Liam Harrison I Love You
Hello i was watchin u last night an omg i nearly had a heartattack at how fit u r i swear i think im in love wit chu xxxx
I reckon Liam's changed his screen name to Leah and has written that himself.
Leah you in LOVE wit "Chu" as in Simon Chu?, well that didn't last long with Liam did it ;-) lol
Quality Mr Smith & yes that is BIG photo!!!!!!!!!!
noooooooooooo i love liam lol
an dis aint him its leah yesh i didnt kno the pic was dat big lol i thought it would go smaller
Face like Jessica Simpson.
Body like Homer Simpson?
Is that you in drag?!!
Before anyone does, mentioning "battering around the ring" isn't necessary!
Can you feel the magic???
Rafff, ding chaver, do one back to Halton!!!!
he he he
LLF - why can't people write properly instead of all this abbreviated crap. Looks pish to be honest.
come on liam were are you lad, could this be the first ever ax romance lol
trish whats LLF?
Well I think Leah's pretty hot myself ;-)
Did you just bit into a lemon?
Raks - Laughing Life F&*£
personally i think it was the picture on the badco website that did it for me i do look like a bit of a sex god in my belly top and pink shorts along with my 1970s fame reunion head band im the man. leah i think that channel must have caught me in a good light last night usually i look like a confused armadillo on crack. wow that picture its close.......maybe a little too close.
She's better looking than your current bird though???????
That was, of course, a joke.
Which I'l get twated for.
liam i see what you mean iv just seen the photo and the words sex god did actually spring to mind lol. iv off to the market to see if i can get a similar outfit for the next time im out on the pull, hopefully that way the ladys will find me irrisistable to :)
Leave the poor girl alone. She's obviously special needs as 1) She's in love with Liam and 2)She's can't spell her own name judging by her necklace ( Leigh? Leah or am I seeing things??)
This is Lisa by the way not Richard. Who am I to talk about special needs - I can't even leave a message on here under my name!
"leave the poor girl alone. shes obviously special needs" LOL lisa how sensitive of you:)
Liam....Internet stalkers!....now you know you are famous! :)
leigh is d way my dad spelt it he gave that 2 me b4 he left
leah is on my birth certificate
i am not a "chav" i dont have a hacket or nickleson top fake
burberry an i dont go round in a "crew"
i told u b4 i didnt no it was guna b dat big
its not my fault.
4 ur information i am not a bobfoc
an all u people who have come here 2 say stoopid things about me
u must have an insecurity problem of ur own
saying stuff about me 2 make urselfs feel better.
im not on drugs becoz im not stupid enought 2 be.....no blond jokes plz
Trish u cant say anything about neone elses lingo with the word "pish"
And to sort ur makeup out you look like lilly savage....my cousin does
beauty therapy and makeup she done it she has qualifications in it
so you cusses dont really mean shit
hey Liam , if ya not sure about her being girlfriend material i think you should consider her as a sparring partner at least ,........ i reackon she'd do ya !! lol
Liam , call me i want tickets for 24th !
Poor Lass, she is on Ax to declare her love for Liam, who after seeing that picture, I can see why she has ;-)
Let her be you nasty bunch of bananas.lol
Good luck girl.
Axers, shame on you, hang your heads low and make cute puppy faces???
Fair play Leah, people are only having a laugh, try not to take it to heart !
We're all just jelous cause you don't fancy us !!!!!
I know all the 'Yoof' of today speak like 'dat',
but it takes me bloody ages to translate it into proper english.
And trying to figure out what all these abbreviations mean.... Que?
I can understand abbreviating everything on a text message, cuz you have to pay for that, but doing it on here... Whats the point???
im on it snail ill drop you a text later mate.
The thing is with writing proper english is that it takes to long
why write like this which takes ages unless your doin a essay or something
theres no point its not like im gettin marked for my spelling on here is it?
but just for you calmck im writing full english
Andy c......what would you say if i said all them things to you?
i dont think you would like me very much
Whats the point in wrinting in proper english? Well it's a whole lot easier to read. I suppose thats the idea with an official language... everyone understands it?
Anyways, txt speak just drives me crazy.
don`t know if non-UK-folks are welcome on this thread lol.
(it`s incredible how quick-witted and inventive you British folks are !!!)
i don`t like one or two of the somments here.unless the people who made them
know Leah very well AND they know she`s an unflappable person,these remarks
are expendable.
honesty shouldn`t be punished.
DAVE:i`ve learned so many English words from our correspondence,ain`t it funny
that you seem to have learned one by me ??!! lol
Yeah but when people write in txt or whatever you want to call it
the way you write it is the way it sounds or its got the main letts in so people should beable to figure out what it says
You said "txt speak drives me crazy"
you used text speech in that
you do it without really knowing that your doing it
I like shy guy
he has manners
now this topic funny
Leah - point taken. However, at least I spelt "Pish" correctly lol
Hahahahaha this topic is so funny!!! Liam, you never said anything about this yesterday... LOL
ive browsed this topic a couple of times and ok fair enuff, you guys might find this funny , but this is my opinion on it :
1. All Leah has done is said she fancies Liam , fair enuff
2.Leah is most likely in her late teens , you guys who are dissing her are at least mid twenties some of you are in youre 30's or even older. Who should know better? i ask you .
3. like shyguy said, you dont really know her so for you to diss her just becoz she said she likes liam is not very nice.
4.it reminds me of "verbal bullying" which is similar to text/internet bullying i.e. very juvenile.
5. Some of the comments are rather amusing but i personally think that the "sting" needs to be taken out of it.
6. leah said that ppl dissing her must have insecurities of theyre own , she has hit the nail on the head in many cases
7. Leah has been polite about all this and not risen to the bait as i have done on many an occasion.
8. i despise bullies and think they should get a life
By the way i dont itend to have an argument about this or offend anybody these are my opinions and since Britan is a "deomcracy" then yes i DO have the right to freedom of speech being a "british citizen" (yes thats right!)
Message for Leah :
If you want to meet Liam Harrison directly, then
log onto
youll find information about him, you might axtually start training there yourself if you live in leedsand his next fight is in Birmingham at the NEC
you will enjoy that show its gonna be a cracker!
