evolve
@Phil, sorry for the delay mate, message went to my spam.Brian would come in behind Danny and yes the Super Middleweight is a little short at the moment, what weight did they fight at?
Thanks Phil, I'll mail you as I may have Somthing for Brian in October, if he's available
thats great, so he goes in at 9th?
Couple of big fights over the weekend and a new UK number one crowned in the Super Feather division....
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Mens Update
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
No change
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
John Dick returns to the rankings, fighters below drop a place with Afer Harry making way
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Copestake and McLachlan fight off for the UK #1 spot with Griphouse`s Keith Mclachlan getting the nod from the judges in a close battle. Congratualtions to Keith and team. Chris Shaw moves up a division, fighters below rise one place with Mondo Woodcock entering at #11
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Chris Shaw moves up in weight, defeating Terry in the first round he enters the division at #8. Fighters below drop a place with Hawkesworth making way
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Brian Totty (#3) will fight Nathan Bendon in October for the British Title. No position changes
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Wickstead moves up in weight, fighters below climb a place with Golden Teams Steve Wain appearing for the first time at 15
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
No change
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Soloman Wickstead moves up to Middleweight (#7) losing a close decision to Ben Hodge. Richards drops a division and vacates the midland title
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Taylor enters the rankings (#10) after his draw with Leadbetter, fighters below drop a place
No change in the heavier divisions
Sorry to cause any hassel but can you tell us the rankings of all top 10 fighters in each weight.. now it has been updated?
just to see who's where for potential future matches?
@George, the full rankings are listed on the UKMF site mate, including all title holders
Thanks for your help mate:).. its about time the rankings get looked at more often.. Gives people there hit list for next fights haha:)
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Mens Update
122lbs (-55.4kg) Minimum Weight
Danial McGowan re-enters the rankings (#5) after his win over Jason Dick (55kg) fighters below drop a place, Joe Boffey makes way
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Timm removed as inactive, Afer Harry returns to the rankings
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Sargeant removed as inactive, fighters below move up a place with Aaron Tousant entering at #14
Womens Update
-52.5kgs Flyweight
Clarkson and Sullivan retire from competition, English title now vacant, fighters below move up two places
-55kgs Bantamweight
Steele removed as inactive, Amy Pirnie moves up after beating Christolodou on hgh. NEW ENTRY Christi Bereton, Christi is looking to fight anyone in the division who would like to challenge her position (#2)
**I have spoken to several trainers over the last week offering a British Title shot against Bereton. ALL have declined the fight at this time, i realise this may rustle a few feathers but if i install her in a lower position there will be absolutely no chance of anyone fighting the girl!
-59kgs Super Featherweight
Ceider and Coast removed as inactive, fighters below move up a place
As always drop me a call, text or message
Tanya Merrett will fight Christi Brereton, in fact it is matched on Lornes Bournemouth show in November.
There are others out there for Christi and Tanya such as Jackie Bogart and Cassie Robinson, plus I think Lucy Payne could make 55 also, it is an exciting division at the moment with some really good potential matches including Iman coming up a division to make inroads.
Be some great ladies fights in the pipeline ;-)
Amanda ward golden team 1 to watch
Amanda is a very good fighter also! It is good to see some competition in the ladies ranks, helps keep the fighters focussed just hope that the fights that the girls really want to have can be made possible with the promoters and trainers getting into the spirit of the competition ;-)
Lucy unfotunately cant make 55kg but will fight anyone -57kg or -59kg x
Also christi brereto defeated amy pirnie points 27th july this year
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Mens Update
126lbs(57.15kg) Featherweight
Davey Mac announces his retirement from competition, Whewell removed (inactive) fighters below move up with Mathew Tieu the new UK number one. Cheya Saleem (#14) and Luke Davies (#15) enter the rankings
175lbs(79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Eddie Long removed (moved away), fighters below move up a place with James Dore entering at 15
209lbs+ (95kg+) Super Heavyweight
Boris Uhlic removed as inactive, Midland title vacated. replaced by Bart Zilla
Good job with the rankings Steve.
I notice that you have Mike Egan at 11 and Nathan Epps at 13.
Nathan Epps beat Mike Egan by KO on the last Rumble at the Reebok.
Thanks Steve, i think we have really made progress over the last 10 months or so, Im not saying they are perfect but i do think they are as accurate and upto date as humanly possible in an industry that sometimes can be, lets say a little guarded :)
As for Nathan V Mike, i was aware of the result however the rankings only include bouts fought under Muay Thai rules not K1, glory, Enfusion ect.
Just an enquiry, how long roughly do the changes posted here take to be uploaded to the official website? This is not a dig at all just wondered.
Kind Regards,
@Super, I like to leave it a few days just incase there is a mistake or outcry :) usually within a few days. This one has taken a little longer as we just had a baby so have been a little pre-occupied, they are up now though
Thank you for the prompt response.
Happy Birthday to the rankings ;)
It's just gone one year since I took over the rankings, over 30 thousand hits, 265 posts with 8 updates to the women's and 15 to the mens. I'm not saying they are perfect, the difficulty or in some cases "fibs" have made the job harder but we have generated interest, better oppertunitys & purses but most of all given fighters from novice to world class Somthing to aim for rather than the multitude of domestic titles
Here's to another year!
Christi brereton beat sanne strabbing ( holland) 28th sept
Some good fights the weekend, Danial Mcgowan proving why hes the uk #5 beating Reece Thompson (uk #14), the fights North of the border again went with the rankings with fighters Succesfully defending their positions.
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Shelton removed as inactive, replaced by new title holder Adam Willis
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Ghundoo removed as inactive, replaced by Martin Avery who recently beat Crawford
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Liam Hughes makes way for the new North East champion Sam Bainbridge
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
New entry at #3 Mehdi Firoozi fighters below drop a place with Daniel Simon making way
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
Di Paulo removed as not active under MUAY THAI rules, Fighters below move up a place, Erik Lloyd moves up to number one , Duncan Mclean enters the rankings after winning the North East title
209lbs+ (95kg+) Super Heavyweight
Boris Uhlic removed as inactive, Midland title vacated. replaced by Bart Zilla
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Mens Update
122lbs (-55.4kg) Minimum Weight
Abdul Yassine removed as inactive under Pro rules, New entry at #14 Andy Hughes.
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
No Change
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Verela removed as inactive, title vacated on three challenge rule, Maina removed as inactive, title vacated
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Mckeown moves up a division, fighters below move up with #15 now vacant
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Ricky Sewell moves up a division, replaced by New English Champion Matt Mckeown. Brian Totty remains uk #3 despite loss to Nathan Bendon who didnt make weight. Sam Omogobe comes in at #6 fighters below drop a place with Avery making way
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Josh Palmer enters the rankings, replaces Robinson (inactive). Khan also removed along with Omogobe who drops a division meaning fighters below move up. Ricky Sewell enters at #8 with new English Champion Ben Lucas at #9
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Kris Addis moves up a division fighters below move up a place, Ricky Ram enters at #14 after winning the midland title
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Michael Wakeling removed as inactive under Muay Thai rules, New uk number one Chris Shaw. Addis moves back up to middleweight (his previous position before dropping) Barton moves up a division. New midland champion Mark Shingler enters the rankings
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Jake Barton enters the division, holding a win over Roberts he enters at #7, fighters below drop a place with Wilmott making way
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Stephen Wakeling removed as not active under Muay Thai rules, fighters below move up a place with new uk #1 Charlie Gillespie. Jusinkas vacates the North East title and is removed as moved away
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Eamon Cramb takes the #4 spot after defeating Cervantes, fighters below drop a place with Mcdonaugh making way
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
Di Paulo comes back in at number one, inactive due to no challengers, willing to fight anyone at Cruiserweight under FTR, fighters below drop a place with Terrill moving up a division
208.9lbs (95kg) Heavyweight
new entry (number three) Mick Terrill moving up a division and taking on Orbotov. fighters below drop a place
209lbs+ (95kg+) Super Heavyweight
No change
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Womens Update
-48kgs Strawweight
Berry removed as inactive, fighters below move up a place. Rachel Jones enters the rankings after defeating Naughton
-50kgs Junior Flyweight
Amy Lloyd removed as inactive, replaced by Jo Clemes
-52.5kgs Flyweight
Vicky Woulfe climbs a place after beating Brierley for the English title
-55kgs Bantamweight
Christi Bereton comes in at #7 after beating Pirnie, Jade Wilmot and Kat Steele removed as inactive, replaced by 10-0 Grace Spicer.
-57kgs Featherweight
New entrys at 6,7 & 8 Hayley Fox, Naomi Halliwell, Stephanie Kennedy
-59kgs Super Featherweight
No change
-61kgs Lightweight
No change
Few tweaks to the rankings after the weekends results, Christi bereton climbs a few places after beating the previously undefeated spicer, David Tieu jumps up after defeating skeer and sa and greca saitch places
Full update in a couple of days
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
New entry (#10) Lucien Alleyne, first fighter from Black Widow to hit the rankings,
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
New entry at #10 Nathan Bendon, Ahmed Ibrahim retires from competition, Scottish title vacated fighters below move up
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Adam Srika #6 removed (inactive) David Tieu defeats Skeer and climbs 6 places to #6, new entry at #10 Aaron Turner, new entry at #13 Ameen Alkailany, beating Annan by stoppage, Stevenson retires from competition and is removed
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Greenwood defeats Addis and climbs 3 places to #3, Jacksons camp refuse second challenge to defend his British Title
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Barton in at #10, his victory over Roberts was as a junior
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
De Graca up to #3 after his tko victory over Sa, awaiting confirmation that Di Paulo (after his recent loss) and Eric Lloyd have now also retired?
Just out of interest and not having a go in any way. Don't you have to beat some one in the rankings to actually get in them? I.e Lucian ?
@Edwards, depends on the depth of the division mate, as a general rule yes but if a fighter is competing a class and the division is filled out due to a lack of depth with b class fighters they can come in. We are pretty much upto date and accurate now so it's getting less likely of this happening but does in some cases still apply
Ameen Alkilaney beat Richmond Annan via tko rd 3 at 68kg but he can and will fight between 64-69kg as he hates cutting weight. was previously ranked in -66kg division - don't know where he should go really.
he is eager to avenge his last 2 losses v Bendon and Rory Crawford both fights taken when he was in uni and his only training was Shadow boxing lol.
Any promoters want to put those matches on? He sold 2 x 500 tables at the York hall just last Saturday so will pay his way with tickets. plus he is a very exciting fighter when fit,
i'D be interested in putting those fights on Lee.
I just had a look at the rankings, can you explain why Dave copestake, k-Star has been removed?
The copestake twins always make and exciting night.
My victories (2) over Roberts weren't as juniors. I've never had a junior fight in my career!
hi steve what number is iman in the rankings i looked at the ukmf website and she was 2nd in -52 iman hasnt fought at that weight since she was 14 yrs old shes now 54kg , or am i looking at the old ranking ,
@Steve L,
Posted: 2012-10-01 06:15:49
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Harrison enters at #2 meaning top 10 drop a place, Copestake removed as least active in the division.
Dave fights in the most competitive division im the UK, he has been inactive for well over a year and was removed on the first update i did October 2012, if that is incorrect then please let me know when his last THAI fight was and i can put him back in.
@Mark, rankings are only as good as the info that is submitted or can be found by trawling through results on AX and google.
Now i can move Iman up to the Bantamweight Division, but how do i put her in without receiving a barrage of text abuse from the trainers of the other girls in the top 5? I had this situation with Christi Bereton, a number of trainers rang me or text me saying she shouldnt go in above their fighters, although when offered all but one refused to fight her!
I personally think Iman should go in behind Alexis Rufus who has earnt her number one spot, amongst other reasons is Iman will fight A class where as most of the other girls will not.
SOooo i will put her in at UK number 2. Now i dont want any texts or phone calls saying "you cant do that". if any trainer has an objection then please put it on here, in public with the reason you object. Just to back up my point of view, a precident was set when Liam Harrison moved up in weight and entered at number 2, he wasnt required to beat someone in that division as he was rightly put in on talent.
is this muaythai rankings? surely if you are only fighting k1 rules it doesnt count as active anyway?
Dave Copestake has only ever fought Thai, he has never fought K1, (not sure if that is why you put THAI in capitals, or if Liam was referring to him)
He has only been inactive as I have been unable to match him, not by choice. He was supposed to be fighting Aaron Turner on 1st Dec, but he has now pulled out.
Dave's last 2 fights were against Tommy McCormick and Brad Stanton. Both Thai fights, both very good opponents.
Hopefully I will be able to rematch him on 1st Dec.
It would be a good idea to contact the gyms and ask if/why the fighter is inactive before replacing them.
thanks steve ,i havn t a problem with that , iman is fighting enfusion rules at the moment , shes had 7 fights this year but only 2 being thai , she will fight a class and will fight anyone , but no one in the uk is willing to fight her
Jake not sure how the rankings work but I know it was 68kg -70kg when u two fought? So wouldn't carry over to 77kg category ? joe was 14 when he fought you the first time and 15 when he fought you the second time , it wasn't junior rules but I'm sure age is a big consideration
He fought for a kickboxing club at the time and I'm not sure why they set him up a Thai fight twice when they didn't train thai at all but there u go , joe started training thai with me after you two fought the second time,
Doesn't really matter but I'd like to know how the rankings would work in this situation
How did Dave get on against tommy and brad both amazing fighters ?
Was at 75kg first time mate. And he can't of been so young as I know we are the same age and I didn't have my first fight until I was 15. Ether way I think I deserve the credit for the win?
Ah yea I found it on p4 , it was at 74kg
Will leave it up to the powers that be cos I don't know how it works :)
Joe got in the rankings after winning the 77.5kg iska full rules British title
@Mark, Iman has gone in at number two. I have Christi Bereton V Alexis Rufus for the UK #1 spot and UKMF British FTR on my Feb show, would be great to put Iman in with the winner :)
@Robin and Jake, pretty much all the top fighters paths have crossed at some point which is why we do it on the most recent result rather than historic fights. The reason being we feel a fighter would improve over time in skill and experience. If the rankings would have gone back that far then Jake would of come in above Joe, however with Joe going on to beat Rogerson he would of improved his position and actually climbed a number of places and gone above Jake who with his recent win over Leadbetter would then improve to his current position above Danny.
Hope that is clear, results based rankings are the only fair way to do it IMO, rather than opinion based as they are like .....
@Steve, I highlighted THAI as if you scroll down the thread you will see a number of coaches have said "my fighter is active, he`s had X fights this year" when actually they were not under MT rules so are not counted towards the MT rankings.
As for Dave being inactive, he fought Brad on 26/11/11, 23 months ago? and Mccormack on 3/4/11 30 months ago, id say that was inactive!!! if you can honestly say with a straight face you have not been able to find him a match in that time then its time to quit the promoting lark :)
As for calling people who i am going to remove? please, not once have i had a coach volunteer info on a retired or inactive fighter, (not aimed at Steve L) i have however had countless bull shitters who say "oh yeah, X is in the gym training for a big fight". Face Book dosent lie dickheads!!!
