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Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-02-20 17:44:48
K-1 Anzacs Show April 30th

Here is the proposed line up
Team NZ Team Aus
Alexey Ignashov v Peter Graham
Jason Suttie v TBC
Ron Sefo v Paul Slowinski
Paul (TOA) Kingi v Chris Chrisopoulides
Peter Sampson v Matt Samoa
Pola Mataele v Mitch O Hello
Jo White v Chris Johnson
Jordan Tai v TBC
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-02-20 22:32:19
Is Jason gonna keep fighting dixon? I see Joe is replacing him, and how about Daniel Tai vs Peter Graham and Jason Suttie and Alexi Ignashov as a super fight, dam they would be two awsome fights.
Posted: 2005-02-21 03:29:52
I wonder what Michael Schiavello
will do at this k-1 Anzac probably tie a sheep to the front of his crotch and bag the kiwis out which he is really good at i must say.

i got a good name for a promotion.

The Tiaha haka boys v.s the beer guzzling rednecks
Posted: 2005-02-21 05:05:55
great crop of fighters.

is there going to be a k-1 regional this year? i heard that the k-1 might not be going in that direction.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-02-21 13:05:40
Alexey is representing NZ on ANZACS and is now residing and training here so vs Jase wouldn't be a good match up new Kiwi vs Kiwi hero, would go against the theme of the show.

Mind you Daniel has made his mark and now deserves a shot. Lookd like he'll get a good crack vs Andrew Peck.

Also we need to bear in mind that fighters must have the abaility to travel overseas with the overseas and interrnational match ups planned with K-1 over the next year or so.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-02-21 15:17:56
Hey Felix the winners from this event will then be paired off in the Oceania event on July 16 where alot of top fighters will be participating.
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-02-21 17:01:57
it might go against the theme of the show Mike but i bet no one would complain cause they would be great fights, it just seems a shame to give the opportunity to fight Alexi to Peter ad not Jason as the winner would surely get the attention of Japan.

Bla Bla Bla travel overseas... yip heard it the first time Mike, doesnt need to be said again, you and I both know others in the same circumstances that still travel to Japan so dont use that excuse.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-02-21 21:11:25
now now boys if you keep this up maybe I should put you 2 on the card against each other LOL. Jason is better getting his chance in July than April Aaron. As for Daniel I do believe he deserves a shot and maybe after Andrew he will get that chance but I am sure Andrew will say otherwise. We will have to wait and see.
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-02-21 21:56:31
Sweet im keen, so July k1 is gonna have Jason fighting Alexi and Daniel Tai (if he beats Andrew) wow sounds like a cool show, must have been mike's idea, lol.

Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-02-21 22:14:57
Jason will fight a credible fighter in July but as he would say lets take it 1 step at a time. Andrew or Daniel may still have a shot in April you never know what can happen
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-02-21 22:16:27
Hey Aaron shouldnt you be taking classes by now
Posted: 2005-02-22 00:06:50
Sooooo... when is Daniel v Andrew happening?
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-02-22 01:35:16
got a computer in the gym right next to the coffee and donut machine, lol, Daniel and Andrew are booked in for kio show on 2nd April, see kio promotion thread for list of fighters
( o Y o )
Posted: 2005-02-22 01:38:27
Thats a great looking card!

Is there a poster for this yet Dixon? I`ll put it up on the calendar at kakutougi.
Posted: 2005-02-22 03:47:18
cheers aaron.
white sniper
Posted: 2005-02-22 04:49:57
why cant jason fight? was looking forward to fighting him.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-02-22 14:06:34
Hey Stu It will be ready at the end of the week. Joe White beat Jason on the weekend Chris which kinda gives him the right for that chance.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-02-22 14:22:29
Aaron, no point in disagreeing with you, you have your point of view and often make really good sense, but in this case I disagree.

The theme is Anzacs Alexy is fighting for NZ so it makes sense - Jase has plenty of other opportunities coming up and Alexey isn't going anywhere either. I do think however even though we still regard Alexy as an outsider from K-1's point of view we are looking long term to promote him as a Kiwi fighter so why would we match him up immediately against NZ's top fighter. Kiwi crowds have always responded best when they are unified behind NZ and not divided by local camp.

Re Daniel, he has steadily worked his way up at heavyweight beating top prospects like Peter Sampson and Sio as well as winning the 8 man. If he beats Andrew I doubt there will be any obstacle to his gettinga top international fight regardless of other issues.

As regards the travel issue as a promotor / manager / event organisor there are huge diffculties with regard visa issues and costs at times, and organising them and whether they are granted, an addition to various limitations place on those. An athlete needs to be in a position to justify either through reputation or $$ drawing ability or high profile. If Daniel beats I imagine most of that doubt will be removed.

As for me and Aaron - sorry I'm to much of a softcock and don't fancy getting my arse kicked by Mr Boyes alhtough I'm up for chess and tiddley wink LOL
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-02-22 18:31:54
Dixon is da man yet again! Cant wait for this one... and the Aussie's will prevail!!

So your prime minister didn't want John Farnham to perform at Gallipoli... maybe I'll bring a cardboard cut out of John Farnham with me to sit by my side, and yes the sheep will be strapped to be crotch! hehehe... i have something in mind, just wait and see.

Looking forward to this one big time... Angove you better be ready for a verbal joust and a half!

See you all in New Zealand... my second home!
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-02-22 20:00:03
cheers Mike im glad you've coming to the conclusion that there is no point argueing with me,lol 1 more down the rest of the world to go, hehe

by the way I have nothing to do with Jason and Daniel's fighting career other than a big fan and friend of both, I hope they get the chances they deserve this year.

Also good points on Alexi, will he be fighting in Japan under the New Zealand flag?

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-02-22 20:23:53
"Yea Right" Aaron
and his new fight name is Alexy "The Westy Bro" Ignashov
and his new entrance song is "Ihave a band of 10 Guitars"
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-02-23 22:28:33
Alexei will be singing the NZ National anthem at the next show (I am reliably informed)
white sniper
Posted: 2005-02-23 23:11:45
in maori as well i hope mike or we will be disappointed hehehehehe
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-02-24 21:14:33
I love to see him do the haka - now that would be funny.
Posted: 2005-02-26 02:21:20
Dont scare him away now guys ;)

I cant wait to see him fight Peter. When I saw Peter win the Oceania title I always wondered how his improved form would do against top class K1 fighters.

Great card Mr McIver.
Posted: 2005-02-26 16:16:41
I would like to wish dan luck for his boxing title fight up soon.I heard Pola had a op is it true he is out cause I will fight Mitch if he is not and just for everyones info Dixon said I am first reserve for the Anzac show and the fight with Dan is no K1 qualifying match I took this fight because I am not fighting at the Anzac show to give some of the new blood a chance in the lime light.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-02-27 16:08:37
Pola had a op on his hand befor Christmas Andrew at this stage he is still fighting as his rehab was purely to get ready for Anzacs. Yes Andrew I did say that you would be first reserve after of course 1 other if you recall. And thanks for your understanding of the new blood.
Posted: 2005-02-27 23:07:25
Terry is still awaiting a meeting dixon........... tick tock tick
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-02-27 23:20:05
I spoke to him at Phillips show first things first
Posted: 2005-02-28 02:40:08

Where is Francis Vesitolu (sp) hiding, after seeing him draw a 5 rounder with daniel tai in August 2003, i expected to see more of him around!
Posted: 2005-02-28 02:40:48

Where is Francis Vesitolu (sp) hiding, after seeing him draw a 5 rounder with daniel tai in August 2003, i expected to see more of him around!
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-02-28 04:37:14
Daniel broke Francios jaw in that fight and francios hasnt fought since. He is still helping the young fighters at smac gym. that fight was at 86kg daniel is now around 100kg
Posted: 2005-03-01 00:41:47
Two fighters with broken jaws on the same night.... the evening for pain perhaps!
Hopefully he makes a comeback at some time.

Sidney Asiata.... rooting for you in your upcoming fight too pal! Going to be a damn fine card.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-04 20:25:08
Just recieved confirmation that F-16 will match up against Jordan Tai
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-03-04 23:38:15
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2005-03-05 01:35:55
thats a bad fight for f16 to take.he fights at 63kg and even went down to 60 kg in a few of his fights.hope he isnt just coming for the money.he is a top class fighter in his weight class of light welterweight.he gave away to much weight to zam the man and it ended in tragedy.(mind you the rules were also changed on him in the last few hours before that fight too)
jordan should have alot of size on him but shannon can bomb thats why he is called the bomber.
Posted: 2005-03-05 15:19:50
Dixon, is Paul still fighting in the ANZAC show?
This article from the one news website maybe of interest to readers?

Strongman guilty of manslaughter
Mar 5, 2005

A champion kickboxer, once billed as New Zealand's strongest man, has been found guilty of killing his elderly uncle.
Paul Kingi has spent two weeks facing a manslughter charge in the Palmerston North High Court, but his identity was kept secret until the verdict on Friday night.
The kickboxer was once crowned New Zealand's strongest man, was a sumo wrestling champion and had recently shot to stardom in Japan fightin in the K1.
Kingi and his uncle had been arguing over the ownership of a bull, when the incident happened,
The Crown said Kingi approached his uncle and made a "powerful and accurate" blow to the 60-year-old's jaw. The man then fell backwards and cracked his head on the concrete.
He died in hospital two days later.
The prosecution said the punch was "made by a man who knows how to throw them" and that King was in "fight mode".
But Kingi's lawyers say he threw the punch in self defence.
Kingi's career now hangs in the balance as he sits in custody awaiting sentencing next month.

Posted: 2005-03-05 20:57:00
jordan vs Shannon should be entertaining though! Perhaps a bit of a size difference but I reckon f-16 will be up to it for sure.

sucks to be paul kingi :(
Posted: 2005-03-06 02:54:07
The Paul Kingi thing was first reported some months ago, if memory is correct, mid way through 2004.
Its no great secret
Let it go.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-06 14:17:26
This incident happened in Jan 2004 and Paul has been allowed to travel and participate in K-1 overseas during the process. There is a sense of suprise amonst Pauls immediate Family and close friends as they did not expect this outcome. It must of been very hard on both sides to accept what happened. From what I hear Pauls lawyers have put an appeal in so we will have to wait and see what eveolves from that. To answer your question Jon Paul will not be participating.
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-03-06 19:32:14
This could happen to anybody but because he is a professional fighter would have probably had a big influence in the outcome.

hey Dixon i know a good replacement for Paul.....
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-06 19:43:23
Tell me who Aaron
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-03-06 21:00:20
You Dixon.
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-03-06 21:31:52
Daniel Tai of course!!!!
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-06 22:12:08
I hear he is in a cast as he cut the tendons in his hand
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-03-07 02:50:10
Damm havnt seen Daniel i the last couple weeks, i didnt know that, April 30th still a long way away.
Posted: 2005-03-07 10:32:15
Was looking forward to seeing him fight Andrew Peck . Bummer.
Richie Hardcore
Posted: 2005-03-07 13:36:51
Yeah I was talking to jordan the other day and Daniel is in a cast after nearly severing his them. He is out for a couple of months at least. Maybe Keri Karena?
Richie Hardcore
Posted: 2005-03-07 13:41:25
thats meant to say thumb....damn early morning runs make me slow!
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-03-07 20:00:36
are you fighting soon richie
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-07 22:59:52
Here is the revised update on matches

Team NZ vs Team Aus

Alexey Ignashov v Peter Graham
Jason Suttie v Chris Chrisopoulides
Ron Sefo v Paul Slowinski
Peter Sampson v Kevin Blanch
Tavita Tai v Matt Samoa
Pola Mataele v Mitch O Hello
Jo White v Chris Johnson
Jordan Tai v TBC (F-16 withdrew yesterday)
Richie Hardcore
Posted: 2005-03-08 02:16:14
Hey Aaron. Im fighting Vince Betham on Jason's show next Friday, should be good. You got many boys on the card?
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-03-08 03:59:28
Just James Brown fighting in the kb4, good luck richie
Richie Hardcore
Posted: 2005-03-08 18:27:47
Thanks a lot brother! See you there!
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-03-10 05:29:01
Charlie Trojan
Posted: 2005-03-10 05:42:17
Scott, Dixon is trying his hardest to develop the fight scene in NZ. To my knowledge he has been very succesful thus far.

On the occasions I have been fortunate enough to meet him, he has always struck me as a genial and polite fellow. An excellent ambassador for his country.

As for the point about him plagerising ideas, what exactly are you on about? I simply can't understand your diatribe.


Good luck with your show, and hope to see you in Japan again some time soon.

aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-03-10 05:46:39
please dont respond Dixon you will only give this flake credibility, besides what does it matter what an idiot says!!!
( o Y o )
Posted: 2005-03-10 06:13:50
Scott, you say "if you have any problem with my ideas, you reply back here."

Well, what do we do if we just can’t understand your dyslexic rambling? I mean, was there even an idea amongst that whine?

If you are indeed a promoter in Australia yourself, do the rest of them there a favour and don’t try to represent them.
Adrian R
Posted: 2005-03-10 06:27:29
Dixon promotes great shows in NZ!
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2005-03-10 10:00:31
Just Sent Scott Orser A Letter-Bomb In Email ...Hope He Likes It!

Arrrrh, It's Good To Be Back On Ax :-)

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-03-10 13:28:27
What have i missed???
Has that guy's post been deleted???
As i cant see his comment on my computer.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-03-10 13:32:42
Tall Poppy Syndrome - happens everywhere.

No of us are prefect but some of us like Dixon have the balls to put it on the line and take some huge risks and finally after more than five years of slog beginning to reaps some rewards.

I mean lets face it who in Australia has gotten kickboxing on national mainstream TV as a regular programme ? Who in Austrlaia has got Alexey Ignashov living in his back yard, Who in Australia has managed one K-1 Champ and one runner up ? And who in Australia has done it on the smell of an oily rag.

K-1 fighters in NZ now have a profile - Jason Suttie, Choppa, Jordon, Aaron, Rexy, Powerhouse etc are being recognised on the streets, fighters are now getting sponsorship worth thousands not hundreds, They guys last year appeared in ALL of the mainstream papers and several magazine bare the herald which was too busy watching third division rugby.

And most of all possibly the most tellng fact - talk to the Aussie fighters themselves who come here about the shows - they love it and can't wait to return - they get well paid, well treated, the fans love it and there are no BS politics...

All in not Dixon has done not a bad job - as for stealing idea, what a crock all of the best and most successful people beg steal and borrow ideas that work and improve on them.

Otherwise we'd still being running around sleeping in caves and sratching our balls... actually Scott I suspect you probabley are.

Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-10 13:37:28
Got me as well Highlander
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-10 15:12:24

Rex Rumble
Posted: 2005-03-10 16:07:04
thats right mike! dixon has really pushed our sport to a new level in new zealand and done a great job of getting it on free to air tv! keep up the good work Dixon!you the man and there is not a promoter in nz or oz that could come close to achieving what you have mate!
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-03-10 16:59:16
Hey, take it from me -- a passionate Aussie -- Dixon's shows are second to none and so too is the way he treats everyone from the fighters to the press to the fans - EVERYONE. The man has taken the sport further in New Zealand than anyone has here in Australia, especially with it being on mainstream TV during prime time slots and topping the ratings.
You need only attend a McIver press conference to see the turn out... not just one station like here in Oz, but THREE stations, newspapers, magazines and radio jousting for photographs and interviews.
Dixon doesn't need to flap his mouth off or defend himself on here, he shows how great a promoter he is (and a human being) every day.
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-03-10 17:10:08
good words Mike but dont be to hard on our Ozzie brothers, I feel there kickboxing scene as a whole is still more advanced than ours, fox sports televises a large variety of shows not just K1.

Dixon is definatly a much needed injection into New Zealand kickboxing scene and through his efforts NZ kickboxing is reaching new levels but somehow we need to get simular coverage for smaller shows as well eg phillip lam last show was one of the all time great shows in NZ if we could get one of the channels like tv3 or prime etc to show that we could get more on an even parr with Australia.

Kio is bringing thailands greatest promoter songchai Ratansuban over with some of thailands best thai fighters for choppa, its gonna be muay thai at it best, we need a second option to get these shows televised too.
white sniper
Posted: 2005-03-10 18:02:06
i am doing an article now for the next international kickboxer magazine and dixons shows were part of the questionnaire. believe you me, having fought on both sides for some time now and whoever it is that has been dissing dixons shows has absolutely no idea about this. Dixon is a true gentleman and has rightly deserved the credibility he has amongst all aussie fighters who travel over there for his shows and obviously the kiwis as well.
Dont take this to heart guys. honestly, there are dickheads everywhere and this is obviously just another one.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-10 18:33:40
Hi guys I thank you all for your kind words and support but I am still not sure why this eventuated as it obviously was taken off the thread.
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-03-10 20:27:59
Some guy using an alais was slagging you off hard last night, he plastered it everywhere and this morning it had all been removed. Oyo got it right it was just some dyslexic rambling of someone still abit sour you got the rights to promote k1.

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-03-10 21:35:06
How could they have plastered it all over this board then remove it???
i thought Once something has been posted it could only be removed by the Ax Team!!!

Brian & Ax Team can you please enlighten us on this.
Mainly as im interested in seeing what was written!!!
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-10 23:53:05
Thanks Aaron
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-03-11 02:29:49
yeah brian in his divine wisdom removed it, trust me highlander it wasnt worth reading trust me, im all for hitting people up if you having a valid point but this guy had nothing, it was honestly like a five year old who had his lolly pop taken off him, actually even worse!!! no worries Dixon, roll on k1 ANZACS
Posted: 2005-03-11 17:37:43
It wasnt so long ago you would say the same things about Tarik superpromoter etc no one has done so much to promote the sport etc etc etc please remember things for us fighters are not as good as they were in say 2002,2003.
Posted: 2005-03-11 22:08:52
Andrew... good to see you still around.
Posted: 2005-03-11 23:57:21
still around cause someone has to keep it real.
Posted: 2005-03-12 05:02:17
Whats that Andrew.... NZ's answer to Ali G???? aiiiiiiiiiiiii
Posted: 2005-03-12 05:02:22
Whats that Andrew.... NZ's answer to Ali G???? aiiiiiiiiiiiii
Posted: 2005-03-12 15:52:06
Ali G,
Are you kidding you must not know me to well.(I thought I was Vanilla Ice)
No what I meant was when ever I read posts on here by certain people Its the same old comments about how great certain people are, not that are not good people but from the likes of schivallo etc its the same old tune every time every year even now he has a another boss.And I bet he doesnt reply to this.
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-03-12 22:58:58
Hey Andrew

You lose the bet.

Mate, I'll be the first person to defend Tarik on here and say that the super promoter has done enormous things for the sport in Australia. Without him we would not have seen K-1, Zambidis, Greco, Ozkan, Hoost, Mirko down under, would not have had shows on Fox Sports, Main Event and Fox 8, would not have had big events at mainstream arenas such as Vodafone and Sydney Entertainment Centre...

I give credit where it is due... it's not a matter of who is boss, I dont work for Tarik nor for Dixon or any other promoter for that matter, but I do help the sport as much as I can.

Dixon does superb shows, I say the best outside of Japan. His production and his media and his liaison with all is top notch.

There are other promoters who have caught my eye too... Ray Matsumura does fine shows, as do Nugget and Josh Sexton and JNI has done great things with Muay Thai in Sydney.

I dont know what your point really was Andrew, but hey, it's hard to argue that Dixon HASN'T done great things for K-1 in New Zealand and has certainly been the most progressive K-1 promoter outside of USA. I have said this for along time.

See you at the ANZAC show powerhouse.

Posted: 2005-03-13 01:33:09
You understand my point cause you posted back and I never said Dixon had not done good things with K1 in NZ.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-13 14:34:26

Rex Rumble
Posted: 2005-03-13 16:20:37
I dont think the ozzys are ahead of us at all.I have fought on all of their big shows in oz under various promoters and I still think dixon and his team are far superior.Yes they do have fox sports but it wont be long before some of our smaller muay thai shows are going to air.But all in all, for the amount of people we have fighting in nz our fight scene is huge.
and a big thanks to dixon again- if it werent for him taking k1 to a new level on free to air tv, I wouldnt have been able to sell 20 tables of $100 seats to the wellington crowd for our next promotion!april 2nd kennel club ringside is now sold out yeaha!
This is the effect dixon has had on our fight scene!Now average joe is coming to watch the fight nights because he has seen it on tv already.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-13 18:13:35
Good on you Rex and thanks for the kind words this is what its all about everybody benefitting in the sport. Wait until we get recognition from SPARC.
Posted: 2005-03-13 20:52:20
That will be a great injection to get SPARC funding. Being that our Kickboxers are world class and improving all the time, who know's what can happen with more structure, training camps etc.. good luck on that Dixon you are onto it!!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-03-14 00:24:10
Cool Poster Dixon!!!
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-03-14 02:07:25
Rexy's rolling in it, definately your shout when your up in auckland next bro, and stop sending your girlfriends texts to me, it embarrasing lol
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2005-03-14 03:29:09
sorry Aaron I will just be happy if we break even this show.we have spent alot on getting the hype of the show perfect for a small fight night. Its something that alot of promoters dont do.we have the hell sound and lighting system and big screens, also a pro dj from australia playing all night.The catering was one thing we also wanted to improve on aswell to keep the sponsors happy.
We are putting everything back into this show and just want to get our fight night formula perfected before we plan on making any money.
we have a nice poster but I duno how to shrink it so I can post it maybe I can send it to someone?
Posted: 2005-03-14 03:47:57
Shoot it on thru rex.. More than happy to help out!!
Just email it to me and I will post it for you!!
Good luck with the show..
Posted: 2005-03-15 19:00:18
Rexy... youre not going to pull the "im just a poor broke promoter" spiel are ya?

you been listening to Dave?
Posted: 2005-03-16 03:12:19
wow how funny as i threw a grenade for a stir an went away an just came back..... hmm well everyone knows dixon is a great promoter with the best interests of fighters an also is hopefully after so much effort making a lucrative living out of kickboxing . I wanna say that mike has made some good points .. Tarik solak has promoted some great fighters but I think you forgot a few things mike.......people like con brousalis who promoted shows early in the peace an also the promoter for Stan"the man"Longinidis was a melbourne fashion designer whos names escapes me who promted the stan vs alexio fight.I give everyone credit but just lament the continuous politics that pervade oceania kickboxing .I also understand that politics is also in nz kickboxing with the perception that jason suttie doesnt get the same exposure as other fighters ,sometimes that maybe true but other times I guess from an outsiders point of view jason does the business but doesnt have the flash of a peter graham or the exposure of a ray sefo ( i know i know ill get shitcanned from etk but its just a opinion ok )
Posted: 2005-03-16 03:25:08
hey powerhouse hope u do well ... been awhile since ive read your posts , sometimes you make great points other times its a " the worlds against me ...... an its always other people holding me back " but in fairness best of luck man hope u get back onto the winners circle .
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-03-16 14:31:08
Hey Kahstallion,

Yeah I agree in terms of great promotors Asutralia has had some brilliant promotors with a string of firsts, these are the guys who I many ways laid the foundation for guys like Dixon to come along and succeed - with out the guys who cam before there is no way the "new breed" of promotors if you like could have achieved what they have:

Aussie Promotors were the first to bring us fights like:

Stan vs Dennis Alexio, Stan vs Sataki, Stan vs Maurice Smith, , Super Kick Vick Vs Hector Penna, Tsoca vs Mike Cole, Kash Gill vs Alex when he became the first Aussie to win a world title etc etc.... huge pioneering stuff. And of course Tarik's intitial foray into K-1 culminating in the K-1 Melbourne, seeing MArk Hunt as Oceania Champ winning the grand prix, Rays shows are top class, as are numerous other promotors - In many ways Dixon couldn't have achieved what he had without these guys. So this is deffniately not an Aussie bashing excercise -

Politics wise - I am certain that Politics internationally and in Aussie is and will continue to be more devisive and destructive than in NZ - thats simply the product of a bigger country with a number of strong willed promotors each with their own agenda ... in NZ there aren't as many fish in a much smaller fish bowl so there are less complications...and to be honest fewer people to point the finger at. On a personal note Jase is one of our most active fighters as well as one of our best, he is, if not the most pure fighter I have ever seen, certainly no one has more pure fighting instinct and drive to will - I hope to see him get some big opportunities this year.

And I agree with Aaron that on the whole Aussies Mauy Thai scene is bigger and better organised (we have great fights and promtors in NZ but not quite the scale of what Aust has)

But I think to deride with Dixon achieved with f--k all budget, sponsorship etc over 5 years is a bit rich. Having said that no one is perfect and there are bound to be gripes and sometimes valid ones I'm sure but ScotOrcer or what ever his name was, his comments were just plain ignorant... and deisgned to elicit a response...

Anyway after yet another Angove novel - I'm looking forward to ANZACS and the great fights it promises.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-16 18:56:47
Couldnt agree more guys because there will be a day that someone new will come down the track when i am retiring haha and take things that I have done and formulate it into something bigger and better again. You see on many occassions he who pioneers something doesnt necessarily reap the rewards but if there is 1 thing I would say is that I do intend to eventually reap the rewards because it is the nature of a businessman and I am sure I dont have to remind you that LOVE DONT PAY THE BILLS. I have spent time and money in this sport for 3 reasons 1/ I foresaw the potential as a building business 2/ I have a passion for it. 3/ The timing was right. If there is 1 thing I will guarentee is that the more I get financially the more I would part as far as purses go. I will pay fairly as too the budget restraints I have. Any of my participants in the past will have a claer indication that I will give them the best I can or what they are happy with or it doesnt happen, none of this oh but it would be good for your exposure crap. On that note We have just confirmed that Jordans opponent on April 30th will be Pixie. Looking forward to you and Mark visiting guys. On another note Matt Samoa is out so we are looking for an opponent for Tavita Tai.
Posted: 2005-03-16 19:05:02
What I have seen over here (NZ) is all promising. All you guys work in together to create shows but with the execption of DIxons K1 shows noone seems to be taking that next step to the big Super Style shows like Ray Matsumura and Nugget and Josh's Evoulutions Shows.

I think in order for the sport to progress to a more commercially viable level the promoters need to get together and broker a deal with Sky sports. Obviously they have seen how big Dixons K1 shows are on TV2 and I am sure that they would have to want a part of that! And if instead of 6 promotors all negotiating to get their one or 2 shows shown you had a Promoters orgainisation/Co op of sorts to negotiate a 6 or 12 fight package i think you would have a stronger position.

Once that TV coverage is in place you then create more revenue as well as more opportunities for fighters (i.e better sponsorship deals etc)all which leads to bigger better fight nights for the fans and a better future for the fighters..
As has been said Dixon has broken down a lot of doors so I think its time to capitalise on that and taking the Muay thai kickboxing scene to a new level in NZ..

Well theres a rant to equal Angove!!

Posted: 2005-03-16 19:06:53
Oh and one more thing is there any idea on a fight for jordan?
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-03-16 19:21:22
LOL couldn't agree more JA - a key part of that will be having a singular unified voice amongst promotors, a good production package and team (Tony Robb has some great ideas here!!!!) and someone willing and able and professional enough to negotiate with either Sky or TV3 -

I still believe free to air is a lot more easily accessble for mainstream than PPV i.e. Sky, so I would make TV3 first on my hit list - Dobbo is always keen to get stuff on kickboxing and also with TV1 picking up David Tua and TV2 K-1 , Three will possibly be looking for something to appeal to that audience ...

mark pease
Posted: 2005-03-16 19:31:37
I can confirm that Pixie will now be fighting K1 rules against Jordan Tai in N.Z so see you ther mate..

Cheers Mark Pease..
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-03-16 21:01:01
Pixie vs Tai... AWESOME!!!
This time us Aussies are sending one of our BEST!
Posted: 2005-03-16 21:42:48
Flights booked see you friday the 29th!! Dont forget a vest for me!!
I was actually thinking I should give you or Pix a call and say that there was a fight going with Jordan!!
Well guess I will be seeing you all in Auckland!!
Posted: 2005-03-16 21:49:23
Flights booked see you friday the 29th!! Dont forget a vest for me!!
I was actually thinking I should give you or Pix a call and say that there was a fight going with Jordan!!
Well guess I will be seeing you all in Auckland!!
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-17 14:02:27
Updated Match Ups

Team NZ vs Team Aus

Alexey Ignashov v Peter Graham
Jason Suttie v Chris Chrisopoulides
Ron Sefo v Paul Slowinski
Peter Sampson v Kevin Blanch
Tavita Tai v Brett Zanchitta
Pola Mataele v Mitch O Hello
Jo White v Chris Johnson
Jordan Tai v Pixie
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-03-17 18:17:19
Great to see one of my faves - THE BUTCHER BRETT ZANCHETTA - now part of the Battle of the Anzacs! The Queensland boys are coming in force! Mitch, Pixie and now Butcher!