If you dont like the thread, dont read it. Simple.
farhad you never fail to amaze me, the way you can bring politics into a thread, no matter what the subject, is quite a skill, pointless but still quite a skill
i hurts me to agree with you but this has been quite a harsh thread
leah or liegh im sure nobody means it were just all jealous :)
Sod it as long as we`re all being honest...Shaun Keddle I love you. There I said it I feel better. Jesse,don`t think this changes anything between us mate you`re still my favorite judge xxx
I still think she is pretty hot :-p
liam badco
2004-04-14 10:24:42 ( time)
liam badco writes:
im on it snail ill drop you a text later mate.
"im on it" ?
will it be on channel 5? can i commentate?
But I love Jessie.
Is this the first Ax homo-triangle?!!
come on this is old, jessie was in the 1st ax-homo meet ages ago.
come on this is old, jessie was in the 1st ax-homo meet ages ago.
Sorry, just looking for the easy target.
I am most definitely not taking this thread seriously. First of all, it should have "off topic" in the title. It should have been removed on those grounds. Second, there is good reason to believe that this thread is a joke. If it is not a joke, then Leah (or Leigh?) has taken the chance of receiving comments like this by professing her "love" for someone in an internet forum. I don't think the comments made of Leah (Leigh) were too overboard, but then again I don't know british slang very well, so perhaps some of it is skipping over my head.
Farhad, whether you are a british citizen or not has nothing to do with the internet. This forum is run by its own rules and the rules of the country in which the server is located (Budapest, Hungary). Your right to speak here is based upon those rules, not the rules of Britain.
I am a real person actually....thanx
dont have a clue why you think im not
Because I have no reason to believe you.
It is nothing personal. It is a fact of the internet. 99.9% of the people on the internet are anonymous. You could be a guy named Joe who is 43 years old, posting a photo of his neice. I would have no idea.
Also, this thread is very funny. It would make sense why someone, maybe a friend of Liam's, would post something like this under an anonymous name to get some laughs. That makes more sense.
whoever she is, I agree with Aaron Kerr, she's hot.
www.face-pic.com/sexy_bashments <<------go der its my page
all my frendz on my linked know me so i cant b fake
Leah, you say that your hair is naturally blonde.
Then explain the roots on the top of your head.
absolute top notch thread .......... shaun you bitch put them nails back boy (love jimmy savilles taylor)
Well you see i had highlights an it made my hair go dark at d top if u dont believe me il show u a pic of me when i was little i got bright blond hair
and yes i am very upset about the roots :o( im growing it all out
Well, Liam has worse roots than you, so I wouldnt worry!! :)
HEARD IT, are you colour blind???
Aaron and PJ! You should be ashamed of yourselves!
She is a bonnie lass, but she's only bloomin' 16! You pair of pervs!
Anyone perving over her pic over the age of 21 should be ashamed!!
And Leah, do you not see how much better you come across, when you're not typing spastic english?
For anyone who hasnt seen the photo - this is what all the fuss is about!
Whoops!!! 16? ...um, well, arrrh (Aaron Blushes) ....DOH!!!
Im 17 in may :o)
No im not colour blind are you?
No iv never seen that photo in my life....i was watchin him on chanel 5 i couldnt get 2 sleep so i turned it on!
Spastic english haha i get your point now thankyou
cal--HAA!! 19 here. :-D but i forgot..she loves liam. :-( i agree with aaron on this one. o yea, this is one of those threads that makes my head hurt.
Dear Dedrie,
My Name is Shaun Keddle and I am 32 year old 'confused' male/Ladyboy who has been a member of Axkickboxing website for about 4 years now. I recently got involved in a thread entitled 'Liam Harrison I love you' where a young bird posted a picture of herself and professed her love for him (Liam Harrison).
But actually I think that I love her, but I feel she would be embarrased by my upbringing and circumstance - I am twice her age, I have a severe drink & drugs problem as well as secret sexual diseases that I do not wish to discuss. I have female relatives that are prostitutes, my dad is inside doing time for gross beastality and my mum is on the game. I have one leg, one eye, one bollock and a severe speech impedement which leaves me with the same dodgy american accent as Stephen Hawking. All my brothers are gay and inbreed, with fetish's for beating up other fit men inside the ring. I am also friends/lovers with Jesse who is a complete minger (but a well easy shag) which has left me physically and mentally scarred for life as he is such a 'big' boy.
However, my dilemma is this:
'How the hell will she cope when I tell her that Liam is a Northerner??!!'
I like northern accents lol
I may not beable to understand them at times but i like them
lol@ dear deidre............
Being quite kind to your brothers there I see Shaun
its not sandy again is it ???
Sandy is AX’s resident (former resident? what has happened to him?) mad man. If you read his posts you’ll see nobody can slate you for your English!
shaun you can take the piss out of leah but that Dear Dedrie letter is just one step too far :-((((((((((((((
Thanx raks......you can take the piss out of leah thats bloody nice isnt it
I take it you're on about Sandy Holt?
If so, Sandy is the only man with haircut dafter than Liams!
You can check it out on his profile, if you go to where it says forum at the top, and then browse profiles!
leah ill have you know that iv defended above, iv just pointing out that keddles jealousy of of us northeners is bang out of order
But im not northern
im confused i dont get what your talking about
i mean "us" as in me and my fellow northeners not you
Could have been worse Raks mate - could have been a scouser!
*i will not let him get to me , i will not let him get to me*
Looking at your profile Raks you could be Leahs long lost scouse sister!
jd i just give you the horn dont i , admit it
actually no dont answer that, this thread is turning into big gay fest
Posted on Tuesday, and already this thread has
Anyone would think you lot don't have anything better to do than bitch on here.... haha!
Leah - I think youre cool. You came on here and got the piss taken out of you severely to the point where I was feeling a bit sorry for you but you've taken it in good spirits and given as good as you got in a lighthearted way. A lot of people would have got abusive and then stayed away. Nice one.
Thanks for the compliment Shaun...I think!!
Oh and Mr Smith im not an abusive person but thanks anyway :o)
You should take all the abuse that you have been given as compliment Leah.
Cuz if you had been an ugly bird everyone would have took the piss out of Liam for having a hound after him.
But as it is you're a looker, and so it's you that gets it.
LOL.........i spose so
yeah your right actually people who hate on me are only going to make me stronger :o)
Aye take no notice of them its their problem isn't it they probably make love to their right hands every night. Still this has been a really funny thread I might get a pair of pink shorts so I can get all the chicks after me.
baz, dont talk crap
some of us are left handed
I like my left hand as well mate it must be a northern thing, I like it cos it feels like someone else is doing it.