Who are you calling a dickhead?
It's a general label Steve, bit of a laugh, I did put not aimed at Steve L!
well you know something mean gene
How did copestick do against Stanton and mcormick ?
No problem, I should just be pleased to have 9 other fighters in the rankings at the moment, I'm sure that Dave will get back in the rankings pretty soon.
That's a great achievement some people struggled to even get one in the rankings.
Steve b is doing a great job.
Can I get Brian Perry in the rankings???
His fought lightweight and super lightweight
Which gym has the most ranked fighters male and female?
Sorry, I made a mistake, K-Star have 8 fighters in the Men's UK Rankings.
Steve Broome, will confirm this but K-Star have the most fighters in the UK Rankings.
Hopefully, got a couple more that will get in or back in soon.
Very pleased with that.
As they say every cloud has a silver lining, I didn't realise that we were doing so well and I only looked after Dave Copestske was taken out.
team tieu have 12
your getting too old steve lol
i REALLY AM. That's 2 counting mistakes.
Well done Team Tieu, they are really strong at all weights.
I'll have to go back to school lol
Team tieu are impressive for a very new team.
Team tieu are a fairly new gym as well.
Just noticed a fighter jo clemis ranked in the female section fighting out of Ko kickboxing . Who ever is using this please reframe . KO is one of the most estblished brands in UK martial arts . I will ask politely !
One of my favorite gyms.
I was at their first fights in Nottingham a few years ago and they were all impressive then. Really nice respectful guys too.
Just out of interest why Is Reece crooke still in the rankings? If so why so high at least? I'm sure he has kept pulling out of recent fights, and only fought and Italian a while ago. Might be wrong so don't shoot me.
I did a quick count and can confirm its Team Tieu, pretty well represented across most divisions especially dominating in Super Featherweight. Second is K Star, im sure we will be seeing another lad in the rankings from them soon.
Would also add Scotland is well represented to, just because im based down here they are not forgotten!
The reason i do the rankings and continue is all the positive feedback from the fighters which encourages me to continue, the trainers on the other hand regularly make me consider jacking it in!!
@Bill, KO kickboxing is North East based mate, dont know anything else about them?
@Edwards, I dont know where this idea that Reece is inactive/keeps pulling out comes from. He pulled on my last show but had a very good reason, apart from that im not aware of any other shows? He fought the Italian a week after fighting in Japan on Crush, tbh at this stage i dont think there are many other lads below him at his level. I do no he will fight anyone though so im sure if he (his position) is challenged then he will be happy to fight for it.
I'm sure he has pulled out on Steve Logan's show more than once, I read on face book a while ago.
Sorry you are correct, he did pull out from a fight with Adrian but he`s had a long career and he definately does not have a reputation for this sort of thing. I know Adrian himself has suffered with injurys and had to pull, its just part of the fight game i guess, happens to everyone.
I don't recall pulling out of fights?!
Have you not pulled out on Reece? thought you had, apologies if im wrong but im sure you will agree most have had to pull out at some time.
i know you suffered because of snow!
I was matched against reece in June and September 2012 both times reece pulled out. I think reece is a terrific fighter and I trained hard both times as I knew it was a hard fight. I belived i could beat him but after the pull outs im not interested in fighting him.
I've had to deal with a lot of my fights not happening for many reasons, people pulling out, bad weather, shows being cancelled.
Ko gym has the strongest female fight team i believe, big fan of carlton lieu from team tieu that boys going big places and very soon
Agree with that, Carlton an amazing talent
ranking are better than they have ever been really, no rankings are ever spot on even @ lumpini people beat others and get missed but with so many shows nowadays it should get more realistic and its being updated a lot more than once a year which is great.
Just to set the record straight i only agreed that i would definitely fight you once Adrian which i pulled out of due to a torn cartilage in my knee. The only other pull out was recently on Steve Broomes show due to personal reasons.
I've fought top guys on their shows all my fighting career, i've never turned any challenge down. I've stepped in numerous times last minute, injured and untrained just to help people out. I'm not the type of person to make a habit of messing people around.
I'm sure there's plenty of people i've worked with that can testify that.
grudge match......who putting it on ?
Reeco had some quality fights at his best with a loss to Damien Trainor in a good fight and a good win against Andy Howson. Reeco focus on your boys now dont put your body through it any more its not worth it be proud of what you achieved before and let go pal x
reece was insane he fought paulo da silva at 53 then me 2 week later at 57 haha what a guy, used to love watching him fight back in the day was rock hard...not seen any of recent fights tho, think you should fight andy again when your both 50 and still both look 18
fair match that reece will have 1 leg and andy will have 1 arm
Reece is a top fighter and equally top bloke, I hear his Brother wasn't too bad back in the day too ;-)
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
New entry at #15 sees Rash Mohammed (5W) fighting out of Team Tieu making his first appearence. Good win for Steve Foy (#7) on Liverpools Saturday Showdown, now looking to move up through the division
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Daitan Jackson (#2) removed, (last bout 17/6/12 inactive for 16 months) British Title vacated, fighters below move up with Jersey Pinto entering at #13
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Dave Willmot moves up a division and enters at #14
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
Di Paulo`s retirement is confirmed along with Eric Lloyd who vacates the British Title, fighters below move up with the new Uk #1 Carlos De Graca
208.9lbs (95kg) Heavyweight
Chris Knowles removed (retired) fighters below move up
-52.5kgs Flyweight
Iman Barlow moves up a division, fighters below move up
-55kgs Bantamweight
Iman Barlow comes in at number 2, fighters below drop a place, Alisa Currie makes way.
Reece mate your a legend and was a pleasure to beat the shit out of each other 3 times back in the day.
See you when we are 50 for wheel chair MT the veteran's league ;)x
How is the arm doing andy mate ?
Ailsa beat hayley fox this year.
A bit harsh to drop her out
I'll have a look Keith, few changes coming the next few days ;)
@Keith, Hayley is ranked in the Featherweight division, Alisa was in Bantamweight, girls have come in above forcing her to make way. More than happy to put her in the higher division if that's where she's fighting and she would go in above Fox if that's the case
Over the last 14 months I have administered the rankings using results from all sanctioning bodies, whilst doing this I have also been responsible for Ukmf title fights however, it is now clear that the latter clearly makes what I'm trying to achieve a much harder task.
So going forward a new website will be released, the definitive independent rankings reflecting the UK muay thai fight scene. No politics, no bias just a clear and transparent reflection of activity and talent.
I hope to have the continued support of the uk Muay thai scene
Probably should of said, the new site will be up and running in a week or so ;)
Also starting a FB group which should make results and updates easier and quicker!
What Steve means is that it'll be up and running once ive finished working on it. we have the name, the banner, the site address......All we need now is me to get it constructed.
And to ensure impartiality both Stevie and i have resigned from the UKMF. Admittedly this move was driven to some degree by ridiculous politics and bad management activity and betrayal within the UKMF but going forward it will herald in a new better improved Rankings that hopefully will set standards that benefit every one.
Two of the best guys for the job in my opinion. It goes without saying that you have my vote and support on this.
Just an idea, one that IBMTO have been playing with;
We are looking into highlighting on our web-site (like yours, still in the process of development)any fighter who has had a stoppage and thus following the 28 day medical suspension.
It is IBMTO officials policy not to knowingly officiate on any fighter that has a 28 day medical suspension.
Maybe this is something that can be also added to your site also if feasible and manageable?
Naturally as IBMTO officials are on the 'front line' at shows we are in a good position to record fighters wins/losses/titles and collate this information.
I am sure the board would be happy to work with you on this. Let me know if you are interested guys and we can get the ball rolling.
Private message me:
Great news & all the best
This is a new start for the rankings, we will no longer have to list any one organisations belts but infact hope to support all major Orgs listing titles from British level and up to give a broader reflection of the sport.
The new site will be up and running soon, i will continue to put the updates on here and also to help keep the information flowing i have set up a FaceBook group which i hope you will all support
We will be strictly enforcing the activity rule (12 months) to make it a true reflection of the current activity within the sport
Always interested in your positive feedback so any ideas send them through.
In the interest of accuracy and our determination to have the rankings reflect the current Muay Thai scene in the UK, we will enforce the one year ruling, removing fighters who are inactive beyond a 12 month period.
We also wish to reflect the Champions we have in the UK under Muay Thai rules (A Class) and invite any fighter who currently holds a title with one of the main organisations (WBC,WRSA,UKMF,ISKA) to let us know. However, we will only list the title if its held in the division you are ranked in. Also we will only list your highest belt with any one Org (example Leigh Edlin ISKA European Champion, rather than Leigh Edlin ISKA British, ISKA European)Obvious reason that European Champ would cover British area.
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
New Bantamweight Division gives the lighter fighters a more level playing field, Trainer removed (last fight 24/06/12), fighters below move up a place. Michael Anderson enters the rankings at #7 Michael Roughley the #8,
Dan Mcgowan drops in weight entering at #2, fighters below drop a place with Michael Roughley making way
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Lighter fighters removed meaning all improve position, Mcgowan drops a division replaced by the returning Kieran Mckaskill
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Dan Brissett removed as inactive, fighters below move up a place with CFA`s Kaz Azim entering the rankings at #15
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Lee Colville removed (?/10/12), fighters below move up a place with #15 vacant
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Paul Karpowicz (last fight 21/10/12) and Adam Lee Mason (last fight 07/07/12) removed, Compton moves up in weight, fighters below move up. Mckeown drops down a division enters at #9, New entries at #11 Conner Mcormack (Superpetch), #12 Harry Etteridge (Kao Loi) and #13 Brian Perry ( Eight Limbs) with Conner Sandlan making way
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Mckeown drops a division, Crompton moves up Martin Avery #15 rejoins the rankings holding a recent win over Crawford who makes way
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Brad Stanton enters at #5, Marcus Compton makes way,
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Brad Stanton drops a division, fighters below move up. Dale Hughes enters at #10 from Super Welterweight. Epps removed (not fought MT rules for 12 months)), first appearence for Pindi Madahar at #12, Liam Hughes comes back in at #13, with Kauffman re-entering at #15, Ram and Moore make way
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Matt Montague removed (last fight ??/10/12), Dale Hughes drops a division fighters below move up. Anthony Barton rejoins the rankings at #11, Jersey Pinto drops to #12, Dan Bowie makes his debut at #13, joined by Oxfords Raf Gorka #14 and the slim line Seb Long at #15, Shingler and Valeret make way.
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Mike Clarke (last fight 20/10/12) James Ogden & Edd Lyons (12/05/12) removed, Long and Taylor move divisions, Supermiddle weight reduced to eight due to lack of activity and depth
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Madden removed as inactive, Division reduced to eight due to lack of activity and depth
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Division expanded to eight fighters which sees the return of Michael Mcdonaugh and first appearence of Jacob Newton and Allen, Hockin moves up a division.
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
Hockin enters at #2, moving up in weight, consideration is shown to Graca who has worked his way through the division and earnt the #1 spot in the ring. A match to settle the #1 is recommended
208.9lbs (95kg) Heavyweight
Chris Knowles removed (retired) fighters below move up
209lbs+ (95kg+) Super Heavyweight
It has been a tough update that has taken me ages as area titles have been removed and obviousley new fighters have come in. If there is mistakes then please message me on here, my e mail, FB or call BUT if you jump on me because of a little oversight then be prepaired for me to jump back :)
Great work matey ...just 1 question .......
When you starting on the juniors ?!!
Whens the last time liam hughes fought?
@Tino, not 100% sure mate, it's defo within the last 12 months though, I have tried to bring back in the fighters who were pushed out by the area champs, gives a good starting point IMO.
Madahar in at 69kg, but I thought he hasnt fought Thai since 2011?! Gutted to have missed fights, as like his style, esp fight before vs Bendon
@David, Pindi fights this weekend on Kiatphontip show in Leeds, technically he shouldn't be added til Sunday but I'm out this weekend so cut me some slack ;)
As a side note Pindi will be fighting out of TMA but is being trained by some lad called Liam Harrison? ;) Be interesting if we will see a different style from him?
Never heard of him ;-)
Cool, that will be interesting.
Thanks for the info Steve.
The website will not go live until Monday at the earliest. I have some personal stuff to deal with before I finish off the Site.
However; for your records
Any one interested in taking an advertising banner please call Steve or myself.
Inline with our desire to be strictly a non profit set up all monies raised over and above the costs of Site hosting and minimal expenses will go to charity.
As you are the inderpendant rankings, can we advertise us the IBMTO on there please as we also are inderpendant.
Can you email me details please
Sorry but IKF has no record of Leigh Edlin winning an IKF Title.
Can you e-mail us when, where, against who, promoter and his stats please.
Thank you
It was the IKF English title won against Topps from K-Star at 69kg on Steve Logan's Tower Ballroom show KO 4th round.Then defended against Jeff Binns again on Steve LogansTower Ballroom show KO 1st round. I will send details (dates) over to you over the weekend.
He then Won the IKF British title against Pete Adams @ 71kg KO 4th round on Steve Logan's Tower Ballroom show. Again I will sort the dates out for you
Leigh got iska euro against the italian at bingley hall didnt he? thats the one to list for sure!
Yes Liam and I believe that's what Steve and Dave are doing with the rankings, listing all the 'higher' achieved belts instead of a list of 'all' the belts.
However Leigh is also IKF English 69kg IKF British 71kg and ISKA 69kg British, Commonwealth & European champion but neither of these sanctioning bodies have noted these on their sites even after I have contacted them on several occasions. So the independent rankings is an excellent idea but the other bodies need to collaborate and keep updated.
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Paul Barber enters the rankings at #15
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Craig Dickson removed (living in Thailand), Sandlan rejoins the rankings
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Fisher moves up a division, Rory Crawford comes back in at #15, Carlton Lieu climbs to #8 after defeating Snelling
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Stanton defeats Palmer moving above him to #4, Fisher moves up a division #10, fighters below drop a place with Steve Wain making way
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Hughes removed, replaced by Michael Pham, Jose moves up in weight, fighters below move up a place, Kauffman moved above madahar who was mistakenly placed before him
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Jersey Pinto #12 moves up a division, Bowie climbs to #7 after defeating Green and winning the WBC National title, Pete Rai enters at #15
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Joe Roberts moves up a division, Craig Jose enters at #4, Jersey Pinto entering at #8, Middleton makes way
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Joe Roberts comes in at #4, fighters below drop a place with Stewart Graham making way
get in there...... :-), is chuffed he made it... better late than never for me.. lol
nicola kaye from badco should be in 52 kg rankings...shes had 6 fights 5 win 1 draw and beat leonie hardman from supergym whos ranked 6th. can you stick her in pls?
thanks for the info Liam, ill put her in now
P.s rai what are you chuffed about exactly ?
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
You can find the full rankings listed on, we like to leave it a few days before updating the changes incase we have further info submitted.
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Maguire moves up in weight, fighters below move up a place with Michael Roughley (St Helens) rejoins the ranks. Coe moves upto #4 after having full record submitted.