This is shaping up to be a huge night... GO AUSSIES!!!!

PS: Butcher has the best ring entrance in history.
Jab Cross Elbow
Posted: 2005-03-17 23:11:52
Damn this is going to be the event of the year!! Good luck to all fighters and teams. Just a small comment id like to make , never meaning to disrespect but is butcher up for the fight? hows his conditioning? we all know what happened at evo3 with meadsy.
Posted: 2005-03-22 05:37:55
whats happened did he lose badly ???
Richie Hardcore
Posted: 2005-03-22 15:47:56
He got Koed didnt he? I think it's awesome some new faces to New Zealand audiances are coming over from Aussie.
Posted: 2005-03-22 17:24:49
Lookin forward to seein pixie, love his style. Would be awesome to see 'Carnage' Corbett and TS2 over here.
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-03-22 19:43:29
Yep Butcher got KO'd in the second after he almost Ko'd meads in the first. It was a corker!
Jab Cross Elbow
Posted: 2005-03-22 21:04:26
Yup butcher came out all guns blazing rocking meadsy hard , meadsy survived (just). by the end of the first buther was spent , he honestly had nothing left. meadsy came out for the second still looking decent and won by ko (jab).

Whats the saying? conditioning wins fights?
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-23 02:43:50
We tried to match Carnage against Suttie originally but he decided to take his time moving up in the heavyweight ranks.
Posted: 2005-03-23 06:57:52
carnage has smart managment , he could take jason in full thai i think but k1 jason would have the edge and a early loss would lose him favour in japan i guess
Posted: 2005-03-23 14:19:21
from what I have heard Nathan has other goals at the moment that arent at heavyweight.. I believe he wants to win the 86 kg WMC world title and the 86 Kg Shootboxing world title before moving up to heavyweight.
Apparently the offers are there from both K1 and Pride but he is just taking his time with everything!

Posted: 2005-03-23 18:17:17
Carnage vs Psycho would have been interesting. I agree Carnage would win full Thai but Jason has the edge under K1 rules. Jason is looking real sharp at at present. Carnage is one of my favourites to his aggression. Hope to see him over here one day despite the lure of Japan...Another awesome show Dixon your doing NZ proud.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-23 20:21:27
Thanks Terry
Posted: 2005-03-23 21:19:29
Terry ?.....Terror is better haha

Hey Dixon can you bring Zambidis and Ozkan over please. I'll even chip in with a few bucks to offer as a purse.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-23 22:31:33
Sorry TERROR. I dont think Tarik will allow them to brother.
Posted: 2005-03-23 22:56:49

Bloody politics.

Good lineup up anyway bro I've been handing out the flyers everywhere. Imagine a McIver vs Solak lineup.

Posted: 2005-03-24 02:49:31
hmm dixon "if u build it they will come " the qld kickboxers are currently along with wa the top thai boxing states in australia so i think that bringing some of their best fighters to nz will build some great alliances .I know evolution is big in qld through nugget macnaught so i hope your can try an get some of his fighters over also...soren would be a awesome matchup with anyone ....anychnace of brining jwp over for a rematch with chopper or even against jordan tai ??
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-03-24 22:58:04
I have been trying to get JWP for some time but our events seem to clash with events he is on.
Posted: 2005-03-25 04:37:51
Great looking card Dixon.
Should be another awesome night for Combat Sports in Australasia.
Posted: 2005-03-25 07:51:18
whats going on jwp ???? :) why cant we get you to nz???they would go crazy if you fought there my man,as in just likeqod they arecrazy about thai boxing over there an im sure rex would have a lotta kiwis supporting you it for you fans man( an make sure dixon crys when he hears your fight fee...jokes hahaha )
Posted: 2005-03-31 19:06:42
hey Dixon
I am coming over from Queensland to watch, whats a good hotel i should stay at that is near the venue? And how much are the tickets? Will I have to get them before I come over in case they sell out? My first time in NZ... so excited to see your show!
Posted: 2005-03-31 19:48:04
Hey I just saw the pricing and seating info on ticketec, I noticed on the venue map there are $150 tickets in the seats closest to the ring yet there is no option to purchase those, the highest ticket you can purchase costing $95, these being for the seats a bit further back. Are the $150 tickets reserved seating?
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-04-01 02:07:33
Longie you can contact me for the $150 tickets and also a rate for the hotel at Sky City
the image girl
Posted: 2005-04-01 05:25:03

Just thought I'd post a few pics up that I took at a press confrence for this today -

Pola Mataele
the image girl
Posted: 2005-04-01 05:28:00

Alexi and his interupter ( spell? doh! )
the image girl
Posted: 2005-04-01 05:30:23

Ron and Peter
the image girl
Posted: 2005-04-01 05:33:03

Jordan -
the image girl
Posted: 2005-04-01 05:35:31

Alexi and Peter
the image girl
Posted: 2005-04-01 05:37:53

Alexi and Peter for the camera
white sniper
Posted: 2005-04-01 23:51:57
fuck i bet she is more than just his interpreter hehe! i want one of them too hehehehe.
white sniper
Posted: 2005-04-01 23:53:14
so what happened there anyway. did the boys tlk it up or was it a pretty relaxed affair???
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-04-03 14:13:08
Chris ive heard you when your pissed & belive me bro you need an interpritor.
white sniper
Posted: 2005-04-03 19:35:22
hehehehehe i wont argue with you there scotty. i will leave it up to you to organise her for the ANZAC show then right? hehehe she better look as good as ignashovs too.
Posted: 2005-04-04 18:53:54
Hey is this on TV
Posted: 2005-04-07 06:54:08
Yes will this be televised.
Posted: 2005-04-07 23:19:14
Good to see that kickboxing is still going well and that the boys aint takin no crap from the Aussies.To allthe fighters all the best and to those lining up against sniper and cheif u better b ready cause BIG AL is working them hard,go da kiwis.
Posted: 2005-04-07 23:20:19
Good to see that kickboxing is still going well and that the boys aint takin no crap from the Aussies.To allthe fighters all the best and to those lining up against sniper and cheif u better b ready cause BIG AL is working them hard,go da kiwis.
Posted: 2005-04-09 23:47:26
Its coming.... sneaking up on us.... 3 weeks to go
Karen Lynch
Posted: 2005-04-13 01:17:42
How much are tickets? How can i get some from Chch?
Posted: 2005-04-13 07:32:17
get them from ticketec range from about $40- 95
Posted: 2005-04-13 16:25:28
Okay guys a little of the topic but this will be my first time in Auckland. Anyone recommend some sites to see?? haha
Maybe we should organise an Ax sightseeing tour!!
But seriously I am up there for 5 days so any tips on what to check out would be welcome.
Posted: 2005-04-13 16:55:52
Yeah JA go check out the white house and maybe the lady/men off k rd. oh what about the avondale trailer park especially on a friday night. hmm theres plenty more sights to see in auckland just got to think.

If youre into more conventional sights maybe head to arataki information centre in the waitakere ranges ,some of the walks in the ranges are pretty sweet too, some of the west coast beaches, mt eden for a view over auckland. auckland mueseum, western springs, mermaids, showies. :)
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-04-13 18:06:16
Looks like you like to get out & about at night.
Tell us more about the avondale trailer park.
are you a regular there?
Posted: 2005-04-13 19:29:40
I was already set to go to Mermaids.. Staying with one of the girls that works there! hehe
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-04-13 19:50:49
ive lived in avondale all my life and dont know about a trailer park, where is it hammer? its not in stoddard rd is it. Does eminem live there. lol
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2005-04-13 21:18:28
well JA if i do make the show I will personally take you to the white house! I can introduce you to some of my ex's and we can be hole brothers hehe!
Posted: 2005-04-13 21:37:31
ahhh haaa haa ha rex you are all class bro.

Aaron its the one on bollard ave, just down from the drug rehabilitation (odysey house) . he he within easy walking distance of pak n save.

Yeah highlander I was a regular a few years ago cause its where I used to live. It would of been that much sweeter though if eminems mum from the movie eight mile was living next door instead of the drunk hori. lol

Although highlander if you play your cards right I could hook you up with my old neighbour. lol I would charge you hardly anything. west side discount for you cause your scottish and all.

JA I think you should take rex up on his offer, he will show you the best sites lol and you cant pass up on an oportunity to become hole brothers he he he
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-04-13 22:52:01
discounts ya recon!!!
Now your talkin my language Hamish!!!

How's my Trophy? You lookin after it for me? Iv'e got your Belt here, Just got to get a print mistake fixed on it and i'll do ya a swap.
Posted: 2005-04-14 02:03:31
Aah just look at quickly we can degrade a nice thread about a major kickboxing promotion in to a discussion on strip joints and whore houses... we are a bunch of nasty nasty men!!!
But I love it!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-04-14 03:33:16
Well lets face it!!! it is the Seady side of Kickboxing. I mean do you really think fighters like going away to shows just to get the shit kicked out of them.
Kickboxing!!!! it's just an ellaberate front for strip joints & whore houses.

Well not for Me of course, as im a marred man, i always thought The White House was in America where the President lived but Rex'y tells me different.
Posted: 2005-04-14 03:49:45
Highlander, A swap? makes me wonder what you want with a now second hand trophy with a plaque on it stating the event and what it was for!! Unless you want to pry the plaque off the front and use it again later lol. That would be very scottish!!
Jeeze hope your not part of the macintosh or macthomas clan, we might be related hehehe.

Little over 2 weeks to go now will see you at the show highlander.

does anyone know if this show is being televised? can not wait to see the pixie vs jordan fight. do it for the westies jordan yeee ahhh
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-04-14 03:58:34
the plaque is only stuck on with double sidded tape, real easy to get off.
I'll be able to keep it and give it back to you if you ever fight on another show i put on.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-04-15 19:06:28
Yes the show will be televised guys on the same evening on TV2 so set your video recorders.

Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-04-17 19:20:19
Two weeks until the Butcher hits NZ!
Prepare for Mad Cow disease!!
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-04-17 21:54:31
MAAATE - you're already suffering from it (LOL)Its going to be time to put a few Aussie heffers to sleep - GOOD NIGHT IRENE!!!!!!!!!

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-04-17 22:05:08
the only mad cows are gonna be the two commentators.
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-04-18 01:42:41
Angove... you better be ready... i'm taking the verbal sparring to a new level on April 30 and the Aussies are ready to step up to the plate in a BIG WAY!
Posted: 2005-04-18 04:47:21
Quick hide all the farm animals the aussies are coming.. Dodgey bastards..
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-04-18 16:34:02
Schiavello you are scaring me, last time it was sheep in your hotel room, now it's cattle - you Aussies take beastiality to a new level ...

You know the joke about not being able to find three wise men and a virgin in Australia - well they were clearly including farm animals in the mix ...

Anyway Mike how is Daisy, did she like that pink cow bell and ribbon you got her ? Is she putting out yet, or are you still on first base ? MOOOOOOO - DOES SHE THINK YOU'RE HORNY BABY ???!!!!!
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-04-18 16:43:36
Actually now that I think about it the only plates that the Aussies will be stepping on to is the hot plate ...

Eye fillet anyone, or tenderised hind quarters perhaps from an arse kicking ?

Yep the Kiwis are looking forward to a full three course meal ... Medium rare for me please.
Posted: 2005-04-19 09:13:26
o man do you think we will hear any new wwf sayings from Mike" the innovator,commentator,masturbator...someone pass me a respirator" schiavello lol , my only criticism is that you borrowed a few "ROCK" lines .. jokes mate hope it allgoes well anyways australians are ok they just " smell a little like off milk " but you get that
Posted: 2005-04-19 15:26:55
And Kahstallion I think New Zealand is a real nice place just reminds me a bit of home on the Gold Coast Too many bloody Kiwis!!
And if Aussies smell like off milk its still an improvement on that Sheep Dip you kiwis reak of!! haha
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-04-20 22:20:26
ttt only 9 days to go - the cattle in NZ a are qivering in fear, they've heard Schiavello is on way.
Adrian R
Posted: 2005-04-21 04:05:02
Great line-up,

I reckon one of the fights of the night will be Chris Johnson vs Joe White
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2005-04-21 16:53:18
yeah that will be a close one.joe is on fire at the moment and mind you so is chris. it will be a classic tall vs short match up!
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-04-21 18:02:08
Who you callin short rexy - Chris told me he was 6 ft 3
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2005-04-21 19:13:44
When Chris Is Drinking Bourbon He's A Friggin Monster! ...I'm Sure He Was Like 10 Foot Tall Last Time I Saw Him!? (Burp) :-/
white sniper
Posted: 2005-04-21 23:51:00
shut up aaron my focus is on fighting and partying after hehehe! im a vodka and redbull drinker now. see you there ey and definitely at the after party hehe! hopefully pete can mess up iggy so i can go for his interpreter hehehe!
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2005-04-22 02:16:13
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-04-23 19:17:43
1wk to Go!!!


Is my ticket in the post, Or shall i just use last years one?
Posted: 2005-04-23 21:40:18
Dixon, Who have you got officiating for this event?

Terry has run out of time to try to organise anything on his end as the meetings spoken about haven't eventuated, and with one week left time is a precious priority.

Hope all is looking good for all the fighters.
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2005-04-24 00:57:53
mark there is a new ref in town now brother -ask terry !he will tell ya Rex stumble Redden is the new k1 oceania ref!hehe
Posted: 2005-04-24 01:47:09
oh dear - god save the ring girls!!!!!!!!
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-04-25 18:10:06
Posted: 2005-04-25 22:19:17
Not long now hey!!
Just wondering about the weigh in and press conference etc. Just wondering where its all being held and time etc. Can anyone attend?
Well good luck to everyone involved and I am looking forward to a corker of a night!!
Bring It On!!! Aussie Aussie Aussie!! OI OI OI!!!!!
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-04-25 23:09:14
This is gonna be huuuuge!
Posted: 2005-04-26 05:11:44
ja im hoping australia does really well i surely do but unfortunatley you cant beat class an the kiwis have more class in their squad , you best hope is a fighter whos a kiwi so its a win win situation there .I hope peter graham does well cus hes someone whos been a big dissappointment to me only because he has more ability than nearly every top oceania fighter around but he tends to get overawed against the bigger names ..and if he showed them less respect as against stan longinidis he would be kicking ass all over the world .
Posted: 2005-04-26 06:22:34
Kahstallion....I bet you don't know that his father is also Kiwi?? Pete's dad I mean..He!he! (true fact)

Also, when Pete fought Stan, that was a while ago. I think he has improved 150% (in all area) since that fight. One thing really stood out for me is his confidence and media skills. (both pre-fight and after fight comments). I think he has improved in that area 300%. He sells himself really well here during his last couple of times in Kiwi Land. That was one of the main point the K-1 was looking for during the earlier days. I thought he is very unlucky not to be a regular feature in Japan. Espcially after giving Bojansky a good fight a couple of years ago. If Pete looses now, it will be lacked of concentration, and not listening to his corner. He will only be beaten by a stronger and smarter fighter on the night. I don't think Peter will lose because of being overrawed. Not anymore anyway. Hell...he has beaten Mark Hunt and Sam Greco. If that doesn't make any fighter realise his true potentials, than nothing will.
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-04-26 07:02:33
If Peter beats Alexi do you think the k1 doors will open for him? To be honest the fight I really want to see is Ray vs Peter.
Posted: 2005-04-26 07:27:55
I honestly don't know Aaron. Alexi won't be easy task though. He really wants to prove to the locals and people back home in Belarus that moving to New Zealand was a right choice for him. He is also very hungry to win, not just Peter.

On the otherhand, if Pete beats Alexi and go to Japan because of it, it will only make things more confusing. Where does it leave Jason Suttie since he has beaten Peter in their last bout not so long ago?? LOL! Only Dixon can really answer that I guess.

Your wish might come true Aaron. Dixon was hinting that Ray might be fighting at home before the end of the year. Don't know who Ray will be fighting though. Again, Dixon will no doubt post the answer on AX once everything is finalised.
Posted: 2005-04-26 07:32:31
Peter Graham is probably the highest profile Oceania local based fighter at the moment(Heavyweight I mean). If they are looking for a local fighter for Ray to fight than I guess he would be amongst the first choice.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-04-26 14:36:49
He Would be the first choice & the more Politacly correct choice.
Ray vs Jason would bring the house down,
It would be the biggest crowd New Zealand would ever see in Kickboxing.
John Rebel Conway
Posted: 2005-04-26 15:57:52
I think ray vs anyone will be a big draw card at home. We could do the marketing for Dixon and voice our view and suggest whom ray could fight at home.
How about a boxing match with Shane Cameron for the NZ profession heavyweight title?
Or Chauncy Welliveer who has never been Ko ed
Sefo VS Carter
Sefo VS Mo
The list really could go on and on. But if the fans demand it the fight will happen
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-04-26 16:10:36
Ray vs Jase would be a bad fight for the Sport ... Why ? Because we still need to have Kiwis unified as a suporting crowd and fighting fighters from other countries not amongst ourselves. I'd like to see Jase, Ray, Peter and Alexei for example fighting the best from the states eg Mo, Mike McD, Carter Williams and Maybe Eastman or Dewy Cooper ... That would be a great show cost a bit to put on but a great show!!!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-04-26 17:07:28
It would be no different than any other sporting code that compete against each other.
Super 12 Rugby. You have all the best Rugby players in Nz competing against each other week in week out for the hounour of being at the top of the ladder and calling themselfs the best team in New Zealand.
With kickboxing we have Ray Sefo who wants to be Known as the best fighter in New Zealand & you have Jason Suttie that also wants to be known as the best fighter in New Zealand.
Now the only way i can see it is:
you either toss a coin and whoever calls it right is the best,
do it the proper way and let em fight to see who really is the best fighter in New Zealand.
They have both been produced from the same mould (lollo) They have both come through several different weight divisions to get to heavyweight. They both have multiple World Titles, They have both gone seperate ways from there original beggining, And they both want to be Known as the best fighter in New Zealand.
I dont see nothing bad for the sport there Mike!!!!
Posted: 2005-04-26 17:25:45
I think it all depends on the outcome of the fight really. Suppose they fight and Jason beat Ray. It would have been a great match up, not just for Jason but all the local K-1 heavyweights, wouldn't it? But suppose if Ray beat Jason easily? It would have been a bad fight for Jason and his management, as well as for the local heavyweights. K-1 would still believe that there is a vast difference in standard between the contracted K-1 fighters in Japan, and local K-1 fighters, therefore they will make them wait even longer. By bringing a fighter who make regular apperance at Japan's K-1, but not as good as Ray, would have been a smarter move. I'm not suggesting this to protect Jason, as we all know that Jason will fight anybody, even on short noticed. Isn't that what you are suggesting Mike? Well...yes and no to be honest (my opinion only).

I remember when we first made it to Japan with Ray during the mid 90's. I used to send Ray's profiles and demo videos to K-1 after he won an ISKA World title. K-1 wasn't even interested. I thought the only way we can do this is by bringing a fighter who had fought at K-1. So we brought over Andre Manaart from Holland. Ray defeated him and I believe helped K-1 to take a serious look at Ray. Of course I asked Andrew Peck to personally take the video to the K-1 head quatars which he did, and Minatoya and Attokawa viewed it before passing it on to Mr. Ishii. Mike....Nowdays I think K-1 seems to have different strategy. I think K-1 is more interested on TV coverage worldwide (obviously as K-1 really breaking all sort of record in coverage) than special talents from smaller nations. Business wise, I totally understand. USA and Europe has millions of viewers compare to NZ's 4 million in total population. What I'm really saying is, even if Jason beat Ray, it would only help him put one foot into Japan K-1, but does not guarantee anything (today I mean). He (and Peter Graham) has been doing everything that was ask of him and still not in Japan. As Dixon quoted earlier, Jason's style doesn't attract K-1. How many guys from bigger nations fighting at K-1 with ordinary skills, that you think Jason has a chance of beating? Now go and figure it out.
John Rebel Conway
Posted: 2005-04-26 17:48:35
Ray fighting Jason is a lose lose case, for both fighters.
Ray dose not a have an issue with being identified as the best fighter who leaf the shores. There is no reason for this fight to take place. The fights we want to see are our fighters competing against the best from abroad.
So highlander stop starting trouble or I will get Hamish to give you a black eye, you to lighting.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-04-26 18:45:56
Me no causing trouble reble.
Me to want to see our fighter fighting overseas opponents.
All im saying is it would be a great fight to see.
No need to get your shirt rippped off rebel
Posted: 2005-04-26 19:04:13
Scotty, it's already been ripped anyway from eating those McDonalds..He!he! But he will still blame you for it..LOL!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-04-26 19:08:10
That's the Irish for you lollo!!!
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-04-26 20:46:07
Scotty - if the sport we as well developed in NZ as Super 12 was and NZ was already regarded as a world power in Kickboxing then it would be an equivalent scenario you raise, but as yet it is not.

At this stage of the sports development is it about promoting our premiere fighters internationally and developing their individual profiles as well as cultivating a strong local support base. If we match up Ray and Jase we run the risk of have only one fighter to promote internationally as opposed to two or more.

I'd rather see 3 or 4 of our fighters all winning against international opponents as opposed to one, I believe that would be better for the develppment of the sport long term.

K-1 typically has matched our top fighters further up the track prior to the grand prix finals anyway - (eg Mark vs Ray, Adam Watt vs Ray, Ray vs Peter, Peter vs Sam, Ray vs Sam) so lets give the guys more development against international opponents, and our crowds more opportunity to see our boys up against top international fighters.

Rebel - I have had enough black eyes from you already over the years no need for any more, I give up.

Lollo yeah re K-1's stratgey you could be right on the money there, I think they are chasing markets with more earning potential - either way Jase, and in the Future the Paulas, Peter Sampsons, Daniels are still better served by fighting other international fighters to force their way into contention rather than keeping the staus quo of one maybe two fighters from Oceania flying the flag.
Posted: 2005-04-26 21:25:18
I think Rebel is part Scottish as well, that's why he wants someone else to pay for the shirt. But blaming another Scottsman is a huge ask..LOL!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-04-26 21:41:20
I wonder what part of him is Scotish?
It's definatly not his looks, Cos he definatly has that Irish look about him.
And just remember this:
if he ever say's to you he's just going out to do a Blow Job, Its not what you think he's off to do.
When an Irish man says that to you there is definatly going to be some casualties.
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-04-27 05:40:29
Lollo good to see you posting on ax again, your posts are very interesting as you know how the system works, is this a sign that Balmoral and yourself are going to be more active in kickboxing scene again?
Posted: 2005-04-27 06:03:01
Aaron, I'm slowy getting back into it, but I will still have to remind myself to put quality time aside for Natz and Junior (Lollo) as top priority. Kickboxing 2nd (not like the old days).
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-04-27 16:00:49
hey lollo, in your experience do you think training fighters is worth the time and effort? i dont just meaning training the average student rather training that same average person to be ready to fight now that you have a family that needs your time?

John Rebel Conway
Posted: 2005-04-27 17:08:11
That’s a very good question Aaron.
On the night when they win fights and titles it seems worth it. But when you are waiting at 6am to take then for a run, all they miss night training for a party, pull out of fights, miss paying their fees not to mention wracking your arms on the pads. Sometime you have to wonder
Posted: 2005-04-27 18:39:13
He!he!he! Rebel has a great point.LOL! I think I have been very lucky to have a very supporting wife, as far as family concern. I think it's very important to have the family's support. Although I used to put more time to the gym and fighters in the past, I would always try to have quality time with my wife whenever I can (even before our child was born). e.g. If I go on tour with the fighters, lots of time I would try and get my wife to go if we can afford it. And sometimes we can't afford but we'll find a way for her to come anyway. If not, as soon as get back, I would make sure to have a little break away from Kick Boxing with her. But I didn't start doing that until about 3-4 years into our marriage. Lucky for me I didn't stuff it up prior to that. LOL!

I honestly believe that if things going well at home, it usually make you sharper and happier at the gym. And fighters can sense that. Positive vibes starts with the trainer. So when the usuall challenges happen with the fighters, you are probably more forgiving at the gym (sometimes.LOL!)As rebel said, there will be times when you feel they don't appreciate your help etc..Trust me, I've been there. LOL! I now give up trying to understand fighters mentality when they don't do what you want. It can only cause more stress..LOL! You probably understand by now being a trainer for few years that it comes with the teritory, as you are dealing heaps of different personalities, ethnics, religions, egos, laziness and so on.

Financially, it's a huge struggle and lost more than make, but in the past we've managed to cope as my wife was working full time and we had no children. I owe my success to her to be honest. Now we have a child, we had to alter our priority. Was it worth doing it in the past? Hell yeah!!! Perhaps if we did have children earlier, I might not be able to do what I've doing in the last 15 years. But having guys win titles and been to the K-1 in Japan was well worth it. And to top it off for me personally was being at the Olympic games. I wouldn't change the clock even with the frustration times (every trainers prevelidge lol!)like Rebel mentioned. I have a group of new young fighters coming up, so I expect more frustrations, but not get caught off guard anymore.LOL!
Posted: 2005-04-27 19:17:38
I don't really care who does it but I think that Lollo's situation highlights why it's vital that someone can get SPARC recognition for the sport. Look at how much Lollo has given to the sport in this country and how much international success his fighters have had over the years but as he has highlighted it has been a constant struggle it has been financially. Imagine the difference if we had funding and could nominate him as the national coach or something similar and he could get paid for doing what he does best full time?! Obviously it's not just a struggle for Lollo but what SPARC funding and a national organisation could provide is at least some financial support for some of our best coaches and fighters.

Like I have said elsewhere - I just hope all the various factions can all get together and come up with some kind of unified approach for the good of the sport and for the good of all of our trainers who keep the sport going through their blood, sweat, tears, and financial sacrifices.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-04-27 21:50:25
Good Comments Matt you should start a thread on it, becasue outside of a very choosen few most of us have made huge sacrfices for the sport we love particularly the trainers and coaches and for often little reward.

Thinking of the time in involved and the number of trainers with child and families to support its a huge sacrifice which I think as fighter we sometime forget.

On another topic any predictions for ANZACS:

Peter vs Alexei

Jason vs Chris C

Ronny vs Slowinski

Paula vs Mitch

Tai vs Zanchetta

Peter Sampson vs Kevin Blanche

Chris Johnson vs Joe White

Jordon vs Pixie

Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-04-27 22:02:41
My thoughts for ANZACS famoous last words but

Peter vs Alexei - Alexei overwhealming favorite but coming of some mediocre performances including going the distance with Paul Slowniski who Peter TKO'd. So a sharp Peter Grahme could do the job.

Jason vs Chris C - Chris coming of the bad KO loss to Matt Samoa, he has the kind of awkward bullocking style that might worry Jason, but Jason has now found his weight and Power at Heavyweight

Ronny vs Slowinski - rematch after Slowinski won on points after the benefit of a suspiciously long count in their last match up. Sefo needs to up the work rate.

Paula vs Mitch - the old war horse against 6 ft 7 banger, who is now training with Alexei's trainer. Should go for the young fella but then Mtich can really bang

Tai vs Zanchetta - Huge experience gap Tai taking huge step up against Zanchettawho is a big leg slinger. Zanchetta coming off a KO loss to Meads

Peter Sampson vs Kevin Blanche - Pete is a big kicker with developing hands, Blanche beat Mitch Ohello with knees not so long ago but won't have the grappling luxury under K-1 rules. But Nick Stone is a very good trainer with a wealth of KB rules experience so an intriging match up between two very tall men

Chris Johnson vs Joe White - Joe has Super league experience and recently stoped Supacharge but generally lacks one off KO power (but great Knee KO against Vermoa) vs Chris who has concrete in his chin and has improved tremendously with Alex Tui at the Redfern gym in Sydney. This fight will likley go the distance and be a war.