Glad to see nobody is lowering the tone! lol
Sorry lads just can't help it ok no more self abuse jokes its a disease
I use both hands....where does that leave me?
If you do actually exist Leah - good luck to you, no deliberation intended.
This is pure filth, and yet i find myself strangely drawn back to this link again and again..............
Yes i do actually excist and well thanx i spose
LOL at Damien......me to mate, me to...
Dont suppose you get a semi as well?
No? Oh well, just me then.
haha.....its coz your all so addicted to the crap i write
Sick man Shaun! lets hope you don't get called away from your desk, you might have to wheel yourself over on your chair!
Has Liam got back to you Leah?
You can see more pics of him on his gyms website.
You'll find it here
No he hasnt got back to me.....i think my picture must of scared him lol
after this thread i am goin to give up thaiboxing and get a job as a male escort, mainly for women but i may make exceptions for you shaun. i think i can go all the way to the top with the combination of pink shorts and a wide selection of crop tops i will be known as the pink panther. i will have mr smith as my pimp and lisa can be my fashion co-ordinator. funds from my new found fame as a sex god wont all go towards me and mr smith though as i will donate half my funds to finding the perfect ladyboy creature for shaun keddle has his shameless life story has deeply saddened me. it will be a cross between leah and jessie. i hope that will satisfy your needs shaun.
whats a ladyboy? ah your so inoccent, i dare you to look at my profile if you want to find out
Ooooooo thats a lady boy
so he sed he was guna fina a lady boy dat look half like me
well that lovely isnt it i think im going to get plastic surgery
because of you lot :o)
plastic surgery??? leah are you hinting that im a minger. well i was going to say that i had the hots for you but you can get lost now. im in love with jessie too i dont want anyone else;)
Well i actually meant because ur a man and well ima girl
i dont really wanna look like a man
im sorry x
This thread is hanging on because Leah is taking it all with a grain of salt. I still think this thread was intended as a joke, so I don't feel bad for Leah being the focus of some of these comments. However, some comments still cross the line. When I get to the office (I'm at a coffee shop right now) I'm gonna pick through and remove the inappropriate comments.
oh my god leah, you really dont get it do you. let me explain it. if you havent notice shauns been flirting with you however its a well know fact that shauns into males therefore a half leah, half man ladyboy would be ideal. i hope that puts your mind at rest, loverboy liam was not saying that you look like a man
and brian is right it is quite suprising how well you took the piss taking, most people including myself would have reacted diffrently. just remember those things were only said because people thought you were one of liams mates having a joke
So many posts today and this story still hasn't been resolved?! The question remains: is Leah going to get what she wants?
Place your bets!
OK, I have two comments, don't start on Scouser's, they are some of the coolest people alive. And two, does anyone else think Shaun's being a little ambitious with his "I use two hands" comment????
yeah but i didnt know he was into males
:o) u confused me
So many posts today and this story still hasn't been resolved?! The question remains: is Leah going to get what she wants?
Place your bets!
Oh alright then, I conceed...I'll give her my number....
Nikki - Apologies - I meant two fingers, not too hands!
Liam - just remember, we BOTH wear pink shorts.
Brian - that's one long walk from the coffee shop mate, I think your right about removing some comments from this thread though, some people just do not when then have crossed the line (tut, tut) - Raks, Liam, Jessie (xxx), Mr Smith, JD, Damien you should all be ashamed of yourselves!!
Best off topic thread for ages though!
Liam when you are a sex god I will be pulling my chair up at number 10 downing street to take up my new job as prime minister. Excellent fighter you may be but for everything else theres mastercard haha.
You may have a chance if you stop the hairdos like richards
You lot are quite funny actually
Oh what joy, I can not believe this thread is still going.
So is Liam actually going to take Leah out?
Answers on a postcard please!!
I doubt that very much dearie
You never know Leah your a canny fit chick he may just take out on the night of your dreams or send you an autographed pair of his pink shorts
nah i still doubt it :o)
It makes a change to see Liam getting the sex god treatment anyway you go on the bad company website and its always Cadden who seems to get the ladies fired up big time. Every gym has one fighter who is a bit of the poser ours is Gaz he gets really annoyed if you mess his hair when sparring. Gym legend has it he was once in the corner and the corner man poured water on his new hair style and he went off it he was more mad about his hair then nearly losing the fight.
Hmmmmmmm yeah hes quite fit aswell
Hey Leah, I sometimes see Liam jogging when Im on my way home from work, so do you want me to bundle him into my boot and bring him darn sarf so you can keep him as your pet?
Fill out you profile Leah
Yes please phil that would be very kind of you
How do i do that jd?
ill try an figure it out
Please do that Leah, with a selection of pictures!
Ok ill do it but im going out now so im goin 2 get ready ill do it later or 2moro okaly dokaly
Good on ya lads ........ youre creating an ax celeberaty superstar !!
This thread keeps making me laugh, it seems to get better and better.
FCUK me I thought grappling and keeping your face intact was where the action was but it seems to be in Thai boxing and getting on channel 5. I'm off down the gym
and yes that is a massive picture
JD i done my profile thing but i didnt upload any picture yet but theres a link there where you can see other pics of meeeeeeee
but ill upload pics on der 2moro
well i really am goin out now x
Can people please spell my name right, it is Jesse with no 'i' If it has an 'i' it is the girl spelling........ oh never mind!!!
I think its illegal in some states provinces or countries to even look at here profile. LOL
LOL leahs filled in her profile... thats wicked. liam theres no escapeing her mate she on a misson shes determined but more importantly shes got the eye of the tiger. shes only been on here 3 days and has already got a fanclub, its probably best if you dump girlfriend and give in
leah your a legend, all youve got to do now is start thai boxing. if your interested i know a good place in leeds LOL
jessie im mean jesse, sorry mate all this talk of you being gay got me confused
not that im against the gays, me best mate's a gay and he's black and he's got a shellsuit and he eats raw fish and he wears a turbine, in fact hes every minority in one and i think hes proper bo;)
Hahahaha fan club lol
yeah but at the beginning you all took the piss out of me so i had to take alot of stick to get this far!!
Why would it be illegal to look at my profile??
I think he's insinuating that you are too young for them to lust over, legally-speaking.
I don't know about laws in all countries, but in the U.S. you would be a minor. There are pornography laws that have a limit of 18 years old for models. I'm pretty sure this is what he is joking about, although it does not apply to your profile because you do not have a photo (let along a "sexual" photo) in your profile.