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Maguire moves to Junior Feather, Thompson climbs above him after recent win at the Tower, Harris removed as inactive
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Adrian Crookendale beats Tim Nutter, comes in at #8, fighters below drop a place with Barber making way
-48kgs Strawweight
Cherie Standon beats Naughton coming in at #9, fighters below drop a place with The Faktory`s Louise Robinson making way
-50kgs Junior Flyweight
New entry at #6 Lucy Horrobin beats Jo Clemens on Kiatphontip show, Simona Sukapova removed as inactive under Muay Thai rules, Tracey Richards retires from competition, Alexis Walker moves up a division, fighters below move up #9 & 10 vacant with new UK number one Lanchana Green
-52.5kgs Flyweight
Alexis Walker moves up in weight #6, Pirnie #3 and Sofia Christolodou #4 drop a division, fighters below drop a place, Nicola Kaye enters at #7 holding a win over Hardman, Aranega makes way
-55kgs Bantamweight
Helen Wilson drops down entering at #4 with a win over Bogart (matched at 56 weighed in at 55kg), Pirnie and Christolodou drop to Flyweight, Hawkswell removed as inactive, Merrett enters at Bantamweight dropping a division with Alisa Currie returning to the rankings
-57kgs Featherweight
Merritt drops to Featherweight, fighters below move up
-59kgs Super Featherweight
Wilson drops to Bantamweight, fighters below move up a place
Could I ask why Martin Avery is not in the rankings please at 63.5kg ?
Last Saturday he beat Daniel Terry on Enfusion!
He has stopped Rory Crawford Twice, beaten Thai Hoang and Ben Wood!
current fight record of :
10 fights
10 wins
2x southern Area Thai boxing champion
1x English Thai boxing Champion
1x British Thai Boxing champion
1x Enfusion European Champion
thank you
Ps, which British does he hold mate? I'm listing all major titles alongside the fighters
Capital Punishment British Title
My apologies, I was looking on the ukmf site
Good to see your staying in the sport Shaun mate.
Couple of changes to the womens -48kg division, Emma Close #5 (SMTC) & Jade Nicholls #4 (Scorpions) removed as inactive, fighters below move up a place 8-10 vacant
Super Featherweight and Lightweight divisions are combined due to lack of depth and fighters competing across both weights, number of fighters removed as inactive (over a year). New number one Sheree Halliday
-59kgs Super Featherweight
1 Sheree Halliday - Team Tieu/Keddles Gym - ISKA World Champion
2 Annabel Gely - Keddles
3 Amanda Ward - Golden Team
4 Vicki Church - Touchgloves
5 Sophie Gallacher - SMTC
6 Sarah Adams - SMTC
7 Leona Taylor - Clan Muay Thai
8-10 Vacant
if viewing on a smart phone. Click on web view icon to see website in full.
Also; if you want your fighter as a 'featured' fighter get in touch with Steve Broom. As a working example we have set up Jon Greenwood as a featured fighter. to view simply click onto the highlighted name board.
Have a great holidays every one
Really good stuff Dave & Steve. Wishing you both the very best seasons greetings and will chat in the New Year
charlie gillespie aint fought in over a year i believe
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
You can find the full rankings listed on, we like to leave it a few days before updating the changes incase we have further info submitted.
only one change to the rankings, 60kg, Gely removed as inactive, fighters below move up a place
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Macauley Coyle drops a division entering at #3,fighters below drop a place
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Coyle drops a division, fighters below move up a place with #15 vacant
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Aiden Greenwood moves up a division, fighters below climb a place with #15 now vacant
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Greenwood moves up a division entering at #13, fighters below drop a place with Salfords Conner Sandlan making way
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Thomas Mccormack removed as inactive, fighters below move up a place, Golden Teams Steve Wain re-enters at #15
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
New entry at #14 Falkirks (10-1) Raymond Stirling, UKMF area champ Sam Bainbridge makes way
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Richy Green enters the rankings at #8 returning from Thailand, fighters below drop a place with Seb Long (least active in division) making way
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Gillespie is removed as inactive, fighters below move up with Dan Edwards the new UK number one, J P Donoughe enters at #8
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
New entry at #3 Mick Terrill dropping a division and defeating Richie Hockin, Falkirks Darren Howieson entering at #4 (10-0), fighters below drop a place
Will be up in a few days or so :)
Huge shame if Thomas Mccormack has retired... was hell of a fighter... great potential..
He hasn't retired mate, he's back in April, removed from the rankings as inactive, hasn't fought in 14 months
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
You can find the full rankings listed on, we like to leave it a few days before updating the changes incase we have further info submitted.
Lots of movement over the weekend, fighters climbing, falling and returning to the ranks!
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
John Fields enters at #8 after defeating Kahn who makes way
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Matt Mckeown defeats Ross George and climbs to #7 Shaw moves up to #6 with George dropping to #8
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Nathan Bendon defeats Rob Burke climbing to #5, fighters below drop a place
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Alex Bublea enters at #15 (competing at A class), Sam Bainbridge (Fire Cobra) makes way
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Sam Wilson climbs to joint #2 after his draw with Greenwood, Daitan Jackson re enters above Addis (his last domestic win), new entry at #13 Team Tieu`s Nick Carter (A Class), fighters below drop places with Rai and Gorka making way
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Liam Mckendry defeats Gav Rogerson and enters at #5, fighters below drop a place. Leadbetter removed as competing in lighter division
50kgs Junior Flyweight
Jenni Whitely (Bad Company) enters the rankings at #8
52.5kgs Flyweight
Leona Hardman climbs to #5 after defeating Lisa Brierley,
55kgs Bantamweight
Christi Bereton defeats Alexis Rufus (drops to third) and becomes the new UK #1, Cassie Robinson removed as inactive (March 8th 2013), fighters below move up a place, new entry at #9 Sarah Chaz KO Gym
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
You can find the full rankings listed on we like to leave it a few days before updating the changes incase we have further info submitted.
Lots of movement over the weekend, fighters climbing, falling and returning to the ranks!
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
No change
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
No change
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Featherweight cut to eight boxers due to inactivity and a lack of depth in the division. Mathew Tieu, Duncan Scott, Gurt Swali, Duncan Mcdermot (inactive 1 year) removed. Farridan Karoglan moves up a division (fighting at 61kg). Kaz Azzim drops out at #9. NEW UK #1 Alan Weaver
1 Alan Weaver NAMT
2 Steve Lockhead GTBA
3 John Dick GTBA
4 Jason Dick GTBA
5 Tam Macourt GTBA
6 Richard Gander Simmonds Thai
7 Cheya Saleem Team Fearless
8 Luke Davies K Star
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Anth Ferguson enters the rankings at #5 taking home the wrsa World Title. #8 Chris Whittle moves up a division
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Daniel Terry removed, inactive under MT rules, replaced by Chris Whittle who moves up a division. *Rittijak enters at #3 with fighters below dropping a place. Adam Lee Mason returns to the division fighting on Super MTC, Brian Perry and Erawin`s Adam Willis make way.
*The rankings are an upto date reflection of the UK Muay Thai scene, boxers do not have to be British Passport holders but must be competing in the UK.
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Danny Crompton moves up a division, fighters below rise one place. NEW ENTRY at #15, Myk Estlick
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Reece Mcallister climbs four places to number one defeating Tim Thomas who drops to #3. Luke Imeson defeats Mark Skeer and enters at #7, Danny Crompton moves up a division, enters at #12 based on his resume of opponents and number of A class bouts, Willie Dempster (inactive) and Ste Wain (Golden Team) make way
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Josh Turbill reclaims the #2 spot defeating Steve Long. Gordon Briody enters at #9 (A Class fighter) Sam Jackson enters with a win over Hughes, joining him is Federico Beako who defeats former (#14) Madahar knocking him, Alex Bublea and Michael Pham out of the rankings
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Nathan Epps climbs back in the rankings defeating Fraczyk on points, Musulus moves up a division, Craig Jones (Macclesfield) removed as inactive. Reeves moved above Fraczyk (fighting A CLASS). NEW ENTRY at #5 Ally Smith dropping a division.
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Smith drops a division with Didzus Musulus coming up (#7)
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
No change
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Lyndon Knowles removed (inactive one year), fighters below move up with #8 vacant. NEW UK #1 Charles Sikwa
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
Bia Sor Motang removed as inactive (one year)
Will update the site in a few days, if any of the info is incorrect please contact me BEFORE i upload them, would be appreciated.
48kgs Straw weight
Rupsana Bequm (KO Gym) removed (inactive) fighters below climb a place
50kgs Junior Flyweight
Brierley drops a division entering at #6, fighters below drop a place
52.5kgs Flyweight
Brierley drops a division, fighters belwow move up, KO`s Sarah Chaz in at #9
55kgs Bantamweight
Laura Baugh switches places with Jacqui Bogart after defeating her on SSD. Hayley Fox replaces #9 Sarah Chaz (competing at 52kg)
57kgs Featherweight
Fox drops a division, fighters below move up a place
60kg Super Featherweight
No change
I hear the top of the pops music in my head when I read that lol
Website will be updated as soon as I can find a few spare minutes guys. Please be patient.
The music to top of pops. Whole lotta love. By led zeppelin...6or those of a certain age ha ha
'Whole lotta love' epic Zepplin track, but the score for Top of the Pops was an instrumental cover by CCS. I know this because I am of that certain age ;-)
Didn't Mathew Tieu fight at the super mtc in November
Talked about it towards the end of last year but TBF just didnt have the time or info to go with it so put it on the back burner till December 2014,
Soooo, with the Thai Scene in the UK not yet delivering the mega bucks that the fighters deserve recognition amongst your piers really is the next best thing i have approached a number of the UK`S most respected Officials and Commentators with the intention of awarding both male and female "Fighter of the Year" awards, based on ...results for 2014. ill collect all the info ie results ect and put them to a board who will then vote, looking at an initial vote on five fighters then dropping the two with the least votes and re-voting on the final three. Its impartial, awarded by the people who are closest to the action. So far i have 19 males and 8 females on my radar based on early results but am open to suggestions, will also look at rolling out a "gym of the year" award to
This is by no means a final list, im very open to nominations as im merely collecting the information but heres the Females that have so far stood out and in no perticular order. The only results counted though are under Muay Thai rules!
Tanya Merret (Welsh Eagles, Wales)
Maritzarda Hersisia (Team Thriving Holland) 55kg A CLASS, WIN TKO 3, 06/04
Jackie Bogart (Northern Spirit)
Laura Baugh (Mersey Thai) #6 55kg B CLASS LOSS PTS 08/03
Meryem Uslu (Xite Gym Hamburg) 55KG B CLASS, WIN PTS 06/04
Sofia Christolodou (Elite Gym)
Magna Wyszynski (lanne Martial Arts Germany) 53kg A CLASS, WIN TKO 5 06/04
Laura Baugh (Mersey Thai)
Jackie Bogart (Northern Spirit) #5, 55KG B CLASS WIN PTS 08/03
Sanne Stabbing (Matuari Gym Holland) 53KG B CLASS WIN PTS 06/04
Jade Sandlan (Thai Style)
Jenny Whiteley (Bad Company) WIN PTS 22/02
Leonie Hardman (Super Gym)
Lisa Brierley (ST Neots) #5, 51KG B CLASS WIN PTS 22/02
Grace Spicer (keddles)
Sarah Chaz (ko gym) 52kg B CLASS WIN PTS 13/03
Christi Bereton (Chaos Devon)
Alexis Rufus (Stars Gym) #1, 55kg A CLASS WIN PTS 22/02
Again, i must stress this is not a final list, please feel free to nominate a fighter you think is having a good year! its in no perticular order either, just the way i pulled off the results....
Ben Hodge (Lumpini Crawley)
Djimé Coulibaly (France) 72.5kg A CLASS, PTS LOSS 01/02
Adrian Wedolowski (Griphouse) #5 (69kg) 72kg A CLASS WIN PTS 30/04
Keith McLachlan (Griphouse)
Arthur Siong (Team Tiger Dijon FRANCE) 59Kg A CLASS, WIN 30/04
Panicos Yusuf (All Powers Gym)
Rittijak Kaewsamrit (Double K) 60.5KG A CLASS, WIN PTS 08/03
Calogero Palermo (Accademia Gym ITALY) 63.5 A CLASS, WIN PTS 06/04
Mike Long (Master Chanas)
Craig Jones (Macclesfield Thai) #15, 73kg B CLASS, WIN PTS 06/04
Chris Whittle (Franks Gym)
Daniel Crompton (Salford) #11, 61kg A CLASS, WIN PTS 08/03
Daniel McGowan (Liams Gym)
Jordan Coe (Carnage) #5, 54kg A CLASS, WIN PTS 08/03
Brad Stanton (Kiatphontip)
Wayne Fisher (Dragons Carlisle) #11, 66kg A CLASS, WIN KO 1 08/03
Steve Long (Hanuman)
Josh Turbull (Spitfire) #3, 68kg, A CLASS, LOSS PTS 08/03
Josh Turbull (Spitfire)
Steve Long (Hanuman) #2, 68kg A CLASS, WIN PTS 08/03
Reece McCallister (Phoenix)
Tim Thomas (Nak Soo) #1, 67KG A CLASS, WIN PTS 08/03
Jackson Barkhouse (Maryport Dragons) 67kg A CLASS, WIN KO2 13/03
Dean James (Pra Chao Suua)
Rungravee Sassiprapa, 59KG A CLASS, WIN KO R2 08/03
Liam Harrison (Bad Company)
Houicine Bennoui, 65kg A CLASS, WIN PTS 08/03
Andrew Lofthouse (Evolve)
Borja Alvarez (Spain) A CLASS, WIN TKO R4 22/02
Liam McKendry (Mmag)
Gavin Rogerson (Majestic) #5, 77KG A CLASS, WIN 22/02
David Tieu (Team Tieu)
Brian Long (Sitjaipetch Gym Ireland) 67KG A CLASS, WIN PTS 13/03
Dave Fensom (Team Tieu)
Mikko Blom (Finland) 59KG A CLASS, WIN PTS 13/03
Nathan Bendon (Core Fit)
Robert Burke (SMTC) #4, 63.5 A CLASS, WIN PTS 22/02
Matt McKeown (Diamond Academy)
Ross George (Kuang Rang) #6, 62KG A CLASS, WIN PTS 22/02
Reece Thompson (Sityodtong)
Jordan Coe (Carnage) #5, 55KG A CLASS, WIN KO3 18/04
After watching lofthouse on the main event show he has my vote. Outstanding.
Darren o'Connor ko-ing illias
Reece McCallister (Phoenix)
Tanya Merret (Welsh Eagles, Wales)
Brian Totty
beat Mikkel Lund pts 66kg A-class
added Totty and DOC to the list :)
@Keith, is Brian now competing at 66.6? he fought in Turkey at 65ish to didnt he?
Don't think so, best ask Guy Ramsay though
my vote would be,panicos,tanya merret,juniors louis lee scott
Results will be collected for all of 2014, it's only April, bit early to vote lads ;)
Andy Miller where is he ranked? Must be moving up the rankings?
thats class haha thanks for the nice words mate ^^ hopefully am on the way up i just fight who is infront of me in the rankings !!