Jordon vs Pixie - under K-1 rules Tai should have too much power but Pxie belies his girly name and is one talented and tough son of a gun.

Any predictions any one ....
Posted: 2005-04-27 22:20:13
Alexi to beat Peter by decision

Jason to beat Chris (decision or 3rd round TKO?). Jason is just too skilled and too classy for Chris. The Aussie is tough though and will make Jason work for it.

If Ron turns up and fights Slowinski like he does against Jason he will win by decision, if he falls into his bad habit of sleepwalking through the fight - Slowinski by decision. It's a revenge match so hopefully Ron will be fired up!

Paula vs Mitch - don't know - leaning towards Paula but we haven't really seen him take a hit to this point so don't know how he will deal with Mitch's power.

Tai vs Zanchetta - don't know enough about either fighter.

Peter Sampson vs Kevin Blanch - only know that Blanch has victories over Matt Samoa and Mitch but haven't seen him fight. Peter is looking sharp in training though so I'll say him by decision.

Joe vs Chris - Joe by decision

Jordan vs Pixie - Jordan by either 3rd round KO or decision

Posted: 2005-04-27 22:38:42
Okay now its timne for my biased Australian opinion....
Alexi v Peter.. Honestly Peter. Alexi hasnt found form for a while while Peter has been steam rolling along except for a loss to Jason (close points from memory) Mayeb the cushy Auckland lifestyle has made Iggy Soft!!!! haha
Jason v Chris C. Well Big Chris has it in him but I do think that Jason will just be too fast and busy... so I will give that one to the kiwis..
Ron vs Slowinski.... I think Paul can win this one. Fast crisp combos and kicks like a mule!
Paulo v Mitch.. From memory Mitch hasnt had a great run of late.. Paulo has been improving consistantly with every outing. Close fight either Paulo on points or Mitch by KO
Tavita v "The Butcher" Yeah Brett hard a KO loss to meads but then won a close points decision against the russian. I dont think Nugget will be taking Tavita lightly and not knowing much about him myself I am gonna go with the butcher.
Sampson and Blanch.. well I really know nothing about either so... draw???
Joe vs Chris... Well the sniper has come on in leaps and bounds lately and that KO over Ozkan recently puts him in form.. So in this one I will go for the Aussie, no kiwi, no aussie well chris!
Jordan and Pixie.. Yeah Jordan is sharp and has great hands but Pixie aint no slouch either. And he has stunned some Thais with his power as well.. Think it will be a fast furious war with the Aussie victorious!!!
Either way I am looking forward to my First McIvor production!! Its gonna be a great night of fights and if the glitz and glamour live up to Schiavellos hype then I think it will just be a great night!!!
choppa the terror parr
Posted: 2005-04-27 23:05:59
my picks

The chief
K Blanche
Joe white
Jordan Tai

I just hope no one puts those cones on the road so they can force us to pay $5 for parking
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-04-28 15:47:08
Choppa the terror parr - LOL great name bro !!!!
Posted: 2005-04-28 16:27:45
Good Luck 2 All the fighters.

Alexei to beat Graham in the 2nd round.
Chris.C to win by tko in 3rd round. fight stopped and Jason ripped off.Cut to eye.
Slowinski to beat Sefo in the 2nd round.Leg injury to Sefo.
Paulo to beat Mitch on points Decision.
Tai to beat Zanchetta by Decision.
Jordan to beat Pixie by ko in the 2nd round.

Dont know to much about other fighters sorry.
Hope my predictions r wrong and the KIWIS do it.

Go Hard Kiwis
Adrian R
Posted: 2005-04-29 10:14:26
Peter vs Alexei - Alexei

Jason vs Chris C - Jason by KO

Ronny vs Slowinski - Ronny KO

Chris Johnson vs Joe White - my prediction for fight of the night, think it will go to a decision

Jordon vs Pixie - hard one, Tai since ut's K-1 rules, Pixie if they fought Thai rules.

Great card and look forward to seeing the video.

Best of luck to all the fighters.
the image girl
Posted: 2005-04-29 17:13:13

Chris Johnson weighing in at yesterdays press confrence for tonight
the image girl
Posted: 2005-04-29 17:19:43

All the best everyone - have an awesome night, enjoy your bouts and be the best you can be
the image girl
Posted: 2005-04-29 17:23:42

and Jordan -
the image girl
Posted: 2005-04-29 17:27:47

the image girl
Posted: 2005-04-29 17:34:15

and Jase Suttie -

Haven't got time to post the rest up - am fullon editing and sorting work from last nights Cullen Sports boxing also so - will try and get these up on my website latish thisafternoon though -

See you all tonight -


image girl

the image girl
Posted: 2005-04-29 17:43:00
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-04-29 18:08:04
how big is Paul Slowinski!!! he just keeps growing, good press confrence, Jason Suttie was polite and Humerous as usual, Peter Graham spoke very well referring to this being an A.N.Z.A.C test and that someone will go home in a body bag. Alexi promised to do the Haka real soon, (jokingly i hope)

Alot of new comers abit shy to the whole event, there are diffinately no easy fights tonight and i feels sorry for the Judges, me being one of them hehe

Bondi Muay Thai Centre
Posted: 2005-04-29 19:57:41
Go the Chief and the White Sniper!
Alex D
Posted: 2005-04-30 08:08:37
great event! lots of heart in all the fights, except I think from Ignashov... I dont know whats going on with him but he just wasnt throwing like we all know he can. Where is the ignashov of old with the deadly knees and kicks?

And I am dissapointed by the crowd in the Suttie fight... I think Chris was right to give them a good earful. I think that none of those people who were booing have even trained before let alone gotten in the ring, I know just from being in a fighters corner it can be a nerve wracking experience, so I cant imagine how it would be for the fighters... no fighter who gets in the ring and gives it their all should be booed.

apart from that though, great fights, I think this showcases the big pool of talent here in oceania... some great boxer vs kicker match ups.. and you got a few seconds on tv Lollo :D
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2005-04-30 09:02:02
Well Said Alex,

Results ...

Fight #1 : Brett Zanchetta (Aus) vs Tavita Tai (N.Z)

Tavita shook Brett in the first but Brett was busier in rounds 2 and 3

Winner: Brett via Unannumous Points Decision

Fight #2 : Kevin Blanche (Aus) vs Peter Sampson (N.Z)

Kevins guard was very open and lacked power when delivering blows (Some nice hand work at times though)

Winner: Peter via K.O. through punches in round 2

Fight #3 : Chris Johnson (Aus) vs Joe White (N.Z)

Joe was on fire through all 3 rounds but Chris showed a huge heart and a granite chin.

Winner : Joe via unannumous points decision

Fight #4 : Mitch O'Hello (Aus) vs Pola Mataele (N.Z)

Pola was all over Mitch from the bell but Mitch showed great heart to stay in as long as he did as Pola's power was overwelming.

Winner: Pola via K.O. in round one

Fight #5 : Ben Burton (Aus) vs Jordan Tai (N.Z)

Ben won round one and was winning round 2 until Jordan rocked him towards the end with punches, Jordan rocked Ben again with punches in round 3 which resulted in a standing 8 count but Ben's thigh kicks and knees were scoring well and taking their toll on Jordan.

Winner: Jordan via unannumous points decision ...but I believe it should have gone an extension round

Fight #6 : Paul Slowinski (Aus) vs Ron Sefo (N.Z)

Ron rocked Paul a few times with big punches but Paul punished Rons legs bad in all 3 rounds

Winner: Paul via Split Decision but I believe it should have been unannumous

Fight #7 : Chris Chrisopoulides (Aus) vs Jason Suttie (N.Z)

Round one was probably a draw but I believe rounds 2 and 3 went to Chris on points and should not have gone the 2 extension rounds, Jason showed huge heart but Chris was better on the night ...Big Ups to Chris for giving the crowd shit for booing Jason for not getting up before the count in round 5 but in my opinion I believe Jason thought Chris had won convincingly and was fatigued

Winner : Chris via T.K.O in Round 5 (2nd Extension)

Fight #8 : Peter Graham (Aus) vs Alexey Ignashov (N.Z)

Peter won round One through being busier, Alexey shook Peter with a nice straight right in round 2 and probably stole that round ...Alexey was starting to fatigue in round 3 and Peter was scoring well.
I thought Peter done enough to win the fight after the first 3 rounds but It went 2 extensions with Peter eventually coming out the victor.

Winner : Peter via Split Decision but should have been unannumous

Some awesome fights, all fighters showed great heart, just a pitty some of the judging wasn't up to scratch.

Final Score = Australia: 4 , New Zealand: 4

Stu Chambers
Posted: 2005-04-30 09:10:30
I beleive Jordan should have lost, Pixie was robbed
( o Y o )
Posted: 2005-04-30 09:23:47
I am depressed with the results, but it sounds like it was another exciting show!
Alex D
Posted: 2005-04-30 09:25:34
I agree Aaron, especially about the Jordan Tai fight.. shouldve been an extension round. I think Paulo could have a big future in k-1, he has developed so much since his first fight, he was really chaining his punches kicks and knees together well, and has great speed for such a big guy.
Posted: 2005-04-30 15:04:40
aaron Kerr..... "Pity some of the judging wasnt up to scratch" To continue that thoght heres a question:

Commentators constantly commented on the knee rules during the course of the night right, did colin Smith have a different set of rules to ref by? Iggy/Graham and Blanche/Sampson seemed to be made up of 50% knee fighting?

Told you Dixon, that after the Tua night I would never critisize again.... And I wont, but I will raise the odd query... lol.

Heres my scorecard (for what its worth)

Zanchetta 10 10 10 30
Tavita 9 9 9 27

Johnson 9 9 9 27
White 10 10 10 30

Pixie 10 10 10 30
Jordan 10 10 9 29

Slowinski 10 10 10 30
Sefo 10 9 9 28

Chriso 10 10 10 30 extension 1: 9
Suttie 10 9 9 28 extension 1: 10

Graham 10 9 10 29 extension 1: 10 extension 2: 10
Iggy 9 10 10 29 extension 1: 9 extension 2: 9
(If it had have been a knee fight, which it indeed appeared to be, the result may well have been the opposite.)

I think the big winners on the night were Joe White, (tremendous taking apart of the Sniper, who toughed it out big time and seemed to be enjoying that beer afterwards!) Pola Mataele (who is just getting better and scarier) and John Conway, who had a great night in the middle of the ring.
Posted: 2005-04-30 16:40:16
I agree, I thought pixie deserved a draw at least. Some good fights and was good to see that Graham got the win.

Rebel reffed his fights really well.

Well done dixon seems to be getting bigger every show.

I Am looking forward to the next one already.
Posted: 2005-04-30 17:34:17
sounds like a great show well done dixon, look forward to seeing it! aus 4 nz 4, nice work kiwis. makes up for the dissapointing anzac test match. hate seeing kiwis lose to australia!
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2005-04-30 19:45:26
i think there wasa diff scoring system on the night with judges being able to give 10-9.2 rounds and all sorts.
fractions ????
i am glad mrk wasnt judging looking at his score cards hehe!i thought pixie won the first two rounds clearly and then got that 8 count which the ref was a bit fast to administer (being only a three round fight an 8 count can put the fighter back on points to far).
i thought graham won his fight in the first three rounds easy duno why they had to go an extra 2 rounds.
whats up with ignashov?
he just didnt look like he even wanted to be in there?
and the biggest upset was godzilla stopping suttie!
But it was his night and everything he done was working-just one of those fights! shame the judges didnt just see it for what it was and after three rounds give it chris-then suttie wouldnt have had to come out and finish the fight the way it did.jase is a true warrior and it sucked how the crowd booed when he didnt get up.Just shows how the nz crowd loves ya when your winning but really puts the boot in when your losing!
But hey that is the fight game-you win some-you lose some!
I am sure jas wlll be back harder than ever.

Joe white was amazing to watch.every area of his fighting was so complete and he proved that he is prob the best 78 kg fighter in the south pacific.
who can beat him?

and wow peter sampson is a force to be reckoned with!
aaron dixon what are you putting in the water down in hamilton? joe and pete were in top form!

was there a fourth judge on the night?
Posted: 2005-04-30 20:09:04
will we get to see joe white fight here in australia? i hope so, he sounds entertaining!
Posted: 2005-04-30 20:11:16
Great show. I liked the fight between Ray Sefo and Fransisco Fhilo at half time (lol).
It was a shame that the judges called the draw again in the Godzilla-Suttie fight, Jason shouldn't have had to go into that last round! He gave everything he had and then some, what a warrior. And as for the booing....just a bunch of wankers.
Looking forward to watching Ray sefo vs Peter Graham on July 16.
Posted: 2005-04-30 21:03:00
Disapointing to hear Ignashov not really showing his true skill on the night, not sure if there was a reason for that.
Not taking anything away from the chief, defeating the russian even when Ignashov is not at his best is still a fantastic result for anyone let a alone the chief.
However, it does show peters professionalism in preparing for his fights. Peter always fights to his potential.

Another big scalp for Peter... Mark Hunt,almost Bojanski and now Alexei.

congratulations and well done.
Posted: 2005-04-30 21:49:44
Quite right rexy... i screwed that up while transferring from paper to here.... my bad!!!!!
Posted: 2005-04-30 23:57:12
jase is a true warrior and it sucked how the crowd booed when he didnt get up.Just shows how the nz crowd loves ya when your winning but really puts the boot in when your losing!

That's some fucked up shit right there. Bunch of fucken yobbo's that don't know shit about ring fighting.
Posted: 2005-05-01 00:31:53
wow wouldnt mine watch this show after read what has been said wouldnt mine see this pixie vs tai fight thats for sure
Maybe now pixie mite move up in weight & fight at 70 to 72 kgs a little more after that out come
Posted: 2005-05-01 01:05:18
Shane oz - maybe they werent booing at Jase not gettin up.... maybe they were booing that there was even a 2nd extension round. Way I hear it is that Jason won the first extension round on all the judges cards, but that is second hand info. Maybe the judges could tell us all which way they went for that extension round - and why it went to a second ........

Was the Slowinski/Sefo bout really a split?

"Things that make you go - hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm???????"

Posted: 2005-05-01 05:08:28
I really enjoyed the show it was awesome with some great fights. Joe white fought really well showing true class, that guy just keeps going from strength to strength.
It was also great to see slowinski over here again, I love the way he fights ever since I watched a tape of him fighting on of the mckinnon brothers. I really didnt think that his fight with rony needed to go an extension either, I thought he won out right.
Pixie vs jordan was another great fight and I thought it was close but would have swayed more toward pixie because of his work rate and knees etc ,I love the knees though .
Also loved watching peter sampson fighting, man that guy has brutal leg kicks.
Posted: 2005-05-01 05:46:50
I was talking to my old man tonight,He lives in N.Z. and he watched the fights, He said the same thing about the judging, It was'nt consistent. He did tell me it was a good night of fights though. I look forward to seeing the tape when it arrives. When i left N.Z. 4 years ago i would never of thought kickbocking was going to be televised on free to air tv. Well done Dixon Mciver!
Posted: 2005-05-01 05:57:25
I also thought Pixie was hard done by. Judging by his result, I think Jordan felt the same. Nevermind.

Joe White Vs Chris Johnston was awesome. So were all the others though, all in all a entertaining event. I will never understand how the the judging works in this crazy sport though.

Posted: 2005-05-01 05:58:16
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-05-01 05:59:53
Well done Dixon on an AWESOME show... hope everyone enjoyed the TV2 coverage.

My thoughts:


Slowinski vs Sefo was a cracker... Sefo looked sharp and rattled Paul with some real thumping punches (even perferated his eardrum), but this was Slowinski at his brutal best... his workrate was astonishing, like a middleweight, and his kicks were so incredibly powerful it was scary to watch. Slowinski has improved in leaps and bounds and really is right up there now... I'd love to see him rematch and BEAT Ignashov in July at the Oceania show.

Chrisopoulidis vs Suttie... another cracker... Chris won't mind me saying that when he took this fight, he almost defeated himself mentally. Suttie is an intimidating fighter, and though Chris has fought Graham x 2, Slowinski x 2, TeRangi, Musashi, etc, I dont think he has ever been as "nervous" before a fight as taking on Suttie in front of Suttie's home crowd... but the thing that we said to Chris was that to beat Jason you have to bully him and not be intimidated by him... take it up to him from the outset, show him who's boss, dont take a backward step and make him back up... this is what Chris did exactly. His leg kicks really hurt Jason, and Jason's rib kicks realy hurt Chris... I thought Chris had won it after 3 rounds, but they gave an extension, which was close, and another extension in which Chris took out Jase's legs... first time I have seen the towel thrown in for Suttie.

Tai vs Pixie... wow what a Max fight... I love Jordan Tai but he was schooled here by Pixie... have to admit I thought Tai would have had Pixie's measure as I was not impressed by Pixie under K-1 rules last time out against Kojiro, but with more knees allowed, Pixie took Tai to town... the eight count was a bit premature I believe and after three rounds I had Pixie winning it... most everyone I spoke to thought that Pixie was hard done by with this decision... a rematch would be fantastic.


POLA MATAELE... the Cassius Clay of Kickboxing... The Tongan Tornado... he took the next step up in his blossoming K-1 career by taking on 36 year old legend Mitch O'Hello... now Mitch is a big banger who can take a knock, but he just couldn't contend with the sheer size, power and ferocity Mataele... I spoke to Mitch after the fight and he was stunned that Mataele went after his legs! "I didn't expect him to do that at all," said Mitch. "He started the fight with a leg kick and it just threw me."... trust me folks, there is a good reason why Pola is being groomed as the NEXT BIG THING

PAUL SLOWINSKI... I thought this was his sharpest and most brutal performance yet.

CHRIS CHRISOPOULIDES... big Chris had a game plan and stuck to it... he took some hard shots from Jase but was constantly backing up Jason and also defeating him psychologically by calling him on -- I have never seen someone call on Jason Suttie like that. Interesting to note that Chris ALWAYS performs better against the opponents we all think will hand him his ass (Musashi, TeRangi, Suttie) and struggles against the ones we think will be walk-overs (Samoa, Kemp)

RON SEFO... yes he was beaten, but Rony looked powerful and his hands were excellent... some more kicks wouldn't have gone astray, but this was Rony looking very sharp

PETER GRAHAM... his was a slow-burner of a fight but the Chief withstood an early assault in the second from Iggy and stuck to a game plan that negated a lot of Iggy's technique. Clever fight from The Chief... is Ray Sefo next?

PIXIE... awesome performance... he owned Tai in the clinch and kicking

JOE WHITE... wow, haven't seen much of this lanky light heavyweight but he totally blew us all away with his power and technique against the White Sniper... let's get this guy to Oz!

Alex D
Posted: 2005-05-01 06:30:41
haha Mike, I always enjoy your commentary... im sure one of these days you and Angove are going to come to blows :D maybe it could be the next k-1 superfight! they already had a ref in there in the seoul GP, so why not?

Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-01 15:59:42
I think Pixie was hard done by he won the first two rounds and the third went to jordon 10 - 8 therefore should have had a draw and an extention round

Jase and Chris was extremely close all four rounds - so I wouldn't argue with the draw call - alhtough I personally thought Jase won the fourth. But you know in a close fight everyone is going to have a different opinion.

People forget about Chris that he has twice pushed Peter Graham extremely hard and has been unlucky not to get the deicsion on their last fight - so an upset yes , but Chris is no flash in the pan who has come from no where. And their is no doubt Jasob Suttie will be back twice as hard.

Iggy was dissapointing - he re damaged his posterior criciate ligament (the same one he tore against Bregy) in the first round which is why their were no kicks (three in the fight). But a great result for Pete and Oceania

My fighter of the night was Paul Slowinski - who really stepped up another notch against Ron - Sefo showed huge heart and took alot of punishment coming back to rock Paul on several occassions.

I thought both Rebel and Colin did a great job in the refing - particularly getting in between some big big men.

On this occassion I think Schiavello and I disagreed quite strongly on two of the fights Pixie - he thought should have won but most people I think believe the draw should have been called.

And Chris vs Jase - Mike thought Chris should have got the call again too close in mind mind to call. But Schiavello is an Aussie and I am a Kiwi after all.

Great result for the younger fighters - Particularly Slowinski, Mataele and Samson. Joe White showed his class too.
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2005-05-01 16:19:21
hey mike can you tell us about the jdges scoring system? were fractions used on the night eg.9.5?
and can you tell us the situation with knees in japan? i heard knees a still a no go in japan max?
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-01 16:22:38
Mark Cr the problem with your score card is that it is all 10/9, k1 uses point five if rounds are close, your score for pixie and jordan was 30,29 giving Jordan 9 for the last round in which he scored a knock down? At the end of Jason and Chris 4th round i had it 10 9.5, Jason ahead, i would have given it 10 9 to Jason but Chris finished strongly, still Jason might have derserved the full point,

K1 judging critreia is actually become quite complex, one thing i will say is that all the judges dicisions on the night were unamious, how often is it that all 3 judges get it wrong?

I dont think we made any bad decisions some fights were very close and sometimes your view of the fight may determine the decision eg different angles of the ring etc.

John Rebel Conway
Posted: 2005-05-01 18:45:49
I thought the judging was good. You sore 10 to the winner of the round and 9.5, 9, 8.5, and 8 or 7 if there are two knock downs. This is straight from Japan and the fighters know the scoring system. The K1 fighter’s goals are to compete in Japan for the big prize this is where and why the fighters must learn, understand and live with the fact that they are in the K1 game and that is how K1 works.
When a fight is close there are always mixed feelings and there always will be. A judge will score more for a good leg kick where another judge may have missed it because the ring post may have blocked their view.
Jason and Chris was a very very close fight and I thought Jas won round four.
Pixies and Jordan had a good fight and I would have like to have seen an extra round.
But I wasn’t the judge; there were 3 competent judgers with a wealth of experience in the sport, and i trust that they made the right decisions throughout the night.

When I started kick boxing 20 years ago in a back street gym with Simon Scott and Jason Kerr. We had to share a gym with boxers whom did not like kick fighters . The fighters often fought out of their weight class just to get a fight and some of the fights were raw as hell. We use to fight in long pants and had to kick more than 8 times in a round all we would loss that round. Then came the lee gar boys and the standard went up with lollol leading the way.

Under lollol, Ray Sefo made TV interested in the sport and they started showing bits and pieces on TV
Now look where the sport is.
Today a fighter can make a living from fighting and the interest in the sport is still growing
Where will it be in the next 20 years?
mark pease
Posted: 2005-05-01 18:46:43
Firstly thank you to Dixon (a true gentleman of our sport)and his team it was a very exciting experience with a tremendous atmoshere, we loved it. We belive K1 NZ will only get bigger with time, it was so good to catch up Lollo and here his views on the show, as well as traveling with my good mate Nugget and some of Australia's best kickboxers Peter Graham, Chris Johnson, Nick stone and John Halford and others.

Pixie and myself may not have agreed with the 8 count or the decission, we belive we should have at least got an extension round but that is the fight game we live to fight another fight.
We take our hat off to Jordan Tai, Pixie tells me he is one of the hardest punchers he has fought which coming from him is a big call so we are hoping to come over again and fight in the near future.

Oh and thanks for all the support on this thread even from the kiwis with what you guys thought..

Cheers Mark Pease...
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-01 19:03:44
Mark - I think overall the judging and officating was pretty much on the mark and there were some extremely close fights which are always open to a degree of subjectivity.

Remember too the that K-1 judging system with .5 margins complicates the scoring even further and can make it quite tricky to separate the fighters under what is a pretty complex scoring criteria.

That is not the judges fault nor the promotors - it is a K-1 international issue as it is their rules. I prefer the 10 point must system. its cleaner.

Anyway a bloody good fight night overall. Good news for Oceania Kickboxing with some exciting new talent coming through.

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-01 19:28:04
In the case of Jordan vs Pixie
It was the 8 count that changed the whole outcome of that fight.
If it had'nt happened, the fight was that close on the Judges score cards that it would have possibly gone Pixie's way or atleast gone an extension round but the 8 count had to be scored as such, Like it or not thats the way it goes.
By the way!!!
If the 8 count had not happened Pixie would have got the nod on my card, but only by .5

All the judging all night by all 3 judges was spot on and in accordance with the way K-1 wants it to be done.
mark pease
Posted: 2005-05-01 19:35:26
I am not complaing about the Judging or Ref, i think they all did a great job, i was just saying how we felt and yes it was a fantastic evening had by most.
Mike we all so prefer the 10 point system as well because it is a lot easier for the spectators to understand what is going on..

Cheers Mark Pease...
Posted: 2005-05-01 19:45:19
Well What can I say this was an absolutely awesome event!!!
The atmosphere was great the stadium and set up were second to none. The way the fighters and crews were looked after was great!
Cant wait to get home and watch the tape.
Not going to harp on about the decisions etc enough has been said. but I would like to congratulate all the boys on awsome fights!! With a couple of mentions!! The Butcher!!! For a guy who is a known banger who likes to get in an end it this was a great tactical display!!! Just was too smart for Tavita, didnt give him a chance to get his big shots off! Especially in the third when you could see Brett got the hang of the one knee and release!! Well done to Him and Nugget!!!
Big Chris!! Like Shciavello said.. he just took it to Jason!! Didnt let him bully him and as a result Suttie couldnt string together the punches he is known for! I said earlier I thought Jason would be busier but he just didn't get the opportunity. A great display from Godzilla!!
The Graham Ignashov fight was a little bit of an anti climax after Chris and Jason... Neither of them really fought as well as we know they can...
Once more congrats to Dixon and his team. This was my first experience at one of his shows and I tell you if you have the chance to get to one do it!! It was fantastic!!!
John Rebel Conway
Posted: 2005-05-01 19:59:22
I too agree with you about the 10, 9, and 8 points system Mark, it makes it more spectators friendly.
The results from pixies fight it anything can set up a super fight for the next K1 event. 5 rounds this time, there would be a great interest in the fight.

choppa the terror parr
Posted: 2005-05-01 20:32:26
If Aaron Boyes believes all the judges decisions were unaminous, why were there split decisions? In Slowinsky vs Sefo, i cant see how anyone would called the fight against Paul

And the announcer gave away the drawn rounds results by not calling the sponsor into the ring, to deliver the trophy, instead he asked the fighters back before he read the results for the draw
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-01 20:47:07
I would like to thank all of you for your support and I would like to congratulate the officials on the evening as they had a tough task ahead of them with the Complexed K-1 Rules(fractions). They were very consistent throughout the whole evening. It was a tough task as the Promoter and Judicator of the Judges and I can confirm that this will be the last time I will do it. After some deep thinking I have decided to nominate a person who will sit in a seperate room with a monitor without commentary and make the final decision if required by the judges in the event of a draw. My position with all fighters makes it too complicating. The match ups in my opinion were the best we have had and the new talent really stepped up to the plate. Now its time to work on July 16.
Posted: 2005-05-01 20:59:49
I for one would love to see pixie vs tai over five rounds.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-01 22:01:40
I for Two would love to see pixie vs tai over five rounds.

I for Three?
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-01 22:13:46
As for the Ignashov / Graham Fight!!!
That one deserved to go five rounds as not much happend in the first three.
All the fights on the night done more in one round than this fight done in five rounds.
No disrespect to either Ignashov or Graham.
Ignashov just did'nt fire on the night & Peter was being cautiuos not to make any mistakes so basically ended up a pretty uninventfull fight. We all know these two fighters are way capable of more.
So as i said!!! this one deserved to go 5 rounds.
I would say most of us have had harder sparring sessions. I know i have.
But all in all!!!
A good win for Peter Graham.
Posted: 2005-05-01 22:23:12
Rebel and I can only count up to two Scotty, especially after the aftermatch party at Sky City..LOL!

I know it's already been mentioned a few times, but thanks again for such an awesome show Dixon. You gave Australasia another night of kick boxing to remember. Awesome promotion bro.