On a related note, there are also laws that vary from state to state regarding age limits with sex, dating, marriage, etc. There is an age limit set for statutory rape which means that if an adult has sex with someone under that age limit, the older person could be charged with statutory rape because the "minor" (supposedly) does not have the mental capacity to consent to sex. The purpose of the law, of course, is to prevent older adults from taking advantage of naive teenagers with little or no sexual experience. Somehow, the law allows the "minor" to consent to sexual intercourse IF it is with another minor. Some states have this age limit set to 14. Some even set it to 18. I think the average age limit is 16.
I understand the purpose of the law, but I do not consider statutory rape to be rape...unless, of course, forced sex occurred. That, to me, is rape. The wording "Statutory rape" is basically saying "this isn't technically rape, but it is statute-based rape, meaning that we're going to call it rape so that it scares the s**t out of people and then you can be considered a rapist by your peers". Personally, I think it should be based upon a competancy evalutation, similar to when a child files for ..um...forgot what it is called, when a 16 year old legally "divorces" their parents and lives on their own. That is legally possible based upon an evaluation of the 16 year old.
Wow, do I have opinions or what? I'll shutup now :)
everyone, i think brians wasted
If this thread doesn’t get censored and no international laws are broken, we may end up with the first ‘ax baby’ (think Friends Reunited .com)
"everyone, i think brians wasted"
I think Raks meant 'wasted' as in 'waste of talent' not 'wasted' as in drunk.
Does this mean I have contributed something useful to this thread?
Hmmmmmm well i thought his information was quite useful
Are you sure?
That is some strange wording.
...but I am drunk (just kiddin)
half the time i dont understand wot your all going on about
half the time i dont understand wot your all going on about
Thanks for the profile Leah, Quality!
For anyone who can't be arsed to view her web page hers what she has to say about herself!
What sexy_bashments says about her body
Hair colour
Blond (Natural)
Eye colour
5'8" / 1.73m
Facial Hair
naturally smooth
Body Hair
shaved smooth
Getting in contact with sexy_bashments
MSN Messenger
suck my nipples and go to hell i dont want no old men addin me
View my webpage
More about sexy_bashments
About me
Thought i would change this bit, b4 it was a bit blunt. Well im Lea
an well yea.......thats about it. My best mate of all time is
called linzi (also my cousin) i can tell her nething, sumtimes i
might get beats but i can still tell her, she is a unique person, we
like 2 have girlie bitching session everyday, whilst we sit on the
memorial (a good place 2 talk) I can b a bit dizzy sumtimes, but u
will get used 2 it. Neway well das me bye
xxxxxxxxxxxx ****BURPDATE**** heylooooo its bashy herejust
fort i would say a grand hello 2 all my raggamuffinz. i feel 2 write
a sort about you all so here goes.....Once upon a time in a far away
lang called "raggabufftingz" there was lots of fwendz
there names were....leah tamz pree sal mez holly whistly alivia sam
archy emz heski kayla michelle(sorry if i left u out) and they all
lived in a big castle. one day leah tamz pree an heski all went
missing, they went to look for gold in the tropical island
"falobogodoio" ooooo it was realllllly hot an evryone was
sweatin so they all striped an went swimmin in the sea an then a big
pirate ship with all d other raggmuffinz come along it all looked
normal until we saw that holly was being made to walk the plank
oooooo nooooooo we all screamed but the big fat bugly pirates didnt
listen but den we killed the pirates an lived happily evver
after..........the end. woooooo dat took up lots of energy so ima
have 2 go now an eat sum super natural strawberry jelly xclusivly
made by leahs mumma u want sum jus ask. love u all my
raggamuffinz....looool mad twin i no u can think wot im writin
already becoz ur psychopathic like me but hooee well....love uuuuu
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PREE DIS IS 4 U.......IM SAWIE UR IN MY STORY
Occupation status
I am a student.
My whole family r animals lol not really
In recovery
In recovery
More about sexy_bashments
Looking for
Some of the things sexy_bashments likes
chickennnnnnnnnn i quite like brocolli now
TV Shows
one on one~~*~~my wife an kids
Ermmmmm i like the 1 who does the sugar books der really good
green mile, dog eat dog (dat is so funny)
i belong to a chess club
Erm i dont actually no~but i like planet hollywood (u remember that
girlies Hehe!)
Role Model
my mum, my nan
my bed, memorial with linzi
My fone~My bed~My mum~Linzi~Shaun~Any1 else special 2 me~Me
obviously im my own possesion.
I thought i had stumbled across a picture of Shane "Chopper" Chapman on that link in the profile but it turned out to be Leah.
PS Noted Jessy
Oh how shameful......thanx very much
yaaay iv got new picssss
Oh how shameful......thanx very much
yaaay iv got new picssss
This thread gets better and better and better sod liam lets start a thread "we love leah''
Anyone else think Leah looks like the bird off Eastenders?
By the way Leah, what is Bashment???
"what is Bashment???"
I wasn't gonna ask. Thought it was a british thing.
Bashment is a form of Reggae Dancehall music originating from Jamaican.
Often known for its explicit lyrics and dances.
boogle boogle
kiss me teeff
We are getting near to the 200 post mark!!!!
Me say rice and u say pea, come and sing along with me !
No.....The bashment im talking about isnt the music.....its sex my x bf used to call me sexy bashments
but he it is ragga
Haaaa evreyone says i look like her but i really dont think i do at all
i dont have a baby!?!
Haaaahaaaaa yeah i like the sound of "we love leah"
it has a good ring to it dont you think
who is "sexy bashment" then??
Me.......i meant to say yeah it is ragga not he
Im sexy bashments
uuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrgggggghh crab paste.
this thread is proper bo a tell thee
What has crab paste got 2 do with dis?
Maybe the chef has eaten some and it was rank?!?!?!
200 WOW what a thread his has been
leah i apolagise if you didnt understand my bo selecta antics.
Erm ok but you can still explain
steve people are addicted to this crap iv written
a 16 yr old girl refering to herself as sexy bashments mmmmmm!! i wonder why thier addicted?
bunch o sad old pervs
i bet sandy holts dying to stick his tuppemce worth on this thread he would love it,lol
*yawns* DIE THREAD! DIE! *stabs thread with satans pitchfork.....
Awwww dont kill it
ooo if u go to my webpage now u can see all new pics an one of me when i was little an cute!