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
You can find the full rankings listed on we like to leave it a few days before updating the changes incase we have further info submitted.
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Mathew Tieu returns to the #1 (fought within the last 12 months), Gurt Swali returns to the rankings (#5) with a win over Jason Dick, Luke Davies and Cheya Salem drop out of the rankings drops out of the rankings
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Lee Colville re-enters the rankings at #3 based on previous position, Viet Pham moves up a division
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Greenwood drops out of the rankings and is replaced by James Hawksworth who defeated him on SMASH
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
McCormack re-enters the rankings at #5, fighters below drop a place, Fisher removed after announcing his retirement so Annan retains his status in the rankings
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Chris Shaw is removed from the rankings (inactive for a year), fighters below move up a place with Greenwood and Wilson taking top spot. Mike Long takes the place of Craig Jones after defeating him on points but remains ranked at #15
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Joe Newton enters the rankings at #4 after defeating Mike Clarke, Pinto removed. Barton defeats Mckendry by KO in the 2nd round and climbs to #5
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Flett and Donoughe removed as inactive, Mike Clarke enters at #4 based on his record. open to nominations for #8
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Joe Roberts moves up, enters at #4 based on his A class status, Ayhan Sevincer enters the rankings at #7 based on his record, Rob Allen drops out of the rankings
Will take a few days to get the update on the site, any questions ect....
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Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
You can find the full rankings listed on
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Reece Crooke removed as inactive, (13/04/13 last man standing), fighters below move up a place, John Fields moved up a division, Wayne Ward comes in at #7. open to ideas on the vacant spot?
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Gander removed as inactive, replaced by Fields who moves up a division
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
McCormack moves up a division, Tim Nutter moves up a division, enters at 11 after beating Chris Whittle
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
#8 John Dennis & #12 Yahia Abbaza removed as inactive (12 months), McCormack enters at #14 Estlick re-enters at #15
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Charlie Peters drops a division, enters at #5, fighters below drop a place with Richmond Annan (last fight 02/11/13) drops out
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Peters drops a division, Cottrell and Edlin removed as inactive (13/04/13) fighters below move up, Imran Kahn and Pindi Madahar returns to the ranks joined by first timer Jack Fallon
Major house cleaning on the womens divisions as most are inactive, may look a bit baron at first and im sure a few will be miffed at being removed but if i cant find your last result (within the last 12 months) then submit it to me and ill reinstate you :)
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Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of results from Super MTC and Main Event to add to the rankings:
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Burke removed (retired), fighters below move up with Luke Potania defeating Rory Crawford and entering at 11
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Aaron Turner replaces Mark Skeer at #10 after defeating him
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Wickstead climbs to number 3 after defeating Jackson
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
Howieson is the new UK #1 after defeating De Graca!
Just one update from the weekends events,
in the womens -48kg Strawweight division Lisa Brierley climbs to #2 defeating the returning Amanda Mcwilliams on points.
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
results from Rising, Enfusion, Clyde Blitz and Shockwave applied to the rankings..
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Mondo Woodcock enters at #3 after defeating Steve Lockhead on Blitz, Fields drops out of the rankings
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Carl Copestake, K Star will be removed next month (last fight 03/08/13 ESU)
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Danny Harrison-Little enters the rankings at #15 (A CLASS) after defeating Alleyne, Estlick (B CLASS) makes way
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Harrison asks to be removed from the National rankings to pursue his WBC World ranking, fighters below move up a place with Griphouse`s Andy Primrose coming in at #14
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Colin Reeves, Pra Chao Sua (15/06/13 UNITED PROMOTIONS)will be removed this month as inactive 1 year
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Da Silva loses top spot after defeat to the new UK number 1, Dan Mcgowan
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
John and Jason Dick removed (retired), Steve Lockhead now competing at Featherweight, fighters below move up with Fields and Kahn returning to the rankings along with Aberdeens Peter Scott appearing for the first time
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
#2 Copestake removed as inactive (03/08/13 ESU) Lockhead moves up a division and enters at #6
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Marcus Compton enters the rankings at #13, fighters below drop a place with Hawkesworth making way
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Rory Crawford moves up a division, Estlick re-enters at #15
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
#10 Mark Skeer announces his retirement after recent loss to Aaron Turner (07/06/14 MAIN EVENT) who moves up a division. Crawford moves up from superlight weight entering at 15 with Yahia Abazza re-entering the rankings at #13 and a first appearence for Aberdeens Alan Strachan #15, Ameen Alkailany makes way
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Aaron Turner moves up a division and enters at #9 fighters below drop a place with Michael Pham making way
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Keith Middleton re-enters the rankings with a win over Liam Mckendry, fighters below drop a place
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Greenwood removed as no longer available to fight, boxers below move up with Wilson the new, undisputed #1. First appearence for Daniel Costello at #14 with the new S1 Champion Jake Purdy taking #15 spot
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Smitten defeats Roberts and climbs two places to #3
-50kgs Junior Flyweight
Sarah Gibbs returns to the ranks after a year out of competition, re-enters at #2
-52.5kgs Flyweight
Nicola Kaye re-enters the rankings at #5
One update from Power of Scotland last night:
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
#3 Alan Weaver removed as inactive (03/08/13 ESU) , New entry at #5 Alexis Font (Hanuman, Scotland) winning in style on POS
Quick update...
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Chipchase removed, no plans to fight in the foreseable future (last fight 05/10/13 ESU). Chris Shaw moves above Lofthouse based on result against mutual opponent (both fought Mclachlan last time out, Shaw win KO1, Lofthouse Loss pts). Hawkesworth re-enters the ranks at #15
Lots of shows in September, two of the biggest start the month of with a Bang! SMASH and Showdown Sheffield both putting on great cards featuring many of the UK`s best competing to improve their position in the rankings.
Couple of updates from the Fighting Machines show and some fighters drop out due to inactivity
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
-52.5kgs Flyweight
Alexis Walker removed as inactive (Fighting machines 22/09/13), fighters below move up
-55kgs Bantamweight
Hayley Fox removed as inactive (22/09/13 Fighting Machines)
-57kgs Featherweight
Halliwell and Kennedy removed as inactive
-59kgs Super Featherweight
New entry at #8 Kristina Hopper (Majestic) , Meg Corwell drops out
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Coe removed as now living and competing in Thailand, fighters below move up
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
#6 Sam Omogobe removed as inactive (7/9/13 Showdown Sheffield), fighters below move up a place open to offers for #15?
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
#2 Mehdi Firoozi removed as inactive (7/9/13 Showdown Sheffield) fighters below move up with first appearence for Sam Gough #8
Steve and I are constantly looking at ways to generate activity in the rankings and garner opinions as to how this might be achieved.
and the one constant 'complaint' we receive is one fighter refusing to fight another causing grid lock in the rankings.
This malady affects generally the top three in every category
so an idea?
and this only applies to the top three places. if a challenge. determined to be reasonable in terms of notice and purse is made three times and rejected three times. there is an argument to suggest that higher placed fighter is avoiding the challenge. being number one is a predigious placing. more important than any title. as such ought to be defended.
if the challenges are recorded both publically and independantly and can be verified. Steve and I will consider an application for movement in the rankings.
This isnt however; a scheme to leap frog a fighter without fighting them. its a tool to keep the rankings relevent and current. and all applications will be judged individually on merit
steve as discussed Sam fought against portugese on Leeds show stepped in as luke turner had to pull out.
Does that rejected matches include scheduled fights cancelled due to repeated pullout?
@Liam, Sam will be reinstated asap, not sure on the details yet regarding historic challenges or pull outs. we will have it sorted in the next few days :)
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Danny Jackson comes in at #6 holding a recent win over Fields, Peter Scott makes way
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Liam Harrison enters the rankings, his level of oppostition in 2014 and the fact he has beaten them dictate his position as the #1 Welterweight in the UK. Fighters below drop a place with Alan Strachan making way
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
With his win on SMASH and full record submitted Alex Bublea comes in at #15, Madahar makes way
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Kev Ward removed as inactive under MT rules (22/09/13 Fighting Machines), Gough comes in at #6
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Charles Sikwa removed as inactive (22/09/13 Fighting Machines) new number #1 Eamon Cram, New entry`s at 5 & 6, Duncan McClean & Jack Jones Sampola fight each other on Unity 3 26/10/14
-48kgs Strawweight
Rachel Hughes removed as inactive, last Thai fight 22/09/13 Fighting Machines
60kgs Lightweight
Sophie Gallacher takes the top spot with a win over Vicki Church. Full record submitted by Beckie Hodge see`s her climb to #5 with Lubena Jane Iske moving to #4. Vicki has a better result over Kristina Hopper (KO) mutual Hopper opponent Leona Taylor recently won on points
A it unfair removing me from the rankings I ain't been able to get fights which is the reason I have been inactive
Dan Edwards struggles to get matched too, would be a good fight that
@Kev, its unfortunate you have been removed from the rankings not "unfair", it's been a year since you fought Thai rules, I actually offered Joe Newton A class Thai for your home show a while ago but was informed you were concentrating on K1 rules for the foreseeable future. Fight Thai and you will be reinstated, if they are out of date then they are not relevant to the current uk scene
Dan Edwards would be a great fight also, Id bet my house they would take it as mentioned he also struggles
Steves decision to remove any fighter as inactive is an impartial unbiased action based simply on chronology. Should a removed fighter compete. They re enter. Ideally where they came out. Steve in making these decisions is not acting out judgementally. Just applying rules set at the start of the thaifighter rankings project. I'm sure your plight is felt by many others. But 12 months is a long time. Hope that helps
they already fought each other - with Mr Edwards wining - but re matches are always good grudge matches ; ), I assume somthing has to be in it for Mr DE to take the re match - hopefully Mr DE will be smashing it down south next month - opp to be anounced still from what I hear ;)
I want fights to move me forward no disrespect to joe but joe wouldn't move me forward in anyway so why fight him?
I was trying to get matched Thai on smashes show was unable to get a match
I have been fighting k1 coz struggling to get the fights Thai
So saying unfair is right!
Been trying to get fights internationally aswell Thai but struggling
@Kev, "so why fight him?" answer: to stay active
There is a problem across the divisions with fighters all wanting to move up but not prepared to defend their spots against lower ranked fighters, so everyone stays exactly where they are!
The rankings were set up to encourage competition, unfortunately they are being abused by some fighters, hitting the top spots then refusing to defend the position, only thing to do is remove inactive fighters after a year
Kev give me a call I can possibly match you on my show with Dan Edwards 07903620479
Sounds like Kev v Dan needs to happen again then! Someone get it on :-)
Am in on holiday Philip get intouch with Phil Barton or jake for details mate.
Steve: I worked hard to get the position I am in the ranking and had a lot of fights fight danagerous people I wasn't just give a chance to fight a top ranked fighter
Plus it's a 2way thing I want to progess my career so why take backward steps!
Plus I have been trying to stay active trying to fight international opponents
Be a great rematch between Dan and Kev especially if it's a defence of Kev's world title.
Hopefully it can get put on :-)
We did ask for Loz Smith from Kiatpontip for Dan but they said it's a little too soon for him at the moment.
We're more than happy for Kev to rematch Dan and defend his title, just need a promoter to get it on. Unfortunately Kev is in Thailand at the moment so won't be able to fight on Philip's show as he isn't here. However later in the year or early next year would be great.
@Kev, iv been talking generally rather than specifically about your perticular situation but the only complaint I seem to get from fighters is they are not getting the shots at higher ranked boxers therefore not able to advance their position.
That's why we brought in the 12 month rule and more recently the three challenge rule also
Now, your particular situation:
You say you have been unable to get an opponent under Thai rules that you deem of a level to "progress your career"
My point is this, if you have not been able in the last 12 what's going to be different in the next 12 months? Also you say "I want to progess my career so why take backward steps" I'd say to that that surely not fighting anyone under Thai rules for a year and with nothing concrete on the horizon damages your career more than fighting an up and coming boxer who ever that may be?
Within 12 hours of you being removed you had a promoter offering you a fight and an opponent challenging you, that's what the rankings are for, to generate opportunitys and activity in the uk thai scene
All the best and I hope you get a fight, as soon as one is scheduled you will be reinstated to your previous position, a position we recognised was earnt in the ring
So two years into the "project", I'd like to think we have made a difference to the uk scene, the feedback from fighters has been 99% positive and lots of big fights have been made on the back of the rankings. It's been a personal highlight of mine to hear the positions of fighters quoted by commentators and the line-ups put together based on the work we have done
Obviously not ALL fighters and coaches are 100% happy but we feel we have acted in the best interest of the sport with honesty and integrity, before the rankings the scene was in a far far bigger mess with no one sure who was the top dogs
Thanks for the support and here's to a few more years
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Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
As advised, we are placing fighters in the Division they are actually competing in rather than where they advise they are competing. A boxer will be moved back when they fight at the weight
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Dean James moves up a division based on recent fighting weight and enters at #1. Coyle comes in at #3 based on level of recent competition, fighters drop a place with Fields and Kahn making way
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Rittijak retires from competition, Full record submitted by Chris Shaw who climbs to #3. Fighters below move up, Aiden Greenwood returns to the rankings with a recent win
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Prathet enters the rankings at #3, although he has a larger number of fights both Wooten and Turner have beaten Thai`s with similar records, Totty moves up a division, Omogobe removed as inactive (October 13), Jessop returns to the ranks
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Totty comes in at #6, Tim Thomas retires, Stanton moves up a division, Strachan comes back in
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Salah moves up to #2 (better result over mutual opponent, Turbill beat Long on points), Stanton moves up a division entering at #3 based on level of opponent (European as appose to domestic), Bublea drops out
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Wilson removed, A fighter competing in Thailand is unable to defend his/her position and will be removed, upon return they will be reinstated. Wickstead moves upto #1, full record recieved for Ben Hodge, based on his recent form moves to #2, adjustments at the bottom of the ranks sees the A Class fighters move above long term B Class boxers
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Omoboye drops down a division and replaces Powell based on record, loses to K Star`s Joe Ryan who takes his place
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Omoboye drops a division leadbetter comes back in
-55kgs Bantamweight
Alexis Rufus retires from competition, fighters below move up a place
60kgs Lightweight
Ashley Beattie defeats Leona Taylor and enters the rankings, Hopper moves above Huxley (competing at B class) who drops out
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
As advised, we are placing fighters in the Division they are actually competing in rather than where they advise they are competing. A boxer will be moved back when they fight at the weight
PLUS! after looking at the feedback of the UK MT community on our FB group page and speaking to a number of people directly we will now include UK fighters based abroad PROVIDED they are active in the UK within the last 12 months, if they are inactive (go over the 12 months) they will be placed in "recess" which basically means kept on file rather than listed on the site. Once they meet the criteria we will put them back into the rankings, this way we keep it fair on both sides ie fighters can train abroad and not get penalised and the UK based fighters can challenge for their places
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Mcgowan returns to the top spot under the new criteria (living abroad BUT active in the UK in the last 12 months)
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Jordan Coe returns to the rankings under the new ruling at #5, Joseph Lasari enters at #3 as now resident in the UK, defeats Thompson on points. George Mann takes the #8 spot
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Harrison - Little climbs from #13 to #4 after defeating Wiseman, fighters below drop a place
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
**We are in the process of putting together a committee to vote on placements where there is no fight result, we have already recruited a few and this is the first time we have used this process, votes were unanimous:
Wilson comes back in at #5, Wilson drew with Greenwood and inherited the top spot due to inactivity rather than defeating the top fighters in the division, so only result we can use is the fact he drew with Greenwood who beat Addis. Green moves up in weight
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
#1 Alan Sawyer removed as inactive (02/11/13), Newton moves up to #1 with Remassey Omoboye coming back in
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Gough moves above Li after defeating him, Juan Cervantes drops a division and enters at #2 based on his A class status and recent results, Roberts moves up a division
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Cervantes drops a division replaced by Roberts (A Class fighter) who moves up
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Mathew Tieu placed into recess as inactive (24/11/13), David Macintosh returns to the rankings at #1 after defeating Mckaskill
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Taylor drops out after losing to Ian Gibson
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Aiden Greenwood is replaced by Paul Hattiloney after losing to him on unleashed
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Estlick loses a decision to MASDA`s Luke Bennett and drops a spot, Martin Avery is removed as inactive in the UK (01/12/13 ENFUSION)
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Richmond Annan returns to the rankings (#12) with a KO win over Scott Richards. Andy Primrose moves up a division
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Andy Primrose moves up a division and defeats Sam Jackson, takes his spot at #11 with Fallon making way
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Costello removed as inactive, replaced by Danny Connaughton. Woods climbs to #13 after defeating Craig Jones
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Ayhan Sevincer removed as inactive (20/11/13 Kao Loi)
50kgs Junior Flyweight
Gallagher enters the rankings at #5 with Gillis in at #6
55kgs Junior Featherweight
Tanya Merritt & Hayley Fox moved up a division (last fight 55+), Kristina Hopper dropping a division enters at #6 . 7 & 8 vacant
61kgs Lightweight
Corwell re-enters ranks
Gordon smith and dale hughes fought to a draw on sunday
Probably best to take me out of the rankings mate, it was my first fight in 2 and a half years so I definitely don't deserve to be put back in at number 1 in front of other guys who are active especially seeing as I'm working offshore now and not sure when I can fight again.