You've made a right choice also to stand down from being a judging mediator. No matter what decision you would make (or anyone else who is going to take the role in the future), you would be in a lose-lose situation as there are two sides to making decision. All the fighters and trainers respect you for the great job you are doing, but the decision to be made at situation of a close fight, can often make or can often destroy a fighter's career. Anyway, I hope you'll not going to ask me to do it...LOL! Anyway, it's a NO!! in advance...LOL!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-01 22:38:05
Yes Lollo, You were definatly in fine form at Sky City, Just like the old day's bro. Fatherhood must be making you young again.
Did you get a good sleep? I would have hated being in that room with you and Alan, it must have sounded like a forest was being chainsawed down.
Posted: 2005-05-01 23:21:29
Poor Alan, Ethan and I woke him up at about 4:00am. He opened the door I walked straight in and crash on the other bed..LOL!

Scotty...I think we would have made White Sniper proud on Saturday night bro. I think we too needed interpreters, (and probably someone who can also read sign language)...LOL!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-01 23:40:35
i don't think Hinekin Beer is something i should drink again.
at one stage i said to some girl!!!
Thats a lovely tattoo you got on the bottom of your back and found out that it was'ent a tattoo it was her Gi String. So my reply was!!!
ah well you got lovely nickers on then.
She was wearing a backless dress and i asked her if she had ever worn it back to front, Told her it would look great on her back to front.
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-02 00:15:01
k1 rules state if the winner of the round is subtle the score is 10, 9.5 at the end of Jason and Chris 4th Round all the judges had it 10, 9.5 this gave jason the lead of 1.5 and the win but the decision was over turned by Dixon as the judicator.

pixie won the first round 10 9, i gave the second to Jordan 10 9.5 the third round was 10 8 to Jordan score 29 -27.5, The 8 count was justified as Pixie was hurt and did turn his back to get away from Jordan barrage of punches

Not sure why Paul Solwinski and Ron was called a split decision as all the judges had given it to Paul.

Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-02 00:34:00
You are right about me overruling it in the 4th Aaron in which I have no problem in admitting but that wasnt the score in the 4th .Never the less I think you should find out the real score before you drop your fellow colleagues in it on a public site
the image girl
Posted: 2005-05-02 00:46:27

A few pics of the night for you Guys -

Tavita vs the Butcher
the image girl
Posted: 2005-05-02 00:50:59

A few pics of the night for you Guys -

Peter Samson vs Kevin Blanch
the image girl
Posted: 2005-05-02 00:55:00

A few pics of the night for you Guys -

Chris Johnson and Joe White-
the image girl
Posted: 2005-05-02 00:59:49

A few pics of the night for you Guys -

Paula vs Mitch
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2005-05-02 01:01:30
i think that if you have a standing 8 count like pixies you shouldnt have to give him a 10 -8 round ,more like 10-9 as in a three round fight there aint enough time to catch those lost points up and it was a big hit but didnt drop him. just my thoughts.
we had a huge night-enjoyed running in to the aussie crew at the white house.
nice to meet ya ja!
can ya post some pics for us?
i think the one of me pixie and soren at the white house should be published in the inter kickboxer? what do ya reckon shivello?
the image girl
Posted: 2005-05-02 01:03:40

A few pics of the night for you Guys -

Jordan and Pixie
the image girl
Posted: 2005-05-02 01:07:37

A few pics of the night for you Guys -

Ron and Slowinski
the image girl
Posted: 2005-05-02 01:12:49

Jase and Chris
the image girl
Posted: 2005-05-02 01:17:10

Peter and Alexi -

The rest are all up on the website now so check them out -


image girl
Posted: 2005-05-02 01:26:13
Aaron, i'm not critiquing you guys... you were there and i wasnt. i only saw it from the comfort of my lounge.. and obviously things are different at ringside.
Yes Aaron, youre right re my scorecard not utilising the .5. Like i said "For what it's worth" As I mailed to Rexy last night, my score for Pixie v Jordan was incorrect, as i typed it in wrong, it was also the only round that i used a half point.... 28.5 - 28 to Pixie. Which is obviously contrary to your score... which is why there are three judges.

My comment was as follows:

"Way I hear it is that Jason won the first extension round on all the judges cards, but that is second hand info. Maybe the judges could tell us all which way they went"

That was not to say that the judges buggered anything up, I was questioning why 3 experienced judges, who are there to do a job that they are well adept at doing, were over-ruled? And, it would appear from the commentary here, on more than the one occasion that I bring up.

Sad that three judges opinions (reflected in their scorecards) dont amount to anything.

Mike Angove: "That is not the judges fault nor the promotors - it is a K-1 international issue as it is their rules"

K-1 international did not disregard the three judges decisions.

Dixon: "After some deep thinking I have decided to nominate a person who will sit in a seperate room with a monitor without commentary and make the final decision if required by the judges in the event of a draw."

So was the 1st extension in Jason/Chrisopholides a draw???. If not, there was no need to adjucate on anything.
If it was a draw, then what is Aaron talking about???(quote "at the end of Jason and Chris 4th Round all the judges had it 10, 9.5")..... I heard second hand from someone who viewed the cards who backs Aarons comment regarding this!!

Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-02 01:37:23
Mark it is quite obvious that it wasnt a draw otherwise I wouldnt have overuled it but the score wasnt the one that Aaron posted up. The Judicator cannot overturn 1 victor to the next nor can he over rule a drawn decision, he can only overturn a close decision to make it a draw. I hope this clears things up more.
Posted: 2005-05-02 01:45:08
Sorry dude, it doesnt clear anything up:

Your words: "if required by the judges in the event of a draw"
Your words: "nor can he over rule a drawn decision"

Two posts and two different stories!!!!!

Jeezus h christo!!!!
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-02 01:55:06
Mark you are looking into this for all the wrong reasons but I will explain it again. You stated that you heard second hand from someone who viewed the cards. That can only be a official but I will guarentee now that the info you were given is wrong. what I meant in the first post is that the Judicator has the right to over rule and call a draw. typed incorrectly my bad.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-02 02:02:37
And that Official is not me Mark as i have not spoken to you.
And Yes i do know what all three card said but that is between Dixon, Me, Aaron, Dave, & Jason. and Jason i am sure has spoken to all concerned.
So why not just drop the subject and lets focus on the next K-1.
Posted: 2005-05-02 02:12:52
Wow, what a long thread. Congrats Dixon, another great show! Easy for everyone to criticise in hindsight I here are my cheap shots, LOL!:
- Jason won the 4th, shouldn't have gone on another
- Slowinski decision should have been unanimous not split
- Pixie count looked premature, he appeared to be more off balance from where I was sitting, so could have been a draw.

Everything else was good. I think the refs did well, Rebel great fight knowledge and Colin Smith professional as usual, Colin is one of my 2 favourite refs (the other being the main man Terry Hill, where was he?)

I don't know why everyone complains Ignashov didn't fire, how can he if he didn't have the fitness to back it up, it just looked like he didn't train hard for the fight? Joe White was the stand out fighter for me, real sharp, shame there weren't more lighter weight fights, so much better to watch.

But I guess there's no such thing as a kb show without any controversy aye. Back to the couch for me, hehe....fa
Posted: 2005-05-02 02:15:47
Wow, what a long thread. Congrats Dixon, another great show! Easy for everyone to criticise in hindsight I here are my cheap shots, LOL!:
- Jason won the 4th, shouldn't have gone on another
- Slowinski decision should have been unanimous not split
- Pixie count looked premature, he appeared to be more off balance from where I was sitting, so could have been a draw.

Everything else was good. I think the refs did well, Rebel great fight knowledge and Colin Smith professional as usual, Colin is one of my 2 favourite refs (the other being the main man Terry Hill, where was he?)

I don't know why everyone complains Ignashov didn't fire, how can he if he didn't have the fitness to back it up, it just looked like he didn't train hard for the fight? Joe White was the stand out fighter for me, real sharp, shame there weren't more lighter weight fights, so much better to watch.

But I guess there's no such thing as a kb show without any controversy aye. Back to the couch for me, hehe....fa
Posted: 2005-05-02 02:25:23
Wow, what a long thread. Congrats Dixon, another great show! Easy for everyone to criticise in hindsight I here are my cheap shots, LOL!:
- Jason won the 4th, shouldn't have gone on another
- Slowinski decision should have been unanimous not split
- Pixie count looked premature, he appeared to be more off balance from where I was sitting, so could have been a draw.

Everything else was good. I think the refs did well, Rebel great fight knowledge and Colin Smith professional as usual, Colin is one of my 2 favourite refs (the other being the main man Terry Hill, where was he?)

I don't know why everyone complains Ignashov didn't fire, how can he if he didn't have the fitness to back it up, it just looked like he didn't train hard for the fight? Joe White was the stand out fighter for me, real sharp, shame there weren't more lighter weight fights, so much better to watch.

But I guess there's no such thing as a kb show without any controversy aye. Back to the couch for me, hehe....fa
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-02 02:25:28
Good points Vince now to change the subject this is why Iggy didnt Fire. This is no excuse and by no means does it take the victory away from Pete who I have said the same thing too. 10 Days ago we were going to pull Alexy out of the event as he had not recovered from his Torn Posterier cruciat Ligament on his left knee and Cartilidge problems on his right (excuse the spelling)which happened in Amsterdam in Feb. Iggy said that he didnt want to pull out as he felt that he would let down his fans here. He damaged it again during the fight hence a lack of knees and kicking the extensions suprised me as I thought he would of thrown the towel in but he didnt and I admire him for that. Unfortunately he has still let down his fans due to his performance and also now faces pulling out of K-1 Paris due to it. So he deserves more credit for what he did. Imagine the uproar if he pulled out not to mention how pissed off Peter would have been.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-02 02:41:49
Mark Cr - The .5 scoring system and the adjudicator system as well as a number of other judging criteria have been introduced by K-1, I think mistakenly as it creates this sort of confusion. Mark I suggest you find yourself a copy of the rules and took a closer look then you can make some better informed comment. Again I will say that in close fights there will always be people who feel their fighter was hard done by.

In this case Pixie's and the Suttie camp will have some reason to feel agreived - but had the scoring gone differently then the other camps would likely have felt similar.

I will say that as the sport grows we all need to show greater levels of professionalism as we are all in the public eye and open to criticism so need to respond by demanding greater standards from ourselves in whatever role we fill.

However I think its time to move on and appreciate some great fights on the night and continue refining our sports and pushing the standards conintually higher.

Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-02 02:54:13
I would also like to mention that it was Jasons father who walked to ringside and through the towel in as Jason has a no towel thrown in policy. As a father i can appreciate what he did and good on you Jase for fighting to the end.
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-02 03:33:45
and yes i should have got the score right before posting it on ax, my apoligise
Posted: 2005-05-02 04:50:17
Fair enough.....

Mike Angove... I have a copy of the new rules already thanks pal... I have no problem with the .5.

And yes, you guys are correct.... time to focus on the future.
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2005-05-02 05:41:49
hey guys can someone please confirm the rules change on the knees?
do japan heavies or max fight under these rules still or not?
just heard otherwise from world max fighters sorry
Posted: 2005-05-02 05:42:25
Vinceb... sorry just read your post... where was Terry. Sitting beside me watching on TV. With only 4 (tuesday) days before the event a suitably mutual beneficial deal could not be achieved, and so his services were not required.

Mike Angove.... I feel the need to re-iterate that I have utterly no problem with the Officiating by John or the other Judges, in light of becoming aware of some of their decisions being over-ruled, I would say that they did an exceptional job.
As in any situation with a close/split decision, i agree with you 100%, that either party can feel hard done by, but that's the fight game. No problem with that rationale.
Mike, you yourself commentated on air regarding the "rules" about utilising the knee, in fact you did so repeatedly, why then were two of the fights during the night basically knee bouts? Perhaps you can pull out your copy of the new rules and quote from them yourself.

Scotty.... so the public have no right to know what the judges scorecards were?
why not? Its the public that pay to see the shows.

Mikes comment:
"I will say that as the sport grows we all need to show greater levels of professionalism as we are all in the public eye and open to criticism so need to respond by demanding greater standards from ourselves in whatever role we fill."
- Would perhaps indicate a need to be more transparent in the face of the public asking questions.
Would that not perhaps be interpreted as an indication that the public are not stupid and therefore things cant be kept "inhouse"?

I'm not trying to put words into Mikes mouth, just my interpretation.

And no Dixon, ... It wasnt an official i heard the scores from, but someone associated with a fighter who viewed the cards... so relax Scotty.

Now.... i think ive thrashed the horse enough. I thank you all for your time in responding.

Good luck with the next show to all concerned.

Posted: 2005-05-02 05:54:56
One of the funniest things I saw was when Rebel was clearing everyone out of the ring, just about to start the fight (can't remember who was fighting) and had to remind the cameraman that he wasn't supposed to be there! LOL!
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-02 06:05:24
Mark Cr the rules for Max are different with regard to the knee than for heavyweight - continuous for Max and One strike for Hevyweight.

In heavyweight a fighter can deliver multiple knees if he use one hand release techniques.

Hope that clarifies it a little more for you - but this doesn't really have any reflection on the judges scoring unless a fighter is cautioned and penalised points with yellow or red cards. Check your copy of the rules bro.

I think If you have a particular agenda about the judging and transperency why not start a generic thread on it and perhaps make some suggestions on how "you" would govern it - and invite comment that would be a postive move.
Alex D
Posted: 2005-05-02 06:31:02
thats tough for Ignashov, it sucks when you get injured and can't train... even worse when you decide to do it anyway and reinjure yourself! I have done that before! but I can see why he felt he had to fight, he was really stuck between a rock and a hard place...
Alan Wong
Posted: 2005-05-02 07:19:48
This is interesting.....Aaron Boyce said that Paul won by unanimous decision according to the judges score card. I would like to know why it was called a split decision. It may not be a problem for some but it is important for Paul because it is hard to sell him as a fighter if people didn't think he won convincingly. I thought Paul won easily and so did all the people I spoke to so can someone tell me why??? Maybe the announcer had a bit too much to drink!!!!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-02 13:32:06
Your right,
The public do pay to see the show, So yes it is fair to say they should know what is on the score cards. I really have no problem with that,
But you did'nt pay, you watched it at home on free Tv, lol hehe
Relax only joking. You do have a valid point.
Infact i think the scores should be read out by the announcer before the decision as in professional Boxing.
Judge Scotty Thomson scores the bout ----- in favour of the ----- corner
Judge Aaron Boyes scores the bout ----- in favour of the ----- corner
Judge Dave Gahn scores the bout ----- in favour of the ----- corner
We are Proffesional Fight Judges and should be held accountable to the Fighters, Trainers, Fans, Spectators & Tv Viewers how we scored the bout.
I think it is something Dixon should look at introducing for the next event.

Posted: 2005-05-02 14:11:36
No agenda Mike. What is my agenda.. perhaps you could tell me seeing as how I cant think for myself!! ;)
Just asking for exactly what you state... Transparency.
Especially if a promoter has fighters signed and then puts himself in a position to change the outcomes of fights over experienced people.... People are going to raise their eyebrows when some things seemingly dont add up. Dixon had a crack at it - good on him - and decided not to do it again... fair enough. Also hes fronted on here and answered the questions, (well... some of them!!) Again cool... alot of people wouldnt.

I wont say how I would govern it... because I wouldnt. Be buggered if I tried to do the whole shebang myself.

I wasn't referring to the max fight with the amendment to the knee rules Mike, as I'm quite sure that you are aware. Both the Blanch/
Sampson and Iggy/Graham bouts included numerous continuous grapples of up to 3 knees. Without release. But anyway.

Scotty... i agree 100%.

Cheers all.

Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-02 14:25:26
Hey Rexy the Max rules changes all the time I am now at the airport off to Choppa's fight so we will see tommorrow how they are now.
You may want to re iterate more Mark on Mutually financialy beneficial but then again maybe you wont as I dont think the discussions that Terry and I have had should be for public knowledge its your call?
Posted: 2005-05-02 14:47:46
Who is this Mark Cr

sure is a shit stirrer obviously from Hamilton with to much time on his hands maybe a second job would cure this Lol
peter slane
Posted: 2005-05-02 15:13:33
1st off me just a k1 fan and have mad respect for any1 who gets in the ring,but frm where i was sitting saturday nite during and after suttie vs chris,most of the crowd started booing because of the extension rounds ,most of us thort chris had won,none of us and i think most of the crowd didnt boo because jase ddnt get up,we bood because of the extensions,and we really bood wen chris shook his ass after he won was not a great sight, so we really bood hard out wen he dd that,then he said dnt boo jase,not realising the crowd was booing him 4 shaking his ass,just thort i would clear things up frm a fans perspective, and n e 1 who dd boo jase 4 nt getting up has either never fort in his life, or is just a jealous hater....
peter slane
Posted: 2005-05-02 15:14:20
1st off me just a k1 fan and have mad respect for any1 who gets in the ring,but frm where i was sitting saturday nite during and after suttie vs chris,most of the crowd started booing because of the extension rounds ,most of us thort chris had won,none of us and i think most of the crowd didnt boo because jase ddnt get up,we bood because of the extensions,and we really bood wen chris shook his ass after he won was not a great sight, so we really bood hard out wen he dd that,then he said dnt boo jase,not realising the crowd was booing him 4 shaking his ass,just thort i would clear things up frm a fans perspective, and n e 1 who dd boo jase 4 nt getting up has either never fort in his life, or is just a jealous hater....
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-02 17:05:46
Well hase'nt this been a popular thread!!!
8944 views and still going.
Only thread that is higher is the Kit Cope vs Nathan Corbett Thread with
Posted: 2005-05-02 17:16:52
Hey Peter and you must been learning from the same spelling teacher..LOL!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-02 17:23:02
You mustav been like me!!!
Most kids went to school to eat there lunch & play wif the girls.
I went to school to eat the girls an play wif my lunch
Posted: 2005-05-02 18:07:59
Highlander, thats some funny shit man!!!!

dixon, is anyone covering the k1-max? sky? would love to see the choppa v jwp fight live. also good luck to choppa for the fight.
peter slane
Posted: 2005-05-02 18:38:19
kool i feel like part of the team lol,sum1 said my name the legendary trainer himself,yea i lernt 2 spell frm yearz of texin on da celly,also like 2 add the future of k1 is sid asiata,seen this guy fight a few times and his kicks r o 4 orsum,he will win the k1 nz this year if he is in it respect.....
Posted: 2005-05-02 19:43:53
Peter....It's worse when a few Heineken involve. Ask Scotty..LOL! Scotty, your sicker than I thought..LOL!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-02 20:51:52
Na Lollo, iv'e got over the sickness, Now im just Hungover with a sore head, Hopefully that should go in a few days with a bit more sleep and some more vitamins.
I wonder how Alex is feeling, By the time we got to bed he did'nt need to know how to spell, He could'ent even talk. At one stage i could'ent work out if he was talking to me in English or Tongan, I think he was trying to do the both at the same time but was'ent having much luck.
Posted: 2005-05-02 21:47:10
That's because his system is lot cleaner than ours..LOL! He will feel much it worse than us for sure as he hardly drinks and always stay healthy..LOL! Mind you, he and Lucy came to our house on Sunday for lunch and we had a few more woodstocks and Lion reads there before Lucy dropped him off at the airport. I think he was hinting and mumbling something to Lucy that he doesn't mind if he's late to the airport as he was enjoying our little reunion with our other cousin Taki who crashed in your room...LOL! However, Lucy didn't wanna take the chance of upseting Lani (Alex's wife)..LOL!
Posted: 2005-05-02 22:29:28
Yeah Rex good times at the white house... Unfortunatley I had a little misfortune after that and lets just say I saw some sites of Auckland most tourists dont see. But at least the boys all hada laugh!! especially Soren...
But anyway here is a few random fotos from the night!!
Posted: 2005-05-02 22:37:45

How good were these guys!! They were a bit freaked before they went out but they got right in to it!! Wicked!!
Posted: 2005-05-02 22:39:01

A couple of the boys at sky city!
Posted: 2005-05-02 22:39:52

A couple of the boys at sky city!
Posted: 2005-05-02 22:41:01

Pixie and Jordan at sky city! Nothing like beating on each other for 9 minutes to bring guys together! haha
Posted: 2005-05-02 22:44:06

My little brush with fame!!hahaha
Posted: 2005-05-02 22:45:01

And rex's infamous Whitehouse foto...!!hahaha
mark pease
Posted: 2005-05-02 23:58:02
JA and i am where????????
It was good of you to help me with Pixie, but no photo this is all to do with you gettin caught.....
Posted: 2005-05-03 00:50:09
Dixon: sorry, i thought the "mutually beneficial" comment was rather diplomatic. Terry can speak for himself. If he wants to comment on here, I however have to do the typing. Lol.

Mike Angove, Sorry man, I'm like a dog with a bone sometimes. Regarding making informed comments about the rules etc blah. Pick up your copy, go to Article 27... have a squiz at the run down there...Supervisor, supervisory staff etc.. the structure and what each does.
Now go to Article 28. The one headed "Reconsideration For Judgement"... then have a read of that. Now, can you tell me that these procedures were implimented? If the judges have a copy of Article 28, can they confirm that the procedures were undertaken? Can the ring announcer confirm that the procedures were as written? If so then cool, discussion over. If not and the decision to overturn the judges was made solely by the "supervisor", then surely Jason would, if he chose to, have cause to action Article 29.
Cant introduce one rule ie: 0.5 scoring system, and ignore others to suit yourself...... or can you? (im using the word "you" as a rhetorical collective.)
The "rules" (MIKE) speak for themselves and are quite clear on the "Reconsideration." Anyone wants to know what the above articles contain verbatim then feel free to email.

Dave: I already have 2 bloody jobs... maybe a third is required. You taught me well.

Scotty: well will beat the Cobett/Cope thread yet.

Alan Wong still hasnt been answered.

Not much of the bone left to gnaw on.... so I'll happily shut the fuck up now.

Posted: 2005-05-03 01:07:01

For the illustrious Mr Pease!
Two Legends of Australian Muay Thai.... And some quality photography by yours truly... who would have thought a mirror would do that!! hahaha
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-05-03 01:31:52
The infamous room 1610!
Posted: 2005-05-03 01:39:46
I personally don't see what the big deal about Terry hill been at the K-1 or not been there is.
There are other judges available that can do just as good a job as Rebel proved on the night.
K1s the biggest event in New Zealand so if he does'nt want to be part of it who cares.
Just my 2 cents.

Posted: 2005-05-03 02:13:04
shoshin.... i was responding to a question from Vince. I never said nor intimated that it was a big deal.

But then im shutting the f up arent I?????? Oh shoot.......
Posted: 2005-05-03 05:12:30
was it just me, or did most of the fighters seem off balance? and there for throwing kicks with no power! jordan? jo white? sniper?
Posted: 2005-05-03 07:46:23
hmm from what i can read the event was hugely sucessful and seeing mr pease an nugget there reinforces that if we support the growth of kickboxing/muy thai than its beneficial to all involved so kudos to all the australian fighters who fought or cam an supported an lets hope that qld can organise somethign similar for a return match ???
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-03 11:29:04
Well done Mark Cr , you have a copy of the rules, from Terry no doubt.

As regarding your queries - those as you are no doubt aware I can't answer, due to not being involved in those decisions.

Regarding a your being dog with a bone I guess every sport needs an ardent pedent to ensure it keeps consistency with its own rules and regulations and that is not a bad thing.
Posted: 2005-05-03 13:50:48
No Mike, Dixon faxed me a copy on the 15th.
Posted: 2005-05-03 13:52:52 was so awesome having everyone there. Catching up with Mark Pease & Pixie, Nick Stones, Jim Cass, Johnny Scida. Also old close friends like Nugget, Ethan, Alan Wong, Lucy and Alex. I have almost all my Australian kickboxing friends there and their fighters. Also my local buddies there Scotty. Ben Ahipene was the only missing link, which is lucky for me and Scotty as if he did, we would probably still be drinking now..LOL! Other regrets was was not catching up with the Wellingtionians...Dave, Rex and the boys from the Wind City, they are always fun and crazy to be around at bars. I guess Rex shouldda get more free passes to the White House for us Aucklanders next time...LOL! I have had hell of a time. Probably the best ever K-1 I've ever been to (during and!). I think because most of my friends in kickboxing were there. Even some I haven't seen in a while. It was so great that I rang my wife that night that I'm not coming home...LOL!
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-03 16:11:51
However you got them mate well done keep up the good work.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-03 19:17:27
Wow!!! its Official!!!
This is now the most viewed thred on Ax.
9504 View to here.
Posted: 2005-05-03 19:56:41
I enjoyed the K1 show, there were some great fights. Paul Slowinski really impressed me in his fight against Rony. Joe White also looked in great form and i look forward to seeing him fight again soon. Well done Dixon, great show.

I do not envy the job of being a judge or referee as it is a very difficult task, and one i would not want to do. It would be great to see the Judges scores read out on the night and then made available, it sounds like all the judges from saturday would have been happy for this to be done. When i watch the boxing from the States they usually read the judges name out and then the score and same deal with the UFC, it is a good way to keep everyone honest and avoid some controversy.
Posted: 2005-05-03 21:14:36
They do this at the Japan K-1 also. I'm sure this is something Dixon will get on to in the next k-1. However, I'm not sure if they announce judges name or just judges or just judge #.1, 2, and 3 as it was all in Japanese. Perhaps a Japanese speaking axer can enlight us with this.
Posted: 2005-05-03 23:58:24
I'm still confused about the suttie fight. Aaron Boyes said that Suttie won it on the cards at the end of round 4 and Dixon said he over ruled the decision but he didnt say WHY he changed it. I would have thought that if Aaron Boyes, Dave Garn, and Highlander gave it to Suttie that would be enough. Dixon is a good promoter but i think that those guys might know a little more about fighting and judging than him. Has Dixon ever even trained? He puts on a great show but its crazy that he can be changing judges decisions. Can you tell us WHY dixon?
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-04 01:37:49
Well its got the highest Views but still has a way to go before it beats my thread of 410 Posts.
Would have been interesting to see how many Views that one got, But it was before Brian introduced that System on Ax.
Posted: 2005-05-05 01:27:55
...roll on the 10,000 views!!!!!!!
John Rebel Conway
Posted: 2005-05-05 07:27:34
good point MarkCe
Posted: 2005-05-05 13:22:23
That doesn't count Scotty because you posted 400 x by yourself personally..LOL!
Posted: 2005-05-05 13:46:14
LOL! Yep, you got him there Lollo. Was gonna say that myself you beat me to it.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-05 16:11:00
Dont get Mark Started, He will get out his Ax rule book and have me for over posting.
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2005-05-05 16:29:02
well i thought after three rounds chistopolidus had the fight, sitting ringside you could really see that godzilla was landing the cleaner more effective shots. But it was close. But I am not sure that the judges could see the fight? cos dave garn didnt have his glasses on and aaron just had an eye operation hahahaa nah just jokes-me and hit man hatch were behind dave heckling him about no glasses and saying that he was just watching the shadows and having a rough guess at the judging haha.
at one stage scotty i saw you drifting off to sleep? late night the night before was it?haha
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-05 16:40:31
You wer'ent watching the fight,
You spent all night checking out the Image girls Ass bent over the ring Apron
I saw you lusting an licking your lips.
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-05 19:33:03
hahaha good call Scotty, hey Rex think you just qualified for Dixon's job as the video ref,
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-05 20:02:12
What!!!! No way Aaron.
Rex locked away in another room with no sound watching a video.
We will never get a decision out of him.
He'll sit there all night watching a Porno, Getting warmed up & ready for the White House.
hehehe lol
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2005-05-05 20:05:44
i will def put my name forward for the job!
haha scotty!
Posted: 2005-05-05 20:27:30
Someone mentioned about 200 posts back that they would like to see Ray fight Shane Cameron for the NZ Pro Boxing title.

me too.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-05 20:47:42
Cant see that one happening.
Cullen Sports & the worriors dont want to see there golden boy flat on his back on the canvase.
Mind you if it was to go ahead i would'ent mind paying to have my advertising on the soles of camerons boots so when he is arsed up my add would be in a prime spot.
John Rebel Conway
Posted: 2005-05-05 22:12:22
If Shane wants to claim that he is the best down under, and fight fans demand it, they must put it on. Then we the fight fans should ask for it. I for one would just flip out if this ever happen.
This is a much better match up then highlanders pick. (mind you he did take a lot of head shots in the 80s)
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-05 22:30:56
Yea & lost afew good shirts.
Posted: 2005-05-06 00:45:06
Scotty..... rule 42 sub section "a" paragraph 3 clearly states..... blah blah blah... that in the event..... wah wha hum drum....... rex shall NOT..... blah blah blah....... and nor shall he put........ et al.

however addendum part iv also contradicts sub paragraph 2, as Im sure that you're aware, cause only Mike has a copy of the rules.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-06 02:19:47
O No!!!
Dont let Mike Overrule things or im definatly in the shit.
Posted: 2005-05-06 04:49:29
Ha!ha!ha!ha! Scotty, I heard about your new shirt that got ripped. LOL!...Joe Conway told me that story..LOL!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-06 23:01:03
Well its reached 10184 views but looks to be dieing a fast death.
Cant see it getting past 410 posts.