This thread still kicking? Cool! I like the new pics, Leah. Now clean up on the ebonics and spell straight! :-)
Children...children...calm down. I've only joined Ax recently, but this thread does follow rules as it clearly states Off Topic. Don't know what all the fuss is about. If Leah wants to talk about her crush on Liam, then let her. The only thing I would say is;
Leah, be careful on how much info you post about yourself. Remember that anyone could read your profile / threads etc. Bearing in mind you're just 17 (and I don't mean that disrespectfully), you're appear naive and unaware of safety issues. Just think twice about what you write. Is it something that you don't mind sharing with the world? Or is it something that you wouldn't want your worst enemy to know about you? Call me paranoid...but as they say in The X Files..."Trust No-One"......
Well put Onna! Leah doesn't know anyone on this site from Adam and yet she wants all the guys to perv over her pics! Leah said earlier
"all u people who have come here 2 say stoopid things about me
u must have an insecurity problem of ur own
saying stuff about me 2 make urselfs feel better"
However it seems she's the one with the insecurities, seeking attention from men she doesn't even know!
Some are even old enough to be her dad ;-P
hmmm im trying to sit on the fence here,...
it started out first as "lets take the piss out of leah"
then ppl started to calm down a bit
then it went on to "lets take the piss out of taking the piss out of leah"
then it turned out to be "lets have a little bit of banter with leah"
so to be honest its all good
it started off negative,.. and is now positive and leah and the rest are havign fun so "its all gravy"
having said that earlier on some of the attakcs against leah had a lot of venom in them which have now stopped,...
Onna :
leah is over the gae of consent, and as such is reposnible for herself in that manner, so if ppl want to perv over her pics,.. then let them i guess
now if she were udnerage i.e less than 16,.. then id understand and then it would have been moderated off , also dont forget her pics are non offensive and shes not naked or anything so its ok i guess, but i see where youre coming from and can appreciate youre concern
hmmm im trying to sit on the fence here,...
it started out first as "lets take the piss out of leah"
then ppl started to calm down a bit
then it went on to "lets take the piss out of taking the piss out of leah"
then it turned out to be "lets have a little bit of banter with leah"
so to be honest its all good
it started off negative,.. and is now positive and leah and the rest are havign fun so "its all gravy"
having said that earlier on some of the attakcs against leah had a lot of venom in them which have now stopped,...
Onna :
leah is over the gae of consent, and as such is reposnible for herself in that manner, so if ppl want to perv over her pics,.. then let them i guess
now if she were udnerage i.e less than 16,.. then id understand and then it would have been moderated off , also dont forget her pics are non offensive and shes not naked or anything so its ok i guess, but i see where youre coming from and can appreciate youre concern
hmmm im trying to sit on the fence here,...
it started out first as "lets take the piss out of leah"
then ppl started to calm down a bit
then it went on to "lets take the piss out of taking the piss out of leah"
then it turned out to be "lets have a little bit of banter with leah"
so to be honest its all good
it started off negative,.. and is now positive and leah and the rest are havign fun so "its all gravy"
having said that earlier on some of the attakcs against leah had a lot of venom in them which have now stopped,...
Onna :
leah is over the gae of consent, and as such is reposnible for herself in that manner, so if ppl want to perv over her pics,.. then let them i guess
now if she were udnerage i.e less than 16,.. then id understand and then it would have been moderated off , also dont forget her pics are non offensive and shes not naked or anything so its ok i guess, but i see where youre coming from and can appreciate youre concern
DAMN!!1 i ahte double posting!!!
MT monster you do have a valid point in some ways
Um......i would understand if i has naked pics but i dont plus the fact is......wot i do with my pictures is my business not yours an if you dont like it you dont have to look at them
very true
life is all abpout choices
give leah her dues,.. she has out publicised by thread "farhad ali i love you " :P
Leah, I didn't say I have an issue with your pictures. All I was doing was expressing my concerns and like I said, I didn't mean to disrespect you in anyway. I wish you well and apologise if I've offended you.
Farhad, yes she is over the age of consent...however my advice is applicable to all; male or female, young or old. (By the way, you didn't duplicate...you triplicated!!).
Muaythai Monster: thanks for sharing my view.
"Leah, be careful on how much info you post about yourself. Remember that anyone could read your profile / threads etc. Bearing in mind you're just 17 (and I don't mean that disrespectfully), you're appear naive and unaware of safety issues. Just think twice about what you write. Is it something that you don't mind sharing with the world? Or is it something that you wouldn't want your worst enemy to know about you? Call me paranoid...but as they say in The X Files..."Trust No-One"......"
*goes to read Onna's profile* ...... Ugh, 3rd deg. blackbelt, double-ugh! Must ... find .... new ... victim ........
The information I have posted about myself is common knowledge...information that I don't mind sharing with the internet community. You are entitled to your opinion and so am I. Lets agree to differ on this one. Kind regards.
I think Onna has a point, and she's made it very respectfully and with concern not aggression. Its an entertaining thread (I admit I've been reading it with amusement) but Onna's comments have a place here too I think.
i hate it when people go all serious over nothing
Whats your mobile number?
Chk my profile......"you dirty ole' man!!!!"
he he he!!!
Ur damn right, jamone!!!!!
Onna youll like Kara shes a nice girl
and yes youre right kara onna was very respectful about the whole thing
Hey Leah what hood R-U from???
WTF, I make a joke and people think I'm heckling.
Dont worry about it....
Some ppl just get 2 serious...
just take it as though they dont understand your joke.... dont take it personal
This is one funny-ass thread!!!
oh its nice to be liked! :)
I knew it was a joke sebaot, my comment wasn't directed at anyone in particular at all, except Onna I guess!
Brian, I tink U R kool 2 (I'm trying to get into the spirit here, how'm I doin?)
noi 666 degridation rules the nation with devastation and a bacon sandwich. your a funny guy just checked your profile you feeble old man.
see leah these are the kind of folks you got to watch out for.
248 entries whats the record for a thread on ax. i think this thread will go down in the ax hall of fame.
Its amazing what a few dirty old geezers with too much time or their hands can achieve
Cant agree more Baz, some of these dirty old men make me sick with their lewd comments and sugestions. I think having a personality and a sense of humour should be banned on AX!
it could have been a film
what kinda film r u thinking of? winkwinknudgenudge :) ;)
Poor Leah, Liam has still not asked her out.....
Maybe Leah could ask out Kara....