Last tweek/update of 2015, its been another successful year for the rankings, big fights have been made off the work we are doing with a number of less fashionable yet very capable fighters receiving opportunities they may not have gotten, we have made some mistakes along the way but we are committed to improving the UK scene and hope to once gain receive the support of the UK Muay Thai community
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
-50kgs Junior Flyweight
Jo Clemes KO Kickboxing and Jenny Whitely Bad Co removed as inactive (Fighting machines 22/02/14), fighters below move up with a first appearence for WAKT Gym`s Taylor Richards at #3
-55kgs Junior Featherweight
Fern Busby enters the rankings at #7 ahead of her March 7th title fight with #6 Hopper
-57kgs Featherweight
Nicole Commerford defeats Edwards and enters at #3
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Mathew Tieu returns to the rankings after his win on Super MTC, Fields makes way
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Mike Bateman enters at #15, Hattiloney makes way
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Mccormack moves up a division Jessop comes back in at #15
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
McCormack moves up and enters at #15, Daniel Jedrzejewski enters at =7 after his draw with Imeson, Strachan and Gorden Smith make way
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Addis and Carter removed, last UK fights 20/10/13 & 22/02/14. Fighters below move up with Regan and Barnes making a first appearence in the UK rankings
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Ogden comes back in at #3, Mike Clarke enters above him as now active at 76, Filip Kulawinsky beats Clarke and enters above him. Rogerson removed last UK fight 22/02/14 Musulus and Ryan make way
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Rob Allan drops a division and enters at #8
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Timms removed as inactive under Thai rules (01/12/13 TOWER BALLROOM)
I'm not inactive,I'm living in Australia at the minute. I fought Full Thai rules the other week.
@Mark, have you fought in the UK in the last twelve months? If the answer is no then you are inactive on the UK scene, you may be fighting abroad but you are currently not relevant here as no one can challenge for your spot as your not available to defend it and again, haven't fought here for 12 months.
Upon your return to competition in the UK you will be reinstated.
I am aware how the rankings work, I'm not saying put me back in or anything because I'm obviously focused on my career else where.
I just don't appreciate being called inactive on a public forum by a bloke sitting on his computer in Telford while I'm out here trying my best, having left the UK because the scene is so dry at my weight.
My email is there, I'm on FB it's quite easy to let me know privately if you were offended it was on a public forum.
I read your comment in the context that you were saying you are not inactive after I removed you from the UK rankings, the fact is you are not active in the UK so I don't see the problem!
Some bloke on a computer in Telford ;)
If we're being picky. Some bloke in Telford, sat at not on a computer that doesn't answer his phone to be more precise.
Ha Ha.
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
George Mann moves up a division, #8 becomes vacant and open to nominations
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Mann moves up a division and enters at #7, fighters below drop a place with Jackson making way
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Fensom removed as inactive (13/03/14 SUPER MTC), fighters below move up with Gary Aws making his first appearence in the rankings
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Adam Lee Mason removed as inactive (13/03/14 Super MTC)
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Gordon Briody removed as inactive (15/03/14 Martial Mayhem), fighters below move up with Raymund Sterling entering at #15
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Epps and Fraczyk removed as inactive, fighters below move up with #15 vacant
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
Quinn climbs a place after defeating George Davis, Gaz Richards (Corefit UK) enters at #7
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Sam Buruca enters the rankings at #8
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
McLachlan retains his #1 spot against Karpowicz who enters at #2, fighters below drop a place with Laws making way
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Stephen Meleady enters at #3 defeating Shaw, fighters below drop a place with Hattiloney making way, Whittle climbs 2 places defeating George on Yokkao
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Kyle Hellieur climbs the rankings to #4 after defeating Harrison-Little, fighters below drop a place
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Wojtek Oleksyc enters at #14 after defeating Hughes, Mccormack makes way
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
John Ross Morrison enters the rankings at #5 after defeating Crece Boussaki, fighters below drop a place with Sterling making way
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Addis comes back in (#6) after defeating Barton, fighters below drop a place
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
New entry at #5, Chris Shaw comes back and loses close decision to Gough
-57kgs Featherweight
Ashley Beattie (Wossabama) drops a division and enters at #4, Bernise Alldis enters at #2
59kgs Junior Lightweight
Beattie drops a division, Taylor moves up a place
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
John Ross Morrison enters the rankings at #5 after defeating Crece Boussaki, fighters below drop a place with Sterling making way
John-Ross Morrison enters at #9 based on his win over Abdul Toure, (fighters below are competing at Domestic level),
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
John Fields drops a division and enters at #8. Buruca makes way
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Jason Dick re-enters the rankings at #7, Font makes way
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
John Dick and Rung re-enter the rankings at #6 & 7. Steve Lockhead also re-enters at #8. Division extended to 15 boxers with JP Gallaacher and Robert Morrison making a first appearence
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Daniel Jedrzejewski moves upto Middleweight, McCormack re-enters at #15
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Ally Smith drops a place after loss to Daniel Jedrzejewski who enters at #4. fighters below drop a place with Barnes making way
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Stephen Jones enters the rankings at #8
-50kgs Junior Flyweight
Pirnie defeats Sandlan and takes the UK #1 spot, fighters below drop a place
61 Lightweight
Meg Corwell defeats Jess Teevan who enters at #7
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
RESULTS FROM…. Time to Fight (North East), Anarchy (Scotland), POS (Scotland), Last Man Standing (Birmingham)
Waiting for results from Jonny T`s show to be posted online
-48kgs Strawweight
Sarah Gibbs retires from competition, fighter below move up with Tash Mckeown coming in at #8
-50kgs Junior Flyweight
Pinto enters at #4 losing a close decision to #3 Horrobin
-57kgs Featherweight
Faye Murphy enters at #7
59kgs Junior Lightweight
Yvonne Wilson enters at #4 defeating Taylor who drops to #5
61kgs Lightweight
Chloe McClennan enters at #8
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
#5 Coe removed as now inactive in UK (last fight 22/04/14). Ross Cochrane enters at #5 after losing decision to Thompson
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Lee Colville removed as inactive (fighters must of fought in the UK within 12 months), fighters below move up a place. Holden (Tobins) enters at #14
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Hawksworth removed as inactive, Barber moves above Whittle after defeating him. Houillebecq enters above George after defeating him then climbs above Barber (beats him on pts). Kahn enters at #14 with Lee at #15. Alleyne and Bateman make way
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Harrison Little moves up (two fights above Super Lightweight limit) fighters below improve by one position. Femil Akindamze comes back in at #15
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Harrison-Little moves up a division enters at #10, McCormack makes way
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Jack Cooper enters the rankings at #8, fighters below drop a place with Kauffman making way
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
Sikwa re-enters at #5, losing a decision to #1 Howieson on POS
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
48kgs Strawweight
Emma Bragg removed as inactive (17/05/14 FIGHTING MACHINES), Fighters below move up with the new UK #1 Lisa Brierley, Fee Chrystall enters at #8. Dakota Ditcheva climbs to #3 after defeating Caslin in devastating fashion on the MAIN EVENT
-55kgs Junior Featherweight
Robinson re-enters the rankings @ #5
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Andy Hughes removed as inactive (17/05/14 FM), Joseph Lasari no longer living in the UK, Ward moves up 2 places
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Macourt climbs a place after defeating Coyle
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Bendon and Wooton move up a division (last two fights above division limit), new UK #1 Luke Turner with 14 and 15 vacant
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Wootton enters at #2 with Nathan Bendon entering at #6, Hughes and Oleksyc drop out
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
#8 Imran Kahn removed as inactive (17/05/15 FIGHTING MACHINES) Kauffman re-enters at #15
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
After recieving more info a correction will be made to Middleweight Division. In December i added Danny Connaughton, based on the fact he was competing at A Class he came in at #10 (fighters below were B Class). however, in November Duane Barnes defeated him (KO), in Feb Purdy defeated Barnes so i will adjust ranks to reflect this. Adi Woods climbs above Mike Long after defeating him on points, Jake Barton drops a division (two fights at 72.5) enters at #7 behind Addis, #2 Hodge removed as inactive in the UK (04/05/14 CRAWLEY) Regan drops out
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Barton drops a division, everyone moves up a place with Musulus coming back in at #8
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Burton removed as inactive 05/14 MILTON KEYNES) , Alex Fisher enters at #8
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Cramb removed as inactive (30/03/14 Oran MOR) Joe Roberts moves to #1
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
48kgs Strawweight
Amanda Mcwilliams removed as inactive (21/06/14 UNLEASHED), #8 vacant
-50kgs Junior Flyweight
Tyler Richards no longer competing and is removed from rankings, fighters below move up
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Andy Howson retires from competition, fighters below move up a place with Buruca coming back in at #8
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
John Haggerty enters at #4 after defeating Ross Cochrane on MTGP
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Jordan Coe re-enters the rankings at #6 defeating Alex Font, fighters drop a place with Mann making way
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Luke Potania removed as inactive (09/06/14 SUPER MTC), fighters below move up with Barton coming in at #15
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Jackson, Wilson and Barras removed as inactive (07/06/14 FM, 28/06/14 Enfusion and 31/05/14 Chang Cup), fighters below move up with Horrobin coming in at #14, 15 vacant
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Bradford Pro`s Michal Dzieda enters above Leadbetter after defeating him on Fighting machines, Musulus makes way
Do I not go ahead of Salah after stopping him then?
Yes you do Josh, missed that one off the update but will correct it tomorrow
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Tweed enters at #7
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Compton (05/07/14 SMASH) removed as inactive as is Brown. Ettridge re-enters at #14, Bateman #15. Whittle climbs to #5 defeating Lofthouse
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
inactive fighters removed from rankings, Abazza (05/07/14 SMASH), Josh Palmer (26/07/14 HGH) and Sewell (26/07/14 FM) #13 Hughes, #14 McCormack and #15 Zahir re-enter. Lucas climbs to #5 after defeating Totty
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Wedalowski (03/08/14 POS) and Alfaro (19/07/14 FRANK`S) removed as inactive, fighters move up a place with Fallon and Sterling coming back in
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Addis announces retirement and is removed, fighters below move up with 14 & 15 Vacant
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Middleton removed as inactive (05/07/14 BALLROOM BLITZ), Mckendry moves up, Musulus and Ryan re-enter
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Smitten moves up a division,
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Smitten moves up entering at #2, Mckendry jumps up and in at #4
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
Da Silva removed as inactive (20/07/14 TORQUAY) #8 vacant
-50kgs Junior Flyweight
Sandlan removed as inactive in uk (26/07/14 BLACK E)
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Gurt Swali removed as inactive (13/09/14 COREFIT). Mann re-enters at #8
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Jeet Steel enters at #15
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Nutter removed as inactive in the UK in the last 12 months, Hattiloney re-enters at #15
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Turner removed as inactive (16/08/15 JONNY T`s), #15 vacant
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Hughes moves up a division, Kennedy enters at #11 after defeating Oleksyc, Crawford removed (20/08/14 NAK MUAY) Dickson enters at #15
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Hughes enters at #6 after defeating Long, Fallon makes way
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Ben Hodge is removed as not active under Muay Thai rules in the UK for over a year (Scheduled fight did not happen), Bowie is also removed (06/09/14 SMASH) Chris Shaw drops two divisions entering at #2 based on his level of competition (fights Wickstead for top spot on YOKKAO), Purdy climbs to #3 defeating Jedrzejewski
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Ogden removed as inactive, Dilwyn Jones beats #6 Leadbetter taking his spot,
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Chris Shaw drops two divisions, fighters below move up
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Froozi enters at #3, Irvine and Kindness enter at #7 and #8
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
Mateus Duczmal enters at #8
55kgs Junior Featherweight
Baugh removed, (16/08/14 Jonny T`s) fighters below move up with Luxton entering at #8
59kgs Junior Lightweight
New entry at #7 Beastmasters Jade Taylor
61kgs Lightweight
Coast removed as inactive (26/07/14 BATTLE BLACK E) fighters below move up with Kolcak entering at #8
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Mann moves up, Font re-enters at 8
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Foy removed as inactive (YOKKAO 11/10/14), fighters below move up with #15 vacant
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Estlick beats Bateman, Hattiloney makes way,
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
#3 Prathet (11/10/14 YOKKAO), #5 Carlton Lieu (19/10/14 SMTC) and #10 Kieron Jessop (11/10/14 YOKKAO) removed as inactive, Estlick drops a division, Mcbride enters at #11 after defeating McNab who comes in at #12, Pringle enters at #13
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Connor McCormack removed as inactive, replaced by Aberdeens Allan Strachan,Cullen beats Oleksyc taking his #12 spot, Dickson makes way
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Turner beats Egan and replaces him, Jedrzejewski drops a division and enters at #9, fighters below drop a place with Kauffman making way
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Purdy is the new UK #1 Middleweight after defeating Wickstead who drops to #2. Jedrzejewski drops a division fighters below move up
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Duczmal drops a division and enters at #8
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
McGovan defeats Davis taking his spot at #7
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Nawaz enters at #8 after his win on Midland Showcase
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Jessop comes back in at #9 last fight 26/07/15
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Dale Murray enters at 10, Zahir makes way
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Fallon draws with Jedrzejewski climbing to =9 , Sterling makes way
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Musulus (09/11/14 Southport) and Joe Ryan (28/09/14 TOWER) removed as inactive, Omoboye and Pinto return
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Mckendry removed as scheduled fight did not happen, boxers below move up a place with #8 vacant
fighters coming up to 12 months inactivity ....