Your being a bit quiet!!!!!
Does this mean you have finished your Crusade???
Posted: 2005-05-06 23:57:20
"Crusade"??... you mean a desire for things to be fair and equitable for all parties. I guess I have given up yeah Scotty.... why fucking bother man.

Obvious irregularities have been aired, and no solid answers have been forthcoming. Rules were altered or ignored to suit on the night, ( Article 6:2,Articles 27 and 28) Experienced judges were overruled with utterly no explaination. This is not speculation - this is fact. Yet no-one seems to give a rats arse.

My queries are met with half an answer, my motives have been questioned... seemingly by those who have something to protect.

Alex Wong, PTB have not even been given the courtesy of a response of any type.

People speak of needing transparency and professionalism, yet become a part of the sideshow without standing up. I feel a deep empathy with fighters who are set to fight to a set of rules, and have the rules altered/ignored. I feel for judges who honourably score as they see it, based on years of experience, then get hung out to dry.

The thing is that this is not new. There was comment about the shows last year which had some irregularities levelled at the judges. Was that justified in light of the adjudicator overriding the judges decisions in this show?

There are rules provided... why are they not followed? Pretty simple really.

The question was asked "Where was Terry Hill".... well where was Brett Semple, Brett De'arth, Norm Graham, Al Hemuli.... theyve all been involved in the past, were they not wanted, or did they not want to be there? Who knows.

Well done Scotty in pushing my buttons to get the thread rolling again.... hehe.

Might see you at the "bash at the beach".... which i wont be judging at this time round.... why? Because last time the ref announced a split decision when all three judges deemed the bout was a draw, therefore I refuse to be a part of it. Sound familiar?

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-07 00:03:17
knew that would get the old dog barking again.
Welcome back.
Posted: 2005-05-07 00:05:33

Enough of the "old" hey.

Posted: 2005-05-07 00:07:22

Enough of the "old" hey.

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-07 17:21:54
Less of the double posting,
Ax has rules and regulations governing that sort of behaviour.
Check Artical 6:2 Artical 27 & 28
Sandy Holt i'll tell you all about it
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-07 17:24:50
And Mark
I might very well see you at Bash at the Beach. Hopefully i got 2 of my fighters matched there.
Posted: 2005-05-07 20:34:15
Sandy and I have already spent time at "that" hotel. I got to leave before him.

Look forward to seeing you down there.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-08 20:45:41
Howdy All just returned back from Japan and you will be all pleased to know that K-1 have reverted back to the 10-9 etc system eliminating the .5 system. these rules were revised on May 2nd 2005 and MAX will also continue as a 1 knee strike release rule. Just to answer some of your questions Mark.
Albert did not wish to Judge.
Brett D Arth was unavailable that evening as he had booked a table with friends.
Brett Sample said he would not do it unless Terry was there which suprised me as he has done it in the past without Terry.
Norm claimed last year that he did not want to keep doing it because of all the controvesy in the past.
Terry was asked to be the over-ruling official but declined and he has his own reasons for that.
Posted: 2005-05-08 22:56:40
hmm it was a successful event from all accounts ,only genuine query in regards to who won an lost was pixie vs tai with peopel claiming pixie should have won based on certain factors and other saying he should have lost.I remember Tarik Solak over rulling a blatantly biased decision in favour of his fighter and awarding the win to his opponent, I dunno if that was similar to dixons decision but from all accounts Chris was beating jason suttie pretty clearly in the extension rounds so hopefully dixon overruled what may have been a home decision i guess justice was done.I understand rebel reffereed the fights fairly so while terry hillis a awesome ref and has been doing it for the last 20 yrs I dont think the individual is bigger than the promotion..ala anyone can be replaced .I hear the criticisms but dont hear the postives ??? another huge promotion televised with great fighters .......12 years ago kickboxing in nz was done in some shabby club with lotsa tatooed toughman fighters and wanna be gangmembers with little or no technique its becoming mainstream and televised and the person who did that is lets just be negative an slag the guy off cus hes obviously a crap promoter with no morals and no people skills who rips fighters off( im being scarcastic)....TRUTH IS HES DOING HIS BEST AND IF YOUR CAN DO BETTER THAN DO IT AN PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS ..." IF U HAVE A ISSUE ...HERES A TISSUE" lol and one more line " Build a bridge get over it " .
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-08 23:47:34
kahstallion you crack me up man. The reason I overuled the 4th was because I believed that if it was a draw after 3 rounds the 4th certainly deserved the same result. I have heard mixed results from alot of people saying thet Chris won or Jason won or a draw is fair but you arent going to please everyone. But fortunately I wont have to make that decision anymore. To be honest I thought Jason won after 3. Yet watching the video the following day it looked different .Which is why I have decided that the judicator must watch the fight from a monitor.
Posted: 2005-05-09 01:07:04
Ditching the .5 rule will make a lot of people a little happier Dixon :) Thank you for your response.

Kahastallion... you're right, there were some good fights, and some real positives for some very special fighters. And, as an event organiser no-one is denying that Dixon puts on the best show around. Organising the matchups, sorting the venues, getting the sponsors etc is no mean feat and much applause to him.
Things to do with what happens in and around ring, should be designated to someone who is proficient and experienced in such an area. A builder will be in charge of over-seeing the building of a house, but he employs an electrician to wire it.
Posted: 2005-05-09 02:18:38
hey dixon can we get joe white over here to fight.... he beat supercharge an now beat the " white sniper" so im hoping he comes to australia an schools some on my aussie mates lol. Im bad luck cus whenever i go to a fight the kiwi loses so im hoping he breaks my bad luck charm.I am tired of having aussies heer tell me how our fighters are average when I know they would kick ass,would evolution be open to a joint promotion?? or even oen with " rising sun promotions ???... an get televised to nz ????
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-09 06:29:03
kahstallion how could Pixie have won the fight when he got an eight count, pixie was strong in the grapple Jordan dominating in the hands, it was a close fight for sure definately needs a rematch.

Totally agree with you about keeping the comments positive, I am happy k1 is becoming high profile. Good for the whole industry. both kiwi and ozzie fighters becoming minor celebrities here when they have fought on a few shows.

Posted: 2005-05-09 07:01:27
aaron mate i wasnt there was just repeating what i read??.........about the quick count it was a slip etc maybe total bullshit just regurgutating info which may or maynot have been apologies hopefully i didnt state it as a fact just said there was conjecture on the result...yeh man positive comments are what weneed no bitching an backbiting cus its just bullshit dont ya "rection" lol.
Posted: 2005-05-09 07:43:59
just for the record nz won cus as lollo said the chief is part kiwi... look on a personal note sorry to hear psycho lost but even tho i reckon hes a great fighter I do believe he lacks a few things which is basically size and i guess some flashy techniques which appeal to overseas ala japanese crowds hes a great boxer good low an middle kicks but no flashy axe kick ala andy hug . I dont mean thats all he needs just a lot of good fighters around the world with similar skills pick in oceania is peter graham ans slowinski cus they have the size an variety in kicking skills i hear you say mark hunt had crap kicks but ya know he had unbridled punching power and i reinforce he had the before anyone thinks im attacking jason ill admit im just stirring the pot to get his supporters to say why he deserves it...dont say he beat peter graham cus peter graham beat mark hunt ????
Posted: 2005-05-09 11:16:45
Obviously Chris and Johnny Scida had done their homework really well. I saw things from Chris I have never seen before (including great fitness). He often beat Jason to the punches on the inside. This is what Jason usually gets people with, and Chris was catching Pycho with it. It seems had Chris sacrifice lots of power to put numbers and combos together. He even counter with uppercuts (prior to this, Chris wasn't known for his upper-cuts), which seems to upset Jason's rhythm and stall him from attacking Chris'a body with punches as follow up or 2nd phases.

To me on the night, I didn't think Jason won convinsingly enough after the first 3 rounds. I thought he would either lost or draw. However I honestly thought he won the extension 4th round.

I had a debate discussion with Lucy Tui, as we often do after the fight LOL!(we were both honest with our opinions). I said exactly what I have just posted, and she thought Jason won clearly after the 1st 3 rounds. When we got to the hotel and watch it on TV, she agreed with me including the Jason won the 4th round. But hey! I was just watching the fight from the ringside while enjoying myself and no pressure. When judging in front of 4 thousand people, and having to make a decision with all that drama, TV and all, etc. emotions are high. I take my hat off for all the judges on the night.
Posted: 2005-05-09 18:55:55
MarkCr wrote:
"Organising the matchups, sorting the venues, getting the sponsors etc is no mean feat and much applause to him.
Things to do with what happens in and around ring, should be designated to someone who is proficient and experienced in such an area. A builder will be in charge of over-seeing the building of a house, but he employs an electrician to wire it."

Its K1. I dought there is a person in New Zealand who has been around K1, watched as many K1 fights etc as much as Dixon. Maybe when he was kicking off with all the promoting stuff you would have had a point but not now.

Great job Dixon.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-09 20:28:33
Spoke to Ray Matsumura last night Kahstallion and Jordan and Pola will be fighting on the explosion event on June 25th so dont come bro HAHA just kidding. actually it would be good to finally meet you.
Posted: 2005-05-09 21:23:35
Thats good news Dixon..
My first show back home and it will be just like being here! hahaha
Any idea on match ups.. I know there is a long line at 70 kg for that show.. JWP Preacher Pixie Soren....
And Pola to fight the Sting perhaps??
OOhh fun fun fun in the sun!!
See you there!!
Posted: 2005-05-09 23:44:32
I interviewed Jason recently and he discussed his feelings about the show and the decision. I will be posting it on Ax news later tonight (probably quite late) so you will be able to check it out tomorrow.
Posted: 2005-05-10 05:58:31
The interview is up now - hope you enjoy it! Of particular interest are his comments about his recent surgery and the the decision to take the fight to a second extension round.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-10 16:51:11
Mark I have a question for you. It was discussed that you should have been 1 of the officials on the night can you please tell us of your experience in this field or even K-1 officiating?
Posted: 2005-05-10 17:31:31
I've jusgt read Jason Suttie's interview.."Spoken like a true warrior that we know he is"
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-10 19:33:29
Its the sequel "Dixon strikes back" lol, Was wondering Dixon if Peter is fighting Ray at Oceania does that mean Peter wont qualify through the oceania region for Japan or Vegas? And the actual winner of oceania where do they qualify for? ie Japan or Vegas, and finally does ray have to qualify for Japan gp and if so how?

Sorry one more question, is Alexi fighting in Paris this weekend?

Cheers Dixon
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-10 23:01:49
I will be able to answer all your questions after this weekend and Alexi is apparently fighting in Paris on the 27th how he does your guess is as good as mine? if you know what I mean
Posted: 2005-05-11 02:02:17
You may ask Dixon..... Ive been involved in the field for 15 years... I began training when i was 18. I study everything and anything I can find. I have done judging courses as per my profile. I tape what ever i can and watch fights over and over, attempting to learn and improve my understanding. I eat it, I breath it.

My experience in K1 officiating is nil, as you well know.
My capabilities in officiating are probably on a par with your good self. EXCEPT I'd be more inclined to trust the judges opinions.....
And... it's not THAT hard to read a rule book and abide by it surely. (cheers for that btw) ref: earlier posts.

Any "discussion" of my involvement was just that Dixon, talk, between you and Terry. No matter what/if yourself and Terry come to arrangements in the future, I will refuse a part to play in any situation. Sitting here I can maintain an objective view and call things how I see them. I feel that If the situation were different (not that I believe for one solitary moment that you would have me in your employ anyway) my objectivity may well be marginalised... after all, every employee must show alliegence to their employer must they not? And rightly so too.

Outstanding interview Matt. Much respect to Jason.

Roll on 11,000 views and 400 posts!!!!! It's gotta be good!
jon gallia
Posted: 2005-05-11 05:19:09
Wicked interview Jase...all class!
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-11 17:25:19
Thanks for the reply Mark but I am sure everyone else will agree that if it was as simple as following the rule book we would not have any problems at all. Physically being there and making split decisions wether you are a judge, ref or an official its a call you have to make without the luxery of a TV or rewind button on a video tape.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-11 18:22:59
To be honest with you judging is not that simple these days and like Dixon Says!!!
its a call you have to make without the luxery of a TV or rewind button on a video tape.
And he is right.
I have been Judging fights for more than 15yrs now & i have judged for all the sanctioning bodies,
& they all have different sets of rules,
Iv'e judged at all levels,
Amatuer, Proffesional, World Titles, etc, etc,
I have even Judged World Title Full Muay-Thai Fights between Top Thai legends.
all up i would say that i must have Judged at least 1000 fights or more in the past 15yrs and i can tell you it is alot harder with alot more pressure put on you these days than it was say 10 to 15 yrs ago.
Posted: 2005-05-11 21:22:46
I dont think anyone is denying that judging isnt easy. I used to judge surfing contests and believe me they are even harder.. full range of scores to use AND variable conditions... and then there is bikinis...
But I put this to you.. is it really that bad a thing to have an independent third person questioning decisions. Is that not what all the match review committes in the various codes of football do each week? If a mistake has been made is it not better to discuss and try to learn from it than to just disregard it. Is this not why the Judges in Japan at last years MAx got stood down and fined?
Basically if mark wants to spend the night watching a fight and critiqueing the officials why not take that on board and try to build on that. If the officials are happy with the decisions and can justify how they arrived at that decision then there shouldnt be a problem.
Like I said I dont think there is a bit of critisism if it is well founded.

Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-11 22:04:26
JA you are right and infact it keeps us on our toes but sometimes there is a difference when one can be considered supporting different agenda's in saying that I believe we have answered all of Marks questions without telling him to F*** off (yet) ? just kidding. If there is one question that has not been answred is that Paul Slowinski did win by a unaminous decision and it is my mistake that it was announced as a split decision and I have called Alan to apologise for this. The records should now state that it was a unaminous decision.
Posted: 2005-05-11 22:11:10
I take on board your comments guys... and yes, you are all correct, it isnt easy. Who of us hasnt sat for 14 fights in a row with no breaks and started to find our concentration waning. Points well stated.

"In the case that a fighter gets cut from a headbutt and is bleeding, the fighter who caused the other to get cut shall recieve one (1) point reduction, even if the headbutt was not intentional"

If i fly off the handle with no good reason then I apologise (esp to you Dixon). But the VIDEO was used to determine the cause of a head butt where one fighter WAS bleeding. It was ruled accidental... but no point was deducted. I'm bloody confused. You had the luxury of the TV, and used it.

As with the case for overruling the Judges in Jasons fight
"the supervisor and supervisory staff are allowed to review a video of the fight WITH THE OTHER JUDGES and confer whether the judgement has been made precisely. However, MORE that two voters must claim for the reconsideration of the judgement to review the fight. The referee will announce RECONSIDERATION during or immediately after a match............."

Can anyone spot what didn't appear to happen here? The avenue was there for the above to take place.

I'll state it again.... Dixon puts on the best show in town, I agree. And again I applaud him (you) for it. I certainly couldn't organise such an event.

Perhaps I get over done in my passion for the martial arts and my fervour gets the better of me when I see something that I dont think is correct(Oand i admit, that just becuse I think something is wrong, doesnt mean it is, it's merely my perspective). If i do overly jump up and down, again I apologise.

In this case, there are anomolies that I see and it bugs the shit out of me. Things are there, simply in black and white, and yet when I and others ask questions, we get no straight answers.

Again, to ask Mr Wongs question: Why was the Slowinski/Rony match called a split, when it's apparant that it was a unanamous dec. Was one judge wrong?

Dixon.... you win.... I give up. (hands up in surrender... waving a white towel)

For those who have mailed me.... cheers for the support, but it's time to speak for yourselves.

Posted: 2005-05-11 23:00:01
MarkCR wrote:
"Again, to ask Mr Wongs question: Why was the Slowinski/Rony match called a split, when it's apparant that it was a unanamous dec. Was one judge wrong"

Dixon wrote:
"If there is one question that has not been answred is that Paul Slowinski did win by a unaminous decision and it is my mistake that it was announced as a split decision and I have called Alan to apologise for this. The records should now state that it was a unaminous decision."

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-11 23:23:15
I know what you mean when you say!!!

and then there is bikinis...

We have the same problems in Kickboxing with Ring Girls.
Expecially if you are judging on the side of the ring that they are getting in.
I can recall on two occasions in the past sitting there as a judge and the ring girl has entered the ring just above where i was sitting and as they lifted there leg to go through the ropes i found myself looking straight up the Barrel "so to speak" & belive me they were wearing No Nickers.
It was a very Trumatic experiance for me. And my judging was probibilly totaly F@#%ed up that night.

aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-11 23:36:21
Hey Dixon has Ray Matsumura got an opponents for Pola and Jordan yet. Pola looked great at k1 and Shivello kept touting him as the next big thing in world of k1.

Will Pola be entering oceania this year? and will Daniel Tai get a crack at Oceania too?

aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-11 23:40:06
lol highlander, you know its in the k1 rule book as an offical your meant to look away just incase the tv camera catches you, lol
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-11 23:55:59
I dont think Dixon went over that page with us at the meeting.
I saw Dave's Glasses getting all steamed up sitting over there with the Ring Girls.
peter slane
Posted: 2005-05-12 00:15:41
Posted: 2005-05-12 00:39:02
T: thank you for that, in my zest and zeal i obviously overlooked dixons response somewhere. Dixon... a belated thank you for the response.
Posted: 2005-05-12 07:17:28
heya dixon it sounds promising that bruce " the preacher" mcafie will be fighting jordan tai in queendsland that should be a awesome fight which id probably haveta go for the preacher cus he is someone who is on the rise an hopefully will go onto represent oceania ( lol i know you are rooting for jordan but ill be a traitor an barrack for the aussie this time). Im glad there seems to be some good nz/australia support between promoters which will help the sport grow.
Posted: 2005-05-12 12:53:50
Highlander...I managed to find a tiny clause at the K-1 rule book which says the ring girls must wear knickers (and they did)...You were seeing with your mind, and not your eyes you dirty bastard!!! LOL!
Posted: 2005-05-12 12:54:55
And Dave Gahan...Shame on you too...LOL!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-12 16:11:55
The show that i saw the Ring Girl wearing no Knickers was not a K-1 Show it happened to be one of your shows many years ago at the Mandalay in Newmarket.
Not only were you a great match-maker of fights you also had a keen eye & this fine ability to pick your Ring Girls back in those days you dirty bastard!!!lol
Posted: 2005-05-12 16:22:36
Hi Guys
Well as a spectator i was happy with the TV2 coverage.
Yeah there was some decisions that didn't seem right but thems the breaks.
Maybe we might hear at the end of each round (we have to go to the video ref on that one)LOl just kiiddin......
But the truth is that very body has the good days and bad days and it takes a real man to say when they have a bad day..
Good show Dixon and Crew & fighters.
A quick question to Dixon- Have u ever thought of taking K1 NZ to other cities and doin one of shows there to build kickboxing in this country.
Christchurch would be a good place to have it and Wellington as well.
Just a food for thought as there are alot of PPL outside of Auckland who love the sport and cant travel all the time to Auckland>>>>>>
Posted: 2005-05-12 17:19:07! You must give me the name of the manufacturer who made your contact lens..LOL!
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-12 17:25:15
Hey Tigerclaw I have thought on a number of ocassions taking it too other cities but I must get it right here first in all areas. Once we obtain the huge corporates it financially justifies it moving around. My all time dream was to have a K-1 Wellington, Christchurch, Auckland, Putaruru oh sorry got carried away nah I mean the 3 major centres all leading into Oceania. I reckon in a year or two that will be obtainable.

Mark my friend lol? Although the rule book states blah blah about head clashes in the rules meeting we also stated that it would be at the discretion of the Judges. This was the first time that we had used the monitor for replay in which Scotty and I came to the conclusion that it did not justify a point reduction. This was also indicated to Mark Pease who was in the corner with Pixie at the time. You see some of the rules in the K-1 rule book we dont agree with such as the Purse penalty clause in which we also modified at the rules meeting. Hope this clears it up and for the record I accept your apologies.

Kahstallion Yes it does look like Jordan v Preacher under K-1 Rules and we are still waiting on an opponent for Pola.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-12 17:29:17
There called Hinekin beer Goggles.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-12 17:34:49
Are those the same goggles you had on at the after party when you admired the Tattoo on that girls lower back Highlander.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-12 17:35:57
Aaron after this weekend I will make some decisions regarding Pola and Daniel Tai in the Oceania
Posted: 2005-05-12 17:40:06
That's what I mean Dix...I'm sure the ring girls at my shows wear tight push bike shorts...LOL! He managed to see past that you dirty bastard...LOL!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-12 17:42:43
They sure were Dixon,
Lollo was wearing some to, He just could'ent see out of them to well.

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-12 17:45:38
It is something that i would have not normally noticed, But as they had just come straight from work it was the steam comming of it that cought my attention

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-12 18:00:01
For the Record...
I stand by Dixons decission 110% concerning the head clash during the Tai vs Pixie fight.
If Jordan had been deducted a point off in that particular situation then he would have been Robbed.
Posted: 2005-05-12 20:15:22
As opposed to Pixie who was robbed cos it wasn't applied Highlander???
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-12 20:34:01
I bet if it had been the other way around and Jordan had been cut from the same head clash and we "the Officials" had decided to take a point of Pixie for it, everyone would probibilly be arguing a diferent argument and be saying that pixie should not have had the point deducted since it was through no fault of his that it happened.
Posted: 2005-05-12 21:04:02
Sorry it was more the way you worded it.. If the rules had of been applied to jordan he would have been robbed. Maybe but that doesnt change the fact that the was an infringement of the rules..
I know its a double edged sword but that statement just said to me well we chose not to apply the rules. Where earlier in the thread there was a post along the lines of these are the rules from Japan and the fighters need to get used to them.
I guess it sort of backs up what Markcr has been saying. The rules are there in writing. But they can be selectively applied as we see fit.
I am not saying its right or wrong or that i even agree with the rule. but it is there in black and white 1 point for accidental 2 for intentional.
Anyway its over its done..moving right along...
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-12 22:31:14
I would still like to refer to the rules meeting held the day before when it was stated that it would be at the discretion of the judges which actually isnt in the rules. The rule in my opinion is stupid hence why we stated in the meeting that it would only apply if it was done deliberately or intentional. In this case it was neither.
Posted: 2005-05-13 00:57:31
Dixon.... "apologies".. nah nah pal.... just ONE APOLOGY... no plural intended.

Posted: 2005-05-13 01:06:48
Dixon.... "apologies".. nah nah pal.... just ONE APOLOGY... no plural intended.

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-13 01:30:44
Thats 2 apologies now Mark.
Actually 3 if you count the one afew posts back.
No good greezing now.
Somethin tells me you've blown yer chances of ever being a K-1 Judge.
lol hehehe
Posted: 2005-05-13 06:42:26
ship sailed a long time ago on that score Scotty.

And scotty, goddam it, the last two wre reiterating the validity of the first.... not bloody well adding them up....
Is that the same math you use when asking for one drink, the barman says "excuse me i didnt quite catch that" so you ask again and expect to get two drinks but only paying for one!!!!!!!
Posted: 2005-05-13 12:27:52
Yeah....I've seen him done, except it was 3 not 2!!! LOL!
Posted: 2005-05-13 17:35:10
Does someone know how Alexey is doing?
Is he still going to fight in Paris?
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-13 17:49:42
It's the Scotish in me Mark.
One half of me wants to get pissed & the other half of me does'ent want to pay for it.
Sometime the both halfs have a hellava scrap over it.
& im usually the one that comes of worse.
Pissed & broke.
Posted: 2005-05-14 14:46:23
great k1,,,,, like the no fear man aaron boyes. id like to see daniel tai fight k1 i watchd him fight richard tutaki and win then charlie smiler and win then he enterd the 8 man over the shore a while ago again he won then watch him beat sio ..he,s got the fire,, mana ,, i know his father and trained with them for a while they are good people and run ther gym by them selfs ,,tai bros,,give daniel a go i beleave he,ll be k1 nz champ one day. thanks arron boyes for sticking up for our mate..,, kia ora brother,, sorry bout my spelling every one i went to school to raid the fruit trees, and make traps for the techhers, and chase the girls, so i was to busy to do much elsse
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-14 19:27:40
Mark Cr, why don't you start a thread on what sort of rule criteria and judging system would be the best way to judge fights?

You clearly have a good understanding of the literal criteria and intent of several scoring systems, and your linear, black and white view of things would make a good starting point for a postive discussion.

Who knows it might even result in changing the way some things are done.
Posted: 2005-05-15 00:44:10
Mike, aside from the .5 scoring thing, I dont see a problem with the K1 rules just the way they are. No need to reinvent the wheel.... its round and it goes round.

Some of the boxing organisations have variations in their rules, and have benefits and drawbacks. Different KB organisations ditto.
As long as everyone knows what is expected of them, then there should be no problem.

Things go awry when people try to "interpret" what rules are "trying to say".... rather than just doing what they DO say.
My "linear, black and white view of things" is no different to the way they are written...... in black and white.

Mike, lots of OSH approved workplace guidelines have bullshit statements akin to : "this MUST be done like this.... unless blah blah" They give an alternative cop out route that leaves no-one any wiser. Whereas rules as laid out by many organisations in all their variations are exactly as you state.... in black and white.

I have never called for the rules to be changed wholesale.... only bitched about them being quite clear and not adhered to.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-15 15:26:59
But still it'd be an intertesting topic to gauge how people feel about certain rules and commentry on rules and the interpretation of these is something that could be quite successfully done by someone with a technical black and whiute view. And there are plenty of rule variations ...

Standing 8 count or taking a knee, pulling the knee to the head or free knee, accidental foul or intentional, 10 point must system or 20 point scoring (esstially a . 5 system, what is a knock down, in case of a judging mistake or addition error after the fact, what scored higher agression, ring craft effective shots vs volume, kicks, knees, punches etc, the role of an adjudicator....

Personally I think too many rules lead to more complications than they solve - and often supercede common sense in favour of what some plonker put down on paper without considering all the potential scenarios and implications and then you get the if / but situation you have with the likes of your osh example.

Anyway it'd be an interesting thread ... the wheel may be going around but you did need to reinvent the wheel to imporve its performance - one of those factors is how the rules are applied another is the effectiveness of the rules themselves.

Posted: 2005-05-15 17:52:39
Fair comment Mike... to be honest I thought you were taking the piss.

Why not just copy/paste what youve written and go from there... seems like a good start.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-15 20:23:26
Nup just think it'd make a good topic ..
Posted: 2005-05-15 20:28:19

Are you the guy that I met walking to the fights at the ymca, who used to train with daniel. we were talking about the fights recently that had been held at the aba. You had moved up north. If it is you then "hey bro cool to see you posting on ax"
Posted: 2005-05-15 22:16:01
hammish the hammer kia ora brother man you got a good memory i remember you gave me some change for the parking place choice.. those fella,s that fought in the k1 are hard men all of them,, i just found this site and thought id put my 2 cents worth in there and id like to see daniel tai fighting ki he,s earnt it how are ya brother good luck to you for your up and comin fights bro, c u ano ,
Posted: 2005-05-15 22:47:08
Mike Angove... you suggest and it is done... ohhh the power!!!!!
Posted: 2005-05-16 04:22:12
markcr and mike angove in a "luv in" wtf???? has the world gone pear shaped ???i go away for a few days an Im reading these 2 getting along?? please tell me it aint so???,now Markcr i want you to keep being anal aboutrules an mike i want you to defend the k1 oceania an dixon till theres not a breathin your body an than ill be happy again lol . In all seriousness sometimes i think mark makes good points other times im like " if you have an issue heres a tissue ya big sook" lol but in all seriousnesss he makes great points just keeps on about it way too long but hey we luv him for that fact i hear markcr and mike angove are secretly"saliva brothers " lol and they just argue on here so they canmake up snicker snicker.
Posted: 2005-05-16 04:34:08
Dude... for fuk sake... just when we got this little niggly thing going on good you go and expose it.... actually im aiming for schiavellos job so as me and Mike can get really into some chair slamming tantrum throwing stuff!!!!!
Posted: 2005-05-16 05:02:03
Please leave the chairs out of never said anything bad to either of you, during your judging debates. LOL!
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-16 16:29:19
Kahstallion - you never really have gotten over Schiavello dumping you for his cow Daisy and now you have to belittle the love trists back in NZ - you're just jealous, don't worry I'm sure you'll find a nice man soon LOL
John Rebel Conway
Posted: 2005-05-16 20:22:22
Brake. go back to your corners you 3
Posted: 2005-05-16 20:25:54
Wasnt me ref... honest!!!!