Who put that post up!
That wasn't me!!!
Some old pervert no doubt....
Kara and Leah....
you are truly a genius of Jedi proportions!
So Shaun-son! You want to be a Thai-boxer you do!
I am the new 'Star Wars Kid'!!!!
I don't think anything could tear Leah's heart away from Liam (you lucky boy :) so alas, I will remain alone. And unlike many of the males on this thread, I'm not actually looking for a girlfriend of any age, let alone a teenager! Sorry to burst that bubble...
Shocking suggestion Mr. Turner!
As if I would! Me? I'm young (was), sweet (bitter) and too bl**dy innocent! I could never have thought about something like that!
It wasn't me! Honest!
Someone on my machine! Er....for sure!!!!
I recon' it must have been a moderator! Lol!
Hope you're well Kara, good to (briefly!) say hi again Saturday! Right! That's it! I'm off to beat up some Executive Producers for you!!!
This is the real neverending story, well until Liam gives in or Leah gives up!
Oh and great thinking form Smiler!!!
If a film is made about this thread, can I be the unexpected pizza delivery man who always turns up late, has a bit of a watch, joins in with all the fun, and the payment to him is settled via alternative methods?
lmao @ Shaun brilliant
can i hold the camera, ill apologise now for the shaky picture
pizza delivery man think we must have asked for extra cheese.
sorry that was disgraceful i apolagise.
and an extra portion of sausage.
You really are a sick puppy aren't you Mr Keddle?
And you Liam. You've been rather conspicuous by your absense on this thread, then you come out with that!! lol
Hasn't that movie already been made, Shaun?
yeah its called buttman and rocco go to montreal
actually, ignore that i dont want to be assotiated with such an obseen thread
You lot are really quite funny.....;O)
Confessions of a Cockney Pizza man????
harrah harrah harrah (Sid James styley!!!!)
have a look at the following link, there are a couple of good photos I took of your last fight: photos.yahoo.com/charlietrojanuk
No, I think Ron Jeremy is pizzaman, but I can't recall the title.
Here Shaun the dirty old man thing was a joke mate. I've got a sense of humour I smiled once
I think its fair to say that this has died a (slow and painful) death
...280+ posts
Nice one Liam
No probs Baz mate, I did find it funny (because there is always humour in the thruth! ;)
(checks threads pulse)
the thread is dead,.. long live the king
Ping the King that is,...
shut up farhad just let the thread R.I.P
What does that mean please?
Dont worry! I didnt mean any bad things!
Good Luck!
hi Leah and Howdy doody to all !
Liam i luv ya as well as ya know
( but only as a Fighter, Fav: Channel-5 Thai-Boxer )
But did ya know?
and as you know?
i Hate Football :-(
But Did Bolton beat Leeds the Other day ?
Sorry Guys !
I know Sandy has been itching to get on this thread!!!!!
well she is Pretty, and Liam is a Luck guy with a Quality haircut
So its ALL good
*steps in* *yawns* *steps back out*
Sandy has been itching since he returned from Thailand!
....from what I hear there are some emotional scars too!!!!
Countdow ? or
300 ! Now then !
would you ever?
You're fit, you're fit!
But my Gosh!
Don't you just know it!!
I think i should get a medal for making such a popular thread!
I should be crowned the queen of this site ;o)
leah can you post a nude pic of yourself? or at least a sexy shot.
then you'll be the site queen!
Not a good call. If this type of talk keeps up, the thread will be removed and some Ax accounts may possibly get suspended.
Good day. :)
i think we can call this thread a "guilty pleasure" now.
am i wrong?
lol oh dear we got told off!
i wouldnt post naked pics of me neway i do have some shame
ok leah, an e-mail will be fine!!!! P.s only kidding!
Will you be watching Liam next weekend?
Where's this been dragged up from??
Hey Liam, what's this about you flicking elastic bands at that nice camera man's head at Master Sken's show?
You rebel, you!
notice the camera man didnt say anything!!!!
obviously knew who he was dealing with!!!!!
Some times you just gotta bring this bugger back he he for all those that didnt see it first time he he.
maybe a different genre (gender) interested now though.... lol
your pushin the pineapples diggin this back up rich
Liam...I didnt know you had a sister called Leah
it realy does get quite disturbing at times in this thread or as leah would say
Dis me an i dis ya bak ;) cus nfink u gotta chat 2 me u do it 2 my face!
ear mi now!!!
did u ever poke the mut or not?
the words:
- tramp and pork pie
- like a lampshade
spring to mind! LOL
Sort of fits in now, Liam mentioning on another thread that he has a mystery illness and a young 'lady' selling herself to him on t'internet. Interesting.
"its a big disease with a little name"
i have been destroyed by all 5 of you. i have no comeback and stand gratious in defeat good work gentlemen but i will be back.
very noble of you sir!
We may have won the battle, But I dare say you will win the war with takedowns like "balding piece of dog gay" and "aardvark dick doctor".... LMAO! :)))))))
The balding peice of dog gay takes all prizes i think im just honoured to be part of it.
quality a blast from the past
This thread has uncovered the big ugly dark underbelly of thai boxing
And would like liam to put it back in his shorts.................ave that one you northern bitter drinking,pigeon racing,whippit humping,ferret loving peice of dog wank stain.
Children come away from that thread ! leave it alone to die in peace
he shot
he come
all over westwoods bum
keep all your gay talk and antics locked away down there. you Midland man molestering masturbater.
I also still like the way although Liam is in Thailand that his heart and head are still"up north" to have a go at Liam for being "down there"
Woa that reads funny.........i ment Harrisons heart still in "up north" to insult Robinson who is "in the midlands"
ever heard of a twisted guy called "Freud" ?
liam your 1000's of miles more a southern fairy now anyhow did u whack it or not and was it her you were out walking when u got a ticket for her shitting on the kerb?
1. I dint "whack it" stop with the jibe talk youve been listening to westwood droppin bombs for too long.
2.the kerb takedown was good but obviously not a takedown on me as i dint "whack it" it was a takedown on leah...so its ok for me to laugh along.
3.Westwood Wanks Wondering Wombats Whilst Wearing Weird whistle warmers.
Liam Licks Local Lush Leas Loverly Lady Lips.
Harrison Humps Hermaphradites Hungover, Happily Humming Hanson.
In the words of "BIG JOHN" mcarthy ....lets get it on.
can i withdraw myself from this and let you 2 lovebirds get it on.