Kieran Mckaskill POS Fight Team 29/11/14 POWER OF SCOTLAND
Wayne Ward Stars Gym 08/11/14 CRAWLEY
Anthony Ferguson Knowlesy Academy 22/11/14 ROAD TO MAIN EVENT
Chris Taylor Jai 22/11/14 ROAD TO MAIN EVENT
Michael Wiseman Griphouse 06/12/14 MTB SCOTLAND
Andrew Miller Colosseum Gym 29/11/14 POWER OF SCOTLAND
Luke Bennett MASDA 22/11/14 ROAD TO MAIN EVENT
Femi Akinade Diablo Gym 07/12/14 NAK MUAY
Richmond Annan KO Gym 16/11/14 BLOOD & GLORY
Andy Primrose Griphouse 22/11/14 ROAD TO MAIN EVENT
Sam Jackson Super Gym 22/11/14 ROAD TO MAIN EVENT
Danny Connaughton Lumpini Crawley 08/11/14 CRAWLEY
Craig Jones Macclesfield 22/11/14 ROAD TO MAIN EVENT
Dan Edwards K Star 22/11/14 TOWER BALLROOM
David Sa Bad Company 19/10/14 SUPER MTC
The date listed is the last fight i have, if its wrong please let me know, only MUAY THAI fights count towards "activity" so no K1 ect. help appreciated
Its been a great year again for UK Muay Thai, there have been loads of fighters who have enjoyed success in many ways, wether thats upsetting the odds, winning tournaments, going undefeated, progressing from prospect to pro and dominating opposition both home and away, heres our top 10, we will reduce the list over the next week to our five finalists....
Jesus Romero (SPAIN) A CLASS WIN TKO4 25/04
Dmytro Konstantynov (UKRAINE) A CLASS WIN PTS 28/07
Josh Turbill (Spitfire) #3 A CLASS WIN TKO1 10/10
Ross Cochrane (SMTC) #5 A CLASS WIN PTS 25/04
Abdul Yalmani (BELGIUM) A CLASS WIN 30/05
Jason Dick (GTBA) #7 A CLASS WIN TKO4 28/08
Carmelo Regona (ITALY) A CLASS WIN PTS 22/11
Ross George (Knowlsey Academy) #9 A CLASS WIN KO 26/04
Paul Barber (Double K) A CLASS WIN PTS 26/04
Naqqash Kahn (Black Widow) A CLASS WIN TKO2 26/04
Harry Ettridge (Kao Loi) #13 A CLASS WIN PTS 13/06
Nathan Jessimer (OB’S) #5 @63.5 A CLASS WIN TKO4 01/08
Keith McLachlan (Griphouse) #1 @59 A CLASS LOSS PTS 10/10
Stephen Meleady (Bad Company) A CLASS LOSS PTS 21/03
Bartosz Batra (POLAND) A CLASS WIN TKO4 25/04
Simone Del Vechio (ITALY) A CLASS WIN PTS 01/08
Karim Bennoui (FRANCE) A CLASS WIN PTS 10/10
Paul Karpowicz (2Technical) #2 A CLASS WIN TKO3 21/03
Yannis Belacel (FRANCE) A CLASS WIN TKO2 20/06
Ian Houillebecq (Legions) #8 @61 A CLASS WIN PTS 10/10
Ahmed Moutif (france) A CLASS WIN KO2 08/11
Super Kim (THAILAND) A CLASS WIN KO4 05/12
Ross George (Knowlsey Academy) #9 A CLASS WIN PTS 21/03
Paul Barber (Double K) A CLASS LOSS PTS 25/04
Luke Bennett (MASDA) A CLASS WIN TKO2 13/06
Andrew Lofthouse (#OO) #6 A CLASS WIN TKO4 11/07
Liam Brough (Legions) A CLASS LOSS PTS 21/11
Spencer Brown (Rama) C CLASS WIN PTS 21/03
Harris Hussain (Abusin Thai) B CLASS WIN PTS 25/04
Carlitos Delgado (Knowles Academy) C CLASS WIN PTS 13/06
Louis (Master Toddy THAILAND) A CLASS WIN PTS 03/07
Yasui Ingram (JAPAN) A CLASS DRAW 25/07
Jakpetch Kaewsamrit (Thailand) A CLASS DRAW ??/07
Jakpetch Kaewsamrit (Thailand) A CLASS WIN TKO3 30/08
Michael Anderson (Griphouse) B CLASS WIN PTS ??/09
Andy Hughes (Valley Thai) A CLASS WIN TKO3 01/10
Harris Hussain (Abusin Thai) A CLASS PENDING 14/12
Hakeem Dwadou (CANADA) A CLASS LOSS PTS 24/01
Taha Neck (THAILAND) A CLASS WIN KO2 27/06
Kevin Burmester (GERMANY) A CLASS WIN PTS 19/07
Jo Nattawut (THAILAND) A CLASS LOSS KO3 25/09
Ben Lucas (Prao Cha Suua) #5 A CLASS WIN PTS 22/11
Alex Bublea (Knowlsey Academy) A CLASS WIN PTS 22/11
Duane Barnes (Stanky MT) #8 A CLASS WIN 07/02
Duane Barnes (Stanky MT) #8 A CLASS DRAW 30/05
Daniel Jedrejewski (Hanuman Scotland) #3 A CLASS WIN 05/09
Soloman Wickstead (Franks Gym) #1 A CLASS WIN 10/10
Jordan Piker (HOLLAND) A CLASS WIN PTS 10/10
Faizal Ramli (MALAYSIA)A CLASS WIN PTS 05/12
Tum Mardsua (THAILAND) A CLASS WIN TKO3 05/12
other noteable fighters who just missed out... Jack Kennedy, Dale Hughes, Leyton Collymore-Carr
Sanne Strabbing (HOLLAND) B CLASS WIN PTS 21/02
Francesca De Blasi (ITALY) B CLASS WIN PTS 03/05
Heli Salapuro (FINLAND) A CLASS WIN PTS 28/08
Tasha Mckeown (All Powers Gym) C CLASS WIN PTS 01/03
Sara Donghi (ITALY) A CLASS WIN PTS 04/07
Katia Pinto (NI YAI) B CLASS DRAW 22/11
Jade Sandlan (Thai Style) #1, A CLASS WIN KO2 29/03
Anne Linne (NORWAY) A CLASS WIN PTS 04/07
Nicola Kaye (Bad Company) #2 @52.5, A CLASS WIN PTS 19/09
Myriame Djedidi (FRANCE) A CLASS PENDING 12/12
Sophie Lowe (Jersey Thai) C CLASS WIN TKO1 21/03
Hongfah Kor. Jalanfak (THAILAND) A CLASS WIN KO1 24/04
Rebecca Caslin (Thai Style) #3 C CLASS WIN TKO3
Gabbie Naughton (Franks) #5 C CLASS WIN PTS 11/07
Iong Kam Teng (MACAU) IFMA WORLDS WIN TKO2 17/08
Anastasia Trukhan (BELARUS) IFMA WORLDS WIN PTS 21/08
Intharanok Aunmanee (THAILAND) IFMA WORLDS KO2 22/08 (GOLD MEDAL)
Myrianne Djedidi (FRANCE) B CLASS WIN PTS 21/11
Nadia Grivas (SINGAPORE) A CLASS WIN TKO3 04/06
Meryem Uslu (GERMANY) A CLASS WIN PTS 20/07
Gloria Peritore (ITALY) A CLASS WIN PTS 22/11
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last years winner of the prestigious Thai Fighter...UK Male Fighter of the Year 2014
So onto this year, its been difficult to pick our five male finalists because there have been so many impressive performances throughout the year. We have tried to represent a broad range with our finalists and remind everyone it is subjective, we offer a guide or statement to explain the criteria but oipnions will obviously vary....and again only one person will win!
Results are taken from January to December with the criteria simple, all boxers who compete in the UK can qualify, there is no set amount of fights nor does winning all neccaserily guarentee being short listed, same can be said for a loss. We are looking for boxers who excede expectation and achieve a level of consistancy throughout the year.
FIRST NOMINEE: Reece McCallister(PHOENIX) 69
After finishing second last year (one vote in it) Reece has had another fantastic year, winning the Top King Tournament and destroying a top domestic opponent in one round, even more impressive is that all this was done above his natural division
Jesus Romero (SPAIN) A CLASS WIN TKO4 25/04
Dmytro Konstantynov (UKRAINE) A CLASS WIN PTS 28/07
Josh Turbill (Spitfire) #3 A CLASS WIN TKO1 10/10
Undefeated in 2015, he cemented his place as the UK's #1 with an amazing come from behind stoppage against the division aboves former King, taking a fight on two weeks notice at a higher weight, beating two top Europeans with one of the greatest KO's the UK has ever seen and finishing up with another stoppage of a tough Thai
Paul Karpowicz (2Technical) #2 A CLASS WIN TKO3 21/03
Yannis Belacel (FRANCE) A CLASS WIN TKO2 20/06
Ian Houillebecq (Legions) #8 @61 A CLASS WIN PTS 10/10
Ahmed Moutif (france) A CLASS WIN KO2 08/11
Super Kim (THAILAND) A CLASS WIN KO4 05/12
THIRD NOMINEE: Charlie Peters (DOUBLE K) 67
Controversial points loss in Canada the road warrior Peters fought in America and Cyprus before coming home and winning a four man against top opposition
Hakeem Dwadou (CANADA) A CLASS LOSS PTS 24/01
Taha Neck (THAILAND) A CLASS WIN KO2 27/06
Kevin Burmester (GERMANY) A CLASS WIN PTS 19/07
Jo Nattawut (THAILAND) A CLASS LOSS KO3 25/09
Ben Lucas (Prao Cha Suua) #5 A CLASS WIN PTS 22/11
Alex Bublea (Knowlsey Academy) A CLASS WIN PTS 22/11
FOURTH NOMINEE: Jake Purdy (FSC) 72.5
Jake who? people said until his YOKKAO debut in October defeating the UK#1 and taking top spot. However we at Thai Fighter had heard about him a long time ago, an impressive away win against Jedrejewski who himself was making waves brought him to the forefront of the top promoters and the rest is history.
Duane Barnes (Stanky MT) #8 A CLASS WIN 07/02
Duane Barnes (Stanky MT) #8 A CLASS DRAW 30/05
Daniel Jedrejewski (Hanuman Scotland) #3 A CLASS WIN 05/09
Soloman Wickstead (Franks Gym) #1 A CLASS WIN 10/10
A surprise loss to Dahlbeck (rematch booked for March) didnt stop Watson from another great year, a tournament win in Malaysia and an impressive home win all against top level opposition
Jordan Piker (HOLLAND) A CLASS WIN PTS 10/10
Faizal Ramli (MALAYSIA)A CLASS WIN PTS 05/12
Tum Mardsua (THAILAND) A CLASS WIN TKO3 05/12
Votes will be collected and the final three will be announced very soon along with a new major sponsor for
2015 Female Fighter of the Year:
Another solid year from Hardman, undefeated beating a number of Europes best
Sanne Strabbing (HOLLAND) B CLASS WIN PTS 21/02
Francesca De Blasi (ITALY) B CLASS WIN PTS 03/05
Heli Salapuro (FINLAND) A CLASS WIN PTS 28/08
Took top spot with a stunning KO against the #1 away from home, fought 4kg above her weight defeating the Norwegian #1 and again 2.5kg above her division against the unbeaten Kaye. rounds off the year with a good win against a top French girl.
Jade Sandlan (Thai Style) #1, A CLASS WIN KO2 29/03
Anne Linne (NORWAY) A CLASS WIN PTS 04/07
Nicola Kaye (Bad Company) #2 @52.5, A CLASS WIN PTS 19/09
Myriame Djedidi (FRANCE) A CLASS WIN PTS 12/12
Hugely active both home and away plus a gold medal at the IFMA AND recieves an amazing award from the Mirror, undefeated in 2015
Sophie Lowe (Jersey Thai) C CLASS WIN TKO1 21/03
Hongfah Kor. Jalanfak (THAILAND) A CLASS WIN KO1 24/04
Rebecca Caslin (Thai Style) #3 @48 C CLASS WIN TKO3
Gabbie Naughton (Franks) #5 @48 C CLASS WIN PTS 11/07
Iong Kam Teng (MACAU) IFMA WORLDS WIN TKO2 17/08
Anastasia Trukhan (BELARUS) IFMA WORLDS WIN PTS 21/08
Intharanok Aunmanee (THAILAND) IFMA WORLDS KO2 22/08 (GOLD MEDAL)
Myrianne Djedidi (FRANCE) B CLASS WIN PTS 21/11
Undefeated with all fights at A Class level against European elite
Nadia Grivas (SINGAPORE) A CLASS WIN TKO3 04/06
Meryem Uslu (GERMANY) A CLASS WIN PTS 20/07
Gloria Peritore (ITALY) A CLASS WIN PTS 22/11
A huge win in Italy with just a handful of fights under her belt and unbeaten in 2015
Tasha Mckeown (All Powers Gym) C CLASS WIN PTS 01/03
Sara Donghi (ITALY) A CLASS WIN PTS 04/07
Katia Pinto (NI YAI) B CLASS DRAW 22/11
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
A little late but heres the final updates to to rankings for 2015..