It was Angove, he's been doing it all bloody night!!

Lollo.... why you favouring the chairs man, what have they got on you... huh huh?
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-16 20:46:28
Lollo favours the chairs cos when he's had to much to drink they are his best friends. lol
Posted: 2005-05-16 22:02:03
Scotty...LOL! I bet your best friend is carpet floor when you have too many HKs. LOL!
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-16 22:53:36
Scotty'd best friend is the giant porcelin god and tile floors - Scotsmen do do carpet its too soft.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-16 23:17:16
lollo...Shag-pile actualy.

Mike...A Scotsman never waste's good alcohol down the porcelin porthole.
Posted: 2005-05-16 23:40:24
cheers derek , I think you are spot on about daniel tai, hes fought the fights and won. 2 others would be sydney asiata and peter samson. sydney is undefeated and destroying all oposition. cant wait for the next k1 promo.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-16 23:46:46
Your not wrong there Hamish about Daniel & Sydney.
Daniel vs Sydney would be a very interesting Match-up.
Posted: 2005-05-17 05:13:48
I'm a big fan of syds, but i dunno about matching him up against daniel just yet. Pete sampson/ Syd would be a cracker.
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-17 07:09:24
The problem is Daniel is so experienced with over 100 boxing & thaiboxing fights, he has ko power in both hands and strong leg kicks, defensively he is probably the best fighter in the country, so why would any up and coming heavyweight wish to take him on?

I say because if you want to be the best you should fight the best, with this in mind all up and coming heavyweights should be lining up to take him on, but i bet they not.

I sincerly hope he doesnt get overlooked for k1 oceania
Posted: 2005-05-17 08:10:48
good to hear so many up an coming heavyweights coming thru in nz i dunno about australia but i can name hmm the chief, christopolidis,slowinski,carnage as the only top echelon fighters the rest are not much in quality or getting too old .I just wish wed have soem kiwi fighters coem overe here an destroy not beat some of the fighters here cus i still havent seen it... well mark hunt didnt coutn cus i was at the crown both times he won the k1 an he was representing nsw .
Posted: 2005-05-17 08:25:49
an also as a reply to mike angove trists ???? for god sake for a man with a degree in education will you stop flaunting you knowledge i mean having a " plethora " of huge words an using them in forum just makes you " opstreperous " ,as for the gay thing well look your only gay if you are the guy taking it and from memory the fight i remember you in was against jason suttie and "you were definitley taking it " lol boom boom .I digress all i want for christmas is for dixon to co promote in australia an show case nz talent ,for ron sefo to coem out smoking when he fights instead of always starting slowly cus ist a waste of so much skill an power. I want markcr to write a book explaining why the k1 rules are a load of made up shit to suit japanese promoters and why qualification fights always leads to someoen else going to japan apart from the winner lol .
Posted: 2005-05-17 16:48:39
Its due for release near christmas, just having some publisist woes.
Heres some little teasers -

... were the K1 Max knee rules changes to basically full grapple to accomodate Buakaw?
... were Mike Schiavello and Mike Angove approached to play the parts of Donkey and Prince Charming (respectively) in Shrek 2?
... when the ref asks the fighters "do you have any questions?" why do we not hear in response "Yes I do, what is the formula for sub atomic particle accelleration"?
... Does Hoost qualify by default every year? Or is the back door a ligitimate route... and which back door, and for who!

I think your last comment there was never fully answered - and I doubt anyone will really know the truth.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-17 17:47:28
OUch Kahstallion Man that hurt LOL - almost as bad as the four clean uppercuts Jase landed that night - my memory goes something like this - oh thats was good one, oh so was that , oh sh-t so was that followed by who turned out the lights ... foprtunately they came on again pretty quickly but not fast enough to get back in the fight bugger!

MarkCr - I hope like hell I'm not Prince Charming ... I'd much rather be known as Donkey ...

Aaron - you are right about Daniel - he is kind of like the Ray Mercer in NZ Kickboxing - granite chin, can bang, can be beaten on points but if you make a mistake its over and if you under estimate him its over - he is a managers nightmare: short, durable, not flashy, denensively sound and dangerous ... he is also the guy you really have to get past to prove you are ready to step up to international class ... I agree that he has proved his case and should get a shot, the major draw back for Daniel is that he doesn't fit into the "marketable" category according to Japanese or even US standards so in K-1 terms he bascially seems to have to keep doing it hard ... I'd love to see him fight Brett Zanchetta - that would be a good match up ...
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-17 18:04:42
Here is who i would like to see Daniel Matched against & i think he deserves a shot at them.

Preferably in this order:

Daniel vs Hiriwa Te-rangi
Daniel vs Sydney Asiata
Daniel vs Poala Mataele
Daniel vs Andrew peck
Daniel vs Rony Sefo
Daniel vs Jason Suttie

I hav'ent mentioned: Peter Samson or Sio Vitale as Daniel has already taken care of these two.

What do you guys think????
Posted: 2005-05-17 18:19:14
Is there anything for Daniel in a fight against Syd at this juncture? Sure Syd might benefit from a bout with Daniel, but what would Daniel get from it. Daniel wins, then situation normal, Syd wins, and Daniel goes a step back.

Out of the list there Scotty, Id like to see Daniel fight Rony.

As for Andrew..... where are you dude!!!!!!!! Kahstallion was just saying how much he was pining for your presence. (hehe)
peter slane
Posted: 2005-05-17 18:22:24
peter slane
Posted: 2005-05-17 18:25:23
wat r u all blind dan tai,is my man and all.but sid asiata is going 2 knock out suttie,sly whoeva he fights,this guy belts pola around in sparring remembr wea u herd it 1st .....
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-17 18:46:53
Er Umm Peter - having been present at all of Syd's Sparring sessions with Pola I think you might be exagerrating a smidgen.

But Syd is a great prospect and a Southpaw with power to boot - once his hands come up to speed he will be very dangerous. Rebel has done an awesome job with him.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-17 18:56:44

Daniel beating Sydney is not a "situation Normal"
Sydney is proving himself as a worthy scalp for any fighter to take in order to push themselfs up the ladder.
I would say that Sydney & Daniel are probibilly the two biggest threats in the heavyweights at the moment.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-17 19:17:17
Emerging threats in NZ at the moment:

Each has strengths and weaknesses:

Sydney - Power and Southpaw, very good kicker, but hands are still a little lose

Paula - Hasn't been tested yet, know one knows how he will go against a big leg kicker

Peter Sampson - Great kicker, Big guy with good power - but needs to use his range better with his hands to set up his kicks - lost to Daniel due to a shin cut

Daniel - Power in both hands, solid kicker, very durable but short for a heavyeweight and can be vunerable to a fast handed fighter

Tavita - good power hands but needs to up the kicking side of things

Andrew Peck and Hiriwa Te Rangi would both be great opponents for any of these guys to get past and see wether they can step it up a notch ...Overall its finally great to see new names coming through in NZ its long over due otherwise what happens when Sefo, Suttie and co retire ?

Peter Slane - regarding Syd knocking out Jason Suttie or Ron Sefo - even though you are a fan which is cool it is a big step up for him right now and is really quite disrespectful to fighters who have proven their credentials internationally. Careful not to bag one fighter when pumping up another.

Scotty I'd like to see Peter and Daniel rematch as the last fight was stopped due to a shin cut. What do you reckon?
Posted: 2005-05-17 19:27:40
Sorry Scotty... I was speaking from a Daniel Perspective. Dont get me wrong... i rate Syd BIG TIME. My comment was alluding to if Daniel were to beat Syd, then what.... hed be in the same situationas right now.
peter slane
Posted: 2005-05-17 19:29:23
yea ur rite lightning,i aint mean no disrespect 2 suttie and sly and co,but sid is 4 reel and come fight time he will take it out i will bet my shack on it lol.....
Posted: 2005-05-17 19:31:15
And before i get jumped on........ Syd isnt fighting K1 at the mo, which appears to be the benchmark, so therfore Daniel would be better off fighting someone currently in the K1 circle wouldnt he? No doubt that Syd/Daniel would be a huge scrap.
If the K1 is the epitome, then to fight someone not currently in K1 could be seen as a down step couldnt it?
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-17 20:17:24
Possibly a Daniel vs Peter Rematch, But i think Daniel would still be to strong for peter,
Peter as you say is a huge leg kicker, but as we seen on there last outing they had no efect on Daniels Kauri Stumps. Daniel has the meanest shins for checking, even a basball bat would not get through them.
And as for peters hands, well they did'ent even phase Daniel.
So untill Peter has had a few more fights against some tough apponents id rather see Daniel fight some of the others.

Still cant agree with you on that one.
Sydney is still the man to beat even thoug he is not yet in K-1.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-17 20:37:00
Id like to see Raphael Tai get his Arse back into gear and back to training now that he is a heavyweight.
That would shake the pot up even more.
Posted: 2005-05-17 20:39:20
Daniel would easily beat all the above fighters that had been mentioned but the only one that would give Daniel a hard time would probaly be Jason Suttie.

Imagine Tai and Suttie in the K1 final , that would be one hell of a fight.

just my 2 cents.

Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-17 21:36:08
Strong words in support of Daniel - after a long time waiting maybe its time to see these fights happen.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-17 22:00:04

I dont think Daniel would easily beat all the above, but they would all be great tests for him.
But i definatly think it could stir the pot up abit & cause afew upsets in the Heavyweight ranks.
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-17 22:40:24
Peter Sampson was lucky the fight was stopped as Daniel was really hurting his legs with kicks. I think Daniel was on his way to stopping peter anyway.

Daniel and Ronny would be a great fight, from all reports Daniel was holding his own with Ray in sparring, so I think him and Ronny would be even!!

I hope Daniel and Andrew Peck goes ahead next month on Kio show as this will be a great fight. Hope andrew dont get banged up to bad next month in the WMC Supa 8.

Mike you keep going on about Daniel not being marketable, i think what you really mean is that he doesnt have a contract with Dixon as his manager. If he did im sure he would become very marketable, same with Jason Suttie.

Im sure a 75kg thai boy would not be marketable as a heavyweight either, nor would an overweight Maori with a moko painted on and vertually no kickboxing experience, yet they have made it to Japan

Like Kahstallion said what the use of having qualifing tournaments when the wrong fighters go to japan anyway?

My point is if Daniel or Jason wins Oceania then Vegas and qualifies to fight in Japan then wins there it doesnt matter if he is marketable or not, Sorry Dixon just saying what everyone is thinking anyway.

Everybody loves seeing the smaller guy beat the bigger guy thats wht Koaklai is so popular, Daniel and Jason have the same elements, i just hope theyre not put against each other first round, instaed put them at oppisite ends of the draw.

jon gallia
Posted: 2005-05-17 22:41:16
Rather than syd and dan fight each other...i would like to see them fight (nz) k1 fighters on the same promotion...maybe andrew and hiriwa and see what happens...any views anybody???

Also to answer someones ? a few posts back...andrew is training at etk and city lee gar and looking good.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-17 22:53:02
Where's next months WMC Supa8 happening???
And who are the 8???
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-17 23:13:53
Ethan Shepp show in Aderlaide full thai rules, May 22nd, Chris Chrisopulides, Andrew Peck, Paul Slowinski, Mitch Ohello, Nathan Briggs, Hiriwa Terangi, Peter Sampson, and im not sure who will be taking Sio Vatale place, see latest kickboxer mag for a good write up on fighters
Posted: 2005-05-18 00:00:26
Slowinski has to be the pick for that show after his last effort at the anzacs, IMO.
Would be good to watch though.
I want to see Pola against Peck next and Syd against Rony as a step up.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-18 00:07:30
Sounds good line up.
I'll pick a Godzilla / Sting Final
Posted: 2005-05-18 06:32:13
man slowinski is good but give christopolidis credit anyone that fights him will walk away banged up win lose or draw ...hmmm i kinda disagree with you a bit aaron in that we all see k1 as a pure kickboxing event an unfortunately it isnt ... its about showmanship and i guess characters .I dont know if ray sefo would be as great today if he hadnt gotten up after andy hug kicked him in the nuts twice an knocked him down 3 times an he still stood up an told him to " bring it ",that fight signalled him as a crowd favourite...some one who doesnt take a step back.I bagg bob sapp cus hes a assclown with no skill yet he knocked out ernesto hoost in 2 fights showing that sometimes overwhelming power can defeat skill ( made the mistake of thinking that power can hurt a coconut with a hard head an a harder punch in ray sefo lol ). I understand what dixon says about marketability cus no offence to Daniel Tai or Jason Suttie and so many good fighters out there but hey i could probably travel to 10 other kickboxing countrys and get their top fighters an they would be just as good no better no worse .. my dream is to get a good fighter whos more arrogant than Jerome le Banner who calls everyone a piece of trash an trash talks everyoen an anyone and who wins an wins now thats a personality not all the we must be " humble ( yawn yawn )" stuff. I want arrogance i want power i want a heavyweight with a mouth oh shit i just described mike schiavello lol.
Posted: 2005-05-18 07:09:16
Lol man.... your a crack up.

maybe exactly what your talking about is what is making Cyril Abidi a fairly hot commodity at the mo.... he just simply doesnt appear to give a shit, cares not who he fights. Hes shown that he may not be the smartest fighter out there (slugfest with Goodridge i think it was) but his balls are bigger than Schiavelloes one liners, and he doesnt mind putting them on the block (in a manner of speaking)
Posted: 2005-05-18 07:45:36
ok ok ok im gonna help my kiwi brothers get some characterisation... hmm lets not go into WWE mode but hey why not have psycho walk in and call his opponent a " assclown who has no right to be in the ring cus he hasnt paid his dues and that the japanese promoters cant handle another samoan destroying their pretty boy fighters " we have the arrogance thing , we have the race thing ... hmm may not work but ya know nothing else is working at the moment hey, I mean jason, rexy,aaron all good fighters but not as pretty as " ravishing ray sefo " or mike "the angel" angove or K"multipleman"AHSTALLION lol hmm made that up...lets think out side our circle guys ,if modesty aint doing it than try some arrogance... choice insults" donutmakers " etc any press is good press hey just dont soudn stupid when you do it like Mundine in boxing cus you end up being seen as a clown .
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-18 14:36:37
NO Aaron what I mean is that Daniel is a shorter, unfancied fighter who doesn't fight with flashy techniques and probabley doesn't have the pretty boy features of say a Ray, Paula or the showmanship or articulation of say a Jason Suttie or Peter Graham. The kinds of things that K-1 and sponsors tend to look for. Like it or not thats what they look for as well as fighting ability.

I mean look at the chances and $$$ Oscar Dela Hoya got vs what Bernard Hopkins got and we both know who was the better fighter. Same with Sugar Ray Lenord over Marvin Hagler and again with both know who was better there. Look at Martin Holm in K-1 who has beaten several top K-1 fighters but doesn't seem to get his shot because apparently K-1 thinks he's boring. It aint fair but thats what happens.

On the other hand if he wins his way through Vegas there should be nothing stopping him.

What I said above is in support of Daniel and an observation of how difficult it is for him because he doesn't fit into the so called marketable category. Nor did Mark Hunt before he won his way through to Tokyo Dome - he just had to do it harder and Daniel does too and when the opportunity presents itself take it with both hands. Man i think you're pulling a negative out of a positive, I thinks its time for Daniel to be given his chance too.

The 145 Kilo Moari with 12% body fat, fitted into the Bob Sapp Category and like it or not K-1 was chasing that at the time (and I am not a fan of that type of fighter either it sucks when fighters who have spent years honing their skills don't get a chance).

Kaoklai was hugely popular and a surprise winner of Korea who was supposed to be feed to the dogs when he fought Iggy - when he then won the hearts of the Japanese fans will his heart, skill and showmanship - I suspect it wasn't supposed to happen that way but he grabbed his chance with both hands and ran with it. Same with his draw with Bernado, KO of Mighty MO and ripp off loss to Musashi, and to be honest I think he beat the Korean monster this year as well.

So in that respect hopefully Daniel will get his shot, run with it and laugh at all the neysayers all the way to the bank.

Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-18 20:23:23
Hey Aaron very harsh statement to make regarding them not getting a chance due to them not being under my management. I currently manage Ray, Jordan, Pola and Paul Kingi there are alot of other names who I have given assistance to for nothing. Every fighter who fights on my events has an even chance to prove themselves to K-1 thats as far as I can take them I cant change K-1's mind as too who they want or who looks right. How many of you all think that its a waist of time having Akebono in the ring yet he sells to Japanese television. Before you all go on about Daniel getting a shot I think Jason deserves one first. Kahstallion is right you either have to look the ####, act the #### or fight like the #### or find an act that sells. Unfortunately we are not in the fight business once it becomes a TV product its called Sports Entertainment. The funny thing Kahstallion is that I spoke to Jason proir to Anzacs and we talked about that very thing, creating a kickass entrance. The Butchers entrance is awesome and if you ever get to see Genki Sudo's entrance you know what I am talking about.
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-18 21:37:02
Yes i agree with you fully that Jason deserves a shot first, and is he getting one? out of interest. I dont blame you for promoting those who have management contracts with you Dixon as that is business, and something your exceptionally good at, I mean you wouldnt see Don King promoting a fighter he didnt control either ay.

Is what your saying k1 is not for fighters but more of a show like wwf? Maybe that's why all the great fighters like Mikro, mark hunt and others have left and gone to Pride. From my understanding one Japan tv station likes the freak show and the other likes fighters?

You and Mike keeps telling us that k1 Japan only wants a certain looking fighter, but i dont see any simularity amongst them, eg Koaklai, mighty mo, botha, remy all totally different styles and looks styles.

At the end of the day Dixon i will always keep pushing for the likes of Daniel and Jason as they are pure backbone of New Zealand fight industry(along with others of course, choppa, rex etc) They are the fighters that should get the exposure and all the rest Pola, peter Sampson, Tavita etc should have to come through them first.

maybe we should start calling you "Don Dixon King Mciver" lol
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-18 22:31:36
Aaron - I don't think you should stop pushing for the guys you think is be underepresented Jase in particular. Daniel still needs to beat a Peck or a Hiriwa to really convince some people - so hopefully that happens next month. Jason is the backbone of NZ kickboxing no one has done more for our sport in terms of profile and performance locally in the past 5 years if you ask me. Daniel has been a guy who has paid his dues taken on anyone anywhere any time and his performance in the past 12-18 months at heavyweight should him getting a shot at some of the guys who have a higher profile soon.

But there is no conspiracy going on to deny them. Japan makes ther own decisions on who they want to see - and often I don't understand their logic either !!! ... Mirko left K-1 because he got huge money in a bidding war from Pride. Mark again got huge money. Leko and Semi Shult are back - that was as a result of a fallout between Golden Glory (their training camp)and K-1 over money

For some of the fighters you mentioned the thing they have in common is ability to generate a large fan based audience either in Japan or the US where the money lies. Each of them has a good story or a niche in addition to their fighting ability which generates $$$$ for Japan.

Marketing 101 Analysis of why the Japanese have gone for certian fighters:

Kaoklai - an accident that wasn't supposed to happen, the orrinal tournament was set up I believe for Akebono to win - and one thing you and I agree on is that thank god that didn't happen. Then when Kaoklai beat Iggy he captured the hearts of the Japanese because of his 78 kilo frame and briliant eavasive skills and counter fighting, aditionally he is a good looking athlete who they can and have promoted. Additionally Kaoklai from memory is associated with Ihara who apparently holds a degree of sway in Japan as well.

Mighty Mo - again he wasn't supposed to win K-1 USA, Carter Williams was, but when Mo won with such deestating KO's I think Japan thought they had another Mark Hunt on their hands AND more importantly they HAD to have an American fighter in the tournament as they are looking to the States as a huge revenue generating region. So thus MO got his shot and ironically made an instant star of Kaoklai in 2004

Francois Botha - Ex World Boxing Champion was enough to get him in. In addtion he speaks well to the press and has a great ring entrence. Also the US Market knows him from his boxing days and so are more likely to follow him on TV.

Remy - Ex Model, Ex Investment Banker, Highly Explosive fighter who has come through the tough Dutch circuit. Intelligent, articulate, looks good and after quite a few chances has won two K-1 grand prix tournaments.

Filiho and lately Glaube - Kyokoshin fighters who inaddition to having great skill because they are associated with Kyokoshin draw from that Japanese and world fan base - so good business sense to have them in there.

I think Jase's storey in particular is highly marketable - particularly the Samoan Tattoos and how he got them, His entrance and the fact he used to fight at middle weight, and his warrior attitude there is a really good story there.

Daniel's story is proably likely to be as a giant killer not afraid of anyone -but he needs some big KO's on his highlight reel against bigger better and fighters to do that so hopefully if he keeps on performing he will force himself into an opportunity to have a crack and do a mark hunt...and prove the powers than be wrong ...

Daniel vs Tavita would be a good fight too ...
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-05-18 22:35:01
I couldn't agree with Dixon and Kahstallion (and Angove, though agreeing with him frustrates me!) more!

The K-1 is a business, it is not a sanctioning body, and as a business they have to make money and keep growing.

Yes it does frustrate to see fighters like Suttie not getting a run in Japan, but this game is about a simple equation: Marketability + Fight Ability = K-1... not just Fight Ability + Fight Ability. What some fighters lack in fight ability (Akebono, Sapp, Toa) they more than enough make up for in Marketability.

And someone made the point of fighters not being similar (Mo, Kaoklai, Remy, etc)... well, what sports and entertainment business would want their stars to all be the same? They don't market clones. Remy is the slick, good looking former model and banker turned kick ass K-1 champion with awesome kicking and aerial kneeing ability... Botha is the former world class boxer who learns kickboxing and takes it up to the best including Hoost and LeBanner... Kaoklai is the former welterweight who defied the odds and commonsense to take on guys 30 or 40 kilos heavier and beat them (pure David and Goliath)... even Mark Hunt had an angle (streetfighter, short, stout, couldn't be knocked out and shocked the world... he was the anti-thesis of everything a "martial artist" should be, like the STONE COLD of K-1... a fuck everyone I'm gonna KO you and take the money attitude)... MIRKO had an angle (special forces Cop)... everyone has an angle - you GOTTA have an angle and be able to back it up with the ability.

There were some awesome fighters over the years who NEVER had a marketable angle, and thus could only go so far in K-1... Lloyd Van Dams, Matt Skelton to name but two.

I think Dixon has done a marvellous job with marketing and promoting K-1... in fact the best job of anyone outside Japan and he continues to create opportunities for ALL the fighters on his cards -- do you think Mr Ishii, Daisuke and Tanigawa haven't seen the ANZACS show? They watched it a few days after the event. They know the talent coming through the region and they are looking for the next big thing (which I say will be Pola).

Anyway, some interesting thoughts from everyone!

Posted: 2005-05-18 23:12:55
Sorry... forgive me if im wrong...

am i reading this correctly......

"Japan makes ther own decisions on who they want to see"
"I cant change K-1's mind as too who they want or who looks right."

So it really doesnt really matter who wins Oceania, Las Vegas etc.... if they havent got the right look then Japan doesnt want them????? If this is the case then arent a lot of fighters under a misguided premise that sweating their guts out thinking that if they work hard, win, then the rewards will come... when according to the above statements this isnt necessarily the case.

I apologise (oh shit.... doh not another one) if I've read that wrong, but thats the way it appears.
This analogy might explain Botha winning nothing and making GP, Hoost not making quals and having someone "injure" themselves, and him taking the spot.

Mike there may be no conspiracy in NZ - but by the current conversation, it may well appear as if there is elsewhere. Effort and records mean nothing - the qualification system must therefore be a joke if all Japan selects is Marketability.

Before anyone gets all defensive, im not taking a dig at anyone here, just calling it how it looks.... and im happy to stand corrected if i have misinterpreted the current conversation thus far.

Posted: 2005-05-18 23:54:17
partly right markcr what we are sayins is that part of it is based on skill and part is based on marketibility..........theres the genuine fighters which you can market and the freaks which you can market,the guys in between which fall in the category of either small with a lotta skill ( probably 100 guys in england,france ,usa nz etc) would fall into this category or big guys with no profile as in 6"4 110kgs and average skills .The point i know you are saying is why bother than?? ray sefo is 5"11 and 100 kgs with great skills ( an no he aint 6"2 lol as the k1 profile says hehehe much like the wwe with their 7 ft tall but really meaning 6"8)hes a millionaire based on luck skill and marketability.I think ronny sefo has similer skills but not as marketable as ray cus he doesnt sell it as much...jason suttie should market his tatoo cus no other fighter has a pe"aa like that. I keep saying its not black an white ....good fighters dont always gets a shot but great fighters at some stage will.....dont wait for things to happen ...make them happen... you wanna fight in japan well save pay your own way there ,fight for fuk all an if you win consistantly you will get a shot...why cry that people hold you back.....if you put your future in other peoples hands than dont complain that you may not be the first in the que ...make ya own fkn que lol :) jokes
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-18 23:54:28
Thanks Mikes, very educated reply's, but all it seems to do is prove to me that a "angle" or "niche" can be created for anyone. I am not trying to say that there is any conspiracy. Just because i dont brown nose Dixon by saying "your the man Dixon etc" dont mean i dont think hes doing a fantastic job, i fully support him and k1 with myself and my gym.

Pola looked great in his last fight but i think he needs to ko a big named fighter too before he wins everyones respect.

Mike S i agreed with you 100% k1 is business and all about making money and not a sactioning body. This is why i think fighters like Daniel and Jason might be disadvantaged by not having a management contract with Dixon, and to be honest if k1 is there future maybe they should, (maybe not my place to talk about this)

One thing Angrove at least you and i agree now that Suttie is a marketable camodity, it's taken me 6 months to make you see the light but finally ive turn you back from the "Dark Side" lol (just excited about going to see star wars tonight).

When will we know the line up for Oceania, its not that far away.

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-19 01:35:19

Have you decided what date in July yet for K-1 Ociania, 30th or 31st ???
Posted: 2005-05-19 04:50:15
How about the NZKBF and getting Sparc behind the kickboxing in New Zealand, I heard about this a while ago but not much news lately.

That would help to Take it to the Next Level, IMO. Having had some contact with other Carded athetes i have seen the benifit this can offer.
Anyone have any idea whats happening in this area?
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-05-19 09:33:23
All guys get the same exposure on the shows here in NZ and it is up too them too sell. Regardless of my management Aaron it still would not change their minds if they didnt want them. Imagine if I did what you said then all of a sudden I will get bagged for Managing all the fighters in my show. and trust me mate any man who wants to stick there nose near my arse is a
Mark you are right in some ways but if a fighter wins the tournaments that take you too the next level then they have no choice but to take him but its a hard road there. Kaokalai is a prime example of that and I concur with Mike in saying he wasnt supposed to be there. The unfortunate fact is that the less skilled yet more marketable fighters get an easier road. 1 thing you should look for is that K-1 on most occassions match there fights with a win win to K-1. Either there hero knock someone out again or they create a new star.
This is was sells to K-1 Fighting Spirit, KO ability, In LeBanners / Abidis case both ways, Size, Looks, Physique, Gimick, History. You must remember that the rules of K-1 are beneficial to the audience not the fighter.
Sefo fighting Spirit and KO Power
Le Banner Knocks out or gets Knocked out
Abidi Same
Hunt KO Power and Brute Stregnth
Sapp Power and Showmanship
Remy Style
Botha Former Boxer and ex Tyson opponent yep they play it everytime
Aerts Track Record former champion
Hoost Track Record former champion
Ignashov KO Power mysteriousness
Bernardo KO Power
Kaokalai is now the new hope for all those small people

It goes on and on but if you think thats cofusing wait until you see MAX its all about looks man
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-19 14:53:18
Part of what Aaron and Mark says is right - the decisions K-1 make sometimes defy logic and all the principles that we value as martial artists and athletes. And I have seen resonably high up conversation / negoitations in action where Dixon comes away banging his head against brick wall. It is just so incredibily frustrating at times.