PS leah sed ur frigid ROFL
No No No Mr Robinson cant dish it and run
Westlife...could you give me the exact neme and spelling of the drugs you are takin and do you know if they are they available on t'internet?
think we need a new thread for that one! :)
Im high on life(american accent)
westwood whats with copying my takedowns????????? i use alliteration and so do you, i song a song about you and you sung one back, can we have something original please bollock juggler
bollock juggler....good one! ha ha ha
how do u juggle 1 bollock? ROFL
below the belt that one......no pun intended lol
I may only have one but its a cracker!
oh and Liam id be carefull going on these forums,i know your hiding in Thailand but thats the way they got Garry Glitter in the end id keep your head down mate.
liam probably ate it in soup in thailand rich . . . cracker
god i have a realy good comeback for Harrison but i just cant........its too bad
maby one day
Noi pissing myself!!!!!!!!
that was almost the comeback but more polite!
hey leah if you still there ill give you what you want :)
a rizla paper and a bit of roach material?
wat u talkin about thaisoon17?
How can you give her what she wants...have you kidnapped Liam?
Where's this resurfaced from?
did i just say that, wups ;)
hiding in the shadows.....i woder what eva happened to leah maybe she will start lurking again now rose has shown a interest, havin said that if i was her i wouldnt come back on here cos she got crucified last time.
I thought you had gone "actor turned producer" for this twin-girl fun!!!!! LOL
If i was Leiah and had the choise between a hot Peorto Rican gall like Pink Rose and a badger baiting,whippit loving,inbread,northern monkey i know who id go for
So Liam it is for you then RDubya?
Peurto Rico comes a sad second to the mighty mighty Leeds!
I love a man with a paunch and bad hair me!
you must love me then big boy
is liam really giving up thaiboxing and taking over as boss of leeds utd? cont do any worse than the last clown tickets are cheap in Div 2 tho mate or league 1 as the idiots call it plus u get to play the mighty cobblers so u might have a chance of 6 points that season lol
I dont understand a word of that last post!
Our ticket prices would go up Liam, we dont do things normal oop 'ere at Leeds United sithee, which is why we are where we are now (Just £700 for a season ticket at LUFC now), more than most Premiership clubs!
£65 a game at stamford bridge for away games, disgusting
wonder how many views this has had in total?
Its two and a half years on.............i recon she is now involved in the sport.........from the north east..........and her real name wasnt leah at all!!
You know who i am hinting at?
who you hinting at?
PS I just saved the image on my computer so I could re-size it and see if I could get a better idea of her face....you should see what "she" has saved the image as! LOL
post it up and i will be able to see if my hunch is rite!
As Liam puts his head in his hands and screams..............DIE at this thread!
when the thread 1st started i thought it was either Sandy Holt or Liam Robinson!!!!! but then thought surely they couldnt be bored enough to design a homepage for her and everything.....id still say now it was robbo though and he will pay the next time he comes to spar the Fillias Fog philantrapist
yea noi change the size and repost
Its hard to see.
rdubs: binned it when I realised it wasnt........... :)
LOLLLLLLLLLL. of course it isnt me. I knew where that was going aswell..
yea course not........... ;)
what do ya mean OF COURSE it wasnt me??? am i that bad?????
im glad its not you if your related to grant and phil ill get chinned.
haha na really its not me, first time id seen that thread.
id never wear pink eyeshadow.
lol sorry Liam didnt mean to sound mean,
Hmm ive never heard that one before, especially when i actually worked in a pub.lol
Liam yes you are "that bad" pack it in lad!
i think we all knew where that one was going....
i didnt want to say owt, but I could see where you are coming from...there is a slight resemblance....dont cha think????
Wow Liam I didnt even know about this off topic site. Excellant know I know your gay and a dwarfe!
welcome to the craziness dave....
Thats a massive insult noi! lol i'd have you know i dont wear pink eyeshadow have blonde hair(anymore lol) nose pierced or would even think about wearing a necklace with my name on it!! Height of Chav-ness lol
I hope your going to Darrens on Saturday as i will have to bash you all over the place!! lol
But yes as soon as i read it i knew where it was going lol
Yea Rich! cant believe you said that.
dont play the blame game with me weston!!!!
sam: you have to wait for another time to bash me...I am at wicker camp on sunday. You can bash andy h on saturday though...he'll be there! :)
PS this was a few years ago and we all have skeletons in the closets....even if this does include chavy gold jewellry and nose piercings! LOL
ha ha ha ha
actually...you said you knew where this was going...so you thought the same thing????
i have no idea what your going on about
im gonna bash her on saturday for basically dayin im an ugly c*nt
she wasnt saying that liam....................she was saying she didnt want to be compared to Leah........who is prob quite pretty ??Its hard to tell
I on the other hand am!
this was genuine, the birds profile was active for sometime, i didnt set this up although i did suspect it was a fake even 15year old chavs have taste haha
Na i was just joking about Leah. I was merely stating that it wasnt me who started the thread off lol.
noi: I guessed where it was going from what Rdouble said, about being from the north East- wasnt hard to work out lol.
Wasnt saying you were ugly liam please dont hurt me on Saturday! lol
who is going down?
you may want to re-phrase that last question....it could be taken many ways!!!!
yeah i thought so, such sick minded individuals at Leeds
I meant Who is going to Darren's to do the sparring before hand
Filthy Bastard.
lol beag just pissed all over my pants............me andy and a few other animal rapists will be there on sat.
I was saying who was gonna get KTFO out on saturday....
what were you talking about???? :)
"please dont hurt me"
"who is going down"
C'mon girl your asking for it.!!!!
Im sorry if i caused any offence,i was purely making a joke with somebody who can give as good as they get.
Cable Guy: Jim Carey 1996
im getting confused here.
Rdouble: na no offence taken lol you can say what you like us north-east lasses have a sense of humour
Noi: i think you are just confusing yourself more than anything lol
Liam: well i hope you are ready.As me,Gaz and Reece are quite profficient at the Jackie Chan therefore it will be administered during sparring. It would easily block out all your wildlife molesting tactics
i know, you know, that I know you are more confused than any one....before.
Aint that right La Fleur!!!!
(click on the link, and number 9)
Yeah but your like that commentator at the end... Pepper lol
Cotton McKnight: We haven't seen Average Joe's yet. They haven't made it to the court. It could be a psychological ploy, or something worse.