A new division added to the mens rankings in response to the depth of lighter weight fighters towards the end of the year
112lbs (50.8) Flyweight
1 Ash Uddin - KO Gym
2 Evans Jay - Double K
3 Gurpreet Dasi Swali - Diamond Academy
4 Aqhtab Nawaz - Diamond Academy
5 Jamie Ahern - SMTC
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Paulo Da Silva retires, Maguire also removed, Swali and Uddin drop to Flyweight with Hussain, Delgado, Twigge and Irvine coming in
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Nawaz drops to Flyweight, Ward and Mckaskill removed as inactive with Reece Thompson moving up (last two fights at 57), Docherty, Anderson, Dickson and Yotpo enter
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Thompson enters at #6 Font makes way
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Ferguson (22/11/14 RTME) and Chris Taylor (22/11/14 RTME) removed as inactive, division cut to 8 boxers
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
#4 Wiseman (06/12/14 MTB), #8 Akinade (07/12/14 Nak Muay) removed as inactive, Bendon re-enters division at #3, Brough enters at #7 after defeating Whittle (Bennett recently lost to Whittle), Rory Crawford re-enters at #9
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Richmond Annan (16/11/14 BLOOD & GLORY) removed as inactive, Bendon drops a division, Mark Skeer re-enters at #9, Bublea enters at #11 with Strachan coming back in at 15
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Primrose (22/11/14 RTME) and Sam Jackson (22/11/14 RTME) removed as inactive, Sterling re-enters at #14 with a first appearence for Diamond Academy's Derek Bramwell
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Connaughton (08/11/15 CRAWLEY) and Craig Jones (22/11/14 RTME) removed as inactive, due to lack of fighters the division is reduced to the top eight fighters with Horrobin dropping out
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Hodge enters at #1 based on level of competition, Pinto makes way
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Edwards removed as inactive (22/11/14 TOWER), Cervantes moves up to UK #1 spot, Robinson enters at #6
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
Davis makes way after Quinn is defeated by FSC's Artur Saladiak
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
A bit delayed with the update but i have collected results from.. ROAR, 2Brothers, HGH Leeds, Assasins, Stand and Bang, Rama, MT Fight Night Bristol, Hanuman Scotland and YOKKAO!
112lbs (50.8) Flyweight
Swali removed as inactive (14/03/15 Tower Ballroom), fighters below move up, Mendola enters at #5
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Karpowicz (21/03/15 YOKKAO), Dick (28/03/15 MTB) removed as inactive, Kahn and Mcdermott enter at #7 & #8
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
O'Conner removed as inactive (21/03/15 YOKKAO), fighters below move up with Panicos now UK #1,Estlick climbs above Maguire defeating him on YOKKAO, Bateman re-joins the ranks at #15
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Helleur removed as inactive (21/03/15 YOKKAO), replaced by the returning Luke Turner, Mann enters at #15 defeating Pringle
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Kennedy climbs above Harrison-Little after defeating him on YOKKAO, Imeson moves up a division after two consecutive fights at the higher weight with Zahir returning to #15
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Cooper removed as inactive (21/03/15 YOKKAO) fighters below move up, Egan loses to Facey on 2Brothers show and drops a place. Imeson enters at =9 with Jedrzejewski with Barkhouse in above after win on YOKKAO, Sterling removed as inactive (28/02/15)
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Smith removed as inactive (28/03/15 MTB)
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Clarke 28/02/15 and Newton (21/03/15 YOKKAO) removed as inactive
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Dan Edwards returns to the top spot winning on ROAR, loses place after defeat to Cervantes who is the new UK#1, fighters below drop a place, Gough (21/03/15 DMT) Jones and Fisher (29/03/15) removed as inactive with Saladiak and Sampola coming in
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Morrison and Allen removed as inactive (28/02/15) fighters below move up with #7 and 8 now vacant
48kgs Strawweight
Fee Chrystall (28/02/15 MMAG) Brierley (06/12/14 THAI WARRIORS) removed as inactive, NEW UK #1 Rebecca Caslin
50kgs Junior Flyweight
Sandlan (29/03/15) removed as inactive, fighters below move up with a first appearence for Yasmin Nazary at #8
55kgs Junior Featherweight
Brereton scheduled to headline in Telford, Hopper and Busby removed as ionactive
57kgs Featherweight
Alldis and Merret removed as inactive,
61kgs Lightweight
Teevan removed as inactive
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing.
-50kgs Junior Flyweight
Walker takes Nazary #8 spot
-52.5kgs Flyweight
Paton enters the rankings at #8 winning the WBC National title against Ross, Walker drops a division
-55kgs Junior Featherweight
Hopper comes back in
112lbs (50.8) Flyweight
Zoom enters at #6
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Adjustment at instructors request, Sam Buruca switches places with Luke Smith now #3
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
James moves up a division, Haggerty moves up a place and becomes the new UK #1, Trainer enters at #2
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Macintosh removed as inactive (05/04/15) replaced by Dean James who moves up a division (last two fights at 57kg)
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Alex Bublea continues his good form jumping up 7 places to #4 defeating Lucas
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Keith Middleton returns to the rankings at #4 (A CLASS fighter) fighters below drop a place with Macpherson making way
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
112lbs (50.8) Flyweight
Mendola defeats Uddin taking his UK #1 spot, Matt Musgrave enters at #7 after defeating Ahern
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Tweed climbs to #2 after defeating Buruca, Irvine climbs to #5 after defeating Hussain
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Richard Lee removed as inactive (24/04/15) Bateman moves up
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Carter defeats Barton taking his spot, Mann climbs to #10 based on level of competition (fighters below competing at B Class)
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Morrison removed as inactive (21/03/15 ESU), fighters below move up with Bramwell returning to #15
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Barton removed as inactive under Muay Thai rules (03/05/15), Liam Barker makes his first appearence in the rankings at #8
50kgs Junior Flyweight
Horrobin removed as inactive (11/04/15), fighters below move up with Nazary returning to #8
52.5kg Flyweight
Ashdown moves up a division (two consecutive fights above division limit), Kaye removed, fighters below move up with Lamoure and Silence entering the ranks
55kgs Junior Featherweight
Robinson and Bogart removed as inactive (25/04/15), fighters below move up, Ashdown moves up a division (two consecutive fights in division) enters at #3 with Connolly and Hingley coming in
59kgs Junior Lightweight
Wilson removed as inactive 25/04/15, fighters below move up
61kgs Lightweight
McClennan and Kolcak removed as inactive 18/04/15
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Coe climbs one place after defeating Thompson
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Downer enters at #5 defeating Lockhead, Swali enters at #4, Kahn and Mcdermott make way
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Mckeown removed as inactive (23/05/15), Farquharson enters at #5 defeating Lofthouse
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Wooton removed as inactive (23/05/15), Jessimer removed (now only competing in MMA) fighters below move up with Turner the NEW UK #1, Mcnab enters at #11 after win on UMT Scotland
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Sterling climbs to #9 (holds a win over Fallon) Meikle enters at #10, Egan and Bramwell make way
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Artur Saladiak drops a division entering at #5 defeating Jones, Pinto drops out
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Saladiak drops a division, Macpherson and Viagel enter at #3 and #4 (A Class fighters)
50kgs Junior Flyweight
Gillis removed as inactive (13/06/15) fighters below move up with Fall taking Nazary spot defeating her on ROAR
52.5kg Flyweight
Spicer removed as inactive (23/05/15) NEW UK #1 Leona Hardman, fighters below move up with Ross coming in at #8
57kgs Featherweight
Merritt comes back in at #2, Hopper moves up a division enters at #7, Tyrell and Turner make way
61kgs Lightweight
FSC's McGregor enters at #4
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Mcgowan moves up a division (two consecutive fights at higher weight), fighters below move up with Tweed taking top spot. Tyre enters at #8
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Mcgowan enters at #1, Docherty moves up a division
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Docherty moves up a division (2 consecutive fights in division) enters at #8
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Paul Barber defeats Ian Houillebecq and moves up to #9, fighters below drop a place with Taggert making way
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Carlton Lieu re-enters the rankings at #3, fighters below drop a place with Barton making way. Mann climbs a p[lace defeating Mcbride on Blitz
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
David Tieu removed as inactive (20/06/16 MTGP) Connor McCormack enters the rankings at #7 after defeating Tim Thomas
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
The undefeated Friel enters at #7, Mcgrandles defeats Barnes entering taking his spot at #7, fighters below drop down
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Leadbetter drops a place losing to Omoboye
52.5kg Flyweight
Christolodou removed as inactive (27/06/15 Fighting machines), fighters below move up
57kgs Featherweight
Lucy Payne removed as inactive (13/06/15 SMASH), Bernise Alldis returns to the top spot
61kgs Lightweight
Gallacher removed as inactive (20/06/15 SMASH)
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
48kgs Strawweight
Newton and Gallimore enter the rankings
52.5kg Flyweight
Laura Prouse removed as inactive (06/07/15 Stand and Bang), fighters below move up.
55kgs Junior Featherweight
Sophie Hawkswell re-enters the rankings at #4, Luxton moves up a division
57kgs Featherweight
Commerford removed as inactive (20/07/15 Crawley), Brady re-enters at #4. Luxton moves up a division entering at #6, Turner makes way
59kgs Junior Lightweight
Iske removed as inactive (20/07/15 Crawley), fighters below move up
Results taken from.... Bad Company Show, The Home show, Battlefield Charity Fight Night, Sandee Supershow, Thai Warriors,Crawley show, Kiatphontip AND Muay Thai world series
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Snelling removed as retired, Jessop inactive (26/07/15 Kiatphontip) fighters below move up with Pringle and page coming in
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Sam Gough defeats #2 Kulawinsky taking his spot, Jersey Pinto defeats Dziuda climbing to #4, fighters below drop a place with Leadbetter and Omoboye making way
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
Results taken from....Unleashed, Liverpool Showtime, SO8, Rise to the top, Kings of Glory, MTB
52.5kg Flyweight
Hardman removed as inactive (28/08/15), fighters below move up with Cochrane the new UK#1
59kgs Junior Lightweight
Taylor removed as inactive (28/08/15)
112lbs (50.8) Flyweight
Musgrave removed as inactive (23/08/15)
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Twigge removed as inactive, fighters below move up with Wynn returning to the rankings
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Lofthouse removed as inactive for remainder of his 12 months, fighters below move up with Mouzakitis coming in at #15
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Daniel Jedrzejewski drops a division (two consecutive fights at the weight) entering at #10, Zahir makes way
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Turbill moves up a division, Turner removed as inactive (19/09/15 2BROTHERS) Mcallister announces retirement and is removed, Jedrzejewski drops a division, Friel enters at #12 with Dempster coming in at #13, fighters below move up with Bramwell, Kauffman coming back in
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Long removed as inactive (August 15), Turbill moves up a division after draw with Woods. Friel drops a division with Sevket coming back in
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Smitten and Froozi removed as inactive (26/07/15) fighters below move up with Irvine now UK#1
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
OCTOBER UPDATE with results taken from 14 shows!...
Martial Mayhem (Scotland), Coalition 2, Night of Champions, Ultimate MT, COREFIT UK Fight Night, Extremity 6, YOKKAO, MTGP, Bristol Fight Night, ROAR, London Fight, MT Showcase, Fighting Machines & Stand and Bang!
48kgs Strawweight
Pinto moves up a division (two consecutive fights at highter weight), Standon removed as inactive
50kgs Junior Flyweight
Ditcheva moves up a division, Pinto enters division after draw with Silence who drops down in weight, entering at =7, Starkey makes way
52.5kg Flyweight
Ditcheva moves up and takes the #1 spot, fighters below drop a place
61kgs Lightweight
Hughes and Church removed as inactive (20/09/15), McGregor moves up to #1 spot
112lbs (50.8) Flyweight
Mendola loses the #1 spot to Thai Barlow on ROAR, Barboza takes Lee`s spot after defeating him on COREFIT show, fighters below drop a place
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Gibson removed as inactive (10/10/15) fighters below move up with Khan re-entering at #8
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Ross George removed as inactive (24/10/15), fighters below move up a place with Simon Forrest coming in at #15, Bateman moves up a division (two consecutive fights above division limit), Gaines defeats Taggert on UNFC taking his spot
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Jordan Williams enters at #14 after defeating Carter on MT Showcase, Barton makes way
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Josh Palmer re-enters the rankings in #6 after losing decision to Long, fighters below make way with Bramwell dropping to #16
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Irvine removed as inactive (10/10/15 YOKKAO) Stewart, Bradbury and Deacon enter the rankings
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
Sikwa beats Howieson taking the UK#1 spot
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
Results gathered from 17 shows....
112lbs (50.8) Flyweight
Mace Ruegg enters the rankings at #3 defeating Ash Uddin, fighters below drop a place with Lee making way
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Irvine defeats Smith taking his #2 spot, Wynn removed as inactive (21/11/15), Parker moves up after defeating Green
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Craig Dickson enters at #5 defeating Farquharson, Kahn removed as inactive (15/11/15)
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Crawford removed as inactive (22/11/15), Barton comes back in
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Saladiak drops a division entering at #5, Sevket drops out
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Saladiak drops a division, Jones removed as inactive (04/12/15) Leadbetter and Musulus re-enter
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Li removed as inactive (22/11/15), Clarke re-enters at #6, Sampola makes way
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Duczmal moves up a division with Stewart the new UK #1, Loz Smitten enters at #2
48kgs Strawweight
Naughton removed, fighters below move up
50kgs Junior Flyweight
Bragg removed after announcing retirement,
57kgs Featherweight
Beattie removed as inactive (14/11/15) as is Murdoch (14/11/15)
59kgs Junior Lightweight
Gely and Corwell removed as inactive
61kgs Lightweight
Gallagher returns to the top spot
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
Results gathered from 11 shows...Sandee Supershow, DUEL, ROAR, TANKO, Muay Thai Destruction, HGH, Rama, SMTC, Rising Stars, S3 Fight Night and Fortem ii
112lbs (50.8) Flyweight
Nawaz moves up a division, Lee comes back in at #8
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Jackson removed, Ahmed inactive in UK (06/02/16), Haggerty moves up a division. Parker moves up and enters at #3
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Haggerty moves up a division entering at #2, Smith makes way
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Verela removed as inactive (22/11/15), Morrison comes back in at #8
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Abdurahman drops a division (two consecutive fights at the weight) enters at #11, Forrest drops out of the top 15 losing to Adam Haslam who takes his spot
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Abdurahman drops a division, Oleksyc coming in at #14, first appearence for Amos at #13
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Murray and Strachan move up with Oleksyc dropping a division. George Smith enters at #14
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Facey removed as inactive (20/02/16), Hughes drops a division Meikle retires, Alex Mcgregor enters at #8 defeating Barkhouse, first appearence for Leyton Collymore at #14 and Liam Nolan #15
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Michael Wakeling enters at #1 after his victorious return on Tanko, fighters below drop a place with Leadbetter making way
48kg & 50kg - #2 Straw weight Rebecca Caslin placed in recess as not active in the last 12 months (20/02/16). due to a lack of numbers Straweight and Junior Flyweight divisions have been combined.
52.5kg Flyweight
Walker enters at #3 after moving up, fighters below drop a place. McCarthy enters at #7 with Nazary a place behind
55kgs Junior Featherweight
Hopper removed as inactive
57kgs Featherweight
Tyrell removed as inactive, Lister makes first appearence at #8
61kg Lightweight division removed due to lack of competition
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
MARCH UPDATE! We have checked results from 12 shows and applied them to the rankings, they are ... Assasins Show, Pantheon, Corefit Fight Night, Dean Whites, Headhunters, Road to Mayhem, Cage Kings, Combat Kings, War on the shore, YOKKAO, MTB
112lbs (50.8) Flyweight
Barboza moves up a division, Mconie comes in at #8
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Barboza moves up a division entering at #8, Green moves up a division
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Green moves up a division (two consecutive fights at the weight), Aissaoui enters at #5
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Ettridge removed as now pursuing MMA, Forrest comes back in at #15
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Mann moves up a division, Carter comes back in
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Jack Kennedy climbs to #3 defeating Tommi McCormack
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Jack Cooper comes back into the rankings at #9, Dan Butler defeats Imeson taking his #12 spot, Joe Craven enters the rankings at #15, fighters below drop a place with Dempster, Friel and Collymore dropping out
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Cervantes removed as inactive in the UK (18/03/16), fighters below move up with Edwards regaining top spot
50kgs Junior Flyweight
Leigh Newton climbs to #5 defeating Silence on points who moves up a division.