However it is a process that K-1 in their defense have made moves to sort out.

And winning Oceania and then Vegas will see an Oceania rep through to the Semis - as Mike said Kaoklai and to be honest Peter Graham is a good example of that in 2003 (he wasn't supposed to get through either).

One thing that is good I think on this subject is that neither Aaron or MarkCr and others from time to time brown nose or kiss ass - accountability and constantly trying to keep the NZ game up is what the sport needs and for the most part its constructive.

Aaron - I've always thought Jase is marketable or has a story if you look back its it Japan who have the issue and have placed up barriers for various reason. Which I think sucks for him - the other side of things is the misconception that Dixon hasn't pushed for him he has and hard, and still is hopefully we may see a great opponent for him in the next show. Daniel I still believe has a harder road to hoe - but as I mentioned hopefully he'll get a shot to prove and run with it.

And Yup Paula needs a couple of step up fights against next step up opponents like Peck, or Te Rangi --- Mitch OHello was the first step but still a long way to go...

Anyway this thread just keeps growing and growing - maybe we should just rename it the NZ thread and keep coming back to it....
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-19 16:25:32
Funny you should say that mike!!!
Only last night i was thinking of starting a New Zealand Kickboxing Thread as this one is getting to long.
Infact i think i will and call it!!!

New Zealand Kickboxing Issues & Opinions Thread
Posted: 2005-05-19 16:33:06
Dixon, Mike - cheers for that.

So, might it fair to say that a half decent fighter would be well placed to sign with a manager who has the contacts and the knowhow in developing/creating a gimmick? (providing of course that the fighter has something that the manager sees)
In this vein then Dixon is the go to man in NZ, which lends Aarons comments earlier some credence. That is not to repeat the "Don King" (dixon with grey spikey hair!!!!!!) comment, but if thats where the contacts lie, and thats where an avenue of contacts/marketing knowledge is, then Dixons the place to go for K1.

Kah, you mentioned Jasons tattoos earlier, them, coupled with Jasons hound from hell tugging on a leash, and his "focused" demeanour I think is a far superior entrance than the Butchers muscle freaks with rubber cleavers. Jasons, IMO, is one that genuinely intimidates, Butchers is for the wrestling.

aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-19 18:18:00
LOL Dixon, here that Mike 's Dixon just called you a Legend, hahahahaha, just joking guys, hey Scotty's getting worried this is gonna beat his thread so he trying to start a new one,
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-19 18:34:14
hahahahaha Aaron
Yep!!! ever since that first time many years ago when Mike walked into my Dojo and asked me!!!
Sensei can you get me into Kickboxing,
I knew he was destined to be a Legend one day, I had faith in him.
Posted: 2005-05-19 20:55:12
hmm hounds from hell tugging on a leash with tattoed wildman from samoa angle.... now that would appeal wouldnt it...japanese sees us as kinda savage so why not play that up......I think you are getting the idea Markcr as for the butcher well teh gimmick is ok but his fight record is average so jasons who has a very good fight record would get more attention. I cant remember seeing psycho in my one session at leegar balmoral 12 yrs ago where i suitably threw up half way thru a lollo circuit but i remember a young ray sefo whos angle even than was "pretty boy" with flash an skill...jason pardon me on this an no disrespect isnt as pretty,his focussed "demeanor" is no diff from most other fighters so he should go for the samoan" wildman" angle cus those japanses would eat it up...the fact he can back it up helps .I only wish mike angove was still fighting cus I heard on the grapevine pretty boy mike angove loves himself so much that another fighter walked into a room one time to find him buck nekkid looking at himself in the mirror with an erection that is vain ( yes yes i made it up but it sounded believable lol ).
peter slane
Posted: 2005-05-19 21:11:01
i fink mike does that n e way IMO....
Posted: 2005-05-19 21:49:11
Hmm I guess the angle/entrance ties in with what I posted on Scottys new thread..
The shows as a whole maybe need to step up the glitz in order for the fighters to step up there "showmanship".
Posted: 2005-05-19 22:16:02
Hmm I guess the angle/entrance ties in with what I posted on Scottys new thread..
The shows as a whole maybe need to step up the glitz in order for the fighters to step up there "showmanship".
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-19 23:49:27
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-19 23:53:33
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-19 23:54:46
Scotty oh Sensei the only thing legendary about me is the legend in my own mind - you should know having seen me pooing my undies in the lead up to my first ever fight in Auckland - although I have to laugh think back to Pathai coming over into my corner at the end of the 2nd and going "HUrray up and knock him out so I can go home ..."

Kahstallion - it took you a while to come up with that one from the depth of your filthy little homoerotic mind. I may love the sound of my own voice but the the whole self love thing and mirror takes a really perveted brain to come up with ... LOL

Any way roll on the record thread ...
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-20 00:11:32
Still cant understand to this day why Patai was in our corner at the end of the 2nd Round saying that
it was his fighter you were fighting.
Posted: 2005-05-20 03:22:34
homoerotic?? homoerotic? why do i all of a sudden have the urge to " make some donuts " but i digress in my maniacal genius moments i do believe jason suttie should redo his persona cus if it aint selling he can just do what hes doing or make an effort to change his image imm not saying he should impinge on his credibility but if he isnt getting attention after winning the oceania than do somethign diff hey .I liked andrew pecks image " the mastodon".."hardest kicker in the world " etc lol i mean unfortunately the image didnt fit the reality but hey he had the chance to have pushed it if only he hadnt lost continiously since than...hmm who else can i bagg nah just joking look lets get these nz heavyweights over to australia dixon an make these aussies " tremble with fear" or at least " make them draw mud " in terror lol.
Posted: 2005-05-20 05:00:13
I know Jason Suttie has won the K1 Nz, but has he ever won the oceania, i don't think he has form memory, does anyone know?
peter slane
Posted: 2005-05-20 16:45:27
peter slane
Posted: 2005-05-20 16:47:48
lil bit off topic.cameron stops tyson in sparring,now duz n e 1 fink sefo can beat cameron now,i dnt fink so,shane 2 strong,fit,hungry 4 sefo booyakasha.......
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-20 18:45:07
Ray would win comfortably, right now I've sparring regulalry with them both boxing only - not to say Shane will not improve and achieve that level he is constantly, but Ray right now is at his peak.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-20 18:46:08
Yeah Scotty that was just wierd???
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-22 14:25:53
Just to counter act Scotty's new record breaking thread ttt
Posted: 2005-05-22 16:20:05
In regards to Cameron stopping Tyson. That is what the NZ media have chosen to release. Listening to Mike Tyson when interviewed and reading Sunday news comments made by Cameron himself, it seems obvious that Tyson was all over him like a bad looking woman! Cameron himself said after the 1st round he felt like he had done 4 getting hit with punches from all angles. Tyson himself said Shane needs to move more because even the heavyweights who can't fight will hurt you. He is tuff and we know that.Great experience for Shane but lets keep it in perspective. Tyson didnt really need Cameron as a sparring partner as his next opponent is 6"5 tall. So if Shane started throwing bombs i would say Jeff Fenech pulled the plug as Cameron doesnt need to get K'Od by a retaliating Tyson and Tyson dnt need to be trading bombs with a short heavyweight. Ray Sefo would make quick work of Cameron at this stage of the game.
Posted: 2005-05-22 17:32:08
kahstallion wrote:
"so he should go for the samoan" wildman" angle cus those japanses would eat it up"

Is this really angle these guys should take? Surely the whole TOA jail thing must cause some concern in Japan - image ect.
( o Y o )
Posted: 2005-05-23 02:29:04
"aaron boyes writes:
From my understanding one Japan tv station likes the freak show and the other likes fighters?"

TBS runs the old BEAST events, as well as MAX and Dynamite events, FujiTV runs all GP events and all PRIDE events.

I am not sure if you could clearly define one from the other.
Posted: 2005-05-23 03:44:06
the difference is that psycho is a genuine world class fighter not a unskilled tough guy, Im not saying overdo it like wwe just if you want intensity than how intense is a guy with a full bodied tattoo who just walks thru his opponents dunno if jason has the size to do it but hey as i said if what hes doing isnt getting him noticed than lets go " southpaw"an change the image .
Posted: 2005-05-23 06:27:44
[Removed by Ax Moderation
Posted: 2005-05-24 04:47:54
[Removed by Ax Moderation
Posted: 2005-05-24 17:56:31
any 1 want a bet daneil will bet andrew peck
Posted: 2005-05-24 19:44:28
hahaha I am post 500!!! I rule!! hahaha
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-24 19:57:29
501 !!!
peter slane
Posted: 2005-05-25 01:59:38
i am 500 yea rekonize....
Posted: 2005-05-25 14:27:44
Mike Angove: do you have a girlfriend? my friends and i think you're HOT! we r serious!
Posted: 2005-05-25 16:04:42
Going back to the original topic for a sec - check out the latest issue of Player magazine for a write-up on the event.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-25 16:10:02
There you go Mikey!!!!
She said My Friends and i!!!
Jack yourself up a Threesome or maybey even a Foursome.
Become a real legend!!!
peter slane
Posted: 2005-05-25 16:55:51
sori ladies lightnings taken by me lol....
Posted: 2005-05-25 19:05:20
Peter..LOL! How do you know they are ladies??? rofl!
Posted: 2005-05-25 20:34:43
hehe we are definitely gals!! didn't realise mike angove was gay ?? oh well! it's nice to know there is some talent out there in nz. we will keep our eyes peeled for others!
cynthia & sarah
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-05-25 20:40:46
LOL go Mikey! "More flogging than a 2 dollar peep show"
Posted: 2005-05-25 20:46:06
See what you've done everyone thought Mike is gay. I hope ya happy now! LOL! Not only that, but overseas gals think us Kiwis are all gays...That's not true. Some of us like sheep too, you know. LOL! Not the guys from Auckland but guys from down south...LOL!
Posted: 2005-05-25 21:05:38
well we are from auckland new zealand and know for a fact that not all Kiwi boys are gay ;-) we are counting down to the next K1!
Cyn & Sarah
Posted: 2005-05-25 23:20:05
Doh where were these groupies when Rex and I were at the white house after the last K1...
And Lollo that whole sheep thing works for me down here.. While all the Kiwi guys are out chasing the sheep I clean up all the Kiwi Girls! ahh its good to be Australian!! hehe
Posted: 2005-05-26 00:22:33
nah as i told u mike was caught" buck nekkind by another fighter ina room looking at himself in a miror with a diamond cutter" lol i mean if u can get hard looking at yourself than thats true lurve dont ya think..... he even calls out his own name girls when he hits those heights " miiiikkkkeeeee" lol yes yes i made it up but it sounds good
Posted: 2005-05-26 00:41:25
Cyn and Sarah, I must remember to donate to you all at the blind institute next time I'm passing. LOL
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2005-05-26 00:58:47
Cyn And Sarah, Mike has me, Rex and Kev to thank for his Personal Grooming and flashy Dance moves etc, you can ask him ....Now "Who's Ya Daddy!" HaHa ;-p

peter slane
Posted: 2005-05-26 02:26:35
yea sori cynthia mikes taken by me,but if u wnt 2 join in,with me minus mike,i wil sho u real lightning in 5 minutes maybe even 4,if ur lucky,yea lollo i dnt do sheep or any beastiality lol....
Posted: 2005-05-26 04:19:33
And it looks like this thread has come full circle again... started off about a fight show degraded to strippers and hookers talked about the fights some more and here we are back again at groupies and beastiality...
Schiavello maybe the boys should tee these girls up for room 1610 ;)
I love it!!
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2005-05-26 13:36:16
Dude, I ain't no groupie ...I actually have alot of time and respect for Mike A ...But we can have a good joke from time to time also

Peace ...(Group Hug!) HeHe
Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2005-05-26 13:38:45
Ooopsy Daisy ....Sorry J.A ...I'm A Lil Pi$$ed Once Again ...I Think You Were Refering To Cyn And Sarah ...My Bad :-o
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-26 21:52:11
ROFL - You go away for a coule of days and look what happens ... I wonder If Brian Richie has thought about setting up am Ax Dating line - Kahstallion and Andrew might even be able to meet and get their schwing thing on ....

Unfortunately for the girls, the reason my name is lightning has nothing to do with my fighting speed , if you know what I mean ... Its all just very disappointing really for everybody.
Posted: 2005-05-26 22:35:30
quick flash and its all over ? lol
(i couldnt help myself)
aaron boyes
Posted: 2005-05-26 22:36:20
lol mike that was brillant.
Michael Schiavello
Posted: 2005-05-26 23:08:00
1610... (lowers his head in quiet respect and remembrance)
peter slane
Posted: 2005-05-26 23:26:40
bang bang,u beat me 2 it.....
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-26 23:33:32
Never mind Mikey!!!
I'll stand in for ya Bro!!! Im good like that!!!
if Cynthia & Sarah think they could handle it!!!
Posted: 2005-05-27 01:09:43
Cyn & Sarah, if you ever see a little ball Scotish standing at the bar with bottles of Heineken at each hand with an evil smile...., run!!! He wears a special x-rated contact lens, LOL! At least he believes he is wearing special lens. This usually happens after a half dozen of HKs. In my opinion he should be arrested or black listed from any bars where member of the opposite sex involved. LOL!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-27 01:54:10
And also remember Girls,
His partner in crime is a guy abit bigger with fuzzy hair and a big friendly smile on his dial, hoding 4 bottles of Hinekin & having a sensible conversation with your Breasts.
Or at least he thinks it's a sensible conversation. But his intentions are not Quite as hounrable as they seem to be.
Posted: 2005-05-27 02:48:38

The old days, they used to do ads for L/read. These days, they are doing free ad for HKs...LOL! There were more haird than too..LOL!
Posted: 2005-05-27 05:09:37
CLASSIC! Lollo with no belly and Scotty with hair!!!LOL
Posted: 2005-05-27 14:13:00
Diesel, I just hold my breath in for the photo.LOL! We are moving up class now days. Notice that it's now Heinekin instead of Lion Red..He!he!
Posted: 2005-05-27 14:31:52
Somebody lied to us that if we change drink from L/red to HK, hair will grow back and belly would be gone. We took the advice and drank blenty of it but somehow it doesn't seem to work, as now I've lost my mou and my partner in crime is now totally bald. Also the belly is getting worse (not just me)..LOL!
Posted: 2005-05-27 14:56:08
Diesel, have you been drinking plenty of HKs lately? I've noticed you've got a bald and starting to develop belly as well...LOL! I reckon we should all try out Steinies...LOL!
Posted: 2005-05-27 15:04:57
No Heinekens for me , just heaps of my wife's good cooking. Plus that belly I've got I grew deliberatley so I could take all those killer knees and body shots the boys are throwing at the moment. So now i've got two belly pads lol!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-27 16:26:30
Geezzz lollo
That picture must be old,
We both look like Welterweights.
Who's hand is that creeping around your Thigh???
Man if that's the shape that both of us used to be in i think we better go back to Lion Red,s and give that Hinekin a miss.
That picture is good enough to sell to one of those girly magazine's.
Posted: 2005-05-27 19:33:11
I don't think so Scotty...maybe gay men magazine...LOL! especially with the hands up my thigh. It looks like a man's hand...LOL! now that you've mentioned the hand, I'm now noticing it. I just quickly got the photo out and scanned it last night than put it on ax. Now I wish I hadn't! LOL!

You reckon lion red would get your hair grow back again??? LOL! The photo was taken at aftermatch drinking at the Plaza after Ray Sefo defended his WKA title against Michael McDonald. Acutally it was 8 - 9 years ago. We took photos also with Peter Lewis...I'm just wondering if Peter Lewis took that guys advice in regards to hair growing by drinking HKs...LOL! Obviously it worked the opposite for you Scotty..LOL!
Posted: 2005-05-27 19:35:13
Scotty, I forgot to add, it shows how loyal we were to L/red them days, as my show was sponsored by DB breweries...LOL!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-27 21:59:12
Mabey that was Peter Lewis's Hand.
But where was his head???

Funny you should mention the DB sponsorship thing.
Back in those days we all got sponsorship for our show's through DB but we all ended up getting pissed on Lion Red all the time.

The Plaza!!! Now they were Good Days.
Posted: 2005-05-28 01:15:11
I don't think it was Peter Lewis' hand. He was too busy chatting up the ring girls. Looking back at the photo, I'm just wondering where was your other hand? LOL! It look like you were touching person behind us..LOL!

We lost DB sponsorship after that. I wonder if trying to shout Lion red bottles at the bar to DB reps, has something to do with it?? LOL!
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-30 00:06:02
I just thought it was about time to resurect this thread:

Question - Judging and Refereeing in N.Z.

(Please avoid mud slinging / ass kissing etc and try to keep it constructive)

Who would you rate as the top 5 referees in N Z ?

Who would be your top 9 judges ?

Who would you woould be your top three choices as an independent adjudicator for K-1 type events ?

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:37:12
Not Good Questions Mike.
Here's Why!!!

1st Question
Who would you rate as the top 5 referees in NZ ?

Well to start with there is only 6 in Nz who Ref:
Terry Hill
John Conway
Ben Ahipene
Colin Smith
Norm Graham
Albert Hemuili
And this is in no means my order of who i rate best to worst, Just the order i have Written them.

2nd Question
Who would be your top 9 judges ?

How can anyone answer this question when one One knows what judges are making what decicions.
People hear the disicion at shows but dont know what judge/s have made the right decision or the wrong decision.
The only way anyone could make a true evaluation of how good or how bad a judge was is if the score for each judge was read out and there name anounced.

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-30 17:44:59
Sorry this one should read!!!

2nd Question
Who would be your top 9 judges ?

How can anyone answer this question when No One knows what judges are making what decicions.
People hear the disision at shows but dont know what judge/s have made the right decision or the wrong decision.
The only way anyone could make a true evaluation of how good or how bad a judge was is if the score for each judge was read out and there name anounced.
This way the people would get to know over time what judges were making good judgements & what judges were making the wrong calls.
Then this question could be fairly answered as to what judges were good and what judges were bad.

With Referee's the Public can comment on who they see as being Good Refs & bad Ref's as they are actually seeing them in action, But the public don't see what a judge has writen on a score card.
So the public response to the Judges question will more than likely be based on who they personaly like (being the good Judge) & who the personaly dislike (being the bad Judge).
Posted: 2005-05-30 18:52:39
Well when I used to judge surfing comps we used to have a head judge ( i guess the same as an ajudicator) He would check the scores after each wave and if there was a variance he would have a quick chat with the judge to find out how they arrived at that score.
I am not saying check the sheets after each round but perhaps after each fight check the scores and if there is any major discrepencies ask the judge in question how they arrived at that score.
You could also keep track of each judges performance maybe on a simple spread sheet.. total rounds judges, correct scores etc perhaps a note of who fought any glaring errors etc... and that way at least you can keep records of how a judge or judges are performing. Also help to show any patterns that may develop i.e favouring a certain fighter or camp or a prefrence for certain techniques...
You couuld also use this information to review judging performances later by video etc..
What do you think of that Scotty?
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-30 19:04:07
Good idea JA
Could be a bit of work involved there though for someone to keep an accurate record with so many shows happening.
Possibilly it could only be done for say K-1 Judgeing since that is the show that there is the most at stake (money)
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-30 22:43:55

Just came back from the bank.
Some guy just got beatin to shit in the bank with a Hammer.
Blood everywhere, Everyone panaking,
There's some fucked up people out there.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-31 00:44:30
Bad Bad Bad ...

Um er after that horrible news - back to my original question,good poitn scotty let me rephrase:

Who are the NZ judges you would prefer to have judging your fights in NZ under Thai Rules? K-1 Rules? And Why?

Only positive commentary please.

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-05-31 01:21:33
If i was still fighting, The preferred judges i would like sitting ringside would be
Lollo Hemuli
Tojo Dixon
The 3rd one could be anyone, Wouldent matter to me as long as other two were the above.
Well not becouse i know both of them & they are good Friends
I know if lollo & tojo said i won, Then i definatly Won.
& if they said i lost, Then i definatly lost.
They are two people whom i would respect there decision.
Posted: 2005-05-31 21:28:20
OK back to the referees.

I would only make honest opinion for these guys, mainly because they have been in pressure situations more than other referees around the country. I just want ot clear that I'm not looking down at other referees, but I can assure you that refereeing at big fights it's a lot different than small fights. What I'm about to post is only an opinion.

He would act on impulse. This can be either strength or weakness. E.g. If a fighter wobbles a little, he would put an 8 count straight away regardless who it is. Guys like Terry Hill’s experience have lots of knowledge of fighters involve and use discretion according to the fighter’s abilities. E.g. When Albert put an 8 count of Jason Suttie when he fought Ron Sefo, he was judged by a lot of people as an immature 8 counts. The impact of Ron’s punch pushed Suttie against the rope, and to Albert’s opinion, Suttie would have been on the ground hadn’t been for the rope. Terry Hill wouldn't probably give 8 counts. I think he would have more understanding on Suttie’s pain barrier and courage, so he would have let the fight go on. At the same time, Terry would have stopped lesser fighters for lot less punishments than that, by understanding that particular fighters abilities, heart, pain barrier etc. (from past performances).

It is not that Albert dosn't know how tough Jason is, he just does the same with everybody, my guys or whoever in the ring when he referees. He gave Simon Chamberlain two standing 8 counts against Jordon Tai, which I felt it was immature, but I understand that it was Albert’s honest opinion at the time. It is what he things appropriate. The fight was also stopped with 2 knock down rules, because, he was told it was a K-1 rule. However, super fight has different rules. The instruction he is given, he would follow it to the max. E.g. During the first rule meeting before the 1st K-1 Max, he was told to pull the fighters apart as soon as they clinched. He did just that which annoyed Sifu Phillip Lam when choppa was fighting. His centering is good and he is close to the action.

He needs to relax more and have a give and take attitude and discretions instead of too strict to the regulations during big fights. Probably need to study the fighters’ nature on the card prior to the big event. (As every referee should do).

Colin Smith:
He lets the fighters know he is the boss early in the bout. Positional is good, but also need more experience at pressure times. Again, I would refer to some I have learn from Terry Hill. Experience referees sense (or know) the time frame of the fights almost as good as the time keeper. Terry would have let Mike Angove’s with Jason Suttie go on a little longer, as it was only about 5 seconds to go. Again, Colin can make clear decision base on strict regulations. His performance during the K-1 ANZAC recently is probably not one of his best, as his consistency in grappling rules was way off the mark. He is usually better than that.

He probably needs to be more consistent and understand the time factor during the round. A fighter might be hurt while standing, but if it is only about 3 – 5 seconds (or even 10 seconds) to the end of the round, than the fighter should be given a chance. Especially at higher level. That is why they have a 10 second warning now. To Colin’s defence during that fight, I don’t think they had a 10 second warning, although the stoppage was right at our corner. I screamed to Mike that is only 5 seconds to go. I’m 100% sure Colin heard me as well…LOL! Don't get me wrong, if Mike got those body shots and dropped his hands down at the 1st minute of the round, I would probably stop the fight before Colin.

Norm Graham:
He has so much potentials to be a great referee. His centering and position improving a lot, but he tend to sucked in by fighters at times. E.g He would about to give a fighter an 8 counts, but if the figher says to him he’s OK, he would stop counting, than choose totally wrong time to do so. He needs to be more stern and clear with his decision. I would still give him a chance. H sometimes circle behind the fighters which often got him out of position, but I know he would have pick that up from Terry, however he dosn't have the respect that fighters give Terry when he calls. Perhaps he’s too close to the fighters and can’t separate professionalism with duty.

Terry Hill:
Every fighter in NZ respects him, which is a huge plus. It makes his job a lot easier. Because of this, Terry tend too relax at time and circle behind the fighters from a distance a lot. He gives them more room and let them fight their fight, knowing that fighters would respond to his voice when he calls, BREAK, STOP OF FIGHT! The trouble is, in front noisy screaming fans, fighters often can’t hear the call.
My opinion, Terry refs better when he knows very little about fighters (international fights). Finding center during a fight, you need to know it before hand, or a quick strategy after the first round (but some times it can change when one fighter gets tired). E.g. After the first round you noticed which fighter is more offensive. You can drift in advance toward the counter fighter’s side, as you anticipate that 8 out of 10 the action would end up that direction.

John Conway is getting better and better at centering and knowing when to change direction. He just needs to have more peripheral vision what’s going on with the knees etc. But he’s getting better. He often missed guys knees to the groin, and fighter’s legs trapped at the outside the rope, because his main focus was more from the waist up. I’m sure Rebel will work this.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-31 22:13:00
Nice examples Lollo and analysis although I wish is wasn't me who was the subject of one LOL
Posted: 2005-05-31 23:02:03
It wasn't about you Mike...It was about the referee's decision..LOL! I just use that fight because everyone saw it on TV and can relate to what I'm on about.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-05-31 23:32:37
Yeah I know I was kidding - we all know how fighter love to relive their losses LOL I thought it was a a really good analysis and a good example.

Does anyone else have an opinion ...? One thing that is a pity is that we have so few people refereeing it'd be good to have more people ... but it is a tough job and one that very rarely earns the praise it deserves cause everybody has an opinion on a particular decision or call ... and we all think we are right !!

Posted: 2005-06-01 01:05:58
I didn't make any rating didn't I. ass kissing Mike, but honest opinion. Terry Hill is stil the best referee in the country.

When I mentioned earlier about Terry's discrestion; When Doug Viney fought Dion Crouch in 2001. Dion got Doug with a beautiful spinning backfist toward the end of the round. Terry gave him a count than let the fight carry on. It was only about 15 seconds left. Doug survived. Later in the fight, Doug got Dion with a single Sthpaw straight right, follow with a glancing eft hook that didn't land properly. When Dion got up, Terry took one look at him than called the fight off. A lot of people in the crowd weren't happy. I also talked to some people at the after match function and they told me how Terry's stopped the figfht too early. Well...a lot of these people didn't realised that Dion had to be rushed to hospital that night as he wasn't feeling right (from a single punch). Now, imagine if Terry let two more of the same kind of punches landed on Dion while he was on that state?

Sure there are things that Terry doesn't do which I think he should while reffing, but at situation like that, I'm very glad it was Terry (so should Dixon and Dion's family) who reffed that fight. These are things you can't teach any young referees. It a gift that it doesn't come with expereince alone. I really hope he and Dixon can work something out for the future K-1.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-06-01 01:29:32
You know I am getting rather fed up with this I hope Terry and Dixon can work something out that everyone keeps referring too. The fact of the matter is that I would love to have Terry Reffing but it is simply business people that we cannot agree on. That doesnt change the fact that I dont pay respect too Terry when we meet. Its simple people he has his way he wants things done and I have mine, they just dont gel. I am sure that Terry would say the same.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-06-01 03:07:15
Although no one else has come on board with this discussion which I had rather hoped, a key point is that we need a pool of 3-5 top class referees to choose from. Because for what ever reason (and there are often valid reasons why a particular ref doesn't work a particular show)you can't always relay on one or two people.

Unfortuantely NZ has only recently got to the point were referees are paid better and even then on only a couple of shows, for the remainder it is more about passion for the sport than it is about being a job. So again there no great incentive to be a ref.

It is a tough job which is open to crticism and it is also tough to keep a pool of good people becasue opportunties are limited, particularly at a higher level were the pressure is also stronger ... no solutions I guess, but I'm interested to hear any solutions.

Similar scenario for the judges too ... its easy to crticise (and admittedly I have done myself as a commentator) but it has to be acknowledged that it is not an easy role to fill and to the best of my knowlegde everyone who I know in NZ who has been involved in either role is doing it for no other reason than that they love the sport ...

But now we are under scrutiny on TV, we need to think about ways to nurture good people to a high standard and ways to keep them there ... to be perfectly honest, by and large the vast majority of decisions and refs call I have for K-1 I have either agreed with or if I have not have come in very close fights where its has often been a 50/50 call...