Pepper Brooks: They're definitely not on the court, Cotton. Their absence is noticeable.
Cotton McKnight: It looks like the clock is about to strike midnight on this Cinderella story, turning Average Joe's into the proverbial pumpkin.
Pepper Brooks: I sure do like pumpkins, Cotton.
lol, class.
lost for words here bizarre
yes, isn't it just? I dont even know what we're on about now
its a metaphor...but it really happened!
in some cultures they only eat vomit........ive never been there but i read about it.....in a book
In France they fry up the placenta (afterbirth) and have it as a family meal to celebrate the birth of a baby.
sorry...i was just reading my dictionary...a book!
ha ha ha
In France they also have a weigh in that they dont expext anyone to be at
And frown on chicken eating.........and butter.........and bread.
You would think that when they saw him eating bread they would have took the fight anyway as everyone knows bread makes you weak
leah if your interested i have an anklet that liam has wore complete with sweat and possibly fungal foot juice,ile send it to the highest bidder ha ha
didnt quite catch what you said on the way out Liam? lol
said i was gonna go home and take you down on ax :-)....i dint even realise it was you til about half way through, your hair is different......and also my nose is all red and scratched from someone scraping there glove down my face! not sure who it was tho.
Na i thought you were just being ignorant :-). Yeah changed my hair lol
Wonder who that was? Lol yeah he's very sharp isnt he
I liked your dieting technqiues, diving straight in for the choc muffins lol
hes massive aswell and im only 5foot...........not gonna be able to eat owt tonight after that muffin lol
yeah he is, he really does enjoy getting hit hard though lol
Well i would give yourself some credit.... you're prob about 5'4" i felt huge stood next to you both, bonus lol
why isnt any1 bidding for the cheesy anklet ive left it on the radiator for better fermenting ha ha
Wot was that word you just mentioned sambaby?
i usually feel dwarfed by everyone but i was in good company yesterday.....Dazz, andy and colin are all midgets too....and im not that small your just a giant. :-) why do ya think i dint wanna spar with you.
i think vertically challenged is the correct term ha ha anything over 5ft7 is just a waste
peahead, Vertically challenged is a "pc" way of saying short arse
Well what can i say, im a lanky bastard lol. Yeah there were some hobits knocking about lol only joking!
Although you both totally mongoosed those muffins, dont even think you'd had time to dry yourself or anything after sparring and you had dived straight in lol
Thats a great word to describe them
I like that
I have a feeling that word may become as popular as pineapple
Who is sam-wise then? They even had hairy toes&second breakfasts i think lol
I think the chocolate muffins were the second breakfast. They had a KFC for their first breakast
Now let me explain something to you all, the reason we dived straight into those muffins was this...... Due to us both been hobbits we naturally have smaller stumpier arms and legs therefore making sparring (and moving in general) much harder work for us than you normal sized folk,thus meaning that we are totally knackered after any kind of movement/exercise and need to be refueled on a regular basis, so due to the fact that we had just been sparring for the last hour or so a big stinking muffin was justified in our eye's and i dont care what you all think.lol. Oh colin ill give you a fiver for the stinky anklet my tramp of a cousin wore yesterday ok mate?? but it needs to left in a damp room for a few days then on a radiator to bring out the smell properly for at least a day or two then i really will be interested,lol.
You really are destined to be nothing other than a fighter Mr Howson. :)
I bet the real reason you went was for the muffins? Its alright we are the same lol, they are legendary!!
hmmmm....choc-latey stodge!!!!!
bet they looked like umpa lumpas afta all that chocolate
its started to get a kind of green layer over it now mate smells a bit like edam ha ha them muffins looked good i didnt see them anywhere when i was there im classed as a hobbit aswell
I hope that my Son getting caught for the same crime as Liam and Andy is a sign of great things to come for Nathan....
Nath was the only other kid I caught with one of those huge Muffins! I told him to get rid of it and at the time he seemed to do as he was told.
Unfortunately it appears that he didnt do as he was told and hid it till later cos I caught him with it again after his fight.
The little monkey actualy asked me for money for a drink and went and bought a Fu**in huge Cake!
Its like I spawned a bad co kid!
bad co warrington love child...............!!God no
Thinkin bout it..............who's the mother!
This will keep it to the top!
badco lovechild? whats going on what have i missed?
The server is acting like crap lately. We're working on it. Just wanted you all to know.
I just about piss myself whenever i read this....
what happened to rdoubia, myspacing????
there was another liam harrison i love u incident last night in woking, some chick won the raffle had choice of rajasak shinnys pong gloves and photo etc but insisted on the liam harrison signed shorts, wonder what shell be sniffing 2nite flicking the old bean
how much for ur jockstrap and boob tube
you doing any good sell ur underwear on ebay?
Oh dear god!
Is this back at the top again!!!!
i had to search for this badboy
Why does a girl called Leah have a chain with the name Leigh on it? lol
We are looking at 3 and a half years down the line now from that first pic. Bet she has had a cockatoo since then.
I reckon she has 2 kids now and can't remember who Liam is ;-)
Now heres a blast from the past....
if this scandalwhore is on facebook forward a friend suggestion ive gotta see this lol wonder if she got hitman on her left asscheek like she said she was bet shes nothing to flick the bean over now night of combat finished on channel 5 now
I disagree. I think she will be worth a dabble, and is more than likely a proper little filthbag as well.
was she at town hall saturday?
OMFG how is this still alive
my betting is filth bag + wizards sleeve
Bet she sucks like a Dyson.
threpnie bits like a spaniels lugs
keeping this badboy alive
She must be over the age of consent now......maybe?
Bet she`s got 2 kids already.
hahahahahahahahaah MINT Phil lol
and Luv this
Dave Jackson writes:
In France they also have a weigh in that they dont expext anyone to be at
and Btw "501"( post ) errrrrrrr jeans lol
Did he ever ride that bird? anyone know?
You would need double wellies on with that one, def not for the bareback stakes.
In fact I bet Sandy has got a pic of himself with her in Ikon in Bolton.
hahahahahahahaha let me look....
hahahahahahahaha let me look....
You`ve let me down Sandy, that seems to be a private function. We want IKON pics!
shes got a breadstick in her hand but she wanted a french stick. northern wasps beng like sewing machine but hung like gerbils
did she ever get a badge? scandalwhore
Scandal topic revival lol
patient appears to be doing well
in resident English please liam r ?
Was she nobbled like a fiddlers elbow or what liam?
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