52.5kg Flyweight
Walker removed as inactive 26/03/16, Silence comes in at #8
55kgs Junior Featherweight
Chantelle Tipett defeats Hingley taking her #6 spot
59kgs Junior Lightweight
Seddon enters at #3
Hi weazeldeazel
Just a question, is there any particular reason why the rankings are only complied from the shows stated in your latest post? As I note the majority of these shows are from the midlands upwards? Bar the Pantheon, Road to Mayhem, and War on the shore shows, are none of the other southern shows ever considered?
Thanks in advance.
I'd have to disagree mate, we include every show we can find from Newquay to Scotland and everything in between. If you've noticed a particular show that we've missed then please let us know, it's a tough task but I'm pretty confident we haven't missed any results that would effect the rankings.
Thanks for getting back to me, very much appreciated. Just wondered if the Muay Thai GP, ROAR Combat League, Ring Masters Fortum shows to mention a few were ever considered within the rankings? i totally understand its a tough task and totally appreciate your work!!! was just curious to know. In addition i note some divisions only have 8 entries (SMW) in whilst others have 15+ (WW) for instance.
We apply all results from shows all across the country, if you look at top of the post above it was for shows in March, if you look at some of the older posts you will see all the shows you listed are always included in the updates
The numbers of fighters in each division is down to the depth, the lighter and heavier categories have far fewer fighters active so rather than have 15 spots with many listed as "vacant" we decided there's far more value and competition for spots if we reduced the number, there's seemed little pride in being ranked eight if the seven spots below were vacant.
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
APRIL UPDATE... we gathered and checked results from 14 shows for this update, they were.. COALITION 3, MTGP, Night of Champions, BALLROOM BLITZ, VICTORY, Exhilaration 4, EASTER BEASTER, Redemption, Mayhem, Road to ROAR, Time to Fight, POS, Rising up and MT Super Fights
112lbs (50.8) Flyweight
Green moves up a division, Swali comes in at #8
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Tyre and Nawaz removed as inactive (30/04/16), fighters below move up
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Hussain (30/04/16), Ward and Co (23/04/16) removed as inactive, Burke comes in at #6 after defeating Tommy Green on Mayhem who also enters division
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Verala comes back taking the #2 spot from Rung on MTGP, Forrest drops a division, Kahn makes way
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Forrest moves up a division, Chipchase comes in at #15, Shaw defeats Meleady taking the #2 spot
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Egan removed as inactive (30/04/16), Mcgrandles drops a division entering at #10
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
#6 Liam Mcgrandles drops a division, Foster comes in at #8
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Liam McKendry enters at #3,Ryan Li at #4, fighters below drop with Upton making way
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Jordan Smith enters the rankings at #3
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
De Graca removed as inactive (30/04/16)
52.5kg Flyweight
Spicer returns to the rankings taking the #2 spot, fighters below drop a place. Lamoure removed as inactive (23/04/16)
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
MAY UPDATE... results taken from 14 shows through May, thats FIFTY ONE SHOWS we have looked at in the first 5 months of 2017!
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Thompson moves up a division, Docherty comes back in
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Swali removed as inactive (21/05/16), Thompson moves up a division (two consecutive fights at 59, Crawley 22/04 and 06/05), Chipchase returns to the rankings entering at #4
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Taggert moves up to #6 after defeating Estlick on Total Kontakt
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Skeer removed as inactive (10/05/16),Lucas climbs to #3 defeating Kennedy, First appearence in the rankings for Adil Alhinai at #15
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Sterling removed as inactive (21/05/16), fighters below move up with Collymore back in at #15
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Omomogbe and Diedrik enter the rankings at #6 and #7 respectivly, (competeing at a higher level than fighters below)
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Jones removed as inactive (10/05/16)
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Viagel removed as inactive (21/05/16)
50kgs Junior Flyweight
Dani Fall climbs above Newton after defeating her on MT Showcase
52.5kg Flyweight
Nicola Kaye returns to the rankings entering at #2 (previously defeated the #2 spicer who also very recently returned) Silence makes way. Kaye and Spicer will fight on the upcoming MTGP event
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
JUNE UPDATE... results taken from 3 shows, thats FIFTY FOUR SHOWS at the half way point for the year!
112lbs (50.8) Flyweight
Ruegg and Jays move up, Green drops back down
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Jays and Reugg move up a division, Tyre drops and Grover drop out
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Mathew Tieu and Tam Macourt removed as inactive (10/06/16 MTGP, 30/06/16 BLITZ), fighters below move up
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Matty Maguire and Ian Houillebecq removed as inactive (25/06/16 Battle of the North and 10/06/16 MTGP), fighters below move up
Taylor loses her top spot to Ashley Beattie on Road to Glory, announces retirement.
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
JULY UPDATE... results taken from 8 shows, Blitz, Fighting Machines, MT Unleashed, MT Jam, MTGP, Elbow Fest, Kiatphontip, Night of Combat
We have taken results from SIXTY TWO SHOWS this year!
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Ja Kiatphontip enters the rankings at #1, fighters below drop a place with Mcgowan making way
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Carrillo moves up a division
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Panicos Superpetch placed in recess, currently competing in MMA with no MT activity scheduled, if a fight is announced before October (last fight 08/10/16 YOKKAO) he will be placed back in at #1, Chris Shaw moves up to #1 spot. Farquharson removed as inactive (31/07/16), Carrillo moves up a division entering at #13
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Luke Turner announces retirement, Nathan Bendon now UK#1, Bennett removed as inactive (06/08/16)
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Alhinai removed as inactive (31/07/16)
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Ben Hodge defeats Jake Purdy and takes the UK #1 spot, Sevket climbs above Barnes after defeating him on MTGP
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Tams removed as inactive (16/07/16), Ameen Alkilaney enters the rankings at #7. Bradbury drops a division entering at #8
50kgs Junior Flyweight
Lisa Brierley (26/07/17 Thai Warriors) removed as inactive, fighters below move up with Arranz entering at #8, Newton moves up taking Mcwilliams spot defeating her on FM. Fall climbs to #3 defeating Newton 4 weeks previously
52.5kg Flyweight
Paton drops a division, Silence comes back in
55kgs Junior Featherweight
Derbyshire enters the rankings at #8
57kgs Featherweight
Foldvari enters at #7, Lister makes way
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
AUGUST UPDATE.... just four shows this month (Road to MTGP, Night of MT (Blackwidow), MTB and Science of Eight) taking this years total to... SIXTY SIX shows! Thats a huge amount of results we have looked at so far, hoping to smash One hundread shows in 2017!
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Ja moves up a division (two consecutive fights above limit), James returns to #1 spot, Shink comes in #8
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Ja enters at #2, fighters below drop a place with Taylor-Green making way
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Palma enters at #15
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Jordan Cumberton and Martyn Mcbride removed as inactive (03/09/16), fighters below move up, Akinade defeats Toomey entering at #13 & #14
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Pham enters at #10 dropping from Super Welter
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Gough and Kulawinsky removed as not fought in UK in 12 months (11/09/16), fighters move up two places with Barros and Steele joining the rankings
50kgs Junior Flyweight
Gallagher removed as inactive under MT rules (03/09/16), Arranz moves up a place with Paton entering at #8
52.5kg Flyweight
Nazary drops a division, enters at #9 Junior Fly. Jeanette Warnes enters at #8
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing
SEPTEMBER UPDATE... Road to Mayhem, Sandee Super Show, MT@ the Grand, Cities Collide, Oron Mor, Phoenix 3 and COREFIT Fight Night.
THATS SEVENTY THREE shows we have taken results from this year!
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Barboza drops a spot with Philips entering at #7, Hopkins makes way
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Mcgowan defeats #6 Docherty by TKO (rd2) taking his spot, Shink makes way
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Luke Hill enters at #15 defeating Taylor who drops out
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Jedrzejewski moves up a division, fighters below move up
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Jedrzejewski moves up a division (2 fights above Welterweight limit) enters at 10, Collymore makes way
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing..
Shows we have taken results from: Night of the Legions, Fight Night International, S3 Fight League, Assasins home show, ROAR, YOKKAO, Exhilaration, 2Brothers Home Show, Ultimate MT and BLOOD & GLORY
taking the total shows we have taken results from this year to....EIGHTY THREE
Barlow (22/10/16) Mconie (29/10/16) removed as inactive, Mendola placed in recess leaving just 4 fighters listed from A-C Class, division will be combined with Bantamweight due to lack of competition.
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Uddin enters at #6, Le Maire takes his spot defeating him on Blood & Glory. fighters below drop a place with Barboza and Philips making way
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Woodcock drops a division, Mcgowan takes his spot defeating him on Ultimate MT
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Laws moves up (two consecutive fights above division limit, Duel @61 & YOKKAO @ 61.5) Stabler enters at #8
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Gaines removed as inactive (22/10/16), Whittle moves up. Laws moves up a division entering at #14
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
#6 Mcnabb (08/10/16) and #12 Bateman (08/10/16) removed as inactive, fighters move up. Dickson moves up a division Tim Nutter re-enters at #13 defeating #14 Zeeshan Haider, Kris Pearson enters at #15
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Harrison-Little moves up, Ian Houillebecq re-enters behind Cullen, Dickson defeats Lucas taking his spot. Whittle moves up entering at #9. Zahir makes way
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
#4 Khalifa (15/10/16), #5 Long (29/10/16) and #6 Palmer (29/10/16) removed as inactive. Fighters below move up, Collymore moves up based on level of competition. Egan re-enters at #15 Murray makes way
160lbs (72.574kg) Middleweight
Woods removed as inactive (08/10/16), fighters below move up with Nolan entering at #8
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Chris Melhuish defeats #6 Upton taking his spot, Steele makes way
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Stewart removed as inactive in the UK (15/10/16, Loz Smitten moves up to #1 spot, Mike Moxon enters at #4 with Karl Beck #5
52.5kg Flyweight
Marie Mcmanamon enters at #3 defeating Spicer who drops a place, Warnes makes way
Please remember....These rankings are compiled in good faith with the information we have at hand. If you do not agree with your ranking for example you have beaten someone above you, know that a fighter has retired or is in the wrong weight division then please let us know by contacting us here with the correct information
Couple of points to remember, the rankings are live, this means they are constantly updated and reflect the CURRENT UK scene, if a fighter is competing in a division which is not their preferred weight category (defined by two consecutive fights at a different weight) they are ranked in that division as that is where they are CURRENTLY competing..
NOVEMBER & DECEMBER UPDATE, we have taken results from Extreme Warriors, MT Super Fights, MT Showcase, Tower Ballroom, Riot at the Rox, MT Jam, Elbow Fest, Fusion, Showdown, MT Mayhem, MTGP, Fast and Furious, Fight Sport Extreme, Power of Scotland, Fearless Unleashed, Road to Roar. December shows.. Lee Smith memorial, MTB, Franks Home Show, Jonny T`s
That takes us to 103 shows in 2017, UK Muay Thai is thriving and we are on the forefront of the scene!
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Smith (26/11/16) and Docherty (03/12/16) removed as inactive. Irvine moves up a division. fighters below move up with Phillips, Barboza and Anderson coming back in
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Irvine moves up a division (2 consecutive fights above his division) enters at #4, Limbu makes way
126lbs (57.15kg) Featherweight
Dean James moves up a division, Haggerty new UK#1
130lbs (58.967kg) Super Featherweight
Varela retires from competition, James enters at #3
135lbs (61.235kg) Lightweight
Luke Hill climbs 2 places defeating Gareth Mitchell, Carrillo moves up a division (two consecutive fights above limit).
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Carrillo enters at #7, Pearson makes way
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Muhammad Zahir climbs to #14, defeated fighter who beat Khan. Hughes moves up a division.
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Reece McAllister re-enters at #2, Hughes moves up a division entering at #9 fighters drop a place with Egan and Bramwell making way
175lbs (79.379kg) Light Heavyweight
Macpherson removed as inactive (13/05/16), fighters below move up
181.5lbs (82.5kg) Light Cruiserweight
Smitten removed as inactive (12/11/16), Juan Cervantes re-enters at #1 after defeating Morrison, Mark Arrowsmith enters at #5
190lbs (86.183kg) Cruiserweight
Howieson removed (08/10/16)
50kgs Junior Flyweight
Paloma climbs to #4 defeating Leigh Newton.
52.5kg Flyweight
Walker comes back in entering at #5. Warnes makes way
55kgs Junior Featherweight
Currie re-enters the rankings at #6, Mckay and Gallagher enter at 7 and 8. Tipett and Antoni make way
57kgs Featherweight
Alldise (19/11/16) & Cahill ((15/10/16) removed as inactive, fighters move up. Merritt the new UK#1
59kgs Junior Lightweight
Price enters at #7 Niamh Kinehan enters at #3
2017 was a good year for UK Muay Thai, Thaifighter took results from 103 shows with some big domestic fights happening with more than one or two big upsets. Heres the first update for 2018...
We've taken results from 11 shows in January and February, they were.. ROAR, Fight Night Fusion, Extreme Warriors, Journey, Combat Kings, Rama Evolution, EK MTB, AC6, Road to MTGP, Fusion and Dean Whites
118lbs (-53.52kg) Bantamweight
Louis Green removed, stepping away from competition. Fighters below move up with Evans Jay the new UK#1, Grover and Tyre enter at 7 & 8
122lbs (-55.4kg) Junior Featherweight
Parker removed as inactive (TANKO 12/02/17), fighters below move up
140lbs (63.503kg) Super Lightweight
Williams removed as now boxing. Pearson comes back in
147lbs (66.638kg) Welterweight
Houillebecq removed as moved away.
154lbs (69.853kg) Super Welterweight
Stanton placed in recess, Cezary Zugaj enters the rankings at #5 defeating Liam McGrandles on ROAR. Marcel Adeyemi enters at #8 defeating Dale Hughes, Alex Mcgregor and Barkhouse removed as inactive (DUEL 04/02/17), Horrobin and Maguire re-enter the rankings at 14 & 15
168lbs (76.363kg) Super Middleweight
Wakeling removed as inactive (TANKO 12/02/17), fighters below move up a place with Jersey Pinto the new UK#1
50kgs Junior Flyweight
Caslin removed as now competing at 47.5kg , fighters below move up a place with Sara Stuart coming in at #8
52.5kg Flyweight
Sophie Hawkswell drops a division and defeats McManaman for ROAR British title, Cochrane removed as inactive (RAMA 25/02/17) fighters below drop
55kgs Junior Featherweight
Hawkswell drops a division, Antoni re-enters at #8
59kgs Junior Lightweight
Brownswell and Beattie removed as inactive (25/02/17)
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