Anyway the end of a another Mike rant ... blah blah, roll on 600 posts

Posted: 2005-06-01 03:42:32
That's exactaly what I mean. You guys can't gel which is a shame. The K-1 would still carry on and be a successful co-orporation as it is with or without Terry Hill. Terry would still be reffing at other shows around NZ and still have the respect of the majority around the country.

I'm just saying it from my own perspective. I didn't say who is right or who is wrong Dixon. You can put whoever in at the K1 to ref, or develop young guys to ref for future devlopment like Mike said. But it's totally up, because you are the boss, and no one can tell you what to do (fed up with it or not, Mike asked for opinion to be discussed). I'm just pointing things out from the techincal point of veiw (my opinion of course) for safety issue in that particular fight, of appreciation of unique skill and talent (in my opinion it is).

Think about it..., if that was a new ref on the development, and he let the fight between Doug and Dion went on, and somebody dies...How much effect on K1 or kick boxing in general? Geez I don't know the answer for that, or perhaps it wasn't meant for somebody to seriously hurt or lose that day. I'm just saying that I was glad it was somebody experience like Terry that happen to ref that day. No ass kissing to anybody here.
Posted: 2005-06-01 04:39:38
i'll pipe up (yawn).

As far as refs, well i think mike its already been said who the top ones are, and obviously everyone agrees, or the commentary would be ongoing.

Judges - as Scotty said, who can judge a judge if noone knows what the judges are doing. I will add this however. I dont think the emphasis should be necessarily on who the best judges are at this juncture (talking about who for the future etc) but the discussion should be on who is QUALIFIED. Now im not saying that a judge doing the paper work makes him/her any better than someone who hasnt...... but it does add CREDIBILITY. And as alluded to many times before - it (K1) is BIG, it's in the public eye. The public arent as naive as they once were.... so dotting the "i's" is essential.

Mr Smith from Otorohanga High School may be one hell of a rugby ref, but is he going to been seen running the sidelines for the AB's v Lions.... no. And why, because hes not trained to the appropiate levels. What happens if the sideline ref for the same match doesnt turn up? - does Mr Smith then get selected from the crowd of other rugby players who are there to watch the game to officiate.... again NO.


(Mr Smith is entirely fictious)
Posted: 2005-06-01 17:11:58
I really like Ben Ahipene as a ref. Haven't seen him on really big shows, but he always seems very cool and calm and he looks like he's having fun too.
Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-06-01 17:12:24
Lollo this has nothing to do with who is boss this has to do with business you have been in the same situation with your own promotions where sometimes you just cant agree on terms .and we cant keep looking at the what ifs as you refer to with Doug and Dion? One thing is for sure of all the controversial decisions that have been made in K-1 in New Zealand or world wide for that matter who cops the shit not the judges or the ref its the promoter or K-1 mate if you guys new half the crap that goes on behind the scenes you would be retracting half your statements.Why dont we talk about fighters resposibilities, Medicals, fight fixing because of alliances to specif clubs, over inflated purse demands, special requests by fighters, diplomatic match making hell the list goes on and on yet the promoter cops all the crap but no one pipes up about those things on line now do they. Mark after reading your posts of recent I believe that you would make a good Judicator so instead of sitting at home and watching it why not sit in front of the monitor and get paid for it? Your answer would be no because of your loyalty to Terry. Brett Sample recently told me that he would not ref unless Terry was there what a load of crap Brett you had done prior K-1's without him so whats the difference now. It could be so easy for me too just say what goes on behind the scenes and take all the heat off but if I did that we would have no fighters and officials left would we? Its time we stop talking in roundabouts and get stright to the point
Mark why dont you post up why Terry and I dont agree so people can see what the real problem is? You probably wont for the same reasons I dont. Then stop talking in riddles when everything that you write regarding officials is based around mine and Terry's discussions. Heres a question I have for you all What should officials get paid?
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-06-01 17:51:44

You say!!!
the discussion should be on who is QUALIFIED.

Even this in Nz is irelivant.

Well Lets say!!!
Someone has done a TBA Judges course.
Then This Only makes them Qualified to judge on TBA Sanctioned shows.
Someone has done a WMC Judges course.
Then This Only makes them Qualified to judge on WMC Sanctioned shows.
Someone has done a ISKA Judges course.
Then This Only makes them Qualified to judge on ISKA Sanctioned shows.
Someone has done a IMF Judges course.
Then This Only makes them Qualified to judge on IMF Sanctioned shows.
Someone has done a WKBF Judges course.
Then This Only makes them Qualified to judge on WKBF Sanctioned shows.
Someone has done a WKA Judges course.
Then This Only makes them Qualified to judge on WKA Sanctioned shows.
Just becouse someone has done a Judges course with One or all of the above sanctioning body's still does not make them Qualified to be a K-1 Judge.

So far only the TBA & WKA (the old WKA, Bob Jones Org) in Nz has conducted Judges course's that i know off,
The WMC are in the process of getting courses happening.

Now i am not a Qualified K-1 Judge,
But i have done a WKA, (the old WKA, Bob Jones Org) & TBA Courses plus i have Judged for all the above Sanctioning Body's at both Amatuer & Professional Levels & Judged way over 1000 fights over the past 15yrs, Also Been asked by the Presedent of ISKA (Peter Lewis) 10yrs ago to be an Official ISKA Judge in Nz.
So if that Does not give me any credibility as a K-1 Judge then i am Officialy handing my position as a K-1 JUDGE over to you Mark.

With the standard of Judges courses that have so far been Run in Nz, I would not be wrong in saying that here in Nz as far as Judges are Concerned.
For Credibility
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-06-01 18:16:20
Just quietly - I think both need to be taken into account BUT, you can have all the qualifcations in the world but without practical experience it means nothing.

In an ideal world we would have a judges and referees course that was recognised by all santioning bodies in NZ which people were required to complete before judging or refereeing any fights.

But this is just not pratical for a number of reasons inlcuding expense, politics, logisitics and practicality.

Scotty is a good example of people who have both experience and qualifications.

My only concern with regard to beuraucracy and regulation is that it should not get to a point where it is a self fulfilling entity - any course(s) / requirements that gets put in place needs to be complimentary and not restricitve ...

Any way let the discussion roll on.
Posted: 2005-06-01 18:43:56
Dixon, my statement has nothing to do with what's going on behind the scene. Dont get me wrong, when I said the fighter's invloved family should be glad including the promoter. I used that fight as example. I meant it in a sincere way to all parties, including Doug. If something had happened, he would blame himself e.g. If the show was Joe Blow's promotion instead of K-1, I would have said, that Joe Blow should be glad that he has choosen somebody experience like Terry to ref that particular fight. Did you read me put the other referees down? No! I made some constructive critizism including to Terry's sytle of refereeing.

Dont try and convince me to look at things from your own perspective. We all know what a great job you, your family and team have done for K-1 in NZ, but this discussion is irelevent to the point Mike brought up. At the same time, nobody can make Terry change what he thinks or conditions he wishes to forward to K-1. I'm just saying it's a shame that's all. Perhaps I word it wrong in a way which touched a nerve, but no intention to go there.

This has little to do with this discussion but I will tell you anyway.
When I first met Terry, I met him through Tony Renata. Tony and I were mates. I used to go and train and spar his fighters when they used to train at the old City boxing gym at the city. Tony was schedule to fight Terry. Dennis May (Terry's Sensei at the time) wanted nutral judges. Because I'm from Lee Gar, Tony asked me if I want to be one of the judges. I said OK. The fight was at Esplanade hotel at Devonport. This was back in 1983-84 (I think). After the fight, I was the only judge that score the fight to Terry. Tony was my mate, but I thought Terry won the fight. Scotty, you must remember that fight. It was a war and a close one. That night, I could feel the stare of all those Zan Do Kai black belts behind my back..LOLO! Scotty, I bet you were one of them..LOL!. Some were bikies and gang members. I had to do, what I had to do. From that point, I got the respect not only from Terry, but Tony also. I regard both as great friends now but that's beside the point. This has little to do with what we discussed. Sorry for going off topic.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-06-01 19:14:47
yep i remember that fight lollo
And remember thinking to myself at the time,
Dont know who is gonna win this one.
Hoping it was gonna be Tony as he was our Instructor but thought it was that close it could have been anyone's fight.

Back in those day's Lollo everone got stared at like that.
You did'nt have to be a judge to get that stare.
You just had to belong to another club.
peter slane
Posted: 2005-06-01 19:16:50
dixon can u shed some light on why u and mark hunt seperated rumour has it ,u wer ripping him off,cheers.....
peter slane
Posted: 2005-06-01 19:25:08
i remember that fight lollo.i think i was 9 at the time,also remember terry hill getting ktfo by alex tutavake remember that guy wea did he go ,he waz o 4 orsum.....
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-06-01 19:29:46
The Old City Boxing Gym in Waverly st.
Now that brings back Memories Lollo.
Do you remember the Sunday Fight sessions we used to have there???
Gill Sullivan used to love them, or atleast love the amount of beer he used to sell us.
we used to turn up there on a Sunday with our shorts & mouth guard & if there was someone else the same weight (give or take 10-15kgs) lol. then you had a fight.
Did'nt need judges back then, It was obvious who the winner was, either The one that did'nt get knocked out or the one that did'nt end up given up first.
Posted: 2005-06-01 19:30:16
Pete....Alex Tuitavake is non-other than Alex Tui (my cousin) now the trainer of Peter "The Chief" Graham.
Posted: 2005-06-01 19:33:09
Nahhh!nahh!nahh! Scotty, I saw better fights during the sparring sessions there on every other nights..LOL! Sparring were better than the fights...LOL!
Posted: 2005-06-01 19:36:06
Scotty...LOL! Yeah, I remembered. I was sitting there as a judge and also from another club, thinking what have I got myself into..LOL!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-06-01 19:38:11
I remember when Alex also beat Tony.
With wicked body shots.
Great Fighter, One of the Greatist.

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-06-01 19:46:15
The Sparing sessions in them day's you could count them on your fight record.
I think we had it round the wrong way back then.
We should have counted the sparring sessions as fights & the Fights as sparring sessions.
That way my fight record should have read about 200 fights.

Posted: 2005-06-01 19:48:24
Scotty, the whole Lee Gar club at the city at the time was only about 10 people. Myself, my friend Wayne Vaega, Ioby Tuteru (Kurt and Terry Tuteru's father), Greg Hendersen and about 1/2 dozen other guys and couple of girls. It used to be 11 in the fighers class but Alex Tui has left to Australia...LOL! I looked around and all I saw was these guys wearing black leather jackets with same cross neck laces...LOL!
peter slane
Posted: 2005-06-01 19:49:13
orsum alex tui,also remember fighters tony renata,peter lancaster,simon and phil scott,ray beston ring any bells guys....
Posted: 2005-06-01 19:54:04
Phil Scott is probably the toughest guy I have ever seen..Alex lost his first ever kick boxing (above the waist kick) to him at the Cameo theatre Grey Lynn. Alex hit him with everything but Phil just stood there and take it and hit back. He fought Terry Hill also, but Terry beat him but he wouldn't go down. Real tough nut!
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-06-01 20:02:38
Phil & Simon Scott.
Two of the Toughest buggers to come out of Whangarei.
Remember having lunch at there Mothers place up there one day, lovely lady. Most Biscuits & scones iv'e ever eatin in one session.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-06-01 20:08:59
Actually, Talking about Whangarei,
What ever happend to Malcolm Karnie from up there.???
Hav'ent seen or heard about him for awhile.
He was another tough bugger from up there.
Posted: 2005-06-01 20:22:27
Malcolm Kani is now living in Perth Australia. His KO win over Phil Renata at the YMCA was one of the most vicious knock out I have ever seen. Spinning heel kick back in 83. I saw it close up, as I was the referee. Man! As soon as the kick landed, I didn't even bother to count. The heel smacked right on Phil's temple and he was out like a light. He recovered pretty well after which surprised everyone. But what a beautiful kick.
Posted: 2005-06-01 20:28:00
I had a chance to meet Wayne Vaega down in Queenstown earlier this year. Had great fun doing a couple of training sessions with him and his guys. They were really friendly, and cool to train with. I learnt plenty too.

The Highlander
Posted: 2005-06-01 20:29:26
That was the TKD comming out in him.
I remember that kick.
Lollo, You saw it close up, But not as close up as Phil saw it.
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-06-01 20:37:24
Actually come to think of it,
Phil did'nt see it, Thats why it hit him,
He only felt it.
Actually come to think about it,
Phil did'nt even feel it.
i think he only remembers being told about it after he had come right.
Posted: 2005-06-01 21:15:32
Scotty don't try to think too much. You haven't anymore hair to scratch...LOL! That's what happen when you try to think too much...LOL!
Posted: 2005-06-01 21:58:19
off topic sorry, but does the TBANZ have a website? what about the WMC for New Zealand?
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-06-01 23:38:34
both NO's
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-06-01 23:41:46
482 LOL
Posted: 2005-06-02 03:46:56
Mike, Scotty, Dixon - i take your points, and i dont disagree about the utmost importance of experience, let me respond in specifics.

Dixon: "Mark why dont you post up why Terry and I dont agree so people can see what the real problem is? You probably wont for the same reasons I dont. Then stop talking in riddles when everything that you write regarding officials is based around mine and Terry's discussions."

As far as i'm aware Dixon its about money, simple. That and you wanting to be presiding over every aspect of an event. Power and control issues - like it's ever going to change. If there is something more than that then I am not aware of it.
I dont think I speak in riddles.
Not everything is about you (and Terrys discussions).. get over yourself man, I was trying to be cool, but screw it.

"Mark after reading your posts of recent I believe that you would make a good Judicator so instead of sitting at home and watching it why not sit in front of the monitor and get paid for it? Your answer would be no because of your loyalty to Terry"

I wouldnt work for you Dixon full stop, bugger all to do with Terry - what were the judges scores again???? No riddles here pal - my perception of the prior situation we spoke heatedly about was that scores were altered, and the judges were left wondering who the hell did what. Suggestion has been that in last years Max event a similar situation also occured (Quite possiby didnt, but thats the word) Why put myself in such a situation? My perception may be hideously wrong.

Scotty: "So if that Does not give me any credibility as a K-1 Judge then i am Officialy handing my position as a K-1 JUDGE over to you Mark."

Never said you were lacking in credibility (or integrity for that matter)Scotty, and you well know that my inference was not as such. And as posted above, the Judges job is all yours pal.
Why is there no K1 qual to go along with all the other organisations you mention Scotty? My suggestion was that there would be a lot less mumblings and bullshit if the organisation was seen to be proactive in educating etc. The those with the experience can be suitably qualified, hence adding to the integrity of the organisation as a whole. Isnt it funny how many organisations fear education.

Mike: "Just quietly - I think both need to be taken into account BUT, you can have all the qualifcations in the world but without practical experience it means nothing."

See above.

"In an ideal world we would have a judges and referees course that was recognised by all santioning bodies in NZ which people were required to complete before judging or refereeing any fights."

Depends if the rules as written are going to be adhered to doesnt it, no point educating people if the basis of their education gets altered without reference or consultation.

Dixon, in closing, I was under the impression that we had gotten over our little hissy fits. Shit man, I had even offered an apology for ranting on too much. My comments were supposed to be constructive to some degree and offered my opinion as per Mikes requests. If my comments were misconstrued, then bugger it, I dont give a rats arse anymore.

peter slane
Posted: 2005-06-02 05:06:32
lollo do u no wea i can get a copy of alex t's fights anywhere especially the 1 against phil scott,happy 2 pay tho not 2 much lol.cheers.....
Posted: 2005-06-02 05:23:48
I was actually going to suggest something along the lines of an umbrella organisation with a blanket qualification which dealt in the specifics of each organisaton as well.
Once qualified perhaps you would have to do an annual review for any rule changes or updates.
Also agree with Markcr's comment about not wanting the job. On one hand we have people saying how great and experienced and whatever else the judges were, yet there decisions were over ruled for whatever reason. Obviously doesnt matter how good you are if your opinion (which is what judging is) is only valid if the ajudicator agrees.(which to me is a contradiction being that 3 peoples views can be overruled by one Why not just have one judge.)
Anyway good luck

Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-06-02 05:39:54
To shed light Peter and without going into a book of detail the only one who ended up getting ripped off in the end was me.

Mark didnt mean too rattle your cage that much I thought you were having a dig so this time its my apologies.
Yes it is financial with Terry and it is about control not because I want it I just dont think that control over all the officials is acceptable to any party yet and I will be honest in saying that I did not believe that yourself or Luke were ready for this type of show. As for your comment of not working for me you would probably enjoy it more than you think. Time will tell and maybe all will be rectified. Lollo I meant no harm to you either I did read it differently. I think as my position becomes thicker and thicker within this world of K-1 It would be best for me to discontinue posting up anymore it just becomes to political but I will be reading so
Ka Kite
and what ever way there is to say Goodbye.

Dixon McIver
Posted: 2005-06-02 05:53:26
Sorry I will still put up my match ups and posters because thats promo
Posted: 2005-06-02 06:30:07
JA - it's just going over old territory.

Dixon: "It could be so easy for me too just say what goes on behind the scenes and take all the heat off but if I did that we would have no fighters and officials left would we? Its time we stop talking in roundabouts and get stright to the point"

Why would there be no fighters or officials? Is there something so untoward that if revealed would deter anyone from participating? Or is it that other parties are putting pressure on you with "if you dont do what we want, we're not participating, and then your show is fucked". If this is the case then I can sympathise, but why should you buckle to undue demands.
You say lets get straight to the point, after alluding to "behind the scenes". Which is it? - riddles, or straight to the point.

I spoke to Terry about this tonight -

"The problem is twofold. Firstly financial. Dixon seems to have a problem with a package deal for a team of officials. We cant agree, so be it.
Secondly, Dixon has said that he wont hand over control the officiating staff. If I go in, I pick who I want, in the roles applicable to them, Not Dixon. He could have input sure, but its up to me. If the right people are officiating in the right places, then no arbitrator/supervisor/adjudicator is necessary, because everyone should have done their job. If I was in the position running the officials, Dixon would have no questions to answer, as ultimatly, I would be answerable for any issues arising. Any problems arising with ill performing officials would result in disciplinary action..(didnt say how, but id guess at pay being witheld) People would know what theyre doing well in advance, not being called up two days before a show. It comes down to power, I want to run the officials in a professional manner, accepting all responsibility for all decisions regardless. Dixon doesnt want this. I would want to see all officials being educated indepth in the rules, although Japan do seem to change them at a rapid rate, and some kind of K1 rules specific judging course implimented. Reviews etc conducted as well. But it's never going to happen, I want control of the centre stage, and Dixon doesn't want to give it up.
A question for Dave Hedgecock - In 2000's K1 i got paid $100.00, would you do a show for that Dave.
I also know officials who havent been paid at all."

No innuendo there i believe. Fairly straight to the point i'd say. Riddles??? Nope none there that I can see.

Rather than posting my thoughts, i asked Terry to go on record. If you disagree with what is above, then don't bitch at me, its not my words. You asked me "why dont you post it up" Dixon - and there it is from the horses mouth.

Sad that it's degenerated again, good on ya Mike, did your Jedi powers not forsee this? It's all your fault.

You'll all be relieved to know that I'm simply not going to even watch the next show, then everyone can rest easy... I'll have utterly nothing to say!!!!
People say - "we need people to keep everyone on their toes blah blah"... well it aint gunna be me. JA - the mantle is yours. (no ALPHA, not THAT mantle) My energies would be better served tending to my wife and son and improving their lives, and helping others train to their potential.... that getting all pissed about this trifling bullshit....

lifes too short and were dead for a long time.

Dixon, Mike, Lollo, Aaron, Kahstallion, Scotty, JA and others - Good luck in all your endeavours.

(PS: if anyone wants to have a go, retort, or just generally abuse me, send me a mail, i'll be happy to respond.)

Posted: 2005-06-02 06:43:14

Dixon... seems we're posting at the same time and crossing over. Fair call regarding myself and Luke, it's your decision to make and I respect that. I have no issue with that opinion.

Regarding the future Dixon, I'm actually ready to turn my back on the scene/lifestyle altogether.

Just thought that Id respond seeing as how you posted while i was typing away.

"Every day that begins with a breath must be a good one"
Posted: 2005-06-02 06:48:08

Dixon... seems we're posting at the same time and crossing over. Fair call regarding myself and Luke, it's your decision to make and I respect that. I have no issue with that opinion.

Regarding the future Dixon, I'm actually ready to turn my back on the scene/lifestyle altogether.

Just thought that Id respond seeing as how you posted while i was typing away.

"Every day that begins with a breath must be a good one"
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-06-02 15:59:32
OH for gods sake - get over it guys its out in the open, two very good people who are both excellent at their repspective roles can't agree on terms, big deal ... doesn't make either person any less of a person or any less of an authority in their field. It happens all the time in the business world... some times negotiations work outsometimes they don't... both parties have my full respect and deserves heaps of kudos for what they have achieved

MarkCr -do go although I don't agree with you often you are good for the sport ... anyway its friday and a long weekend everybody should have a break from ax and enjoy a beer or two
The Highlander
Posted: 2005-06-02 16:44:10
Hey Guy's
It's time to let this topic go to sleep.
Lets all kiss and make up & let this thread Die at 600 posts.
Ie: 8 posts left to go.
Have your final say,
This is my final post.

Everyone always has a winge at something promoters have done wheather it is good or bad.
But at the end of the day the thing that most people out there seem to forget is that if it were not for us promoters putting our balls on the line & our money, (which we sometimes dont always get back) then there would not be Kickboxing shows to winge about.
Dixon keep up the good work bro.
Have an Awesome Long weekend Guys.

The Highlander Signing Out:
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-06-02 17:52:31
Posted: 2005-06-02 18:24:57
And the winner award for the most post on this topic goes toooo....... Highlander!!! LOL!

Peter Slane, sorry I don't have any of Alex's fight video... I used to, but lots of my students borrowed them and never give it back. Now I forgot who even borrowed it at the 1st place...
peter slane
Posted: 2005-06-02 19:57:16
cheers anyway lollo,siging out post 600.....
peter slane
Posted: 2005-06-02 19:58:58
cheers anyway lollo,signing out post 600....
peter slane
Posted: 2005-06-02 19:59:19
cheers anyway lollo,signing out post 600....
peter slane
Posted: 2005-06-02 19:59:47
cheers anyway lollo,signing out post 600....
peter slane
Posted: 2005-06-02 20:00:09
cheers anyway lollo,signing out post 600....
peter slane
Posted: 2005-06-02 20:00:38
cheers anyway lollo,signing out post 600....
peter slane
Posted: 2005-06-02 20:01:48
cheers anyway lollo,signing out post 600....
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-06-02 20:39:31
Damn Students, Lollo - you need to start charging us late fees - you'd be a millionaire by now LOL
Posted: 2005-06-02 20:41:03
markcr what the ??? man dont go your a pain in the you make some great points other times its very anti but ya know it offsets angove and his dribble so its like your the " ying to his yang his jedi to your sith... your umm umm sonny to his cher lol . I disagree with terry hill having total control to the reffing an judging side of it??? there is no set admin in new zealand for that so why should he be given carte blanch???. the powere thing is an issue for a few reasons ok if you have powers to appoint refs an judges thats a huge advantage especially when you dont have any financial input....its like ok ok pay me an whoever i suggest an they dont listen to anyone but me ???? im like oh yeahh umm surreeeee lol.This leaves open me than setting up judges courses an refs courses an getting paid for it and appointing them with out any benefit to the organiser financially??? wtf would a promoter do that ???The point is not about neautrality ist about financial gain an financial advantage ,you invest money into a project than you deserve the gain you wantsomeoen to pay you an than want him to not have a say ??? man what businessman is stupid enough to do that ??
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-06-02 21:26:58
Here comes more dribble ...

Turn to the dark side Mark Cr in it you will find more power than you could ever know as a Jedi ... forsake the force ...

They say we're young and we don't know,

Won't find out until il il we grow,

But .... I got you babe, I got you babe

Come on back man ...


Posted: 2005-06-02 21:50:18 started with some valid points, but went side track toward the end of your post. e.g. You mentioned. "The point is not about neautrality but making money". You may have a point there as neautral doesn't always mean fair, but ask any fighter or trainer in regard to judging and I guarantee they would prefer neutral judges. My point is, running an event, yes as you do a lot of hard work and a lot of stress behind the scene and need to make money for your trouble. Judging part of the event, no. You need to have neautral judges to be fair to fighters and trainers involve, to gain their trust and respect for the future.

I think Dixon and Terry both want neutrality. I think they may have some disagreement on conditions. Only them can explain. If they choose to, I'm sure we'll get to hear it direct from them.
Posted: 2005-06-02 21:51:52
Mike...LOL! Don't even try...I've heard you singing bro..rofl!!!
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-06-02 23:40:19
Karaoke King !!! But not as bad as one Ray Sefo - it's impossible to guy the mic off that fella, 4 hours spent in a Korean Karaoke bar recently with Me and Ray singing was an experience no one should have been subjected to ... poor Koreans LOL
Posted: 2005-06-03 00:59:11
Oh dear!!! Big mistake, giving Ray the mike...LOL! One thing is bad singing, but getting to hear him the whole night!!!! I can only sympathise with those poor buggers..LOL! And you Mike is bad enough! LOL!
Posted: 2005-06-03 01:27:27
One time, we were at a karaoke bar in China. Ray and Eddie Tongalahi hopped in there as singing duo...That night was heaps of bad singers I couldn't believe fact there wasn't any except Crusher..But when Ray and Eddie got the mic, they were the worse out of all. But as soon as the song finished, every shouted doe-che! doe-che! (spelling) In Cantonese it means Thank you! Ray asked, what did they say? I said, they yelled out. "DON'T SING, DON'T SING!! They clapped their hands so that Ray and Eddie would stand up, bow than walk out of the stage, but they stayed there even longer, until Clay Aumatage (Crusher) got up and save the night for everybody...LOL!
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-06-03 01:42:22
Thank god for Clay - or should I say Stevie Wonder... The worst is Faii Falamoe singing im a Barbie Girl in down town Tokyo ... thats class LOL ... a 140 Kilo Barbie Girl, whos going to argue !!!
Posted: 2005-06-04 09:36:08
yes i did lose the plot lollo but hey its 11 at night in brisbane and my tiwns just woke up lol anyways my point was neautrality is something we strive for but who controls the judges in professoonal boxing in the usa ??? the so called boxing fedreration or the promoters ???? who controls the judges in thailand in thai boxing?? the federations or the promoters ,the k1 in japan?? the federation or Ishii . I hear what is being expoused by markcr but my point is that we arent living in the perfect world , we are living in a world where the person that pays the bucks makes the decisions .....the ultimate purity of sport is to have a neautral ref and judges but when those judges are refs are being paid by a promoter than their loyalty wether its conscious or subconscious is too that promoter. Im a manager in a multinational retail store my loyalty to to the billionaire who owns it imy point is that dont expect terry hill great trainer an reff that he is to be given carte blanche(total control ) with the refs and judges when dixon mciver is paying everyones wages its never ever gonna happen.
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-06-07 15:03:52
Can we hit 70O ? on this thread - Scotty new topic ?

Did you guys know that Choppa and Jordon have both just signed a 3 year contract with super league ?
Posted: 2005-06-07 15:18:53
Hi Mike!!!!!! you never did answer our question on the girlfriend..or for that matter....the gay status :-)
peter slane
Posted: 2005-06-07 17:08:04
i no mike lightning personally and he is very gay,bond hair,smooth legs,wat else is there 2 say......
Lightning Mike Angove
Posted: 2005-06-07 18:38:33
I think I might be gay .... I must be a Lesbian, as I'm unnaturally attracted to Women LOL Pete I am worried that you have been looking at my smooth legs ...
Posted: 2005-06-08 08:28:22
nopes hes straight he definitley doesnt " make donuts , bites pillows or has stretch marks on his lips " lol but i hear ladies that hes called " lightning" cus he has a premature ejacualtion prob not cus hes fast in the ring lol. I also hear hes so vain that" not only does he call his own name out when having a shag but also that he slaps his own ass as he does it .....conjecture of fact??? hmmmm you be the judge.
Posted: 2005-06-14 07:51:25
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